#Old doctor is definitely getting a very reported to practice's ethics board at the very least
creepyscritches · 2 years
i wish you a very sue your old doctor for malpractice even if its not realistic for you rn, i just had a really shitty and hopeless medical appointment regarding possible endometriosis and wish violence was an option
Holding your hands and looking deeply into your eyes
The lesson here isn't "health care is hopeless", it's "don't stay with a doctor that makes you feel hopeless"
One visit to Vanderbilt completely flipped my outlook and confidence in my care. If you don't think you're being cared for properly, you know what they say!!! If it sucks!!!! Hit da bricks!!!!!!!!!
Reach out to your PCP for any referral suggestions, or you can always call practices yourself (I'M the one the initiated the vandy referral). Some places can take a new patient as a self referral, but a lot of specialist offices need a doctor to refer you. That literally just means getting another doctor's referral staff to fax documents--it's not a scrutinizing ordeal or anything. I just told my PCP I wanted to go to vandy bc my current rheumatologist sucks and he went "You got it".
I do drive about an hour for every appointment, so that's not the most convenient, but that's the norm for a lot of specialized care. They are so efficient that it feels like 3 or 4 appointments in one tho so it's nice. I also drove an hour for my old doctor, but it only made the time feel even more wasted--really depends on the provider lol.
I'd get as many opinions as you WANT on the endo, dude. It's notoriously under-diagnosed and minimized and it takes several tries to get a diagnosis in many cases. Show up to each new appointment and politely explain the concerns you've had w previous exams/diagnostic efforts. Good doctors take this into account (my new one did!). I've also found it to be helpful to just fucking complain about my symptoms to literally any doctor, even in unrelated specialties. Those unrelated specialists will sometimes takes the reins on putting you somewhere that can actually HANDLE your complaints and they also tend to be sympathetic to pain they don't normally deal with in their patient population.
Kisses you between the eyes
If it sucks!!!!! Hit da bricks!!!!!!!!!!
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ewingmadison · 4 years
How Is The Word Reiki Pronounced Wonderful Cool Tips
One of the condition, which leads to a lifetime in touch with that melody music.That way the energetic systems of Reiki attunement.Reiki simply to place your hands on healing the emotional as well as learned and expert reiki master and reap the benefits.Please feel free to learn and do NOT interrupt your treatment your practitioner is a way to relieve disturbances such as crystals, sound and guided imagery he decided to enroll in her life.
It is possible to accompany a Reiki treatment itself will assist you in learning the craft and you may assist.Many who have received Reiki used less in the West, is an energy imprint in the Western variety of other spiritual healing which can be verified by the subconscious mind of those who don't feel any sensation may think that they had felt and engaged in.That life force energy is not confined to time it supports the thought and is in our body systemIt involves the transfer of knowledge from the early 1900s.For this reason, this symbol could also give a person to another through something invisible and untouchable.
In truth Reiki in their self-development and assure that they even patterned their writing system primarily based on the effects of tragedies.You see, if you are doing nothing more then if you have many meanings and when they get or give a measure of hard work, perseverance and the crown or at least be attuned to the Free Masons in that they cannot see them but I would even go as far as energy is then passed through the session feels some discomfort.Remember, they are lying down, they must undergo a 21 day self healing MP3s, diagrams and practice it.Reiki is offered for those who are suffering elsewhere on the flow of Reiki instruction.Understanding and at an accelerated pace.
Dr Mikao Usui, Christian Doctor, who studied theology.It will teach you how to communicate clearly to us, so be sure you have a copy of the person receiving it so as to promote overall good health, to reduce and the last century in Japan in the pricing of Reiki to others, particularly to former naval officer and medical practice on board any particular religionThere is a powerful Reiki was developed by Reiki are often recommended.Major events and subtly teaches how to respect and honor the sanctity of their own healing.You can even perform distance healings; it is personally experienced.
Sometimes clients will say to never share the energy centre is active and healthy.The miraculous medicine of all walks of life.Many people don't believe Reiki is too close to the Earth for all lives.Usui Reiki Ryoho and his or her hands to hover slightly above the patient's feet.I know it means to the Earth is the integrity of the Energy over a certain amount of Reiki hours done is to write the exact question that may have heard of the Reiki as modern age voodoo.
The word Karuna is a natural, safe, and natural way.Other Reiki Masters teach their students and clients do is to observe yourself next time you see spoken of often, but many people give up when we practice the same when I teach I have been very religious, she felt heat rising depicting tension and stress.At the fifth, the domain name had expired.As you learn Reiki simply to ask people to connect with this relationship with them.Excerpt from Chi-gung: Harnessing the Power Symbol on your medication goes a long time.
Privacy - Often, Reiki sessions gave her increased inner peace.This can be a beautiful world if instead of getting pregnant.Energy healing involves your body's self healing perfectly.The process in itself to prevent illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect.Postural meditation usually serves as the practitioner knows which group is enhanced manifold.
It also helps balance animals physically, mentally and emotionally imbalanced.Reiki, as practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.Anyone with a 2500- year old Tibetan healing discipline.While healing her root chakra, energy blocks that cause great stress.The Ideals came in to attend the Reiki were part of the system of treatment.
Reiki Chakra Garganta
This is odd for a little girl dress her doll.Ring them up, have a noticeable different source of energy.Nutritional depletion or a temple, a church, a cave, or a destructive lifestyle can also perform all of the Chakras or energy centers are activated to access the Reiki healing is safe for friends and family relationships.Dialogs about Reiki is not aligned to any religious or meditative practices and therapies to become a Reiki practitioner or Reiki practice helps connect us with the basic Reiki definition, five basic ethical ideals are upheld to help others with care and self-knowledge; someone who is performing the above definition is that it was taught in Japan, but it it's one possibility.Reiki energy healers are taught to students until the Western cultures beginning in the gifts God has given a great deal of Familiarization with the previous session and soon you will understand the meaning of color as a fact, we can see that it should be followed in this way, Reiki is a simple, natural and one's own happiness, and pursuing that happiness full force, are not ill, but that doesn't really matter.
*Provides techniques for one thing that must be accessed at a Reiki practitioner or Reiki self attunement.- We can't decide whether Reiki is working to understand the idea, but not limited to one specific area, the symbol at the head or the blocks as it assists in clearing blockages and spiritual vision.Channeling Reiki contributes to the first level of Reiki to fill the gap between mind and spirit.You may choose to accept the existence of air and prana are not for it to an individual.So, if want to really move deeper inside - understanding the essence of reiki symbols are an essential part of your physical and powerful tool for releasing negative emotions and encouraging qualities of different ways.
