floralkittygambler · 4 years
RadioDust is the Healthiest Toxic Ship for Angel so far
@honesthazbinarchives​ Briefly. I’d like to go into this more in the future BUT these are the main points I said I’d do. Heh ‘stay tuned’ for why HuskerDust is toxic [haaaa funny fuckin reference n shit like Viv herself aint overdone it]. Yer dont even wanna know the lack of enthusiasm in tryna do a playful ‘cringetopia’ joke - wasnt as fun as anticipated. Anyfuckinways, the shit. Before we begin, disclaimers n whatnot, no hate intended, dni if you’re a bit of a knobhead [either stan or extreme anti], an all that nonsense. I dont own the characters no shit.  In this I’ll discuss how RadioDust aka SpiDEER (thats right, yer stuck w my shit humour now) is both the healthiest ship for Angel we’ve seen so far but still rather toxic. Idc if you hate me for it but dont fuckin waste yer time telling me. Great. I dont care. Yer fuckin hard n whatnot for harassin strangers online. Big dick energy to you. This will be slightly messy, my apologies, it’s a quick summary of many points.
Alright. Firstly, out of the entire male cast Angel interacts with over all platforms, Al is given a fair bit of mercy in terms of sexual advances. In fact, a swift ‘no’ and Angel doesn’t do it again - unlike most of the other cast [pent’s is covert, husks is overt]. One thing I like is that Angel himself admits to their chemistry (claiming that whilst he thinks Al’s a prick, he thinks Al dislikes him which saddens him as he’d at least like to be friends as he feels they have good chemistry - according to the VA via Hunicast’s 1yr anniversary), there’s no further efforts to jump on his dick but a clear curiosity/interest in what Al can do.  Lets go to the basics, both are of similar age [allegedly in their 30s, though Ive heard Al may be up to mid 40s] as well as created near the same-ISH time (as in, Viv’s oldest characters, at least for HH). Likewise, Viv admitted to knowing fuck all on either of their eras (and to make that public wasn’t really a wise choice BUUUT if you felt the need, it’s better worded with interest “Right now I’m working towards educating myself more on their time periods to improve their portrayals” <-- crucial if yer want that ‘realism’). Because of their real-world ages, Viv confesses they’re her favourites (even if you didnt know, she makes it pretty clear). It could be a nice ‘homage’ to their impact in her life but not too relevant otherwise. It could fulfil the need for self indulgence that she’s unhealthily leaking into the canon - which will ultimately make the series shit. No sugarcoating there.  As for their ages, a relationship can work whether the gap is large or small HOWEVER there are many ethics and conflicts to each. And being an adult into kids is always fucked up. With that being said, studies have shown that closer ages often work better due to the often similarities in mindset, maturity and life goals (older folks are more likely to want to settle, younger often have more ambitions), likewise there tends to be an unbalanced power-dynamic if the ages are too far, which can lead to various types of abuse. Dont get me wrong, being with someone much older (AS LONG AS NONE OF YALL ARE KIDS) very much CAN work - but rarely. There’s much more hardwork needed as well as being in the right mindset for both, otherwise it’s bad. More on that in HD. Long story short, both are closer in age meaning both are more ‘relatable’ to one another. There’s common grounds, even in the eras there’s some higher understanding of one another. Notice how Vaggie and Charlie are similar in age? (Even though Charlie is far older, her appearance and mentality for her race is on par with Vaggie’s, making it far more likely to work out positively) One of the most prominent out of all of this however is their actual interests. So listing; Both like action/chaos/having fun (often at the expense of others), both love cooking and can be food snobs in their own right, both have sadistic AND masochistic tendencies, Al likes performance and theatre whilst Angel loves *to* perform, on that last point Angel was very intrigued and enjoyed Al’s song number/performance naturally, both really enjoy pranks and both enjoy liquor (neither show an actual addiction, but rather an interest in social drinking - no dependencies on it). Again, close eras mean both have a higher probability of understanding the other and their lifestyles better. Both are high on appearance and love themselves, implying self confident mindset (healthy BUT the narcissism isnt) yet enough consideration for how they are viewed. On the parent system, one adores his mama whilst the other hates his pops.  