#Or are they legit just going hey we want a partner system apply here and we'll get there
youve-been-etho-d · 2 years
Other systems do like, partner system applications?? And no offense but I don't understand them. Like at all.
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blccdsport · 8 years
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the hacker and the detective: a lenry!au
❝ although you love me, sometimes  we're mean, things can get ugly, but  we're still a team, we are an army,  that breaks from within, but that's why  we're stronger, and that's how we'll win❞ 
so, basically while watching this show lately it’s had me thinking about a lenry!au, mainly because it just seems like it genuinely fits them as an au? which is always cool considering they’re probably the hardest ship to fit to any au’s because they’re difficult and problematic™.
anyway, i’m a sucker for making aesthetic’s and i really wanted to for this so that’s a thing. i’m gonna explain kinda the whole plot/idea of what this is about below so enjoy n whatnot.  as usual, if anything seems inaccurate to you or you can’t see it hit me up w/that good shit aka call me the fuck out yo. 
playlist:  because look it’s another thing i’m a slut for, playlists!! to be honest, some of the songs on there are ones i legit just took from a lenry playlist that already exists but w/e. and to be honest, i came across a couple of songs that fit them out of this au too and tbh it was a good time like i’m loving some of these okay shutting up now.
okay so, i wanted to try dodge a part of the tv show plot because i wasn’t sure about applying it to liz but one, it’s an au so, and two, it’s kind of necessary in a way. but basically, in the show at the very very beginning, the main character’s little sister gets kidnapped like, right in front of her, and there wasn’t anything she could actually do about it and it was really messed up. while i couldn’t see it happening in terms of lowri/liz because i just genuinely can’t picture it, part of me considered it happening with liz/karma? just because karma is younger and like the main character in the show she feels a responsibility for her so when she’s kidnapped it really messed her up. 
anyway, that’s key to the plot because the police literally don’t do much in terms of helping, well, liz, find karma. which leads her to take matters into her own hands. instead, she sets up an online chat group for other people in a similiar situation and using the information she’s given by people she speaks to, she hacks into different websites to try and help others find their lost loved ones. which also means going as far as hacking into the police databases. 
at some point, the nypd begin to catch on to her, and so they send someone undercover to try and get close to liz and find out if she’s really fucking with their systems and what in general she’s actually up to. which in this case, the guy they send under cover is henry’s partner. so, mr. partner flirts his way into liz’s life and into her business and they kinda get this thing going and eventually he catches her out and realizes she’s been hacking a bunch of different websites like not just the police databases but like, she’s a literal pro hacker so basically they end up putting her on parole for like six months. which, liz is majorly fucked off about not just because helo she’s stuck with a fucking ankle monitor and is now a known criminal because she liked the guy too? and he just kinda completely fucked her over and no not okay.
so, eventually she gets out on parole and whatnot, but the day she goes to get her monitor removed mr. partner is chilling there waiting for her and liz is v v bitter like ?? pal wyd here? and he basically explains he thinks he should be the one to clear her and she’s kinda lmao why because you’re the reason it’s there orrrrr? but mr. partner guy apologizes for what happened n stuff and is basically lowkey still tryna get in her pants because he liked her too and whatever.
okay so, in the show this chick has this rly cute best friend n she owns a club and she’s just, i love her a lot she’s a great character which, in this au i see being liv? like, liz and liv would be living together or at least how i see it like i’m just going off the show here okay. and liv has this really cool underground club and just, yes. but so liz comes to said club like lmfao guess who just cleared me blah blah. 
so, then a little later on liz n liv are going back to said club and liv mentions that she set liz up on a dating app because honey u need to get over mr. detective this bad. which liz is super ?!?! about at first because rip why. but anyway liz ends up chillin’ in this club and basically being approached by a bunch of guys from this app for the rest of the night n whatnot cool cool. that probably doesn’t seem important but the dating app thing is to the general plot oKAy.
so, she decided to leave which helo welcome to her first encounter w/henry since she seen him last which was likely when she was getting put on parole tbh. so, basically from minute one it’s legit just :)))))))) with one another bc fucking hate ur guts well i hate urs too. but henry basically calls her out like, you know you were on parole you weren’t supposed to put your hands near a computer n shit. because the entire time she’s gotten herself a job at a big corporation company where she can easily do her little hacking work and try help find missing people on a completely different server rather than her home one and he’s like. :-)))) if i was you :-)))) i’d get a job in a big company where i can camouflage myself :-)))) also :-))) we have several invalid log ins to the missing persons debatable js js :-))))) sounds kinda like you :-))))) which has liz like well lol someone has got to do the job that you won’t so. and henry is kinda like lol just because my partner ol’ pal has a thing for you doesn’t mean i won’t arrest you if i need to soOooO.
