#Omfg and the project we are working on is so fun so playful so cute and i hear his voice and it’s like nails on the chalkboard
ashmp3 · 3 months
I am so pissed awf literally hate working with men WHYYYY do you hire an architect and then say mansplain things wow my stomach started hurting i wish bad things upon you
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sapphireglyphs · 4 years
EXO Quiz
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♦ Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions
1. Kyungsoo | 2. Jongdae | 3. Chanyeol | 4. Yixing | 5. Baekhyun
♦ What do you like about 4?
I love so many things about Lay... hmm, if I were to choose just one thing that I really like I guess it would be his sincerity. I love how very candid he is with his feelings. 
♦ Is 2 an alcoholic?
I don’t believe he is just because I remember during an interview he once said “I believe that alcohol can make happy times even more fun but when consumed when you are sad it turns into a poison” or something to that extent. 
♦ Can 1 sing?
Is that a real question? It’s his voice I blame for me currently being such K-pop trash. I luv u bby plz come back to me healthy and happy from the military!!
♦ Is 5 in a relationship?
I don’t think so... he was... but I don’t think he is right now. But, what the hell do I know right?
♦ Would you go out with 3?
Probably not (lols!! xD) And I say this in the most loving way: he seems like a lot of work. Channie is sweet and hard working and super sensitive but I don’t think I could date ANYONE in EXO. They are all so amazing and perfect and I don’t think I could ever be good enough for any of them.
♦ Is 2 hot?
Quite! 😘
♦ Can 3 cook?
His tteok-bokki recipe is apparently very popular on SNS. 
♦ What do you like about 1?
I have written a literal essay about what I like about Do Kyungsoo. Please follow the cut for my fangirl feels. 
Ult bias... heh... I will try to keep this as concise as possible considering I can talk about how amazing and perfect he is all night.
My ultimate bias is Kyungsoo. Besides the obvious reasons as to why he's so amazing (from his beautiful, deep, baritone voice which is always so textured and full of emotions to his vulnerable, boundary-pushing, award-winning acting prowess, to his razor focus at perfecting any craft he puts his mind to - whether it's singing, acting, cooking, tap dancing, pronunciation of the English language, or putting on screen protectors!) the 3 qualities that I truly admire in him is his humble and respectful attitude towards everyone who comes in contact with him, his candidness, and his ability to flip it all on its head at the drop of a hat.
Kyungsoo has been praised by multiple people who have worked with him (co-actors and staff members alike) for his warm and caring personality. Whenever the other members are messing around too much, Kyungsoo who would scold them to focus so that the crew could rest or go home faster. When Chanyeol was stuck at home because he had hurt his vocal cords and couldn't sing or talk to anyone for I think nearly a month, Kyungsoo would often stop by and keep him company, sitting there in silence while playing games on his phone. He would show his love by cooking for the members, sending food trucks to member's individual project shoots, constantly asking the filming crew if they had eaten yet and that they should take a break. He’s even left to go and buy food for the staff members and brought it back for them, which is so rare in the industry! During concerts prep, he could often be seen helping staff members move sound equipment or asking if there was anything he could help with. That level of selflessness is so heartwarming to me. He never sees himself as a celebrity, being an insanely shy and reserved guy, he most likely dislikes the idea of "being a celebrity" so to see someone of his status/caliber be so down-to-earth it's an extremely attractive quality.
And yet, somehow, despite his rather laid back approach, Kyungsoo can often be so random in his own quirky way. I love that I know what to expect with him and yet never be bored watching him. He’s insanely caring and yet has a very strict moral code (see EXO Ladder S2 for all the “strict, rule following” Kyungsoo). He often comes off proper and polite but has moments where he would curse on national television (aka EXO Arcade) or say inappropriate or slightly perverted comments (multiple interviews and concert talks). He hates being called cute or adorable (from wearing cutesy hats to doing “aegyo”) and yet, without trying at all, he is often the squishiest human in existence. He has this amazing ability to be so competent at such a variety of things (see list above) and yet when he fails, he fails spectacularly as well. I love that duality about him - it makes him feel multifaceted and relatable AF. 
