#Op8 Translations
Story 1 - A new star has been born
Chapter 4/30 Our first mini live!
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We returned to the lobby, where I told them about the problem that we had to face.
Me: ‘……..Someone sent a request for Op8♪ to perform a mini live.’
Hibiki: ‘Ehhhh!?’
Eisuke: ‘Isn’t that good news? This will be Op8♪’s first live, right?’
Me: ‘That’s right. We finally received an offer, and this is a good chance to increase Op8♪’s reputation. However, none of the units are able to perform, except for SHINE.’
I had tried contacting the other units, but I could not reach any of them. The only one who I did managed to contact was Harukaze, who rejected the offer as he was busy.
Yuuta: ‘Doesn’t that mean we’re the one’s who will be…..’
Riku: ‘We….we’ll be the ones performing for the live….’
Yasham: ‘That’s fine. Op8♪’s first gig will be also be SHINE’s first performance.’
Me: ‘However, the live is in one month’s time…even so, is everyone okay with accepting this gig?’
Hibiki: ‘O…Only one month?’
Itsuki: ‘It’s too short. I’m very busy, and I might not be able to make time for practice….’
Riku: ‘Uuuuu…..’
Eisuke: ‘Ah…..that’s problematic.’
Hibiki: ‘Even if it’s only a little…Ikki….is it possible to make some time for practice?’
Itsuki: ‘Eh…….’
Hibiki: ‘………Everyone. I want to perform for that live!’
Me: ‘Eh?’
Hibiki: ‘The opportunity for us to fulfil our dreams has finally arrived….and I don’t want to let it go to waste!’
Yasham: ‘…….That’s true. Be it an opportunity or a performance, it only lasts during that moment. It will be a waste to not grab that opportunity.’
Eisuke: ‘Itsuki, how about you?’
Itsuki: ‘……’
Yuuta: ‘We just have to be on the same skill level as Itsuki. Do your best, Riku-chan!’
Riku: ‘Y……yes….’
Itsuki: ‘…….Fine. I’ll try to make some arrangements to my schedule. However, I won’t be able to find the time to guide you guys along. You will have to practice on your own when I’m not around.’
Yuuta: ‘So, it’s been decided!’
Hibiki: ‘Since everyone’s come to an agreement, Director! Please let us take the job!’
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(There are still many issues that have to be settled)
(However, it’s my job to deal with these issues)
Me: ‘Understood. Everyone, please do your best!’
Hibiki: ‘YES!!!!!! We’ll be performing for the mini live!!!’
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(However, there are many things that have to be done)
(We need to improve the performance quality of the ensemble and come up with a practice schedule)
Me: ‘Everyone, for the sake of the mini live, what do you think about staying together in Op8♪ for the time being?’
Hibiki: ‘Eh?’
Me: ‘What I mean is….I want to turn Op8♪ into a dormitory so that you guys can live together. If everyone stays at the same place, it will be easier to find the time for combined practice.’
Itsuki: ‘…….true, staying together will indeed make it possible for us to have more time to practice together. Since there’s also a studio here, we will be able to concentrate on practicing right until before we sleep.’
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Yuuta: ‘P….practicing right until before we sleep!?.....So harsh!’
Eisuke: ‘Well, if we live together we’ll be able to better understand each other. This is a good chance to build some team spirit!’
Yasham: ‘Isn’t that good? To be able to understand each other better. Looks like it will be enjoyable staying with SHINE.’
Hibiki: ‘That’s right! Being able to fall asleep together every night…..I’m getting pumped up!’
Yuuta: ‘It feels just like a school trip! Is everyone able to stay up late at night? Let’s spend the night eating snacks and talking about everyone’s love interests!’
Riku: ‘L….love?’
Itsuki: ‘If you spend that time on practice instead, you’ll be able to become a decent ensemble.’
Eisuke: ‘Well, that’s true.’
Yuuta: ‘…..tch…..’
Yasham: ‘Since I am calm and composed person, if I take the lead, there’ll be no problems. Just one question. Where is the dorm…..?’
Hibiki: ‘Ah, that’s right….’
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Me: ‘This building shall be converted into the dormitory. Since there’s nothing in the upper floors, we can make use of that space.’
Yuuta: ‘That’s amazing! It’s really impressive how you can think so far ahead, Director!’
Eisuke: ‘You’re so reliable! I’m getting excited!’
