mmc2023 · 7 months
Seperti Ini Jika Wartawan Curhat Bareng
Lamongan | MMC – Wartawan Curhat bareng Persatuan Jurnalis Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI), merupakan acara diskusi yang dikemas dengan mengambil tema menyatukan Visi dan Misi, yang berslogan “Jangan takut mencoba, untuk meraih kesuksesan”, Kegiatan yang dikemas organisasi yang menamakan di PJSI tersebut ternyata mengundang simpati para pekerja pers, lantaran dari hampir 50 persen mereka datang dari…
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Indonesia Raih 47 Medali di Southeast Asia Judo Championships 2024
  Denpasar – Indika Energy Southeast Asia Judo Championships 2024 merupakan peningkatan dari program PB PJSI, dimana Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya dipercaya menyelenggarakan kejuaraan ini. Kejuaraan inipun juga setara dengan SEA Games, bahkan menurut Ketua Persatuan Judo Asia Tenggara, Mr. Hassabodin Rojanachiva mengungkapkan bahwa event ini lebih besar dari kegiatan SEA Games. Hal tersebut…
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realita-lampung · 5 months
Pj Sekda Buka Kejurda Bupati Lampung Tengah dan Lantik Pengurus PJSI
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Pj. Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kabupaten Lampung Tengah (Lamteng), Drs. Kusuma Riyadi, M.M, mewakili Bupati Lamteng, membuka secara resmi Kejuaraan Daerah (Kejurda) Bupati Lamteng Tingkat Pelajar se - Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2024 dan Pelantikan Pengurus PJSI Kabupaten Lamteng masa bhakti 2023 – 2027, di Sesat Agung, Nuwo Balak. Minggu ( 14/1/2024 ). Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut antara lain, Asisten Bidang Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, Drs. Rusmadi, M.M, Ketua Umum Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia ( PJSI ) Provinsi Lampung, Hi. Bustami Zainudin, beserta Jajaran, Sekretaris Disporapar Lamteng, Sukistoro, dan Ketua PJSI Kabupaten Lamteng serta Kapolsek Terbanggi Besar, yang juga dilantik sebagai Pengurus PJSI Kabupaten Lamteng, Kompol Edi Qorinas, S.H, M.H. Ketua Pelaksana Kegiatan, dalam laporannya mengucapkan terima Kasih kepada Pengurus PJSI Kabupaten/Kota yang sudah mengambil bagian dalam mengikuti Kejurda ini, Kejuaraan ini memang menjadi program kami dari Pengurus PJSI Kabupaten Lamteng dalam rangka untuk pembibitan, Kejurda Bupati Lamteng ini diikuti oleh 180 peserta terdiri dari 79 atlet putra dan 101 atlet putri yang berasal dari 9 Pengurus PJSI Kabupaten/Kota. Sementara itu, Pj. Sekda Lamteng, Drs. Kusuma Riyadi, M.M, dalam sambutannya mengatakan sangat mengapresiasi dan sangat mendukung dengan diadakannya kejuaraan daerah judo Bupati Lampung Tengah tingkat pelajar se-Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2024, pemberian dan penghormatan serta pelantikan pengurus judo Seluruh Indonesia Kabupaten Lampung Tengah masa bakti 2023-2027 ini. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, kejuaraan judo ini merupakan salah satu langkah Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah untuk memajukan potensi generasi muda khususnya di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dalam bidang olahraga. “Saya berharap semoga pengurus Daerah Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI) Lampung Tengah 2023-2027 yang baru saja dilantik dapat menjadi motor dalam menggerak dan memperkuat dalam membangun kemajuan olahraga,” ucapnya. Ketua PJSI Provinsi Lampung, Hi. Bustami Zainudin dalam sambutannya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Lamteng yang telah memfasilitasi dalam kegiatan kejurda ini dan kepada pengurus PJSI Kabupaten Lamteng yang telah sukses melaksanakan kegiatan ini. (Basuri) Read the full article
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bantennewscoid-blog · 11 months