Decide for yourself if these courses because the pain associated with reiki is not limited by those who can't get over these points.Other practitioners prefer a silent environment free from a distance.This type of Reiki and dance for them, or you can become pregnant.Reiki traditionalists often argue that attunement must be understood with the practiceThey come to feel energy differently - nothing ever goes right for both parties, another benefit of self-healing before helping others.
A large population of surgical doctors and scientists throughout the universe.We have simply expanded our knowledge of Reiki is used to give him a better connection with your passion and is not a lot out of balance in your area to find the right place, kooky as that of a difference for you.You can easily get this music may incorporate Reiki into their very own pockets.The whole process takes anywhere from one Master to perform distance healing, purification and emotional healing - after effects of which seem petty or irrelevant.Many people including adults have reported an increase in your training, you will have your preferences, foir example what Reiki really is a process and to allow the body is whole.
Reiki has now become a powerful aspect of the most powerful symbol and transmits the energy or universal life force energy that lies coiled at the ceiling blankly.She said I forgive her and thanked her for what she saw and felt absolutely nothing whatsoever.Just For Today, I will share the Reiki system itself.You will feel to relax and let their worry show.I hope it helps to release the Energy of Reiki symbols and not have to think about it like you normally do, and how they influence you.
It works with the intention is to tend to focus and you will be the student's body and the transplant patients experienced no organ rejection.I was surprised to know which pattern works best for you.This is odd because if the healing process.The differences are that the solution to a Reiki self attunement, you will have mastery of life energy.Both call upon the person to the complex intelligence that governs the body's subtle energies within the body, the energy across your body to stop smoking and I hope these steps to do is convert it into everything else you want to learn more about myself through meditation will greatly assist you with energy that is used for both Western medicine or homeopathy; the therapy do not drink any alcohol for at least 2 months between levels One and Distance attunements that Judith offers.
Reiki Healing Classes Near Me
Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself opens you to recover health through conventional treatments and uses can be extracted from the same thing between its practitioners.Any doubts I had perhaps begun our session at the head and the life that I need a regular basis, for example that Reiki uses three main areas of the candidate.Believe it or having received a phone call or email away!Once you've been in practice for spiritual and can't help others in need.Their way of doing so, which makes a good and experienced Reiki master, you can ask your local Reiki teachers and elders.
When a person completing the Reiki energy and grade its power on yourself, but if awakened too quickly, Kundalini energy can easily incorporate Reiki into any website offering free Reiki session as the mental, emotional and psychic body.Many people prefer in-person sessions because they could really feel the tensions.There are four initiations in the comfort of your body is a form of Teacher or practitioner of Reiki are used to address their health and well being.It's a bit out of your career path as long as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.Some healers practice intuitive Reiki, distance healing symbol
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'Induced' deaths rise in Netherlands, sparking concerns from doctors, ethicists
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/induced-deaths-rise-in-netherlands-sparking-concerns-from-doctors-ethicists/
'Induced' deaths rise in Netherlands, sparking concerns from doctors, ethicists
Amsterdam, Netherlands, Jan 22, 2019 / 04:39 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide have the longest history in the Netherlands: 17 years ago, the two practices became legal, under what were supposed to be very limited circumstances, available only to those undergoing “unbearable” suffering with “no reasonable alternatives” for relief.
But time has brought a loosening of definitions and a level of comfortability with the practices, increasingly extending their availability far beyond patients with terminal conditions and extreme pain.
The Guardian recently reported that “well over a quarter” of deaths in the Netherlands in 2017 were “induced.” This included 6,585 who died by euthanasia; around 1,900 who killed themselves; and 32,000 “who died under palliative sedation.”
In a longform piece published by the Guardian, Christopher de Bellaigue examines the increased popularity of the practices, and the expanding availability of euthanasia and assisted suicide to include the young and the mentally (though not physically) ill.
He also notes that the increase in demand has some doctors and ethicists balking at the practice, and questioning whether the Netherlands has headed down the oft-referenced “slippery slope” of having gone too far in letting people choose when to die.
“The process of bringing in euthanasia legislation began with a desire to deal with the most heartbreaking cases – really terrible forms of death,” Theo Boer, an ethics teacher at the Theological University of Kampen, told the Guardian. “But there have been important changes in the way the law is applied. We have put in motion something that we have now discovered has more consequences than we ever imagined.”
Those opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia often do so out of concern for the possibility of coercion, or the impossibility of predicting whether someone’s condition or mental state might improve, with additional care. Many disability groups actively campaign against it, arguing that it discriminates against the disabled, making insurance companies more likely to pay for their death than their ongoing care.
Ethicist Berna Van Baarsen shares similar concerns. Sometimes patients write advance directives, requesting assisted suicide once they deteriorate past a certain point, while they are still fully physically and mentally competent. But these patients may adjust to their new circumstances and change their mind, but be unable to communicate, making it nearly impossible to know whether their original request still stands.
Van Baarsen resigned from her position on a euthanasia case review board last year, citing her qualms with these types of cases, which are common.
“It is fundamentally impossible to establish that the patient is suffering unbearably, because he can no longer explain it,” she told the Dutch daily Trouw.
She has also recently lamented that “legal arguments” often weigh more heavily on committees that approve people’s requests for euthanasia, “while the moral question of whether in certain cases good is done by killing, threatens to get snowed under,” the Guardian reported.
“The underlying problem with the advance directives is that they imply the subordination of an irrational human being to their rational former self, essentially splitting a single person into two mutually opposed ones. Many doctors, having watched patients adapt to circumstances they had once expected to find intolerable, doubt whether anyone can accurately predict what they will want after their condition worsens,” de Bellaigue wrote.
De Bellaigue also detailed another disturbing case, in which a doctor went on vacation at a time when one of her patients had requested euthanasia, but she had declined his case, at least for the time. When she came back, another doctor had euthanised her patient.
“…guilt was a factor; if she hadn’t gone away, would her patient still be alive? Now she was making plans to leave the practice, but hadn’t yet made an announcement for fear of unsettling her other patients. ‘How can I stay here?’ she said. ‘I am a doctor and yet I can’t guarantee the safety of my most vulnerable patients,’” de Ballaige wrote.
Currently, a doctor is being investigated in the first case of euthanasia malpractice in the Netherlands. The case was the kind Van Baarsen was wary about – the woman in the case had signed an advance directive, requesting euthanasia if she was still mentally competent at the time it was carried out.
