bnhavibes · 4 years
Like You (Shinsou x !musician Reader) Part 4
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The clock seemed to be torturing you as you lay in the bed, and to your chagrin, nodding off about every other minute while Hitoshi started a bath.
You were kicking yourself for being so tired despite still having another twenty-five or more minutes with your new lover.
He came out with a gentle smile he was growing to like the feel of on his face, especially with the way your eyes would light up when you’d see it.
“C’mon, kitty, let’s get you washed up.” He spoke softly, picking you up off the bed, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You smiled lazily in the crook of his neck, pressing small kisses against it as he carried you to the huge hotel-sized jacuzzi tub and slowly brought the both of you down.
The water was just the right amount of scalding. It was exactly what your tender body needed. He’d even foraged through your bags for a pomegranate bubbling bath bomb you’d been gifted by fans. Hitoshi was still so gentle with you, cupping his large hands under the water and raising them to the crown of your head before letting the liquid free and smoothing his fingers along the back of your head.
“You’re so beautiful, (name).” He mumbled, pecking your cheeks.
“As are you, ‘Toshi.” You replied, your eyelids fluttered shut as he ran his hands through your hair, softly scrubbing shampoo in it. Pleasant tingles shot across your scalp and down your spine as he massaged circles into the sensitive skin.
He chuckled through his nose, caring for you thoroughly and letting you do the same to him.  The heat of the water had your skin reddening beneath the tan surface, making you just a bit darker. It didn’t seem to bother him, and you could almost cry as you remembered how horribly judged and out of place you felt your first day in Japan.
But Hitoshi treated you different.
Sure, he wanted to beat the brakes off your ass, but he also really didn’t comment much about how your body was different from most peoples. From your warm-gold tan, to the curling pieces of wet hair, and the way your nipples and areola were shades of brown.
He didn’t treat you as if you were some foreigner who didn’t belong and who looked undesirable, he acted like you were liquid gold, a rare gem to be treasured, not cast aside.
“I... I’m really going to miss you. When you leave.” You squeaked, scooting up in his lap so you could lay your head on his shoulder.
“I know, kitten. I’ll miss you too.” He says, tracing his fingers up your spine and laying his head on your own. “But we’re here now, right? We can still enjoy each other’s company for the next fifteen minutes.”
“I wish we had more time. I’d really love to talk all night with you. To cuddle you in bed.”
His heart was panging while you spoke, of all the times he could have fallen for someone, he had to be attracted to the most attractive and popular person in the world that lived across the ocean. Just his luck. “Maybe another day.”
You sighed, pressing kisses to his neck as he strained the conditioner from your curls. “Thank you. For coming here with me.”
“I can’t imagine being stupid enough to deny your offer. But... You really had to make me go and catch feelings huh?”
“Whatever, you’re the one who asked to not get fucked in the dressing room.”
“You’ve got me there,” He chuckled, squeezing you to his chest a bit tighter. “I hope you call me. As often as you can. I know you’re on tour and all, but I’m a patient guy. Just say the word and I’ll answer you.”
“How did I end up with someone as caring as you?”
“I guess it was in the cards.”
“I can’t believe you’re all mine.”
“Well you better, cause I don’t think I can convince you any harder right now.” He teased, nudging your head with his chin while you snuggled his chest. His steady heartbeat left you in a trance, the silence of the bathroom almost comforting— even as he pulled the plug and stood to walk you over to the bed. Apparently, while you were nodding off, he had called the front desk for a replacement duvet, and they came in when you were in the bath.
You groaned as you laid back against the comforting bedspread, you’d been too lazy to put clothes on so you settled for sleeping in the lush robe that the hotel provided. Shinsou had put his clothes back on and was currently nestled upon your body between your legs, his freshly conditioned hair covered by one of the many pieces of merchandise that appeared in a black gift bag outside your door when he went to let the hotel housekeepers in. The black beanie had your stagename embroidered into the front in lettering that looked as though a cat claw had etched it in.
“The driver will be here soon..” You said, absentmindedly scratching his scalp and twirling strands of hairs at the nape of his neck.
“I know.” He mumbled pressing kisses into your collarbones. “I just want to be here, in the moment with you.”You smiled, bringing your arms to meet between his shoulder blades and resting your chin on his head. Your mind reeled with the idea of being separated so soon after meeting him, how the tour of Japan would end in a month, but then it was time to give your American fans their own dedicated leg of the tour.
Your album just dropped, and you couldn’t let them down— not when they were spamming your twitter with pleads for a statewide tour. New fans flowing in from all parts of the world, you’d almost hit a million followers, plus your views on YouTube were skyrocketing with tonight’s performance being live-streamed by a local TV station.
Heroes from various countries followed you, some of the more popular ones even tweeting about you and your music! It was overwhelming, of course, but… You didn’t feel the weight of the world on you in this moment. The way this purple-eyed young man was tracing his fingers along the outside of your thigh that was entangled between his own two legs brought you peace of mind. Your head already swirling with lyrics to write about him, unintentionally humming an unwritten song as the minutes dragged on.
“You’ll be able to come visit, right?” He squeaked, raising his chin off your chest to look up at you with those sad, twinkling lilac eyes.
“I--.. I don’t know, actually. It might not be for a few months..”“(But you’ll still come. Promise me.)”
“(Of course,”) Your voice cracked, tears brimming themselves once again. “I promise you my love; I will come and see you as soon as I can.”
He smiled softly, “You better.”