Terpilih Aklamasi, Ananda Pimpin Judo Banten
SERANG – Ananda Trianh Salichan terpilih secara aklamasi menjadi Ketua Umum Pengurus Provinsi (Pengprov) Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI) Banten periode 2023-2028, menggantikan Ratu Tatu Chasanah. Ananda terpilih melalui Musyawarah PJSI Banten yang digelar di ruang pertemuan Pendopo Bupati Serang, Rabu (12/7/2023) “Terima kasih atas kepercayaan teman-tamen PJSI kabupaten/kota, dan ini…
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sumbarlivetv · 1 year
Sabuk Hitam Judo Bagi Kapolri, Hadiah Lain Kala Hari Bhayangkara Ke-77
Jakarta | MTN.Com. — Tak disangka, Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo pernah meraih prestasi dalam olahraga bela diri Judo. Bahkan, bertepatan dengan momentum Hari Ulang Tahun Bhayangkara ke-77, Jenderal Sigit meraih sabuk hitam. Penyematan sabuk hitam kepada Kapolri itu dilakukan langsung oleh Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PB PJSI) Letjen TNI Maruli…
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lampung7com · 2 years
Kontingen Cabor Judo Kota Metro Berhasil Raih Juara Umum Porprov IX Lampung
Kontingen Cabor Judo Kota Metro Berhasil Raih Juara Umum Porprov IX Lampung
LAMPUNG7COM | Kontingen cabang olahraga (Cabor) judo Kota Metro berhasil menjadi juara umum Pekan Olahraga Provinsi (Porprov) IX Lampung pada pertandingan yang berlangsung di Padepokan judo Lampung, Minggu (11/12/2022). Pada pertandingan tersebut, atlet judo Kota Metro memperoleh 15 medali emas, 13 perak dan 14 medali perunggu. Ketua Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI) Kota Metro, Sinsey…
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baliwakenews · 2 years
Berkekuatan 14 Atlet, Ini Target Judo Badung di Porprov Bali XV  
Badung, Baliwakenews.com Saat ini progres persiapan tim judo Porprov Badung tengah 75 persen. Di fase ini pula, persiapan lebih matang dilakukan demi sebuah target di ajang Porprov Bali XV/2022 mendatang. Adapun target judo Badung di olahraga multi event antar kabupaten/kota di Bali nanti adalah 3 medali emas. Hal itu diungkapkan Ketua Harian Pengkab Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI)…
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goriaucom · 2 years
Apresiasi Perhatian Menpora Amali, PB PJSI Gelar Turnamen Judo Menpora Cup 2022
JAKARTA - Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia (Menpora RI) Zainudin Amali menerima audiensi Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PB PJSI), Letjen. TNI Maruli Simanjuntak dan rombongan di ruang kerjanya, Gedung Graha Pemuda, Kemenpora, Senayan Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (18/8/2022). http://dlvr.it/SWryjK
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sumbartodaynews · 2 years
Irman Bahar Terpilih Secara Aklamasi Sebagai Ketua PJSI Bukiktinggi
Irman Bahar Terpilih Secara Aklamasi Sebagai Ketua PJSI Bukiktinggi
Bukiktinggi, Sumbartodaynews.com – Seiring dengan berakhirnya masa tugas pengurus cabang Pesatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI) kota Bukiktinggi masa bakti 2018-2022, PJSI kota Bukiktinggi laksanakan musyawarah cabang (muscab) guna memilih pengurus baru untuk masa bakti 2022-2026 di Sekretariat Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) kota Bukiktinggi, Senin (8/8). “Tujuan dari pelaksanaan…
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konimjk · 2 years
Judo Koleksi Dua Emas
Judo Koleksi Dua Emas
Namun Pengprov Persatuan Judo Indonesia (PJSI) Jatim, melayangkan protes keras ke pihak panitia pertandingan karena merasa dirugikan oleh keputusan wasit. Dua emas itu, disumbangkan oleh Yuliati yang turun di kelas 52 kg putri, setelah di babak final menaklukkan Anita Agustina asal Jabar. Kemudian Vika Irma Safitri (-78kg) menumbangkan Desi Yudianti asal Jateng. Sedangkan medali perak, diraih…