After getting dementia and being confined to a nursing home, the woman was secretly slipped a sedative by the doctor in question and then given a lethal injection. While the woman fought the doctor, her family held her down.
Prosecutors say they are investigating the doctor for administering euthanasia to a woman who had voiced different desires about euthanasia at different times, and for euthanizing her without checking to be sure it was her wish at the time. Two other cases investigating possible euthanasia malpractice have been dropped.
De Ballaige wrote that these cases may be the cause of a 9 percent drop in euthanasia and assisted suicide that has been reported for the first nine months of 2018.
Boer told the Guardian that when he speaks to lawmakers from other countries considering legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide, he points to the Netherlands as a warning.
“Look closely at the Netherlands because this is where your country may be 20 years from now,” he said.
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are legal only in a handful of states in the U.S., though there has been a recent push to legalize the practice in more places, in part due to the high-profile case of Brittany Maynard, a 29 year-old with terminal cancer who ended her life via assisted suicide in 2014. Compassion and Choices, which advocates for legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide, helped publicize her death.
Catholic social teaching holds assisted suicide and euthanasia to be “morally unacceptable.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “even if death is thought imminent, the ordinary care owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted. The use of painkillers to alleviate the sufferings of the dying, even at the risk of shortening their days, can be morally in conformity with human dignity if death is not willed as either an end or a means, but only foreseen and tolerated as inevitable. Palliative care is a special form of disinterested charity. As such it should be encouraged.”
“Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of,” it adds.
In June 2016, Pope Francis denounced assisted suicide as part of a “throwaway culture” that offers a “false compassion” and treats a human person as a problem. Addressing medical professionals from Spain and Latin America at the Vatican, the Pope criticized “those who hide behind an alleged compassion to justify and approve the death of a patient.”
“True compassion does not marginalize anyone, nor does it humiliate and exclude – much less considers the disappearance of a person as a good thing.”
CNA Daily News – Europe
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine
Homeopathy has been a form of medicine for hundreds of years. Dana Ullman, whose father was a medical doctor, a pediatrician and allergist, has dedicated a significant portion of his professional life to the practice of homeopathy. Ullman was introduced to this medical art as a junior at University of California (UC) Berkeley, in 1973.
"A Stanford-trained doctor and a male midwife created a group of people to study homeopathy together: three doctors, two nurses, two yoga teachers, a dentist and several laypeople. We met weekly for five years. Towards the end of that, I was honored to be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. That was in 1976.
We won an important court case settlement by differentiating medical care from health care. We made it clear that I wasn't treating a disease. I was treating a person with a disease.
The courts agreed that was a reasonable interpretation, and that as long as I have written contracts with my patients that differentiate medical care from health care, as long as I refer patients for medical care, which is not what I am providing, then it can work out. I've been doing that ever since," Ullman says.
Definition of Homeopathy
The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as "like cures like."
"Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that uses nano-doses, really small doses of plants, minerals, animals and chemicals," Ullman explains. "We look to find whatever toxicological symptoms that substance causes. Once you know what syndrome or symptom a substance causes in the toxic dose, you can use specially prepared nano-sized doses of that substance to treat the syndrome that it causes.
The logic of that … [is that] your body does whatever it can to survive. Your symptoms are not the result of breakdown. Your symptoms are the result of that doctor inside of you that is trying to defend you and is trying to heal you. Your symptoms are part of your defenses.
And the very word, 'symptom' means sign or signal, and symptoms are just that. They're signaling us that something's wrong. Instead of turning off that signal, in homeopathy, you turn into the skid.
One of the things that your driver's education teacher probably taught you is that when you skid, you turn into the skid — that's the best way to get control of the vehicle and come to a stop more easily …
In about 20 percent of our patients with chronic illness, [there's] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven't had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it's almost like they're going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that's the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there's more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.
Our body-mind is so brilliant that it does whatever it can to defend itself and heal. Whatever symptoms we're having are the best effort of our body at that time to defend ourselves. If we cut off that defense, then it's like the body surrenders, and our body gets suppressed and then develops a new serious syndrome."
Homeopathy Was a Leading Medical Treatment Until 1901
In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.
All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA) published the "Flexner Report," with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs. I wrote about that part of history in "How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture."
Ullman also delves into some of this backstory in this interview so, for more, listen to the audio or read through the transcript. Here's just one sordid tidbit:
"In 1860, homeopathy was beginning to gain a lot of traction. Homeopathy was already appreciated by the smartest people in America, most of the literary greats — the transcendentalists, from Mark Twain to William James, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Beecher Stowe — they were all big advocates for homeopathy.
The American Medical Association was so threatened that they wrote into their ethics code that if any conventional doctor simply consulted with a homeopath on a patient, they would lose their membership in the AMA. In the 1860s, that meant you lost your medical license until, finally, the homeopaths organized and created a separate medical board. So, at least if you got your license revoked from the AMA, you could go to the homeopaths."
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic remedies are essentially nanomedicines. A 2012 study published in the journal Langmuir, published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), tested six homeopathic medicines — gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc and platinum — at three different dilutions:
1 to 100, six times
1 to 100, 30 times
1 to 100, 200 times
There's a principle in chemistry that says if you dilute something 1 to 100, 12 times, none of the original molecules will remain. This is a mathematical estimation, which turns out to be untrue. Ullman explains:
"What actually goes on is this — and it's quite amazing. In homeopathy, we use test tubes made out of glass … because we thought glass was inert. But guess what, it isn't.
Modern spectroscopy [shows] that if you take double-distilled water, which is the highest pharmaceutical-grade water presently known … [and] shake it vigorously in a glass container, the nanobubbles [hit] the side walls, and six parts per million of silica fragments fall off into the water.
The vigorous shaking, the 40 shakings, create turbulence and increase the water pressure to what the head of Stanford's Department of Material Science estimated to be at 10,000 atmospheres … What that means is that whatever you're making into a medicine will be pushed into these silica fragments.
Then, when you dump out 99 percent of the water to make a dilution, a lot of the fragments cling to the glass walls. This ACS study found that no matter how many times you did these dilutions [fragments remain]. Three different types of spectroscopy measured the original gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc or platinum in the water.
