#One For All/Coursing through as I stand tall/No threat will ever take hold | Toshinori Musings
truly-quirkless-a · 8 months
What Tarot Card are You?
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The Lovers.
the bounty of your heart is abundant. warmth extends from your fingertips, and your smile has the power to light the darkest of rooms. your presence is a comfort– a gift– it is something to be cherished. just beware of stretching yourself too thin; a heart cannot be full if it is constantly emptying itself for the benefit of others. extend that mercy to your own heart, so you may continue to love and let yourself be loved. your chest is not an empty cavity. NUMBER: 6 UPRIGHT: love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices REVERSED: self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
Tagged by: Stolen from @/nuravity. Tagging: @eraseur, @the-wild-card-hand (for Sero or Kaminari, have fun!), @emerald-might, @modeinthemiddle , and if you want to do this- mate, steal it, embrace the goblin-
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truly-quirkless · 2 months
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truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
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Headcanons center around: YagiFin/Bloody Cinnamon.
Theme: Fin’s Monthly/Periods
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Monthlies- the Red Tide- Satan’s Waterfall- Shark Week- Aunt Flow’s Visit. It is suffering, and Fin knows that full-well. Some AFABs get away with having rather light periods, or perhaps minimal cramps, or a lack of intense hormone swings. Fin... Fin was not that lucky.
The first two days are very often Hell, with the first having been so bad at times they were screaming for God to smite them, to kill them and end the pain because the cramps were just that intense. Swallowing pills didn’t work (they’d throw them up, alongside whatever contents their stomach contained at the time), hot water bottles only made the nausea worse, and clothes hurt to have on, quite literally. It doesn’t help that Fin’s more testy than normal a week prior to their period, and has a higher libido than usual after- it’s a mess of a time, and it makes them a mess in the process.
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Yagi is well aware of what periods are, as well as how they can affect their victims (I refuse to call this a ‘blessing’ and you cannot make me call this awful thing a blessing). However, he didn’t quite have the scope of how bad it could get until the first time he found Fin naked, sitting on a toilet, screaming in agony. Of course, his methods haven’t changed in terms of how to deal- if anything, they’ve gotten a bit more intense over time. He’s gotten used to helping Fin during that final week, noticing the signs before they’re about to hit the worst of it.- They apologize for their behavior every time, but due to Fin usually being rather lax in attitude... It’s easy to tell when they’re close.
The days leading up are usually lightly clothed with gathering supplies- Fin’s favorite chocolates, making sure their heating pad is ready for another week of use, purchasing a pack or two of Midol... Yagi’s not the only one to do this, since Fin does experience some of their cramps up to a week before they hit the worst of it.
During their monthly, the first few days, Yagi doesn’t try to move them too much- if anything, he hides with Fin in their ‘nest’ of a bedroom, reading a book of his or playing some game with them. He knows they can’t move a lot and they don’t want to be alone, so he sticks by their side whenever neither is at work. There isn’t really much he can do beyond getting whatever they might need, and it hurts him just a little each time they apologize for sending him on a fetch quest for something.
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Fin basically hides while on their monthly- all their supplies are gathered in their room, close at hand, and they only leave to do the most basic of tasks like use the restroom and bathe- they’ll venture and do more after the first two days, but the first two days, the cramps are so painful they’re borderline debilitating. All the same, Fin won’t let that stop them from going to work or going shopping if such a thing needs to happen, but they do appreciate Yagi doing his utmost to make sure they’re not suffering too badly.
They’ve spent most of their life dealing with their period on their own. Though, Fin’s not exactly closed about it- any info Yagi wants to know/ask about, they openly tell. After all, he’s their boyfriend- they’re not going to try to hide information like that from him, and they’d rather the topic not be embarrassing to the male.
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Yagi’s doing his best, especially during that time.- He just misses that Fin can’t cuddle him in return the first few days, for fear of getting crimson on him. Not like he really minds, since his coughs and fights have resulted in similar far too many times over the years... But he doesn’t want to make them uncomfortable, so he doesn’t press the issue.
