#Our Friend Henger Forever
bobauthorman · 5 months
Henger, could you give me a hand?
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Ha ha ha...that's very funny...but this is serious!
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rockyroadsmith · 14 days
Dumbest thing that Golem has ever done that was also funny?
Oooh that’s an interesting one since he’s usually a pretty levelheaded character.
The first instance that came to mind was in the episode “Underground Adventure”, the moment when he accidentally hits into the stalactite and proceeds to rip it down, almost causing a cave in.
The next instant that came to mind comes literally in the next episode, “Our Friend Henger Forever”, when Golem doesn’t want to be left behind so he smashes through the city road, which alerts the Hengers that there’s something wrong. Plus then the whole group had to smash into the elevator together, which is a miracle it supported all that weight. XD
Both of these were instances where Golem was in the moment and acted on impulse, which is why my overall pick has to be how he continually cooked for him and Suezo after Moo’s initial defeat, but he used rocks in his cooking. Golem travelled with his friends plenty long enough to learn none of them eat rocks, but he still served them to Suezo anyways. I’m not sure if he somehow forgot even though him and Suezo crash landed together so there was no gap for him to forget or if he was secretly just messing with Suezo. XD
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bobauthorman · 2 years
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That moment when you realize the dumb kid knows more about something than you do.
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bobauthorman · 28 days
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Suezo now understands the purest truth of comedy- other people's pain is funny.
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bobauthorman · 1 year
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Suezo sends in his resume for the next Smash Bros. game.
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