#OneShot Keto
killerradiohost · 4 years
one shot keto an advanced weight loss supplement
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Step Two, Three
Fandom(s): Star Wars
Rating: K/T
Summary: Some Jedi are really good at dancing! Others aren’t... And Ashe is one of them
Notes: Implied canon x oc relationships (Commander Fox/Ashe Lark/Quinlan Vos, Sha Koon/Mari Gildow/Hound, Kit Fisto/Plo Koon/Dara Idella)
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I actually meant to post this on valentines day but then died and forgot about it
A soft hiss left Shaak Ti as Ashe stepped on the older Jedi’s foot again, grimmancing.
“Ah- I'm sorry-“ he started but the other Jedi just shook her head, smiling a bit though her brows were furrowed just slightly.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
The two stopped dancing, dropping their hands which allowed the Togruta woman— and himself— to take a break for a bit.
“This seems a bit redundant,” Ashe sighed a bit, shaking his head, “Clearly, I can’t dance.”
Shaak Ti smiled sympathetically, starting to say something before Kit Fisto spoke up as he walked past.
“Oh, don’t speak like that, Lark,” he interjected, the tall Nautolan grinning a bit— a grin that showed off all of his front teeth. “If I remember, it took Cin close to seven months to learn how to dance. It just takes time.”
The Master in question huffed a bit from where he was leaning against the wall, watching them all with his arms crossed and still dressed in the Halls of Healing's ward robes.
“I think the Battlemaster would prefer if not many people knew that, Master Fisto,” Omura Vane grinned from where it was sitting on the bleachers in the Training Hall they were all in. Several of the now part-time Guards there, their oaths having changed since the end of the War— he wasn’t the only one there, after all, a Temple Guard was never only alone. Part-time or not.
(The Guard was now only part-time, the other half of security was filled in by volunteers. Things were much more relaxed now, strange to think that the change had only taken a few weeks.)
Ashe, to an extent, wished that he was also sitting there, watching in amusement and knowing full well that for the impromptu gala that the Jedi were holding for themselves and the public, they wouldn’t need to learn how to dance at all. And neither would Cin. They were all security, after all.
It wasn’t like Cin could. Not while he was still healing from his duel with Palpatine— with Sidious. Which also meant that Mace Windu was out for the count, much to Master Bilaba’s amusement, as were Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, all three bedridden and being looked after by the second head of the Halls of Healing, Raim Collins. Somehow, out of the lot of them, Kit had healed the fastest and was able to get up and walk around, but he wouldn't be dancing either.
Unfortunately, that meant that all of the rest of them did have to attend and dance. And not everyone knew how to dance.
A good number of them could, but that still left the ones who couldn’t learn before the day arrived. That meant that it was up to those who did know to teach those who didn't— so far classes were being held by a number of Jedi from Aayla Secura to Master Sinube to Master Theld to Knight Coria, and more.
(He hadn’t seen the elder Rodian or the other Twi’lek at all as of late, but maybe they were just on a different schedule for lessons. And he knew for a fact that Master Plo Koon could, but the Kel Dor hadn’t been seen either. Apparently, he was teaching padawans with Sinube. He actually knew that for a fact, because Fisto wouldn't shut up about it. Damn romantic. At least Dara kept Kit from talking Ashe's ear off.)
Surprisingly, it seemed that Quinlan Vos could waltz like no one’s business.
And unsurprisingly, so could Shaak Ti, hence why she had been helping Ashe out.
The Togruta had moved on to helping out the Nautolan Master, Dara Idella, though. An easier choice, he supposed.
Nonetheless, Cin— who really didn’t like the sudden hero worship that came with slaying the Sith Lord and ending the war— had just shaken his head and agreed when asked to let them (by them, Ashe meant the Jedi who didn’t know how to dance) use one of the larger Training Halls for the dance lessons, as long as the Council promised that he wouldn’t have to participate at all in the festivities aside from security coordination.
