#Oh yeah a tad bit of context for those who are unfamiliar with the game
de-righty · 10 months
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Go and play Deceive inc i beg of you
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Netjuu no Susume 2 - 3 | Black Clover 2 | Classicaloid 28 | Juuni Taisen 2 - 3 | Code: Realise 2 | Houseki no Kuni 2
I lost Classicaloid after episode 28…good thing I had Girls’ Last Tour on tap. (See Houseki no Kuni’s simulcast commentary for more details on that.)
Netjuu no Susume 2
Aw, I’m not really one for romances, but once again, these guys are making me warm and fuzzy on the inside. Hayashi and his cry emote really get to me – I love bishies who aren’t gung-ho macho.
Sakurai has an email from Comico! LOL!
I’m with Lilac on this love story, LOL.
“Sakura-chan”!!! Oh, it’s so cute. It also probably explains why Sakurai = Lily, eh?
This isn’t a manga, it’s an online manga. Same diff, Hime-chan.
If you pause at Moriko’s email, you’ll see it’s riddled full of keigo (polite language).
Sakurai Yuuta voiced by Sakurai Takahiro, LOL. Didn’t notice that the first time around.
It’s staying on, even if for just warm fuzzies.
Netjuu no Susume 3
I’m hearing the OP for the first time and…it’s actually pretty good! It fits the entire cute aesthetic of the show.
Irina was only just talking about this.
I’ve heard people call Moriko Morimori-chan across the ‘net and I didn’t understand it until Koiwai said it just then. Nicknames mean you’re uber close in Japanese terms.
I had the volume on while Koiwai and Morimori-chan (LOL) had their chat and I couldn’t hear her cry. So much for Mamiko Noto being a top-notch seiyuu, eh?
LOL, Koiwai’s so fun as a character.
Eyyyyyyyyyy. This green counter boy is probably Kanbe. You can tell by the hair colour!
Is Li-chan Lilac or Lily?
LOL, the Rose of Versailles parody is too good.
A…dog PUG? Apparently not. Never played WoW, of course I wouldn’t know the term.
Oh, I preempted the show’s caption. These sorts of captions were used in Superstar wa Nemurenai too, so this feels nostalgic in a sense.
I know the feel, Lily. I’ve been in online arguments before (you’ll see in previous simulcast commentaries I cite the magicalgirlsandcerulean one a lot).
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! These too-cute-for-this-world characters steal my heart againnnnnnnnnnn!
Interesting that Nico is called just that in the credits.
Black Clover 2
That very scribbly handwriting appears to be…English. Mostly correct English, to boot.
Someone decided on sakuga this ep, it seems…
Okay, I think I’ve had enough echo reverb for a lifetime. That’s going on hold.
Classicaloid 28
Ah, the new OP. Same song, Dovo-chan + “Wataru”, a few new staff…but otherwise, same old, same old. That’s what I like.
Oh, I almost missed the sign that says “Place all used tableware in the sink – Kanae”. Thanks, subbers.
Huh. The word “respect” is teinei, which technically means “politeness”. But “respect” works better in context, I guess.
Sometimes, Beet says things that actually make sense + are quotable. Get me some quotes of this man (LOL).
This shopping list stuff, if it isn’t something you’ve done for your family already, is normally something for kids in Japan as part of fostering independence. So, I think Wa-kun’ll be the winner here.
Garland chysanthemum is the only one of these I’m unfamiliar with. Apparently in Japanese, it’s called shingiku, which would correspond to those kanji I saw on the shopping list.
Why is Dovo-chan going with Wa-kun? (LOL?)
There’s a coffee shop called Mogura (mole) behind Liszt in one scene.
Wa-kun reminds me a lot of the Beppus (Boueibu). Seriously, we need a comparison of those three.
Symphony No. 7. The Allegretto seems to be stirring some memory in me, but I can’t seem to detect what particularly or why it does. However, Wikipedia does note Wagner liked it. In fact, Wagner admired it.
Yup, Pad-kun. That’s (the bit about “apotheosis of dance”) the bit Wikipedia says.
I think the hippo -> idiot joke works better in Japanese (kaba -> baka, it’s a reversal of syllables).
See? Wa-kun is like the Beppus! Lookit that boy blush.
How does one spell “yeah” anyway? I swear I’ve seen 2 or 3 variants of the word alone…
Oh, Schu-san wasn’t around this episode. He got taken away by the kite strings like last time, come to think of it. Admittedly, I think I liked Schu better when he wasn’t a rapper, although apparently this time he’s going to go into reggae, judging by the rasta cap he had in the OP.
Ohh, a goukon I see. It’s translated as “singles’ party”, but…well, let’s say it’s a little more complicated than that. “Singles’ party” translates sufficiently, but goukon have certain connotations to them that make them uniquely goukon, much like sushi needs vinegared rice to be sushi, anime needs to be at least partially made in Japan and so on.
Juuni Taisen 2
I think Nezumi being sleepy is a pun (neru -> to sleep).
Oh, hey. They do look like the Justice League.
By the by, this OP is called “Rapture”. Not “Rupture”, even though that would sound more appropriate in some contexts.
The CGI models at the end of the OP look like figures. Either I give you my money for good quality versions of those or you…shouldn’t waste your time, Graphinica. (Especially the Tatsumi bros.)
The title of this episode literally translates to “chicken cry, dog steal”. I dunno what idiom’s behind it, so I’ll leave that to the subbers.
