ladrodiciliegie · 1 year
Questa storia d'amore - per una strana coincidenza, direbbe donna Arminda - iniziò nello stesso giorno limpido, con sole primaverile, in cui il fazendeiro Jesuíno Mendonça uccise a rivoltellate donna Sinhazinha Guedes Mendonça sua legittima sposa, dama della migliore società locale - bruna, piuttosto grassa, molto dedita alle attività parrocchiali - e il dottor Osmundo Pimentel, chirurgo-dentista, stabilitosi a Ilhéus da pochi mesi, giovane elegante, con atteggiamenti da poeta. Inoltre, in quel mattino, prima che la tragedia sconvolgesse la città, la vecchia Filomena aveva attuato una sua antica minaccia: era partita con il trenino delle otto per Agua Preta, dove aveva fatto fortuna un suo figlioccio, piantando in asso l'arabo Nacib presso cui faceva la cuoca.
Jorge Amado - Gabriella garofano e cannella - incipit
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blahblahnezz · 8 months
Respondent Miguela C. Dailo and Marcelino Dailo, Jr. were married on August 8, 1967. During their marriage, the spouses purchased a house and lot in San Pablo City, registered in the name of Marcelino Dailo to the exclusion of his wife.
In 1993, through a grant of Special Power of Attorney to Lilibeth Osmundo, Marcelino obtained a loan from petitioner Homeowners Savings and Loan Bank, secured by the property in San Pablo. Gesmundo also executed a Real Estate Mortgage constituted on the subject property in favor of petitioner without the knowledge and consent of respondent. The loan matured and remained outstanding which led to the foreclosure of the mortgage.
In 1993, Marcelino died.
Respondent found out later about the mortgage and claimed that she had no knowledge of it. She further claims that the property was conjugal in nature and so she consequently filed for the Nullity of Real Estate Mortgage and Certificate of Sale, Affidavit of Consolidation of Ownership, Deed of Sale, Reconveyance with Prayer for Preliminary Injunction and Damages against petitioner. In the latter’s Answer with Counterclaim, petitioner prayed for the dismissal of the complaint on the ground that the property in question was the exclusive property of the late Marcelino Dailo, Jr. The Court of appeals favored Miguela. Hence this petition.
1.) Whether or not the mortgage entered into by respondent’s husband without her knowledge was valid.
2.) Whether or not the property may be held liable for the obligation obtained by the late Marcelino Dailo.
The court held that the property relations of respondent and her late husband shall be governed, foremost, by Chapter 4 on Conjugal Partnership of Gains of the Family Code and, suppletorily, by the rules on partnership under the Civil Code. In case of conflict, the former prevails because the Civil Code provisions on partnership apply only when the Family Code is silent on the matter.
Marcelino and Miguela Dailo were married before the effectivity of the Family Code. In the absence of a marriage settlement, their properties were governed by the system of Conjugal Partnership of gains, which was made also made applicable after the effectivity of the Code.
Article 124 of the Family Code, in the absence of (court) authority or written consent of the other spouse, any disposition or encumbrance of the conjugal property shall be void. The Court ruled that the mortgage entered into by Marcelino without his wife’s consent and, thus, was void.
As to the issue of liability of the property for the obligation obtained by Marcelino, the court held that for failure to present clear proof that the said obligation redounded to the benefit of the family which under Article 121 of the Family Code, the subject property could not be held liable.
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nopradamaria · 2 years
G.R. NO. 153802
Respondent Miguela C. Dailo and Marcelino Dailo, Jr. were married on August 8, 1967. During their marriage, the spouses purchased a house and lot in San Pablo City, registered in the name of Marcelino Dailo to the exclusion of his wife.
In 1993, through a grant of Special Power of Attorney to Lilibeth Osmundo, Marcelino obtained a loan from petitioner Homeowners Savings and Loan Bank, secured by the property in San Pablo. Gesmundo also executed a Real Estate Mortgage constituted on the subject property in favor of petitioner without the knowledge and consent of respondent. The loan matured and remained outstanding which led to the foreclosure of the mortgage.
