#Original character: Elenore Nori Finch
chessalein · 1 year
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jackie Welles/Elenore (Nori) Finch, Misty Olszewski/Jackie Welles, Jackie Welles/original female character Characters: Jackie Welles, Viktor Vektor, Valerie (Female V), Vincent (Male V), Misty, Raúl Welles, Mama Welles, Original Female Character (Elenore "Nori" Finch), Original character Amata, Original character Sarah Finch, Original character Edwood Finch, Misty Olszewski, Hanako Arasaka Additional Tags: Jackie Welles Lives, Original Female Character - Freeform, Wholesome, Trauma, Death, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, crazy scientists, Memory Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Developing Friendships, Friendship/Love, Family Fluff, Outer Space, Crystal Palace, Alcohol, Fluff, Both V's, Character analytic, Mind Dive, Arasaka Corp, Going into someones Mind, Blood, Injurys, Virtual Space - Freeform, Mystery, experimenting on people, Bad people get what they deserve, Looking for happyness, Not native english speaker trys to write an story in english, no betareading, lots of grammar mistakes, You Have Been Warned Summary:
After a failed heist, Jackie died and left behind a lot of people who miss him. Vincent couldn't take it and made a deal with Arasaka: The chip for the life of his friend. Lucky for him, Hanako wanted to test a new thing she secretly was working on since a while now, something that is supposed to bring people back to life. Without any relic needed.
And so, Nori tries, thanks to the "Sarah Donum" to bring back the big merc with the sunny heart. It won't be an easy way and there is even more to be discovered.
What is the "Sarah donum"? Who is Nori? And what does Arasaka get out of this beside the relic that Vincent and Jackie had to steal in the first place?
Lets find out!
I want to tell you that this will be my first big story here and decidet to not let it be beta read because I'm doing it for fun. So if there are some spelling mistakes: English isn't my first language so there will be some mistakes.
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chessalein · 1 year
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My picture for the new coming chapter 6 "Green - The color of new beginnings, growth and lack of experience" What a long title!
What I really like about this shot is the hidden meanings (that happend by accident I swea. I looked at them afterwards and was like "... wait a minute! How fitting!" ).
Nori out in the sun, dressed in light colors while Jackie is still party in the shadows, dressed in darker ones. She alive and he half ... not alive. You know what I mean?
I will pop out this chapter after posting this! I use these things as a source for the picture things. I didn't learn how to do it different yet. Sorry!
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chessalein · 1 year
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jackie Welles/Elenore (Nori) Finch, Misty Olszewski/Jackie Welles, Jackie Welles/original female character Characters: Jackie Welles, Viktor Vektor, Valerie (Female V), Vincent (Male V), Misty, Raúl Welles, Mama Welles, Original Female Character (Elenore "Nori" Finch), Original character Amata, Original character Sarah Finch, Original character Edwood Finch, Misty Olszewski, Hanako Arasaka Additional Tags: Jackie Welles Lives, Original Female Character - Freeform, Wholesome, Trauma, Death, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, crazy scientists, Memory Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Developing Friendships, Friendship/Love, Family Fluff, Outer Space, Crystal Palace, Alcohol, Fluff, Both V's, Character analytic, Mind Dive, Arasaka Corp, Going into someones Mind, Blood, Injurys, Virtual Space - Freeform, Mystery, experimenting on people, Bad people get what they deserve, Looking for happyness, Not native english speaker trys to write an story in english, no betareading, lots of grammar mistakes, You Have Been Warned Summary:
After a failed heist, Jackie died and left behind a lot of people who miss him. Vincent couldn't take it and made a deal with Arasaka: The chip for the life of his friend. Lucky for him, Hanako wanted to test a new thing she secretly was working on since a while now, something that is supposed to bring people back to life. Without any relic needed.
And so, Nori tries, thanks to the "Sarah Donum" to bring back the big merc with the sunny heart. It won't be an easy way and there is even more to be discovered.
What is the "Sarah donum"? Who is Nori? And what does Arasaka get out of this beside the relic that Vincent and Jackie had to steal in the first place?
Lets find out!
I want to tell you that this will be my first big story here and decidet to not let it be beta read because I'm doing it for fun. So if there are some spelling mistakes: English isn't my first language so there will be some mistakes.
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chessalein · 1 year
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jackie Welles/Elenore (Nori) Finch, Misty Olszewski/Jackie Welles, Jackie Welles/original female character Characters: Jackie Welles, Viktor Vektor, Valerie (Female V), Vincent (Male V), Misty, Raúl Welles, Mama Welles, Original Female Character (Elenore "Nori" Finch), Original character Amata, Original character Sarah Finch, Original character Edwood Finch, Misty Olszewski, Hanako Arasaka Additional Tags: Jackie Welles Lives, Original Female Character - Freeform, Wholesome, Trauma, Death, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, crazy scientists, Memory Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Developing Friendships, Friendship/Love, Family Fluff, Outer Space, Crystal Palace, Alcohol, Fluff, Both V's, Character analytic, Mind Dive, Arasaka Corp, Going into someones Mind, Blood, Injurys, Virtual Space - Freeform, Mystery, experimenting on people, Bad people get what they deserve, Looking for happyness, Not native english speaker trys to write an story in english, no betareading, lots of grammar mistakes, You Have Been Warned Summary:
After a failed heist, Jackie died and left behind a lot of people who miss him. Vincent couldn't take it and made a deal with Arasaka: The chip for the life of his friend. Lucky for him, Hanako wanted to test a new thing she secretly was working on since a while now, something that is supposed to bring people back to life. Without any relic needed.