“Well you better not get yourself hurt or worse, Mr. Hero.” You chuckled slightly, pulling him up to get in a final few kisses. Your phone rang shortly after you were able to catch a breath.
You both looked at it with such disdain. How rude of that device, to remind you that your time was running out. Still you sighed, dreadfully reaching out and answering it.
The driver said his greetings, and was ready to take off back to the stadium. You had to explain that it was just going to be the man you brought back to the hotel, and how he would need to take him to the front, by some buses that would be waiting for him. He responded with a positive remark about how he was so awake he could drive you anywhere right now. You giggled half-heartedly, this wasn’t a local driver for this specific tour stop. No, this man was specially chosen by your label, and was able to get his hands on a rental car or limousine at any city, no matter the time or the cost. He added that he could tell you were saddened and if he should rough the boy up a little.
“No, in fact, I wish he didn’t have to go.” You said, looking over at Shinsou, who was at the door lacing his shoes up.“Ahh, I see. Love at first sight, I suppose. Those Yuuei students are remarkable indeed.”
You nearly choked on your own spit as he mentioned the school. “(Let’s keep that information between us, yes? I’m sure the label will be sending him an NDA soon, and I’m almost positive that his school will be doing the same for me. I already had to sign one to visit the other day. Just please, don’t let his friends see the car.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be where you were dropped off earlier.”
“Thanks, Hideharu-san.” You said, hanging up.
“I don’t think you should walk me out.” His voice was low as he scratched at his neck. “I won’t be able to control myself if I have to see your face disappear into the shadows while I get hauled back to the arena.”
“I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle it either,” You confessed, giggling a bit to relieve the tension, “You’ve got both my personal and business numbers, though. Plus, you’ll have school to distract you once the weekend is over.” You walked over to him as you spoke, entwining your hands in his and bumping your forehead against his chest.
“I’m going to be texting you as much as I can between classes.” He reassures, “And on the weekends I’ll FaceTime you after training, and we can stay on all day and all night.”
You suppress a sob in his shoulder, feigning a cough in your hands to cover it up. “Of course.” Silence fell upon you, his hands squeezing your hips— he had to go.
“Kiss me before I leave, you damn drama queen.” He jokes, but his eyes betray him with how welled up they were with tears when you looked up at him, giving him a passionate kiss goodbye.
You could feel the crinkle in his nose as he cupped your face; he was trying so hard not to cry. When he pulled back he used his right hand to trace your face with his fingers— etching your face into his mind. The two first digits coming down your forehead, just like earlier.
Except this time, when they reached your lips, he whispered something you couldn’t make out.
“What?” You ask softly, freezing in place when your mind goes blank.
“I said I’m sorry, but I needed you to respond to me. I can’t have you chasing me down or I’ll come back running into your arms.” He explained, fingers still on your face. “Stay here, okay, kitten? My Quirk will probably stop working when I get out of the elevator downstairs. But until then you’re stuck here.”
With a quick peck, he walked to the door, opening it and taking a deep breath before looking back at you one more time. “Goodbye for now, babes.”
And then, he was gone.
You cursed him mentally, and being unable to throw your hissy fit only aggravated you more. You could feel the tears running down your cheek though.
How had he known?
You were definitely the type to take another elevator and try to catch up to him as the car left.
Once you were able to, you kicked the air and stomped.
“So not cool,” you grumbled, running to the window just to see the car heading out toward the highway. You sucked your teeth, heading over to the bed and texting him a lengthy, angry drama queen paragraph filled with crying emojis and a gif of Togepi from Pokemon crying hysterically in Misty’s arms.
He sent back a gif of Itachi poking Sasuke’s head with the caption “Forgive me, Sasuke”
You hated yourself for laughing so hard at that. God, he was going to be trouble.
Five Months, Three Weeks, 6 days Later
He totally was, too.
Regardless of how often you two texted, you always found yourself alone at the end of the night. And on your current album tour, you wouldn’t have gotten a break until the middle of next year, and you just couldn’t handle it.
But with issues beginning to boil over in Japan, some high-risk/very populated states in the US had to avoid ginormous events like parades, festivals or concerts in order to prevent what could be League of Villain terrorist attacks.
After Stain had gone viral all over the internet, his motives began infecting the streets of almost every country. Left and right there were new, small, but absurdly powerful groups of villains beginning to merge. But the US was prepared for once, easily instilling Martial Law and stricter rules aside Japan; No more using your Quirk recreationally, in fear of traitorous ideals being melded with everyday life.
It would make it easier for the police and military to zero in on what small gangs were up to, and for the most part they were able to keep the numbers low.
But at one point you were screaming at your TV as you watched All Might break apart after fighting with One For All, and you immediately urged your promoters and managers to allow you a break to see Hitoshi.
Luckily, the next few weeks of shows had already begun to be cancelled and refunded due to them being in coastal cities or large, populated areas such as Boise, Idaho, or Houston, Texas.
You tried your hardest to make up for the lack of shows by overworking yourself with Music Video shoots every week, filming as many as you could for the songs off the album you’d dropped since you couldn’t make it to their shows. The day before each missed show, you’d drop a hint about a song that would be the next music video drop, consistently responding to your fans’ cries to see more of your artistry while also being able to manage your own schedule.
This was the end of the third week; you were supposed to be in your tour bus outside a Los Angeles arena, but instead you were in a plane.
Your own private jet, courtesy of the label, of course. Though you had been stressing over no facetime and missed calls with Hitoshi, you were making it up with sending him as many updates about your life through text everyday.
