precuredaily · 2 years
Precure Day 226
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 28 - “Coco’s Bride Appears!?” Date watched: 17 October 2022 Original air date: 24 August 2008 Screenshots Precure Metamorphose Gallery | Sky Rose Translate Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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Preach it, Nuts
I feel like every series introduces a mascot character that is utterly unlikeable. FWPC had Porun. Max Heart had Lulun. Splash Star….eh Moop and Foop weren’t bad. Yes 5 had Milk. I didn’t think Go Go had one. Clearly I had wiped this episode’s monstrosity from my memory, because she takes the cake. Let’s *sigh* dive in.
EDIT: Quick note. As of this episode the imgur galleries are a bit different. I decided to try letting a program automatically capture screenshots for me, and then I went behind it and added and removed a few. As such there are going to be fewer showcases of individual scenes and more of an overview of the episode at large. This decision was made to decrease the wait time between new reviews.
The Plot
It's extremely hot out, and the girls they'd like to go somewhere cool like Karen’s island resort again. Karen mentions she has a mountain villa they can stay at.
Komachi captures a Palmin which turns out to be the third monarch, Princess Crepe. The princess starts acting lovey dovey towards Coco and calls him her fiance. Coco quickly denies this but all the girls glare at him.
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if looks could kill
At Eternal, Bunbee sees Isohgin and Yadokahn leaving to go fishing. They promise to bring back the Rose Pact.
Princess Crepe is upset that Coco doesn't remember their engagement. When she explains the context, it turns out the “proposal” was Coco sharing some food with her. This is considered a proper marriage proposal in her kingdom. Not willing to admit the misunderstanding, she threatens not to recognize him as a king if he doesn't marry her.
Princess Crepe and Milk argue over Coco and Nuts's responsibilities to the Palmier Kingdom, and continue until they realize everyone else has left.
There’s been a B plot developing about Nuts handing out water to passers by, which now takes the forefront. Everyone else is giving drinks to the swarm of customers outside while Princess Crepe cries in joy to see Coco and Nuts smiling again after the destruction of their kingdom.
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I&Y show up and turn a crawfish into a Hoshiina. The girls all transform and Princess Crepe is surprised that they're Precure & Milky Rose.
Princess Crepe retreats into the Rose Pact during the fight and Syrup accidentally drops it, so I&Y try to snatch it, but Rose gets in the way. The crawfish is overcome without great difficulty and the Cures finish it with Rainbow Rose Explosion.
Milky Rose starts to use Milky Rose Blizzard on the villains, but I&Y remember how much it hurt last time and flee before getting hit.
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nope. don’t like that.
Princess Crepe admires the girls and thanks them for protecting Coco and Nuts. She says she now understands why they choose to be here, with people that protect their smiles.
Crepe says that the Palmier-Crepe Alliance will be strong after this, while snickering. Everyone stares in concern and the episode ends.
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nothing nice is ever said with that face
The Analysis
What I Liked
There are some fun reaction faces in this episode, especially from Milk. And the glare Nozomi gives Coco when she thinks she’s the other woman is superb.
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The B-plot with Nuts handing out water was decent. Just a casual display of wordless compassion.
The fight sequence was pretty good as well. It featured fast action and some strong teamwork. There were some attacks that were clever and creative and visually powerful from both the Cures and the Hoshiina.
The flashback scenes show that Coco has always been willing to stick his neck out for other people, showing kindness to a younger Princess Crepe.
Face faults are an anime trope that I love. Someone says something surprising and everyone falls over. This episode makes good use of them every time Princess Crepe talks about how Coco supposedly proposed to her.
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Princess Crepe withholding political support until Coco agrees to marry her is the most realistic display of international diplomacy I’ve seen in this show.
What I Didn’t Like
Princess Crepe. She’s worse than Milk, worse than Lulun, worse than Porun. I hope her time in this show is brief and she very quickly overcomes her obsession with Coco.
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I can’t believe I’m siding with Milk
Princess Crepe. Her obsession with Coco and their supposed engagement is so flimsy. I understand it’s meant to be upsetting to the audience, and it succeeds at that. I did face the question of whether disliking something the show wants me to dislike means it’s a good thing, and it is, but it still goes in the dislike column. If they managed to spin this into a lesson on consent and accepting rejection, I would place it in the “like” category.
There is astonishingly little Eternal in this episode. I’d have liked to see more of them. Even during the fight, Isohgin and Yadokahn barely do anything. They just show up.
The Hoshiina molts at one point in the episode but nothing is done with this.
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it’s just a shell of its former self
As a summer filler episode, the art is on the low end of the quality spectrum.
Milk appears in her fairy form for the second episode in a row.
Princess Crepe is named after a crêpe, a popular French pastry that is basically a very thin, flat pancake. They’re served in a variety of ways, from individually with simple toppings, to stacks, to rolled up around fillings.
Princess Crepe refers to Coco as “Cocorin”. Her speech tic is ending her sentences in “kuku”, the first syllable of her name in Japanese (Kurepu).
Princess Crepe is voiced by Nishihara Kumiko, who went on to play Crescendo Tone in Suite Precure and Sharuru in Dokidoki Precure.
Isohgin and Yadokahn speak a little differently in this episode. They form full sentences but Yadokahn finishes them rather than restating Isohgin’s remarks.
Summer filler is strange sometimes. It’s generally understood that it will be lighter in tone and less impactful, and this certainly meets that description, but it’s possible to do lighthearted episodes well. Coming off the heels of the summer festival episode, which I overall liked, this one has more bad than good. Princess Crepe is off to a bad start as a character, but there’s time for her to redeem herself. Perhaps this will be a case where the monarch has more to learn from the team.
Next time, on Precure Daily, a new villain makes his appearance! Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Kettei
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