....It is nice to be able to lay on top of them though, his head just beside their own... They’re nice.... Plus, he can just claim he’s helping them stay looking upright while sleeping during their monthly, though the two both know exactly why he’s laying on top of them. Cuddlebugs...
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truly-quirkless-a · 5 months
What kind of love are you?
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Love as a Choice.
You choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
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Love as Youth.
Your love is buoyant. Your love is bountiful. It is ageless, and it will never age. When you fall in love, it is breathless. It is joyful and endless, it is magnificent. You think it, like your youth , will last forever. Youth is eternal, and so is your love. Your love skips rocks and tells stories, your love roasts marshmallows over fires, and laughs freely. Your love does not take itself too seriously. Your love is jumping into puddles just to watch the water splash, and dancing in the rain, and it is watching Sunday morning reruns of cartoons to feel young once more. Your love is forever, forever young. Being loved by you is to be loved by the summer months. And those never end, do they? Well, I won’t tell if you don’t.
Tagged by: None, stole it from ze dash. Tagging: You saw this, wanna do it? Go wild!
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truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
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Headcanons center around: Yagi and Fin
Theme: Video Games
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Fin’s a bit of a mixed bag in terms of games- they aren’t a fan of outright horror, and yet they own several video games in that vein. They also stopped playing dating sims when they started dating Yagi- partially because it felt like cheating on Yagi, and partially because they just... Lost interest. Dating sims helped them feel like they were wanted/not hated in life, and they self-inserted a lot... But then Yagi came around, and their interest in the genre fell apart entirely.
They are very much a big gamer- if they aren’t talking/hanging with Yagi or at work, there’s a heavy chance they’re playing games on their computer. It’s how they relax after a long day at work- and they’re more than happy to gush about their favorite games for hours. They don’t play a ton of idle simulators anymore, simply because they dumped way too much money into such games when they were younger.... Says the one who re-downloads Love/Shining Nikki every six months or so-
Fin HATES talking smack while playing any game- video game or board game, or whatever. It gets them too invested in the outcome, and usually results in them hating the time they spent. So they tend to be rather calm/laid back, and cheer on the winners in any co-op/multiplayer game, while trying to help those who lost feel better.
Favorite Games: Subnautica, Slime Rancher, Minecraft, Littlewood, Genshin Impact, Portal 2. Favorite Genres: Sandbox, Open World, Simulator, Racing, Survival. Least Favorite Genres: Psychological Thriller, FPS, Puzzle-Heavy, Battle Royale (depends on who they’re playing with), Realistic. Favorite Console: Computer/PC
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One might think this guy is insanely into heavy-/intense-action games, but he’s really not. Yagi’s had enough action for three lifetimes, he’s not about to go out seeking more. While he’ll still play games that are combat-filled for the sake of others (or for the sake of a good story/good aesthetic), they really... Aren’t his forte. Maybe in his younger days, but not anymore. Yagi’s a gentle fan of idle simulators, since his life is usually so hectic/filled with things he has to get done- but he does wish there were more idle games with far less pay-to-win routes available. Yagi’s a big fan of strategy games, if nothing else.
The male’s far more likely to be caught checking his phone for how his latest dive in the soda dungeons went, or trying new combos in Doodle God (and all the additional games in that set) than he is to be caught on his computer playing Age of Mythology and others, but still.
Yagi’s also not the biggest gamer in the universe- but he does have his favorites, one or two of which are partially because Fin introduced him to them (Genshin Impact and Slime Rancher). He has a few outliers in terms of action that he does play, but those are few and far in-between (Stick Fight: The Game being chief amongst them).
He’s not against talking smack while playing games- but will only respond in kind to such behavior if given it.
Favorite Games: Soda Dungeon, Age of Mythology, Slime Rancher, Doodle God, Genshin Impact, Portal. Favorite Genres: Strategy, Idle, Comedy/Lighthearted, Open World, Civilization Builder. Least Favorite Genres: Intense/Drama, FPS, Battle Royale, Psychological Thriller. Favorite Console: Phone
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truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
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Headcanons center around: YagiFin/Bloody Cinnamon.
