#P.S Tumblr please let italics stay when I paste something bc I had to go through this whole thing and add them back one by one
misscellophane-ao3 · 5 years
Story title - Backstage Pt.2
Summary - Will meets Jonathan’s bandmates, one in particular catches his eye. (Second part to Backstage - read the first part here)
Pairing - Will Byers x Mike Wheeler (Background Jonathan Byers x Steve Harrington)
Warnings - Cursing
Words - 7,260
Story -
“Oh my god, you have a crush on Mike!? Michael Wheeler!? That Mike?” Max exclaimed with surprise.
Will watched as his best friend paced her room, throwing a baseball up and down in her hand. He eyed the ball as it narrowly missed the ceiling before landing back into the redhead's hand only for the process to repeat.
“Uh, yes? Do you know him?” He asked curiously.
Max scoffed “Do I know him? Will, he was in our English class! For two years! He sat a few seats behind you!”
Will blinked at her “Really? I’m pretty sure I’d remember that.” Or at least remember such a cute guy in his class.
“Nah, you were so fucking far in the closet at the time and way too focused on making people think you had a crush on fucking Tracy Davids. Tracy. Davids. Will, she put ketchup on her Cheetos!”
“Hey, Tracy wasn’t that bad! The Cheetos thing was a little...weird but I could have had a crush on her!” Will defended. It was a weak defense though and they both knew it.
Max stopped pacing and turned to him with a deadpan expression “Will, you are so gay it’s fucking hilarious. I just need to mention Chris Pratt and you light up like a Christmas tree.”
True to her words, Will felt his cheeks heat up. Damn it.
“See! Right there, that’s what I mean.” She grinned before jumping onto the bed next to him, “But did it really have to be Mike?” She asked with a huff.
“What’s wrong with Mike? He’s nice and cute and plays the guitar! He plays the guitar and sings Max! He sings! And plays guitar!” Will fell onto his back next to her, eyes bright.
Max rolled her eyes “Yeah, you keep mentioning that.”
“The guitar!” Will repeated giddy.
Max groaned theatrically “Will! Enough about his fucking guitar!”
Will shrugged “Fine. Have you heard him sing-“
“Oh my god. Shut up.” Max whined making Will laugh loudly.
“Sorry, Sorry.” Will snickered before nudging her, “So, why do you hate him?”
“I don’t hate him exactly.” Max started, she sat up with a sigh, “I just-“ She pressed her lips together and leaned back against her pillows, Will moved to sit with her.
“You just?” He prompted after a pregnant pause.
Max glared at her baseball, rolling it around in her hands as she said, “He’s friends with Lucas.” 
Who was- Will’s eyes widened in recognition.
“Oh! Your boyfriend!”
“Ex. Ex-boyfriend Will.” She corrected, sighing.
“You guys break up at least three times a day,” Will replied with an eye roll.
“Yeah, but he was a real dick this time. I don’t know if we’ll get back together.”
Will softened “Oh.”
“Enough about my shit.” She turned a teasing smile onto Will, “Mike? Really?”
Will groaned, pressing his face into his hands “Max!”
She laughed at him.
“Fucking Mike.”
“Max! Honestly.” Will started to laugh with her, they glanced at each other and started laughing even louder.
Mike paced his room, a light frown on his face.
El watched him with a deadpan expression.
“Seriously? This is why you called me here?”
Mike paused and turned to her “This is serious! I need help.” He slumped onto the bed next to her.
“Here’s an idea, just ask him out.” She suggested.
Mike lifted his head to glare at her “Not helpful.”
El sighed “Mike, honestly, just ask him out. He obviously likes you back, or have you forgotten that he stares at you pretty much the whole time we practice? Or the fact that he lights up like a Christmas tree whenever you talk to him?”
“That doesn’t mean anything! He stares at all of us, that’s what you do when you watch a band! And why wouldn’t he be flustered? I keep saying stupid shit!”
“I’m well aware,” El stated dryly.
“El, please. I really like him.”
El sighed again “Alright, fine.” She agreed, “But if you don’t want to ask him out then what do you need help with?” She asked.
“I want to ask him out! I just-“ Mike groaned and pressed his face into his pillow.
She was pretty sure she heard him say “I don’t know!”
She rolled her eyes “Mike. You either want to ask him out or you don’t or you are to chicken shit to even try. And you are definitely the last one right now.”
Mike huffed “Do you have to be so mean?”
“Do you have to be such a dumbass?” El retorted.
Mike flipped her off “Fuck you.” He grumbled into his pillow.
“Alright, alright!” Will gasped out in his laughter, “Enough.”
Max snorted and shook her head “But it’s fucking Mike!” She cackled.
Will gripped the pillow behind him and sat up before turning and smacking her with it.
“Gah, Will!” She yelped sitting up with narrow eyes.