And so, Nori tries, thanks to the "Sarah Donum" to bring back the big merc with the sunny heart. It won't be an easy way and there is even more to be discovered.
What is the "Sarah donum"? Who is Nori? And what does Arasaka get out of this beside the relic that Vincent and Jackie had to steal in the first place?
Lets find out!
I want to tell you that this will be my first big story here and decidet to not let it be beta read because I'm doing it for fun. So if there are some spelling mistakes: English isn't my first language so there will be some mistakes.
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chessalein · 5 months
People of Night City Interview:
Elenore "Nori" Finch
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Most people call me "Nori", only my Mama sometimes calls me "Elli". Beside this, the people I'm close with gave me cute nicknames along the way. *chuckles* But they always change depending on the situation.
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Star sign:
I... I actually don't know when I was born. We are still working on finding it out. Valerie says I could be a summer child because I love summer stuff so much. Like strawberries and flowers. But Misty says it could be because I was born in winter and didn't have these things around me so I long for them. Its... complicated. *blushes* Sorry.
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I am 1,58 meter. Or... uhm... I think its 5,18 feet? I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the different messure systems.
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I'm sorry, could you explain what you mean? Oh, what gender I like as my partner... Hmm... I'm not sure. I mean... there is someone I like *blushes hard* he is male so I guess thats one answer. But I like someone who is female as well! Not in the exact same way but I like her very much. I'm not too experienced in these kind of things, so I'm afraid I can't give you a clear answer to that. I'm sorry. I only know that the character of a person is for me more important than any physical apperance. I just like nice people. *chuckles*
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Nationality / Ethnicity
I was born in austria just like my mother was, but I think my father originated from england. At least thats what an article once said about him. Hm? Oh no... We... we didn't really talk much about such stuff. *laughs uncomfotable* I can speak german without a problem. I know the people here in NC can understand all kind of languages thanks to their cyberware, but I just feel odd speaking german when I could just speak english as well. It makes me feel more as a part of the family.
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Fave fruit:
Oh, that is a hard one. I like all kind of fruits as long as they are sweet. But I think my most favorite one are strawberries. I can eat everything that has them on it! And lots of it as well. *chuckles*
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Fave season:
I love spring! Well... at least in austria I liked it. Here it somehow feels like there is only one season and that is "extra toasty". But spring in austria... perfection. Its cool but not cold, its warm but not hot! You might need a light jacket when going out but then its perfect. No sweating, ne freezing. *sighs* I miss spring.
Interviewer: So you don't like the heat?
I really dislike it. I would almost say that I hate it! You sweat the whole time, the flowers and the grass die because they get fried, the air is dry as well and don't let me start with the sunburns. *sights heavily* I'm really thankful that our house has air condition or else I would probably die.
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Fave flower:
Thats easy! Sunflowers! Well, I mean, I love almost every flower. I just love how colorful they are. But I love Sunflowers the most. They look so happy and cheerful.
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Fave scent:
Strawberries! And Jackie's cologne. He has a good taste in smells. *blushes*
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Coffee, Tea, hot chocolate:
Hot chocolate. I love sweet things. When I make tea its always fruity and I throw in so much sugar and tea into it, it probably counts more as limonade or something like this. *chuckles*
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Average hours of sleep:
Oh *chuckles nervously while blushing* lots. I'm... I'm a very tired person. It's actually hard to tell. I sleep maybe like 8 or 9 hours and nap at least once a day somewhere. I run out of energy pretty fast.
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Dog or cat person:
Do I have to chose? I never had a dog but we have an iguana that follows me around the house does this count as dog? We have a cat as well... I like both very much.
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Dream trip:
Hm... I don't really have a place where I would like to go. I'm happy here with the people I love.
Interviewer: Maybe back to austria?
Oh, no. I mean I miss the weather there but... I don't think I would be able to relax there. Too many painful memories.
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Fave fictional character:
Another hard question. Hmm... Oh! The cheshire from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". I like how she always wears a smile and does silly things that do and doesn't make sense at the same time. And I like the Gin from "Aladdin" a lot as well. He is so sweet, nice and funny. He reminds me a bit of Jackie when I think about it. *chuckles* He somehow makes wishes come true as well and that without limit or that I even ask. I wonder how he does it... And he has a ponytail sometimes as well! *laughs*
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Number of blankets you sleep with:
One. But lots of pillows and plush animals. It makes me comfortable if I have stuff around me, almost like a nest. *chuckles*
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Random fact:
Appletrees can grow apples for over 100 years. Oh! About me. *blushes* I don't like the smell of peanuts, it often makes me gag, but I still like to eat salted peanuts.
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Something you want to tell the world:
I... It might sound a klishe but: I would like the world to look out for another. It is hard enough to roam this world in the first place with everyone struggling to find their place and find out what makes them happy, so why not be nice to each other to make this little time that we have a good one. We don't have to love each other, but just looking out to help if someone is struggling would be enough. Just be nice to another.
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Thank you @dreamskug for tagging me! This was really a lot of fun.
I want to invite everyone who has an OC to joing this game.
And here are the posts I have these wonderful deviders from:
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