#Opening and ending pride month with Calistarang
uroborosymphony ยท 11 months
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Their time, being endless, does feel suspended whenever Calista basks in Sarang's presence ; in Sarang's voice. Time is counted. Time is singular. Time is running out. Is it how it feels, to feel alive? To be alive? This silent fear is grabbing her by the throat, this rush, this need for a moment with her to never end, praying for it to remain inifite, one she wishes to exist in as long as she can. The lamia's pull towards the huntress was undeniable, the constant seek of her eyes to connect with, the silent dreams of her touch. Was it real? A reality anchoring Calista in ways she never thought she would be, her desire to die fading slowly. There was something running under her skin, electrifying, a state the Lamia hasn't felt in centuries, from before she turns into an apocalypse bringer from the seven hells. A smile lingers on Calista's lips as the other's words find their way to her soul. Her features that are usually so cold and stern and harsh, now wear a shy, demure, genuine smile - Calista's rare bliss and desire - as she wanted more and more even though she did not know how to fully express herself when it came to something as gentle and pure, as these pieces of intimacy shared with Sarang. Her wrists now in the other's fingers, the Lamia's skin in leaning into Sarang's touch, craving for it. Came a slow laughter from Calista's lips as her huntress does mention the place she hit her in. "Mmm have I?" Calista replies in a whisper - perhaps amused, fascinated by how grand violence from each other turned into such care now. And she listens, to every single word landing, her golden eyes following her hand guided through Sarang's skin. It felt almost innocent, the shivers under Calista's fingers tips, caressing the huntress' temple before leading to her throat, to her heart. Every single piece of her is a gift, wrapped with words that have never been adressed to the Lamia before. And at this words, of devotion, Calista's smile keeps on growing as her lips are pressed together. The creature's heartbeat was usually monotonously slow, dormant, like a serpent, even in moments of manic madness, there was a terrifying and cold calmness to her. It only was Sarang's words and touch that could make her entire heart and veins and soul race in this frantic way, only.
"All the places I have hit you made me feel you in ways no other soul has. I was possessive, in my violence, I did not want any other sword to cut your skin as deep if not mine. I did not want any other soldier I encountered to make me shiver the way you have." First answers Calista, her fangs digging into her bottom lip. "To penetrate your layers with my rage only lead to me, on this day, to adore every inch of your skin, my Renagade and Runaway." Calista's voice echoes timidly, her fingers then tightening over Sarang's chest, her desire for her building,on each spoken word that felt like a confession. Words she never imagined herself speaking as she closes the distance between their, even more than it already was, her body slightly pressed against hers.
"I think... I have for the first time, devoted myself too. I offered a piece of my dead soul to Life, as I saw Life through you. To the point of wanting to celebrate my day of birth with you... It must be." Her eyes are intense never leave Sarang's. "I will admit, I don't quite understand what it is that's taking over me, Huntress. " Calista adds, her fingers then moving down Sarang's side, cascading down her waist and hips to reach for her hand to hold. "I simply know that you offering me yourself, body and soul, only makes me want to explore you in ways the Gods wouldn't approve of." The lamia then states, her fingers lacing with Sarang's, the other now exploring Sarang's jaw to cheekbone, seizing the base of her neck, watching her still. "Let's take the road now? I wish to open on this earth the deepest hells, but before that, I don't want anything to disturb my heavens in the forest with you."
CONTINUTION FROM HERE. ft. @mythvoiced
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