He shot her a grin that she returned “Oh, it is on Byers!”
He barely had time to jump off the bed before a pillow came flying after him.
El patted Mike on his head “Okay, What did you want my help with then?” She asked with a sigh.
Mike was quiet for a moment before he lifted his head and sheepishly replied, “I need help on how to ask him out.”
El paused then grabbed the pillow from under his head and hit him with it “Mike Wheeler you dumbass!” She exclaimed.
Mike rolled off the bed onto the floor “Hey! Careful!”
She replied by tossing the pillow into his face, knocking him onto his back.
“Shut the fuck up!”
Max and Will froze at the shout, turning to look at the door.
“Uh,” Will swallowed, turning wide eyes onto Max.
Max grimaced “Guess dad is home early.”
Will and Max quietly went back to her bed.
Will nodded, throwing an arm over her shoulder “So, you gonna help me?”
Max sniffed “Why Will, are you asking me to help you embarrass the hell out of Mike so you can ask him out?”
Will blinked at her “I was hoping you could help me just ask him out actually.”
Max groaned dramatically “Ugh, fine. You are so lucky I like you, Byers.”
Will grinned, batting his lashes playfully “Oh Mayfield, you say the nicest things.” He cooed.
Max pushed his face away with a soft laugh “Dumbass.”
“El! What the hell.” Mike groaned as he sat up.
El huffed “You deserved it.” She said before she softened, “Why are you having such a difficult time with this? You asked me to be your girlfriend while handing me a slice of pizza.”
“Yeah," Mike replied, “But It’s also far easier to ask out someone you’re not actually attracted to.”
“I feel like I should be offended.” El said, “But then I remember that I'm also not attracted to you."
“Thanks.” Mike rolled his eyes.
“So, any ideas?” Will asked, picking up Max’s baseball from where it had fallen on the bed.
“Slap him,” Max replied with a grin.
Will snorted “Oh yeah, I’ll just walk right up and slap him. He’ll definitely go out with me then.”
Max shrugged, taking the baseball from Will and rolling it in her hands.
“How did you and Lucas get together?” Will asked, curiously.
“I confronted him about stalking me.”
Will paused “Wait, was he?” He didn’t remember that.
Max scoffed, lips twitching upwards and eyes glinting mischievously, “No. He just stared at me in class. But it was fun to tease him for it.”
Will rolled his eyes, amused.
“Of course you did.”
Mike, still on the ground, fell onto his back again, holding his pillow in his arms “I honestly don’t know what to do El.”
She sighed at her best friend “Let's start with something easy then, What do you like about him?” She asked.
“That’s difficult to answer,” Mike replied, staring at the ceiling.
“Because I like all of him!" Mike exclaimed, "He’s amazing and caring and so fucking cute! He scrunches up his nose when he thinks something is stupid but is too polite to point it out, he’s ambidextrous and sometimes changes which hand he draws with just to see how different it’d look. He keeps a small stuffed cat in his pencil case that he named Tress after the Tressym monster in D&D and he doodles more then he takes notes. He loves horror movies and M&M’s. He doesn’t like bugs and will scream if he sees one. He’s just-“ Mike sighed, “Will.”
El blinked at him, eyes wide “Oh. You-you really like him.”
Mike sat up and stared at her “It’s more than that.” Mike swallowed, biting his lip before adding softly, “I love him.”
"Oh." El stared at him, surprised.
“How about you throw a pebble at his window and play a boom box?”
“Max! This isn’t the 80’s.”
“I’m sorry!” Max laughed, “I’m just still having a hard time with the fact that you like Mike.”
“He’s-“ Will smiled, “-really nice and caring and beautiful.”
Max brightened “Oh ho! Beautiful!? William Byers.” She nudged his arm with a massive grin.
Will flushed “Max!” He complained.
She laughed at him again before suggesting “Just do what you do best Will.”
“Which is?”
“Write him something?” El suggested after a long awkward pause. 
“I have.” He sighed.
“Yeah, but you never actually told him you did. And signing a heart doesn't count.” She pointed out, teasingly.
Mike felt heat creeping up his neck “Can you please stop bringing up that fucking poem?”
A grin slowly tugged up El's lips, Mike didn't have time to react before she clasped her hands together with a mock look of adoration and sighed out dramatically.
“Oh Will! You are so cute! Your eyes are like chocolate and your smile is like sunshine! Hon solo has nothing on you!”
Mike brought his hands up to cover his quickly reddening face “El! That wasn’t even in the poem!”
She cackled “Or was it?“
“It wasn't!” Mike whined, “Why do you even keep bringing it up?”
El snorted, a grin on her face “Because your reactions are hilarious.”
“Draw him something.” Max explained, shrugging, “It’s what you’re best at right?”
Will hummed “But would he even like it?”