Where you were, what you were filming, how many outfit changes you had. Basically everything except when it would drop. That you kept to yourself, wanting to surprise him and see his response when he’d see.
Little did he know, today’s photos were taken days ago. You had to film two music videos last week in order to take this upcoming week off. The planned photos were so he had no idea or preparation for your visit.
The two of you, prior to the Licensing Exams, had spent plenty of your time together on FaceTime, either while he was studying or during your downtime in makeup chairs, hotel rooms, or before talk shows. He was a very proud boyfriend, seeing how well you were able to still rock the charts whilst also trending vigorously on social media.
You were doing so well, distracting civilians from the horrors going on between the Heroes and Villains of the world. Daily live-streams of you with over twenty-thousand something people, goofing around or even charity streams for cities affected by terrorist villain groups. You were trying your hardest to keep spirits up, almost like a hero in your own way.
But, what you had said that night you met in the hotel came to fruition. Your label and UA alike came together and had both you and Shinsou sign a non-disclosure agreement, not a week after being together. Basically, you couldn’t talk about Hitoshi publicly, because the rep his school had, but also to keep yourself safe. But Hitoshi also couldn’t let anyone outside of his family and classmates know about your relationship.
Knowing how private he was, you knew that wouldn’t be a problem.
In fact, this guy was so starry-eyed over you, you were never gonna be shared to anyone outside his family.......... and Denki.
You were his baby, and he relished in the privacy of having you to himself. He wasn’t afraid to let you know that, either.
Steamier facetime calls were not a rare occurrence. He’d enforce how much he loved hearing you call him your Daddy, and how the idea of you being his meant you could get him to do anything. He was possessive, but he didn’t have any bad intentions. He adored you, your cute sleepy voice after show nights, the way you sung softly to yourself when you were applying makeup, the sexy poses you’d make in the mirror when picking out what to wear, not to mention how good you looked wearing the shirts he’d send you(sprinkled by his cologne and maybe worn for a day so you could still feel close to him).
Your perfectly curved frame would drown in his tops, the shortness of your torso and lack in height the perfect combination that made him feel so many different emotions that he could hardly breathe when he’d see you in them before bed or when he called you a little too early due to the time differences always changing. Besides, after the end of the semester, thanks to gaining his provisional license, Hitoshi wasn’t as readily available to call you as often.
His voice was always the best way to cheer you up, though; the nicest things and absolute word vomit he’d spill when you were having a bad body image day or if a certain amount of trolls got to your head.
He was always so stoic if you called when playing video games, hanging out with his blonde friend or studying. But even when you called him on a particularly hard training day, he’d still make an effort to talk to you. He didn’t put on a front just to appease his surroundings. Sometimes he’d drop the occasional, “Baby” or “Kitty” around people other than Denki, but since he didn’t really owe anybody an explanation(to anybody outside the few 1A kids he hangout with and peers in his own class), he’d keep walking, talking, or doing whatever he was doing when he let it slip.
This didn’t stop a few pursuers from attempting to get his attention.
As the new semester started, girls in the general courses started to realize just how attractive he was. It was annoying, really, for him. He didn’t appreciate that only after he’d pursued the hero course that suddenly he was one of the “Top 10 to TX-Smash” in a hidden blog run by business students that also wrote the regular school newsletters.
You cackled when he showed you the page, his face a mixture of deadpanned shame and embarrassingly pink cheeks.
‘Coming in at number 8, General Course studies own Hitoshi, Shinsou.
Lust-worthy Lilac eyes, so buff, but lean, and not to mention his voice, if you’re ever lucky enough hear it. Check out his Twitch channel right here to get your fix.
Now ladies don’t go throwing your panties just yet! This drool-worthy e-boy is as emotionless as he is hard to get. According to our sources, when even offered dates or something a bit too indecent to mention by some of the hottest girls in class, this guy just didn’t budge!
It’s only making him even more desirable, and we can only have faith that he’s only taken— Not playing for the other team.
Selfish, we know, but take a look at these pictures snapped by various couple senior editors here at UA Undergrounds and then try to convince us that we’re in the wrong for wanting him all to ourselves.’
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((waiting in the sun; artist))
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((screenshot on FT; artist))
They were very good photos of him, you had to admit. Candid shots of him reading a book while playing with his pen, some dad hat sporting thanks to Sero, Denki and Kiri’s obsession with baseball on the weekends, and one that you may or may not have submitted of him on call with you but cropped just so perfectly that it looked like a candid photo in real life, his notorious headphones finally coming off as he watched you shove your nostrils in the frame in the most unattractive and annoying yet adorable way that he had to just stop and wait for you to stop begging for his attention one day while he was cleaning up his room.
The one you had sent was through a secondary twitter account where you got to share more private feelings, follow your boyfriend back, post subtweets about him that will earn one in response but since nobody really followed your personal private account there weren't any issues with discovering he was talking to you. Nor did it stop the sleazy blog from accepting the picture you had of him.
You bobbed your head to your most recently dropped single, and finished up writing in your journal. Sighing as you smoothed out the covers, clutching it in your hands as you nervously bit at your lip. You’d been exclusively spilling your true feelings for Hitoshi in this book, with full intentions of him reading each page at any point in time. You didn’t have to tear them out and label situations for him to read certain ones, because that was so cliche and you just couldn’t bring yourself to act like that.
Instead, the lines of english cursive filled the spaces with complete honesty, and you couldn’t wait to see him receive this gift in person for your six month celebratory date night rather than read it to him over the phone.
