#Orin is attempting to figure out who he is as a person at like 37 so this may take some work lol
scrivellc · 10 months
Deep in my feels about Alive!Verse Orin and Audrey and their weird potential as exes who have to keep interacting with each other because I've decided Jason still exists in this AU, and Orin wants to be involved in his son's life, and Audrey is tentatively okay with this as long as Orin is kept on a short leash and is not allowed in her home. There's just so much meat there. Also the idea of Orin finally taking time to deal with his shit after almost dying and being dumped for the guy who only decided not to let him die at the last second. He's reading self help books and maybe going to a lil therapy and trying to figure out what kind of a dad he wants to be but also he's not the one who's "dad" to Jason most of the time and he feels more like an uncle to his own kid. And he's reconnecting with some old friends maybe since he knows he really can't rely on Audrey and her family for support since he knows he fucked up bad with her and just hopes to at least come to a truce at some point. And who knows? Maybe eventually he'll be allowed to go in the house but he's on thin ice and Audrey let's him know it which like, totally very fair. But it's a work in progress and they have so much history and a kid so they can never totally divorce themselves from each other even though they both understand they are never going to be a thing again. And Jason is just excited to have twice the amount of dads, one of which is very invested to making sure he sees him as fun and a positive presence.
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thejaderaven · 5 years
TASK 001: Character Development
The Jade Raven
1. Height? 5″4
2. Eye colour? One green, one gold. Looking into her gold eye closely you will see light swirling within it. When her lightborn ability is activated the light pours out of her gold eye.
3. Do they need glasses? No, perfect vision, probably as a result of the experiments.
4. Scars and birthmark? Jade’s left arm is covered in tiny tally mark scars. Each one is self inflicted and stands for each person she had killed since she escaped The Black House. The rest of Jade’s body is also covered in scars as a result of the surgeries and experiments she went through and the fights she endured during her childhood at The Black House. Prominent ones are a long one down her spine and one across her lower stomach.
5. Tattoos and piercings? Jade’s entire back is covered in a tattoo of a twisting serpent-type demon.
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6. Right or left handed? She is ambidextrous but is slightly more dominate with her right
7. Any disabilities? Physical or mental. The result of the experiments on her emotions could very simply be asperger, as whatever emotions she does feel she doesn’t understand and struggles to express. PTSD probably
8. Do they have any allergies? Although it is not an allergy, Jade tends to only eat vegan food but she’s not strict following it.
9. Favourite colour? Deep red.
10. Typical outfits? Jade is more often then not seen in her ornate red, black and gold heavy plate armour with her glaive across her back, her hair tied up and a mask which he only wears in battle. When armour is unnecessary she wears simple clothes such as baggy vest tops and pants in greys and blacks with a red robe/kimono she wears over the top to cover her scars.
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11. Do they wear any makeup? She occasionally wears a streak of red makeup/paint across her eyes when going into battle. Other then that, none.
12. What weapon do they use, if any? She uses a glaive. The one you can very often see her with is one she was given at The Black House and still uses to this day.
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13. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Definitely a pessimistic, especially when it comes to herself and her nature. She will always see more of the dark over the light in herself.
14. Are they introverted or extroverted? Introverted in that they tend to avoid most social interactions and doesn’t keep many friends. Extroverted in that when she does occasionally get into longer conversations with people she is not afraid to speak her mind as she doesn’t normally follow the social cue of if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
15. What are their pet peeves? Jade has always been baffled by the rich and their need for luxurious lifestyles. She was always taught that you need nothing more the the necessities of survival, so seeing people wasting money on useless jewellery or art while other people are struggling to get enough food to feed their families is definitely something that annoys her. For more common pet peeves she hates anyone that unnecessarily invades her personal space or people who don’t follow through with their actions. If you say your gonna do something, just do it.
16. What bad habits do they have? Jade is a pacer, especially when she is angered or confused by something. She tends to have a habit to just disappear on people without saying goodbye or saying where she is going. People say she can be argumentative. Her biggest bad habit is probably her tally marks, lets be honest here.
17. Do they have any phobias? Theophobia aka a fear of the gods. She believes because of the fiend blood in her system that they will eventually come down to punish her, as such she refused to walk or enter any holy ground or temples because she believes it will burn her.
18. How do they display affection? This is not something Jade is used to and has been slowly learning how to do so. At the moment she tends to get rather quiet oppose to her blunt, argumentative self around someone she is actually genuinely interested in. She will show honest enthusiasm in having a deep conversation with you and can get rather philosophical, without actually revealing too much about herself however.