Yasham: ‘Let’s be thankful that we have a dormitory to stay in.’
Riku: ‘It’s scary to move out of my house…..however, since everyone is okay with it…’
Itsuki: ‘If everyone’s fine with it, I’ll go with the flow. It will help me greatly as well if it’s a conducive environment.’
(Let’s see….I have to send an email to the other units about the plan to convert the building into a dormitory…..)
I glanced at the excited members of SHINE and adjusted my thoughts, bracing myself for the days to come.
(This is the beginning of Op8♪!)
Since Op8♪ is a new label with nothing to its name, I will have to build it up step by step. Whether the musicians under Op8♪ are able to succeed depends on me!
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op8-translations · 6 years
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Movement 1, Episode 2: Six New Stars
--- A few hours later...
Director: So this is the Op8♪ office...
A sudden notice had granted me with 19 artists and this building.
Director: It’s small compared to Reve’s office, but this is too big for me to manage as just one person.
Haruka: Things look pretty serious, huh? Looks like I’m moving to Op8♪ too, so be good to me, Kitten ♪
Director: 18 more artists like him, huh... The responsibility’s weighing down heavy, but I’ll do my best. First off, a confirmation of the facilities we’re working with here...
Director: This is a practice studio... There’s a recording studio too. The other floors have nothing on them..... they’re all rather spacious, though, so they can all be put to good use somehow. “Op8♪” still doesn’t have anything yet... What does the name of this place even mean? “Op” as in “opus”? And 8 as in... title number 8? Hm...
I check the roster of artists transferring to Op8♪ once more. As a major label, Reve Music has different subsidiaries for classical, jazz and the like... There are plenty of names on the roster along with labels that seem like they can transfer to. So why transfer to Op8...?  Making a brand new label so suddenly... just what kind of label is this “Op8♪” supposed to be...?
Hibiki: Pardon the intrusion! Under Op8♪ as of today, Nanahoshi Hibiki! Let’s get along! Wait... huh?
Director: You... earlier we...!
Hibiki: Ehehe! Truth is, just after that, I got a call from the president saying that I passed! 
Director: Congrats! I’m happy for you.
Hibiki: Could it be... you’re Op8♪’s director...?
Director: That would be correct. I look forward to working with you.
Hibiki: Woah... you’re the director... Director! Please treat me kindly! Y’know, I... if I’m with Director, I feel like I can shine!!
Itsuki: Hibiki, you two know each other?
Hibiki: Kinda! Director, this is Ikki... he plays piano in my group SHINE.
Itsuki: You’re the director...? My name is Reizei Itsuki. I’m confident we’ll rise to great heights. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And...
Yuta: Good work today, boss! On French horn, I’m Sunami Yuta! 
Eisuke: I’m Makita Eisuke on bassoon. Nice to meet you!
Hibiki: Yshm, you too!
Yshm: Hm... the colour of your soul is quite fascinating.
Director: Huh? 
Yshm: It looks like we’ll be able to produce good music if we’re together. I am Yshm, the oboe player. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Director: ...You too.
I’d thought that was all of them, but I noticed there was still one more hiding behind a pillar.
Yuta: All that’s left is Riku-chan! Introduce yourself quickly.
Riku: A-ah... I... s-sorry. I-I’m... u-uh... 
Itsuki: Calm down, Amou.
Riku: I-I’m sorry...! My name is... Amou Riku... I play the flute...
The stuffed toy in Riku-kun’s grasp let out a squeak.
Yuta: Riku-chan, you’re too nervous! You’re crushing Mochida-san!
Riku: Ngh...
Hibiki: The six of us together make up the group SHINE★彡! More or less, I’m the one who started up the group, so...
Itsuki: Hibiki’s the leader of this unit.
Hibiki: Ehehe... that’s right! I might not look reliable, but nobody can beat me in terms of energy and willpower! ...Director, let’s work hard together!
Director: Same goes to all of you. Let’s work hard.
Their eyes were shining as they looked back at me. Only Riku-kun had his head cast downwards in anxiety. 
Director: For the time being, can I hear how you guys sound? 
Hibiki: Of course! Everyone, let’s show Director what we’ve got!
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Story 1 - A new star has been born
Chapter 3/30 Our Ensemble
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Me: ‘Let’s start by listening to everyone one at a time. I want to have an idea of the type of sound that each of you can produce.’