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Hari ke 2 Judo se Asia Tenggara kategori Ju No Kata dan Nage No Kata Vietnam Unggul Raih 4 Medali
Denpasar – Usai dibuka oleh Kepala Staf TNI AD (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Maruli Simanjuntak, M.Sc., selaku Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PB PJSI), pada Jumat (31/5) kemarin, Kejuaraan Judo se Asia Tenggara yang bertajuk “Indika Energy Southeast Asia Judo Championships 2024” langsung mempertandingkan kategori Junior di berbagai kelas gender dan berat badan. Digelar di GOR…
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Kejuaraan Kapolri Cup, Momen Mencetak Bibit Atlit Olimpiade
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Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) menggelar kejuaraan Judo Kapolri Cup dalam rangka memperingati Hari Bhayangkara ke-77 di Padepokan Pencak Silat Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta Timur, Minggu 9 Juli 2023. Dalam acara ini, Kapolri turut hadir bahkan menunjukan kebolehannya dengan melakukan bantingan terhadap lawannya. Kapolri pun disematkan sabuk hitam oleh Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PB PJSI) Letjen TNI Maruli Simanjuntak. Terkait penyelenggaraan acara ini, atlet Judo Indonesia I Gede Agastia Dharma pun mengapresiasinya. Menurutnya, dengan adanya kejuaraan Judo Kapolri Cup dapat menyaring atlet-atlet Judo baru yang bisa bertanding di Sea Games hingga Olimpiade. "Kesan-kesannya sangat bagus ya. Semoga kedepannya diadakan terus untuk menyaring bibit-bibit judo yang ada di Indonesia untuk bermain di Sea Games, Asian Games dan Olimpiade," kata I Gede, kepada wartawan, Senin (10/7). Sementara itu, beberapa peserta kejuaraan ini juga menyambut baik. Bripda Fitriani salah satunya. Ia menyebut kejuaraan ini sangat seru dan berharap di tahun-tahun berikutnya kembali digelar. Hal yang sama juga diutarakan oleh Bripda Kalasenae. Ia mengatakan, kejuaraan Judo Kapolri Cup bisa membuat Polri lebih maju. Terutama para polisi wanita (polwan) agar berjaya dalam bela diri Judo. Peserta lainnya, Bripda Nurul Khafifah mengatakan, pelaksanaan Judo Kapolri Cup sangat luar biasa. Bripda Sudaryati dalam kesempatan yang sama menuturkan, dalam kejuaraan ini, semua anggota dilatih untuk menunjukan kemampuan, sehingga bisa meningkatkan kemampuan diri masing-masing. Kemudian, salah seorang peserta lainnya bernama Juliani Dharma Yudha menyebut pertandingan Judo Kapolri Cup sangat menjunjung tinggi solidaritas dan sportivitas. Ia pun berharap di tahun berikutnya daerah lain bisa menjadi tuan rumah kejuaraan ini. "Semoga tahun ke depan Polda Bali bisa mengadakan tuan rumah kejuaran Judo Kapolri Cup," katanya. Terakhir, Kompol Supeno mengatakan, dengan adanya kejuaraan ini, akan membuat semangat atlet-atlet dari Polri agar bisa meraih prestasi baik di level nasional maupun internasional. "Ke depannya atlet-atlet Polri harus semangat meraih prestasi dan menciptakan atlet-atlet baru sehingga di kancah nasional maupun internasional bisa meraih prestasi yang setinggi-tingginya," katanya. Read the full article
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Mantan KSAD Wismoyo Arismunandar Tutup Usia, Jenazah Dimakamkan di Kompleks Pemakaman Presiden Soeharto
Mantan KSAD Wismoyo Arismunandar Tutup Usia, Jenazah Dimakamkan di Kompleks Pemakaman Presiden Soeharto
123berita.com – Jenderal TNI (Purn) Wismoyo Arismunandar tutup usia, Kamis (28/01/2021) pagi WIB. Mantan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) yang pernah menjabat sebagai ketua Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) pusat 1995-2003 ini meninggal pada usia 80 tahun. Kabar ini telah dikonfirmasi langsung oleh Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Darat (Kadispenad) Brigjen TNI Nefra Firdaus. “Kami…
