#Like for both romantic and queerplatonic relationships
wickjump · 2 days
I think a ship that isn't talked about much is Fresh x Ink.
For me, they have a lot of potential to have a platonic or queerplatonic relationship (or a romantic relationship, it's up to you-)
Like, they themselves have some visible similarities, like: their energetic personality, they have difficulties in certain subjects, they both like to travel around Australia, they both like to make fun of Error from time to time-
One of these main similarities is their difficulty in feeling and expressing emotions.
Ink is a being without a soul, but can feel emotions through its vials.
Even though he is not able to feel emotions without the vials, he tries as much as possible to continue with it, showing that, despite the problems he has with emotions, especially understanding them, he remains standing, protecting alternative universes, as he cares about them and their creators (I don't know much about Ink, sorry if I said something wrong about him-).
Fresh is a parasite who has difficulty feeling emotions, so much so that, from what I've seen, he has a panic attack when he starts to feel something.
In other words, he has difficulty understanding them to the point where he would be lost.
And that's why I see them having a close relationship, because together they are beings who don't understand emotions, but as long as they stay together, they would be able to understand them.
I think they would be so, SO cute together!
They would be an energetic couple who like to have fun and go on various silly adventures across the multiverse.
I imagine them making fun of Error together, Fresh teaching Ink his strange slang, them learning emotions...
And well, since Fresh, canonically, kisses people because he thinks it's a cool act of friendship...he would shower Ink with kisses.
Man...I feel like I'm becoming obsessed with this ship-
ive always sorta liked them though i hardly focus on them compared to others but MAN now that you bring it up im also starting to really like them
they’re so cool!!!and brightly colored together,,, so many colors!!!!! they’ve both got so many similarities in their stories yet they’re still so different in so many ways and it’s just. god. they go about the same issues in varying ways and i think that gives them wild compatibility.
theyd be so fun together god. and they can explore the multiverse together!!! AND AND they’re both so complex in a way that’s often overlooked too i think they could have some surprisingly deep conversations,,,!!!! man they’re just cool
also they’re both ace sooooo (ace4ace my beloved). they r so qpr,,
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youve-been-etho-d · 2 years
Other systems do like, partner system applications?? And no offense but I don't understand them. Like at all.
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eggmansplatformboots · 11 months
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theyre that couple that say goofy lovely dovey things like ‘marry me?’ before making important decisions as like their ‘i love you’ or whatever and then will fight to the nondeath over small inconsequential things eg sonic put shadows eyeliner in the wrong fucking cabinet!!
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fdragon-art · 6 months
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Day 27 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 13) - Favourite Moiral Pairing (Meowrails)
"Some pairs are simple...meant to be"
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mcytshippystuff · 10 months
(/rp, not irl!) OKAY SO! What i think about q!Phil, q!Missa, and q!Forever's relationships in the QSMP;
In my head, q!Philza and q!Missa started out as just co-parents when they were assigned each other to take care of Chayanne. Then they became more like, platonic husbands but I wouldn't say queerplatonic? Like, they felt getting married was just easier but didn't really have the relationship or level of commitment/care a Queerplatonic or romantic relationship would have. Then they started caring for each other, spending time together and having fun, and entered a weird in-between state of tbh they could go either way ya know?
Then Missa started catching feelings. He didn't mean to, honest! But just, the way Phil would worry and cared for him and their son, the time they spent together, how could he not fall for the Death touched Angel? But he wasn't ever sure how to broach it, sometimes he felt as if Phil felt the same but other times it was obvious Phil didn't so it was just a mess, and he wasn't willing to ruin what they had.
(More about Phil's feelings and Forever's part in all this under the cut, its long sorry not sorry lol)
Meanwhile Phil is both Oblivious and very in denial about any feelings, or people trying to point out there may be feelings at all. I'm unsure if id stick q!Phil on the Ace Spectrum or romance just isn't a priority (or if he's just resistant to the idea of it for whatever reason), but either way he cant fathom the idea that people have actual feelings for him, nor that he might have them himself, so he doesn't really look too deep on his feelings and often brushes them away if he's presented with the idea that it may be real.
