#PG with modern amenities
nonstopstay · 5 months
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PG in Mumbai - Nonstop Stay
Looking for a PG in Mumbai with uninterrupted accommodations? Nonstop Stay offers fully-furnished rooms with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable living experience. Located in prime areas of Mumbai, our PG provides round-the-clock security, high-speed internet, and maintenance services. Enjoy hassle-free living with convenient access to transportation and nearby amenities. Experience the vibrant city life without any interruptions at Nonstop Stay.
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kpopfanfictrash · 11 months
The Horrible Un-Haunting of Elliot House
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Ghost!AU / Romance / Comedy (?)
Pairing: Seokjin / Reader (she/her)
Synopsis: Some houses are harder to sell than others but you, Y/N, are determined to find the (supposedly) haunted Elliot House a new owner. That is, until it's very real and very hot exceedingly well-dressed ghost decides to make himself known. If only you didn't find yourself enjoying the knowing.
Rating: PG-13 (kissing but nothing beyond that)
Word Count: 6,214
Author's Note: hope you enjoy this random Halloween "drabble"! This got oddly angsty? I suppose that happens with ghost love LOL
[ Cross-Posted to Wattpad ]
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“Through here,” you say, leading the Gundersons through an arched door. “You’ll find the most adorable sunroom.”
The Gundersons both gasp, appropriately awed by the tall walls of windows. Each panel is topped with stained glass, casting colorful patterns across the checkered floor. Technically, the sunroom isn’t part of the original house – it was added in 1975 during a brief period the address was owned by a cult – but you rarely disclose this fact during tours. Most people don’t care which parts of the house are original, so long as they can say they bought a 19th century Tudor.
Not that you blame them. Most people (or at least, sane people) appreciate the romanticism of an old structure without actually wanting to live in one. Modern amenities are the top benefit of progress, after all. The government couldn’t pay you to live without modern heating, plumbing, or refrigeration.
“Margaret, did you see?” Arthur Gunderson, a slightly rotund lawyer, and husband of said Margaret, gestures emphatically. “I’ll be damned if this stained glass isn’t Tiffany! See there, see that stamp in the corner?”
“Good eye, sir!” you chirp, barely glancing up from your clipboard.
Truthfully, you aren’t sure whether the glass is authentic. The cult that installed could hardly be called profitable (they sold the house at a loss after less than ten years, although this likely had more to do with crimes committed on said property than their income, but you digress), so you’d be hard-pressed to believe they could afford real Tiffany.
If this is what convinces the Gundersons to buy though, you’re hardly a realtor to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Ticking a box in the upper right corner – sunroom – you look up. “Right, well. That’s most of the lower level.” Pivoting on your heel, you head towards the corridor. “If you two will follow me upstairs, we can –”
“What’s that?”
Steps slowing, you stare at the plaster wall. A moment passes, then two before you convince yourself to turn around. When you see where Arthur Gunderson points, a relieved breath leaves your lips.
“Oh, that?” Floorboards squeak as you cross the room, sounding almost like laughter. “That’s the cellar. I’d offer you a look but unfortunately, the staircase isn’t quite up to code. You’ll need someone to look at that ASAP if you buy.”
Hovering at the wooden door, you grasp its bronze knob and pull. Tugging the cord for the light, you briefly scan the stairs but spot nothing unusual. Mostly convinced, you dutifully step aside.
“Feel free to look,” you say brightly.
The Gundersons crowd the landing you vacated.
“Careful, honey,” Arthur warns, holding Margaret’s elbow. “These stairs are steep.”
Standing on tiptoe, Margaret peers beyond him into the basement gloom. It could be your imagination, but she almost seems disappointed. A few cobwebs and shadows line the staircase, but nothing more sinister.
Hiding a smile, you check the next box. Cellar. Sometimes, people request to see this house not because they’re interested in buying it, but for the thrill. Entering the haunted Elliot house and surviving will make a great tale to tell their friends over cocktails.
Lowering your clipboard, you glance upward. So far, everything has gone to plan, which is partly the problem. You must’ve shown this house thirty times and always, something has gone wrong by now. Before being assigned its realtor, you believed in the paranormal, but only in a theoretical way. Not because you’d witnessed anything spectral.
Your opinions since then have changed.
Turning sharply, you plaster a smile on your face. “Shall we?”
Stepping back, Margaret pulls wiry frames from her jacket pocket. “I must admit,” she says with an embarrassed laugh. “Based on what our last realtor said, I was expecting far worse from this property.”
Although your smile tightens, you nod. The other realtor had a point – Elliot house could be temperamental, at best. Downright petulant, at worst. You glare again at the ceiling.
“We get that a lot,” you say, ushering them down the hall. Best not to linger. “Whenever a house sits too long on the market, you know – people talk. Lots of rumors!”
“Oh, sure,” Arthur says, passing you with a chuckle. “We’re not superstitious, don’t worry.”
“Oh?” you say lightly, remaining behind. “That’s good to know. Now, if you head down the hall, you’ll reach the foyer. All the crown molding you pass is original. The house’s first owner and builder, Daniel Baker, was something of a craftsman. He –”
Abruptly, you cease talking and stare at the stairwell. Halfway down the steps, where before there was nothing, sits a perfectly ripe orange. Eyes narrowed, you stare at this a long beat before yanking the light cord down and shutting the door.
Glancing upward, you hiss, “Not today, I swear to – well, whatever hellish being you worship.”
The wind sounds almost like laughter, but you don’t stick around long enough to find out if that’s true. Shaking your head, you traipse down the front hall in search of the Gundersons. Luckily, they’re too busy taking pictures of the aforementioned crown molding to have noticed your absence.
“Shall we?” you say, gesturing at the front stairs.
Pocketing their phones, they begin their ascent. You wait at the bottom, giving them space to discuss the house. From personal experience, buyers tend to appreciate when you don’t hover.
Besides, the grand staircase is your favorite feature – equal parts artwork and functionality. From your place at its bottom, you admire the craftsmanship. Starting the climb, your fingertips skim whorls in the wood and for a second, you feel a phantom hand rest over yours.
Scowling darkly, you yank your palm away. Reaching the landing, you clutch at your clipboard tighter and walk forward.
“This way!” you say, practically shoving the Gundersons into the first bedroom.
While they ooh and ah about the bay windows, you tick another box on your spreadsheet. Master bedroom.
The second you’re done, the pen slips from your grasp and hovers in mid-air. It then turns, point-down, to scrawl something in the margin.
‘Master’ bedroom? Kiiind of racist, don’t you think?
Teeth gritted, you snatch your pen back. “I wasn’t the one who created the spreadsheet, okay?” you whisper. “And while, yes, I agree, and other realtors are moving away from that language, I don’t–”
“Pardon?” Arthur Gunderson peers, confused, over his shoulder.
Somewhat manic, you smile. “Oh, nothing,” you say, the words sounding high-pitched, even to you. “I was just reminding myself to show you the main bathroom. Beautiful claw-foot tub.”
“Oh. Sure,” says Arthur, returning to his wife.
Head whipping sideways, you glare at the most likely place Seokjin would be. A chuckle drifts past your ear on the other side, and your scowl deepens.
