#Oncologist in Delhi
cancerconsultindia · 10 hours
How to Treat Breast Cancer During Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a beautiful and life-changing experience for women, but receiving a breast cancer diagnosis during pregnancy can be incredibly scary. It is necessary to navigate the complexities of cancer treatment while keeping both mother and baby safe. Here is an ultimate guide on how to treat breast cancer with the help of an oncologist in Noida during pregnancy.
Understanding the Diagnosis
Breast cancer during pregnancy, although rare, is not unheard of. Early detection is key – be aware of such symptoms as a persistent lump in the breast, changes in breast shape, or unusual nipple discharge. Timely recognition may largely affect the treatment strategy and prognosis for both the woman and her child.
Initial Steps After Diagnosis
When diagnosed with breast cancer, a multidisciplinary team will create an individualized treatment plan involving oncologists, obstetricians, and surgeons. Such a team approach ensures that both cancer therapy and pregnancy management are optimized.
Treatment Options
The approach towards treating breast cancer during pregnancy greatly depends on the trimester of gestation, stage of malignancy as well as overall maternal health condition. Below are some possible therapies:
1. Surgery
First Trimester: Surgery is generally safe; depending on the cancer stage and site lumpectomy or mastectomy may be performed.
Second and Third Trimester: The operation remains an option. Surgery becomes safer because the growing fetus gains more protection against risks associated with anesthesia.
2. Chemotherapy
First Trimester: Chemotherapy is often avoided due to the high risk for congenital abnormalities.
Second and Third Trimester: Certain chemotherapy drugs can be safely administered. They are carefully selected to minimize harm to the unborn child while effectively treating cancer.
3. Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy usually gets postponed until after delivery because it may pose potential dangers to fetus development.
4. Hormone and Targeted Therapies
These treatments are generally contraindicated during pregnancy due to potential fetal risks. They might be considered postpartum.
Evaluation and Changes
The baby’s health and growth will be ensured by regular monitoring by a cancer doctor in Delhi using ultrasound or other imaging technologies. Depending on the cancer response as well as the progression of pregnancy, doctors may need to modify their treatment plans.
Emotional and Psychological Help
Discovering that one has cancer when they are pregnant can take a toll on someone emotionally. This is why psychological help for mothers is important (sometimes fathers and relatives also need it). It is at this point that people should go for support groups, counseling, or even therapy because such kinds of services provide emotional steadiness, which helps individuals cope better during difficult days like these.
Post-Delivery Considerations
After giving birth, there might be a need to revise the treatment plan to include therapies that were avoided earlier on. The time of delivery should be chosen carefully i.e., whether full term or induced pre-term to balance between the mother’s health requirements vis-à-vis those of her unborn child. Also, depending on the treatment regimen, breastfeeding may have to be rethought.
Hope And Support
One must stay positive all through. Even in pregnancy, breast cancer can still be treated effectively thanks to improvements made in medical science. Care from friends, family members, and healthcare providers acts as stepping stones toward recovery.
Final Thoughts
Pregnant women with breast tumors require skillful management since both curing the disease and protecting the fetus have equal significance. By closely collaborating with Dr. Manish Singhal from CCI, the best breast cancer doctor in Noida, while keeping yourself updated about new medical developments and seeking mental backup, any woman can maneuver through this tough period stronger than before.
Remember, every experience differs. Therefore, there are many ways of going about it! Proper care coupled with adequate support sees the majority coming out alive. Hence, the best outcomes are being realized for both mom & baby.
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drmohitagarwal01 · 5 days
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oncarecancer · 11 days
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Transforming cancer care with compassion and affordability! Oncare Cancer, delivering the highest quality cancer care at the most affordable rates in Delhi NCR. Every step, every treatment, is a commitment to a healthier tomorrow.
Visit here: https://shorturl.at/D01sb
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drdodulmondal · 4 months
What are the Benefits of Early Detection of Gallbladder Cancer?
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Since thousands of new cases are diagnosed with Gallbladder Cancer every year, it represents a serious danger to World Health. Considering the difficulties in Identifying and treating it, scheduling an Oncologist Appointment for early detection becomes essential to improving results and increasing treatment success rates. In this blog, we'll explore the various benefits of detecting bladder cancer in its early stages. Read more: https://bestradiationoncologistindelhincr.blogspot.com/2024/02/what-are-benefits-of-early-detection-of.html
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drishugupta01 · 11 months
Leading the Fight Against Cancer: Discovering the Best Oncologist and Oncology Hospital in Delhi with Dr. Ishu Gupta
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In the battle against cancer, having the right oncologist and access to a top-notch oncology hospital can make all the difference. This article delves into the exceptional expertise of Dr. Ishu Gupta, the best oncologist in Delhi, and the renowned oncology hospital that he leads. We explore the cutting-edge treatments, compassionate care, and unwavering dedication to patients' well-being that have earned Dr. Ishu Gupta and his team widespread acclaim.
