#dnd talks
aquilaofarkham · 6 months
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finally started watching dungeon meshi and this is my understanding of it so far
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notdamien · 3 months
haven't seen many people worried about rogue being trapped in some barren dimension with 5 very angry chuldur yet, but i thought i'd put my thoughts out there anyways.
rogue has absolutely convinced them all not to kill him in exchange for him creating stories and drama for them. rogue is now dungeon master for the chuldur family, and is stuck dming the longest, most chaotic dnd session ever played, while he waits for the doctor to find him.
they're very excitable and he's currently trying to convince them that the rules actually make the game more fun, and no, you can't just switch out your player character to play my dm npc instead, that ruins the stakes.
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supernovaa-remnant · 1 year
ramblings abt my dnd character under the cut bc I'm having thoughts
thinking abt my dnd character Sylmare and her little backstory found family... thinking about how she was so so happy and in such a good place in life, and then suddenly Zara died, and she left, and upon her return she learns that the remainder of their little group has fractured, and Osonia's a traitor, and loneliness eats away at Kaelen, and Sylmare is so lost, but she doesn't really have a right to be since she's the one who ran away left in the first place. and she just wishes Zara were there because he would know what to do. but he's dead and maybe when he left so did a part of all of them.
and thinking about her adventuring party... thinking abt bitrimhni and how that was so messy and painful but at least there was some semblance of closure. but zodiac hurt the party but his lifespan is so painfully short compared to sylmare's and she doesn't want to spend that time being upset at him. thinking about karaoke nights with ahmios. thinking about vulnerable talks with arnav despite both of them being fairly closed off about the things that haunt them.
thinking about sylmare suddenly being flung into the deep end and maybe she's acting irrationally but it feels like no one understands not even her current friends. and she's in so much turmoil and it's too much for her to keep bottled up and the kettle is boiling over.
idk I just like her character a lot and she's so so so incredibly flawed and she's such a hypocrite sometimes but she's trying she's trying so hard and it feels like no matter how much she tries she never gets anything in return :( she's going through it right now my poor baby </3
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royalsea-art · 2 years
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posted a banger tweet and thought that tumblr deserved to see it too
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e-102 · 8 months
dnd in person rules i sit around a table and eat snacks while pretending to be an elf
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mo-mo-ru-art · 9 months
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There are sacrifices she is willing to make
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assassin-artist · 1 year
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caemidraws · 4 months
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Small talk
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gammija · 4 months
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tiefling jon's first day at the Archives
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luposlipaphobya · 8 days
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Falling in love with an outer god
(Just wanted to imagine what it’d look like if Mel took a draconic form in front of Lazuli. I guess it’d be more voidy and nightmarish in game cause of the Fallen Aasimar of the Awful Deep thing, but let’s just say that Mel could also be related to a golden dragon who was also Pelor’s favorite so… 👀 I wanted to try a fairytale/medieval vibe here, kinda happy with how it turned out! Melisande belongs to @the-nothing-maker ❤️)
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shripscapi · 3 months
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My grave cleric Sybille for a campaign I am playing with my friends :)
She’s spent most of her life serving as an anchoress of her faith locked up in a cell contemplating death, but natural disaster- or divine intervention by her telling- have just set her loose upon the world for the first time in centuries
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breadandblankets · 7 months
Duke, looking up from his homework: hey are we the tank builds?
Jason: I mean you get hit enough to be one sure
Duke: shut the fuck up, i mean like we can't die, i can heal freaky fast, we wear more armor than like everyone-
Jason: luke tho
Duke: okay luke is also kinda a tank build
Jason: yeah, now what's a tank build
Duke: have you played any videogame ever?
Jason: does sitting in the arcade pretending that you're playing the demo count?
Duke: g-d your life is so sad, what about dnd?