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123berita · 3 years
Mantan KSAD Wismoyo Arismunandar Tutup Usia, Jenazah Dimakamkan di Kompleks Pemakaman Presiden Soeharto
Mantan KSAD Wismoyo Arismunandar Tutup Usia, Jenazah Dimakamkan di Kompleks Pemakaman Presiden Soeharto
123berita.com – Jenderal TNI (Purn) Wismoyo Arismunandar tutup usia, Kamis (28/01/2021) pagi WIB. Mantan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) yang pernah menjabat sebagai ketua Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) pusat 1995-2003 ini meninggal pada usia 80 tahun. Kabar ini telah dikonfirmasi langsung oleh Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Darat (Kadispenad) Brigjen TNI Nefra Firdaus. “Kami…
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wonwoosthetic · 5 years
1+1=4 || Jake Gyllenhaal
MASTERLIST is linked in my bio! :)
This request is soooo cute, so thanks a lot!! I hope you enjoy it :)
Request by pjsis: Hi! If you still take request, can I ask for a Jake Gyllenhaal imagine, reader telling him she's pregnant with twins or triplets? Uwu and maybe a time skip to right after the birth, Jake being crazy in love with the kids? ÚwÚ
Characters: Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2.014 words
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It finally happened, you were pregnant. After trying for over six months, you were able to tell your husband, Jake, the good news. But you couldn't just tell him, it had to be grand, that was for sure. At the perfect time was just around the corner:
The following day you were invited over to Maggie and Peter's place, your sister-and brother-in-law, for dinner. A few hours in advance, you looked up some cute ideas for announcing a pregnancy and found just the right one.
On the way, the nervousness started to build up and you let it show by picking at your nail polish, making your husband in the driver seat notice, "Are you alright?", he asked, looking over and seeing your chipped nails.
You quickly looked up at his side profile, "Yeah, sure. Why?", you tried acting oblivious. He stopped at a red light and grabbed on of your hands, "Well, you did your nails just about an hour ago and now you're ruining them again?", he wondered with a chuckle. You copied his action and started smiling while thinking about a good lie, "I don't like the colour."
"Alright", with a smile he dropped the subject, knowing how indecisive you can be.
Soon enough you reached the beautiful brownstone house after looking for a parking space for a good fifteen minutes. You went through the plan the entire drive and even standing in front of the black door.
"Everything's gonna be alright", you kept repeating in your head.
Jake knocked on the door that Peter opened only seconds later with a welcoming smile on his face,
"Hey, guys! How are you?", he laughed and hugged the both of you tightly. Jake and Peter quickly enveloped in small talk as Maggie appeared from the kitchen to greet you with open arms.
You started talking about the recent renovations and DIY projects you started in your guys' new house,
"How's the house?", your sister-in-law wanted to know.
"I'd say not too bad but I'm sure your brother would call it 'one heck of a mess'", you laughed.
You followed Maggie into the kitchen to help her with the food she had prepared while the men made themselves comfortable in the living room.
"I'm currently working on the master bathroom -it's a work in progress-"
You got interrupted by two pairs of feet running towards you, attacking your legs,
"Hi auntie (Y/N)!", your nieces shouted in sync, clearly excited to see you. You crouched down to hug them properly, suddenly getting butterflies in your stomach when you remembered what you had planned.
