#Outdoor Plumbing Tucson Arizona
Outdoor Plumbing Tucson Arizona
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A Guide To San Tan Valley Arizona - What You Need to Know
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If you are looking for a great place to live outside of Phoenix, consider moving to San Tan Valley. It's a growing community with plenty of amenities, fun things to do, and lots of jobs in the area. Here's what you need to know about living there:
What Makes San Tan Valley Arizona Special?
San Tan Valley is a small town with a lot to offer. It's not perfectly in the middle of Phoenix, but it's close enough to get there easily and quickly. If you're looking for somewhere to raise your family without having to worry about crime rates or other risks associated with big cities, San Tan Valley is a great choice for you. The community is safe, friendly, and welcoming.
The mountain views are breathtaking! There are endless opportunities for hiking, biking, and horseback riding here as well as nearby lakes and rivers where you can enjoy swimming or fishing during the summer months when it gets too hot outside during our long Arizona summers!
Which Are The Best Neighborhoods In San Tan Valley AZ?
San Tan Valley is an expanding residential community that's close to everything: the city, the mountains, and more. If you're looking for a place to settle down with your family, San Tan Valley has some great neighborhoods for that purpose. The best ones include:
San Tan Heights
San Tan Village
Sierra Vista Ranch
How to Navigate Transportation in San Tan Valley AZ
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If you're looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, San Tan Valley is an ideal place to settle. There are many ways to get around San Tan Valley AZ, including via public transportation or by car. If you do choose to drive, we recommend that you drive defensively as there are plenty of drivers who don't obey speed limits or other traffic rules. Here are some tips for driving in San Tan Valley:
Pay attention to your surroundings when driving - don't let your focus linger on other drivers or something else unrelated to the road;
Make sure that all passengers are wearing seat belts;
Follow speed limits at all times;
What is the Cost of Living in San Tan Valley Arizona?
If you’re looking for a place where your dollar will go further, San Tan Valley might be the right spot for you. According to Numbeo, the cost of living in San Tan Valley is lower than in Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, and Gilbert. It is higher than Chandler and Scottsdale but less than Anthem / New River.
San Tan Valley Plumbing Services
Plumbing services in San Tan Valley Arizona are what you need when your plumbing system breaks down. Whether it is just a small, yet annoying leak that you can handle on your own or something more serious and complicated, you will want to call professional plumbers. One of the best companies that offer both residential and commercial plumbing services is Amour Plumbing Services. Contact them today to learn more about their expert plumbing service.
Jobs In San Tan Valley - Getting Around For Work
If you’re looking for a job, San Tan Valley is a great place to find one. There are many large companies that have moved their headquarters to San Tan Valley in recent years, including ADT, DirectTV, and Applebee. These companies have created jobs for thousands of people who work across the valley. In addition to these large companies, there are also many other jobs available in the service industry and construction fields as well as manufacturing businesses like Microchip Technology Incorporated (MCC).
Education In San Tan Valley AZ - Public, Private, and Homeschooling Options
For educational options, San Tan Valley has a variety of public schools. There are also a number of private schools, as well as homeschooling options. The top-rated public high school in the area is Queen Creek High School, which has an excellent graduation rate and many extracurricular activities.
Health, Fitness, and Outdoor Recreation in San Tan Valley Arizona
If you’re looking for a way to get active outdoors, San Tan Valley has lots of options. You can go hiking, biking, and horseback riding in the many parks and open spaces throughout the city. If golf is your thing, there are plenty of courses to choose from all around San Tan Valley including Legends Golf Club and Calico Ridge Golf Course where both have beautiful views and challenging par 3 holes. Fishing spots are also abundant with easy access from several lakes including Lakeview Park which has boat rentals available on-site!
If you want a great place to live outside of Phoenix, consider moving to San Tan Valley.
If you want a great place to live outside of Phoenix, consider moving to San Tan Valley. It's far enough away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Phoenix that you get peace and quiet, but close enough that it's still within commuting distance. The cost of living is also lower than in other parts of Arizona and there are many jobs available for those who want them. Plus, there are great schools and universities nearby!
Amour Plumbing Services San Tan Valley, AZ 85140 (480) 680-7555 https://amourplumbingservices.com
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sciencespies · 4 years
The Last Comet? The Sad Truth About Why Seeing NEOWISE With Your Naked Eyes Is Harder Than It Looks
The Last Comet? The Sad Truth About Why Seeing NEOWISE With Your Naked Eyes Is Harder Than It Looks
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Comet NEOWISE shines in skies over a still lake. The comet was discovered on March 27, 2020 by … [+] astronomers using the NEOWISE space telescope.
Comet NEOWISE has turned out to be the most photogenic since Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997, but if you’re having trouble finding it with your naked eyes, you’re not alone.
No matter how many star-charts you consult, finding this icy visitor from the outer Solar System is not as easy as it should be.
Is it your eyes? Is it you not knowing exactly where to look? 
No—it’s light pollution where you live, which is likely increasing each year. 