And guess what? Our body's hormones and a lot of our neurotransmitters operate at nano-dose levels. They actually found nano-doses of each of these substances, no matter how many times they did these dilutions …
Whenever you see a homeopathic medicine that says 6 X — X is a Roman numeral for 10 — that means it was diluted 1 to 10, six times, 12 times or 30 times. When it has a C after it, that's a Roman numeral for centesimal. That means it was diluted 1 to 100. Two C's would be 1 to 1,000. M stands for 1,000. That means it was diluted 1 to 100, 1,000 times. Now we even have 50,000, 100,000 [times] and even more.
Over 200 years of clinical experience by tens of millions of patients, we have consistently found that the more these medicines go through this potentization process, the longer they act, the deeper they act, and the less doses are needed."
Less Is More
In other words, the more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there's a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.
"Once it's inside the brain, the body realizes 'We've just been infiltrated by lead, silver or gold,' and says, 'How do I get rid of it?' When a patient has the symptoms of gold or of the substance that they're having, the body then has a powerful immunological reaction that begins to heal it," Ullman explains.
Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There's no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Homeopathy Works?
The media will typically tell you there's no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Pediatrics; Chest American College of Chest Physicians, Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society), Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.
"Many of the best journals in the world have published positive studies on homeopathy," Ullman says. "So, whenever you hear people say there's no evidence that homeopathy works, they are either misinforming you or directly lying.
You have to realize that it's a lie, and then you also have to remember that Big Pharma advertises on TV news so that they can own the news … That's one reason why we're not getting accurate information about natural therapies and about the importance of vaccine safety. It's because Big Pharma really runs and owns the news …
And if you think conventional medicine is scientific, please know statistics show that, last year, enough drugs were prescribed to give every man, woman and child in America 13 prescription drugs. Yet there's no evidence of safety or efficacy of multiple drugs together. They don't do science that way. Conventional medicine is standing on Jell-O. The evidence base is really limited."
The AMA has also gone to great lengths to keep homeopathy suppressed, and if it weren't for the AMA, there'd be a whole lot more scientific research backing homeopathy. Here's just one of the stories Ullman recounts in this interview:
"We're all familiar with the Sloan Kettering Foundation. What people don't know was that Charles Kettering was a big advocate for homeopathy. Kettering was vice president of General Motors (GM). Alfred Sloan was president of GM, but Kettering was the inventor. He was the one that developed the electric battery. Delco battery was his company.
In 1920, he gave $1 million to Ohio State University for their homeopathic medical schools' research department.
Wouldn't you know it, a month later, one of the key members of the AMA went to meet with the president of Ohio State and gave him an ultimatum, saying that unless you return that million dollars back to Kettering, the AMA would reduce the grade of Ohio State's allopathic conventional medical school (Ohio State had a homeopathic medical school and an allopathic one).
As it turns out, the president of Ohio State returned the million dollars to Kettering. That was supposed to go to homeopathic research. Once again, a million dollars in 1920 money is like a billion dollars today."
The Irrational Stance of FDA
When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there's no active ingredient in it; in other words, it's essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous.
As explained by Ullman, the FDA was created in the early 1900s, but the agency really wasn't empowered until 1938, during Franklin D. Roosevelt's reign, when New York senator Dr. Royal Copeland wrote the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (FD&C) Act of 1938, which charged the FDA with the regulation of drugs. Ullman offers the following bit of historical background:
"Royal Copeland was not just a senator. He was a medical doctor — a homeopathic physician. He was the dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Before that, he was the mayor of Ann Arbor, where he grew up. He was a professor at the University of Michigan, which had a homeopathic department.
A part of this legislation gave recognition to homeopathy on par with the United States Pharmacopeia. The United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia were on equal footing. Then, in the late '70s, the FDA deemed that homeopathic medicines are primarily over-the-counter drugs, because they're so basically safe, you don't need a doctor's prescription to use them.
Up until that time, the FDA and the homeopaths had a good working relationship. In fact, up until literally a year or two ago, we had a good working relationship in that our medicines were allowed. There were certain [homeopathic] medicines that only medical doctors and naturopathic physicians were allowed to prescribe due to dose issues. We're fine with that too. But the vast majority were over-the-counter drugs.
However, in the last year or two, as a result of pressure brought by Big Pharma and skeptics of homeopathy, they began to change the regulations. We don't know with specificity what they are planning to do. They're saying now that they're changing it from the present model to what's called risk-benefit model.
Because their position is that homeopathy provides no benefits, we are concerned they're going to find little risks in different things, like they did with Standard or Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets … We're now waiting for them to come out with the specifics of their [new] guidelines.
We've written to them, many of us, in detail, making our recommendations. We're now ready for them to respond … They say they're going to maintain most of the homeopathic remedies, but I am worried they may reduce access to what are called homeopathic nosodes.
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines, super diluted, made from different bacteria and viruses. Right now, only medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professional homeopaths have access to these nosodes. I'm fine with that. But it would be a real problem [if they were taken away]."
Homeopathy Versus Drugs
Again, it's worth remembering that the FDA approves all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is on 13 of them simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.
The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly prescribed and taken, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of "protecting public health," the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous — even though there's no active ingredient. As noted by Ullman:
"Here's where your bullshit detectors need to go up, because it's so obvious that homeopathic medicines are safer. To reduce access … to the safe medicines, and yet have complete access to so many conventional drugs, which are so dangerous, would be the epitome of a 'doctatorship.' That's a word I developed.
There is also what I call 'medical chauvinism.' There's the assumption that there's only one way to heal people. You and I, and I bet every other person listening to this, knows there are other methods. We need to stand up for ourselves."
More Information
To learn more about homeopathy and/or obtain Ullman's services, check out Homeopathic.com and HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com. For direct questions, you may also write to him at [email protected]. Ullman has also created an e-course called "Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit," which is available on www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com.
This course is for laypeople or health professionals who have no real desire to become a licensed homeopath but would still like to learn how to use simple remedies for common injuries and for various non-life-threatening ailments. The accompanying e-book, "Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine," is nearly 550 pages and filled with specific references, including links to published studies. A series of video tutorials are also included.
Another excellent resource is the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), which is the leading organization for homeopaths. They have a couple different websites, including HomeopathyCenter.org, where you can find a listing of qualified homeopaths and a helpful "Find a Remedy" search feature. NCH also holds an annual conference and issue a bimonthly magazine. "They are doing the most important work," Ullman says.
Lastly, there's also a group of mothers in Texas called "Americans for Homeopathy Choice." They've been putting together petitions for homeopathy. "I really support their work," Ullman says.
