redwolfofthenorth · 7 years
-taking a small break to clean and cook dinner-
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divinesilverlove-a · 3 years
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// Ooh a new fancy starter call image! Anyways, go ahead and leave a like for a randomized starter! (or, if preferred, let me know if you want to plot by breaking my door down and yelling at me for a plotting thing lmao)
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theresalwaysaprice · 10 years
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Everything's been successfully transferred to over here. The other blog's been deleted So, that's all done. I might continue to make greeters, but for now I gotta check on my Percys and my other Oc.
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divinesilverlove-a · 3 years
// So, quick update post so that y'all know I am not dead (but my muse is and probably will be for a while. I'll get to that. Also, this is a mobile post, so I would recommend blocking the following tags: 'tw; animal death' and 'tw; vent')
So, good news first. I'll be getting a new computer soon, since I am temporarily moved back in with my parents (finally omfg) and my mother was going to replace her computer with a better one anyways. I'm very happy to be out of that toxic living situation with my grandmother and I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon (or ever).
Now, onto the sad news and why my muse will probably be dead for a while. My wonderful pitbull chonker, Godiva, had about seven or eight seizures early this morning. Due to her age, the only option was to put her down. It still hurts, but I'm happy I got to see her one last time before the tragedy. She was happy in her final hours and I'm happy she was still so young at heart when I saw her again. It won't be easy, but I'll eventually get through it and we'll probably have another good puppy in the future. Godiva lived a very good life with my family and she stuck with me through high school and all of my struggles and got a damn good 10 or 11 years of life (9 of them spent with my family).
Rest in Peace, Godiva. You were the best pup I ever had the pleasure of knowing and loving. May you fetch to live in the good afterlife you're in now. (2010-2021)
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
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// so uh... what do you guys think?
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divinesilverlove-a · 3 years
// okay how did i legit JUST remember that one unused ending from symphony of the night where alucard ended up killing both maria and richter because shaft decided to fuck over the both of them and possess maria
like that shit kinda hurts tbh
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
// I keep thinking about an AU where instead of Richter being the adult and Maria being the kid during Dracula X Chronicles, the roles are reversed and Maria is just the overprotective big sister
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
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Love starts with a smile,                         grows with a kiss,                                and ends with a tear.
                                                     Read rules before interaction
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divinesilverlove-a · 3 years
// mini hc
maria is a mom friend. she will die for her friends. she will offer her guidance to her friends. she will support her friends unconditionally.
with that said, if someone hurts one of her said friends
maria turns into a mama bear
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
// To get my mind off of horrible stuff, like this for a starter.
tbh probably gonna do vamp maria bc it’s been a while
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divinesilverlove-a · 3 years
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@combatcontinent​ said: Hey you. I know we haven't interacted much OOC or IC, but I always enjoy seeing you on my dash and I very well enjoy your presence as well. I also enjoyed the times we chatted :D I also love your Maria and I am very glad to see Castlevania RPers.
Meme [Accepting!!!]
Nah, all jokes aside, you’re a pretty chill bean and we definitely need to interact more, Celes. I’m sorry that I basically let our first thread together die but I’m also too scared to necromance the thing back to life so it’s probs just gonna stay in the pit where I threw it and left it to rot (unintentionally, but still).
It’s only been like, a few months??? But look, you’re a sweet person and deserve everything happy and joyful in this universe and we don’t deserve you. Kinda like we don’t deserve Keanu Reeves kind of undeserving.
I don’t have much else to say other than let’s prank Celes and give them all the love in the world because that would totally be mean and uncalled for. Let’s also send them a whole load of positivity as an added damage bonus because we’re “““““mean people”””””” y’know what I mean?
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
// Early Munday selfie, seeing as I'll be gone today. My dye job ain't too great but it looks red so I'm happy :3 (yes I'm pale af)
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
// Cousin: So how’s your 2020 going so far?
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
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// Alright, rant post time. Since I’m seeing it on the dash, I think it’s appropriate to talk some sense on the situation. If I get some anons yelling at me because I said something they don’t like, well then lmao pal you’ve got issues.
As always, long post under the cut and triggers (if any) are tagged with it.
I’ll start off by saying that if you like the Netflixvania (for whatever godforsaken reason), I don’t care. Just don’t force that shit on me. Nothing disgusts me more than toxic fans forcing their knowledge on someone who is quite familiar with the entirety of the franchise.
Look, if you have played no other game than Symphony of the Night (or only watched the Shitflix series) and consider yourself a know-it-all of the franchise, then name this character:
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Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Update: okay how bout this guy then
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if you know this guy, i’ll delete this post
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
Grimourie of Souls confirmed Alucard x Maria
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// And I’m glad it did, but
can America fucking have it already?
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divinesilverlove-a · 4 years
// Before anyone asks, yes, I remembered I’m working on my Jonathan blog
will it be finished before december? fuck no. not with this lack of motivation.
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