#Or Michael Wood's In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great.
j0them0971 · 8 months
So one of my favorite silly lil guys
Is history professor Michael Wood (I have no idea if he's knighted or not but ok whatever)
Look at him
He's so scrungly
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Of course these were taken a while ago, and he's older now, but HIM
He's awesome and he did some really cool series on Medieval times, specifically his "In Search Of" series, where he follows legends, myths, and historic characters, as well as "In The Footsteps of Alexander the Great," which is awesome and I highly recommend it. All of these can be found on YouTube, although it may take a long a long time to hunt them down. He also did a series on China in 2020, which i haven't seen yet but have heard its really good! I learned a lot about European and British history, as well as hearing him read Old English, which is super cool, and getting my FOM (Fuckable Old Man) fix.
Also um
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Need I say more
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koorinohebi · 3 years
There are times when I like to reimagine characters who existed in history because why not. Basing them from actual existing portraits or references to the best of my ability, so yes.
Happy birthday, Alexander the Great!
It's often said that his birthday happens around the days of July 19-21 but I most often celebrate it on the 20th and the 21st. Yes, I celebrate his birthday because that's what humble retainers do for their king.
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Alexander the Great has such a nice smile.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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Another book (loosely) related to my upcoming exam! I’m really excited for this one because Alexander the Great is one of my favourite historic figures
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May I recommend the UKs Michael Wood on Youtube if you want some history from a very learned gentleman who is also easy in the eye LOL. In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great is good but I am still very stuck on his Dark Ages documentaries. I saw him in real life once at a service station between Oxford (he is a Prof) and Bicester (all roads lead to Bicester!) and I got all flustered to be in the presence of loveliness LOLOLOLOL
Thank you so much! I found the first episode.
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letterboxd · 6 years
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Our world was calm, well ordered, exemplary. Then we met the stars and director of the new sequel Mary Poppins Returns to discuss the legacy of the original, how to follow in Julie Andrews’ footsteps and rapping in a Disney movie.
Even in an era when seemingly every single film exploits something we cherish from childhood, it still feels brazenly sacrilegious to even attempt to sequel-ize Mary Poppins (1964), the iconic and timeless Disney movie.
One of the most universally beloved children’s films of all time, Mary Poppins is deeply imprinted on multiple generations of movie-goers, many of whom spent much of their childhood wishing (or indeed, believing) that Mary Poppins was their nanny.
To tread on such hallowed movie ground is risky indeed, but everyone involved in Mary Poppins Returns seems to realize that, and a great deal of care and attention has been applied to the new film to ensure it honors the original while captivating contemporary audiences.
The film gained a huge amount of instant goodwill from the casting of its title character. Few would argue that there’s anybody better suited to follow in Julie Andrews’ footsteps than Emily Blunt, who is an utter delight in the role. She doesn’t simply “do” Andrews, instead bringing her own flavor to the character, who returns to London to assist in the grown-up lives of her charges from the first film: Michael and Jane Banks, now played by Ben “voice of Paddington” Whishaw and Emily Mortimer, both also fantastic.
The film was directed by Rob Marshall, who in addition to helming 2003 Best Picture Oscar winner Chicago, also previously worked with Blunt on the 2014 adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s Into The Woods.
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Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins.
Joining Blunt in Mary Poppins Returns is musical man of the moment Lin-Manuel Miranda, making his first major big-screen appearance since the phenomenal success of his Broadway smash Hamilton. Miranda is a great student and practitioner of musicals. He wrote many of the beloved songs from the Moana soundtrack, and you can check out his five favorite movie musicals here.
In Mary Poppins Returns, Miranda plays a cockney lamplighter named Jack, revealed to be an apprentice of Bert, Dick Van Dyke’s character from the first film. Well, one of them. In one of many winsome musical numbers, Miranda performs in the the rap-meets-Broadway style he popularized with Hamilton. Rapping. In a Disney movie. Try not to faint.
All the songs are pretty fantastic. They were written by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman, whose most famous collaboration was the hit Broadway musical Hairspray. Richard B. Sherman, the surviving half of iconic songwriting team the Sherman Brothers (who wrote the songs for Mary Poppins, among other iconic films), is a musical consultant on the film.