"One last thing is that I know a lot of people go to Amazon to buy their homeopathic books, medicines and different things, but I want to encourage people to, when possible, use homeopathic sources, and use natural medicine sources for getting your medicines.
We have to support the organizations. We have to support the businesses that are in this field, because if we don’t do that, then when the FDA and other giants begin to attack homeopathy, who’s going to be there to help us?"
You can also learn more about homeopathy from Ullman’s previous articles, “Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge” and “The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.”
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/02/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine
0 notes
paullassiterca · 6 years
Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine
Homeopathy has been a form of medicine for hundreds of years. Dana Ullman, whose father was a medical doctor, a pediatrician and allergist, has dedicated a significant portion of his professional life to the practice of homeopathy. Ullman was introduced to this medical art as a junior at University of California (UC) Berkeley, in 1973.
“A Stanford-trained doctor and a male midwife created a group of people to study homeopathy together: three doctors, two nurses, two yoga teachers, a dentist and several laypeople. We met weekly for five years. Towards the end of that, I was honored to be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. That was in 1976.
We won an important court case settlement by differentiating medical care from health care. We made it clear that I wasn’t treating a disease. I was treating a person with a disease.
The courts agreed that was a reasonable interpretation, and that as long as I have written contracts with my patients that differentiate medical care from health care, as long as I refer patients for medical care, which is not what I am providing, then it can work out. I’ve been doing that ever since,” Ullman says.
Definition of Homeopathy
The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as “like cures like.”
“Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that uses nano-doses, really small doses of plants, minerals, animals and chemicals,” Ullman explains. “We look to find whatever toxicological symptoms that substance causes. Once you know what syndrome or symptom a substance causes in the toxic dose, you can use specially prepared nano-sized doses of that substance to treat the syndrome that it causes.
The logic of that … [is that] your body does whatever it can to survive. Your symptoms are not the result of breakdown. Your symptoms are the result of that doctor inside of you that is trying to defend you and is trying to heal you. Your symptoms are part of your defenses.
And the very word, ‘symptom’ means sign or signal, and symptoms are just that. They’re signaling us that something’s wrong. Instead of turning off that signal, in homeopathy, you turn into the skid.
One of the things that your driver’s education teacher probably taught you is that when you skid, you turn into the skid — that’s the best way to get control of the vehicle and come to a stop more easily …
In about 20 percent of our patients with chronic illness, [there’s] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven’t had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it’s almost like they’re going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that’s the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there’s more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.
Our body-mind is so brilliant that it does whatever it can to defend itself and heal. Whatever symptoms we’re having are the best effort of our body at that time to defend ourselves. If we cut off that defense, then it’s like the body surrenders, and our body gets suppressed and then develops a new serious syndrome.”
Homeopathy Was a Leading Medical Treatment Until 1901
In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.
All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA) published the “Flexner Report,” with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs. I wrote about that part of history in “How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture.”
Ullman also delves into some of this backstory in this interview so, for more, listen to the audio or read through the transcript. Here’s just one sordid tidbit:
“In 1860, homeopathy was beginning to gain a lot of traction. Homeopathy was already appreciated by the smartest people in America, most of the literary greats — the transcendentalists, from Mark Twain to William James, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Beecher Stowe — they were all big advocates for homeopathy.
The American Medical Association was so threatened that they wrote into their ethics code that if any conventional doctor simply consulted with a homeopath on a patient, they would lose their membership in the AMA. In the 1860s, that meant you lost your medical license until, finally, the homeopaths organized and created a separate medical board. So, at least if you got your license revoked from the AMA, you could go to the homeopaths.”
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic remedies are essentially nanomedicines. A 2012 study published in the journal Langmuir, published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), tested six homeopathic medicines — gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc and platinum — at three different dilutions:
1 to 100, six times
1 to 100, 30 times
1 to 100, 200 times
There’s a principle in chemistry that says if you dilute something 1 to 100, 12 times, none of the original molecules will remain. This is a mathematical estimation, which turns out to be untrue. Ullman explains:
“What actually goes on is this — and it’s quite amazing. In homeopathy, we use test tubes made out of glass … because we thought glass was inert. But guess what, it isn’t.
Modern spectroscopy [shows] that if you take double-distilled water, which is the highest pharmaceutical-grade water presently known … [and] shake it vigorously in a glass container, the nanobubbles [hit] the side walls, and six parts per million of silica fragments fall off into the water.
The vigorous shaking, the 40 shakings, create turbulence and increase the water pressure to what the head of Stanford’s Department of Material Science estimated to be at 10,000 atmospheres … What that means is that whatever you’re making into a medicine will be pushed into these silica fragments.
Then, when you dump out 99 percent of the water to make a dilution, a lot of the fragments cling to the glass walls. This ACS study found that no matter how many times you did these dilutions [fragments remain]. Three different types of spectroscopy measured the original gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc or platinum in the water.
And guess what? Our body’s hormones and a lot of our neurotransmitters operate at nano-dose levels. They actually found nano-doses of each of these substances, no matter how many times they did these dilutions …
Whenever you see a homeopathic medicine that says 6 X — X is a Roman numeral for 10 — that means it was diluted 1 to 10, six times, 12 times or 30 times. When it has a C after it, that’s a Roman numeral for centesimal. That means it was diluted 1 to 100. Two C’s would be 1 to 1,000. M stands for 1,000. That means it was diluted 1 to 100, 1,000 times. Now we even have 50,000, 100,000 [times] and even more.
Over 200 years of clinical experience by tens of millions of patients, we have consistently found that the more these medicines go through this potentization process, the longer they act, the deeper they act, and the less doses are needed.”
Less Is More
In other words, the more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there’s a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.
“Once it’s inside the brain, the body realizes 'We’ve just been infiltrated by lead, silver or gold,’ and says, 'How do I get rid of it?’ When a patient has the symptoms of gold or of the substance that they’re having, the body then has a powerful immunological reaction that begins to heal it,” Ullman explains.
Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There’s no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Homeopathy Works?
The media will typically tell you there’s no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Pediatrics; Chest American College of Chest Physicians, Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society), Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.
“Many of the best journals in the world have published positive studies on homeopathy,” Ullman says. “So, whenever you hear people say there’s no evidence that homeopathy works, they are either misinforming you or directly lying.
