#Or in Lea's case would careen the story into shenanigan after shenanigan
Hm, yes, definitely DnD stuff because man. I like my group~ In fact.. I'm just gonna talk about my group!
I... Don't know how to read more on mobile so sorry, I'll see if I can edit it later?
3 of us DM, so we alternate. Well, it started off with just 1, then I wanted to start a story and like... Make a comic or something with the characters and ideas I have (which... Hasn't really gone anywhere) and was gonna DM to pick up while our usual DM, Jon, was real busy with schoolwork while also getting material for fleshing out my world and whatnot. Also to get better at talking and decision making hopefully. And our 3rd DM, Billy, recently started because he too had a story he wanted to tell~ And to try out ideas for like.. Rules he think would be cool.
So Jon DMs a group on Fridays mainly, so his gf can play too, but it's a bit on and off because he graduated and has work now alongside still making projects with his team, so less time for brainstorming and the like. His story has stuff to do with a cult and dreamscapes and whatnot. Deep dungeon crawling in the dream, while having more RP focus in the waking world. I play as the current party's bard, a College of the Maestro (homebrew subclass made by Matt Mercer) human named Leiris! I usually play tanky charactera or some kind of magic melee, so doing a pure support kind of playstyle to try new things. She's.. Kind of a merchant? Because she's paying off her college debt and being from the big trade city, it was the best route in her mind? Even if her 7 Wisdom has caused troubles for the Lifguards... Which is our group name we decided on 2 sessions ago that also consists of: Cade a Divination Wizard halfling, Nimbus the Dragonborn Tempest Cleric, a very... Assassins Creedy rogue named Brock, and a couple of temp? Members of some other friends that may or may not be able to join with us long term, so we'll see how that goes. As it is apparent, we are very magically inclined and also squishy! The frontline is the healer! Legitimate fun times! This is a sorta AU to when we played this campaign like.. Last year with mostly different people. Same world, different characters, different part of the continent.
Billy's campaign, is pretty fresh and interesting in a different way so far! We started off already as apprentices to the elite royal task force (at level 4 already!) of the dragonborn kingdom, and had to fight each other to determine our rankings. I play as a Half-Orc Half-Tiefling Ancestral Guardian Barbarian, Rux! Who is... Uhh. Well not to get flagged but he picked up a side job as a certain kind of entertainer. A good lovable idiot strongboy. I have 2 main spirits that I converse and battle with, 1 from each parent's ancestry. I have yet to go further in detail in game, but I really like what I came up with. Recently, Rux has gotten a cursed axe (that I as a DM already knew what it was, but y'know. Gotta play off character knowledge. And he's an idiot) soo, this'll turn out interesting. I ended up in last place on the rankings, since only 3 of us could make it to the first session and I had to fight the Shadow Sorcerer the first round and missed every attack the second round... But have now risen to rank #2! My boss (well, King Sebastian is my boss per say but I call #1 boss) is Gladiolus, a devoted Paladin and a Blue dragonborn. Our 3rd in command and mage of the group is Durza, the Shadow Sorcerer. He... Is quiet and... Doesn't do well with people but takes orders. So once he ended up melting a door to get into one of our houses to start training off early. But we also have Veraladaine, the elven Ranger~ Sounds majestic, but is a klutz. She's had some irl stuff recently, so Vera had been sick for a while. And finishing up or ranks is Ooguay, a tortle Tranquility Monk. Who is the old man. But man. What a guy. We're currently doing a trial, so we're in seperate gauntlets of monster filled rooms, and Rux is very.. Draw aggro from allies focused, so I can't do much fancy stuff class stuff for now. But ah well.
And lastly, my campaign! Which at this point is the longest running one, but it's been on and off for a month at a time once before? But it's consistant now that I have 2 weeks to prep instead of 1! The gang is on a mission to stop the personified seven deadly sins (devil based... Demigods basically?). At the moment, they've killed Gluttony and have arrived at the capital, where they hear another has surfaced. We have, Leroy J Kins a Lizardfolk Barbarian who is the most fleshed out joke character, I love him. Plus he gave juicy backstory that fit with what I had planned, so that's real nice~. He started out unable to rage (by his player's choice) since he had a second personality, Roy, who is basically his Fight of fight or flight instinct. They've meshed together well by now. Mercy, an elven Rogue who has 2 crossbows and loudly asked the group if they knew the assassin's guild in the middle of a tavern! A badass otherwise, who loves her eversmoking bottle and 40 lbs of soap in her bag of holding. Kiri, who got... Most of them to join the adventering guild they're a part of. Kiri is a Kitsune Storm Sorcerer who is a bit like... Steve Irwin?, but with strange creatures. Sorta? Also a mischevious prankster and problem instigator. Raised an awakened plant from a magic pot (after it grew for a month) and called Leroy the father when it asked last game. Naomi is the.... Either mom, secretary, or logical backbone of the group. An Aasimar Scout (rogue subclass), she wears a mask, is very sciency and experiments (mostly harmlessly) on Leroy whenever she finds weird fruit or plants. Vinnie Vin, their somewhat recently picked up Tabaxi swordbard, who sleeps on Leeroy's head/shoulders half the time because Vinnie small, Leroy tall and big. Goes nya, has a thirst for blood, and whaps foes with a shillelaghed bandora before stabbing them. One player has switched characters a lot, but because he is infrequent and keeps wanting to play different things (also kind of annoys the other players, but I try to keep group discourse low)... But the last member is a... Companion that they run into often. It is her! Domino! A Paladin! (Players found out later that her last name is Ap'al'yden, and lost their shit) a drow Paladin of Edesia's Banquet, who is on pilgramage and helps out whenever they need it (when her player can make it). The church she was a part of got taken over by Gluttony from the inside, and she's the last member to her knowledge... Has a thing for the queen of the kingdom (...Queendom? Since theres no king, the Queen leads alone with chairmen and advisors of course), since she served as a palace guard for a while before setting out. The group has also been traveling with a Silver dragon Leroy named Argent that they saved from a Necromancer (trying to turn it into a dracolich to control), an armoured slime they refer to as Blue Squishy, who communicated via gestures and charades before Leroy found a ring that let them communicate telepathically, their cart driver (who is also a guild member) Dave, and now an awakened shrub.
.....I'm real attached to my session for obvious reasons... I'm running it, we've been playing it the longest, and good party interactions~ I mean to make them kinda OP, as a sort of.. Laid back romp through things kind of session. And they enjoy it! Feels great~
....this got real long whops.
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