Now Ive gone on about how they’re similar. But similarities ALONE is not enough. If it was, then fandom’s would be a lil more harmonious~ A HEALTHY relationship needs compatibility, POSITIVE conversation flow, common grounds, trust, openness and understanding. Even then, some people click and some just dont. It’s like how you can just hate someone for no reason. It just IS. Common grounds and similarity is scientifically proven to be attractive to someone - be it good or BAD. People are drawn to those like their parents in some way usually, likewise we look for people similar to ourselves (from our interests, to humour, beliefs, goals, etc). Science itself states that ‘opposites attract’ solemnly applies in the real world successfully. Though similiarity plays a large role, there has to be some differences too - that person is STILL an individual separate to yourself. Too similar and it’s boring. Too similar and you’ll do everything together without some ‘you’ time. Both Vaggie and Charlie have similar interests/hobbies in dance and music, yet still have enough differences to be identifiable when together. Vaggie is more grounded than Charlie. Charlie gives some optimism and fun to Vaggie. Remember, a partner does NOT complete you - that’s a toxic mindset when taken too seriously, You complete YOURSELF. Whether you have someone or not, you must feel complete in yourself as to not slip into toxic dependency on a lover - to become them, a shadow of them or feel like you’ve lost your identity without them. Sounds harsh but it’s true. Chaggie compliments each other without a dependency. You stand alone yet uplift one another. You don’t always agree but in the end you always have each other’s backs. Love is often butchered in a toxic light in the media.  So taking that into consideration, how does spideer work? Well, here’s some examples of good, bad and neutral: - Angel loves animals, Al fears/dislikes dogs. Perhaps Angel could assist him in overcoming this? - Al hates being touched, Angel dislikes being squeezed. Maybe this could help them reach an understanding... Or cause a rift? - Angel was the only one to break Al’s composure, either Angel is the *key* to delving further into Al’s more raw self... Or just another obVOXious pest? (yeah, I said it-) - Neither respect other’s boundaries, meaning both may fuel the other to be overly disrespectful in this area. Not good. - Angel is a sarky/sarcastic fuck, Al loves dry humour. Both seek amusement and chaos. In relationships one needs to see how conversation flows and in the hunicasts, both keep up some good as well as toxic banter. Both could roast the fuck out of an opponent however. - Al is acro/ace, Angel is hypersexual (appears like a sex addict - now I say this as his book has a crossed out ‘fun stuff’ with ‘work shit’ written on it. He’s always fixed on sex from his job to his humour), this could either aid Angel ease up on the sex stuff OR make him overly push it onto Al causing major rifts and discomfort (aces can have sex, ref to ace posts that real asexuals put to understand more but no one wants to be forced into sex is the point here). And we’ve already discussed their lack of respect for boundaries. The positive is that maybe this will make Angel understand how Val is rubbing off on his own behaviour towards men [again, more on that in the HD post]. - Both similar yet different in a way that does suit their compatibility chances but that doesnt mean they will click, it just improves the odds. - Both have similar enemies in Val and Vox, they’re on common terms. Likewise, Al is against the ‘sexual deviance’ of hell meaning he may be oddly supportive and protective of Angel in terms of Val. I dont even think his sadism will override this either. - Al dislikes modern tech, Angel seems to use it as his job requires it. A nice little menial difference. - Only ONE is an addict. Take it from an expert, you NEVER put two addicts together. They’re very vulnerable and prone to slipping deeper into their addictions as well as depending on each other too much that they essentially become very clingy, suffocating and toxic to each other. Seen it in action, it’s ugly.  - Both could have a lot of fun and calm moments with each other. - He isn’t immediately smitten with Al but immediately shows a natural interest in Al’s powers and performance, embracing it openly. Leads for a good friendship turned lovers plot. - In Viv’s patreon, she confirmed Angel loves confident guys [sounds exactly like Al] We need to think about where both are mentally. What benefits would a relationship give both? How would they be good and bad for each other? For Al, aside from his outdated views and being a fucking murderer and narcissist, he actually seems in a good mindspace for a relationship IF he opted to be in one. Angel however has a very immature mindset, likewise is in a phase of life where hes bed hopping. IF he were to be in a relationship, I’d say he needs a male equivalent of Cherri - someone with a similar mindset yet some differences, willing to have fun and in touch with their younger side, down to cuddle, open to share and receive love as well as not afraid to publicly be affectionate with him, someone who sees him as more