In 1993, Marcelino died.
Respondent found out later about the mortgage and claimed that she had no knowledge of it. She further claims that the property was conjugal in nature and so she consequently filed for the Nullity of Real Estate Mortgage and Certificate of Sale, Affidavit of Consolidation of Ownership, Deed of Sale, Reconveyance with Prayer for Preliminary Injunction and Damages against petitioner. In the latter’s Answer with Counterclaim, petitioner prayed for the dismissal of the complaint on the ground that the property in question was the exclusive property of the late Marcelino Dailo, Jr. The Court of appeals favored Miguela. Hence this petition.
1.) Whether or not the mortgage entered into by respondent’s husband without her knowledge was valid.
2.) Whether or not the property may be held liable for the obligation obtained by the late Marcelino Dailo.
The court held that the property relations of respondent and her late husband shall be governed, foremost, by Chapter 4 on Conjugal Partnership of Gains of the Family Code and, suppletorily, by the rules on partnership under the Civil Code. In case of conflict, the former prevails because the Civil Code provisions on partnership apply only when the Family Code is silent on the matter.
Marcelino and Miguela Dailo were married before the effectivity of the Family Code. In the absence of a marriage settlement, their properties were governed by the system of Conjugal Partnership of gains, which was made also made applicable after the effectivity of the Code.
Article 124 of the Family Code, in the absence of (court) authority or written consent of the other spouse, any disposition or encumbrance of the conjugal property shall be void. The Court ruled that the mortgage entered into by Marcelino without his wife’s consent and, thus, was void.
As to the issue of liability of the property for the obligation obtained by Marcelino, the court held that for failure to present clear proof that the said obligation redounded to the benefit of the family which under Article 121 of the Family Code, the subject property could not be held liable.
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blogdorubenssales · 2 years
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A Escola Municipal Ivanira de Vasconcelos Paisinho recebeu na manhã da última sexta-feira (18), o espetáculo “Caçadoras de Histórias”, do grupo Clowns de Shakespeare, através de uma parceria com o projeto Bibliosesc, do Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC) e o projeto Rio de Leitura, da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura (SEMEC). Durante a apresentação, os alunos do 1º ao 5º puderam vivenciar o mundo da literatura e teatro, através das personagens Suricate e Jiboia, que compartilharam histórias utilizando música e objetos, deixando a cargo da imaginação das crianças a transformação de elementos simples em grandes símbolos. O grupo animou a manhã dos alunos, que riram bastante, aplaudiram e participaram ativamente da apresentação ajudando as personagens e respondendo perguntas. O evento também aconteceu na Escola Osmundo Faria, em Passagem de Areia. A iniciativa foi possível graças à parceria do projeto Rio de Leitura com o SESC, que acontece desde 2011 através do Bibliosesc, que consiste em uma biblioteca móvel, a qual realiza o empréstimo de livros com prazo de até 15 dias para retorno. O projeto conta com professores que orientam os alunos na escolha da melhor obra sob a supervisão de um bibliotecário. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClOxdVCOEUF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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explorerspack · 3 years
man but at the end of the day, the nice thing about playing cerise is even with something like this, as long as it works that means she was right,
#cha:cerise#c:crop#she has ALREADY started to click into thinking she did the right thing#or not RIGHT but the best option she had available to her at the time#it's another one in her sins she listed to elliot! like escaping rhest alone! like 'cooperating' with the mage!#the same box that the whole alliance with house anila will probably get stuck in! the 'if i was smarter if i was stronger#i could have figured something out but i'm not and i didn't and i'd do the same again if i had to.'#the category of things that as kes so astutely noted that one time cerise mostly blames herself for because that implies she HAD control#if the other sorcerers getting their tongues cut out was *her* fault then that means maybe next time she can be Better and can Stop It#whereas if it isn't her fault then she doesn't have that control and she really was just helpless and powerless#and who KNOWS what'll happen next time#which is a roundabout way of saying. man petal sure would have killed that woman if i didn't stop her--#he sure was tasked with Bringing The Sorcerers To Pista and he sure will. do that!