so liz walks off after that and while she’s on her way back to her n liv’s she gets a text like hey was rly good meeting you tonight to which she’s like ?? new phone who dis? and in the process almost gets hit by a car because no looking where she’s going which the next text ends up being “ouch, that could’ve hurt.” aka leaving liz like?? what the actual fuck?? so the minute she gets home basically she starts searching up each of the guys she spoke to like trying to find out who the fuck it was and in the process gets sent a bunch of pictures from when she almost got hit by the car and she realizes her webcam is on and what the frickle someone is watching me? 
but anyway she talks it out with liv when she gets back and liz decided she wants to go on a date with three of the guys from the app she was using because she suspects its one of those guys. so flash forward to the dates, which are back in that same club n liz is chilling like talking to these guys one at a time and convinces them with an excuse of finding this really addictive game on her phone for them to give her theirs so she can ‘download it’ which in that case she actually installs a tracker and allows herself the access into their phones whenver she pleases. while this is happening liv was lowkey a lil concerned because mm i don’t really want my friend dying so mr. detective ends up there which liz does not likey at all whatsoever because he realizes what she’s doing with the hacking shit and tries to get her to stop the whole date thing.
also, bonus is in that scene the best friend is like “i thought this guy was cheating on me once.. i know, what idiot would cheat on me? but i got her to hack his phone and i watched his every move.” and idk that seems very liv which make’s me laugh like just that start bit.
anyway, liz accidentally picks up one of the wrong phones n goes to retrieve her phone from the one guy that it was but lmAo. because when she does find the guy plot twist he’s dead.
so, she instantly goes to detective boi n his partner aka our fave grump henry haddock. and basically they tried to find where the texts were coming from but it’s just, it’s amusing because she asks to use one of the computers and the guy i basically see henry as is like lol if you can behave yeah maybe. and then legit two seconds later liz takes out this usb like lol so hey this isn’t legal and he’s just ??????? *insert v dramatic eye roll here.*
but it’s just a lot of, her showing them the fact she hacked into the dating app and then cross referenced it to the nypd database which results in just banter between her n henry because he’s just ?? ffs woman?? 
but they figure out that someone is using the app to stalk n kill people so that’s a thing too.
anYWay. so, mr. detective takes liz home n doesn’t wanna let her out of his sights because yano she’s being stalked by a possible serial killer so. but that basically turns into the two of them hooking up n there’s feelings there and all that good shit so.
okay so, while liz is at work in the shitty business place, her computer gets hacked by this stalker serial killer guy and he shows footage of inside her and liv’s apartment which liv is currently walking around in and basically liz is like !! fuck !! because it shows a figure walking around in all black and liz calls her but she doesn’t answer and so she calls detective guy and is freaking out tf. so both her and detective guy start heading toward the apartment and just as liz calls liv again she’s like ?? honey like i’m at the club what are you talking about i’m fine?? aka liz is now like holy fucking shit it was a recording and cop guy is up there and fuck because he’s now not answering his phone either. 
so when liz does get to the apartment there is this weird mannequin doll sitting w/a laptop and when the screen lights up mr cop guy is on there and he starts getting all !! please don’t come looking for me !! but liz recognizes where he is which is the roof of their apartment building so she goes up looking for him and well :-))))))))))))))))))
did you guess it??? he’s dead lmfao. 
but he’d called backup before he came so lol henry lands up to the roof and o there’s a very upset usually sassy blonde and o there’s my dead partner well fuck and tbh in the show he legit drags the chick away from the body which is kinda an emotional time i cried my lil bitch ass heart out but anywho.
i’m trying not to miss any details even though it’s just an au like i’m not trying to be super specific to the show or anything but it’s just there’s a lot of little things that i felt need to explained and added in because they’re important to the general plot?
but basically like, after that i mean i haven’t watched all the episodes yet but i’m genuinely fucking living for the idea of liz and henry then working together. because in the show that’s what happens originally liz is working alone like she always does and she’s back flirting with the two guys from the app from before and trying to figure out which one killed detective guy but it’s fucking with henry’s plan because he’s trying to catch both those guys also because they’re suspects and she’s making it rly difficult when she’s around them too. and there’s this whole scene where he’s parked outside the club and ends up calling her because she walks out with the guy like. :-))))))) we found a body this morning :-))))))) js js :-))))))))))) stop fucking with my shit :-))))))))))) so liz chick is like hA SHIt oKAY goTta GET mE OutTA thiS. coOL Cool. 