Once an appropriate amount of time goes by, you usher the Gundersons into the next bedroom. Hovering outside, you calculate how quickly you can convince them to leave. The longer they stay, the worse the so-called haunting will be.
You should have known better than to show them this house, but they were insistent. Or at least, Arthur was. Margaret seems reasonably paranoid, which you deem a positive quality. Everyone within a hundred-mile radius has heard of the haunted Elliot house.
Even the name is confusing, since it doesn’t bear the name of its builder, Daniel Baker, nor its longest resident, Mr. Josiah Whitley. Instead, it’s named for Nathaniel Elliot, the cult leader who murdered a man on its premises in 1978. Obviously, this fact wasn’t known to the public until after the cult sold the house and moved far away.
Eventually, Mr. Elliot was tried and found guilty of murder, but this was much later. Wincing a little, you glance at the ceiling. Seokjin has said many times that ghosts can’t read minds, but you wouldn’t put it past him to lie for a punchline. Even if he can’t read your mind, the faint scent of cedar lets you know he’s nearby.
Quickening your stride, you show the Gundersons the next bedroom. “This is one of my favorites,” you say, pulling hard on its warped door. “The view from that window is stunning. You can see all the way to the brook!”
Taking the bait, Margaret crosses the room. “Oh, look, Arthur!” she exclaims, leaning forward. “There’s a gazebo!”
He follows at a more leisurely pace, frowning when he spots a lone cobweb in the corner. Sighing, you swipe at this as you pass, almost certain the web wasn’t there this morning.
While the two converse, you pull out your clipboard and run down the list again.
Most days at your job are like today – running down lists and waiting for other people to make their own life decisions. Becoming a realtor wasn’t so much a choice as it was thrust upon you. When your mom got sick your senior year of grad school, you returned to take care of her and finished your coursework remotely.
There were only so many jobs with flexible hours, and you ended up getting your realtor’s license to support her on the side. When your mom passed, you stuck around to sort out her paperwork and affairs. Two years later, everything is in order and still, you remain. Stuck in a holding pattern, showing houses and too afraid to try your hand at anything different.
The sudden noise from above plunges the room into silence. Both Arthur and Margaret swivel, wide eyes landing on you.
Margaret’s glasses chain trembles. “What was tha–”
“My assistant,” you blurt, backing towards the door. “He mentioned he would stop by to drop off some keys. That must be him – I’ll go and check!”
“But…” Arthur stares. “The noise came from above.”
“Be right back!” you call, stepping into the hall.
As fast as possible without raising suspicion, you rush down the hall. “Seokjin,” you hiss, hand skimming the banister as you descend. “Stop that right now!”
No one responds – not that you thought he would. Crossing the foyer, you reach the cellar door and yank it open. Flicking the overhead light, you see the orange has disappeared. Rolling your eyes, you shut the door.
“This isn’t funny,” you huff out loud to no one.
Far above you, a low groan shakes the house. Honestly, it sounds more sexual than scary, but you suppose that only makes it more sinister. Reaching the foyer, you slow your pace and set down your clipboard. Suppressing a sigh, you glance at the clock. This has happened enough times that you can predict things to the minute.
Crossing your arms, you tap your foot and count down in your head.
One – increased groaning. Sometimes from the cellar, often the attic and, during one memorable visit, from behind a locked bathroom door.
Two – shuffling feet while the Gundersons (insert buyer’s name here) debate whether to run or wait it out. They hastily whisper, wondering if it’s their minds playing tricks.
Third – laughter. Seokjin will say it sounds lilting but to you, his laughter is more akin to a car’s windshield wipers. Today, said laughter drifts from the main bedroom, immediately followed by the Gundersons’ screaming.
Directly above you, Margaret’s heels pound wooden floors. Wincing, you make a mental reminder to buff the scuffs from the wood.
“ARTHUR!” she calls, her voice pitching upward.
“Right behind you!” he bellows.
When the lights in the foyer flicker, you lean against the grand railing. In your experience, there’s nothing you can do now to save the showing. As soon as Seokjin reveals himself, it’s only a matter of time.
“Whoooo dareeessss to disturrrrrb meeeee!” he wails, and you try not to laugh. “This is MYYYY homeeee and you are nooooot welcomeeeee! OoOOOOooooOOo!”
Arthur is first down the stairs. Reluctantly, you step forward – as their realtor, you’ll try to calm them down and get them out. All part of the plan. What’s not part of the plan is Arthur’s blind panic, elbowing you – hard – in the stomach as he runs past.
Concaving, you stumble, your foot catching on a loose floorboard as you fall backwards. Suddenly, a pink cushion slides between you and the floor. You land in the middle of it, shocked but unharmed.
Arthur yanks open the front door. “You!” he blurts, whipping around to point. Blinking, you fight the urge to glance over your shoulder. “Yes, you,” he scoffs, spittle flying as Margaret runs past. “I don’t know if this is your idea of a sick joke or what, but your manager will be hearing from me!”
Before you can formulate a response, Arthur is out the front door. You hear the sound of their car starting, exhaust billowing behind them as they speed down the street.
Propping yourself on one elbow, you release a sigh. The house has fallen silent, almost sheepish in its total lack of sound. Head lolling back, you glare at the ceiling.
“You are so annoying,” you groan, well-aware you sound crazy. “I honestly don’t know what you’re looking for, Seokjin. The Gundersons were fine.”
The front door slams.
An outline of a person materializes between you and the living room, seeming composed of dust motes and sunshine. Turning your glare in their direction, you tap your fingers against the oak floor.
Seokjin solidifies fully, rakishly leaning against the paneled wall. He’s dressed in the same navy three-piece suit he wore when he died, albeit with his hair styled in this century’s fashion. Seokjin once said ghosts are able to change their appearance, but most choose not to. There’s little point to it, and it wastes precious energy.
Sadly, he shakes his head. “See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Seokjin says, his deep timbre resonating through floorboards beneath you.
“Show off,” you mutter.
Lips twitching, he crooks a finger. The foyer light ceases to flicker, and Seokjin straightens. Dusting invisible dust from his shoulders, he walks forward.
“The Gundersons were tiresome,” he says. “I would’ve been bored of them in months, started haunting again, and this house would’ve gone right back on the market. Really, I saved you trouble in the long run. You can thank me later.”
“Oh, no,” you deadpan. “Two commissions on the same property. What a horrible fate.”
“Exactly. You’re welcome.”
Fighting an eye roll, you push yourself upward with cushion in hand. At least Seokjin was kind enough to break your fall, even if he caused the circumstances which led to it in the first place.
Brushing the dirt from the cushion, you shake your head. “You do know that eventually, someone will buy this house and you’ll have to make peace with that fact. Right?”
When Seokjin doesn’t immediately respond, you look up. His dark gaze lingers a second longer than necessary, briskly looking away when he catches you watching.
“I know,” Seokjin says, turning around. “Might I point out though, that I don’t have to make peace with anything. Ghost,” he adds, pointing at himself. “Not making peace with things is our bread and butter.”
“People have owned this house before, though.”
“Boring people,” Seokjin mutters.
“That didn’t seem to bother you back then!”
