#Originally the staff would be named Vajrayani or Indrajit but I find myself trying too hard to stick to concrete references
demilillith · 6 years
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Tweaked Ramuh up a bit and focused more on the “Opposite of Ifrit” side of things. He’s still broad as hell compared to most others but, the reality is he IS called the Thunder Sage for a reason. Word on the street is, he brought intellect from many worlds and realms through use of the interdimensional rifts, but his fashion sense... Seems to be not of this world. 
Wielding the Vadhi staff, he renders all obsolete with bolts of lighting in the fervent path of the truth. It’s said that to even think of him, one must sacrifice a skill or important knowledge they have garnered in life to him to ask but one question or peruse his archives. Many who tempt his anger have never journeyed back alive from “Ramuh’s” abode, but those who do have noted a sacred Vajra on his person.
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