#Oya Aika
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edenshiba · 1 year
Your number
Character: Shibaman x Waitress! Reader
Summary: The scary and creepy guy at the cafe actually wants your number.
Warning: None
Note; okay so we all know that ryu is a big baby in the Rampage so why not pit some of his personality in this oneshot???
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“I’m late!” You mentally screams.
Your class ends late than usual since someone thought that it would be nice to pull a prank on someone and the teacher has been in everyone’s ass since the recess.
Without caring about the looks that the pedestrian gave, you sprint as fast as you can.
There goes your day.
“Sorry!” You yelled before continuing your steps.
After you arrive at the cafe, you quickly went to the backroom and change to the uniform. Finally you made it.
You’ve been late to work for weeks because of the teacher. They always made you do something after school.
“Looks like you early for the first time (y/n). Good job.” Your manager said without looking.
She’s been counting the money at the registers. You smiled at her words.
“The teachers..”
“The teachers talk too much, I know.” She replied with a monotone voice.
You bit your inner cheeks hard. You could feel the blood in your mouth but you choose to ignored it. You need this job.
For god sake.
“I can’t always forgive you kid. The others would think that I’m playing favourite since you’re my little cousin.”
Before she could continue, the small bell on the door rings, two people walk in. You let out a sigh of relief. Finally you could cut her nagging.
“Go.” She said.
You grab the tablet from the registers before heading towards the men. Both of them is chatting with each other.
“Hi my name is (y/n) and what can I get you gentlemen?” You forcefully said it with a cheerful smile and voice.
Both of them look at you before turning their gaze to the menu except for the man with the red hair. He stared at you for a solid 5 minutes before his friend with blue glasses nudge him on the ribs.
“I take the Ice Americano and strawberry shortcake.” The guy with blue glasses said.
You tapped the screen to place his orders before looking at the other guy. The man still stared at the menu before deciding to place his order.
“Mango smoothie and your number.”
“ I’m sorry, what?”
You looked at him with horror in your eyes. Man...
“ Sorry, mango smoothie and red velvet cake.” He apologize before looking away.
You quickly walk away from the table. What a creep.
While you were taking orders and just sending them away, you realize that you’ve been stared at. You look around before seeing the same red head still looking at you in awe. You quickly brush it off.
“Table 5.”
You sigh. That creep.
You bring the foods and beverages to the table with a cheerful smile.
“Ice Americano, Mango smoothie, strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake. That’s all, enjoy your meal.” You said before nodded slightly and leave them as quickly as you can.
You put the tray on top of the table before sitting on the chair. You massage your left foot since it hurts before applying bandaids at the back of your foot.
“Ne, (y/n). The guys at table 5 is so handsome. I’m jealous of you.” You colleague said before pouting.
You scrunched your face in disgust. That creep? Or the other scary guy?
“That creep? Oh please.” You said while rolled your eyes.
Your colleagues hit your shoulder slightly.
“Don’t you know who they are?” You shook your head.
She gasped in horror.
“They’re the famous Oya High duo! Shibaman and Tsuji. Well i guess now trio since they always followed Todoroki around. That’s what I heard from my brother that went to the same school.” She explain.
“Another reason to not get involved Aika. We all know that Oya is a place where delinquent and jerk stay. They’re lucky that they got to stay at school.” You said in disgust.
Aika hit your forearms, hard. You wince at sudden pain that you received.
“ Don’t hate too much (y/n)! You know they said, if you hate something eventually you will like it. There, Shibaman has been staring at you for awhile now.” She said while secretly points at the man.
You look at her direction, the same red head that asked for your number is staring at you. He then quickly look away after seeing that you notice him. You get to see a faint pink hue on his cheeks.
You gagged at the sight.
If he likes you that it’s a sign to not serve or see him again. Oya kid is a bad news.
Very, very, very bad news.
Your attempt to stay away from the particular Oya High kid didn’t work at all. He kept coming to the cafe everyday. Sometimes with the same braided hair guy but sometimes alone.
Today he definitely with the braided hair guy.
“Mango smoothie and red velvet cake am I right?” You said without looking at him.
He ordered it every single day for the past two months.
Shibaman nodded shyly before saying thank you to you. You walk to the small cake section and pick up the cakes before going to the small window that connects the kitchen and outside to wait for their drinks.
“Table 5.” The chef said.
Yeah. He always sits at the same table, same position. You walk quickly to their table to send the food but accidentally bumped into someone.
“ Hey!” The man yelled.
“I am so sorry sir!” You apologize.
All the food and drinks splattered all over the floor and the sound of broken plate attracts people’s attention to you.
Gosh this is embarrassing!
“Are you blind?!” The man yelled again.
Shibaman's head perks up after listening to the ruckus. His eyes widen when he see you apologize profusely to the man but he kept yelling at you. He got up with Tsuji and walk up to you.
“She apologized. No need to yell at her.” He said while gave the man a menacing look. His hands on the man’s neck, making the guy gasp.
You look up to him, feeling a bit happy that someone tried to protect you and help you from feeling embarrassed.
“ If I see you bother her again, you die!” He snarled at him.
Without waiting any longer, the man left money on his tables before ran out from the cafe. Shibaman looks at you, trying to see if the man hurt you or not.
“ Are you okay?” He asked.
You nodded your head, not knowing what to say.
“Um, thank you for helping me. I’m sorry for your orders, I’ll send them right away.” You said before runs to the back.
Shibaman was dumbfounded by your reaction. Tsuji smiled at the interaction. He can say that you are shy.
“Nee Tsuji, I think she hates me.” The red hair said after they sat on the chair.
Shibaman likes you. He genuinely is. Maybe he needs to change his facial expressions since you seems scared whenever you see him.
It’s true he always here because he wanted to see you. Maybe he scared you during your first encounter, or maybe you just not interested in him.
“I don’t know man. I think she likes you but she just shy.” Tsuji said.
Shibaman brows furrowed. He doesn’t believe his partner’s word.
He saw the horror in your eyes when he messed up the first time.
“Mango smoothie, red velvet, white mocha and chicken sando. Enjoy your food.” You said with a wide smile.
They both says thank you at the same time. You walk away after serving their food.
When Shibaman take the tissue to wipe his mouth, he saw black ink on the tissue.
A note actually.
Thanks for helping me
He smiled at the small writing before taking his phone out from his pocket. He tapped the number into his phone before saving the number. His heart fluttered happily. He finally got your number!
“Why are you so happy?” Tsuji jokingly asked.
He knows the reason but he tried to act like a fool. Deep inside he’s happy for his partner.
“I think I’m in love.”
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