#and as kes once again so astutely said in my traitor channel 'you'd simply be absolutely entirely fucked'!#and. yup! we would be! i'm not even SURE what would have happened but ALL the options are bad.#cerise *can't* win a standoff against petal esp not with half her spells gone but she might have TRIED#or she might have gone into rhest survival mode and just tried to defuse the situation and keep her people alive and.#as bad as the current situation is that hypothetical one is SO much worse!#and so it. this sure was how the situation needed to be handled and. as long as this turns out okay.#as long as cerise's guess at what osmundo anila actually wants is right! as long as they actually stay safe!#if this WORKS if it achieves the desired effect then. it's still unforgivable but it's RIGHT!#i am thinking AGAIN about kobus 'those were the wrong actions but you weren't wrong to take them' and cerise ENTIRELY disagreeing#the ends justify the means not in the sense that the means were justified but in the sense that they had to be done#head in my HANDS.#apologies for the FLOOD of crop posts but in my defense jesus fucking christ was i put in a situation.#mutuals who do not know the situation feel free to ask about it oh Boy would i like to explain--#i. man i really really love this game....i know it's obvious from the everything about me but all i do is open that server and go#'WOW i'm so lucky to be here....'
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cazamentes · 5 years
Osmundo [KHR]
¿Qué pasaría si existiera... Tan sólo uno más de ellos? Los Osmundos son reconocidos por ser seres hipersensibles. Seres amables, comprensibles y muy inocentes. Seres de quienes se aprovecharon a la menor oportunidad. Crueldad, mientras vivían entre los humanos sólo eso recibían. Y por ser tan bondadosos no se protegían ni tampoco los culpaban. Sólo.. se dejaban utilizar.. Y en menos de lo que se dieron cuenta ya no habían más de ellos. La humanidad es así, no sabe apreciar lo que tiene hasta que ya no ésta. Los Osmundos también son conocidos y muy queridos por todos lados por poseer magia. Magia de sanar, de cambiar la realidad y de hacer sentir a las personas bien. Irradian instintivamente un aura que calma a todo ser a su alrededor y que relaja los cuerpos y las mentes. Era realmente culpa de los humanos el que ya no hubiera más seres como ellos. Sólo culpa de ellos. ¥₩^/*\^₩¥ Debía moverme rápido o llegaría tarde. En el trabajo había que ser puntual o serías despedido. Estaba a tan solo un giro de esquina para llegar cuando chocó con un cuerpo que salió de la nada y lo empujó al suelo. Le dolió la cadera al caer sentado y algunas lágrimas se asomaron en su rostro, pero se colocó de pie de inmediato, observo a la otra persona que tal parecía que no había caído al suelo. - ¡Lo siento mucho!, ¡No veía por donde iba! - Realizó una reverencia y pidió disculpas por su descuido, no estaba del todo atento por el horario de su trabajo, recordando eso observó su muñeca y con ello la hora dándose cuenta que tenía tan sólo unos tres minutos para llegar. - ¡De verdad lo siento, pero debo irme! No espero más respuesta, por más que aquello hubiera sido realmente grosero de su parte y retomó su carrera hacia la cafetería, doblando la esquina y adentrándose en la segunda puerta a su derecha. - ¡Sawada!, ¡Justo a tiempo, de nuevo! - La voz de una fémina se escuchó fuerte y claro apenas cerró la puerta a sus espaldas. - ¡No diré nada esta vez tampoco!, - La escuchó suspirar para luego suavizar su tono. - Pero al menos una vez intenta llegar con algunos minutos de sobra. - Lo siento mucho, Lal Mirch. - El castaño apenado mantenía su cabeza agachada y enrollaba su dedo en el dobles de su camiseta. - Vamos, Tsuna, debemos abrir ya. - Suavizando el ambiente le llamó con un tono aún más amable caminando hasta él a darle una cariñosa palmada en el cabello esponjoso. - ¡Si! - Y con ello observo al castaño recuperar toda su emoción, corriendo hacia la cocina a cambiar su traje, dejando en el camino un agradable cambio de aire. No pudo evitar suspirar al verlo cruzar la puerta. Una sonrisa se formó
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angel-amable · 5 years
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Cuando esta mañana se ha levantado y se ha colocado el calzoncillo... me ha mirado extrañado. Fue cuando con la voz ronca de recien depertado Osmundo me preguntó: [Osmundo] - Todavía no me llego a explicar como ha aparecido en mitad de la noche, en mitad de la cama ese chimpancé de peluche que toca los platillos. [Amable] - Eso solamente lo puedo achacar a una loca noche de bebidas, sustancias divertidas y una mezcla suicida de golosinas. Por cierto, me gustan tus calzoncillos Meyba™, un buen producto local con buen género.
