fishyfos · 8 months
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pidzson · 2 years
Dr. Jane Muncke, Managing Director of the Food Packaging Forum Foundation in Zürich, Switzerland, and not involved in the work, points out: “It cannot be that some few benefit economically while polluting the drinking water for millions of others, and causing serious health problems. The vast amounts that it will cost to reduce PFAS in drinking water to levels that are safe based on current scientific understanding need to be paid by the industry producing and using these toxic chemicals. The time to act is now.”
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byznysportfolio · 3 months
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foul-milk · 2 years
szalagavató tomorrow 👀👀 pray for me
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cinikuscirmi · 3 months
Macska disztribucios lotton nyertem a heten
Es a hazba beszokott egy dekete void cica, aki rettentoen lesovanyodva varna a szereto gazdit. Nem kell valakinek egy ilyen tunemeny? Vagy aki tudna hetedikkeruletben macska mentessen / idizessel foglalkozo csoportot, ne tartsa magaban!!!
Hozzank sajnos nem tud jonni (es szorul ossze a szivem), szoval help!
Felos de dumalos, meg nem sikerult megnezni melyik mosdot hasznalja az ettermekben.
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quiennoarriesganogana · 2 months
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Manapsag szerintem mind felunk a social mediaban szerepelni. Marmint a valos onmagunkkal szerepelni.🫣
Hozza teszem en is szeretem hasznalni a filtereket, effekteket.💁🏻‍♀️
Csak tudjatok az a szaros helyzet, hogy ez is en vagyok. A lany aki imad noiesen oltozni, magassarkut hordani, sminkelni. De ugyanakkor imadok csak felkapni egy melegitot, ossze kotni a hajam es igy szaladgalni egesznap.😇
A lany aki szeret nagyokat nevetni, szeret a csaladjaval es barataival csavarogni.🙆🏻‍♀️
De az a lany is en vagyok aki van, hogy legszivesebben ki sem mozdulna olykor a lakasbol. Aki kokemenyen megeli a rossz idoszakokat az eleteben es keservesen sirdogal ejjelente ha olyanja van.🙃
Es vegso soron en vagyok az a lany is aki, elvezi azt az eletet amit el, es ha nem is mindig de szereti onmagat pontosan olyannak amilyen es buszke arra Aki!🥰✨
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A traumaim arat fizettem
A lelkem osszes darabjaval
Mi odaveszett….
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dupla-sajtburger-slut · 5 months
a faszomat az osszes retkes nemetbe, aki bar tud angolul, csak es kizarolag nemetul hajlando kommunikalni, raadasul az oszebaszott szar ugy tisztazasat - amit egy gyoker, vilagi csicska kollegatol vettem at mert attettek masik csapatba szerencsere - is nemetul irja le
hat szopjal faszt te szerencsetlen
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megtudommagyarazni · 6 months
Na oksi, nepek, itt van megegyszer.
Kitoroltem par napja, mert kicsit gaznak ereztem, de vegulis miert ne? Rohadtul en vagyok.
Catania, Sicilia.
Beultem a kb harmadik napon egy palazzo kozkertjebe. Palazzo mar nem volt, csak par koszlott bananfa, nehany szomoru palma meg egy fejnelkuli romai harcos szobra, es egy szokokut, valami hidegveru csuszamlos hosszukas allatokkal kuzdo csavo allegoriajaval.
Legalabb 8 honapja nem ittam egy kortyot sem, fasza mutetjeim voltak, aki ismer, tudja.
Na, ott es akkor megittam sok honap kihagyas utan azt a 4-5 sort, amitol ugy bealudtam, mint a kozepso csoportos ovis a grizes teszta utan.
2-3 kozt riadtam meg, mondom, menjunk a hostelbe, popec agyam volt egy 6 agyas dormitoryben.
Aztan gyorsan tudatosult, mivel jo a felfogasom, hogy bazz, en be vagyok ide zarva. A park osszes kapujan csuklovastag lancok logtak. Oke, mit tudunk tenni?
Hat ki kell maszni. Aha. Azok a regiek mar kitalaltak a kimaszhatatlan keritest. Baszod, volt 4, mire kikuzdottem magam, egy halpiac kellos kozepere, ahol epp a tengerrol visszatero halaszok csapkodtak ki a polipokat, kardhalakat, voros tonhalakat a badogasztalokra, millionyi macska okosan figyelo szemetol kiserve.