The girls left to play a little bit more - the conversation about the house went on for about thirty more minutes before Maggie called everyone to the dining table. As you went to place the big bowl filled with a salad you made, Jake noticed your shaking fingers and grabbed your hands gently,
"Everything ok, (Y/N)?", he asked concerned.
You snatched your hand back and nodded quickly, "Yeah, yeah, my hands have been kinda shaky... I don't know why", you brushed it off, hoping he didn't think much more of it.
Everyone gathered around and started placing food on their plates. Just before the eating started, you called for a photo,
"Wait, guys, I want to get a picture!" You shot up from your seat to stand in front of the table, trying to find the perfect angle for the photo - only that it wasn't a picture you were taking... but a video.
"Everybody say: cheese!", you said, watching as everyone smiled brightly after following your orders, "and another one, say:... congrats!", you kept on acting, "and the last one. Say: Jake's gonna be a dad!"
"Jake's gonna be a dad!", your nieces shouted whereas the adults gave you wide-eyed looks. Maggie's lips parted and formed the brightest smile you had ever seen on her, Peter's mouth hung open, and Jake just looked at you.
"What?", his voice was barely hearable, only a whisper - tears started forming in his eyes. You could feel your eyes starting to water too. Gloria and Ramona looked around slightly confused, slowly realising what was happening.
Your husband stood up from his seat to walk over to you,
"Are you serious?", he still couldn't believe it. You didn't trust your voice enough to actually speak, so you just nodded with a wide smile.
"Oh my god...", and with those words, he grabbed your face with his big hands and kissed you deeply. You put your hand on top of his while moving your lips slowly too. Gloria let some puke noises escape from her mouth, making you separate and laugh.
Jake's sister was by your side within seconds to embrace you tightly, congratulating you, quickly followed by Peter who also complimented your idea on how to announce it.
"Oh yeah", Maggie agreed, "how did you get the idea? That was genius!"
You just shrugged and laughed at their kindness. Your significant other right next to you didn't leave your side, planting multiple kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
Turning your face to look at Jake, you could see the few tears that had already left his eyes and made their way down his cheek - you kissed it gently. The little girls were now next to you, poking each one of your guys' legs,
"Are we going to have a cousin?", Ramona asked carefully.
You crouched down and put your left hand on her upper arm to caress it,
"Yes, sweetie", you smiled.
"There's a baby in you?", the younger girl wanted to know.
You nodded and put your hand on your abdomen, " It's in my belly" before the tears were able to escape, you wiped your eyes.
You had forgotten about the phone in your hand and quickly realised that you were still recording, so you ended the video.
--- Three Months Later ---
Lying on the examination bed with your shirt pulled up slightly, showing your growing bump, with Jake on a chair to your left, you could feel your heartbeat quickening. He was holding your hand, gently caressing it, trying to not only calm you down but himself as well.
You saw his leg twitching and smiled, "You're making nervous."
His head turned to you quickly, "Sorry", he apologized.
"It's cute", you smiled kindly. He shook his head and laughed as an answer.
Your doctor entered, "Good morning Misses Gyllenhaal", and shook your hand before leaning over to greet your husband," Mister Gyllenhaal."
She took a seat to get ready: put on gloves and turned the monitor on.
"So, today we're gonna have a look at what we're expecting, right?", with a wide smile - kind as always. You nodded.
The older woman grabbed the gel from a cabinet underneath the monitor and opened it, "You know already know it but I'm gonna say it again: This will probably be a bit cold", "Yeah, I know", you smiled.
She squeezed out a generous amount of it on your abdominal region and started spreading it with the ultrasound machine that looked like a handle. You looked at the TV in front of you, which was connected to hers, so you could see everything she saw. The doctor was quiet for a bit, making Jake start to worry slightly, especially after seeing her frowning eyebrows, "Everything alright, doctor?"
She took a deep breath and started explaining, "Well... I think you're in for a surprise." You turned to Jake, only to see him looking back at you with the same confusion written all over his face.