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carlagwyneth · 5 years
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Brngy 471
Barangay 471, zone 46, district 4 has a total population of 1,872 as of June 20, 2019 containing 320 families, it is a semi commercial area located near University of Santo Tomas and surrounded by different condominiums, dorms, eateries and other establishments. The barangay which is located near various types of establishments are also prone to different calamities. Although there have been no reported fire in the past year, the barangay is flood prone area one of which most barangays in manila are too. The barangay, led by Kapitan Osmundo J. Perez are prepared enough for this kind of disasters, based on my findings they have their plan as to how they would address these issues that will arise in the future.
As per the documents presented to me, the whole barangay is a flood prone area wherein sometimes the flood reaches up to the knee, fire prone areas are the establishments along Juaning Street, dorms, canteens and other establishments and earthquake prone areas are also along Juaning street. The people that would most probably be affected of these disasters are the people living near the disaster prone area mentioned before. 
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To properly address these issues, the barangay officials came up with several plans, like routine or scheduled earthquake drills, declogging canals and weekly clean up drives to different streets of the barangay. They do these activities to help the citizens to be informed about the disasters that may hit them, how to avoid it and how they can face or confront to these challenges. Barangay 471 is prepared enough for these calamities, they have different mode of transportation like the barangay tricycle to help victims to get to the evacuation centers, to alarm the people living in the community if there is something about to hit them like fire alarms, two-way radios and megaphones, the evacuation areas that they have is the barangay hall’s 2nd and 3rd floor for floods and fires and the UST football field which is an open area, for earthquakes. The barangay also has enough water supply for the residents thanks to the static water tank and also enough fuel supply because it is near a gas station. If there may come a time when food is hard to find, the barangay has enough relief goods to offer the residents.
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From what I have observed in the streets of Barangay 471, there are wires that got tangled on each other and I think that it may cause fire in the near future if not handled properly. 
The data that I have gathered was limited because they insisted to take the picture of their portfolio instead.
-- carla san juan, c-cthm-1
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Barangay 471 is located in Sampaloc, Manila with a population of 1,872 residents. Antonio, Asturias, Rosarito, Navarra, Juaning, Santander, and a portion of Dapitan and Laon Laan are streets of the barangay. 
Last December 18, 2019, I interviewed Mr. Osmundo J. Perez, the punong barangay official of Barangay 471. I was curious and asked him what calamities/hazards have occurred in the barangay. With this, we had a discussion about their Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan. One of the biggest problems that the community faces is flooding during the rainy seasons. There were calamities that happened before and during the term of Punong Barangay Perez including tropical storm Ondoy and typhoon Pedring in 2009. Several events like this were the cause of the lost of an average of their GDP. Connected to this is the fact that climate change increases the vulnerability of natural resources so it is important that we recognize them to ensure sustainable economic growth. 
Because of this, the barangay emphasizes on the importance of Barangay Risk Reduction and Management (BDRRM).
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The budget of the barangay has a Calamity Fund which is divided into 70% and 30% for the Quick Response Fund. The Calamity Fund is meant for the equipment and materials that are needed if ever a hazard has occurred. One of their barangay projects last 2018 was De clogging in which the hazard involved is flooding and the number of beneficiaries are 100% of the constituents. 