You’d scheduled your facetime date for right around the time you’d be arriving on campus, and your plane had already begun its descent as you hurriedly packed the notebook into your go bag.
You brought enough clothes for your stay and merch for only Hitoshi’s close friends-- unreleased merch at that! You loved being on the good side with them, despite knowing they probably didn’t know about the two of you. You had too many bags for you alone to carry so your flight attendant mentioned how they were pulling the bags from underneath the aircraft and directly putting them inside a car waiting for you to get out there.
You would have to sort through them when you got to the hotel, which you made sure was as close as possible to UA. You didn’t want to drag your ass halfway across town via train and then still need to ascend the hill on foot while being escorted by pro heroes with all those bags. It was better that you had time to get the specific merch bag isolated and only take that plus your gifts to Hitoshi when you visited in a couple hours.
Occasionally you’d see his school friends comment on Instagram/YouTube or even mention you on twitter when they were listening to your music.
Sometimes you’d see them thirsting via emojis under your pictures, other times they were wholesome support and attempts at getting you to reply about if you remembered them.
The sounds of bells dinging made your heart leap in excitement; you were finally gonna see him. “Chill out, (name),” You whispered to yourself as you gripped the crossbody messenger bag, “You still have an hour and a half til you see him, girl. Focus.”
You exhaled deeply as you slid your name brand privacy shades on, stepping down the steps of your plane and bowing to the awaiting flight staff, some PR people and that same assigned driver as before. You smiled widely when you saw him, opting in for a small hug of his side while walking to his car.
The PR women decided that it was best for you to drop the music video before you got too distracted at the school, which was expecting you to wear a Quirk cancelling necklace any time you were to step foot on campus this week. You nodded as they spoke about new laws and orders of protection put in place since it was obvious the League was targeting UA for a reason. You were to be interrogated before they’d decide to let you in at all, and if you were to fail it, Hitoshi wouldn’t be able to visit you off campus either.
On Campus
The questions you imagined that could be thrown at you were nothing compared to the real ones. The officers that met you at the base of the hill stepped you into the guard box that was enforcing passage restrictions and used a lie detecting Quirk to see if you had any sly ideas of using your Quirk.
Something you finally got to know was that the reason UA bought their students tickets to your show six months prior was due to the echelon never seeing a Quirk quite like yours, let alone knowing you used it anywhere but couldn’t figure out how it worked; they needed to see it in action, and if they could hide that behind the face of just wanting their students to have a fun night before licensing exams and the end of the semester, they’d succeed in their study.
You were going to be visiting after a very grueling mission, afterall. The hero course students hadn’t fully recovered still, the trauma and just overall realness of their situation of being targets was just... not a good time for the staff to invite a stranger in, but according to the company keeping the school open, and the spirit of the upcoming Culture Festival, the NDA should’ve sufficed.
That didn’t stop your full body search for weapons(which, duh, you passed), the 30 minute debrief/interrogation, or the passive threats by Midnight and Aizawa as they invited themselves into your car, which was given passage so long as it came directly back down after you got out.
You hit ‘Make Public’ on YouTube, and ‘Send Tweet’ just as the car approached the front of the campus, and let you three out. It was a long walk to the dorms, and Midnight chose to stay behind when you reached the main building.
Leaving just you and the quiet man next to you, who looked like he didn’t have time to clean up after sparring with Shinsou today.
You’d arrived thirty minutes before they usually finished, so he let him go for the day, but you blushed when you remember this was the staff member you gave your Lilac babydoll dress to.
“Not to be impolite, Mr. Aizawa, but did you keep my—?”
“Before you waste your breath, I’m not going to answer that question but you can only assume what a man like me would do with a gift like that.” He grumbled, shooting you a brief side glance. “But in case that’s your way of asking for it back, I don’t think you’d appreciate what I have to say about the state of it.”
Now you were blushing harder, eyes widened as you averted your gaze to the suddenly intriguing sidewalk. Your thick heeled boots, specially crafted heeled doc martens in case anyone asked , were molded into your most comfortable height with deep maroon rubber and black laces that matched the thigh high mesh socks with a doodled white cat face right about the knees.
You weren’t embarrassed at the fact you were wearing a black lace bodysuit covered by a mid-waisted, dark wash jean skirt that adorned six buttons up the middle and felt skin tight in the most flattering way. The long laced sleeves of the bodysuit sort of flared out at the ends, the almost witch-like resemblance only fueling your confidence. Your neck adorned in black chokers, and the silver quirk-deactivating collar, you felt as good as you did in the music video that was currently being viewed by thousands.
You knew. You just knew that Hitoshi would try to call you as he started watching the video on his laptop. But when you rejected the FaceTime audio, and said you couldn’t talk but you could text, he explained what was going down in the dorm community lounge.
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Your last music video that Hitoshi saw be played by someone other than himself was for the song Addiction, which you’d been performing all those weeks ago when Hitoshi had taken his breather and ran into the girl that brought him backstage. Unfortunately it was dropped when Denki had been streaming in his room.
Shinsou was making his way to his own when he passed by the slightly ajar door of his best friend, hearing the sound of your sultry voice playing through his speakers.
“Woah! Damn, she’s so good you guys, and that outfit is totes not why I’m obsessed with this video right now.” He exclaimed, having paused his game to screen share the video on Twitch. “I saw her perform this song live, like a few months ago, by the way! I had no idea it was gonna be on a new album either, how cool is that?!”
