                                          HEIR OF ASH AND FIRE
It's time lady and gents for my first meta / headcanon / essay on Tadashi. And the topic of this conversation is going to be his ANGER, RAGE, SUPRESSION OF HIS RAGE, and effect it has had on him and his personality.
So it's not hard to notice that on this blog a lot of what I talked about pre-release was Tadashi's anger. both at the world and the corrupt society he resides in. He's seen the disgusting adults in this world and even from a young age it's always angered him. Always bothered him. He spoke out of course when he was young, he always had a big mouth and would talk. You shouldn't do that! That's not good! He would yell at people about it but people would tell him to be quiet. It's not good to shout. To be loud like this over nothing. His parents were the final straw / case for it. They told him that its best to just stay quiet. Don't be angry. His mother and father told him to sit down. Forget his anger. Ignore stuff that makes him angry. Anger isn't good. Anger isn't good. If the problem is important, ADULTS will handle it. No matter for a kid. Shut up. Shut up. Don't get involed. Stay quiet.
And for so long Tadashi followed through with it. His louder demeanor went with it as he attempted year after year to supress his rage. He'd turn a blind-eye to bullying, pretend that unfairness didn't exist, ignored that his classmates would say or do rude things to their peers, avoid girls saying no and guys saying yes. He never had friends because he was the quiet weird kid. Could rarely talk to his parents because everything was upsetting. Tadashi had so much anger.
Every day it pained him. It hurt. But he wouldn't cry about it. He'd never go to his parents about it. He just had to tell himself to calm down. hat this anger wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. That if anything was important adults would handle it. He let it all boil up until it practically broke through his rip cage and still never spilled out.
It all ended when he encoutnered the woman being attacked by the drunken man. In the game the player is given the option "I can't ignore this and that definetly had to run in Tadashi's mind. He balls his fists. He can't ignore this she's CRYING, BEGGING for help and there's nobody here! How could he ignore this. He couldn't. So he ran over to the man and assulated him. The details on Tadashi's part are still foggy, he did it in such a blind anger. A blind rage that all he remembers was feeling PURE AND UNADULTERATED outrage.
I don't want to say that Tadashi has some mental issue when it comes to his anger but he definetly doesn't consiously realize how angry he is. Subconsiously of course if you listen to his dialouge in the middle of combat Tadashi says "Calm down" or " Think this through" ( something like that ) and various lines where he's actively telling himself to calm down in the middle of combat. Like he can feel the rage boiling out of him. He has no idea the full impact of it, the man from the prolouge is ltierally just a fraction of it and he's rarely showed rage like that since summoning Arsene ( which is a WHOLE nother topic oh boi ).
This anger also shows in his student guise, when confronted in a situation where he has all right to be angry he taks a calm demeanor, a stoic facade but in his hands are slight twitches. I'm probably hoping for too much but I see it, his face is calm but his hands. His hands are RAGE. When Ryuji is about to beat Kamoshida Tadashi manages to stop him but he is shaking too. He is shaking too.
It also makes sense as too why he keeps his hands in his pockets, it's probably a mechanism he developed to keep his anger locked away. The world can't see his fists. Or they'd regard him as a delinquent.
His anger got worse on his transfer to Shujin but now it has an outlet. As JOKER Tadashi can be his true self. One who punishes the corrupt, and is free from the shackles of the world. This side of him beings to bleed back into his real life as well as Tadashi Masaru becomes more like Tadashi Masaru instead of the fabrication he had to draw up to hide his anger. But while this means that the boy is more free to be it also means that his anger is coming with him. He's more verbal about his hatred of corrupted adluts ( being able to speak about it openly to his Phantom Thieves, and state his true beliefs ( i.e showing it in Yoshida's confidant, Mishima's, Ryuji's )).
Man he even shouts "PERSONA" with more anger than the previous protags.
Arsene says " Call upon my name and release thy rage! " and it is how Tadashi is. He's RAGE. He's ANGRY. And it can burst out at almost any moment at any flip, and with more injustices he is exposed to the more it begins to build up. And the worst part is he has no idea how badly his rage has built up and how badly it can get. It is a side to himhself he doesn't ignore but a side to himself he has trouble recognizing it exists. He can't fathom there's a side of him that is full so full of rage that it could scare his new friends away. That it could scare the people he loves away.
Of course Tadashi doesn't think that anger is bad. Even his own anger. He revels in being mad, encourages people to be mad. This world has told them to be quiet for so long that being mad is good. Scream. Shout. Let it all out. He just feels as if his own anger while good and has gotten him far in the Metaverse, that he's got so much that he feels as if he could hurt someone. Or he'll scare people. Or he'll do something that he'll regret. ( BTW regret. That's something coming soon ).
Anger is good. He knows that. But the amount of anger that he has? Is it really good?
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t3haxo · 4 years
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