Max nudged him again “Of course he would! Have you seen your drawings!?”
Will picked at his nail nervously as he said, “I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be a little weird to hand him a drawing just to ask him out?”
“Fine, write him a poem.” Max huffed.
Will blinked at her, hands stilling as he tilted his head “What?”
“You remember in, what was it? 6th? something like that, grade when you opened your locker and that paper was in it? The one with the really cheesy poem and the heart?”
Will nodded “Yeah, I wonder who actually wrote that. It was cute.” He smiled at the memory, he still had the poem hidden in one of his sketchbooks.
Max pointed at him “Exactly! Well, I mean, I don’t know about cute but you did like it. And he’s a singer, right? So wouldn’t he like it too?”
Will licked his lips anxiously, brows furrowed “I don’t think that's how it works.“
Max groaned dramatically, “Fine, how about you just, you know, walk up to him and ask him out.”
“Okay! No more poems!” Mike huffed, “I still can’t believe I even wrote one.”
El giggled “It was cute!” She argued.
“It was cringey! I bet it weirded him out.” Mike’s eyes widened in horror, “Oh no! What if he recognizes my handwriting and realizes I wrote that poem for him and he is so weirded out he’ll never talk to me again and he tells Jonathan and Jonathan leaves the band which makes Steve leave and the band breaks up!”
El took a moment to process that mouthful.
“Just walk up to him and ask him to go out? With me? On a date? With me?” Will repeated horrified.
Max nodded “Yes. That is what I meant.”
Will shook his head “Nope! No. I can’t just-“
Max raises her brows with the most unimpressed expression on her face “And why not?”
“Because I’m me and he’s-“
“El! Stop laughing! This is serious! What will I do!?” Mike fell onto his back again, his hands covered his face.
El was still snickering as she said, “That is the stupidest thing I ever heard.”
“No seriously.” El snorted and nearly choked on her laughter, “Ignoring that last bit, which isn't gonna happen, Why do you think he would be able to remember your handwriting from years ago from a poem he probably didn’t even keep?"
Mike sat up, peeking through his hands sheepishly “I guess that is a stupid thing to worry about, huh?”
“Though it would be hilarious!” El nodded, still laughing. 
“Will.” Max cut him off firmly, “Answer me this.” She set a hand on his shoulder, “Do you like him?”
“Yes.” Will replied with no hesitation.
“And does he like you?”
“Well, I think so? I mean, he is always flirting with me and smiling at me?” He said with furrowed brows. 
“Then what’s the problem? Do you think he’ll say no?”
“I don’t know. But he could.” Will shrugged, biting his thumbnail. 
Max sighed “Will-“
“Come with me to practice!” Will said, cutting her off.
Max blinked at him “What?”
“Come with me to practice.” Will repeated, “If you think he likes me back too then I’ll ask him out. I just-“ Will glanced away, adding softer, “I don’t want to make a fool of myself if he is just playing around.”
Max softened “Ugh, you know I hate live bands.” She paused then sighed, shooting him a look, “But fine, I’m curious about this too.”
“Why did I invite you over? Why am I friends with you?”
El, after catching her breath, rolled her eyes “Mike, just ask him.”
“But I can’t!”
“Why not?” She didn’t understand why Mike was being so difficult about this. It was obvious Will liked him back.
“Because I love him and I want it to be perfect! I don’t want to make a fool of myself!”
“You will never ask him out then.” She stated dryly.
Mike screamed into his pillow.
Jonathan stared at his brother who looked right back. He wasn't sure why Will looked so nervous, fidgeting with his hands and glancing away, he shelved the thought and turned back to the conversation much to Will's obvious relief.
“You want Max to come with to band practice tomorrow?” He repeated, just to be sure.
Will nodded “Yeah. If that’s okay with you?”
Jonathan shrugged “It’s fine with me, I’ll have to ask Steve but I’m sure he’ll be fine with it too.”
Will beamed “Thank you!”
Jonathan rolled his eyes fondly “Yeah yeah.” He debated asking Will if he was okay when his brother added on the way to the door,
“Tell your boyfriend thanks too if he agrees!” 
Jonathan threw his pillow at him “Get out of my room brat!”
Will laughed, closing the door just in time to avoid the fluffy projectile.
He'll have to ask another time, he thought as he turned back to his homework, ignoring the heat he could feel on his face.
El watched as Mike fiddled with his guitar strap nervously.
“Will you stop that? You’ll break it.”
Mike ignored her and glanced at the stairs “He should be here by now.” Mike said biting his lip.
“Jonathan said they would be a little late.” She reminded him.
“Why though? Do you think something happened?” His hands stilled on his strap, a look of worry on his face.
“Mike.” El sighed, “I’m sure he’s fine.” She didn't need to clarify who 'he' was considering it was obvious who Mike was really concerned about.