Seokjin enters the living room. “Ugh,” he groans, dropping onto a chaise. Dust motes spiral around him, as though he were solid. “If I must be trapped on the material plane, Y/N, the least the material plane could do is provide some entertainment. And the lovemaking of two seventy-year-olds doesn’t count,” he adds, fixing you with a glare.
Stifling laughter, you follow him into the parlor. Fluffing the cushion, you replace it on its chair and survey the room. Seokjin lounges dramatically and it could be your imagination, but he almost looks solid. More so than the first time you met, anyways.
He nearly scared the shit out of you, back then. Everyone at the firm warned you this house was haunted but were purposefully vague on the supernatural. The warnings they gave you were borderline mundane.
Oh, yeah, that house has been on the market forever. People say that it’s haunted, but I’d honestly be more worried about rats. Or asbestos – popcorn ceilings didn’t age well for a reason. And I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard a convict once lived in the basement for three months before the cops caught him. Watch out for that!
You entered this house with more than your usual trepidation, pepper spray in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Apparently, the wiring wasn’t all up to code – something you’ve since rectified with the city.
The sound of the door creak could’ve been written by the Brothers Grimm themselves, textbook gothic. Your flashlight swept over dusty floors, faint footprints remaining to remind you of its past. Spine steeled, you forced yourself to continue.
Finding a light switch, you flicked upward, and the chandelier came to life. The lighting was dim, barely enough to see by on a rainy day. Keeping your flashlight, you wandered into the parlor and came to a sudden stop. Forest green wallpaper lined the walls, remarkably intact for its age. Stunned, you turned in a slow circle.
Moody maximalism was one of your favorite design styles, and this room was made for it. With a slightly better attitude, you resumed your walk-through, discovering a hidden cupboard in the kitchen and a dumbwaiter to nowhere. The second-floor entry point had been boarded up, but that could be rectified.
Some of the woodwork of the house was scuffed, and a few corners held fallen leaves, but overall, it was in great condition. None of the realtors had prepared you for that – you arrived expecting a war zone and were pleasantly surprised.
On the second floor, you found a library – or what had once been the library, given the shelving was empty – that made you audibly gasp. Blue-black custom shelves extended along three of the walls. Closer to the door, a bright square of color remained from where a painting had hung.
Curious, your fingers traced the edges. “This place is unreal,” you murmured to yourself.
“I know, right?” said a voice directly in your ear.
Like any sane person, you screamed and jumped skyward. Your flashlight fell, its beam rolling over and over until it hit a baseboard. You didn’t stick around to find out, turning fast on your heel and bolting into the hall.
Thundering down the front stairs – wincing as the wood groaned – you nearly reached the foyer when Seokjin appeared.
“Boo,” he said calmly, between you and the door.
Coming to a shuddering halt, your hand gripped the railing. The ghost was impeccably dressed, if slightly invisible, and raised a dark brow in response to your flight.
Gaze darting sideways, you sought a second exit but all you could recall was the cellar and that wasn’t an option. Years of training from watching scary movies kicked in at that point, and you slowly straightened. Running away would do nothing – a ghost could follow you anywhere – so, maybe reasoning with him would be the best option.
“What do you want?” you asked, masking your fear to plant both hands on your hips. “Who are you?”
Surprise flared in his – admittedly attractive – gaze. Some of the shock had worn off by then, and you could admit to yourself (if to no one else) that the ghost before you was hot. Even thinking this felt ridiculous, and you wondered if your already-fragile grasp on reality was slipping.
Taking a single step forward, the ghost cocked his head. When you stumbled back, his lip quirked, and he appeared by your side.
“Who am I?” he mused, walking in a slow circle. “Awfully strange to ask me that, when I’m the person that died here, and you’ve never stepped foot in this house until now. I would know.”
Started, you turned your head.
This was a mistake since it allowed you to see every ridge of his features. The rounded tip of his nose, his enviably full lips, and a curve to his jawline which could likely cut glass.
Forcing your gaze upward, you found him focused on you. “You… died here?” you asked before you could think better.
His lips thinned. “You know, it’s very rude to ask a ghost how they died. It’s personal.”
“Oh,” you said. “Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“You didn’t ask,” the ghost replied with a sigh.
Your eyes narrowed, hearing barely hidden laughter in his tone. This ghost was making fun of you. The audacity!
Incensed by this, you lifted your chin. “Wouldn’t asking you whether it’s polite to ask about death be asking you about death, though?”
“Fair enough.” He shrugged, slipping both hands in his pockets. “There really isn’t a good way for you to bring up that conversation.”
A laugh escaped, despite yourself.
His gaze flickered, as though oddly pleased. Quickly, the ghost scanned you from your shoes to your face, where he lingered.
“I’m curious,” he mused, resuming his walk in a circle.
Despite your discomfort, you forced yourself to stay still. Even though you could feel each place his gaze lingered – your shoulders, your collarbone, tacing the slope of your cheekbones.
“What are you curious about?” you asked, pushing the words past your lips.
He stopped between you and the door again. Slipping both hands from his pockets, he crossed his arms over his chest. The way his biceps strained against his suit was intriguing, implying there was something to strain against. Dimly, you wondered what a ghost’s gym routine looked like.
Your lips twitched at the thought, and the ghost scowled.
“Stop that,” he commanded. “You should be terrified. I was curious about why you haven’t run yet. Anyone else would’ve by now.”
“Would they?”
“Based on my experience, yes.” He tilted his head. “This is the first time I’ve introduced myself to someone and they stayed. Well,” he amended through teeth. “Stayed without crucifixes, holy water, and a priest.”
“Does that really work?” you wondered, genuinely curious.
“Does what work – exorcism?”
You nodded.
“Clearly not.” He waved a hand down his body. “At least, not in my case. When I first died, I wanted to move on. I was even excited when the first priest arrived, but he did nothing, and neither did the next one… eventually, I stopped hoping. Started haunting, instead.”
“Well, sure,” you said, dazed.
His lips twitched. “My name is Seokjin, by the way. Not that you asked.”
“That was literally one of the first things I asked!”
Ignoring this, Seokjin stuck out his hand. “And you are?”
“Y/N,” you said, ignoring the impossibility of what you were about to attempt while extending your palm. “Nice to meet you.”
Your hands met in the middle and, instead of passing through, you felt your palms brush. For a moment, you touched calluses and warm skin, smelling the faint scent of cloves.
Seokjin went utterly still.
Chin jerking down, he stared at your joined hands. “That’s… never happened before.”
Retracting swiftly, you said the first thought that came to mind. “What? Never touched a woman?”
Scowling, he retracted his hand as well. “I was thirty when I died, Y/N. Not thirteen.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you muttered, then paused. “You… haven’t been able to touch anyone since you died?”
“Things, yes. People, no.” A thoughtful look crossed his face. “A psychic visited me once. The owners at that time brought her, wanting to see if she could get rid of me.” Seokjin snorted. “She got them to pay her, then said, ‘No.’ Hilarious. And interesting,” he added. “She told me she’d met other ghosts, ones that could interact. Never seemed to work for me, though.”
You blinked, unsure how to respond. For it being your first encounter with the supernatural, nothing about this had gone as imagined. You weren’t sure how to converse with a ghost who, for all intents and purposes, seemed fairly normal.