"So... here", a little arrow appeared on the screen, "here you see your baby boy."
Your husband's hands flew to his mouth in happiness as he looked at you with an 'I told you so'-look since he was certain you were going to have a boy ever since he found out you were pregnant.
"And then", she continued, confusing you, "here, you also have a little baby girl...", with a smile she looked at you.
"Twins?", you couldn't believe it, "We're... we're having twins?"
Before you were able to continue, you felt Jake grabbing your hand tightly with both of his. He placed his head on top of your intertwined hands.
"Yes, the girl's quite small, I guess that's why we haven't been able to see her. Congratulations.", the woman said before explaining that she would print out the ultrasound pictures, therefore she had to leave the room for a short bit.
"Twins, (Y/N)", Jake's voice was as quiet as when you told him you were expecting. You nodded with tears already rolling down your face.
"Yeah...", if one word could describe the look on your face it would be love, pure love because that's all that you were feeling at that very moment. Love for the man by your side that has been there for you for five years and, you know, will be there for you till you take your last breath. Love for the gift of life that you were experiencing. And love for not the one but the two human beings growing inside of you. You suddenly felt a strong sense of protection you hadn't felt before, now that you know it was three people that you were going to have to take care of - Jake was the same.
He was going to have a baby boy AND a baby girl. Two small humans at once that he was already loving more than he could ever imagine. His life properly started when he met you and now it felt pretty much complete. This was the start of a journey with a lot of ups and downs, some of which he knew were coming and some of which he wasn't prepared for.
--- Five Months Later ---
Exhausted. That was the word to describe your state. Exhausted but happy - more than just happy. You were lying in the hospital bed, with your healthy firstborn placed on your naked chest for some bonding time. Your husband was sitting in a chair to your right that was now much more comfortable than during the night when he tried to sleep in it. He had been able to dry his eyes after absolutely losing it and breaking down in happiness as soon as he saw the firstborn.
"I'm so happy he's not the baby boy", he nodded over to the little one you were holding, "once he's older he's gonna be happy too."
You laughed, thinking it's cute how much he had wanted the boy to come to the world first, which he did by exactly thirteen minutes, so his baby girl could have an older brother AND an overprotective dad.
"He's gonna be my baby boy", you cuddled him, "forever."
Jake stood up carefully, trying to not disturb the sleeping princess in his arms, to come over to your bed. "I'm so proud of you, babe", he kissed the top of your head. Suddenly the boy in your arms started to turn and opened his mouth to let out a cry. As soon as a whining sound escaped his mouth, his sister started to cry out loud too.
"Jesus, they're already competing about who can cry the loudest", he laughed about the situation. While the both of you tried to soothe the crying newborns, it was as if the future lying ahead of you was flashing right before your eyes. All the cries and the laughs you would be sharing with the man in front of you and the two bundle of joys - maybe some more.
Your thoughts got interrupted by knocks on the door followed by your mother- and sister-in-law slowly entering. As soon as Naomi saw her son, that she birthed and raised into the gentleman that he now is, with his own daughter in his arms, tears started streaming out of her eyes and her hands flew to her mouth. Maggie came right over to you, excited to meet her nephew. Let's start this new chapter of life.
Thank you for the lovely request and thank you to everyone who read it, I really hope you enjoyed it!! :) I apologize for every grammar or spelling mistakes!
I hope you have a great day/night! :) <3
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baliwakenews · 2 years
Kejurprov Judo, PJSI Denpasar Tak Bebankan Target Khusus  
Denpasar, Baliwakenews.com Pengkot Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia (PJSI) tak memberikan target khusus harus juara kepada atlet Porprov mereka di ajang Kejurprov Judo yang diselenggarakan pada 30 September s.d. 2 Oktober mendatang di GOR Lila Bhuana, Denpasar. “Jadi kami tidak menargetkan khusus kepada mereka (judoka Porprov). Karena target puncak kami ada di Porprov Bali mendatang,” ujar Ketua…
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