So what if being with Missa feels like they were the only people in the world? If the way Missa takes care of their son gives Phil light fuzzy feelings in his chest? If having to say goodbye for who knows how long felt like a hole was punched in his chest, and when he came back Phil suddenly felt like the weight of the world was lifted? He cares about his friend, his platonic husband, that's it! Its def not anything romantic pssh that would be ridiculous...
Meanwhile q!Forever, oh poor Forever.
Admittedly in the beginning it was mostly a joke. The resemblance to Brunim, while at first glance, may be strong but to Forever they didn't look alike at all once you got close, in all the small ways that mattered most really. It was funny to tease and poke and get attached to the lookalike but then oh, oh how it stopped being a joke. (Forever refuses to think about there's a good reason why him and Brunim are apart, for both their own sakes)
And maybe, just maybe, for a while it was becuase how much Forever missed Brunim that he got attached to q!Phil, that he started to feel feelings for the man, but if you look close you can see those feelings started to become real, he honestly and genuinely started to fall for Philza. No more mirror images to chase, no, now Phil felt like standing in the heavy rain, every drop stinging but it was so so cleansing, healing, refreshing. Every time Forever got him to laugh felt like a personal victory he'd ride the high of for days, and every sharp, hurtful word was taken with a forced laugh or fake smile and it would linger and haunt his mind.
Forever tried, he really did, but it felt like nothing he could say or do would convince Phil of his real feelings, often slipping up or saying the wrong things and it was Forever's own damn fault, nobody to blame but himself. And maybe he didn't handle this all the best, maybe got to obsessive or said things that went to far but to be honest Forever didn't really know love any other way and was trying to unlearn the worst parts of himself the best he could. It didn't help Forever is really prone to self-destructive behavior when things are going good. And he tried to leave it be, he promises he tried to give up, to let go but the blond Angel had rooted himself, utterly and entirely into Forever's heart and he couldn't bring himself to cut his love for Phil out.
And q!Phil? Well, it was complicated becuase he did genuinely like the man. Forever was funny and for the most part the "crush", if he could call it that, was amusing at best and just annoying at worst times, and even if Forever was annoying or often went too far, Phil knew there was a good man there. He saw it when Forever gave it a rest and they'd have conversations that would last forever. He saw it when Forever would make him laugh until he couldn't breathe or when Forever took care of the eggs as fiercely as Philza did and when the man cried becuase he was so upset at even the idea of loosing any of the kids, and every lose hurt personally. And though he didn't often think to hard on it, sometimes when the other blond would smile or laugh, Phil felt like he was being shone on by the sun, warm, bright, burning, piercing, overwhelming. The quiet moments when Forever would drop all pretenses and masks and just let himself be, in happy, soft, or sad moments made Phi's chest sing.
But Philza couldn't ignore how the fact he was just a stand in hurt in ways Phil wasn't able to explain and to be honest didn't understand why it bothered him so much, it was never a big deal until it suddenly was. Every time Forever assumed something about him or didn't bother to figure out just was another stab in the heart and Phil just got so angry at the fact that Forever tried to say otherwise, but ultimately his affection wasn't real, and he didn't like being played with. Sure he didn't think Forever was doing it maliciously but he just wanted Forever to just stop! Stop how it hurt, how confused it made Phil. He just wanted it to stop being so confusing, to stop questioning these feelings buried deep within his chest. Plus even if wasn't so complicated, some part of him recognizes he also cares deeply about Missa and since they're married, even if its just platonically, its a commitment Phil is committed too so it feels like a betrayal.
Someone tell this man about the wonders of Polyamory!
Meanwhile Forever and Missa are mostly cautious but also a bit hostile towards each other at first, becuase that's competition in their eyes, a threat of their loves, but in the end they chill becuase they realize its neither of their choices and also the other isnt... bad per say. Maybe they even have a understanding becuase they recognize they both love and care for Phil. Maybe they even come to like and even care about the other in the future, who knows.