Except for the whole ‘being dead’ part.
“Well.” You shrugged. “There’s a first time for everything, I guess.”
His expression remained inscrutable, but for the faintest of seconds, you thought Seokjin looked intrigued. After a moment, he moved closer and leaned in. You caught the faintest whiff of orange, cloves, and cedar on what could have been his breath.
“I suppose there is,” he murmured, and then disappeared.
Since then, Seokjin has appeared each time you returned. The second time, you were halfway convinced your first visit was a hallucination. A theory Seokjin seemed content to feed into, refusing to show himself until you were about to leave. Then, he jumped through the hall closet to yell, “MUTINY!” and cement his presence in your mind.
Seokjin doesn’t dress the same every time. A few weeks into your friendship (if one can call it that), he informed you he could change his appearance but hadn’t done it much. It took energy to appear on the mortal pane, more so if his appearance was altered.
Still, you’ve learned Seokjin will do pretty much anything to commit to a bit. His brand of haunting tends to border on comical. Putting his arms on backwards, headless juggling, vomiting wine – really anything is fair game if not truly grotesque. By now, you’ve seen his whole gambit, which is how you can say today’s performance was lackluster.
Sprawled on the chaise, one foot dangling, Seokjin looks every bit of the tragic lothario. Again, you can’t help but wonder whether he’s gained permanence since the last time you saw him. You could almost swear the chaise sinks under the weight of his frame.
“What is it?” he demands, lazily pushing himself upward.
Something in your chest flutters, although you ignore it. Arms crossed, you fix him with a look of disdain. It’s sinful for Seokjin to look as good as he does – and the worst part is, you know it’s not an illusion.
After you met the third time, you Googled his name along with the house and found multiple hits. Seokjin Kim was killed on October 31st, 1978, by Nathanial Elliot, the leader of the Sunny Days cult. Both Seokjin’s parents joined two years prior, and he’d tried unsuccessfully to convince them to leave by mail and phone.
Eventually, he visited in person and convinced them to go – unfortunately, Nathanial caught wind of the situation and killed Seokjin before this could happen. You saw photos of Seokjin from then and can confirm he was always devastatingly handsome. Often, you’ve wondered if he left someone behind – a wife or a girlfriend – but can’t bring yourself to ask. You aren’t sure which answer would hurt more.
Regardless, you know Seokjin was missed. His parents were the ones who took down the Sunny Days cult, putting their leader behind bars for killing their son. Seokjin admitted once that they tried to tear this house down. They didn’t know he was tied to the grounds, and he didn’t want to tell them. It would’ve been harder for them to move on, he explained, and your heart broke a little.
Not long after that, you accidentally let it slip that Seokjin had a scent. It made him howl with laughter, nearly falling down the front stairs – not that this would’ve hurt him. From then on, Seokjin showed off his growing ability to move solid objects by leaving oranges for you in the house whenever you came. Only another of his practical jokes but lately, it’s made your skin hot to think of.
You realized you felt more than you should for him last month when he saved you from falling. Determined to clear out the cellar, your entire foot went through the first step and Seokjin pulled you to safety.
“Careful,” he murmured, one arm wrapped around your waist. Gently, he eased you backwards and onto the landing. “The top step is rotted through. You’ll need to call in someone to fix that.”
Unable to speak, you nodded and quickly disentangled. Each place he had touched, your skin tingled, and not at all unpleasantly. Since that day, your feelings have only worsened. Sometimes, you wonder if he knows.
Sometimes you wonder whether he feels the same, no matter how hopeless it is.
Heaving a great sigh, Seokjin stands from the couch. Lifting both arms, he stretches this way and that like an overgrown cat. The end of his shirt comes untucked, displaying a flat strip of skin you refuse to acknowledge.
Forcing your gaze to his face, you lift a single brow. Weeks after meeting, you considered Seokjin your friend, or at least an acquaintance. Now, you can’t call this friendship, but not because things between you have worsened. It’s because the more time you spend together, the more you find yourself wishing for something impossible. Something more.
“You know what,” you tell him. “There’s no need to scare off every potential buyer.”
Seokjin pauses, then lowers his arms. “There’s a need when they’re terrible. I’m the one forced to live with them for eternity, not you.”
“It’s not an eternity, though,” you tried to joke. “Eventually, they’ll die – or, so one would presume.”
Seokjin’s face hardens. Before you can take another breath, he’s standing before you. “Much better,” he says, his voice like steel. “I love being reminded that, while the world continues to age around me, I never will. I’ll simply stay on this godforsaken plot of land until the earth is destroyed by its own inhabitants. How long do you think that’ll take, Y/N? One decade? Two?”
Eyes wide, you stare at him in shock.
Seokjin has never spoken to you like this before. Usually, he’s far more cavalier about his reality, easily accepting the fact that he’s a ghost. Never once has he ranted about the world passing by. In fact, Seokjin frequently throws in your face that you’ll soon have more wrinkles than him.
For the first time, you wonder if all that is a front. If perhaps, deep down, all his lackadaisicalness is merely a cover for a deeper kind of fear.
Slowly, you move closer. “I didn’t mean to be dismissive,” you murmur. “Of course, I don’t want you to be forced to live with people you hate. I just meant…”
You trail off, uncertain and Seokjin’s face softens. He moves even closer, his scent comforting you in a way you can’t explain. In a way it shouldn’t be.
“I’ll never get used to this,” you sigh.
You aren’t sure why you’re speaking so softly. Possibly due to his proximity and possibly due to the look in his eyes, studying you as though you’re the impossibility, and not him. Dust motes trail through the air when Seokjin lifts a hand.
With bated breath, you watch as he reaches towards you. At the last second, he shifts and lightly brushes your jaw.
Sharply, you inhale because you feel it. You feel him.
“Seokjin,” you whisper. “What are you…”
Gently shushing, he leans in, and you feel his breath, feather-light, across your skin. Utterly shocked, you go still. It’s his breath that you feel. Breath that shouldn’t exist, according to logic.
Slowly, his gaze drops and stays on your lips. If Seokjin can’t read minds, he must hear your heart racing. The sound of it is all-consuming, drowning out rational thought.
“You want to know what I’m waiting for?” he murmurs, his gaze lifting. “I’m waiting for someone to look at this… house the way you do.”
“A lot of people have liked the house, Seokjin. People who –”
“I don’t want you to sell this house."
Startled, you stop. “Why not?”
His expression twists, revealing his vulnerability. “I think you know.”
Roughly, you exhale.
Yes. You do know. It’s the same reason you’ve half-assed the last six showings at this address. It’s why you keep people from looking, and when they insist, barely attempt to stifle Seokjin’s shenanigans. You could have come earlier today and requested Seokjin to be on good behavior. He would have done it. For you, he would have.
Which is exactly why you didn’t ask.
“I… want to hear you say it,” you say, so low, you’re surprised that he hears.
Achingly slow, Seokjin’s hand slips from your jaw to your neck. When he pulls you closer, you can feel the weight of his hand, the solid pressure that comes from his fingers on your skin.
Your eyes flutter shut.