It was agreed upon and the current members who had sworn oath into the Temple Guard before the War ended had split into two groups— Uniformed and Plain-clothed Security. And Ashe had drawn the short straw on plain-clothed Guard. If he was a suspicious person, he would've assumed the entire lot drawing was rigged since both Mari and Syo had gotten out of dancing... but then again Hakra had been the one to suggest drawing lots and made them all, so it likely could've been rigged.
Still, drawing the short straw meant that he had to learn how to dance— but despite the fact that it had been days, he still couldn’t get a grasp on the activity.
“Rough time?” Serra asked him as he sat down with the Guard and other Jedi who weren’t on the floor at the moment. Ashe just groaned a bit, head falling back as the other Knight just laughed at him. 
“Yeah. can’t seem to grasp the concept,” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair.
“You’re too nervous, Ash,”  he heard and he opened his eyes, looking over at Mari as she rested her chin in her palm, a lazy grin across her lips. Ashe made a face, brows furrowing a bit.
“I don’t see you down on the floor, Mars.”
She just grinned wider as Roq’s ears perked up from where the Charhound was laying at her feet. 
“Because I already know how to dance. Besides, I’m on duty that night.” “We’re all on duty.”
“Well, you know, I’m not going to be out on the floor. Too many people, too much noise. 'sides, Sha isn't fond of dancing, and Hound's also on duty.”
He let out a defeated sigh, dropping his head a bit as Mari hummed happily in the small victory. A small game they had begun to play when they were both younger, but the game was simple— just try and win the small victories. It had kept his nerves low when he first joined, it was just habbit for them now.
“You haven’t changed at all, Gildow,” Bultar laughed as she sat down, stretching her back out. He saw Mari’s hand twitch a bit, she must have been startled by the other’s sudden arrival.
Bultar Swan was another who was just out and about helping the others learn the correct steps for dancing and Ashe had to admit that he was a bit jealous of the other Knight— for all his years of training and combat flexibility, he had no idea what he was doing but Bultar was as graceful as ever.
Mari just hummed again, taking a moment to consider her agemate’s words.
It was still so weird, and he supposed that she felt the same way as he did. Something the entirety of the Temple Guard were feeling. It was just weird to be walking around without his mask on, with his identity allowed. To reconnect and have old agemates and friends talk to them… it was taking time to get used to.
(Not that Ashe had many, but he knew that Mari did and Bultar was one of them.)
Mari tilted her head towards Bultar.
“I just think that Ashe needs someone who he’s comfy with to help him with dancing, don’t you think?”
“Like Master Vos?” Serra piped up and Ashe felt the tips of his ears heat up as he scowled back at the black-haired Knight. Serra just grinned back as a few others chuckled or just outright laughed.
Mari snapped her fingers, though, seemingly in agreement as Bultar nodded.
“Exactly. We should call Vos. Or Commander Fox, for that matter.”
“Absolutely not—!”
It was emberassing enough that the others were watching him fail— he didn’t need either of those two teasing him about it either.
His cries fell on deaf ears though, as he saw not only Syo, Serra, and Enir, but Omura and Kit Fisto reach for their Comms.
So Ashe did the next logical thing aside from trying to fight all five of them at once— he put his head in his hands and accepted his fate.
As usual, Omura Vane and Enir belong to the lovely @certified-anakinfucker​
Dara Idella belongs to @spacerocksarethebestrocks​ 
Theld belongs to @mysteryhacked​
Knight Coria belongs to @milfplo-koon​ 
All other OCs belong to me 
Thank you for letting me borrow ur OCs for cameos loves <3
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Welcome to This Ugly, Maddening World in All Its Beauty
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy), Star Wars Legends
Rating: Gen/K
Summery: Rumors followed the Battlemaster, with eyes too green and too knowing, with footsteps too silent, and a presence that drew people to fear him.
Faerie AU
Hello :)
This was inevitable if you know what happens on my main account
There were whispers that gathered when people talked about the Battlemaster.
They were not always good ones.
Full of superstition, and to some, it seemed right.