Hibiki: ‘Okay!!! I’ll go first!’
With a smile on his face, Hibiki started to play on his clarinet…
(He’s really enjoying himself when he’s playing…it’s as though he’s singing…I finally understand why people say that the clarinet is an instrument that can sound like a person)
Hibiki: ‘How was it?’
Me: ‘Thank you very much. That was wonderful.’
Hibiki: ‘Thanks! I can feel myself getting embarrassed after being praised like that. So! Who’s next?’
Itsuki: ‘I’ll go next. We don’t have the time to slowly decide on the order. I want to finish this quickly so I can practice on my solo piano piece.’
Me: ‘The piano, hmm? Looking forward to listening to your music!’
Itsuki: ‘Thank you.’
(The tone of his music is so straightforward and serious…although it’s not as playful and energetic as Hibiki’s music, it gives people a sense of security.)
Yasham: ‘I’m next.’
Eisuke: ‘Looks like he cut my queue.’
Yuuta: ‘Heh~ I’ll go last then.’
Riku: ‘Umm….Then…I’ll go after Yasham…‘
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I listened to the other members perform. Although it’s based solely on my opinion, their skill at their respective instruments is definitely above average.
(If it’s like this, I feel like things can work out. I wonder what kind of wonderful music we can produce if we combine these various tones?)
I was anticipating something really good, but….
(………!? It’s not harmonious at all!?)
Hibiki: ‘Aha…..ahahahahahaha…..’
Yuuta: ‘Not again…..Why isn’t our music blending together? Why is it always like this?’
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Eisuke: ‘I wonder….Maybe someone’s pitch is off?’
Riku: ‘Did…..did I mess up?’
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Itsuki: ‘No. Your pitch is perfect……to be more precise, everyone’s playing correctly.’
Yasham: ‘That’s right. Everyone’s at their best condition. However….our souls are not connected.’
Yuuta: ‘S…souls?’
Hibiki: ‘Maybe it’s because we’re nervous that we’re playing in front of the director? Let’s calm down and try another time!’
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The 6 of them tried to perform another time, but…
SHINE: ‘……’
No matter how many times they tried, the music that they produced was just not harmonious.
(Maybe it’s the difference in their personalities? Although it’s not so bad to the point that you can’t bear to listen to it, the music just wasn’t harmonious….)
Eisuke: ‘We finally got the chance to let the director listen to our music, so I wanted to show how good we are, but…’
Yasham: ‘Let’s take a step back first. Let our hearts combine as one. It’s alright, we can do this.’
Riku: ‘I…I’m sorry…’
Itsuki: ‘No one’s holding you accountable for this. Just play with confidence.’
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Hibiki: ‘Y…..yes…At any rate, I’m glad we got to let the director listen to our music! All of us were good at our solos, right?’
Me: ‘Yes…’
(Everyone was really good when they performed individually. However….)
Me: ‘However, together, you guys are SHINE.’
SHINE: ‘….!
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Me: ‘Precisely because everyone’s so talented individually, shouldn’t you guys shine brighter when you perform together as a group?’
Itsuki: ‘……True. At this rate, there is no point in being an ensemble.’
Eisuke: ‘ Don’t be so negative. We can overcome this together!’
Riku: ‘The….meaning of being in an ensemble….’
Yuuta: ‘Riku-chan, don’t be so afraid. It’s not like as though we’re debuting tomorrow. It’s okay to be carefree right now, no?’
Itsuki: ‘Good grief. I don’t have the time to be acting so leisurely.’
Hibiki: ‘ Now, now, even Ikki’s getting anxious! Alright! From now on, let’s make SHINE better!’
Yuuta: ‘Eh?.........LET’S DO IT!!!’
Riku: ‘ Let’s do it….’
Itsuki: ‘…..’
Eisuke: ‘We can do this!!!’
Yasham: ‘Everyone’s doing well!’
(Looks like everyone’s fired up. Let’s make SHINE better from now on!)
Just as I thought that, another problem surfaced….
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op8-translations · 6 years
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Aside from this being an intro to the game’s main storyline, this post will also serve as a sample for future formatting. Please pardon any editing in advance.
Movement 1, Episode 1: The Beginnings of Op8♪
Endless cheering and a dreamlike stage shrouded in light. Artists shine beautifully in its centre.