Jason: my death is going about the same way, what is a dnd
Duke: you know, you get a bunch of friends-
Jason: yeah i'm going to stop you there
Duke: jesus christ
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Something thats always bugged me about dnd and pathfinder’s gods is that… they are basically monotheism in polytheism wrapping AND there is no actual religion present. The lore is so obsessed with these beings as people with their extensive histories and active presence in the setting that they completely forgot to actually create religions surrounding them.
What does casual worship look like for any of these gods? Could you tell me? What does prayer actually look like? Is there specific times of the day in which you must pray for certain gods? Is there certain attire you must wear to show your faith? Are there certain foods you cannot eat? Are there certain foods that are elevated above the rest for your faith? What kind of offerings are expected everyday? Do they expect offerings everyday or on a certain day of the week? Do they expect physical offerings at all? Do they ask for sacrifices of material goods, animals, people? Why? Why do you worship this deity? How does that actually affect ur daily life? How is worship different for a cleric, paladin, priest, or casual believer? What kinds of swears, curses, exclamations, etc are associated with this religion? Are there certain activities that are banned within your religion? How strictly does the religion police its worshiper’s actions? What kind of philosophies do they preach or disavow?
These and many more are the elements that form real world religions and are absent in most fantasy “religions” including popular ttrpgs. I cant even call these faiths religions because they really arent. One god in these settings should have 20 different religions built around them that all disagree on how the god’s domain, history, and personality should be interpreted. Maybe 2 or 4 of them would be main stream but there should be more than just one monolithic faith surrounding a god. And stop calling it polytheism. Please for the love of everything. Polytheism is a type of religion that worships multiple gods at once. Faith in dnd and pathfinder is largely monotheistic because the players choose one god they like and ignore all the rest.
I am not trying to put the responsibility of creating all these religions on gms - im pointing out that the creators of these ttrpgs did all of us a huge disservice. Religion is such an expansive and fascinating and diverse concept in the real world that it infuriates me to see it reduced to choosing a god you like and thats it. And im agnostic irl!
I was talking to my cowriter about this for the lore in my ttrpg and it got me really rilled up XD Religion can be beautiful or terrible or a mixture of both. It can save people from the world’s darkness or bring out their own inner darkness. It deserves more than a cliff-notes table of deities to choose from and half baked lore about the gods without examining the actual faith they inspire in others :/
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beebundt · 11 months
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we're going to be doing a fun little oneshot and im totally not trying to contain my excitement to be a normal human being !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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munsondjarin · 5 months
you absolutely love hearing eddie nerd out. when he apologized for ranting once, you admit that not only do you think it’s really cute, but it’s a bit of a turn on. he never lets that fact go. you’re making out on his bed and he starts trailing kisses up your jaw. nearing your ear, he leans in to whisper “wanna hear about the different types of orcs?” you whip your head at him in confusion before he continues whispering in your ear, deepening his voice. “there’s uruk-hai, actually uruk means orc in black speech..” you fight back a laugh and he pulls away just enough for you to see the smirk on the corner of his lips. days later when he picks you up for a date and sees your outfit, he immediately goes “have i ever told you about the fall of gondolin?” as he wiggles his eyebrows. it becomes a common occurrence, hot whispers about elven politics and defeating dnd monsters in hopes to hear you giggle and feel your smile against his lips.
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iguanodont · 4 months
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My other long-term ttrpg character, known to most as Snuffy. He’s a sickly, foul mouthed halfling with a penchant for abusing alcohol as readily as magic. I’ve cameoed him in a previous post, showing the moment he made a pact with a corrupted mountain god; a desperate bid to save his skin after failing to out-crime the local mob. That moment was eight years before present, and though he did get the ability to cast out of the deal, his declining health and steep tributes to his patron has been ebbing his will to live ever since. He’s also the comic relief of the party, and still has enough of a knack for moneymaking schemes to keep up with the material tributes demanded by the cow from hell.
And here’s his old family portrait. He hasn’t seen any of them in a long time.
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