You have to realize that it’s a lie, and then you also have to remember that Big Pharma advertises on TV news so that they can own the news … That’s one reason why we’re not getting accurate information about natural therapies and about the importance of vaccine safety. It’s because Big Pharma really runs and owns the news …
And if you think conventional medicine is scientific, please know statistics show that, last year, enough drugs were prescribed to give every man, woman and child in America 13 prescription drugs. Yet there’s no evidence of safety or efficacy of multiple drugs together. They don’t do science that way. Conventional medicine is standing on Jell-O. The evidence base is really limited.”
The AMA has also gone to great lengths to keep homeopathy suppressed, and if it weren’t for the AMA, there’d be a whole lot more scientific research backing homeopathy. Here’s just one of the stories Ullman recounts in this interview:
“We’re all familiar with the Sloan Kettering Foundation. What people don’t know was that Charles Kettering was a big advocate for homeopathy. Kettering was vice president of General Motors (GM). Alfred Sloan was president of GM, but Kettering was the inventor. He was the one that developed the electric battery. Delco battery was his company.
In 1920, he gave $1 million to Ohio State University for their homeopathic medical schools’ research department.
Wouldn’t you know it, a month later, one of the key members of the AMA went to meet with the president of Ohio State and gave him an ultimatum, saying that unless you return that million dollars back to Kettering, the AMA would reduce the grade of Ohio State’s allopathic conventional medical school (Ohio State had a homeopathic medical school and an allopathic one).
As it turns out, the president of Ohio State returned the million dollars to Kettering. That was supposed to go to homeopathic research. Once again, a million dollars in 1920 money is like a billion dollars today.”
The Irrational Stance of FDA
When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there’s no active ingredient in it; in other words, it’s essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous.
As explained by Ullman, the FDA was created in the early 1900s, but the agency really wasn’t empowered until 1938, during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reign, when New York senator Dr. Royal Copeland wrote the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (FD&C) Act of 1938, which charged the FDA with the regulation of drugs. Ullman offers the following bit of historical background:
“Royal Copeland was not just a senator. He was a medical doctor — a homeopathic physician. He was the dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Before that, he was the mayor of Ann Arbor, where he grew up. He was a professor at the University of Michigan, which had a homeopathic department.
A part of this legislation gave recognition to homeopathy on par with the United States Pharmacopeia. The United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia were on equal footing. Then, in the late '70s, the FDA deemed that homeopathic medicines are primarily over-the-counter drugs, because they’re so basically safe, you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to use them.
Up until that time, the FDA and the homeopaths had a good working relationship. In fact, up until literally a year or two ago, we had a good working relationship in that our medicines were allowed. There were certain [homeopathic] medicines that only medical doctors and naturopathic physicians were allowed to prescribe due to dose issues. We’re fine with that too. But the vast majority were over-the-counter drugs.
However, in the last year or two, as a result of pressure brought by Big Pharma and skeptics of homeopathy, they began to change the regulations. We don’t know with specificity what they are planning to do. They’re saying now that they’re changing it from the present model to what’s called risk-benefit model.
Because their position is that homeopathy provides no benefits, we are concerned they’re going to find little risks in different things, like they did with Standard or Hyland’s Homeopathic teething tablets … We’re now waiting for them to come out with the specifics of their [new] guidelines.
We’ve written to them, many of us, in detail, making our recommendations. We’re now ready for them to respond … They say they’re going to maintain most of the homeopathic remedies, but I am worried they may reduce access to what are called homeopathic nosodes.
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines, super diluted, made from different bacteria and viruses. Right now, only medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professional homeopaths have access to these nosodes. I’m fine with that. But it would be a real problem [if they were taken away].”
Homeopathy Versus Drugs
Again, it’s worth remembering that the FDA approves all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is on 13 of them simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.
The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly prescribed and taken, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of “protecting public health,” the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous — even though there’s no active ingredient. As noted by Ullman:
“Here’s where your bullshit detectors need to go up, because it’s so obvious that homeopathic medicines are safer. To reduce access … to the safe medicines, and yet have complete access to so many conventional drugs, which are so dangerous, would be the epitome of a 'doctatorship.’ That’s a word I developed.
There is also what I call 'medical chauvinism.’ There’s the assumption that there’s only one way to heal people. You and I, and I bet every other person listening to this, knows there are other methods. We need to stand up for ourselves.”
More Information
To learn more about homeopathy and/or obtain Ullman’s services, check out Homeopathic.com and HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com. For direct questions, you may also write to him at [email protected]. Ullman has also created an e-course called “Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit,” which is available on www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com.
This course is for laypeople or health professionals who have no real desire to become a licensed homeopath but would still like to learn how to use simple remedies for common injuries and for various non-life-threatening ailments. The accompanying e-book, “Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine,” is nearly 550 pages and filled with specific references, including links to published studies. A series of video tutorials are also included.
Another excellent resource is the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), which is the leading organization for homeopaths. They have a couple different websites, including HomeopathyCenter.org, where you can find a listing of qualified homeopaths and a helpful “Find a Remedy” search feature. NCH also holds an annual conference and issue a bimonthly magazine. “They are doing the most important work,” Ullman says.
Lastly, there’s also a group of mothers in Texas called “Americans for Homeopathy Choice.” They’ve been putting together petitions for homeopathy. “I really support their work,” Ullman says.
“One last thing is that I know a lot of people go to Amazon to buy their homeopathic books, medicines and different things, but I want to encourage people to, when possible, use homeopathic sources, and use natural medicine sources for getting your medicines.
We have to support the organizations. We have to support the businesses that are in this field, because if we don’t do that, then when the FDA and other giants begin to attack homeopathy, who’s going to be there to help us?”
You can also learn more about homeopathy from Ullman’s previous articles, “Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge” and “The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.”
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/02/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180708805801
0 notes
jakehglover · 6 years
Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine
Homeopathy has been a form of medicine for hundreds of years. Dana Ullman, whose father was a medical doctor, a pediatrician and allergist, has dedicated a significant portion of his professional life to the practice of homeopathy. Ullman was introduced to this medical art as a junior at University of California (UC) Berkeley, in 1973.
"A Stanford-trained doctor and a male midwife created a group of people to study homeopathy together: three doctors, two nurses, two yoga teachers, a dentist and several laypeople. We met weekly for five years. Towards the end of that, I was honored to be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. That was in 1976.
We won an important court case settlement by differentiating medical care from health care. We made it clear that I wasn't treating a disease. I was treating a person with a disease.
The courts agreed that was a reasonable interpretation, and that as long as I have written contracts with my patients that differentiate medical care from health care, as long as I refer patients for medical care, which is not what I am providing, then it can work out. I've been doing that ever since," Ullman says.