The sound emitted from their instruments echoes within the captivated hearts of those in the audience. 
Ah—I also wish to put forth music like this into the world...!
I was at the office for the industry’s largest music label, “Reve Music.” I’d been working as an apprentice for management.
(Is that...?)
Kanato: The upcoming job we’ve got seems rather interesting, doesn’t it?
Soma: Looks like it. It’d be good if we let the other two in on it. (?)
Kanato: Ritsu isn’t going to get just how interesting this is just yet, will he?
Soma: Maybe, yeah.
The two I’d stumbled upon at the entrance were none other than the genius twin violinists, Yuzuki Kanato and Yuzuki Soma. They’d been leading in sales under Reve’s classical label at the time.
(It’d be amazing if I got to work with artists like that...)
That’s what I’d thought, and then...
Hibiki: Uwah!
Director: Wah...
Hibiki: Are you okay?!
Director: I-I’m fine.
(Who is this...?)
As a new hire for management, I knew the names and faces of countless artists, but this was my first time seeing this particular young man.
Hibiki: Sorry, I was spacing out..... Actually, I just got out of an audition. Guess I was caught up about the results... hehehe.
Director: Good work. It’d be great if it turned out well, right? 
Hibiki: Ehehe... yeah. I couldn’t play all that well, though. But it’s fine! I just have to keep auditioning until I pass!!
(How optimistic... what a good kid.)
Hibiki: Also, it seemed like the chairman had lots of fun listening to me play! Really! So even if just now didn’t go so great, I can still keep shining on! ...Yeah, I’ll shine for sure!
I’d felt as though his smile seemed like it was shining. That it could give energy to whoever saw it.
Director: I’m sure that if it’s you... you’ll shine brighter than ever.
Hibiki: ...Fufu, thank you! Well, I keep we’ll see each other again!
Giving him a light wave, my eyes followed the boy as he left.
(Uh-oh. If I don’t make it to my office soon...)
Haruka: Err...
Director: Yes...?
Haruka: ......
Director: .....Hello? Did you need something?
Haruka: ......
He’s in a band under the jazz label... ah, Shiba Haruka from SunsetRouge.
Haruka: Oh, sorry. You were talking to me, weren’t you? Kitten was just so cute that I ended up forgetting what I wanted to ask. Is it okay to ask for a small favour?
Director: What is it? If it’s something I can do, sure.
Haruka: Thank you. ...Do you know where the bulletin might be? Apparently what’s posted right now is really important, but I can’t seem to find it.
Director: If you’re talking about the bulletin board, it’s over here.
Haruka: Is that it? There’s already people crowded around it... Thanks, Kitten ♪
Director: No problem.....
Haruka: Hm...? Wait a sec, your name...
Director: ...?
For a moment, he compared my name tag and the bulletin with wide eyes.
...Meanwhile, a beautiful man had passed by. MuraSoma’s own Mikami Ren.
Ren: O... P... ei.......... hm. Doesn’t matter where I’m working, so long as I can keep re-innovating our sound.
Leon: Re-innovating sound, huh...? Ain’t that interesting!
(Even Mugen Leon from Apeiron...)
Haruka: Come through a little.
He beckoned me over to the front of what was posted...
Leon: ...! They’re here! The one who’s around my age!
As soon as he’d muttered that, he’d gone off and taken his leave elsewhere. Thanks to him, there was room for me to take a look.
Haruka: Think you can finally see it now, Kitten?
Director: I can now, yes. Eh... “In a revision made to Reve Music’s top-down system, all labels will now be participating under the same subsidiary to cultivate improvement via means of mutual encouragement.” 
Director: All of the labels under the same subsidiary...?! I... now how is management going to work...
Haruka: It looks like all of the former label heads will be directors, but...
Just as he’d said, notices had been posted to the each former head of department. Not only the artists, but all of the company’s employees had been listed. And as I hurriedly looking for my own name.....
“Head of the new subsidiary, Op8♪”...
The name written there was...
Director: I... I’m the director?!
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Story 1 - A new star has been born
Chapter 2/30 Six New Stars
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-----A few hours later-----
Me: ‘So this is Op8’s office…’
Along with my appointment as director of Op8♪, 19 musicians were transferred here, and we had an entire building allocated to us.
Me: ‘Although this place is a lot smaller compared to Reve Music, it’s too big for me.’