A Procurement Plan is also essential so that BDRRM members know the number of beneficiaries and number of supply for the needs of the victims. This is where the 30% quick response fund is used. 
In case of fire, they have a megaphone, two-way radio and RAHA Fire Volunteer to inform the residents of the barangay and fire volunteers immediately to initiate a quick response. A public address system is also used to alert others. They also have fire safety tips. 
The barangay also participated in the 2019 First Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill last February 21, 2019. This is to ensure that constituents know how to respond to an actual earthquake and to evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency plan and the training of their teams. 
Everything mentioned above are the collective efforts of the barangay team to reduce and mitigate the effects of calamities. Based on what we talked about, I think they are doing their very best for the safety of the residents of Barangay 471. 
Hazardous Places
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Numerous tall buildings are located around the place. This is a hazard because these may collapse during an earthquake.
Safest Places
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The field located inside the University of Santo Tomas is considered a safe place because people may evacuate here in case of earthquakes. 
Photo from: TomasinoWeb
Best Practices
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Having equipment ready and conducting drills such as fire and earthquake drills are the best practices in my opinion. Through the drills and equipments, officials and residents will be prepared in case of a disasters. 
Disaster Situation of the Philippines 
“The Philippines has a high vulnerability to natural hazards which are attributed to the nation's geographic position in Southeast Asia. Natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and fires affect the country.”
It is important that we become aware of issues of disasters in our country so that we become more prepared and lessen its effects. If we look at other countries like Japan, they easily recover even from extreme natural disasters because their government prepares for it extensively. I think this is one thing that we should adapt from them. 
Realization and Insights
After the kwentuhan and community walk, I realized how important Disaster Risk Reduction and Management is. It is a fact that a natural calamity cannot be prevented, but the effects of it can be minimized. Even though every community has vulnerabilities which can be physical, social, economic or environmental. We can also be part of prevention in cooperating with the programs of local government. With the previous experiences of the community, we are motivated to lessen risks or potential disaster losses. And of course it is vital that we strengthen the capacities of the community. Integral to capacity development is bringing about transformation: changing mindsets and attitudes rather than just performing tasks. (UNDP, 2009). Each member of the community has something to contribute and I believe that when we put our efforts and actions together, we will have can have a safer and disaster-ready community. 
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jovirayyy-blog · 5 years
NSTP Module 4: Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
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Last December 6, I met with Secretary Rose Mae P. Lambanecio of Barangay 471 Zone 46 District IV Sampaloc, Manila. The barangay is near UST and a lot of dorms and buildings. The barangay is being led by Chairman Osmundo J. Perez. We discussed, as a group, all about the disaster risk reduction and management plan of the barangay.
The barangay is at risk of fire and earthquake because many dorms and establishments circulated the whole barangay. Specifically, Juaning Street is the most vulnerable because it has a steep way and has many tall buildings that are dangerous when there is a disaster.
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Here is the actual photo of Juaning Street with me in the middle. 
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We walked around the barangay and the common hazard in the area is the series of tangled wires which are dangerous because it might spark and start a fire.
The barangay has faced different calamities like fire, earthquake, and storm surge. The most disastrous is during the Bagyong Ondoy last 2009. The latest hazards are during the fire at Antonio St. last August 2018 and Bagyong Tisoy. The challenging part is that it can be hard to communicate with all the people in the community because most of the people living are at the dorm and people tend to be busy.
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When it comes to capacity, the barangay is capable of conducting seminars and information dissemination. It is effective since the barangay is easily located and it is open to all. The good thing is UST is training the barangay officials about first-aid training, earthquake drills, etc. They are participating whenever UST conducts seminars regarding disaster risk reduction. They also have a special task force for emergency responses and they hold earthquake drills and fire drills quarterly. Every barangay is required to have a BDRRMC (Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council) and it makes us feel assured when there is a calamity. When it comes to information about the disaster, national television, social media posts, DOST, PAGASA, NDRRMC, and even the local government are their sources.
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For evacuation purposes, UST field is the main evacuation since it is wide open and near the barangay.