The video consisted of similar choreography as the performance, with your body glistening with faux sweat, but face still flawlessly done up, along with wet looking curls that slicked back in a very appealing way to frame your face as you were singled out in a pile of bodies.
The blonde groaned about how lucky a guy Shinsou was, prompting the e-boy to kick the door open wider. Denki nearly shit himself, sputtering about how he meant it jokingly and how he was ‘looking respectfully’ at the video.
His chat flooded with PepeHands emotes in confusion and teasing lines about ‘Lavender_Insomniac kicking Pikanari’s ass’. But Hitoshi laughed, saying maybe he was lucky because he got a lap dance from her, afterall.
They’d continue watching together with commentary about you performing it live versus how you danced in the video until they ended the night four hours deep in some lore theories about a battle royals game called Apex Legends.
The largest PHEW! left Kaminari’s body as the camera shut off, and after he thanked Hitoshi for saving his ass, you’d began blowing his phone up over a missed FaceTime call and the overly tired hero student facepalmed when he realized he hadn’t texted you to let you know.
Today you did the same to him, but purposefully; Letting your phone ring until the last dial died out, texting him a brief apology and letting him know you were watching your own livestream and chatting with commenters.
You were, so it wasn’t really a lie, and while your newest video was playing on a big screen, they could see the fans comments losing beneath it as well as the occasional heart emoji or commentary from your own account.
Mr. Aizawa, as stern as he was being, only scoffed as he saw you become glued to your phone.
“Forgive me, I just uploaded a music video, so I want to see what my fans think of it.”
“Don’t mind me, I was just explaining the consequences I would make you face if you were to have my students slack off or do something they’re not allowed to.” He grumbled, but you reassured him with a small smile, telling him you’d already agreed to the terms down the hill.
Your music video had been centered around your relationship with Shinsou, that much was evident to the pouty boy sitting on the couch between a pent up Eijirou and a cheesing Denki, but it started out with a cutesy version of an XXX-cam website. Already the shark boy started shifting in his seat, leaning forward with his hands on his knees as he watched your cam show option be opened and go into full-screen mode.
‘I wanna touch on you, you see me in my room. Wish u were here right now.’
Shinsou couldn’t help the flush rising in his cheeks as he heard the lyrics he knew you had written about him. He remembered the exact day you shared them with him, after a particularly raunchy mutual masturbation session via Skype.
‘I wanna get freaky on camera, I looove when we get freaky on camera.’
Your silver triangular bra moved so easily with your breasts as you groped yourself, he chuckled at how much of a show you loved to put on, whether it was in private or on the web.
‘We freak on the cam, love at first sight just a link to the ‘Gram’
You were now in another area, dressed in that same outfit you wore when he’d got to have you dance on him; the lavender bra with matching fishnets and the white skater skirt being zoomed in on as well as a pair of kitty ears you added to the mix while you danced on a large black loveseat. Your knees pressed into the cushions as you bent over while looking back at the camera, legs spread out as you ‘sang’ the lyrics, “Pussy all pink with a tan and I play with it til my middle fingers are cramped up!”
Your own hand had scooped the mound between your legs as you said it, manicured fingers caressing the panty-covered parts and smacking at your own ass.
“Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to be that camera man.” Mineta cried, keeled over in a deep bow as he trembled at your panties so close and in HD. “I’d die to just get a whiff of her sweat when she’s sleeping”
“Oi, someone get that fucking pervert out of here before he ruins the carpet!” Bakugou growled as he entered from the kitchen, “Or else I’ll probably blast him to the next town over.”
Sero groaned as he grabbed the midget by his collar, easily peeling him off the ground despite his cries of protest. “Sorry, man, you go too far and it’s real creepy.”
The pipsqueak sobbed as he was thrown into a closet, which had a piece of notebook paper taped to it with the words ‘Horny Jail’ written in sharpie.
‘Make it pop in your face like a Samsung!’
Your face was now in full view from a high angle as you lapped at some spilling milk, tongue stuck out while it coated your chin followed by slow, scanning shots of the liquid dripping down your body.
Back to your face in the bed from the beginning, body splayed out as you said
“And that’s my T-chan, betta yet that’s my Hit-ta!” You winked at the camera.
It was a play on words only Hitoshi knew, a “hitta” was supposed to be an ode to someone who had no problem “getting rid” of the competition, but you said it after calling him T-chan (Toshi-chan), so it sounded like the first part of his name getting cut off. You were so fucking cute, he smirked as he watched you run your arms around your body on the silk sheets.
‘And he don’t even scroll through Insta, ‘less he going through my pictures!’
You were back on the loveseat, climbing all around it, splaying your body across it, all in such perfectly cut shots that kept the attention focused on the TV.
Hitoshi anxiously checked his phone, though. He was waiting for you to call him back and hoped you would do it as soon as the video was done. You were sending him kissy emojis and telling him that you missed seeing him all while you were less than five hundred feet from the dorms.
He texted back about what part of the video he was at, gushing about how hot you are and why he couldn’t wait to get you on FaceTime afterwards.
You smirked to yourself as Aizawa turned into the stretch of concrete that led to the front door of their building, your heart beginning to pound louder than the sound of your heels hitting the pavement.
‘When he off work, he callin me on Skype. Trust me, when I meet him, I’m fucking him on sight!’
The words had him looking back up at the TV, your small frame wrapped in various wires and dressed in a lingerie set designed to resemble a motherboard while your legs were clad by white thigh-high gogo boots. Standing around, you were pulling the wires through your legs and wrapping them snugly around your body. When you were laid down on a green floor, you’d rotate your hips around, grasping at your body parts as you sang to the camera, giving the audience the cutest flirty faces as the song went on.