Steve walked into the room before Mike could reply.
“Hey, shrimps.” He greeted, ignoring Mike’s “We're the same height.”, he glanced around, “Jon not here yet?”
El shook her head “Nope.” She replied, popping the P.
Steve frowned, glancing back at the stairs he just came down “Do you think he’s alright?” He wondered.
“Maybe we should call them?” Mike suggested.
“You’re right! Something must have happened-“
El facepalmed “Why are my friends such idiots?” She asked herself before raising her voice to be heard, “Don’t call them. They already texted, they’re nearly here.”
“They are? That’s good, I’ll go wait upstairs for them then!” Steve ran back up the stairs before they could say anything. El rolled her eyes again. How was he and Jonathan not dating already? They were more obvious then Mike and Will. And that was saying something.
“How do you know that?” Mike asked suspiciously, arms crossed. It was a known fact that Jonathan never texted or answered calls when he was driving. 
El lifted her phone, shaking it a little as she said, “Because Will texted me.”
“You have Will’s number!?” Mike’s mouth dropped open, “Since when?”
“Since he gave it to me, like, two weeks ago?”
“And you didn’t tell me?!” Mike complained, “What kind of best friend are you?”
“If you want his number, you should ask him yourself,” El said dryly.
Mike frowned “But I already have it.” His eyes widened, “Oh god, what if he texted you and not me because I make him feel weird and he's finally realized it!?”
‘You certainly make him feel weird but it’s not because of what you think it is.’ She thought with a sigh, out loud she said,
"Calm down, I texted him first. That's why he didn't text you instead."
Mike sheepishly apologized.
"I'm nervous," Will said, staring out the window with wide-eyes.
Jonathan glanced at him and Max in the review mirror "Why?" Maybe he'll finally find out why Will was so anxious all day.
Max grinned "Because the idiot's gonna ask Mike out!" She explained.
Oh, that wasn't what Jonathan was expecting but he was glad it wasn't something more serious. He felt himself relax a bit at the thought.
"Max!" Will snapped his head towards Jonathan, waving his hand back and forth "I'm not asking him out! I just-"
Jonathan smiled at him reassuringly "It's alright Will. If it helps, he likes you too. I'm sure he'll say yes."
"You think?" Will stared at him, looking wary but hopeful.
Max poked him "See! Even Jonathan thinks he likes you back. Why am I here again?"
Will poked her back "To be a supportive friend." 
Jonathan hummed "So, you are asking him out then." He couldn't help but tease. 
He mentally chuckled at the deer in the headlights look Will shot him.
"He is!" Max answered for Will, "And if he doesn't, I will do it for him."
Will turned to her with a huff "You are not slapping Mike." He stated sternly.
Jonathan quirked a brow "Slapping him?" He repeated, confused.
Max slumped "Ah, come on!" She complained, crossing her arms and pouting.
Jonathan wasn't sure he wanted to know.
"Mike, relax." El sighed as Mike paced back and forth, absently plucking at his guitar strings.
Mike groaned as he flopped back onto the couch "I'm going to freak him out! Why did I think he could like me back?" He threw an arm over his face and groaned again, louder.
El rolled her eyes "I'm only letting you be so fucking dramatic about this because I know you're really just panicking about potentially getting together with your gay awakening."
"I thought you weren't psychic?" Mike stated dryly, glancing at her. 
El shrugged "I have a cop for a dad. He taught me how to pick up on emotions and facial expressions." She reminded him.
"Oh right, him." Mike grimaced. He didn't have the best first impression with Hopper and it took a couple of years for the man to get used to Mike being around El, even more so after they started dating then broke up. They were fine now but Mike still held a hint of fear of the man from the 'shovel talk' he gave Mike when he started dating El and the second one after they broke up.
"Yeah, him." El laughed.
Will swallowed nervously as they pulled up to the house.
Max rolled her eyes at him "Dude, chill."
Will turned to her with wide eyes "What if he wasn't flirting and I was only imagining that he was and he is so weirded out when I try to ask him out that he laughs at me and never talks to me again and writes a song about how weird I was and it becomes number one on the charts and I have to hear it on the radio and start crying because I was an idiot that one time and just had to open my mouth!?"
"First off, breathe. Second," She turned to Jonathan, "Is Mike a huge dick?"
Jonathan snorted "Hell no. He's softer than a puppy in a sweater." He shut the car off and turned to face Will, "He would never do that to you, Will. Not that I even think he'd want to. He seems to really like you, you don't have to worry about it." 
"Really?" Will asked, teary-eyed, Jonathan nodded with a gentle smile.
Max, on the other hand, slapped the back of his head "Stop being an overdramatic dumbass. You're adorable. Of course he'll say yes."
Will glared at her as he rubbed the back of his head "Ow." 