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gicancercaredr · 1 year
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Delhi
Pancreatic cancer is a challenging and often deadly disease, but with the right care and treatment, patients can recover and lead fulfilling lives. That's where Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, a best oncologists in Delhi and Pancreatic Cancer Specialist in Delhi, comes in. He is one of the most experienced and skilled Pancreatic Cancer Doctors in Delhi and has helped countless patients overcome this disease. One of the key reasons Dr. Kumar is highly sought after is his ability to provide Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Delhi. With access to the latest technologies and treatments, Dr. Kumar ensures that his patients receive the best possible care. Dr. Kumar practices at the Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center, Delhi. He can help guide you through your cancer journey and provide you with the best possible outcome.
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Use of Radiation Therapy in Breast Cancer
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Radiation therapy also called radiotherapy is a popular and effective treatment that utilises high-energy radiation waves to shrink tumours and kill cancer cells. The treatment involving radiation is painless but is known to cause skin discomfort and several other side effects throughout exposure. Radiation therapy or radiology is usually utilised to treat early-stage breast cancer. It is mostly used as a treatment therapy after the completion of a surgical procedure. 
Oncology surgeons and medical experts carry out the surgeries to remove the cancerous/ malignant tumours from the breasts and radiation therapy is further used to destroy leftover cancerous cells that may be left in the body after the surgery. Radiation therapy hence, acts as a treatment that can help reduce the chance of the cancerous tumour growing back. 
Radiology therapy is mostly used to heal: 
1. Tumour causing breast cancer that cannot be eliminated with surgery 
2. Metastatic breast cancer (cancer that has spread to parts of the body away from the breast. It may spread to bones, lungs, brain, or liver.) 
There are four common types of radiation therapies used for patients suffering from breast cancer across the globe today. 
External Beam Radiation:
Administered by a large machine known as a linear accelerator, the external radiation therapy treats cancer by aiming a beam of radiation right at the area requiring treatment. 
Internal Radiation (Brachytherapy):
Unlike external radiation therapy, brachytherapy or internal radiation treatment uses a radioactive substance that is sealed in tiny tubes and placed inside the human body to directly touch the cancer or the place that has cancer cells and treat the patient. 
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy:
Also called as a partial-breast radiation, the intraoperative radiation treatment is delivered at the same time of the breast cancer surgery. Hence, the name intraoperative radiation i.e., radiation used at the time of the operation. 
Proton Therapy or Proton Beam Therapy:
The newest type of radiation therapy used by all leading oncology experts and surgeons, proton therapy utilises particles called protons rather than X-rays to reduce the size of the tumour and kill cancer cells in the body. Proton therapy is still under study and is not used in all facilities as a treatment. 
When is Radiation Therapy Used? 
Radiation therapy is used to treat breast cancer at all stages of cancer. It can be used before or after lumpectomy, after mastectomy and even after completing one therapeutic dose of radiation to kill cancer cells. 
Radiotherapy after lumpectomy:
Most people who go through a lumpectomy are recommended to go for scheduled doses of radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells. Lumpectomy is often described as the surgery that is done to conserve the breast. The main aim of the radiation therapy after lumpectomy is to destroy the leftover cancer cells present after the removal of the tumour. This reduces the risk of the recurrence of breast cancer.
Radiotherapy after mastectomy:
Mastectomy is a surgery carried out especially for breast cancer patients to remove a breast. Most patients suffering from breast cancer are recommended to attend prescribed doses of radiotherapy after their mastectomy to recover from breast cancer and lead their life, cancer free. 
Working of Radiation Therapy
As the name suggests, radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays and related particles to damage and kill cancer cells in the patient’s body. The radiation therapy for breast cancer attacks the cancer cell’s DNA, damages it’s structure and stops it from dividing successfully. 
While targeting the treatment area during radiation therapy, the radiations damage the healthy as well as the unhealthy cancer cells Nevertheless, Radiation Oncology kills cancer cells more than the normal cells and stops the incessant growth of cancer cells. 
Radiation therapy destroys cancer cells and helps reduce the risk of recurrence. It is one of the advanced breast cancer treatments and is considered one of the most effective treatments in oncology. 
Resource: https://www.drmanojsharmaoncology.com/blog/2021/10/15/use-of-radiation-therapy-in-breast-cancer/
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Dr Manoj is the Best Radiation Oncology expert in Delhi NCR and India. Get the Best Treatment by the Expert At Right Cost.
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amanrathour · 5 months
Showering Hope: Dr. Manoj Kr. Sharma Offers the Best Radiation Oncology Treatment in Delhi NCR
The world is united together to find the cure for cancer and the day a cure could be invented is not far ahead but about to knock our door. With the latest breakthroughs in research and development for cancer treatments worldwide radiation oncology is more precise and advanced with the cutting-edge technology of the 21st century.