Theme: Valentine’s Day
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Fin... Has never been in a relationship, but they have plenty of guesses! Honestly, the first time Valentine’s Day would pass by this couple, I’m pretty sure Yagi would be the one to remember meanwhile Fin would just be going ‘one more week ‘til I’m a year older, fuck existence’. But the second Yagi starts being far more affectionate than usual? They’re confused as fuck until he tells them it’s Valentine’s Day.
And then they’re scrambling but Yagi’s already got the whole day planned out: they’re going to hide at his place, enjoy some cheese, soft bars, water, and sparkling cider- and avoid the hubbub that is social insanity.
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Of course, Yagi has been planning for months. This man is a hopeless- hopeless- romantic, potentially more than Fin normally is. He’s well aware that they aren’t the biggest fan of the holiday, let alone celebrating (“Why shouldn’t you show the same amount of love for your partner year ‘round?”) but he can’t help but go out of his way to spoil them on that day. The two just hide, swapping between his favorite movies and theirs’, about partway through the day his hand slides just a little bit too far.... And a good portion of the afternoon is spent with Fin pinned to the couch while Yagi goes to town.
That moment when a couple is high on their libido, ladies and gents...
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The rest of the day is a split between playing games, cuddling, and taking what could be called too much time cleaning each other up. Neither really has the mindset to go out in public and deal with all the annoyances that come with, like Fin getting mistaken for Yagi’s child (common), the insane waits to get in anywhere, and Fin’s social anxiety going haywire.
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Fin feels guilty after the first time they space and Yagi has the perfect V-Day planned out for them, so they make it up to him (or at least try to) a day or so after, with his favorite soft bars, a hot bath where they treat him like a king (scented candles, favorite bath bomb flavor, washing him themself, whole shebang), and a quiet date to a local diner the two frequent (it’s a run-down place, not the best in the city, but the two love it so they go once every other week or so). In the years following... The two start making V-Day plans together, although most usually fall apart before the night’s out... Thank stars for being able to go with the flow/having their partner calm them down when their plans go awry.
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truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
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Headcanons center around: YagiFin/Bloody Cinnamon.
Theme: Homes/Living Together
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Fin lived in an apartment prior to moving in with Yagi. It was well-kept, not a single book out of place (not that they had a ton, they only brought about five from the states). The apartment was big enough for a small kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a living room.- Fin’s bedroom didn’t have a bed, but was instead a mess of gathered comfortable blankets and plushies they loved, alongside posters of things/fandoms they liked. Their kitchen was pretty neat, with not a hint of cooking utensils outside of one spatula and one pan, and a few plates and the like. Pretty tiny place but they’re small too, so they didn’t really notice until Yagi started hanging out.
Since they lived in an apartment, their home was nothing too impressive to look at, and I didn’t bother trying to find any special images. It also appeared relatively unlived in- save a thin layer of dust that coated most of the solid surfaces that didn’t see regular use (so most of the kitchen counter). They had snacks hidden all over the place, however.
Fin owns a pet cat (Prism, but the eyes from the photo are wrong- Prism has light blue eyes) whom they love and cherish.
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Yagi’s home prior to finding a new place + moving in with Fin looked about like this in my head. He got massive blackout curtains installed after his injury hit, and the home was cleaned pretty regularly/was fairly immaculate. He had a small library of books and manga, as well as an entire collection of American films on DVD, and enough snacks to choke ten men to death all over the place, discreetly hidden away. His bedroom was fairly regular (for someone rich). A king-sized bed and sheets, with the decor mostly involving the colors red, white, blue, and/or gold (a reference to his last Hero outfit’s color scheme).
Due to his private life basically being nonexistent, much like Fin, his home appeared virtually unlived in despite the decor- like someone had put everything up to get ready to sell the place, and then forgot to sell it.
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The home these two end up moving into together is an amalgamation of desires from each. Thanks to Yagi’s life and injuries, he wants someplace at least a bit removed from the general population, and Fin... Just wants a pool. The two are comfortable at this point with each other, and Yagi even goes so far as to get a room built for Fin’s cat... And ultimately, their home ends up being an open-plan space with windows for each room overlooking a pool in the main ‘living room’, although there are less windows to the outside world in their home than in the reference image.