but then liz gets approached by a member of the nypd who has figured out that she’s been working the case herself and brings her in like look we could help you and you could help us yano yano. so she teams up with them and it’s beneficial for them both because they get to keep an eye on her and she gets to use their resources. but henry doesn’t appreciate this?? no?? wtf?? get her out?? this bitch fr?? especially because liz decides she’s gonna go on a date with one of the guys they’ve figured is their top suspect of the moment and she has to wear one of those mic’s on her dress and henry guy has to follow the car there and shit.
because liz chick is standing across the street from where he’s parked like. 
“testing testing, how do i look? say what you want it’s not like i can hear you anyway” 
but it’s just like, once she started working with the nypd it hit me how this could be made into a lenry au? because they’re super sassy with one another and it’s basically how lenry are/were with like, it’s very clear they dislike one another but over time feelings v v much grow and it’s just a fucking shitshow tbh because they’re both so ?? i mean basically lenry so it fits like a glove fr. 
like legit, the entire time she was on the fake date i kept thinking of it as lenry in tha position which it kinda fucks me up because the stalker guy like, hacks into this boat bridge so that henry guys car has to stop following liz girl and her date and momentarily her signal disapears and you can see him genuinely start to freak out like he’s really fucking mad and you’re like what the fuck you care?? what/? bUT IDK MAN OKAY I’M JUST LIVING FOR THIS AND THE AESTHETIC IN GENERAL OF LIKE, LIZ AS A HACKER?? AND HENRY AS A DETECTIVE?? LIKE?? CAN WE??
because i feel like it’s not even unrealistic roles to put them into either?? i’m just really living for this okay so i just needed to share the whole idea of it and whatnot
and it’s just, on top of all the development of their relationship they’re still trying to find this killer/stalker?? and there’s a lot of people still dying and just general shit going down like. 
and the killer keeps leaving clues for liz chick like she figures out why he’s doing what he’s doing and what his method is? which is basically that people portray themselves as perfect and whatnot on social media so when he meets them in real life he finds their flaws and it makes him angry so he targets their flaws in his method of killing. the reason he’s so intrigued by liz chick is because he believes she’s perfect so.
but also like, the best friend throws liz chick a surprise birthday party which at that party the best friend is busy and henry guy was there for a little bit because he had walked up to her apartment with her because there was word that the stalker guy was still out doing stuff and whatever but he leaves because he gets a call but while everyone is distracted liz chick starts feeling really fucked up and then stalker guy kidnaps her but it’s literally only so he can make her watch as he kills one of their suspects and it’s just super fucked up so all this shit would be going on too and just yep.
now to fade out into oblivion because this is ridiculously long noice noice. adios. 
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piqaleemawby · 6 years
Nightmare of the UK visa (Fiancé Visa)! - Part 2
As mentioned in my previous post, I am a Malaysian and I applied my UK fiancé visa in 2017 from Malaysia. Please refer to my Part 1 to understand my situation.
Also take note, currently I have a fiancé visa, married, living with my husband and in process of switching into spouse visa.
So how did I successfully apply my fiancé visa?
I applied online and also completed Appendix 2 and sponsorship form. So make sure you have internet access and an email to do this. I also provide tonnes of supporting documents.
Just some tips, make sure you scan and save all the documents you are going to send to the home office. Use an online storage like google drive or dropbox to keep all the documents.
Luckily, I keep all my documents when I was in the UK as a student like my utility bills, house contract, bank statements, my payslip (I worked part time), etc. Basically everything that I received through my mail and emails when I was in the UK for 3 years ish. Yep, just my anxiety that make me keep all things that are legit! Having all these documents make it easy for me to provide prove for the application.
So if I were you, I will not throw anything away. Anything with your name and details just keep it for maybe 7 years?
Right let’s look into the Appendix 2 form. Please take note that I applied the visa in 2017 so the form might have some changes or update since then, make sure you download the latest form from the home office website:
Step 1: READ everything on the form. READ through all of it carefully. Anything you don’t understand please google or get some help.  I found some of the questions were confusing (maybe I’m just stupid but hey I got the visa!).
For a start of the form, I crossed that box below:
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The form have 5 Parts and you need to complete it based on your situation. I will go through only questions that I found difficult or confusing when I fill it in. Feel free to drop me a question that I have not explain in any of my blog.