"Well, we're here. Come on." Jonathan cut in as he opened his door.
Will swallowed nervously again as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
Mike jumped up when he heard the doorbell, nearly strangling himself with the guitar strap he was messing with. He quickly sorted it out, ignoring El staring at him deadpan. 
"Okay, you need to chill." El stated, "Even Steve isn't as bothered as you." 
"Steve hasn't had a huge embarrassing crush on Will Byers since he was ten." Mike retorted instantly, glancing at the staircase and biting his lip nervously.
El shrugged, eyes glinting with laughter "No, but he does have a huge embarrassing crush on Will's brother." 
"Hey, Jon!" Steve greeted as he opened the door, a bright grin on his face. He set a hand on the doorframe as he added, "I thought something might have happened, you're never late."
Jonathan smiled back "Yeah, sorry. We had to stop and get Max first. She lives in the opposite direction of you."
Steve seemed to finally see Will and Max next to Jonathan as he pulled his hand back, holding it out to Max with a smile, "You must be Will's friend. I'm Steve, nice to meet you."
Max glanced at his hand but made no move to take it "Yup. Hi." She said as she crossed her arms and stared at him.
Will snorted and Jonathan cleared his throat as Steve blinked dumbly at her before dropping his hand to his side "Right. Come on in."
Jonathan stepped in with a sheepish smile, "Sorry about her." He said as they headed for the basement.
"Nah, it's okay! I don't mind." Steve grinned, throwing an arm around Jonathan's shoulder.
"Uh, right." Jonathan cleared his throat, looking away.
"I see you're not the only one with a crush on a band member." Max teased as she and Will walked behind Jonathan and Steve.
Will snickered "Nope. Steve is so fucking obvious too. I'm surprised Jonathan hasn't asked him out yet."
Max pretended to cough as she said "Hypocrite."
Will shoved her and she laughed "Hey, just sayin' the truth!"
Will hummed "I know, but I don't want to jinx it." He lowered his voice so as not to be heard, "Jonathan really likes him."
Max snorted "I think they'll be fine." She replied nodding towards the pair, Steve was still grinning at Jonathan, his eyes locked onto the blonde with the most lovesick expression she'd ever seen. She wasn't even sure if Steve even realized he was doing it which made it even more sickeningly cute.
Will's lip twitched upwards at the sight.
“Speaking of,” Max started, raising her brows suggestively.
“Nope. Don’t jinx it!”
"Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck." Mike ran his fingers through his hair, fixed his shirt collar and smoothed out his fringe. He set his guitar down before picking it back up only to set it down again, his hand twitched against his thigh.
El rolled her eyes amused "You look fine. Relax."
"I am relaxed-" He froze, head snapping to the staircase as voices and footsteps suddenly rang down towards them, "Fuck. Okay, I am so not relaxed."
El tugged him back onto the couch next to her when he just stood stock-still "First off, sit down."
Mike opened his mouth then snapped it shut as Steve, Jonathan, Will, and a red-head appeared. Jonathan accidentally stumbled on the last step and Steve instantly caught him with wide eyes "You okay?" He asked.
Jonathan nodded, cheeks red "Uh, yeah. Thanks." He waited a moment longer than necessary to pull away from Steve, coughing and looking away.
Will laughed and the redhead shook him with a grin "I told you!"
Steve looked at them with confusion "What?"
The pair shared a look before laughing again.
Jonathan huffed "Don't bother." He told Steve then gave his brother a look which just made him laugh harder and lean against the redhead.
"Uh, alright?" Steve shook his head with obvious confusion before turning to Mike and El, brightly calling out a "Hey guys!"
Jonathan nudged Will without looking "Hey Mike, El." He greeted.
Will turned to them too and smiled "Oh, hey."
Max grinned playfully at Will "Oh, hey." She repeated.
Will lightly shoved her with his elbow "Shut up." He huffed, embarrassed.
Max turned to the pair on the couch "What's up. I'm Max. Mike and El right? I think we had classes together before.”
Mike stared at the redhead, frozen in place. 
Why was she here? 
“Why is she here?” Mike hissed at El. The girl could only cover her mouth as she laughed.
“El,” Mike whined.
“I’m sorry, but this is hilarious.” El cleared her throat then turned to the others, “Hi Max! Yeah, it’s nice to see you again.” 
Max grinned right back “You too! El right?”
“Yup!” El beamed.
Max then turned a little smirk onto Mike “And Michael Wheeler.”
“Just call me Mike.” He sighed. She was going to be tormenting him this whole time, wasn’t she? 
Will jabbed her side and shot Mike a smile (A very beautiful smile in Mike’s opinion).
“Enough flirting! It’s practice time.” Steve cut in.
“You should stop looking in the mirror when you talk.” Mike shot back instantly.