The result? Mary Poppins Returns won’t be destined for The Place Where Lost Things Go.
A man has dreams, and Letterboxd’s Dominic Corry had one of his come true when he got in a room in Beverly Hills with Blunt, Miranda and Marshall (and some other press) to discuss the film.
On the pressure of following up such a beloved movie: Rob Marshall: I thought to myself when this came my way, “if anybody is gonna do it, I would like to do it”. It was incredibly daunting at first of course, but I wanted to be able to, in an odd way, protect the first film and treat this film with great care and love. Musicals are very difficult to do, an original musical, there are so many layers to it, but with this one, creating an original musical from scratch was actually for me a dream, and I’ve never done it before and to be able to create it with this beautiful company was exactly what I was hoping for. The guiding message of this film about finding light in the darkness is honestly what drew me to it and kept guiding me throughout the whole process including until this very moment, when people are actually now seeing the film. And I’m just speaking for myself, but I feel people need this film now. I knew that I wanted to live in that world and be part of sending that message out into the world now of looking for hope and light in a dark time.
On how Emily Blunt came to the role: Emily Blunt: I got a voicemail from Rob, who is my dear friend and we have known each other a long time, and the voice mail certainly had a sort of charged energy to it. I was like, “Oh my God, what is it? What is this project?” And when he called me, he said, “We’ve been digging through the Disney archives and by far their most prized possession.” And I was like “What, what is that?” And when he said Mary Poppins, I thought the air changed in the room.
It was so extraordinary, such an extraordinary, rather unparalleled moment for me because I was filled with an instantaneous “yes”, but also with some trepidation, all happening simultaneously in that moment because she is so iconic. She had such a big imprint on my life and on everyone’s lives, you know? People hold this character so close to their hearts. And so how do I create my version of her? What will my version of her be? No one wants to see me do a sort of cheap impersonation of Julie Andrews because no one is Julie Andrews. And so she should be preserved and treasured in her own way for what she did. I knew this was going to be something that I wanted to take a big swing with and I knew I could do it with this man who is the most emboldening, meticulous, brilliant director in the world and I was in safe hands with him. However much I knew I had my work cut out for me.
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Rob Marshall and Emily Blunt on set.
On how Blunt sought to differentiate her Mary Poppins from Julie Andrews’ take on the character in the 1964 film: EB: What I decided to do, even though I’d seen it as a child, was not watch the original so close to shooting our version, I think probably because she is so beautiful and so extraordinary, I would have maybe tried to accommodate in some way, and let that sort of bleed into what I wanted to do. So I just decided to go on my gut instinct from the book because she is rather different in all of the books [by P.L. Travers].
If I’m going to carve out new space for myself, it was gonna have to be without watching the details of what Julie did so close to shooting. I have this searing memory of Mary Poppins, but not of all of the tiny details of how she played the character. And so as soon as we wrapped I watched the original. I was just floored by it, and probably relieved that I hadn’t watched it because I was all, “My god, she’s amazing!”.
On how Lin-Manuel Miranda came to be involved in the project: Lin-Manuel Miranda: I remember going to the midnight premiere screening of Chicago at the Ziegfeld Theater [in New York], and seeing the greatest modern movie musical I’d ever seen in my life. So when I got a call from Rob Marshall, and [choreographer] John DeLuca saying, “We’d like to talk to you about something,” that became an immediate priority.
They came to buy me a drink between shows. I was still in Hamilton at the time and I had a two-show day. So I finished the matinee, rolled across the street to the Paramount Hotel and I met them for a drink and they said, “Sequel to Mary Poppins,” and I said, “Who’s playing Mary Poppins?” And they said, “Emily Blunt,” and I said “Oh, that’s good”.