I will try my best to reply and help you, however, bear in mind that I am not a professional in visa application. I only share based on my own experienced and research. I am not here to guarantee your application to be successful but I am here to share with you what I know.
At the same time, I will also mention the supporting documents that can be included with these form.
Besides the table of content that I have (check my Part 1 for example), I made a more details table of content for supporting documents for the Appendix 2 form. Here is an example:
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1.3 When did you first meet your sponsor?
We don’t have the exact date but we know roughly the month and year. So I leave the box for days blank and only filled in the boxes for month and year.
When we first met, we don’t really know each other. We were in the same sports club so back then we were kind of strangers to each other. At first, we wasn’t sure either to put the date when we went dating or when we went for club meeting. After looking into few more questions, we decided to choose the date when we were still strangers.
1.4 Where did you first meet in person?
As it was during club meeting so we gave details of the place like an address. So for example: Starbucks at XX Road, Sheffield. Give an exact address if you know or describe the place the best you can.
(Nope, we didn’t meet in a Starbuck, it was in a swimming pool, LOL. In case anyone is wondering)
1.5 When did your relationship begin?
Put the exact date if you remember if not the give a roughly estimated date. We don’t have exact date, our relationship kinda just bloom, LOL. So we had to discuss and decide a date to fill it in.
1.6 How often do you meet in person?
Right, I was a student when we were dating and then I left the UK once I completed my study. So we said we meet almost every day from -month- year until -month- year. Twice in -month- and -month- year.
Again try to give as much details as possible. Put in any date that you have meet your partner even for a short trip/vacation either in UK, your country or any other country.
1.8 How do you keep in touch with your sponsor?
Thanx to the advanced technology we have nowadays, I keep in touch with my husband (was fiancé) every single day using Facebook, WhatsApp, skype, messenger, etc. Thank you Internet! We love you! And yes, I am clingy!
Also it is best if there is supporting documents. Try to put it some conversation and calls history. Make sure nothing too distracting or personal like sexting (you know what I mean, cheeky!).
1.19 Have you lived with your sponsor in a relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership at any time?
For this, we lived together for like couple of months and luckily I have a proof of address which I included as supporting documents. We thought it will help to show that our relationship are genuine.
If you have lived together for even a short period, it will be worth it to mention it although you don’t have any proof of address.
From what I understand, staying in a hotel together for holiday doesn’t count.  
For Part 1 supporting documents, beside the proof of address I also include:
Provisional booking for the civil ceremony
Booking for the venue for the reception
The more you read this, the more it is like telling you my love story, YIKES! Sorry will try my best to make it less of my love story and more UK fiancé visa story.
Here some roses to calm you down while filling in the Appendix 2 form ;)
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2.1 Where do you and your sponsor plan to live in the UK?
It was a bit tricky for me since my husband was renting a room at that point and obviously we haven’t look into renting any house together yet, also we both are not rich enough to buy a house. So we decided to use his parents’ house as the main address. Again we are lucky because Michael used that address for most of the important stuff like bank statement, student loan, etc. So for that we have enough proof that he was living in that address. By the way, we did stayed there when I came to give notice of marriage.
It is fine to use house address that owned by any family member for this as long there is enough room in the house for everyone.
We provided a letter of support from his parents and title deed as proof that they are the house owner and we are going to live there when I arrive. Also few proof of address that my husband live there.
2.8 Do you intend to work in the UK?
Since this is a fiancé visa obviously I am not allow to work until I switch my visa. It means No I am not intend to work while I have my fiancé visa but Yes I will want to find a job and work once I switch my visa. The whole point of fiancé visa is to get marry and switch to spouse visa once married.
So I crossed ‘YES’ and explained ‘once the spouse visa is approve and the proper authorisation allow me to work then I will look for work in a field that suitable with my experienced and qualification’
I guess it doesn’t matter either you answer yes or no as long you have a proper explanation.
Before we go to PART 3, here is a kitten to DE-stress you.
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AWwww so cute! Right now we all are calmer here come,
Here are some links that I refer to that help me to kind of understand what should I do and provide:
Like I said before, there are lots of reading so get your reading glasses ready!
We were applying with no child dependent so the financial requirement for us is £18,600 a year.
Although my husband annual income meet the financial requirements but he has been working for less than 6 months when we were applying for the fiancé visa, hence, we were in Category B for Part 3A - ‘Income from Salaried Employment in the UK’.