‘Daddy my parents go through my shit! Huh, Oooh~ Can’t give head, you give me the facetime. Motokare’s a creep, caught him on Dateline, he ain’t getting pussy; he’s fucking an AI, Huh, Ooohhh’
Now he was audibly chuckling, quickly sending you a text about that line when the people in the room looked back at him.
You had told him a few ex-boyfriend horror stories, and geez did you have a few weirdos. That lyric about your “Motokare” was a jab about someone you went on a date with once, who told you he had built up his computer AI to have feelings and eventually mentioned possibly falling in love with it. After running away as soon as the opportunity came, you googled the shit out of him and found out that he had been on the show Dateline at one point.
You nervously tapped your fingers on your phone case as Aizawa flashed his credentials into the scanner of the door.
“Strict security measures, in case you’re planning to sneak in past curfew.”
You snorted, your nerves lessening slightly as he swung the door open for you.
Your feet were frozen, however. Your legs just weren’t moving as you heard yourself through the speakers in the lounge followed by laughing guys and some girls gasping or ogling over how cute you looked.
“C’mon already, you don’t have all day.”
“Ye-Yes sir, I— I just,” You sigh, “Haven’t seen him in a while.”
“I can assure you there’s nothing to be so damn nervous about. If you ask me, kid’s the one who should get nervous.” He says, leaning his back against the door, “Smokeshow like you deserves a real man. But don’t let me stop you from going in. I bet you’re about to shock the hell out of that group back there.”
‘Is you into that? (Into that, is you into that? Uh-uh)
Let's break the internet (Internet, on the internet, oh-oh)’
You blush, putting your phone into your clutch and fixing the straps of the large tote on your shoulder.
‘We do it the best, (it the best, doin it the best)’
“Still not budging huh?”
‘When we have cyber sex’
“Yessss, just—“
“Stall-time is over.” He said as he ushered you into the building by grabbing the back of your neck and pulling your body into the doorway.
(Cybersex, havin' cybersex, oh-ooohhhh)
Click! thunk! The door locked behind the two of you, louder than you expected.
“Oi, Shitty Hair, who’s at the door?” a voice barked, the sounds of someone closing YouTube and starting up Super Mario World echoes down the hall.
Your body froze as a familiar red-haired boy stretched over from his spot on the couch, a loud gasp escaped his throat as he found your gaze.
“What? Who the fuck is it?!”
“It’s... It’s Aizawai-sensei and..— and—“
Multiple bodies on the ground crawled over to the edge of the rug to follow his gaze. All of them with the same reaction. Now Shinsou was annoyed too, sighing loudly as he begrudgingly got up from his spot.
“You guys are so dumb, just spit it out alrea— Kitty. ”
All nerves washed away when his body came into frame, a huge smile plastering your face as you began power walking to him, the heads on the ground dramatically switching from looking at you and the quietest guy in school.
A squeal escaped your throat as you threw yourself in his arms, “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, TOSHI!” He was stiff, but his arms held your legs up as you Koala’d your frame into his torso.
“’Toshi?” Kirishima echoed.
“WHAT— IS THAT (Stagename)?!” Jirou screamed from her position on the other couch.
“I missed you too, what the— How?” He was at a loss for words as he let your legs drop back down to the ground, his hands moving to your neck and face as he looked at you like he was in some sort of dream.
“Surprise!” You cried, “Oh, and I brought gifts!” You said, looking over your shoulder to the people on the floor, “For you guys! ”
They all bustled into conversations aimed at you and Shinsou, mostly questions about your relationship and gushing compliments over how cute it was for you to surprise him. (Well all except Bakugou, who was steaming in his chair in jealousy)
“Alright, alright,” Aizawa said loudly, immediately quieting the room. “Yes, (stagename) is here. No you’re not allowed to post about it, tell your friends nor take pictures of them together— Just don’t do anything stupid, alright? She’s not staying here, by the way. I’ll be back before curfew to take her back. If anyone on the streets during your internship paroles pesters just tell them she’s taking some classes about harnessing her Quirk use. That’s the official statement from the school, anyhow. Don’t stress her out or make her uncomfortable and we won’t have any problems, got it?”
“Hai, Sensei!” The students responded in unison, except Hitoshi who was still looking in your eyes with twinkling irises. A warm flush heated up your cheeks, (and other places) , while his fingers caressed the hair at your nape and the frame of your jawline.
“And you two!” The voice snapped both of your attentions over, your body physically turning to face the pro hero glaring at you with his arms crossed, “It doesn’t have to be said for you to understand right? This is still part of campus so don’t go breaking any rules.”
“Oh, I’m a good girl, sir, I wouldn’t dream of getting Hitoshi-san in trouble.” You cheekily say, tongue in cheek when Shinsou nudged you with the back of his hand at your lower back. A silent, ‘Stop’ that brought a small apologetic smile to your lips. “Thank you for allowing this visit, I really appreciate it.”
You bowed your head down a bit as you spoke, flashing your bright eyes at the grown man in front of you. You knew the power you still somehow held over the man, thanks to his earlier comments. He rolled his eyes and mumbled some response as he walked away. The sounds of Hitoshi’s friends beckoning for your attention drowned out whatever he had said.
This trip was going to be so much fun.