I can’t give them enough credit for seeing this role in me because there is no childlike wonder in Alexander Hamilton. He has a very traumatic early life. He goes on that stage and he wants to devour the world and he wants to move so fast and he wants to do everything, whereas Jack in this movie, as they pitched him to me, has this childlike sense of wonder. He’s in touch with that imagination you all see in your kids when they can sort of play in their own imagination for hours. Jack never lost that and that was I feel so humbled that [Rob] saw that in me. From that moment, from that drink, I was in. It came along at the perfect time for my family too, you know. We had finished a year of performing Hamilton and then I chopped my hair off and left the country and jumped into Mary Poppins’ universe. It was like, beautiful. On rapping in a Disney movie: LM: I would urge you to re-watch the first film. Because everyone who is like, “Wow, there’s rapping in Mary Poppins Returns,” forgets that Bert has a 30-second rap about all the women he dated before Mary Poppins. You’ve forgotten it, but Jolly Holiday is one big flirt between Mary and Bert.
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Lin-Manuel Miranda (top center) as Jack.
On balancing reverence with innovation: RM: I really felt that everyone who was a part of this needed to have the first film in their blood in some way because that’s what we were following. I use myself as a barometer because I thought well, what would I want to see? If I came to a sequel to Mary Poppins I would want to see an animation sequence with live action and I would want it to be hand drawn in a 2D world. I would want Cherry Tree Lane to have a curve to it because that’s the Cherry Tree Lane we all know. It was as simple as that, although we were finding our new way. There were sort of goal posts or sign posts throughout that we needed to hold on to because it’s in the DNA of the material.
I knew there needed to be a big huge production number with athletic dancers with Mary and Jack, Jack leading the entire piece. That needed to be in there in some way. I would feel that if it wasn’t there we’ve gone off track. It was this insane balancing act of honoring the first film, but at the same time forging our own way. Marc and Scott were incredibly careful about making sure that we didn’t abuse using [musical] themes from the first film. It’s so easy to use. We used it in very strategic places throughout the film. Most of it actually very much at the end where we feel we’d earned it by then. And that’s what Marc was very careful about doing. I did feel that we were coming from the right place and that was the key.
‘Mary Poppins Returns’ is in cinemas from December 19.
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drubblernews-blog · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://drubbler.com/2017/02/25/the-real-disgrace-to-coalition-kars-taken/
"The real disgrace to Coalition: Kars taken
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Oleg Airapetov, February 25, 2017, 13:42- REGNUM
the delicate equilibrium in the Caucasus and Asia minor, settled in the summer and fall of 1856, the year could not continue for long. Each of the warring sides realized that another victory, another success can be decisive for the fate of the campaign. Kars or Tiflis — the fate of these towns became a symbol of the campaign, the completion of which could have an impact if not on the outcome of the war, then certainly on its results.
the Turks tried to disengage the Kars from Trebizond, where in early October was planted 12-thousand Turkish Corps, but his movement to a locked fortress was stopped by Russian troops. Omer Pasha, after receiving news about the failed storming of Kars and reinforcements, transported by sea, the Allies began the offensive on Kutais. Turkish Commander was in a hurry to distance 70 miles in a straight way his subordinates have done for 20 days. The enemy was advancing with 20 thousand. Pax. with 37 guns, leaving about 10 thousand. Pax. to ensure the operation and garrisons. The number of Gurijskogo squad was just 4650 pers. Russian infantry with 28 guns, along with local militia Squad consisted of 9 thousand. Pax. These forces were not concentrated in one direction. In these circumstances, the head of detachment of Gen.-m. kn. I.k. Bagration of mukhrani wanted to avoid a showdown, not giving the initiative to the enemy. On the orders of General systematic decay of roads and bridges, forests were positioned village strengthened, etc.
the Turks once again called to action Shamil. The Sultan sent him a banner and a special medal, and promised after the capture of Tiflis, pass the Imam in possession of Transcaucasia. 19 (31) October Omer-Pasha arrived in Sukhumi, where he tried to win over the Abkhaz and their elders, except for Prince Michael, with whom Omer publicly spilled over only a few words, and in Russian. On the orders of the Commander of the Turks paid for all the food money, Abkhaz showed 12 Russian soldiers taken prisoner near Sevastopol. From the words of Omer moved to deeds. He began the offensive on the capital of the Province. 25 October (6 November) 1855 on the Inguri River the Turkish army met the Russian 6 mouth, 2 hundreds of Cossacks with 4 guns and several hundred’s militias. 2 thousand defenders held off the offensive almost 20 thousand Turks armed with the same and better small arms. Bout wore extremely hard character, 3 guns had to leave because the horses were slaughtered. The Commander of Russian forces in Bagration of mukhrani last time personally led the Cossacks in the counterattack, which forced the Turks to cease offensive — they thought the Russians came.