Haruka: ‘Something really big happened, eh. At any rate, looks like I’m going to be part of Op8♪ too. Nice to meet you, little kitten.’
Besides Haruka, there are still 18 more amazing musicians like him.
Me: ‘Although this is a heavy responsibility, I’ll do my best! First of all, I should check the facilities in this building…’
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Me: ‘So this is the studio that is used for practicing…’
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Me: ‘There’s also a recording studio…’
Me: ‘There’s nothing else on the other floors…’
(However, each floor is pretty spacious, and it can definitely be put to good use)
Me: ‘Op8♪ is really starting from scratch, huh….and also, what’s with the name of the company? Does Op stand for Opus? And perhaps the 8 just stands for number 8? Umm….’
I went to look through the list of musicians that were transferred to Op8♪ once more.
Reve Music is a very big company with various labels under it such as Jazz and Classic, and the musicians that were listed under Op8♪ could definitely have been part of those labels. So why were they transferred to Op8♪? With such a variety of musicians, what kind of label should the newly established Op8♪ be?
Hibiki: ‘Sorry for the intrusion! I am Nanahoshi Hibiki, a part of Op8 starting from today! Nice to meet you!.....eh?’
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Me: ‘You are…..!’
Hibiki: ‘Ehehe! After I met you just now, I received a call from the company president that I had passed the audition!’
Me: ‘Congratulations!’
Hibiki: ‘Don’t tell me….you are Op8’s new director?’
Me: ‘That’s correct. I look forward to working with you.’
Hibiki: ‘So….you’re the director…..DIRECTOR!!!! I look forward to working with you! If it’s with you, I’m sure it will go well!
Itsuki: ‘Hibiki, you know the director?’
Hibiki: ‘Somewhat! Director, this is Ikki, the pianist from our group, SHINE.’
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Istuki: ‘You’re the director….? I am Reizei Itsuki. We will definitely be the best. Nice to meet you. Next is…’
Yuuta: ‘Good work today, Director! I am Sunami Yuuta, and I play the French horn!’
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Eisuke: ‘Makita Eisuke, and I play the bassoon. Nice to meet you!’
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Hibiki: ‘Yasham! Come introduce yourself too!’
Yasham: ‘Heh? The color of your soul is so beautiful...’
Me: ‘Eh?’
Yasham: ‘ It seems like we’ll be able to produce great music if it’s with you. I am Yasham, and I play the oboe in the group. Nice to meet you.’
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Me: ‘Ah…..me too.’
(I guess this is everyone in the group….) Just as I thought that, I happened to spot another figure hiding in the shadows of a pillar.
Yuuta: ‘Only Riku-chan’s left! Let’s finish this quickly!’
Riku: ‘Er, erm….ah..I..I’m sorry…’
Riku: ‘I….I’m…..ah……’
Itsuki: ‘Calm down, Amou.’
Riku: ‘Ah…….ah…..I’M SORRY!!!! I am Amou Riku…..and I play the flute…’
???: ‘SQUEAK!’
The stuffed toy that Riku was holding made a squeaking sound.
Yuuta: ‘Riku-chan! Calm down! You’re crushing Mochida san!’
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Riku: ‘Ngh…..’
Hibiki: ‘The 6 of us make up the group SHINE! I’m the one who created the group so…’
Itsuki: ‘He’s the leader of SHINE.’
Hibiki: ‘Ehehe……Yep! That’s right! Although we may look unreliable, we won’t lose to others when it comes to our energy and spirit! Director! Looking forward to working with you!’
Me: ‘I look forward to working with you too!’
I looked up to meet with their eyes filled with hope.
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However, only Riku-kun was looking down with uncertainty in his eyes.
Me: ‘At any rate, shall we listen to the music that SHINE can produce?’
Hibiki: ‘Definitely! Everyone! Let’s let the director listen to our music!’
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Story 1 - A new star has been born
Chapter 1/30  The beginning of Op8!
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Endless cheering. A dreamlike stage bathed in light. Shining beautifully in the center of it all were the musicians. The melodious music from their instruments captured the audience’s hearts and resonated deeply within them.
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(Ah….I also want to create such wonderful music like them and present it to the world! To let everyone’s dreams ride on the music…)
[Reve Music] – The world’s biggest music label in the industry. It was also the place where I was working as an apprentice to the business management.
Kanato: The next gig looks really interesting, doesn’t it?