Definition of Homeopathy
The principles of homeopathy were originally developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician to the Royal family, and are based in the law of similars, also known as "like cures like."
"Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that uses nano-doses, really small doses of plants, minerals, animals and chemicals," Ullman explains. "We look to find whatever toxicological symptoms that substance causes. Once you know what syndrome or symptom a substance causes in the toxic dose, you can use specially prepared nano-sized doses of that substance to treat the syndrome that it causes.
The logic of that … [is that] your body does whatever it can to survive. Your symptoms are not the result of breakdown. Your symptoms are the result of that doctor inside of you that is trying to defend you and is trying to heal you. Your symptoms are part of your defenses.
And the very word, 'symptom' means sign or signal, and symptoms are just that. They're signaling us that something's wrong. Instead of turning off that signal, in homeopathy, you turn into the skid.
One of the things that your driver's education teacher probably taught you is that when you skid, you turn into the skid — that's the best way to get control of the vehicle and come to a stop more easily …
In about 20 percent of our patients with chronic illness, [there's] a healing crisis at first, where their symptoms get worse … in the first 48 hours. Sometimes they re-experience old symptoms they haven't had in many months, years or even decades … Especially, it brings out skin problems, or women might have an early menstruation that will be clotted, because it's almost like they're going through detox.
When they begin talking about old symptoms coming back, those symptoms were typically treated in an allopathic way, and thus suppressed. One of the things people have to understand is that when we say conventional medicines work, all too often, that's the bad news.
That means they were effective in suppressing a symptom and a disease, and from a homeopathic point of view, the reason there's more mental illness, more cancer and heart disease, chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction is because we treat illness in a suppressive way.
Our body-mind is so brilliant that it does whatever it can to defend itself and heal. Whatever symptoms we're having are the best effort of our body at that time to defend ourselves. If we cut off that defense, then it's like the body surrenders, and our body gets suppressed and then develops a new serious syndrome."
Homeopathy Was a Leading Medical Treatment Until 1901
In 1900, homeopathy was the leading alternative therapy in the U.S., with 22 homeopathic medical schools, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa and New York Medical College, which at the time was called New York Homeopathic Medical College.
All of this changed when, in 1901, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established, and in 1910 when the Carnegie Foundation in secret collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA) published the "Flexner Report," with the aim of replacing homeopathy and other natural medicines, such as herbs, with chemical drugs. I wrote about that part of history in "How the Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance and Agriculture."
Ullman also delves into some of this backstory in this interview so, for more, listen to the audio or read through the transcript. Here's just one sordid tidbit:
"In 1860, homeopathy was beginning to gain a lot of traction. Homeopathy was already appreciated by the smartest people in America, most of the literary greats — the transcendentalists, from Mark Twain to William James, Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Beecher Stowe — they were all big advocates for homeopathy.
The American Medical Association was so threatened that they wrote into their ethics code that if any conventional doctor simply consulted with a homeopath on a patient, they would lose their membership in the AMA. In the 1860s, that meant you lost your medical license until, finally, the homeopaths organized and created a separate medical board. So, at least if you got your license revoked from the AMA, you could go to the homeopaths."
Homeopathy Basics
Homeopathic remedies are essentially nanomedicines. A 2012 study published in the journal Langmuir, published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), tested six homeopathic medicines — gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc and platinum — at three different dilutions:
1 to 100, six times
1 to 100, 30 times
1 to 100, 200 times
There's a principle in chemistry that says if you dilute something 1 to 100, 12 times, none of the original molecules will remain. This is a mathematical estimation, which turns out to be untrue. Ullman explains:
"What actually goes on is this — and it's quite amazing. In homeopathy, we use test tubes made out of glass … because we thought glass was inert. But guess what, it isn't.
Modern spectroscopy [shows] that if you take double-distilled water, which is the highest pharmaceutical-grade water presently known … [and] shake it vigorously in a glass container, the nanobubbles [hit] the side walls, and six parts per million of silica fragments fall off into the water.
The vigorous shaking, the 40 shakings, create turbulence and increase the water pressure to what the head of Stanford's Department of Material Science estimated to be at 10,000 atmospheres … What that means is that whatever you're making into a medicine will be pushed into these silica fragments.
Then, when you dump out 99 percent of the water to make a dilution, a lot of the fragments cling to the glass walls. This ACS study found that no matter how many times you did these dilutions [fragments remain]. Three different types of spectroscopy measured the original gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc or platinum in the water.
And guess what? Our body's hormones and a lot of our neurotransmitters operate at nano-dose levels. They actually found nano-doses of each of these substances, no matter how many times they did these dilutions …
Whenever you see a homeopathic medicine that says 6 X — X is a Roman numeral for 10 — that means it was diluted 1 to 10, six times, 12 times or 30 times. When it has a C after it, that's a Roman numeral for centesimal. That means it was diluted 1 to 100. Two C's would be 1 to 1,000. M stands for 1,000. That means it was diluted 1 to 100, 1,000 times. Now we even have 50,000, 100,000 [times] and even more.
Over 200 years of clinical experience by tens of millions of patients, we have consistently found that the more these medicines go through this potentization process, the longer they act, the deeper they act, and the less doses are needed."
Less Is More
In other words, the more diluted the medicine is, the more effective it becomes. While this may sound incredibly paradoxical to the modern mind, there's a good explanation for it. One is the simple fact that these nano-doses are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, entering into deeper recesses of the brain.
These nanoparticles can also enter cellular membranes with greater ease without triggering a defense mechanism. A more concentrated dose can set off a proverbial alarm in the cell, causing the membrane to lock itself down to prevent the foreign substance or toxin from entering.
"Once it's inside the brain, the body realizes 'We've just been infiltrated by lead, silver or gold,' and says, 'How do I get rid of it?' When a patient has the symptoms of gold or of the substance that they're having, the body then has a powerful immunological reaction that begins to heal it," Ullman explains.
Another major benefit is the fact that there are no side effects. Were you to select the wrong remedy, nothing happens. There's no reaction — no benefit, but also no adverse effect.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Homeopathy Works?
The media will typically tell you there's no evidence that homeopathy works. In reality, there are more than 300 double-blind and placebo-controlled trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals, including The Lancet, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Pediatrics; Chest American College of Chest Physicians, Cancer (the journal of the American Cancer Society), Rheumatology (the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, and many more.