“Call by name brave — reported Bagration of mukhrani — would submit lists of all officers involved in the battle. General wasn’t sure in militias, much of which actually fled after the battle and found it best to retreat. 7 (19) November Turks capital Mingrelii Zugdidi, but here they did not meet the expected welcome reception. Dowager Duchess Ekaterina dadiani, who ruled the Principality in the two Sicilies during the son, was a strong-willed woman. The attack on the Tiflis proved far from easy blow on the ogolennomu flank of the Caucasian army. Its role was played by the heavy losses under the enguri, 25 November (7 December), exactly one month after this fight, the Turkish offensive has stopped. Romanian success at Inguri and the taking of the residence’s Princes Dadiani, are all initially produced a very strong impression in the Principality. Masses of people fled away from the advancing army. Omer Pasha tried to establish order in Zugdidi, the Church was put under protection, looting is prohibited. However, several hundred volunteers-bashibuzukov of Abkhazia began to cut the remaining peasants and steal children whom they smuggled for sale in sukhum. In Imereti initially also started to panic. Fell sharply the value of paper money and real estate, increased food prices.
to strengthen the squad, Guria Ants sent to the aid of all available forces and Muhranskomu announced collection of militia. Fluctuations have been overcome, Mingrelia residents when they saw the militia headed by its Princess and her children. In the wooded mountains of Mingrelian militia had a stubborn resistance to the Turks. Duchess ignored proposals allies to join them and take the lead in “independent” Mingrelia (it should be noted that while she was not enthusiastic about the action of the Bagration-Muhranskogo, razorjavshego way of the Turks). Gurijcy and imeretincy were configured firmly and resolutely, they remained loyal to Russia. Meanwhile, in 1841 uprising occurred here. The cause of his inept actions of local administrations to introduce here the potatoes totally unnecessary in this climate, and you attempt to replace natural duties monetary charges — measure absolutely pointless when almost full absence of trade. However, it was quickly suppressed, and luckily had no effect. Population of Georgia have taken up arms and helped the Russians. With regard to the Circassians, they sent to the aid of Omer Pasha 11 riders. The Turks were forced to stay.
Bad roads, rain, dirt, and typhoid fever epidemic — all of this, according to the memoirs of adjutant of the Turkish Commander, ruled out the possibility of rapid movement. For the same reasons, risks of rapid movements of the enemy in the rear of the Ants did not believe. Himself the path chosen by Omer, i.e. movement through sukhum, Divisionadopted from Kars impassable mountain range for the army, rather than via Trebizond, persuaded the Russian General that the Turks are trying to distract him from the siege of simple demonstration. Local conditions precluded the possibility of creating a real threat to Tiflisu, the Russian army’s withdrawal from the city did the inevitable meeting with an army of Omer Pasha, as she could easily retreat to the ports and even evacuate before the arrival of the main Russian forces. As a result, the ants chose to continue the siege.
with regard to Omer Pasha, he stopped at 25 miles from Kutaisa, which initially had no cover. Bagration of mukhrani was able to correctly time. Soon here came a small reinforcement led by Gen. Bebutovym. A small town with a population of 3.5 thousand. Pax. filled with armed men. Kutaisa have gathered around 28 thousand. Pax. When 30 guns is quite sufficient to stop the Turkish squad. However, Omer-Pasha in no hurry. By shutlivomu comment one of the European officers of his staff, at an average speed of motion along straight roads on which the Turks had met resistance (referring to the way from Sukhumi to the Inguri), they would need more than 3 months to go Ochamchir versts from 215 to Kars. However, if the density of the cover to the rear, 20 versts from Turkish Commander-in-Chief no longer be subordinated to a single soldier. Real threat nor the Kutaisu, nor the Tiflisu was not. Meanwhile in garrison and among the inhabitants of the city have already begun to swell. Lazy, the soldiers from Syria and Anatolia groups tried to escape from the fortress and go home. 15 (27) November 1855, the fortress surrendered.