It’s easy to tell these two clash in certain aspects- Yagi mostly eats home-cooked meals with little seasoning, and eats more often, meanwhile Fin mostly eats quick-make meals you can toss in a microwave, and only eats once/twice in a given day. Of course, Fin’s not above trying to make food for Yagi- and the portions the two have are often seen as ‘less’ than what they should be having, but small stomach and no stomach, so... They’re fine.
The two share their bed, although the sheets are a bit of a mixed bag. It’s, of course, king sized- huge by Fin’s standards and normal by Yagi’s when he’s not out and about on trips. Fin’s blankets don’t even begin to cover the whole thing, and the home itself is a mish-mash of American posters and anime posters, there’s a room dedicated wholly to reading/listening to music, the library’s nicely sized and the DVD collection ends up (eventually) going digital. Like when both lived on their own, the home is immaculate- although it does look a lot more lived in, now.
And keeping Prism out of the pool is a nightmare.
There are nightlights scattered throughout the house due to Fin’s fear of the dark, and Yagi’s got a security system set up just in case. The two may be capable of combat, but he’d still rather have some warning a fight is incoming.
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truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
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Headcanons center around: YagiFin/Bloody Cinnamon.
Theme: Relaxation/Stress
It's not exactly the easiest thing for Yagi and Fin to relax. They've both spent years being endlessly high-strung about one thing or another (Yagi, his Hero work, Fin, being found by Evan), so... 'Relaxing' doesn't quite come naturally to either party, though they do try.
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The fact these two are also workaholics really doesn't help matters. Fin's there to try to get Yagi to chill for a while and vice versa, especially when the other's had an especially awful day. Yagi likes going for walks in private areas/areas with almost no foot traffic, taking cat naps, and reading books- just little things. Fin shares in his love of going for walks, but prefers listening to music/light dancing/doodling to help deal with their mind when things get to be too stressful.
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Jointly, these two are a mixed bag when it comes to relaxing. If they're too tired to walk, then there's a high chance that Yagi and Fin will just stay inside, with Yagi reading a book while Fin has music playing on the TV as they draw whatever's on their mind. Yagi definitely has a bigger social battery than Fin, but it's still reduced by leagues while he's in his Weak Form (mostly due to his Weak Form being when his insecurities are at their strongest). There have also been times the two just cuddled on the couch and quietly talked about anything and everything that came to mind.
Fin might brew Yagi some of his favorite tea (they suck at it the first few times, but after he shows them how to make it, they start to get better), or make some hot chocolate/horchata for themself.
And of course, the two have mental issues they face that only make relaxation time all the more necessary. Thankfully, though, they can see the signs when the other needs a break.
Yagi's is in a certain way he sets his jaw, the lines in his face seeming to grow that fraction deeper, his sentences more clipped and his hands balled into fists instead of resting in his pockets or swaying by his side. Fin's is in utter silence, broken-glass eyes and tenseness to their form, laugh-crying if they're asked anything beyond yes or no questions.
Relaxation time is a necessity, although it's not one that Fin and Yagi indulge in too much prior to his retirement- and even then, 'downtime' is sometimes used by Yagi to grade student papers and the like as opposed to actually relaxing... So Fin tries their best to help, if they aren't too exhausted themself.
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truly-quirkless-a · 2 years
Tag Dump - Bloody Cinnamon
Through many battles/I have been tested/I’ve never failed/Never have been bested | Toshinori Yagi
One For All/Coursing through as I stand tall/No threat will ever take hold | Toshinori Musings
Can’t drag me under/Too long I’ve been on the run | Finley Well
Look into my eyes/Everything I’ve left behind | Finley Musings
Just one look into your eyes and I knew/I was gonna spend my life with you | Bloody Cinnamon
Ain’t it funny how love hits you when you least expect it to?/Any time/Any place/It can come out of the blue | Bloody Cinnamon Musings
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