“I don’t want you to go,” Seokjin murmurs, his lips close to your ear. “If someone else buys this house, you’d stop showing it. You wouldn’t come here again, and I can’t leave these grounds. If someone else buys this place” – his breath hitches – “I won’t see you again. I can stomach eternity, Y/N, but not without you.”
“Seokjin.” His name leaves your lips as a whisper, or prayer.
“Do you ever…” Eyes opening, you look up. “I don’t want to say it out loud.”
“Why not?”
“Because.” Your voice breaks. “That might make it real. What I want can’t be real, so if I say it out loud, it might vanish and right now, it exists in this tentative space. We exist in this space.”
Lightly, his thumb strokes your throat, and you feel your knees buckle. Every callous, every touch feels so horribly real, it’s making it difficult to remember why this can’t be.
“I’ve stopped wondering what’s real and what’s not,” Seokjin murmurs, his gaze tracing your mouth. “Most people say I shouldn’t exist and yet, here I am. They say I shouldn’t be here, able to touch you like this and yet, I am. They say I shouldn’t–”
Rising on tiptoe, you cut him off with your kiss. Seokjin shudders, his lips parted and warm in the shock of the moment.
 “Fuck,” he groans, breaking away to stare at you in wonder.
Before you can respond, he returns, his kiss wild and fierce. Your own desire surges, touching him hesitantly at first, and then with full abandon. Hands sliding up his chest, over his shoulders, your fingers curl in his hair to anchor him to you.
Cupping your face, Seokjin pulls your body to his. His touch is reverent, deifying while his hands travel lower to land on your waist. His body curves above yours, catching your gasps with the tip of his tongue. Seokjin feels solid beneath you – solid, and warm, and painfully real.
His mouth moves to your jaw, trailing heat down your throat and across your bared collar. Shivers of pleasure shoot through you as he walks you backwards, pressing your spine to the wall. Briefly – wondrously – you laugh, the sound caught again by his kiss.
Within minutes, you’re panting, heart beating wildly as you grip his hair tighter. Seokjin’s leg presses forward, pushing your thighs apart and you nearly dissolve. He moves harder, faster, as though scared that you’ll vanish. This is the opposite of disappearing, though.
This is together, beneath, and on top as –
“Shit,” Seokjin growls, the sound torn from his throat.
Dazed, you look sideways and realize his hand has gone through the wall.
Seokjin stares at his wrist, his chest rising and falling. Everything you can feel is solid, but his hand sinks through the wall about an inch deep. It’s hard to concentrate with him above you, looking like that. Seokjin’s hair remains mussed by your hands, proving you touched him – however briefly.
Lips thinning, Seokjin pulls his hand out. Purposefully, he lays his palm flat on the wall but it’s clear to you both that he’s concentrating. Some of his pressure dissipates.
“I – fuck,” he exhales, dropping his chin.
Gently, you soothe a strand of hair behind his ear. This is the first time you’ve seen Seokjin anything less than immaculate and goddamn, if it doesn’t look good on him. That’s making it difficult to focus on the matter at hand.
The matter at hand. Ha.
Thinking this, a snort escapes your lips before you can stop it. Stunned, Seokjin glances up with wide eyes.
“Did you just… snort?” he asks, incredulous.
You shake your head, and then nod, sheepish. “Um, yes. I did. It’s just…” Now that you’ve started, you can’t help but continue. “I can’t believe the hottest make-out session of my life ended with your fucking hand through a wall.”
Seokjin stares for a long moment before – impossibly – his chest starts to shake. Before long, you’re both laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of the situation. Once your laughter has faded though, comfortable silence remains.
Pulling you into his chest, Seokjin’s hand strokes your neck. “I don’t know what this means,” he admits with a sigh.
“Me, either.”
“I do know I want to do that again.”
“Same,” you say, pulling back.
“But…” Seokjin hesitates. “Y/N. You know I’m not… real, right?”
Your heart sinks to your shoes. “You’re real to me.”
“I know.” He speaks softly. “But I –”
Lifting a hand, you press a finger to his lips. “Don’t,” you warn. “Please. I don’t want to think about the future right now. I know I don’t have eternity, but I don’t want what I have without you.”
Something in his gaze breaks but Seokjin merely nods, letting silence fall again. You fear that he’ll vanish, leaving you alone but he merely exhales. The breath brushes your skin.
“Alright,” Seokjin murmurs, winding his hand with yours. “What do you want to talk about, then?”
The ghost of a smile crosses your lips. “What if… we talk about me buying this house?”
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© kpopfanfictrash, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission. Author’s Note: thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and Happy Halloween!
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jklmwomens-pg · 16 days
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Ladies Hostel in Sungam, Coimbatore — Jklm Women PG
JKLM Ladies Hostel in Sungam offers a secure and comfortable living environment tailored for women. With well-furnished rooms and modern amenities, the hostel ensures a homelike atmosphere for students and working professionals. The hostel provides 24/7 security, high-speed Wi-Fi, nutritious meals, and a clean, hygienic space. Conveniently located near educational institutions and workplaces, JKLM Women's PG Hostel is the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. For those seeking accommodations in a different area, the Ladies Hostel in Sungam provides comfort and security, making it an ideal choice for women in Coimbatore.
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jindalservices1 · 1 month
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PG Rooms in Derabassi Near Sukhmani College
Discover comfortable and convenient PG rooms in Derabassi, just a stone's throw from Sukhmani College. Our well-furnished accommodations offer a peaceful environment for students and professionals alike. Enjoy modern amenities, including Wi-Fi, meals, and laundry services, ensuring a hassle-free stay. With easy access to transportation and local shops, you’ll find everything you need within reach. Experience a welcoming community while focusing on your studies or work.
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collegesearches · 5 months
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Unveiling Chandigarh University's Academic and Placement
Chandigarh University  
Chandigarh Institution (CU or CUCHD) is a private institution authorized by the NBA and awarded an A+ grade by the NAAC. The university is accredited by the UGC, AICTE, BCI, NCHMCT, PCI, COA, NCTE, AIU, and CSI. CU Chandigarh is affiliated with ICAR, AUAP, IAU, ACU, IEEE, ASME, IUCEE, and the American Chemical Society. The QS Asia University Rankings 2024 have placed Chandigarh University as one of India's top private universities; furthermore, the university has been rated 149 in the Overall Asia Rank. 
Chandigarh University Programs 
At the undergraduate level, Chandigarh University provides three to five-year BTech, two to four-year BSc, three-year BBA, BA, Bcom, and other courses. At the postgraduate level, students can pursue a two-year MBA, a one- to two-year MSc, and other courses. Chandigarh University provides around 200 courses in fields such as Management, Commerce, and Law at the UG, PG, and PhD levels, as well as a few industry-collaborated MBA and CSE courses in association with IBM, UpGrad, Virtusa, and SHRM, among others.  
Chandigarh University Admission Process
Chandigarh University admission 2024 to all UG and PG degrees is based on the Chandigarh University Common Entrance Test (CUCET). Admission to Chandigarh University is divided into two parts. Students can also visit CollegeSearch to get the most recent exam-related updates. In addition to CUCET, Chandigarh University (CU) accepts numerous national-level entrance examinations for scholarships, including JEE Main, NATA, CAT, MAT, and XAT.  