19. How competitive are they? Very. Throughout her entire childhood being raised at The Black House she was constantly being put up against people and asked to prove herself as the best. When she met Orin this was brought out in both of them as they would end up tracking their wins against each other and turn that into a competition in itself.
20. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her nature, DNA, biology, whatever you want to call it. She would want to cleanse her blood of the things that her parents and The Black House did to her, the fiend blood and Orin’s light trapped inside her, each of them currently fighting within.
21. Do they have any obscure hobbies or routines? Jade starts the day by meditating, as a way to clear her head of any of the nightmares that plagued her sleep. She also takes a comfort in sharping the blade on her glaive and will sometimes sit for hours doing it slowly.
22. What are the names and ages of their close family members? Parents, siblings, etc. Jade’s parents names were Amabelle and Alessandro Farguard. She has no siblings which she knows of, but since she never knew her parents and The Black House never shared much with her, its a possibility.
23. Is their family alive and are they still in contact with them? Her mother died during childbirth and her father committed suicide the same day so she never knew her real parents.
24. Where are they from? City, nation? Somewhere in Hegaehend?
25. Did they have a childhood best friend? Yes and no. She spent 19 years of her life alone within The Black House facility until she met Orin and they were inseparable for 3 years.
26. Have they had any pets? No, it was never something she was allowed and even now the idea of being responsible for another life doesn’t appeal to her.
27. Did they grow up rich or poor? What were their living conditions like? Money was never a concern for Jade. She had a roof over her head, a bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day which is more then most people could say. However, she was a prisoner within the organisation.
28. What is their educational background? Although she received an extensive education while at The Black House Jade was only ever taught about what they wanted her to know, so her views may be a little skewed on certain beliefs, customs and events.
29. As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up? She never had any dreams like that. She was trained to be the perfect fighter so that is what she aimed for.
30. What advice would they give to their younger self? “Don’t be so passive as a prisoner. Attempt to escape earlier, there is more out there for you... And take Orin with you.”
31. Growing up, were they ever bullied or were they the bully? Jade never had enough interactions with other people to experience either of these things.
32. Who do they look up to/who is their role model? For a while it was Orin. At The Black House the pair were always taught that Orin was the embodiment of good and Jade evil, and considering Jade believed him to be an angel for a brief time when they met it was only natural for Jade to want to be like him.
33. Do they currently have a place of residence? No, they travel around a lot and don’t tend to stay in the same place for too long, especially cities. She does believe she is on the run after all.
34. What is their most treasured possession? In the final fight Orin and Jade shared Orin ended up breaking his blade he was so furious. As he was dragged away to stop from killing her she stole the broken hilt of his greatsword and still has it to this day. That or her own weapon, the ornate glaive that The Black House gifted to her.
35. What is their drink of choice? Whiskey, although she doesn’t get effected by alcohol.
36. Which king/queen are they loyal to, if any? Having only learnt about that part of history about 3 years ago she tends to not concern herself with the politics of the royals, however she does fight for King Rolland’s army.
37. Have they ever killed anyone? Oh boy, has she. To know how many all you need to do is look at the number of tally mark scars on her left arm.
38. What was their last promise and did they keep it? Jade has never made promises very lightly and can’t actually remember the last one she made. Maybe it was to Orin to help him with a certain part of his training.
39. What was their first kiss like, if they’ve had one? A while after escaping The Black House Jade ended up in a conversation with a lovely women in a tavern. They talked for several hours, which was unusual for Jade as she didn’t trust many people back then, before the women eventually stole a kiss from her. Jade was extremely shocked and ended up pushing her away. The women told her she wouldn’t charge her due to the misunderstanding, which still confuses Jade to this day...
40. Are they in a relationship/have a love interest? She has never been in a relationship however things looked to be a possibility between her and Orin before things went terribly wrong. Well, it was a possibility if Jade ever figured out what her feelings towards him were and if Orin wasn’t so oblivious.
41. Have they ever been in love? Jade doesn’t understand a lot of the emotions she feels but she knows Orin means a lot to her. Whether that is love is yet to be seen.
42. Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes by herself. She feels incredible guiltly for what happened to Orin despite it being The Black House’s doing and even worse for running away and leaving him behind. She could of saved him too.
43. Do they follow a god, if so who? No, quite the opposite.
44. What do they think happens to them after death? Jade believes she will probably end up in the nine hells with whatever devil’s blood is running through her veins. 
45. What is their spirit animal? A raven obviously, the omen of bad luck
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