We also using Part 3F - ‘Cash Saving’, Category D to meet the financial requirement. Yep, we were using 2 method in meeting the financial requirements. Why? Keep reading and you will understand.
Part 3 was a hassle and annoying for us. We have to provide lots of supporting documents to prove that we meet the financial requirement. We also wrote a cover letter specifically to explain our financial situation and how we meet the requirement.
3.20 What was your sponsor’s total income (before tax) from salaried employment in the 12 months prior to the application?
Here is where we realize our problem, the amount of his total income is less than £18,600. Well, he was only working for few months.
3.22 If your sponsor has not been employed by the same employer for 6 months prior to the application does their total income (before tax) from salaried employment received in the 12 months prior to your application meet or exceed the financial requirement you must meet?
Duh, obviously ‘No’.
It is annoyingly confusing since they said financial requirement ‘an income before tax of at least £18,600 a year’ which my husband annual income exceed that amount but then they ask how much in total he have earned prior to the application. Unfortunately his total income for the few months he has been working didn’t meet the requirement amount yet. After further reading and research, we found out we need to combine with other category to meet the financial requirements. So this is where we use the Cash Savings category.
Again, we are so lucky that my father created a trust fund for me and my siblings when we were young like 10 or 12 years old. Each of us have a trust fund in our name and my father have been putting in money ever since. Well, according to him it is his money and we all can only have it once he is ‘gone’. That’s fair. But according to the trust fund it is mine since it’s under my name so I can use it in cash savings category, pheewww!
Not all cash savings can be use in this category. There are some requirements to use this category. For a start, it must exceed £16,000. Since my fund is in RM, I need to multiply with 5.5 which give me RM88,000 and that’s a lots of money! Anyway again we are lucky, we kind of just meet the amount, pheeww! It was my father investment and saving since he was young so that took him more than 20 years. I am so grateful to have a father who always think in advance and prepare for the rainy days. He saved us! Hallelujah!
Right since it is in RM the total amount in the trust fund need to be converted to £ to prove the total amount exceed £16,000. Don’t use any online converter but use the one that specify by the Home Office which is OANDA; https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/
This was in 2017 so please check at the home office website if OANDA still approve by the Home Office.
By the way, we also need to show proof for source of the trust fund. We provide documents proof for transaction with a large amount and explain in a letter that there are continuously small amount of transaction into the trust fund monthly.
Also some of the documents are in Malay so I need to take it to a certified translator to translate into English. And that people also cost me money, each page cost me RM50 and I have more than 5 pages =_=. Yes, money is the key to the visa application. Oh and also time, it took the translator 3 working days to translate all my documents.
Just for extra information, I went to the Magistrate Court to find a certified translator.
For Part 3 the documents that we provided are as follows:
From Sponsor:
Letter of employment
Employment contract
Bank statement (Printed and certified by the bank)
 From applicant:
Cover letter
Bank statement
Trust Fund statement
Trust fund Book
Transaction statement
Oanda currency converter
More than 40 pages of documents for just Part 3. Yes, It is a lots but better be safe than sorry.
Also all the bank and trust statement need to be certified and stamp.
Please take note according to Appendix FM 1.7: Financial Requirement:
3.3.8. Where Appendix FM-SE requires the applicant to provide specified evidence relating to a period which ends with the date of application, that evidence must be dated no earlier than 28 days before the date of application.
 Yes, make sure you all the documents are dated within the 28 days before the date of application.
That is why I made a table of content so I know which documents need more time and what is still pending. Stay organize really help, if you find it hard try to get some help or use some apps.
After Part 3, I skip Part 4 since it is for those who exempt from the financial requirement. If you are exempted then Part 4 is for you. Unfortunately, I don’t have experienced for Part 4 so I am not able to help.
Part 5
Well, this is where you can add any information that you think will help with your application. I mentioned again about my Cash Savings and how I meet the financial requirements. Although I wrote a cover letter but just in case they miss the letter at least I say something at Part 5.
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That is the end of Appendix 2 form and hopefully it helps anyone who was confuse to answer the questions.
Remember, try to provide any supporting documents that are relevant. This help to strengthen your application and it shows your relationship is genuine.
Also just to let you know, I made copies for all the supporting documents that I provide. I have 2 sets of documents, first set are original and certified to be true copy, and the other one is copies of the first set.
It is not necessary but I found it convenient when I submitted it at the VFS to be scanned especially I have few documents that is not in A4 size.
Right here is another cat photo to calm you down~~
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and another one! ( I am not a crazy cat woman!)
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Right, next blog coming soon!
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