Chandigarh University Placements 
During Chandigarh University Placements 2023-2024, participating recruiters placed 9,124 students from the 2023 class in a variety of degrees such as BTech, MBA, and MCA. 904 recruiters participated in the placement process, placing 9,124 students from batch 2023-2024 in new-age work roles. The top domestic and overseas packages provided during Chandigarh University placement 2023-2024 were INR 170 LPA and INR 54.75 LPA, respectively. Additionally, 31 MNCs provided packages of INR 20 LPA or above during Chandigarh University placements 2023-2024. In 2024, the top recruiters at Chandigarh University (CU) included Microsoft, Google, Amazon, IBM, Arcesium, Adobe, Deloitte, Morgan Stanley, Qualcomm, Philips, Goldman Sachs, Toshiba, and others.
Chandigarh University Faculty 
Chandigarh University has established the Foreign Faculty Exchange Programme (IFEP), under which various eminent foreign academics visit the CU campus and guide students via their lectures. The institution has approximately 100 national and 80 international faculty members who visit the school regularly. Furthermore, from Presidents to CEOs, CU Chandigarh has hosted several inspirational figures, including Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the Dalai Lama, Virender Sehwag, and Larry Stone, among others.
Chandigarh University Hostel & Campus  
Chandigarh University's campus spans 150 acres, providing enough green space. The college's campus is well-known for providing modern amenities to its students, including cutting-edge facilities. Students have access to AC/non-AC hostel rooms, sports, transportation, banking services, medical facilities, restaurants, libraries, media centers, and many other amenities on the Chandigarh University campus. Continue reading to learn more about the Chandigarh University campus, housing, and student life. 
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arresidency02 · 7 hours
Best Girls PG Accommodation Near Knowledge Park 2
Explore premium girls PG near Knowledge Park 2, offering a safe and homely environment. With fully-furnished rooms, high-speed Wi-Fi, 24/7 security, meals, and other modern amenities, these PGs ensure a comfortable and secure stay for students and working professionals.
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arhostel · 7 hours
Safe and Comfortable Girls PG in Greater Noida with Modern Amenities
Looking for a safe, comfortable, and welcoming place to stay in Greater Noida? Our girls PG in Greater Noida is designed to provide a homely environment, especially for female students and working professionals. It’s the perfect place for young women who need both privacy and the feeling of being at home, away from home.
Our girls PG in Greater Noida offers fully furnished rooms with all the modern facilities to make your stay relaxing and stress-free. The PG is located in a secure neighborhood with round-the-clock security, ensuring safety at all times. Whether you’re a student preparing for your next exam or a professional needing some quiet time after work, we’ve got you covered.
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Some of the key features that make our girls PG in Greater Noida stand out include:
Fully Furnished Rooms: Each room is spacious, bright, and comes with comfortable beds, study tables, wardrobes, and more. We make sure you have everything you need to feel settled.
High-Speed Wi-Fi: We understand how important internet access is for both studies and leisure. Enjoy unlimited, high-speed Wi-Fi to stay connected with friends, family, and work.
Nutritious Meals: We provide freshly cooked, home-style meals, ensuring you get the nutrition you need while living away from home. Special dietary requests are also accommodated to suit your preferences.
24/7 Security: Your safety is our top priority. With CCTV surveillance, secured entry points, and friendly staff available to assist you at any time, you can feel completely safe in our girls PG in Greater Noida.
Prime Location: Our PG is located close to major educational institutions, offices, shopping areas, and public transportation. This makes daily commuting easy and hassle-free.
Clean and Hygienic: Cleanliness is important to us. Our cleaning staff ensures that the common areas, washrooms, and rooms are regularly cleaned and sanitized.
Power Backup: No need to worry about power cuts as we provide 24-hour power backup, ensuring uninterrupted electricity throughout your stay.
Recreational Facilities: Need some time to relax and unwind? We offer common recreational areas with TV, indoor games, and reading lounges to help you enjoy your downtime.
Our girls PG in Greater Noida is more than just a place to stay; it’s a community where you can make friends, feel secure, and focus on your goals. We prioritize the comfort and well-being of our residents, providing a nurturing atmosphere so you can thrive personally and professionally.
If you're searching for a cozy and secure girls PG in Greater Noida, we invite you to visit and experience it for yourself. Our friendly staff is always here to help you settle in and address any concerns or queries you might have. We are committed to making your stay as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
Book a visit today and see why our girls PG in Greater Noida is the perfect home away from home for young women!
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resideinar · 7 hours
Discover the Perfect Girls PG Near Sharda University: Your Home Away From Home
As students embark on their academic journeys, finding suitable accommodation becomes a top priority. For those attending Sharda University, the need for a safe, comfortable, and conducive living environment is paramount. This article explores the best Girls PG (Paying Guest) options near Sharda University, highlighting essential amenities, advantages, and tips for choosing the right accommodation.
Why Choose a Girls PG Near Sharda University?
Safety and Security Safety is often the primary concern for students and their families when selecting accommodation. Girls PG near Sharda University prioritize security with features like 24/7 surveillance, gated entries, and staff present at all hours. This ensures a safe environment where students can focus on their studies without worry.
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Convenience Living close to campus means easy access to classes, libraries, and extracurricular activities. Girls PGs near Sharda University offer the advantage of being within walking distance or a short commute from the university, saving time and making life easier for busy students.
Community Living Choosing a girls PG fosters a sense of community. Students can meet peers, share experiences, and develop lifelong friendships. This supportive environment often enhances the overall university experience, allowing students to connect with others facing similar challenges.
Fully Furnished Accommodations Most girls PGs provide fully furnished rooms equipped with essential amenities, including beds, study tables, wardrobes, and high-speed internet. Many also offer shared common areas, kitchens, and recreational spaces, providing a comfortable and home-like atmosphere.
Meals and Nutrition Healthy meals are crucial for maintaining energy and focus during studies. Many girls PGs near Sharda University provide nutritious meal plans catering to diverse dietary preferences. This eliminates the hassle of cooking and ensures that students have access to balanced diets.
Affordable Options Compared to private apartments or hostels, girls PGs often present a more economical choice. With utilities, meals, and amenities included in the rent, students can better manage their budgets. This makes it an attractive option for those looking to save money while pursuing their education.
Top Girls PG Options Near Sharda University
Comfort Girls PGLocated just a short distance from Sharda University, Comfort Girls PG offers spacious rooms, modern furnishings, and 24/7 security. The facility includes study areas, high-speed internet, and a fully-equipped kitchen, making it an ideal choice for students.
A R ResidencyA R Residency is well-known for its welcoming environment and excellent amenities. With daily meals, laundry services, and recreational spaces, this PG ensures students have everything they need for a comfortable stay. The management prioritizes student safety and offers affordable pricing.
Sakshi Girls PGSakshi Girls PG is another excellent option, featuring a vibrant community of students. This PG provides well-furnished rooms, nutritious meals, and regular cleaning services. With easy access to local markets and transportation, it’s a convenient choice for students.
Shanti Girls PGShanti Girls PG stands out for its commitment to creating a homely atmosphere. The facility includes spacious rooms, study lounges, and recreational areas. With a focus on student well-being, Shanti Girls PG offers balanced meals and a supportive community.