Steve cleared his throat “I did not ask for sass.”
“You didn’t deny it!” El sang cheerfully.
Both Jonathan and Steve turned red.
“Whatever! Practice time you gremlins!”
“What kind of music do you guys even play?” Max asked, “Like, are you a cover band or do you write your own songs?”
Steve lit up “Both! We all write a little bit. But mostly Mike and I write the songs."
“Oh? Hear that Will? Mike writes songs.” She said pointedly, her eyes lit up with mirth.
“I heard.”
“Maybe he could write you one sometime!” El chipped in, Max shot her a grin that she happily returned.
Were they ganging up on him!? That was so unfair.
Will felt his face heat up.
“Shut up Max.” He turned to Mike, “You don’t have to write me anything.” He quickly assured.
“I wouldn’t mind writing you a song,” Mike replied with a wink.
Will mentally screamed. Mike was going to kill him if he kept this up.
Max snickered “I’m sure you wouldn't.” She said with a massive grin.
Will shot his brother a pleading look which Jonathan thankfully caught.
“Alright, alright! Time for practice. Will, you and Max can sit on the couch.”
Max grabbed his arm and tugged him to the couch. 
“Sweet! I hate live bands just by the way.”
“Why are you here then?” Mike grumbled as he headed over to his spot near the drums, picking up his guitar on the way.
“Because I’m Will's best friend.” She instantly replied, “And I could use some entertainment.” She added with a mischievous grin on her face.
Of course she found Will attempting to flirt entertaining.
Will shot her a look and she shrugged, her eyes glittering with delight.
Will regretted asking her to come with him already.
Mike didn’t have a response for that, just shot her a narrowed eyed look before smiling at Will.
Max glanced at Will and rolled her eyes in amusement when she saw he was staring pretty obviously at Mike. She tapped his arm.
“See something you like?”
Will’s cheeks turned red as he glanced at her.
“Wha-I-He-Mike-“ Will stammered, eyes wide.
She snickered, “Mike what?”
Will huffed, cheeks darkening even more, “He has a nice voice.” He stated quietly, embarrassed.
“Mmh, sure it’s just his voice you like?” She teased.
Will was so glad the others were focused on practicing and that the noise from the band drowned out their conversation.
“What? Just stating the obvious.” She glanced over to the band then back to Will, “If it helps, he is staring right back at you.”
Will snapped his gaze over to Mike catching his eye. His breath hitched as Mike grinned at him and winked playfully.
“Max,” He breathed out quietly, “I think I like him.” 
Max, of course, just started laughing.
“Oh really? I’d have never guessed!”
Will shoved her playfully.
"But hey, I think he likes you too."
Will bit his lip "You think?"
Max nodded her head "Yup! Believe me, he has heart eyes whenever he looks at you."
Will rolled his eyes "He does not."
"He does! Anyway, you're gonna ask him out, right?" Max asked.
Will breathed in, held it for a second, then out "You think I should?"
"Yes." Max rolled her eyes before brightening, a teasing look on her face "I'll even help give you the perfect opportunity!" 
Will furrowed his brows, wary "And how would you do that?"
She waved him off "You'll see."
He wasn't sure if he wanted to.
The practice went on for about another hour before Steve decided they needed a break. El called out that she was going up to the upstairs bathroom since she didn’t like the one down here, leaving just the five of them alone, Mike was fiddling with his guitar and Steve and Jonathan were talking about something or other. He honestly wasn't sure what but they were both smiling so it didn't really matter.
Max’s eyes lit up, she leaned over to Will “Now’s your chance.” 
Will shot her a look “What?”
She didn’t reply, just grinned at him and ran over to Steve, startling him.
“Hey! Show me around! I wanna see this place.” She grabbed Steve’s arm and dragged him towards the stairs before he could reply.
“Wait, what? Jon help!” 
"He can come!" Max added as she dragged Steve up the stairs.
Jonathan laughed but followed after them, calling out “Don’t traumatize him, Max!” 
“No promises!” Max chimed back, voice fading as she got further away.
Jonathan rolled his eyes fondly “We’ll be right back.” He said as he headed up the stairs after them.
Will didn’t know whether to thank Max or curse her out for this. He glanced over to Mike who was standing by his guitar stand, a look of (adorable) confusion on his face. 
Mike swallowed nervously. He wasn’t even sure why. Though, it may have to do with the fact that he and Will were currently alone in the basement. Him and Will. Alone. Oh god. 
They had been left alone before, but Mike hadn’t been actively planning on asking Will out during those times. 
What does he do? What does he say? 
“Just ask him out.” 
He mentally flipped off the El in his head.
Fuck. They were alone. Mike did what he always did when he was nervous, he unplugged his guitar from the amp and sat on the couch, strumming out nonsensical sounds.