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bnhavibes · 5 years
Y/n goes out on a late-night run to get out some nervous energy and ends up running longer than expected. Since their still not tired they decided to call their best friend Shinso to ask if they can come over for a bit. You can decide from there, thank you b.
requests can take a while, i’ve decided to start writing a fic 🥰 but i haven’t chose who to pair with my OC so im going to have you vote in my asks!(or dm me on discord if u want to make certain requests too!
do you want reader insert with (y/n) or should we just name the OC? (side note: whats an alluring name?) <answer a for (y/n), b for (your suggestion).
should it be bxg, bxgxb, or gxgxb? <answer a, b or c>
who would you like to see in this pairing(s)? <answer a, Katsuki Bakugou, b, Shouto Todoroki, c, Izuku Midoriya, d, Ejirou Kirishima, e, Denki Kaminari, f, Momo Yayaorozu, g, Jirou Kyouka, h, Hitoshi Shinsou, i, League of Villains (insert up to 2 members unless you’ve picked a student or hero), j, any other options besides Endeavor, Aayoma, Tokoyami, Asui, Shigaraki, and anybody who’s personality i cannot portray lmfao)
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Shinsou, Hitoshi x Reader
(NSFW) warning!
cussing, some heavy makeouts with descriptive characteristics
not actual penetration
but enough steam to keep it: moisy
College aged upUA! (so basically ua is a college lmao)
this one is gonna be long since i pushed it off so far sorry bb😭
“Hey, you up?”
you: (typing) So I’ve been running for way longer than I thought, stuck thinking and overthinking about my life and I found myself by your apartment and wanted to stop by to get some advice? I know it’s pretty late but you’re always saying if you need me at 2am |
“Fuck, no, I can’t say that!” You growl in frustration before erasing the dumb text. Twiddling your thumbs above the screen as your hands laced the back of your device, you pace around, frantic about how you were gonna tell your old best friend that you were outside his apartment and desperately freezing. (it was like the middle of the night, and yet you were out in a crossed-back tank top, with a windbreaker and loose running shorts.
You and Shinsou have known each other for as long as you remember. You weren’t on good terms for a while; The first time he announced that he got his Quirk, you were out sick, and all of the kids in your class teased and picked on him. He essentially blamed you for not being there and defending him, but you guys didn’t see each other between the end of middle school and middle of high school. Now that you both go to UA, and are at the mercy of pros, you have to deal with working together for the sake of the citizens (even if you have bad blood between you). But you didn’t expect him to be so relieved when he saw you at school. And the two of you got along so well, it was like he was never even mad at you. He did bring it up, once, but he has only ever been nothing but kind to you when you started studying with him.
Then you started hanging out with him.
More and more.
More boundaries being pushed.
More times you’re together than not.
More things to study for? Hah, typical.
Then you’re having sleep overs.
Where you sleep in his bed.
...And he spoons you.
‘Thats weird, right?’ You think to yourself the morning after. Nobody should be in the same bed with other people if they’re not together right? Shouldn’t it feel weird that you went to bed with another adult? That’s just your friend?
you: Are we just frien—
You stop yourself before even finishing that idiotic question, groaning in frustration. “What the hell do I say to him?” You tell your device more than yourself, at this point, just looking for answers.
New Message: Shinsou
Your eyes bulge out of your head and your hands almost drop your phone at the sudden vibration in your hand.
Shinsou: yeah, im just up doing dumb shit on my computer anyways
you: you mean like beating off? ewwww tmi Shinsou Hitoshi 🥴
Shinsou: fuck you (Y/f&l/N) 😂
Shinsou: if you want me to beat off before you get here, i can tho
you: i mean you’ll have enough time do it, i just so happen to be walking in to your apartment complex 😂😉
You giggle as you head up the stairs to his small student apartment, knowing the way all too well by memory.
Shinsou: wtf? 🤨 why were you all the way over here.
you: i couldn’t sleep, so i decided to go jogging
you: turns out i was drugged
you: kidnapped
you: and returned nearby because i kept annoying the shit out of the dudes
Shinsou: figures. 💀
Shinsou: i would’ve dropped you off at the loony bin tho
Shinsou: we’d probably both have to sign in tbh😂😂
you: 😒 come open the door ya punk.
The warm smell of freshly cooked— or reheated— pizza filled your nostrils as the door was opened for you. Stepping in and removing your shoes, you glance around to see if anyone else was over.
“Sorry, I know I said I would clean it.” He mumbles, thinking you were looking at the mess of a living area he made this morning. (because building forts is cool, okay?)
“No, you’re good,” You chuckle as you remove your jacket, “it IS your house anyways. Not like i can tell you what to do.”
A pregnant pause filled the air before you realized he had went and disappeared to his room and you were still by the door. Shaking your head at yourself, you follow him, building up courage to confront last night’s cuddle thing.
When you got to his room, however, he had laid out a towel on his bed and was looking through his closet. You dropped your shoes and looked around to seethat his shower was running, and there was the hair brush you lost on his desk (with a sticky note that said ‘Text (y/n) you found it. Reminder #251’). There was still rummaging behind you when you look at him in the reflection of his computer.
When he pulls out a shirt of his that you always compliment him in.
And a pair of exercise shorts that he hadn’t worn yet.
You blush when you realize he wants you to shower in his bathroom.
And then put his clothes on.
“Hit—Hitoshi-san?” You questioningly squeak, squeezing your eyes shut once you hear how cringey it sounded to be calling him by his last name again.
He notices the change, though, blinking softly at you with a shirt in hand. “I—... I just thought you, m-maybe wanted to shower. Cause you’re sweaty and stuff. Plus you might be able to fall asleep better.” He defended himself, putting his hands up.