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Natural hazards or any calamities are unavoidable. Disaster does not choose which place will be the target. It is part of our living and we cannot control it. The thing is there are disaster risk reduction and readiness management that will help us safer during disasters.
The government is required to ensure the safety of its citizens that is why DRRR should be active and ready to respond at all times. The citizens have a vital role during these preparations because they need to have cooperation to implemented DRRR successfully. 
I learned that we must always prepare at all times because we cannot predict all the disasters that I will experience in the future. We must attend seminars and talks regarding Disaster Risk Reduction and Management so we know what to do when there is a disaster.
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lobebanpaolo12-blog · 5 years
I have conducted an interview in Barangay 471, Zone 46 District IV Sampaloc, Manila last December 5, 2019 where I asked questions about the Hazards in the area, Vulnerability, Elements and People at Risk Assessment, Capacity and Disaster Management Assessment. Also the Safest and Hazardous areas, places, spaces, practices, lifestyle, and issues in the community.
The barangay captain, Mr. Osmundo Perez, said that the issues confronting their community was they are at risk from different disasters most particularly typhoons and floods. Also disasters that are unable to be predicted like fire and earthquake have struck the barangay. Also they are at risk to outbreak disasters such as polio, which is why they have a free oral polio vaccination for children. He also mentioned during the interview that there are also some hazards like the disruption of cable wirings brought by typhoons and other types of calamities. I also asked him about the areas to which hazards are most likely to occur, and he said typhoon, but the areas near their barangay are less likely to be affected by flood due to typhoons, since their roads are reconstructed and their place are in a high-lying area which is safe from flooding. He also said that UST field is safest area whenever there is an earthquake. However, he said that España street are the one that experiences heavy floodings which causes damages.
To address these issues mentioned, the local government should have disaster operation centers where each teams of the center have specialization on different hazards, these centers will help them to overcome such disasters and knows what to do before, during and after the disaster. They should also have a disaster risk reduction management councils, to reduce the effect of disasters. They should also check the disaster plans of every families in their Barangay and also to check if every families have their own first aid kits and enough goods. Also to conduct fire drills and earthquake drills in their barangay, so that the people and the whole community will know what to do and where to go if earthquake strikes. Mr. Perez, shared to me the emergency drills in their barangay, there is also the documentation of the earthquake drills that they have done recently which are very useful for people to be informed on how to respond when a disaster strikes.
Our country, Philippines has experienced a lot of natural disasters like earthquakes, typhoons, and also volcano eruptions, due to the fact that, our country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, where the majority of earthquakes takes place, which is why our country is very prone to natural disasters.
After community walk, I have seen hazard that can possibly cause danger, that is the tangled cable wirings on different sides of the street, and not only that it is tangled, but also it is very low. This should be addressed as soon as possible, since when one sparks it will have a “domino effect” which causes large fires and could also affect the houses, since it is very low. Then, after the community walk, I roamed around UST, to see if there are also possible hazards that may cause danger, but I think it would be less likely to occur, since UST has an earthquake proof building, which is the main building and also UST has a very wide open space, the field, where the students and the whole community would be able to evacuate, whenever an earthquake strikes. UST also have earthquake drills, and I have also seen a lot of signs and posters on different places around the campus on what to before, during and after calamities, which is very helpful especially for the students and to the whole Thomasian community to be informed, to be alert at all times, and to know what to do when there is a calamity.
We need to address the issue of disasters in our country since we are really prone to natural disasters like typhoons and also earthquakes, since our country is located in the Ring of Fire. Therefore, if we are able to address these serious issues there would be less fatalities, injuries and we can avoid heavy damages to properties. We can address these issues through having an efficient hazard planning. Also having seminars or talks regarding these issues, on what to do before, during, and after a disaster. So that the people and the whole community would have knowledge about those issues. Also same to what was mentioned above, which is to conduct an earthquake drills and fire drills, because these will prepare the people and the community on what to do when such calamity strikes.