And thankfully, before he could embarrass himself, Will spoke up. 
Will glanced at Mike, a quirk to his lips.
“You're really good at that.” He said, “Guitar, I mean. And singing.” Will felt his face heat up, “You’re a, uh, really good singer.”
Mike smiled at him “Thanks. Didn’t spend three summers at music camp for nothing.”
“You went to a music camp?” Will asked with light surprise.
Though, he wasn’t sure why he was. Mike seemed like the kind of person who would enjoy that kind of thing, getting to play his guitar all summer.
“Yeah, it’s alright I guess. Nothing like camp rock made it out to be though. I feel cheated.”
Will laughed “What? You wanted to pretend to be a camper while helping out in the kitchen, embarrass yourself, fall in love with an angsty singer, and embarrass yourself again?”
Mike snorted, a grin on his face “Actually, I was more hoping for a giant concert to prove my camp was better than the one across the lake. That looked like a lot of fun.” 
“Poor you, guess you’d just have to settle for regular old music camp. What do you even do there? Just learn to play instruments and sing around a campfire?”
Mike hummed “A little more than that but basically.” Mike glanced him over, “Do you play an instrument?”
Will looked at him deadpan “We’ve been over this, the only musical talent I have is singing my ABC's.”
“Ah, come on, there has to be at least something you wanted to learn to play before?”
Will hummed in thought “I don’t know. I guess I’ve always found drawing more interesting.”
“You are a pretty great artist,” Mike said honestly.
It was the truth. Mike really loved seeing all the things Will scribbled onto paper. Though according to El, Will could draw a circle and Mike would still insist it be hung in a museum. Mike ignored the fact that it was probably true.
Will shook his head “I’m not that good. There are so many others in my class who are better than me.”
“But they're not you.” Mike said, “And even if they were better, I still lov-like your drawings more!”
Mike felt his heart leap into his throat. He couldn’t believe he was about to say he loved Will. This was definitely not the time for that.
Will smiled at him and Mike fell a little more in love. He was just so beautiful. And Mike knew he sounded cheesy but it was true. Will was beautiful.
“Just stating the truth,” Mike replied with another wink.
This guy was going to be the death of him. Seriously. 
“Still, thanks.” Will swallowed and glanced around, Mike went back to strumming his guitar.
Will found his eyes drifting back to Mike though when the other started humming, the idle strumming slowly becoming an actual beat. Though the song sounded unfamiliar to Will. Maybe it was something the band hadn't practiced in front of him yet?
“What are you singing?” Will asked, curious. It was a soft tune, a bit upbeat but mostly slow. Will kinda liked it.
Mike paused his humming, his eyes widening and his mouth dropping open an inch.
Was he embarrassed? Was it something Mike was working on that he didn’t want anyone to know about yet?
“You don’t have to tell me.” Will quickly assures, not wanting to seem like he was forcing Mike to tell him.
“No, it’s alright. It’s just-“ Mike swallowed nervously, feeling his face heat up. He couldn’t believe Will caught him humming this specific song. 
The song Mike had written about him. 
“Just?” Will tilted his head, looking adorable.
Mike kept his eyes on his guitar “Uh, just-It’s just a song I wrote.”
“Oh,” Will nodded, “I liked it. The beat I mean, I have no idea what the lyrics are, of course, since you didn’t sing them, if you even have lyrics yet-I’m rambling. Sorry.” Will tilted his head downwards, one of his hands coming up to cover his face.
Mike huffed a laugh “Thanks. And it does have lyrics.” He swallowed thickly, why did he say that?
Will dropped his hand, looking up at Mike through his lashes “Really? What’s it about, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Mike wanted to say but he wasn’t sure how Will would react.
“Uh, it’s a song,” Mike tapped his finger against the rim of his guitar, “About someone.”
Will blinked, eyes glancing away then back “Oh.” He paused, “A love song?” His voice was quiet, soft, almost hesitant as he spoke.
Mike flicked his eyes over to him “Yeah.” He breathed out. 
Will pushed back the wave of disappointment he felt at Mike’s confirmation that he had written a love song.
“I see.” He bit his lip, staring at the drum set across the room, “Was it...about El?”
Mike snorted and he looked back to see a grin of disbelief on his face “El? You do remember I’m gay right?”
“You could have written it when you were dating her!” Will defended.
“Those three awkward weeks definitely made me want to write a love song for her. Yup.” Mike laughed.
“Oh, shut up.” Will elbowed him, his lips twitching upwards unconsciously.
“It’s not about El. I love her but more like a sister.” 
Will nodded “Whose it about then? Or is it just like, something you wrote about your dream boy?”
“Dream boy?” Mike repeated amused, “What are you? Ten?”
“Hey!” Will exclaimed, “Everybody thinks about who they’d like as a partner!” 
“Do you?” 