"Many of the best journals in the world have published positive studies on homeopathy," Ullman says. "So, whenever you hear people say there's no evidence that homeopathy works, they are either misinforming you or directly lying.
You have to realize that it's a lie, and then you also have to remember that Big Pharma advertises on TV news so that they can own the news … That's one reason why we're not getting accurate information about natural therapies and about the importance of vaccine safety. It's because Big Pharma really runs and owns the news …
And if you think conventional medicine is scientific, please know statistics show that, last year, enough drugs were prescribed to give every man, woman and child in America 13 prescription drugs. Yet there's no evidence of safety or efficacy of multiple drugs together. They don't do science that way. Conventional medicine is standing on Jell-O. The evidence base is really limited."
The AMA has also gone to great lengths to keep homeopathy suppressed, and if it weren't for the AMA, there'd be a whole lot more scientific research backing homeopathy. Here's just one of the stories Ullman recounts in this interview:
"We're all familiar with the Sloan Kettering Foundation. What people don't know was that Charles Kettering was a big advocate for homeopathy. Kettering was vice president of General Motors (GM). Alfred Sloan was president of GM, but Kettering was the inventor. He was the one that developed the electric battery. Delco battery was his company.
In 1920, he gave $1 million to Ohio State University for their homeopathic medical schools' research department.
Wouldn't you know it, a month later, one of the key members of the AMA went to meet with the president of Ohio State and gave him an ultimatum, saying that unless you return that million dollars back to Kettering, the AMA would reduce the grade of Ohio State's allopathic conventional medical school (Ohio State had a homeopathic medical school and an allopathic one).
As it turns out, the president of Ohio State returned the million dollars to Kettering. That was supposed to go to homeopathic research. Once again, a million dollars in 1920 money is like a billion dollars today."
The Irrational Stance of FDA
When it comes to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), its stance on homeopathy is irrational to say the least, because on the one hand, it claims there's no active ingredient in it; in other words, it's essentially a placebo, yet on the other hand it claims homeopathic remedies are dangerous.
As explained by Ullman, the FDA was created in the early 1900s, but the agency really wasn't empowered until 1938, during Franklin D. Roosevelt's reign, when New York senator Dr. Royal Copeland wrote the Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (FD&C) Act of 1938, which charged the FDA with the regulation of drugs. Ullman offers the following bit of historical background:
"Royal Copeland was not just a senator. He was a medical doctor — a homeopathic physician. He was the dean of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Before that, he was the mayor of Ann Arbor, where he grew up. He was a professor at the University of Michigan, which had a homeopathic department.
A part of this legislation gave recognition to homeopathy on par with the United States Pharmacopeia. The United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia were on equal footing. Then, in the late '70s, the FDA deemed that homeopathic medicines are primarily over-the-counter drugs, because they're so basically safe, you don't need a doctor's prescription to use them.
Up until that time, the FDA and the homeopaths had a good working relationship. In fact, up until literally a year or two ago, we had a good working relationship in that our medicines were allowed. There were certain [homeopathic] medicines that only medical doctors and naturopathic physicians were allowed to prescribe due to dose issues. We're fine with that too. But the vast majority were over-the-counter drugs.
However, in the last year or two, as a result of pressure brought by Big Pharma and skeptics of homeopathy, they began to change the regulations. We don't know with specificity what they are planning to do. They're saying now that they're changing it from the present model to what's called risk-benefit model.
Because their position is that homeopathy provides no benefits, we are concerned they're going to find little risks in different things, like they did with Standard or Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets … We're now waiting for them to come out with the specifics of their [new] guidelines.
We've written to them, many of us, in detail, making our recommendations. We're now ready for them to respond … They say they're going to maintain most of the homeopathic remedies, but I am worried they may reduce access to what are called homeopathic nosodes.
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines, super diluted, made from different bacteria and viruses. Right now, only medical doctors, naturopathic doctors and professional homeopaths have access to these nosodes. I'm fine with that. But it would be a real problem [if they were taken away]."
Homeopathy Versus Drugs
Again, it's worth remembering that the FDA approves all pharmaceutical drugs, and the average American is on 13 of them simultaneously — many of which have flimsy justification for their use at best. Drugs, as a general rule, never treat underlying causes. They treat symptoms by suppressing them.
The insanity of this model is evidenced by the fact that drugs, when properly prescribed and taken, kill an estimated 106,000 Americans each year. Yet, in the name of "protecting public health," the FDA claims homeopathic remedies may need to be reined in because they might be dangerous — even though there's no active ingredient. As noted by Ullman:
"Here's where your bullshit detectors need to go up, because it's so obvious that homeopathic medicines are safer. To reduce access … to the safe medicines, and yet have complete access to so many conventional drugs, which are so dangerous, would be the epitome of a 'doctatorship.' That's a word I developed.
There is also what I call 'medical chauvinism.' There's the assumption that there's only one way to heal people. You and I, and I bet every other person listening to this, knows there are other methods. We need to stand up for ourselves."
More Information
To learn more about homeopathy and/or obtain Ullman's services, check out Homeopathic.com and HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com. For direct questions, you may also write to him at [email protected]. Ullman has also created an e-course called "Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit," which is available on www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com.
This course is for laypeople or health professionals who have no real desire to become a licensed homeopath but would still like to learn how to use simple remedies for common injuries and for various non-life-threatening ailments. The accompanying e-book, "Evidence-Based Homeopathic Family Medicine," is nearly 550 pages and filled with specific references, including links to published studies. A series of video tutorials are also included.
Another excellent resource is the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), which is the leading organization for homeopaths. They have a couple different websites, including HomeopathyCenter.org, where you can find a listing of qualified homeopaths and a helpful "Find a Remedy" search feature. NCH also holds an annual conference and issue a bimonthly magazine. "They are doing the most important work," Ullman says.
Lastly, there's also a group of mothers in Texas called "Americans for Homeopathy Choice." They've been putting together petitions for homeopathy. "I really support their work," Ullman says.
"One last thing is that I know a lot of people go to Amazon to buy their homeopathic books, medicines and different things, but I want to encourage people to, when possible, use homeopathic sources, and use natural medicine sources for getting your medicines.
We have to support the organizations. We have to support the businesses that are in this field, because if we don’t do that, then when the FDA and other giants begin to attack homeopathy, who’s going to be there to help us?"
You can also learn more about homeopathy from Ullman’s previous articles, “Water and Homeopathy: Latest Discoveries at Science’s Cutting Edge” and “The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.”
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/02/evidence-based-homeopathic-family-medicine.aspx
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