#Overthinking the sh*t outta Gilbert
jojo0303 · 2 years
Spoilers for jp event
Ok so in this current event Gilbert mentions having a crush on someone. So here goes my little theory:
Emma is, at least that I can think of, the only MC that doesn't have parents/doesn't mention them, owner of the bookstore aside cuz we know he is not her real father. All the other Mcs as far as I remember have said, "my parents" / "my family". Like when ikesen, ikevamp and ikerev Mcs mention that they will miss their homes and blah blah.
Gil also mentions that he has visited orphanages. Whether this is his love for kids, some kind of foreshadowing that he himself was in one, or something else doesn't matter.
Could Gilbert have met Emma before, through the orphanage? And maybe he had a little crush as a kid and then grew up and nobody cares about him, so he is still holding on to that?
Cuz I feel like this is the only thing that would make sense with another thing that happens in an event.
That goddam room that made Emma love him.
It is the only thing I can think of. I've been overthinking the sh*t out of this for so long, but I just can't find something else that would make sense for Gilbert to hide (because it would be seen as a weak point) and for Emma to have that reaction. (Choking aside, I couldn't quite fit this into it. But he is? a yandere so...)
I have no clue what could be in there, but I imagine it's something connected to Emma that she would recognize on the spot. Hopefully not a picture, cuz that's already been used.
Anyways, thank u for coming to my Ted talk.
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