So, tldr;
Phil has feelings for both Missa and Forever, some more complicated then others, but he both refuses to admit it to even himself or even fathom he could like someone, let alone two people, and his view on Forever still only liking him becuase of his ex made it a lot more complicated becuase he feels hurt. But he has two hands, that's important to remember!
Missa is very in love with Philza but is both too hesitant to say anything, lest he ruin their relationship they have now, and becuase he's been away so much. He really didn't like Forever, both becuase of the "he just likes me becuase I look like his ex" becuase it clearly hurt phil, but he chilled a bit when he realized Forever wasn't a bad person, just complicated and did really love and care for Phil as well, and being hostile towards each other just made Phil more upset. Now they're cool, if not a bit sure about each other, and maybe even come to like or care for each other too later but who knows.
Forever originally liked Philza becuase he looked like Brunim as a joke, and maybe even some of his infatuation started becuase of it too, but he really did come to see Philza as his own person and come to care and even fall in love with Phil for real. However Forever recognizes he's messed up a lot and often still does, but he's trying so hard to both be better and give Philza space but he cant stop loving Phil no matter how hard he tries. Same as above for him and Missa, its complicated but Forever has chilled and is trying hard to work on his jealousy issues. He thinks Missa isnt that bad and might even come to like or care for each other too later but who knows.
Later on, once they all work out their issues and Phil both stops being a oblivious fuck and realizes that Forever really does honestly and truly love him for him, they end up in a polyamory. Its Philza dating them both but maybe end game has Missa and Forever dating too idk lol.
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aro-attorneys · 1 year
no but listen what really gets me about wrightworth is the comfort of it. it doesn't even need to be regarded as a romantic ship (there's so many ways to interpret their relationship anyway) in order to understand why they gravitate to the other.
every time i see wrightworth art where they simply exist. simple live together and make coffee in the morning and eat lunch somewhere and all the other mundane everyday things, i can't help but think "finally, they can just be, after everything".
their journey was so long and complicated that them being in the same room, at peace, for more than 5 minutes is so meaningful. they fought for that moment of peace. to simply be in the other's presence.
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vilevampire · 7 months
I've never received so much psychic damage from reading something in a fic as I have today reading a paragraph referring to f1t as p4c's "best friend and most trusted companion" with no mention to m1ke at all
#names all censored because I don't want this to appear in any search results I just want to complain without affecting anybody#lucasings#and I'm saying this as someone who looves f1tpac like I see them and I go meus pais meus pais !!#I just really don't like the q!m1ke erasure especially when it's to make f1t the most important person in p4c's life#I'm already disappointed every day by the little amount of p4c and m1ke content there is compared to h1deduo#and in general the amount of ppl who sometimes seem to forget m1ke exists at all when talking about p4c's character#which I kinda get bc he's hasn't been able to log on for a good while now#but like. the most important person in q!p4c's life IS q!m1ke and viceversa and there is absolutely nothing that will change that#they've been life partners for over 10 years. their existence in each other's lives is irreplaceable and non-negotiable.#just bc their relationship is not romantic in nature that doesn't make it less significant#and this will not change regardless if q!p4c starts dating someone or not#nobody come @ me ok I'm just an arospec little guy who believes in queerplatonic q!t4zercraft supremacy#I still want q!f1t and q!p4c to smooch and stuff and for the fandom to keep making content of them#I just don't want that relationship to take precedence/priority over q!t4zercraft's platonic relationship#bc you and I both know the reason any of this is happening at all is because there's such a tendency to ignore platonic relationships in#media and favor the romantic relationships as if they're inherently more important#anyway. rant over :3#I'm going to see if I can turn on my pc without it exploding bc of the fucking heatwave. bye bye
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wait oh my god massive brain. prince solar and eclipse are so fucking queerplatonic i am a FOOL
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peterick used to be a ship I liked, but I am not who I was in 2017. now, peterick is important to me on such a personal level, as a concept: a "different" kind of relationship between two Dudes being Dudes but it's gay but not gay and I have had that, too — and it's okay. I do not know everything about Pete and Patrick's friendship just like most people don't know everything about my relationships. despite what our society tells you, you can be gay and not gay with someone at the same time. 'cause being queer is a lot of things that you can't explain, and while the P2 relationship may not have any public labels that align them with "queer," it's different. it does the social barrier breaking that "queer" describes. it is everything I have and nothing I have at the same time because relationships are all unique but I'm unique like you and THAT is what makes it so important.