Cin Drallig had always been a figure within the temple for as long as many could remember. But humans had long lifespans, so that wasn’t the weird part.
There was just… too much about him that was strange.
Rava Hark, a Kel Dor Watchman, had brought the young Lavisarian to the Temple after their siblings tried to kill them.
They did not cry, the Watchman would murmur to his Kin, to the other Kel Dor within the Temple. And they all knew because they too had instances of similar things happen to their own Children. They knew and they watched the child silently.
The other Children were perceptive. Within the Crèche, the child was avoided.
A strange feeling, something that was like a warning, Master Tholme would later tell his student, Quinlan Vos, when questioned.
No Master wanted to train this child, rumors would say. A youngling who none wished to train because of their eyes.
Too green, too knowing.
The Grandmaster took them in.
And his other students were afraid.
Frightened Dooku of Serenno to the point of violence, frightened Ki-Adi Mundi to the point of physical pain, those eyes that were too green, too knowing.
There were rumors that followed the Battlemaster before they were the Battlemaster. Whose footsteps never made a noise. Whose eyes seemed to follow things that were not seen.
There was something off about them, as they reached their majority, how the soft and gentle features hardened.
But despite that, the Temple Guard opened their arms.
But there was something off about them too. There were those who had eyes that were too knowing, who moved with silent feet, who could come from the shadows without a hint of being there before.
But none like him.
And Cin Drallig’s eyes were always knowing, the Force around him wrapped in a way that felt wrong, felt dangerous, and if one stared at him for too long the feeling of an Uncanny Valley would well up in their chest.
Those too-green eyes that knew too much, saw too much. The feeling of power being restrained whenever sabers crossed in a spar— even the strongest of Councilors were uneasy after a spar.
Those silent footsteps, the ones that the Guard emulated, but even they made noise. Even they could not easily appear from out of nowhere, they could still be seen if one looked. But Cin Drallig was able to vanish.
Yes, there was something wrong about the one with the name Cin Drallig.
And the shadow that was too deep, stretched too long. The sweet scent of the forest that followed him, even though he rarely left the Temple, even though Lavisar had no forests that were lush.
The children called him “The Troll” when he reemerged as the Battlemaster.
There were those who were afraid of him, those who were wary, and those who were not.
And then his student came.
Rumors followed Serra Keto, the wild and untamable child who fell silent and in line when Cin Drallig gazed at her.
The child with too-blue eyes.
The child who was too skilled, too powerful. The child who picked up on things too fast, who emulated her Master too easily.
Rumors followed them, Master and student.
One with too-green eyes, with the scent of flowers and forest, with footsteps that were silent and a shadow that was too dark and long. One with too-blue eyes who was wild as a beast, but kept herself restrained.
The sense of wrongness followed them, Master and Student.
Cin Drallig never changed after that.
For no matter how many years passed, the Battlemaster never seemed to age. At first glance, he would seem to be middle-aged, or older, but there was a sense of wrong.
But that feeling… was just a feeling, right?
And the whispers were just rumors, right?
For Cin Drallig could not be anything sinister. The Master who ensured their Children’s survival as the war raged onwards, who gave them the skills to fight.
Who took in the young child Bene McCallum (with eyes as brown as the ground under their feet, and holding just as many secrets), who trained her as well.
Who would laugh in an embarrassed manner when caught sneaking padawans out of the Temple to see the few stars that could still be seen on Coruscant…
After all, Cin Drallig was a Jedi, just like them… but a word of warning would go through the initiates as they walked together to the Training Hall—
Don’t offend the Battlemaster. Don’t question why his shadow is too deep, too long, or why it seems like sometimes there are thorns curling within it. Don’t ask. Don’t offend. And don’t break any promises made to him.
So technically it seems like Nick Gillard (cin's actor) has blue eyes, but also like. 90% of the human cast who aren't POC have blue eyes and tbh I saw Cin's eyes as Green when I first saw it. So Green-eyed Cin, at least for this!
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