A sztori meg folytatodik
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dorka · 4 months
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Most mar a garbage day is megirta (egybol ossze is omlott a site)
Over the weekend, the always-excellent John Burn-Murdoch, over at The Financial Times, posted an alarming bit of demographic analysis that has now gone very viral. It’s from a column Burn-Murdoch wrote titled, “A New Global Gender Divide Is Emerging,” which shows a tremendous political gap forming between young men and women around the world.
Burn-Murdoch followed up the column with a lengthy thread on X hypothesizing as to what may be causing this gap and thousands of other users have offered up their own diagnoses, as well: Smartphones, video games, economic inequality, lack of education, an over-correction post-#MeToo.
Interestingly enough, though, the bulk of Burn-Murdoch’s reporting focuses on South Korea, the US, Germany, the UK, Spain, Poland, China, and Tunisia. Which, aside from China and Tunisia, were all countries I worked in, covering elections and far-right radicalization, in and around the time period those countries’ respective political gender gaps began widening. I’m not saying I have a tremendously in-depth understanding of, say, Polish toxic masculinity, but I did spend several days there following around white nationalist rappers and Catholic fundamentalist football fans. And, in South Korea, I worked on a project about radical feminists and their activism against the country’s equivalent of 4chan, Ilbe Storehouse.
In fact, between 2015-2019, I visited over 20 countries, essentially asking the same question: Where do bad men here hangout online? Which has given me a near-encyclopedic directory in my head, unfortunately, of international 4chan knock-offs. In Spain, it’s a car forum that doxxes rape victims called ForoCoches. In France, it’s a gaming forum that organized rallies for Marine Le Pen called Jeux Video. In Japan, it’s 2channel. In Brazil, it’s Dogolachan. And most, if not all, of these spaces pre-date any sort of modern social movement like #MeToo — or even the invention of the smartphone.
But the mainstream acceptance of the culture from these sites is new. Though I don’t actually think the mystery of “why now?” is that much of a mystery. While working in Europe, I came to understand that these sites and their culture war campaigns like Gamergate were a sort of emerging form of digital hooliganism. Nothing they were doing was new, but their understanding how to network online was novel. And in places like the UK, it actually became more and more common in the late-2010s to see Pepe the Frog cosplayers marching alongside far-right football clubs. In the US, we don’t have the same sports culture, but the end result has been the same. The nerds and the jocks eventually aligned in the streets. The anime nazis were simply early adopters and the tough guys with guns and zip ties just needed time to adapt to new technology. And, unlike the pre-internet age, unmoderated large social platforms give them an infinitely-scalable recruitment radius. They don’t have to hide in backrooms anymore.
Much of the digital playbook fueling this recruitment for our new(ish) international masculinist movement was created by ISIS, the true early adopters for this sort of thing. Though it took about a decade for the West to really embrace it. But nowadays, it is not uncommon to see trad accounts sharing memes about “motherhood,” that are pretty much identical to the Disney Princess photoshops ISIS brides would post on Tumblr to advertise their new life in Syria. And, even more darkly, just this week, a Trump supporter in Pennsylvania beheaded his father and uploaded it to YouTube, in a video where he ranted about the woke left and President Biden. Online extremism is a flat circle.
The biggest similarity, though, is in what I can cultural encoding. For ISIS, this was about constantly labeling everything that threatened their influence as a symptom of the decadent, secular West.
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Taylor Swift, an extremely affluent blonde, blue-eyed white woman who writes country-inflected pop music and is dating a football player headed for the Super Bowl. She should be a resounding victory for these guys. Doesn’t get more American than that. But due to an actually very funny glitch in how they see the world, she’s actually a huge threat.
Pop culture, according to the right wing, should be frivolous. Because before the internet, it was something sold to girls by corporations run by powerful men. Famous pop stars through the ages, like Frank Sinatra, America’s first Justin Bieber, or The Beatles, the One Direction of their time, would be canonized as Great by Serious Men after history had forgotten they rocketed to success as their generation’s Tumblr Sexymen. But from the 2000s onward, thanks to an increasingly powerful digital public square, young women and people of color were able to have more influence in mainstream culture and also accumulate more financial power from it. And after Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was able to connect this new form of pop influence to both liberal progressive politics and, also, social media, well, conservatives realized they had to catch up and fast. And the fastest way to do that is to try and smash the whole thing by dismissing it as feminine.
Pop music? It’s for girls. Social media? It’s for girls. Democrats? Girls. Taylor Swift? Girls and also a government psyop. But this line of thinking has no limit. It poisons everything. If Swift manages to make it to the Super Bowl, well, that has to become feminine too. And at a certain point, the whole thing falls apart because, honestly, you just sound like an insane loser.