Tips for Choosing the Right Girls PG
Visit the PGIf possible, visit the PG before making a decision. Assess the cleanliness, facilities, and overall atmosphere. Speaking with current residents can provide valuable insights into the living experience.
Inquire About Security MeasuresEnsure that the PG has robust security protocols in place, such as CCTV cameras, secure entry, and staff presence. Safety should be a top priority when choosing accommodation.
Check the AmenitiesEvaluate what amenities are included in the rent. Look for fully furnished rooms, internet access, meal provisions, and laundry services, as these can significantly impact your comfort and convenience.
Read ReviewsResearch online reviews and testimonials from former or current residents. This can help gauge the reputation and reliability of the PG.
Budget ConsiderationsDetermine your budget and look for PGs that offer value for money. Compare different options to find one that fits your financial situation without compromising on essential amenities.
Finding the right Girls PG near Sharda University can enhance your academic journey and overall college experience. Prioritize safety, community, and comfort when selecting your accommodation. With various options available, you can find a home away from home that caters to your needs. Embrace this exciting phase of life with the peace of mind that comes from living in a secure and supportive environment. Whether you’re focusing on your studies or exploring new opportunities, a good PG can make all the difference.
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casa-stays · 2 days
Affordable and Comfortable PG in Kharadi, Pune for Working Professionals and Students
Looking for the perfect PG in Kharadi, Pune? Kharadi, a thriving IT and commercial hub, offers a variety of PG accommodations tailored to meet the needs of both working professionals and students. Choose from fully-furnished rooms with modern amenities like high-speed Wi-Fi, laundry services, security, and delicious home-cooked meals. Whether you prefer single or shared occupancy, PGs in Kharadi are designed to provide a comfortable and convenient living experience, with easy access to tech parks, public transport, shopping malls, and eateries. Enjoy a hassle-free stay in one of Pune’s most sought-after locations!
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stanzaliving · 2 days
Our residence offers modern amenities and thoughtfully designed rooms that make you feel right at home. visit us - https://www.stanzaliving.com/pg-in-baner
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jindalservices1 · 2 months
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Boys PG: AC Rooms Available in Zirakpur
Discover comfortable and convenient living at our Boys PG in Zirakpur, featuring well-furnished AC rooms designed for your comfort. Our accommodation offers modern amenities, including high-speed internet, 24/7 power backup, and daily housekeeping. Located close to major transport links and local amenities, it's ideal for students and young professionals. Experience a vibrant community atmosphere and a secure environment for a hassle-free stay.
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food-maniac55 · 5 days
Exploring the Best PG College in Lucknow: A Gateway to Academic Excellence
In today's competitive world, finding the right postgraduate (PG) college is crucial for shaping one’s career and academic future. Lucknow, a hub of education and culture, offers many institutions that promise quality higher education. Among these, Unity PG College stands out as one of the best PG colleges in Lucknow, known for its academic excellence, vibrant campus life, and commitment to shaping the next generation of professionals and scholars. In this article, we will delve into what makes Unity PG College the best choice for students aspiring for postgraduate studies.
Why Choose Unity PG College?
Choosing the right institution for postgraduate studies is not just about finding a college with good infrastructure or a well-known faculty—it is about finding an environment that nurtures your passion, fuels your academic ambitions, and prepares you for a successful career. Unity PG College in Lucknow excels in all these aspects, offering a blend of modern education with traditional values.
Academic ExcellenceUnity PG College is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence. The college offers a variety of postgraduate programs that cater to different streams such as Arts, Science, Commerce, and Management. With a team of experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields, the college ensures that students receive the best possible education. The curriculum is designed not only to cover theoretical knowledge but also to focus on practical applications, making students industry-ready by the time they graduate.
Experienced and Qualified FacultyOne of the key factors that contribute to making Unity PG College one of the best PG colleges in Lucknow is its faculty. The college has a pool of highly qualified professors who come with years of teaching and research experience. The faculty members are not just educators but also mentors who guide students through their academic journey. They regularly update their teaching methods to include the latest trends and advancements in their fields, ensuring that students are well-prepared to face the challenges of the modern world.
State-of-the-Art InfrastructureInfrastructure plays a significant role in enhancing the learning experience, and Unity PG College offers state-of-the-art facilities to its students. The campus is equipped with modern classrooms, well-stocked libraries, science and computer labs, and other essential amenities. The digital learning resources available at the college ensure that students can access a wealth of information at their fingertips. The college also boasts of a well-maintained campus, offering a pleasant and conducive environment for learning.
Research and Development OpportunitiesUnity PG College places a strong emphasis on research and development, which is one of the core pillars of postgraduate education. Students are encouraged to engage in research projects under the supervision of their faculty members, and the college offers the necessary resources and support to help them excel. This commitment to research not only enhances students' learning experience but also opens doors to various opportunities in academia and the industry. The college regularly organizes seminars, workshops, and conferences where students can present their research findings and interact with experts from various fields.
Industry Collaboration and Placement OpportunitiesPostgraduate education is as much about preparing for the professional world as it is about academic learning. Recognizing this, Unity PG College has established strong ties with various industries and organizations. The college regularly organizes industry interaction sessions, internships, and placement drives to help students gain practical experience and exposure to real-world challenges. Over the years, Unity PG College has built a reputation for excellent placements, with many of its graduates finding employment in top companies and institutions across the country.
Vibrant Campus LifeWhile academics are a crucial part of college life, Unity PG College also offers a vibrant and dynamic campus life that allows students to explore their interests beyond the classroom. The college has numerous student clubs and societies that focus on various extracurricular activities, ranging from sports and cultural events to debates, literature, and arts. These activities provide a platform for students to develop their leadership skills, creativity, and teamwork, all of which are essential qualities for success in any career.
Supportive Learning EnvironmentUnity PG College is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment for its students. The college takes special care to ensure that all students, irrespective of their background, feel welcome and valued. The administration and faculty work closely with students to address any academic or personal challenges they may face. Regular counseling sessions, career guidance, and mentorship programs are some of the ways through which the college supports the holistic development of its students.
Courses Offered at Unity PG College
Unity PG College offers a wide range of postgraduate programs tailored to meet the diverse interests and career aspirations of students. Some of the most popular PG courses include:
Master of Arts (MA) in various disciplines such as English, Political Science, History, and Sociology.
Master of Science (MSc) in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
Master of Commerce (M.Com), which prepares students for careers in finance, accounting, and business management.
Master of Business Administration (MBA), a highly sought-after program that equips students with the skills needed to succeed in the corporate world.
Each program is designed with a focus on providing in-depth knowledge and practical experience, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their chosen career paths.
In conclusion, Unity PG College has earned its place as one of the best PG colleges in Lucknow by consistently delivering high-quality education, fostering a culture of innovation and research, and providing students with the tools they need to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors. The combination of academic rigor, experienced faculty, excellent infrastructure, and vibrant campus life makes Unity PG College a top choice for students seeking postgraduate education in Lucknow.
Whether you're looking to pursue a career in academia, research, business, or any other field, Unity PG College offers the perfect environment to help you achieve your goals.