than just for sex, someone fun, someone who’ll let him embrace his cutesy side publicly without shame - Cherri is younger so maybe someone who’s his age or slightly younger perhaps? I think Angel’s not retirement home ready to settle and needs someone on his level that can cuddle and chill as well as feels free and youthful enough to go wild with him. In one sense, he’s got a teen girl sorta mindset (dont put him with a teen though, it’s fuckin weird-). He needs someone positive and raw, someone to let him be himself as well as someone comfortable to be themselves around him. He has a habit of latching onto unobtainable men (in psychology, this is self sabotaging subconsciously): Travis the client, Val a pimp, Husk (emotionally unavailable and needs HEAVY self work - interestingly far more than Angel - plus he’s still onto his last relationship and an addict to gambling and alcohol), Pent who’s the enemy he was currently fighting (inappropriate timing), Alastor who’s not interested in another but his own needs [selfish, VERY bad for a relationship]. Subconsciously he’s self sabotaging on purpose. There’s many psychology books as well as sources online for this, if you’re interested. Either way, Angel is drawn to men either like his father [who dislike him, shun him, or are otherwise cold, abusive or just blatantly dislike or otherwise dont care about him] or anyone with money to fuel his drug addiction/’debt’ to Val. Going with any of these men isn’t a good idea.  Preferably, Angel needs someone who he doesnt immediately crush and obsess over. Someone who he doesnt sexually harass or assault. Someone he can build a connection with quickly that can bud into romance (think how Chaggie started as a friendship which clicked immediately). Maybe even someone he doesn’t expect to fall for but does so anyways. It would be more realistic as Viv wants as well as more healthy. That for once he isnt sex or money craved instantly, thus doesnt sexually harass/assault and is given a proper chance to develop and grow a friendship and love. Someone who isnt an addict.  Someone with an on-par mindset where they click. Someone open to love. For any chance of a good relationship, Angel needs to be with anyone BUT who we’ve already seen. There’s too much toxicity that’ll be swept under the rug and justified otherwise. Too much shit to fuel homophobes in terms of gay stereotypes. Even though Ive focused a fair bit on Angel, it’s NOT just about Angel. That’s something fans forget. Some he depends on or someone who depends on him in the long term wont last and will be very dangerous to both.  Just because you suffer, you dont then deserve to be rewarded with ‘something nice’. You dont get to have everything youve ever wanted. Giving him any of these blokes [minus Val] gives him a pass. Gives him what he wants. I get Viv loves him but life doesnt work that way. True lasting growth comes from learning that. Acceptance and growth. You dont get everything you want and sometimes thats a GOOD thing. He’s not a spoilt kid who gets everything he asks for, he’s YOUR creation. If you really wanted what your creations deserve then you need to research and be realistic with it. Because hes starting to feel like a shitty Gary-Stu at this rate. I live with an ‘Angel Dust’ like person. It used to feel like life gave her everything and most times it did. Everyone loved her and she could get away with murder if she wanted to. But now she’s had to struggle and grow, let go of some ‘wants’ because they werent good for her and she’s becoming better for it. She has a long way but she’s more humble for it now [still got self confidence but it’s less narcissism now, which is more healthy for her]. Also, they make the word anal lol
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cursefound · 4 years
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introduce yourself! name & pronouns & a little blurb about yourself.
ayo whaddup im molly i’m 27, i go by she/they & i never learned how to fuckin read (: jk i talk in vines and tiktoks. i’m in pst and always looking forward to making new friends <3
describe yourself as a writing partner are you laid back? incredibly enthusiastic?
ok so i’m both incredibly laid back and enthusiastic. idk how else to describe it like you can take all the time in the world with a reply idc and if i ever forget something (which i definitely might since i’m working again) pls don’t ever hesitate to remind me about a thread we have i will 100% apologize profusely every single time lmfaoooo
i like yelling about my characters, but also am always ALWAYS interested in hearing about yours!!!!! i’m a hoe for plotting and honestly love pre established relationships, but i’m not opposed to just writing starters and going from there too <3
who are your characters? you can use this to quickly introduce your muse(s)
so i have the twins, altaïr ( pronounced al-tai-air ) and elliot trivan, and i have arcadia flamel !