Well, a manhole is one way to lay low…
“Old Timer”. Good pun there.
Knowing the Beppus, I’d say the Tatsumi was talking about his bro and not Inou.
Well, that was a bit too much blood. Good thing is wasn’t as bad as King’s Game.
Finally, an Ume show I can really kick back and not worry about! Young Black Jack and a lot of shows I go into for Ume are normally shams or locked out by licensing, so I’m finally psyched to get a proper Ume show to back.
Uuma walking through the turnstiles was…pretty funny, actually. (LOL.)
How does one out-crazy Rabbit, with his high heels and booty shorts???
Well, as they say, when an unstoppable object meets an unmoving force, kaboom! (Or…something like that…)
According to the manga, Dotsuku was a teacher. Can you really imagine that though? Dotsuku, a teacher??? Of little kids???
Note Niwatori is shown with science things. She must know some stuff about Dotsuku’s poisons too, although she probably didn’t expect them. Update: Read ahead, and let’s say I’m right about one thing and wrong about another.
I wonder which Tatsumi bro is the NEET and which is the gambler…
Rabbit home boy’s too good, but Ushii and his fluffy jacket are better.
Nezumi and Twelve Mart, LOL.
Juuni Taisen 3
I read up on some spoilers for this…so I’m only just keeping abreast of some of you guys out there. However, the TV Tropes page notes that the OP shows who the winner of the Taisen is if you pay close attention…
Ugh, I love Nezumi and Ushii too much. Mah Ume-boy is good as gold – this is a step up, considering I’ve started some very bad anime because of Ume-chan – but even though I don’t know Shun Horie very well, I like me a bishie like that too! (Horie’s a tad quiet, but otherwise he’s pretty good too.)
It was much clearer that Niwatori was affected by the One Man Army even during her meetup with the Monkey in the manga, so…yeah. I’ll give it that much.
Silly name of “Cockscomb” aside, that’s the name of Niwatori’s spading fork. Cockscomb.
I’m properly listening to the OP and ED for the first time, but I like the ED more than the OP. Probably because the Justice League is funny but the ED’s casual stuff is better.
Oh, there’s a post-credits scene. Keep watching.
Oh, that’s…pretty powerful stuff, Niwatori. Wowee, Juuni Taisen’s got the mark of a high ranker, from its staff to its OP and ED quality. Tough competition this season, as I keep saying.
“Even a monkey can fall from a tree.” – That’s a kotowaza meaning “Even experts fail sometimes”, which is an important adage for this show.
Sharyuu was taught by sages, so that comment is interesting, Duodecuple…or Horse…or whoever’s narrating this.
The pun in the next ep title is something to do with the word saru (monkey). Noting that saseru is a thing in Japanese, maybe saru is a shortened form of that Nisio Isin wanted to cash in on…?
Update: I finally figured out Dotsuku’s pun! Make the tsu smaller, give the ku a tenten and you have…the katakana pronunciation for dog!
Code:Realise 2
Get me a man like Impey and I’ll be set for life, LOL.
“If you touch me, you’ll melt.” – The juxtaposition of Cardia’s sadness with a punchline makes for something very interesting, indeed.
Saint??? Is that his first name or his title?
These ornaments on Finis and the queen – the pseudo-Chinese or Japanese ones – stand out a bit compared to all the steampunk stuff.
Oh, dearie me. The cars and carriages in this are CGI and it shows.
“…Baron Gilford Dudley and party.” – LOL.
“He loves his food too.” – I’d assume ths subject of this is Sisi, but the way this sentence was framed made it sound like Impey loves his food too. Which seems to be true, since Impey likes cooking.
These really bright scenes are kinda sudden. They don’t quite work with the rest of the show, and that’s because they’re probably stills you collect in the game.
I keep thinking this dude with the guns is Fran. Geez, it’s quite the bad case of Six Same Faces…however, this one has purple eyes while Fran’s are green.
C’mon! Stockinged legs aren’t that indecent, Lupin. I know you run by Victorian London standards, but still.
Okayyyyyyyyy. Vampire hunter fits the theme of historical fictional bishies, but…you really don’t imagine Van Helsing to look like this. Just sayin’.
The glowy blood was probably unnecessary…
I feel like I should put this on hold, just to be on the safe side. That means the lineup is settled. I’ll update the sheet when I can...eesh though. There’s some tough competition this season…
Houseki no Kuni 2
The two moons are a nice touch.
This OP is way cool. It’s such a visual spectacle.
By the way, I’ve heard good things about Girls’ Last Tour so I may binge it next month (November) and it may even challenge for one of the top spots.
Uh, cleavage? Not to use a dirty joke here, but gems are androgynous. They have no cleavage, so to speak.
Oh, Dia’s fighting style is like baseball. I see.
Huh. I should really write about identity and belonging in this series. Dia’s a really interesting character, pretty much denying their own name and nature because they see Bort as the “true diamond”.
“…tried to lend a hand.” – Oh, the irony of you missing a hand, Dia.
Notice Phos is still holding Dia’s hand as she talks with Jade and Euc.
Holy snails, Batman! Arima (Boueibu) wouldn’t like this for sure…
Wow, this truly is a new innovation in anime. Certainly, traditional animation can’t do this.
Wowee, this ED is something else. As I said, it’s tough competition this season. Girls’ Last Tour may even just miss out for the ground-breaking nature of this show alone, even though Kado is its precedent 3D-wise (and on the 3D front, I accepted that very well).
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