it was a huge victory by value, fundamentally betrayed strategic position in Transcaucasia. “Your Imperial Majesty! — reported 16 (28) November, Alexander II’s steward. By the grace of God and a blessing is yours, it is finished our business. Kars at the feet of your Majesty. Today surrendered to military prisoners, exhausted by hunger and the needs of the garrison of this stronghold in Asia minor. In captivity we have disappeared, the Commander-in-Chief himself tridcatitysjachnoj Anatolian armies, mushir Vasif Pasha; In addition to its eight Pasha, many headquarters and Chief officers and together with them, English Maj. Williams with all his staff. Taken about 130 guns and all weapons. Have fortunes plunge to the footsteps of your Imperial Majesty twelve Turkish regimental banners, the fortress of Kars and keys to the Citadel flag “.
the news of the surrender caused great joy in Tiflis and Kutaise. The news of victory came in the capital 20 November vicegerency (1 December). The next day in Tbilisi began a huge feast. Jubilation was universal, everyone understood — war in the Caucasus has seen a fracture. The news of this victory came to St. Petersburg 2 (14) December. Even after two days on the streets of the capital under the shouts of “Hurrah!” its residents and assures the fortress guns carried the trophy banners. “The news about the lesson our troops Kars, is celebrated in January 1856, journal otechestvennye zapiski was a interesnoju, a radostnoju news in the life of St. Petersburg, as Russia last month.
on the eve of putting the Turkish garrison began to shoot their ammo. Another morning (27) 15 November from the fortress went noisy but useless fire. Baughers Williams asked to ensure passage of the Hungarians, poles and Italians serving in the Turkish army — such turned out to be 11 people. They were given the opportunity to drive through the Russian camp at Erzurum. The order went Arabstanskij Regiment and two battalions of the shooters. The rest of the Turkish garrison disobeyed their officers mechanically, soldiers went, barely moving his legs. Leaving behind the verka, they threw on the way arms and ammunition. The whole road was filled with cartridges, bags, drums etc., Powerless, fell along the path, froze their comrades did not care about them. In this small way 18 people died from chronic energy deficiency. Reach camp prisoners from hunger and despair initially behaved provocatively, but the kind of guns and Russian infantry calmed them. For surrendering in the camp was prepared soup and bread, prisoners “destroyed the food bitterly, hungry people rushed to buy food, some a few hours later died in convulsions.
“so, is reported on the same day, Minister Prince Dolgorukovu of ants, with the fall of Kars disappeared remains of the Anatolian armies, means was in the month of June up to thirty thousand people; other shattered, part of the disbanded, many fled, many more had died from disease and starvation, and about 10 tons, including before they got to us in captivity. 30-thousand Anatolian army disappeared. 8.677 man surrendered in captivity (including 12 Pasha and 665 officers), 6,500 people. redif and militias were dissolved, 8.500 died during the siege, 2.000 perebezhalo to the Russians, 2,000 were in hospitals and only 3,000 manage to sneak in Erzurum. The fortress was taken 136 guns, 18th. shotguns and 1 thousand. consisting of English and French production, 20,000 pounds of gunpowder. The officers, to the great joy of Williams, were brought back to their personal weapons. Prisoners, according to British officers and doctors treated very gently and carefully.
later, during a gala reception at the London Club, Williams remembered this and supported a toast in honor of muraveva, saying: “it is the noblest, most honest, brave and the best of people.” Patients suffering from starvation and soldiers, some of whom did not have the energy to reach the Russian camps, fed and treated. Much less fortunate who have been released. Weakened soldiers were not provided with food when they travel on the territory controlled by the Turks. To pass them Saganlug konvoiroval battalion of Carabinieri, next (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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