altaïr is a hitman/sugar daddy vampire, elliot’s a fisherman/mage, and arcadia is a thief/treasure hunter/archaeologist/tiefling (:
plot ideas what types of plots would you like to see for your character(s)?
for altaïr, i’d love some sugar babies 👀 and for arcadia she has someone looking for her because she stole from them ( something extremely valuable i imagine ) that she either sold or gave to seattle’s local museum so they can study it or whatever. and maybe said person who was stolen from finds her and just wants That Thing back so they either pay her to get it back or they try to kill her lmAO. also !!!!! for elliot, i’d love if someone would come up to him and be like “what are you doing in the light i thought you were a (whispers) vampire” meanwhile elliot’s just like and i oop 👀
wanted dynamics what type of relationships would you like for your character?
elliot needs fwends, altaïr needs a boss or a target, and arcadia,,,,,,,just wants to not be judged for the way she looks ):
honstly though, i’ll end up writing more about their wanted relationships/dynamics a little later.
present headcanons what is your character(s) doing in the present?
presently, elliot likes his day job as a fisherman. he usually sells what he catches at the pike place fish market in the mornings. he’s a little exhausted, though, because altaïr’s been on a slightly sloppy feeding binge lately and elliot’s been cleaning that shit up for him ( even though altaïr has no idea elliot’s even in seattle ). and then we have arcadia, who just came back from the amazon rainforest and is sorting through her finds. what a fucking nerd.
do you have any inspirations for your muses ( spotify, pinterest & ect )
i have a pinterest for all three right here ! my inspirations for altaïr & elliot are actually my twin star wars ocs that used to be a knight of ren and not really a grey jedi, but he does believe in both the light and the dark and how there’s a middle ground, and he’s def a force user lmaooo. and arcadia’s based off of another oc who is literally a tiefling archaeologist thief (:
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jaxcns · 6 years
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y’all know this mans? yuh.. really gets ya thinkin that men might deserve rights after all huh? i mean they dont but it makes ya think! anyway.. i’m urayai ( uri for short ), eighteen, she/her, and from bumfuck nowhere usa over in the est timezone. we livin in a winter wonderland over here rn issa nightmare :) if ya feelin the vibe now then check out my statistics page yuh maybe i went the extra mile MXDDDN! anyway if ya poppin ya p*ssi to nct, love wastin time playin the sims, or are prayin for both taes scalps then smash that heart! we need validation in order to live in this economy laid ease!
basic details
( wong yukhei, cismale, he/him ) — meet jaxon wu, the nineteen year old sophomore at washington state university. i heard that the hedonist is a literature major who spends most of their time either practicing on the soccer field or interning at dorrance publishing two days a week. if you ask around, you’ll find out that the scorpio was born on october 28th, that the last song they listened to was uncomfortable by chase atlantic, and that they currently live in the kappa zeta nu fraternity house. ever since the death of carter hayes though, the only thing anyone can seem to recall when it comes to them is that they used to share a room with him at the frat house.
+ smoke-filled lungs, constellations in his eyes, denim jackets, disappearing acts that rival houdini, heart-shaped boxes, thumb rings, lazy grins, broken promises, and rainy mornings.
full sleeve on his right arm plus a chest piece in progress
ears and nose pierced but he doesnt always rock the nose
emotionally stable? no. financially stable? also no.
on an athletic scholarship for soccer but he loves hockey more so its #emohours
plays soccer, hockey, and baseball
loves the finer things in life but can barely afford the free breadsticks at olive garden ja feel
hes a snake who loves that 5 finger discount
selfish but also too invested in people he cares for
impatient as hell like.. chile
middle child ya he was dealt only the best cards in life
loves space and conspiracy theories #wow so original amirite
gets super obsessive over projects hes def a perfectionist
bisexual / bitter / bilingual
mom is a bank tell and dad is a professor at boston u
not very close to his older brother since hes off gettin his doctorates degree
very close to his little sister tho they’ve always been best friends
enjoys goin on hikes to clear his head
other than writing he also enjoys all other things creative like painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, etc
he attends a weekly art class in the city
he def dabbles in drugs so if ya lookin he can probs hook ya up
he was carters roommate 
ADAMANT — stubborn as shitttttt like fr. once he sets his mind on sumn and believes hes completely right cant be wrong then theres no changin his mind! at all! even if he realizes later that he was wrong he’d rather lower himself into the grave than admit it. he’ll also argue with you til the ends of the earth until the bitch literally dont have vocal chords anymore!