*sigh* There are so many other things that I can talk about (like how he proves that he’s a hopeless romantic when he was asked if he would choose ‘friendship’ or ‘love’, he candidly said ‘love’ without even hesitating. Or how he confessed about wanting to retire from the idol life and be a simple farmer, living off the land with his lovely wife and kids. Or how when EXO was asked what their ideal vacation destination would be, everyone wrote down an actual place and Kyungsoo just wrote, “I don’t care where we go as long as it’s together.” Or that he considers his two puppies his little sisters rather than pets in the family.) I honestly can go on and on and on but I’ll leave it off with a comment he said during an interview with JYP. The host asked him if he sees celebrity life as a good one or one that is uncomfortable? And perhaps the p.c. answer would have been something along the lines of positive experiences but instead Kyungsoo spoke from the heart and confessed that there are many things about the life that he’s uncomfortable with. That there were so many times that he was so tired of this lifestyle that he wanted to quit it all. I commend his resolve to not shy away from the truth and that candidness made me feel as though I can trust what I get with him: what you see is what you get. He’s not your ideal idol but that imperfection is what makes him so perfect and beautiful to me. Kyungsoo with forever be my penguin prince! 
♦ Has 4 had any solo albums?
Too many tbh, DAMNIT SM BRING BACK LAY TO EXO!! Yes, all of his self produced albums are fucking amazing and he totally doesn’t need SM to prove that he is a world-class artist but I miss Lay touching EXO’s butts 🤣 I love their hangouts and interactions and I just need Lay to comeback and be with his brothers!! 😢
♦ Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?
Lmaooooo!!! Chen and Baek would be the loudest, most chaotic pair ever! 
♦ Do you think 3 would be a good parent?
He would definitely be the “fun/cool” parent. xD
♦ What do you like about 2?
Dem vocals tho! OMFG!! 
♦ Would 3 take drugs?
I don’t know. I guess his hyper ass could do with a bit of weed in his life but probably not like... hard drugs. *shrugs* I just don’t feel like he’s the type. 
♦ Would 4 bail you out of jail?
He’s not in jail with me? Hmm, yeah, I think he would then. 
♦ Has 2 ever been on reality TV?
Can we define “Reality TV” shows a bit more? Like does that include competition shows and variety shows? Because if those count then he’s been on "King of Mask Singer” and “Travel without Manager”.
♦ Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?
Like I said above, I honestly don’t think I am at all worthy of being asked out by any of the members from EXO but if we are going to play the delusional game for a tiny bit... of the 5... I think Kyungsoo would just because I’m not “confident” enough to be attractive to Baekhyun. :3
♦ Is 5 tall?
Not compared to the baby giraffe that is Park Chanyeol. 
♦ Do you like 4’s current hair style?
100%! This look on his is so refined and yet cool and sexy. ;) But, then again, Lay baby always look scrumptious!
♦ Is 2 gay?
It has been confirmed that he is not and is getting married and is going to be a Jongdaddy! :DD
♦ Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?
Sure... I think they would be game... >_< Or is that just me being hopeful?
♦ Would 1 go skinny dipping?
No, he is waaaaaaay too shy to reveal his body. He said he has a tummy. *blushes* I think it’s cute but then again anything about him I find insanely attractive so... *shrugs*
♦ Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?
Not really. Channie is really playful and competitive and has a shit ton of energy but he’s also sensitive and really sweet.  
♦ Would 5 watch porn?
I 100% believe he does. I say this lovingly but hentai Baek is real. 
♦ Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?
Wow... Um... none of these options are really great. *sigh* Idk... I guess, I can live with dating Lay for 2 years. What an honor that would be. :3
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