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queenspg · 6 days
Find the Perfect PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad
Hitech City, Hyderabad, is a bustling IT hub known for its modern infrastructure and vibrant lifestyle. For many working professionals and students, finding a suitable paying guest (PG) accommodation in this area is essential for a convenient and comfortable living experience. If you're searching for a PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad, here's what you need to know to make the best choice.
Why Choose a PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad?
Prime Location: Hitech City is at the heart of Hyderabad's IT and business districts. Living in a PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad means you'll be close to major tech parks, corporate offices, and business hubs. This central location makes commuting easier and saves valuable time.
Modern Amenities: A PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad typically offers modern amenities such as high-speed internet, air-conditioned rooms, and on-site facilities like laundry services and housekeeping. Many PGs also provide additional perks like a gym, recreational areas, and even on-site cafes or dining options.
Safety and Security: Security is a top priority for any PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad. Look for accommodations that offer 24/7 security, CCTV surveillance, and secure access to ensure a safe living environment.
Community and Networking: Living in a PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and professionals. Many PGs foster a sense of community through social events, group activities, and shared spaces where you can meet new people and expand your network.
Top Features to Look For in a PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad
Comfortable Living Spaces: Ensure that the PG offers well-furnished, comfortable rooms with essential amenities such as quality beds, storage solutions, and adequate lighting.
Convenient Facilities: Look for PGs that provide essential facilities like a kitchen, common areas, and laundry services. These conveniences can significantly enhance your day-to-day living experience.
Proximity to Public Transport: A PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad should ideally be well-connected to public transport options. Proximity to bus stops and metro stations ensures easy travel around the city.
Affordable Pricing: While amenities and location are crucial, it’s also important to consider the cost. Compare rates and choose a PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad that offers good value for money without compromising on quality.
Book Your Ideal PG in Hitech City
If you're ready to find the perfect PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad, start by researching your options and visiting potential accommodations. Look for reviews, check the facilities, and ensure that the PG meets your personal and professional needs.
Finding the right PG in Hitech City, Hyderabad can make a significant difference in your work-life balance and overall satisfaction. Embrace the convenience and modern lifestyle that Hitech City has to offer by choosing a well-suited PG today!
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seocolive · 7 days
Discover Comfortable and Affordable Living Spaces in Whitefield
If you're looking for a convenient and affordable place to stay in Whitefield, you'll find that this bustling area offers plenty of accommodation options. Whether you're a working professional or a student, finding the right PG (paying guest) accommodation can make a significant difference in your daily life.
Whitefield is known for its modern infrastructure, proximity to tech parks, and excellent connectivity, making it a preferred choice for many. For women seeking safe and comfortable living spaces, PG accommodations in Whitefield provide a balance between security, convenience, and affordability.
Comfortable Living with Modern Amenities
Staying in a PG in Whitefield gives you access to modern amenities, often designed to provide a hassle-free experience. Many PG accommodations here offer fully-furnished rooms, Wi-Fi, and daily housekeeping services, ensuring a comfortable and relaxed stay. You’ll also find additional amenities like 24/7 security, laundry services, and power backup, which add to the ease of living.
For women, safety is often a top priority, and PGs in Whitefield ensure a secure environment with gated communities, CCTV surveillance, and strict entry protocols. Whether you're working late shifts or returning after a day of exploring the city, you'll feel safe in your surroundings.
Proximity to Key Locations
One of the biggest advantages of staying in Whitefield is its proximity to several major tech parks, malls, and entertainment hubs. With easy access to IT hubs like ITPL and major shopping centers like Phoenix Marketcity and Forum Shantiniketan, you'll never be far from work or fun.
Public transport options, including buses and the upcoming metro lines, make commuting from your PG accommodation in Whitefield a breeze. Whether you're headed to work or exploring Bangalore’s many attractions, getting around is convenient and time-efficient.
Affordable and Flexible Options
Finding a PG in Whitefield that fits your budget is easy, with a range of options catering to different price points. From basic accommodations to premium PGs that offer additional perks like gym access and community activities, there's something for everyone. Plus, many PGs offer flexible payment terms and short-term rental agreements, making them ideal for both long-term stays and temporary arrangements.
In summary, Whitefield offers a variety of PG accommodations for women that are secure, affordable, and well-connected.
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arresidency02 · 1 day
Top Girls PG Accommodations in Greater Noida
Explore safe and fully-furnished girls PG near Greater Noida, offering a homely environment with modern amenities like Wi-Fi, laundry, and 24/7 security. Located near educational institutions and business hubs, these PGs provide convenience, comfort, and affordability for students and working professionals alike.
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arhostel · 5 days
Comfortable and Secure Girls PG in Greater Noida with Modern Amenities
Finding the right place to live away from home can be challenging, especially for students and young professionals. If you're searching for a girls PG in Greater Noida, your comfort and safety should be the top priority. Greater Noida, with its rapidly growing infrastructure, is home to some of the best educational institutions and workplaces, making it an ideal location for students and working women alike. A well-managed and homely girls PG in this area can make all the difference to your daily routine and overall experience.
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Living in a girls PG in Greater Noida offers the perfect balance between independence and a supportive environment. These PG accommodations are designed with a focus on ensuring a safe, clean, and welcoming space for girls. Many PGs offer round-the-clock security and CCTV surveillance to ensure safety. From secure entrances to friendly house managers, these accommodations are mindful of providing you with a peaceful and secure environment, giving parents peace of mind.
Amenities also play a crucial role in making your stay comfortable. Modern girls PGs in Greater Noida are often equipped with amenities like high-speed Wi-Fi, air-conditioned rooms, laundry services, and healthy meal options. Spacious rooms, proper ventilation, and regular housekeeping ensure that you feel refreshed and motivated every day. Plus, having reliable electricity backup ensures that your daily routine is never interrupted, whether you're studying late or preparing for the next big day at work.
Proximity to educational institutes, shopping centers, and public transport is another key feature of well-located girls PGs in Greater Noida. Living near universities, coaching centers, or offices saves a lot of commuting time, allowing you to focus more on your studies or work. With nearby cafes, grocery stores, and medical facilities, you have everything you need just a short walk away.
Many girls PGs in Greater Noida also foster a sense of community. Meeting new people, sharing experiences, and building friendships are important aspects of living in shared spaces. Some PGs organize group activities, recreational sessions, or even study groups, helping you socialize while maintaining your own personal space.
If you’re concerned about budget, there are various pricing options based on the facilities provided. Whether you need a single room with privacy or prefer sharing a room with friends to cut costs, PGs cater to diverse preferences. Most girls PGs in Greater Noida offer flexible payment plans, making it easier for students and professionals to manage their finances while staying in a safe and comfortable environment.
Choosing the right girls PG in Greater Noida is an important decision that impacts your day-to-day life. When looking for the perfect place, make sure to check the reviews, visit the accommodation in person, and speak to other residents about their experience. A warm and supportive living environment makes it much easier to focus on your studies or job, and ensures that you have a pleasant stay in Greater Noida.
In conclusion, a good girls PG in Greater Noida should provide not just a place to stay, but a home away from home, with the right blend of security, comfort, and modern amenities. Whether you are a student, a job seeker, or a working professional, finding a PG that aligns with your needs and preferences is key to making your time in Greater Noida a positive and fulfilling experience.
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