That makes the once-in-a-decade appearance of a bright comet a big moment; it could be your first, and possibly your last, chance to see a comet with the unaided eye. 
MORE FROM FORBESAct Now For Your Best And Last Chance To See Comet NEOWISE This Weekend. Here’s When, Where And HowBy Jamie Carter
How does light pollution affect the visibility of comets? 
Light pollution affects the visibility of comets in generally the same way as it reduces the visibility of stars. “It lowers the contrast between the comet and the blackness of space beyond,” said John Barentine, Director of Public Policy at the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), a non-profit in Tucson, Arizona. “Since our eyes don’t detect small differences in contrast at low light levels particularly well, diffuse objects especially like comets simply don’t stand out well.”
So while it’s possible for some to make-out the concentrated light of a comet’s coma, light pollution can mean many completely lose sight of Comet NEOWISE’s two tails.
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Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) is seen above the ruins of the Cook Bank building in this 20-second camera … [+] exposure on July 20, 2020 in the ghost town of Rhyolite, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Getty Images
How common are bright comets?
There are always a few comets around in the inner Solar System that vary in brightness.
However, very few get as bright—and even fewer look as impressive—as Comet NEOWISE, but with a decent telescope and a dark sky, you can expect to see several comets per year. 
Are comets getting harder to see with the naked eye?
“With the constant increase of light pollution in the night sky the observation of comets with the naked eye is becoming much rarer,” according to Gareth Dorrian, Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Space Science, University of Birmingham, and Ian Whittaker, Senior Lecturer in Physics, Nottingham Trent University, writing in The Conversation a couple of weeks ago.
Barentine agrees, though with the caveat that there have been comets throughout history that were bright enough to be visible in full daylight. That could happen again, but the problem of light pollution remains.
“Comets are becoming more difficult to see without the aid of telescopes or binoculars, and that’s attributable to two things—the increasing urbanization of humanity, and the light pollution that typically comes with that urbanization,” said Barentine. Of course, most of us now live in cities. “Whereas in the historic past fewer people lived in cities and there was considerably less electric light in those cities (or none at all), the opposite is true today,” said Barentine.
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Comet Hale–Bopp was perhaps the most widely observed of the 20th century and one of the brightest … [+] seen for many decades.
How to find Comet NEOWISE despite light pollution
So where is the “great comet” of 2020?
Binoculars massively help the naked-eye observer, and cameras can certainly find Comet NEOWISE, which is currently under the Big Dipper/The Plough/The Saucepan in the northwestern sky right after dark (as seen from the northern hemisphere).
Here are a couple of star-charts:
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How to find Comet NEOWISE on Saturday, July 25, 2020.
Jamie Carter/Cartes du Ciel
It’s now definitely getting fainter, but it’s also getting higher in the sky right after twilight ends. 
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How to find Comet NEOWISE on Sunday, July 26, 2020.
Jamie Carter/Cartes du Ciel
So how are we seeing photos of Comet NEOWISE looking so bright?
While naked-eye comet-hunters are struggling with light pollution, adventurous astrophotographers have been able to find and photograph Comet NEOWISE, no problem.
In fact, there have been thousands of exquisite images produced of the once-in-6,800 years visitor to the inner Solar System.
That’s because astrophotographers are using long exposures of 10 seconds or more to capture the light from the comet, which is over 64 million miles from us. 
Astrophotographers, amateur astronomers and stargazers are also heading to dark sky sites well away from the sky-glow over cities. They’re doing that because they know all too well about the nasty effect of light pollution on their hobby. 
The night sky is being obliterated—and it’s not SpaceX Starlink satellites that are the real problem.
MORE FROM FORBESHow To Photograph Comet NEOWISE, Our Most Spectacular Comet For 23 YearsBy Jamie Carter
How much has light pollution worsened since the last bright comet?
The last truly great comet was Hale-Bopp 23 years ago. Since then the spread of light pollution has continued largely unabated. “Coincidentally Hale-Bopp appeared in 1997, which was a year in which the satellite data were collected that gave humanity its first truly global view of light pollution,” said Barentine.
He’s referring to the “first World Atlas of the artificial night sky brightness,” published in 2001, that contains this statement: 
“More than two-thirds of the United States population, about half of the European Union population and one-fifth of the World population have already lost the possibility of seeing the Milky Way.”
MORE FROM FORBESNASA Teases ‘Psyche,’ A Robot To Explore An Asteroid Worth More Than Our Global EconomyBy Jamie Carter
Fast-forward just about 20 years to 2016, when a new global assessment was published and the problem had worsened: 
“The Milky Way is hidden from more than one-third of humanity, including 60% of Europeans and nearly 80% of North Americans.” 
“That change represents a grievous loss of access to the night sky in less than one human generation,” said Barentine. 
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Sights like Zodiacal Light (the cone-shaped light) and the Andromeda Galaxy (center, right) are now … [+] impossible to see with the unaided eye from all but the darkest of places. (VW Pics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Universal Images Group via Getty Images
What else is light pollution preventing us from seeing?