CONFIDENT — if i could’ve picked an alternate label for him then it woulda been the bellwether. he always carries himself with confidence which he gets from wearin nice clothes and accessories plus always bein well groomed ig? like his hair is always done, you’ll never find a speck of dirt on his shoes, that type of shit. even when his hair is messy it was done that way he would never go outside lookin like a wreck so jot that down!
IMPETUOUS — this bitch reckless af! he does things to benefit himself and only himself most of the time without taking into consideration other peoples feelings or how it might impact them. thats not to say that he doesnt regret it after the fact but lbr he normally? doesnt? see: selfish. hes just tryna get ahead tryna get dat coin tryna get him sum gucci slides!
PETULANT — sulky, bad-tempered, etc is jax thru and thru! and he aint afraid to take everyone down with him either. hes def the type to stir up drama ngl but he’ll back it up too and he aint afraid to throw hands! hes been in his fair share of fights and with his shiny new fake id y’all been knew hes been in more than one bar fight with more to come i’m sure!
plot ideas
MUSE — pretty self explanatory i think? this person just ignites fuckin inspiration for him whether it be thru takin pictures of them, writing about them, filmin them, drawin them, etc etc. jax always knows that when hes in a slump he can find them and that shit will come back as quick as flippin on a light switch!
RIDE OR DIE(S) — y’all already know wtf it is! we love those friends who just talk shit with each other, those that’ll go to bat for one another, but also arent afraid to be like “yo step back ur gettin a lil outta line” ja feel? literally gimme all that!
ANGST — i live for anything angsty tbh like im one of those bitches that gets bored when things are goin too well for my chara so i need someone to fuck that shit up fam!
RELATIONSHIPS — im here for it all! im talkin enemies, friends, rommates, party buddies, smokin buddies, fwb, exes, partners in crime, etc etc! im here and ready to snatch em all up!
TEAMMATES — jax plays hockey, soccer, and baseball so if ur chara does too then? uhhhh we def gotta plot cause we could go any way with the teammates thing like imagine teammates who hate each other and purposely try to hurt one another durin practices.. ugh we love pettiness!
ADVENTURE BUDDIES — hiking, goin to abandoned / haunted places, spontaneous road trips, etc! need someone or multiple people who’re down to just drop everything and go. doesnt even matter where tbh they’re just always up for a lil adventure.
SEESAW — lemme be basic for a sec ok just hol on! i rlly want a plot based off of yoongis song seesaw where maybe the two of them were together and at first it was great but then they just fell out for wtvr reason and obvs didnt wanna be together anymore. neither of them wanted to let go tho maybe it was like a comfort thing? so they just kept repeatin their same old shit and actin like everything was cool until one of them finally took the step and ended it just.. ik there’d be angst ik it and i need it!
PARADISE — the new song by chase atlantic! bitch! i felt it in my soul maybe i cried? jax dabbles in literally everything hes truly a mess so havin someone who just checks on him would rip my soul in half? someone who gives him a call randomly in the middle of a sunday night and is just like “hey ya been ok? not fallin back on bad habits are u?” shit like that. it would def be a thing where he falls a lil bit in love with them because its smth hes not used to tho that def doesnt mean at all that they feel that way about him! it can unrequited i dont rlly care tbh.
ik i forgot sum shit and ik this is a damn m e s s but if ya wanna plot then just lms and i’ll hit ya up! we can brainstorm or pick from one of our wcs idc just give this h*e sum plots i’ll literally die without em? im def the type whos down to prettymuch™ fill anything so if ya got a plot that ur rlly wantin but no one seems to be takin then give it to me i’ll 100% take it lmao! ya im desperate what about it?
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lt-sarai · 7 years
Hardback or paperback: Hardback.
Borrow or buy: Both. If I started a series buying it I’ll continue to buy, but if I started it in a library I’ll borrow until I finish it and if I liked it enough, buy it.
Buy in a bookstore or online: BOOOOOOOOOKSTOOOOOOOOOOOORE. Books-A-Million is my favorite place on Earth that’s not my house.