As a member of this community and this nation, what I can do to address the vulnerabilities, is to simply stay informed and aware on what to do before, during, and after a calamity and as a citizen of this nation I can increase the capacities of my community, by spreading my knowledge and inform people and the community about Disaster preparedness.
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baltazarpio-blog · 5 years
Barangay DRRM Kwentuhan by Francis Pio of NSTP L-AB-9
Barangay 471 Zone 46 District IV
Hazard Identification
After consulting with Eugene Cruz, the Executive Officer of Brgy. 471, I have come to know that the frequent hazards and disasters that occur in the barangay are floods, earthquakes, fires, and super typhoons. There are also cases of minor vehicular accidents and snatching in the area. 
The barangay is equipped with flood indicators to monitor the water level whenever an imminent flood or typhoon is to hit and affect the barangay. They would also coordinate with fellow barangays to know the situation of each other to prepare for an imminent flood or disaster. Mr. Cruz also said that they tune in for updates from the local news station to know about any impending natural or man-made disasters.
Based on the data of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PhiVolcs), the “Big One” or the devastating earthquake due to the movement of the West Valley Fault may occur anytime during this lifetime. Also, the barangay gave reports about the past typhoons that greatly affected their GDP such as Typhoon Ondoy, Pedring, Quiel, and Sendong.
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Vulnerability, Elements, and People at Risk Assessment
According to Mr. Cruz, the most vulnerable parts of the barangay whenever an earthquake strikes are the areas near tall buildings. He said that it is very dangerous to stay near them whenever it occurs. He also added that the barangay is geographically near a gasoline station. And its proximity is also a threat because it may explode when a disaster arises.  Mr. Cruz also told me that the whole barangay is prone to flood whereas, Juaning and Navarra street and establishments are prone to fire and earthquakes.
The streets are also unsafe places. Not only is it prone to floods but it is also the host for various vehicular and snatching incidents. Old houses are also an imminent threat to society. It is because of its old and decomposing wood that makes it highly vulnerable to fire. 
Based on my observation, the electrical wires are also a dangerous thing when disaster arise. Bundles of wires crawl around the barangay and it is prone to breaking and may cause a fire when it does.
Mr. Cruz said those old people, poor, persons with disabilities and children are most vulnerable when these disasters arise. It is because of this that the Barangay 471 made evacuation centers for its constituents. They have made the 2nd and 3rd floor of the barangay hall as the primary evacuation center and coordinated with Raha Volunteer to make their fire station and the UST Football Field as evacuation centers. 
The Barangay is considered as a semi-commercial area with its residents’ income-generating capabilities sprout from food stalls, commercial establishments, transport services, and sari-sari store. If a flood or a fire occurs in these places, the residents may lose their revenues as it is their primary source of income. 
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Capacity and Disaster Management Assessment
The Barangay has a Barangay Risk Reduction Management Plan that Mr. Cruz was kind enough to show me. Base on the plan, the barangay had various activities, pieces of equipment, and procedures to follow and use whenever a hazard or disaster strikes. 
In anticipation of floods and typhoons, the barangay conducts a weekly declogging and clean-up drive to remove garbages from sewers and allow water to freely pass and avoid clogs that may result to flood. They also have a megaphone and a two-way radio in-store to help during these disasters.
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On the other hand, in anticipation of earthquakes and fires, Mr. Cruz told me that the Raha Fire Volunteer had been a dependent organization in case of any incidents. It is because of their capable fire trucks, amphibious vehicles, and ambulances that they can perform well. However, the barangay is not incapable of protecting themselves. 
Mr. Cruz told me that they have enough tanods to help in any emergencies and their pieces of equipment such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits, BP apparatus, two-way radios, flashlights, whistles, generator, and the nebulizer is always ready to be used in case of any emergency. 
It is also in the direct supervision of Hon. PB Osmundo J. Perez to be responsible for the Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council (BDCC), Alfonso Adalia for the Fire Brigade Team, Kagawad Adelaida Rabe for the Medical Service Team, Lito Espera and Evelyn Rodriguez for the Damage Control Team and Security Service Team, respectively. 