Will looked briefly surprised at the question before he nodded “Yeah. As I said, everybody thinks about it!”
“What is your dream boy like then?” Mike asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
Will pressed his lips together, shrugging “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? You just said you thought about it.” Mike asked bewildered.
“Well yeah, but-“ Will shrugged again, “I guess I never really cared? Like, as long as they love me for me and are nice and funny, I wouldn’t really care?” Will shot him a look, “What about you?”
“Yeah, what is your dream boy like?”
Mike's attention drifted for a moment as Will stared at him, his heart pounded in his chest. All he could think about was Will. Will was his type. El would call him an idiot romantic but he honestly didn't think he would ever be able to like someone as much as he liked Will Byers. 
And as Will looked at him with his head tilted, eyes gleaming with interest and all his attention on Mike-
“You.” The word slipped out before he could think to hold it back.
Well, fuck.
Both of their eyes widened and Mike started to stammer, words flowing out of him in an effort to fix his slip-up “Ah, well, uh, I mean-Someone like you! Not you specifically, Not saying you are bad or anything! I definitely wouldn’t mind dating you. I mean! Lots of people probably want to date you, you’re really cute, not saying I want to- not that I’m saying I wouldn’t want to, I mean, I definitely would but- fuck.” Mike froze, he felt his heart leap into his throat as embarrassed horror filled him. He glanced over Will’s face. His eyes were wide, mouth open in shock and his face a bright red.
Shit. How did he fuck up so badly?
It was silent for a long breathtaking moment before Will’s expression brightened and he started to laugh.
His stomach dropped but before he could run away mortified, Will spoke up.
“I’m sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I swear. That just- I wasn’t expecting that.” Will managed to get out between giggles, gesturing his hand wildly at Mike, he then took that same hand and pressed it against his mouth, trying to cover his growing smile, eyes glinting with amusement.
Mike watched him for a moment, his own lips twitching upwards, a sense of relief filling him, that...wasn't necessarily a rejection, was it? “That was pretty stupid wasn’t it?” 
“Not stupid!” Will paused, before snorting, “Okay, a little stupid. But cute.” Will smiled at him.
Mike pressed his lips together, trying to keep the grin on his face at bay “Cute?” He repeated.
Will’s breath hitched as he realized what he said, “I, well, I mean-“ 
“Is it your turn to ramble?” Mike asked with a little teasing smirk.
Will sniffed and gave him a faux annoyed look “I was probably about to but I won’t anymore, asshole.”
“Hey, no fair! I can’t be the only one to make a fool out of myself!”
“Too bad. I’m not doing it anymore.” 
Mike groaned “Jackass.” Fondness cut down on the aggressiveness of the word, “I demand a redo.”
“A redo?” Will shook his head amused.
“Yeah, a redo! I want to answer without making a fucking idiot out of myself.”
“How about I just ask you out instead?” Will shot back, hoping he wasn't making a mistake.
“Ask me out?” Mike repeated, sounding surprised.
Will nodded, pulling his confidence out of nowhere, “I mean, I didn’t get every word but I think I got the gist?” There was a hopeful lit to his tone, he knew. But how could there not be? Mike just pretty much said he would date Will. If Will heard him right anyway. 
Mike cleared his throat, staring at Will “And-And what gist is that?” 
Will licked his lips “You like me too.” He breathed out.
“Too?” Mike repeated, wide-eyed.
Will hummed “Yeah, too.” He said softly, locking eyes with Mike.
”Oh.” Mike breathed out then he held his hand out, palm up “Well then, Will Byers, Will you go on a date with me?” He asked.
Will took his hand with a pout that was more a smile “I was supposed to ask you that.”
”Too bad. I got there first.” Mike replied playfully.
Will huffed a laugh. 
Will laced their hands together, glancing up at Mike through his lashes. He stared at him for a moment, a little grin tugging at his lips before nodding.
“Yeah. Yeah, I will.”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
They turned in surprise to see Max and El on the staircase leaning around the doorway, watching them with large smiles on their faces.
“How long have you been standing there!?” Will squeaked out, horrified.
Max cackled “Long enough.”
“You guys are ridiculously cute. It’s weird.” El added brightly. 
Mike threw the closet thing, which was a throw pillow, at her “Fuck off.”
The girls laughed again before running up the stairs.
“So, uh,” Mike turned back to Will, “You free Saturday?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. You can pick me up, if-if you want to?” Will agreed shyly, still a little embarrassed from being spied on by Max and El.
Mike nodded, a giant grin on his face “Yes! I mean, uh, sure. Yeah, I can pick you up.”
They shared another smile. 
“You guys are so lame!” Max shouted down the stairs.
”Shut up Max!” Will called back with a huff, he glanced at Mike, who looked utterly shocked, and started laughing, Mike quickly joined him.
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