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it’s been awhile since I’ve posted much(I blame you wacky internet) but I got so much in store but I’m starting with my hcs (which are technically canon in my sudrianverse au) gender-fluid Atlas (alternate design baby!) and Bi-gender Duke (his design being mainly be inspired by Glowynviator on Twitter and that’s it’s never to late to go on a journey of self-discovery and figuring out who you are 👋🏿✨👏🏿👍🏳️‍🌈Happy PRIDE YALL !!❤️🧡💛💚💙
#ttte#ttte atlas#duke the lost engine#ttte duke#ttte humanized#humanized#ttte humanisation#humanisation#humanization#they’re in a queerplatonic relationship the duke hc came from the awdry notes I’ve seen on here and I loved it and atlas is talking to rust#cause I can’t really see or read them as being in a romantic relationship I kinda saw them as being on the aro ace spectrum#but they totally have a close relationship from every series I watched them interacted cause in my au atlas was the second one to join#the msr so they’re around the same age as duke maybe a few years younger but like duke followed atlas grudge against Duncan and immediately#was the second to realize their behavior after atlas’s realization which I know fits theirpersonality but the fact they simultaneously#agreed cause my heart kinda eehhh and they’re been pranked so much and both seeone another in a good light#old peepaws(term neutral) who loved each other very much(platonically) I know this doesn’t seem very Duke but it was just too good to pass#atlas being gender-fluid kinda e came from the mine engine being different in every au and I thought that was cool and atlas is a gn name#my art#my art lol#my art sketch#my art <3#my art stuff#my art hehe#Duke is surrounded by atlas’s gifts cause atlas gifts his friends precious rocks and gems Duke keeps them safe#Also I keep thinking of a kyle duke scenario where duke goes to him cause of Kyle’s relationship with stanley and running gag of folks#forgetting that kyle died near the end of ww1 he ain’t an 1000 year old god
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genspiel · 8 months
just saw a relationship tag where the characters are separated by a tilde instead of a slash or ampersand to denote a qpr and god i wish that could be a canonical thing
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uselessnbee · 2 years
ok but hear me out
queerplatonic wheelclair
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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"I'm your Super Friend! Super Friend! If you need a compliment, I can rattle off a dozen!"
Super Friend, from CW's The Flash episode "Duet"
"I can't say it, so I'll sing it!"
Pitch Perfect RarePair Week Prompt #7
And that's the end! I can't believe we've already made it to the end of RarePair Week 🥺 and with a full year to wait until the next one! I hope everyone has enjoyed the absolutely STUNNING entries that everyone's been putting out, seriously everybody is so TALENTED!! I can't wait to see how everyone ends their week with this prompt tbh, I know it's gonna be a lot of fun!
As for second of my two final entries, I figured since I started with something fun and lighthearted, I'd end with something fun too! And what better way to do that than with a redraw of one of my favorite Musical Episode™ scenes ever: Super Friends, from The Flash! And once I decided that this was the route I was gonna go with, I knew there was no better pair for it than Benji and Emily! I don't know if y'all have noticed from my... everything, but I have some Ideas™ about the sexualities (and genders but that's not super relevant right here) about some of these characters, and one of them... is that you can pull Queerplatonic duo Benji and Emily from my cold, dead, ace hands. 😂 I know PP2 tried to sell them as a romantic ship, and while I don't necessarily mind that, tbh I feel like, while they might have, like, a nice solid life long bond, I don't really see it as a romantic one ya know? So I headcanon both of them as some kind of ace and maybe aro, and in the Big Damn Fic™ they're hanging out in the background in LA as platonic roomies!
And if you missed it, check out today's other post here!