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algebraicvarietyshow · 7 months
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ugy erzem nem a logika tanszeken allitottak ossze ezt a kvizt az elte_official instara
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newlifeprojects · 29 days
ma egy veletlen folytan feny derult arra a rejtrlyre, amit azt gondoltam, hogy mar orok homaly fog fedni.
a lepcsohazi ajtoszomszedunk (!!!) talalta meg a kutyat azon az ominozus delutanon, ahol megfogadtam, hogy a kurvaanyjat soha tobbe nem engedem el a mezon, mert annal sokkal tobb idom es penzem van benne, hogy csak ugy hagyjam kinyuvadni valami arok menten, miutan telibe verte egy kocsi, vagy felnyarsalta egy vasrud. kiderult, hogy alig fel oraval a vilagga rohanasa utan mar itt kalezolt a haz elotti parkoloban, ok meg osszeszedtek, de balszerencsejere a biletajan a telefonszama van, aki akkor eppen dolgozott, igy nem volt nala a telefonja. a biztonsag kedveert tettek par kort meg a haz korul is kocsival, hatha eszreveszik azt, aki keresi, mikozben en meg a padon vartam a masik oldalon, meg korbejartam az osszes szantast, szolot es mezot fel es ala, hatha valahol felbukkan. ezutan a sikertelen kiserlet utan mentek fel a kastelyhoz a rendororsre, es adtak le ezt a szutykot, majd vitte haza magaval zarora utan az ugyeletes rendor sankt georgenbe.
szoval megiscsak hazajott ugy, hogy engem okosan kikerult, nehogy lebaszast kapjon, amiert elrohant...
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sutijany · 7 months
Az egyik legcukibb szulinapi ajandek! Meg csak most jutottam oda, hogy ossze is rakom.
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Mini fahaz, ami a novenyek szelere lett terveztem. Nagyon csinos darab, durvan aprolekos, de nagyon jol megtervezett es szepen is van kivitelezve, csak parszor kellett ragasztoznom.
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De pl meg haloszoba es furdoszoba butort is keszitettek bele!
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quiennoarriesganogana · 3 months
Vilag eletedben menekultel, A-bol B-be, oda-vissza. Az “abc” osszes betujebe menekulhetsz.. de vajon rajossz e, hogy
Magad elol nem menekulhetsz el?!
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pidzson · 4 months
Megjott a kedvem az orchideaposztinghoz, ugyhogy ime a 2023-as “evkonyv” az osszes viragzo kis baratomrol. Nevek alt textben, folytatas reblogban
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dorka · 3 months
most, hogy harom ev utan ismet latogatast tehettem a silicon valley/bay area teruletere, azt kell mondanom, hogy azon kivul, hogy mindig, mindenki, mindenhol az elbocsatasokrol beszel, mas valtozas nem tortent. "mar nem ott" dolgozik, ha egyaltalan van munkaja
az autopalya ugyanugy dugul
ugyanazok az otvenes pocakos/osz haju tatatak ebedelnek/vacsoralnak oltonyben tizesevel, egy, max ket korulottuk sertepertelo hullamos haju, valtozokorban levo neni CMO-val, esetleg VP of HR-ral (meg ok esetleg lehetnek nok), akik kepesek arra, es felvallaljak, hogy teljesen ures szavakat uj mondatokka formazzanak eveken at, varjak, hogy vegre board of directorra nyugdijazzak oket.
a system/infra engineerek pocakja ket ovlyukkal nagyobb lett, vagy meghaltak, a tobbi tovabbra is vastag hangon nevet, kozben furry vagy mifene, mangalany az interneten, a stilus nyilvan nem valtozott, kockas ing, hatizsak.
semmi se tortent, no diversity "leaned into" the "glass ceiling".
az a mennyisegu baromsag, amit ossze lehet hallani egy ilyen nap alatt nekem beteszi a kaput. szerencsere csak egyszer kerdeztek a velemenyem, amikor is akkora hulyeseget mondtam, hogy mindenki elnemult egy percre, majd betettek prezentacioba. egy mocktail utan sajnos tobb ember fule hallatara megjegyeztem, hogy ez lehetett volna egy email is, teljesen komolyan, mindenki nevetett, ennyi volt a kontribuciom a "karrier"hez. mindenesetre adtak meg tobb penzt, hogy csorgassam vissza a penztengerbe, azoknak a bacsiknak gondolom, akik ott ettek az etteremben, 10 tok egyforma ember, mint a rajzfilmben.
szerencsere nem volt sem csapatepites, se "fun", se "happy hour" se semmi.
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