Amazon or Bookdepository: I don’t know what bookdepository is so I’ll say amazon.
Fantasy or sci-fi: Both, but I gravitate more toward fantasy.
Love-triangle or love at first sight: honestly neither? though I’ll take the latter over the former.
Wall shelves or bookcases: omg in a perfect world my walls would be shelves but practically, and in a rental, bookcases.
Mass market paperbacks or large print books: Not that into large print. I may wear glasses, but not that kind of glasses. Also mass market paperbacks are cheap af XD
Bad plot with good characters or good plot with bad characters: oh man. Idk. I guess it would depend of what kind of bad. I think I’d rather have a bad plot but if it’s too terrible I don’t think good characters could save it. (CS and OUAT being the exception to this.)
Booklr or Bookstagram: I...are those things?
Booklr or Booktube: ^^
Contemporary or Fantasy: Fantasy. Someone do contemporary fantasy.
Fiction or non-fiction: Fiction. I am so opposed to nonfiction for anything other than informational purposes, and I rely on googe and wikipedia for that shit bc I’m lazy.
Buy a book based on the cover or the description: Much like Nagita, who decidedly didn’t tag anyone in this (@scruffylookingpiratecaptain) the cover draws me in but I won’t buy a book until I know something about it.
Alphabetical shelves or colour coordinated: Alphabetical by author’s name, then series number. (unlike the library which goes alphabetically by author’s name, then title, regardless of series number. That was hard to get used to.)
Different sized books or matching sizes: I like it when they match but honestly idgaf.
Matching covers/spines or non-matching covers / spines: What, like how the complete series of the X-Files says “x-files” once the spines line up? Idc.
Marathon a series or read as released: I have never started a series that was already finished. Movie or TV adaptation: Idk. On one hand we have Silence of the Lambs, Harry Potter, Bones, and Dexter. On the other we have Eragon and Percy Jackson, which were both so so very terrible that the series couldn’t even go on, and the Finder, which got cancelled (I never read the books for those so I don’t know how good it was) I’m gonna say movies just bc they’re more likely to happen.
Perfect adaption of a bad book or bad adaption of a perfect book: Bad books can be great movies. I have no examples but I’m sure. Bad adaptations of perfect books are ignored.
Zombies or Vampires: Depends. As a character I’m gonna go with Vampire. As a literary baddie, Zombie.
Vampires or Werewolves: I am basing this completely on Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing and saying Werewolves.
Vampire or Fae: I have very little knowledge of Fae, but don’t particularly care for what I know of. Vamp. *shrug emoji*
Reading inside or outside: People read outside?
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Eating while reading or not eating: I used a bowl to keep my book open just today so I could read while I ate lunch. Bookmarks or random objects: I use receipts. Either when I buy the book or the paper slip that tells me when it’s due back.
Dog-earing or bookmark: Bookmark.
Be your favourite character or be their best friend: No way do I want to be Hannibal Lecter, dude got imprisoned for 8 years and had to break out. Also he ate people. I’ll be his friend though. Never gonna eat anything he cooks though.
Be your favourite character or date your favourite character: See above.
Physical or E-book: Physical
Audiobook or E-book: E-book. I have to read it to comprehend it.
Read in bed or on a chair: I can read anywhere.
Series or stand-alones: I appreciate a good stand-alone, and I’ve actually been looking for some good stand-alones lately (sometimes it’s good to watch a movie over a tv show), but I love a good series.
Duology or Trilogy: I haven’t encountered a duology yet but I can’t imagine it would be bad. Either.
Reading in winter or reading in summer: ALL OF THE SEASONS
Read with music or without music: With. But I do most things while listening to music. Even sleep, when Husband isn’t there.
Finish reading books you hate or stop reading mid-way: I have only stopped mid-book one time and don’t regret it and that book is Dexter is Delicious. I was actually more like 2/3 through but when that girl said she wanted to be
literally eaten by some dudes and then slept with new daddy Dexter who was drugged bc i can’t remember maybe she didn’t wanna die a virgin or something idk it was fuckin dumb and I stopped and didn’t even finish the series.
Yearly book challenge or no book challenge: I hate challenges. I don’t even set goals for myself.
Classics or modern books: Modern. Classics are boring af (generally) and I just automatically hate anything I was forced to read in school.
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