Links to the rest of my Pitch Perfect RarePair Week posts can be found below the cut, and the Image ID is in the alt text!
Days I'm participating in (and the Entries I've posted):
Day 1 (this is me trying): Link
Day 2 (I've missed you): Link
Day 5 (if honesty means telling the truth... Then the truth is I'm still in love with you): Link
Day 6 (there's no way that it's not going to happen with you looking at me like that): Link
Day 7.1 (I can't say it, so I'll sing it): Link
Day 7.2 (part 2): You Are Here!
#pitch perfect#pitch perfect rare pair week#pprpw22#pprpw22.7#benji applebaum#emily junk#queerplatonic benji/emily#yes they dated in college. yes they broke up cause of the distance. yes they reunited in LA. no they didn't get back together romantically.#they are simply Best Friends™ and also maybe roommates rn cause LA is expensive and Emily only just moved out there#and she needed a place to stay for a while and benji had the room--it just made sense!#that excuse only really worked for the first 6 months but after a year everyone just kinda got used to their bond#they are simply Vibing™ and living their best ace (aro?) lives together and we respect that#myposts#myart#(real talk tho they are intentionally like this as a narrative foil to Jesse and Beca as well as on their own merit)#(the fact that they have nearly the same beat-for-beat relationship progression up thru LA and the reunion is explicitly intentional)#(something something yes Jesse and Beca broke up for good reasons after being together for good reasons)#(then when they reunited at a time where both were single and emotionally available they rekindled their relationship)#(but this is far from the only option for a relationship track like this; and in fact this track maybe shouldnt be expected)#(couples can just as easily reunite and yet not get back together in a romantic sense. and thats what benji and emily represent)#(...that and ill take any excuse to make characters queer if it can make sense. ESPECIALLY if that queerness is ace or aro-spec)#(hence why stacie and fat amy are both also aro-spec: stacie is fully aro while fat amy is grey or demiro)#(...that comes with some big 'i am Ace™ i have Reasons For This™ caveats but these tags are getting long enough as is)#pitch perfect rare pair week 22
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
Thinking about soulmate AUs for my OCs because I'm in a romantic mood rn
#myocs#derek's soulmate is obviously seba so things are pretty straightforward there#I think their relationship would probably progress the same? they don't rush into things just because they're soulmates#they just enjoy their time together and form a sweet bond and fall in love <3#eze doesn't have a soulmate. he wonders for a while if that's because he's artificially created or because he's aro#then he mets gabri who's also aro and has two soulmates (one platonic and another queerplatonic)#so that answers his question somewhat. it stings a little that he doesn't have something most people have#but he tries not to let it get into his head#also yeah the twins are platonic soulmates. I headcanon most twins are like that because of twin bond and stuff#tristán unlike his sister doesn't have another soulmate of any type- and he's pretty bitter about that fact#it's something he shares with his mother! which makes it hurt even worse. rip tristán he can never get a w#the triplets meanwhile aren't soulmates actually. piper has always been bothered by that but luca and zach don't care#they're all very close anyway. they don't need some stuff destiny bullshit to make their bond special#I presume piper and luca have soulmates although for now I don't ship them with anyone. zach has at least three romantic soulmates#zachary has a lot of love in his little body and he's not afraid of sharing it lmao#ray meanwhile... it would depend on when he finds out about the soulmate bond due to the age gap#as long as he finds out once he's an adult there wouldn't be any problems though- at least not on his part#springtrap might worry about it however. might feel like it's coercive to date him when there's this destiny thing over their heads#so it takes a while for him to accept the idea of entering a relationship together and raymond accepts that#they are friends for a while. get to know each other well. figure out if this is really what they both want#eventually it does become romantic though <3 ray charms his way right into his heart like the little devil he is
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
grimly coming to realise that there is no good Ao3 tag for just writing whatever the fuck I want to write, kicking it out into the world, and calling after "it's not romantic, though!"
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basilpaste · 8 months
when ever i write something with a primary ship theres always a secret part of me that wants to make another ship i like with the character a qpp. and i nearly do it like. every time and then restrain myself.
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