Soma: Indeed. It would’ve been better if we had told the other two about it too…
Kanato: Well, Ritsu still won’t be able to appreciate this level of humour, no?
Soma: You may be right.
The people who walked towards the entrance were….Yuduki Kanato and Yuduki Soma, the twin violinist prodigies well known in classical music. They are the best sellers of classical music within [Reve Music].
(To think that I’m able to work with such amazing musicians!!!)
While I was lost in thought…
Hibiki: ‘Ahhh!!!’
Me: ‘Ah!!’
Hibiki: ‘Are you alright?’
Me: ‘I,I’m fine…’
(Who’s this guy?)
Even though I am still pretty new in the company, I had already memorized the names and faces of hundreds of musicians. However, this is my first time seeing this guy.
Hibiki: ‘Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going…to tell you the truth, I just had an audition and I was thinking about the results…..’
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Me: ‘Good job! I wish you all the best!’
Hibiki: ‘Thanks! …..though, I know I didn’t perform really well back there. But it’s alright! I’ll just continue going for auditions until I’m accepted!’
(What an optimistic person…he’s a good kid)
Hibiki: ‘At any rate, the Chairman was really enjoying himself while listening to me play! Really! Even though I’m not really good right now, I know I can be better! I’ll definitely become better!’
His face, filled with hope, had this amazing ability to fill people with energy when they look at him.
Me: ‘If it’s you….you will definitely be able to succeed.’
Hibiki: ‘Thanks! See you again!’
I waved goodbye to him and continued to look at him as he walked further away.
(This won’t do! I have to quickly go to the office…)
Haruka: ‘Excuse me…’
Me: ‘Yes?’
Haruka: ‘…’
Me:’……Yes? May I help you?’
Haruka: ‘…’
This person is Shiba Haruka, a member of the Jazz band [Sunset Rouge].
Haruka: ‘Ahh. Sorry. I was the one who initiated the conversation, no? I just forgot what I wanted to ask after seeing such a cute kitten in front of me. Is it okay if I ask you for a small favour?’
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Me: ‘What is it? I’ll help as long as it’s within my abilities.’
Haruka: ‘Thanks. Do you know where the noticeboard is? There seems to be an important announcement right now, but I can’t seem to find it.’
Me: ‘Oh, it’s over there…’
Haruka: ‘So that’s where the notice board is. There’s already a huge crowd over there, huh. Thank you, little kitten.’
Me: ‘You’re welcome.’
Haruka: ‘Wait a minute. You are...’
Me: ‘…….?’
Haruka started looking back and forth between my nametag and the announcement on the notice board. At that moment, a beautiful man with long flowing hair passed in between us.
(That’s MuraSoma’s Mikami Ren…)
Ren: ‘O…p…….8…...heh. It doesn’t matter which company I’m working for. I will continue to innovate music wherever I go.’
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Leon: ‘Innovate music…..? Doesn’t that sound interesting!’
Me: (Even Apeiron’s Mugen Leon is here….)
Leon: ‘I’m coming through.’
Leon made his way to the noticeboard.
Leon:’…….! It’s finally come! The time for me to shine has finally come!’
After muttering those words, Leon immediately walked away from the noticeboard. Thanks to him, there was finally an open path to the noticeboard.
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Haruka: ‘Even little kitten should be able to see what’s on the noticeboard now, no?’
Me: ‘Seems like it. Hmm…..
[In order to improve and to strive towards the future, Reve Music will be revising its top-down management system. In this revision, all the labels under Reve Music will be transferred to a single subsidiary to induce mutual encouragement between the various labels.]
Everything will be transferred to a subsidiary!? T….that’s……what’s going to happen to the management from now on….’
Haruka: ‘Seems like all the label heads will become directors…’
It is as what Haruka said. The department heads of all the various labels have been appointed to different areas. However, it was not only limited to the musicians. The names of other staff members were also listed on the announcement.
I hurriedly started searching for my name among the list and saw….
Me: ‘ The director of the new subsidiary, Op8…..’
The name that was written there was…
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Op8 Translations
Hi there! I’ve always wanted to try translating and since the other Op8 Eng Translation accounts are no longer active, I decided to make a new blog for this! Will be posting updates as and when I’m free to translate them~
No plans to translate event stories for now since I don’t have the full collection, but I might translate whatever I managed to unlock~
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