kayano-hair · 3 years
Deformed ponytail The height to tie is your choice ✨ It's cute even if you tie it down 😊 You don't have to wind the base ♡ Please wrap only the ends of the hair with an iron or iron at the end 😃
變形的馬尾辮 領帶的高度是你的選擇✨ 綁起來也很可愛😊 你不必給底座上弦♡ 請只用熨斗或熨斗包住頭髮的末端😃
Cola de caballo deformada La altura para atar es tu elección ✨ Es lindo incluso si lo atas 😊 No tienes que enrollar la base ♡ Envuelva solo las puntas del cabello con una plancha o plancha al final 😃
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