“N-No, I know, I just...” You face him, avoiding his gaze. “I have to.. um...” You couldn’t do it. You were backing out.
“Tell me, what’s on your mind? I’m here if you need to talk.” He says, trying to catch your eyes as he steps toward you.
“Hito-sssh-hitt. Ugh! Why is it so hard to tell you!?” You curse your tongue for letting you sputter so embarrassingly in front of your best friend. You pace toward Shinsou, but turn back, groaning as you face palm repeatedly.
“You’re acting weird, (Y/N). Since when were you calling me by my last name, you know you can call me pretty much anything else. I swear if you say some dumb shit about another prank I’m gonna—
“Are we just friends or what?” You spat, slapping a hand over your mouth as soon as the words slipped out.
The look on his face was so.... precious?
His eyes widened a little, mouth agape with loss, and shoulders cringing a bit at his sudden nerves. You removed your hand slowly but turned it into a fist as quick as it landed at your side.
“Y-You heard me. Are we just friends or, is there m-more... between us..” You trailed off, not noticing how close you’d gotten yourself when he was talking to you.
“More?” He asked, his voice seeming to be hung on to a thin string of hope. He inhales sharply before speaking softly:
“I— I thought... Well, to be honest these last few months with you have been awesome b—
“—But you don’t have feelings for me right?” You interrupted him, looking up into (what felt like to him) his soul.
So it was just you? You started to leave, his hesitation enough of an answer for you.
“No, I- Hey, wait!” He was confused, the poor boy, as to how you took his words. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“It’s okay, Hitoshi-san.” You say, smiling back at him with a hand on his bedroom door knob.
“S-Seriously! I— Uhm..” He stopped you from opening the door with his hand over yours, pushing the door closed all together when he tripped over a loose shoe and against your body.
You gasp at the sudden fall, but can’t help but worry about him.
“Are you okay?” You ask, helping him stand up straight. “Sorry about the shoe— Mmmph?”
He kissed you so softly, you’d think it was a ghost. His hands cupped around your head, fingers laced through your hair as they almost support your movements. Instinctively you’re kissing him back, letting his body tower over yours and press you harder against the wall. His lips were like soft pillows, and his tongue flicked at your lips, teeth, and tongue so well that you couldn’t help but pull him in closer and closer; the longsleeved sweatshirt he had on was bunching up from your grasps, and you could feel his skin just barely grazing your own. You’re subconsciously tracing designs on his sides with your fingers, slowly running them along the hem as it lifts up when the feeling of heat in your stomach (and face) brings you back to your realitive plain of existence.
You’re currently making out with your best friend.
And you can feel how much he likes it.
“Sh-Shinsou, I—I’m sweaty.” You say, pushing him back a little.
He raises an eyebrow at you. (is that really gonna stop him? shusoskfkdjd)
Then he’s back on your lips, picking your legs off the ground and pulling them around his hips; pressing you back into the wall and grinding himself so deliciously against you. Soft moans escape your lips as his own travel to your neck, hands creeping up your shirt this time. Instead of touching you, however, he only lightly grazes your skin with the lads of his fingers up your torso until hes able to lift your shirt off (with help from you of course). Once it’s off, he’s back at your neck, leaving sloppy kisses before grabbing you by the ass and walking to his bathroom.
He set you down on the sink counter, ridding himself of his shirt and lowering himself down to his knees; His hands at your hips, fingers teasingly looping the elastic waistband of your shorts. He looks up at you with those eyes— The ones that ignite the flame in your core, those piercing, desperate eyes. He’s leaning his head into your thigh as he looks up at you, a smile smirk shows that your reaction to his wherebouts must be entertaining to him. You can feel your core tremble as he lays kisses on your legs, occasionally taking a nice long drag of his tongue along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs and stopping at the hem of your shorts. Letting a tiny gasp slip, you place your hands on his to stop him. He looks up at you for a second, but his worries wash away when he sees your hardened nipples and flush skin.
“You look so cute like this.” His voice breaks the tension in the air before he kisses your thighs again. “So flustered and confused.” He bites down gently on your skin, causing you to stifle a moan. He sucks slowly, his teeth just grazing you enough to leave a mark, but not enough to make it hurt. You gasp when his head moves to your centre, the heat of his exhales sending chills up your spine.
“You’re just... so naughty, aren’t you (Y/N)?” He whispers onto the thin cloth before laying his head back down on your leg, pulling your shorts down painfully slow. “You’re absolutely soaked, huh? I can smell you from here.” He looks at you, cueing you to lift your legs up, pulling your shorts off completely before returning to his position between your legs.
“No panties, huh?” He chuckles, scooting you to the edge of the counter by your hips. “You’re so god damn beautiful.” He whispers on your lips, your mouth just slacked enough for him to take advantage of, slipping his tongue straight past your teeth and directly brushing against your tongue. You feel yourself pooling over the counter, soaking against his boxers when he starts to take them off.
“Tell me what you wanna do.” He says against your collarbone, fingers still looped around the edges of his boxers.
“I, I need to sh-shower.” You squeak.
“You’re so fucking cute,” He says after chuckling. “I meant me, kitten, now do you want me or not?”
“Yes what?”
“I — I want you, Shinsou. I want all of you.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, (Y/N).”
“I’m not, I promise— but, ugh, can you just fuck me already?”
The boldness of your words cracks a shit eating grin you only knew from that class 1-A asshat onto Shinsou’s face.
“Get in the fucking shower then.”
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