Of course, it’s not just comets that light pollution is preventing us from seeing. While the Moon and bright planets like Jupiter, Saturn and Venus are really obvious even to those standing in the middle of a brightly-lit city, there are other celestial objects that we used to be able to see from everywhere on the planet that are no longer visible to most people.
“Comets will be infrequent, and NEOWISE shows us how captivating they can be, but there are fainter objects, like novae, that one might have seen previously even with the naked eye—if one knew where to look—and that are now masked by skyglow,” said Barentine.
“Fainter meteors are lost to light pollution, so only maybe one or two meteor showers are worth looking for each year,” he adds. “We’re not completely cut-off from the cosmos, but our access to it in the world’s cities, compared to what it once was, is now severely restricted.” 
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The winter Milky Way and Zodiacal Light in a 180 panorama taken at the Painted Pony Resort in … [+] southwestern New Mexico. (Photo by: Alan Dyer /VW PICS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Universal Images Group via Getty Images
How can we stop light pollution?
Switching-off unnecessary lights is easy and doesn’t cost anything; it actually saves money. There are, of course, two ways to do this; reduce our own unnecessary use of light, and limit light pollution by law. 
We can all take steps to curb light pollution that are safe and cost-effective, starting with the outdoor lighting on our own homes. “We urge everyone to take a look at our Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting, published in cooperation with the Illuminating Engineering Society, principles which are easy to understand,” said Barentine.
“By putting light in the places we need it, in the right times and amounts, we can make nighttime spaces better for everyone while reducing the amount of wasted light that ends up in the night sky and makes it harder to see objects like Comet NEOWISE.” 
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The IDA’s “Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting”.
Do we need new laws to stop light pollution?
However, why not have laws to prevent the overuse of light? “New laws would bake those ideas into lighting designs allowed under building and energy codes, just like we mandated safe electrical equipment, plumbing, etc. through law,” said Barentine. “In the long run, it saves money and electricity and improves nighttime visibility simply by keeping the light where it needs to be and out of the night sky.”
“It’s win-win-win all the way around for jurisdictions that adopt such laws.” 
Despite the doom and (lack of) gloom around light pollution, it is still possible to see Comet NEOWISE in the night sky with the naked eye.
Taking binoculars—and, if you can, a manual camera—will help enormously in your search for Comet NEOWISE, but get yourself something dark this weekend and you should be able to glimpse, in clear skies, a beautiful comet with an ethereal tail. 
Creeping light pollution means that the bar for being judged a “great comet” is constantly being raised.
Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. 
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Arizona's housing crunch is linked to the state's water and heat problems.
The National Low Income Housing Coalition's most recent study revealed that Arizona is one of the five states in America with the least affordable housing, having only 26 options for every 100 extremely low income households. As this crisis continues, state legislators are looking for sustainable housing solutions that meet the demand for affordability. On Wednesday, they convened with experts to discuss how environmental factors play a role in affordable housing availability in Arizona. After an unsuccessful try to fix the housing deficiency by developing faster and ignoring zoning laws, a study committee was formed in Aprilto further examine the issue. This fourth meeting was of that same group. Developing affordable housing in a desert state: water conservation is key. In order to build projects in a state where 6.5 million people live in counties classified by the Census Bureau as being part of the desert southwest, water scarcity must be kept in mind — especially after federal officials made cuts to Arizona’s water supply just last week, said Warren Tenney, the executive director of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. “We’re in a period of a lot of uncertainty, and therefore it is really important that we act smartly,” he said. Fortunately, Tenney added, state law has some safeguards in place to limit excessive development. Prescott, Phoenix, Pinal, Tucson, and Santa Cruz must meet certain water supply criteria under the Assured Water Supply Program before receiving approval for building new developments. Tenney added that high-density housing is the best option when it comes to new home construction from a water use perspective. High-density housing, such as apartment complexes or duplexes, necessitates smaller lots and so reduces outdoor water usage. “Outdoor water consumption is the biggest element of household water demand,” Tenney said. These measures, in combination with greater indoor water infrastructure like more efficient plumbing, help save water. According to Phoenix Democrat and member of the Tucson-based Watershed Management Group, Rep. Sarah Liguori, regulating land development projects in correlation with Float could significantly protect already existing water resources. She gave a presentation supporting the Net Blue initiative's model ordinance; which attempts to slowdown water growth rates to match population growth rates. “Net Blue is a developer’s approach to offset a projected increase in water demand by decreasing water use on- or off-site,” she explained. The example ordinance would require developers to take measures reducing water consumption or recharging groundwater storage, such as installing plumbing and appliances with high efficiency fixtures, constructing infrastructure capturing rainwater runoff, or even removing lawns. The steps available to developers would be based on the state and region for maximum effectiveness. “It’s a buy-in from our government and our citizens to continue to drive water sustainable efforts here in Arizona. And for developers, it’s the marriage of water use planning and land use planning so that it’s good for our future, it’s good for the wallet and it’s good for the health of Arizona as a whole,” Liguori said.
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Outdoor Plumbing Repair Tucson Arizona
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