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The desperate fight against cancer begins with the search for perfect treatment and the best oncologist who can understand and eliminate cancer cells from the root cause for no recurrence. For patients who want the very Best Radiation Oncology in Delhi NCR, there is no better person to turn to and consult than Dr Manoj Kr. Sharma who is internationally renowned for his capabilities and compassionate care in the field of cancer treatments.  Dr. Sharma is the best oncologist in Delhi for radiation oncology services that give hope and restore life to a healthy one for cancer patients globally.
Dr. Manoj Sharma Oncology - Best Radiation Oncology in Delhi NCR
Dr. Manoj Kr. Sharma, the top oncologist of Delhi NCR has a lot of experience in Oncology. Dr. Sharma is an experienced radiation oncologist with international expertise in providing state-of-the-art treatments that target cancerous cells precisely and accurately. Dr. Sharma has many years of experience in understanding the complicated nature of not only cancer care but also combining state-of-the-art technologies and unique creative techniques to craft personalized treatment plans for every patient and also accurately diagnose cancer at its earliest stages for a definite cure.
Benefits for Cancer Patients:
1. Personalized Treatment Plans: Dr. Sharma realizes that no two cancer cases are identical and neither should the treatment be the same. Therefore, he adopts a patient-based treatment approach, by evaluating every patient’s condition and developing personalized plans for radiation therapy which will maximize effectiveness while minimizing any side effects and promising a swift recovery towards a healthy future.
2. Advanced Technology: Dr. Sharma uses the latest technological developments in radiation oncology to treat cancerous cells with high accuracy and focus on the absolute annihilation of cancer infection. Patients receive advanced treatments with IMRT to IGRT, which are leading-edge techniques designed for perfection in effective treatment outcomes and promoting a healthier tomorrow.
3. Compassionate Care: Besides offering excellent oncological care, Mr. Manoj Kr.  is loved for his compassionate and kind approach to cancer care, along with unfailing support toward his or her patients. He gives them important time and a patient ear to listen and understand their worries, address their fears and encourage them with the required support to help them take on their cancer-defeating journeys with strength and perseverance.
4. Comprehensive Approach: According to Dr. Sharma, the treatment of cancer should be not limited to radiation therapy only, but it should also include a combination of complementary therapies, medically evaluated nutritional support and regular psychosocial services in an integrated approach to cure the disease. By treating not only the major chemical aspects but also the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of cancer treatment for cancer patients he creates a more holistic approach which benefits patients in their recovery process.
Within the unyielding fight against cancer, hope enlightens the way, guiding us to a world where we can live without this daunting enemy called cancer. Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma is leading the charge in this battle, with his radiation oncology treatments in Delhi NCR. Radiotherapy has undergone revolutionary changes with technological developments and the development of science and research, it is now more effective and accurate than ever before. Dr. Sharma’s expert knowledge and caring approach represent the highest standards in cancer care, which gives patients plans for personalized treatment that takes into account the peculiarities of a person to provide maximum positive output.
When the world of cancer treatment still stands at a crossroads, Dr. Sharma’s dedication to quality oncology treatment solutions is a light that shines on and leads patients sailing safely through the sea of hope towards the future in which cancer is extinct. As shown by Dr. Sharma and the team, a cancer-free world is now closer than it has ever been through harnessing cutting-edge technologies. For more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Manoj Kr. Sharma, please visit https://www.drmanojsharmaoncology.com/ or Action Cancer Hospital, Delhi NCR.
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cancerconsultindia · 3 months
Senior Oncologist in Delhi - Dr. Manish Singhal
Are you looking for an Oncologist in Delhi? Dr. Manish Singhal 21+ years experienced in oncology. In today's life many cancer cases have increased in India.
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drmohitagarwal01 · 12 days
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the colon or rectum, which are part of your large intestine. It's a prevalent concern, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment. This blog dives deep into understanding colon cancer, its symptoms, and the importance of seeking timely intervention from a qualified professional like Dr. Mohit Agrawal, considered one of the best cancer specialists in Delhi.
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oncarecancer · 14 days
Learn how to identify the early symptoms of blood cancer with Oncare Cancer's ultimate guide. There can be a huge difference between life and death if you detect cancer early. We are dedicated to early diagnosis, effective treatment, and compassionate care. Please visit our website or contact us today if you would like more information or to schedule a consultation.
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drdodulmondal · 4 months
Cervical Cancer: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Cervical cancer, often asymptomatic in early stages, may later present with symptoms like abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and pain during intercourse. Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. Early detection through screenings like Pap tests is key for effective management and improved outcomes.
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oncologistseemasingh · 11 hours
Early Detection of Breast Cancer   What You Need to Know
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Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women worldwide. Early detection plays a crucial role in successfully treating and managing this disease. With advancements in medical technology and increased awareness, many women can now detect breast cancer at an early stage, significantly improving their chances of recovery. This article will guide you through the importance of early detection, the methods available, and the steps you can take to ensure you stay healthy.  
Read more: https://oncologistdrseemasingh.blogspot.com/2024/06/early-detection-of-breast-cancer-what.html
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