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I have also observed that the Barangay had installed a CCTV system that stretches along the street of Navarra and other streets as Mr. Cruz said it was a busy street that needs a lot of surveillance. It is also used to track water levels, vehicular or snatching incidents. 
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Community Walk
As I have done my walk to observe the barangay, I have seen that it really is a place of busy students. And the traffic along with it is dangerous to their safety. I have also seen the danger of numerous bundles of hanging electrical wires that are only waiting to be a disaster on its own. 
Also, I have observed that there is little to no street barriers along the streets of UST and Barangay 471. Danger may strike anytime and unknowing pedestrians may be a victim of car accidents. 
Tall buildings and old houses are also a sight for the eyes. These dangerous infrastructures are needed to be properly maintained.
Hazardous Places
As I see it, the most hazardous places are near tall buildings and establishments with a lot of bundled electrical wires. Also, there are not enough precautions on the street such as street barriers to protects pedestrians from any vehicular accidents.
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Safe Places
The UST football field is one of the safest places near the barangay and it can accommodate hundreds of people whenever a disaster strikes.
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Best Practices
I believe that what the barangay does for the prevention of flood and for the cleanliness of the community is one of the best practices of it. The Clean-up drive and declogging practices can go a long way. It will enhance the capacity of the barangay to be more prepared and save lives and businesses in the first place.
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Reflection, Synthesis, and Analysis 
After conducting the DRRM Barangay Kwentuhan, I am now more aware of the plans that the barangay has in-store for the protection and preservation of life and the harmony of its constituents. It is quite assuring to know that there are these initiatives solely to benefit us. 
However, I just wish that more people would be more willing to actively and effectively implement these practices. Also, I wish that there were more civic awareness and importance in the minds of the people. So that these actions can be improved and effectively implemented. 
With the knowledge of the disasters and hazards in my community, I have now the duty and responsibility to look out for my self and others. I have to effectively communicate my knowledge for the betterment of the community. Also, I can help with the preparation and dissemination of the idea as to where to go in times of a disaster or who to call.
The Philippines is an archipelago and we are situated near the Pacific ocean. Typhoons will inevitably devastate the country and we can do nothing to stop it. Fortunately, we can be prepared for it. By being ready and competent for disasters at the smallest level of the barangay, we can be ready for any disaster as a nation. We need to reinforce our preparedness down to its core, the people of the barangay so that we can mitigate these disasters that affect our community.
We can do it by training our barangay officers and also its constituents and equipping them with the right tools to undergo such training. We should also come up with an efficient disaster preparedness plan so that we can follow a system whenever a disaster strike. This will not only include barangay officials but the coordination of the people is also a vital aspect for its success. Hence, I can say that this National Service and Training Program (NSTP), is not a mere subject for the school but is a subject for the survival and progress of the country. 
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BDRRM: Barangay 471, Sampaloc, Manila
Barangay 471 Zone 46 District 4 Created: 1982 District: Sampaloc City: Manila Population: 1,872 Streets: Antonio,Asturias, Rosarito, Navarra, Juaning, Santander, and a portion of Dapitan and Laon Laan. Barangay Captain: Osmundo J. Perez Barangay Hall: 1219 Navarra St., Sampaloc, Manila 
Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council (BDCC) Hon. PB Osmundo J. Perez Over-All Chairman
Based on the History of Calamities in their Barangay Risk Reduction Management Plan prepared by the Barangay Secretary, Rose Mae P. Lambanecio, it was 2009 when storm Ondoy drowned most in Metro Manila, hit more than 11 billion. During the typhoon, the barangay officials especially Hon. PB Osmundo J. Perez are on alert. Tanods are monitoring and roving around areas of jurisdiction.
Location of High Risk-Areas Flood: Whole Barangay Fire: Juaning Street Establishments (Canteens, Dorms) Earthquake: Juaning Street 
Location of Evacuation Centers Flood: Brgy. Hall 2nd and 3rd floor Fire: Brgy. Hall 2nd and 3rd floor Earthquake: UST Football Field
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