#PSPPSPSPPS mechs fans in the dsmp fandom please uwu?
honeyblockm · 3 years
Woe, fleshed out HNOC DSMP au be upon ye. HNOC is High Noon Over Camelot, an album that very loosely takes Arthurian myth and throws it into space. With cowboys. Like all Mechs albums, it's dearly beloved to me. You should listen to it.
In this AU Wilbur is Mordred and everyone else fills the roles around him based on that. People die. I'm having a great time.
Starts with the Syndicate rolling up to Camelot and killing the dteam. Yeah. The only concrete role that's filled is that Philza is Arthur. The rest of the Syndicate fall into the general space that Lancelot and Guinevere were. But they're still the Syndicate, so a bunch of anarchy friends. Not a romantic polycule. No stars and night this time, sorry.
Camelot is now an anarchist commune. (Why does the hanged man keep calling Phil the once and future king. We fucking hate kings.) Syndicate sticks around to make sure everything's running smoothly, resources are distributed, nobody tries to make a grab for power.
Ender table!
Once things are stable, Phil goes back for his kids. He returns to a ruined encampment, ransacked by Saxons. Wilbur and Tommy are presumed dead.
Wilbur and Tommy are not, however, dead. The Saxons took them in. This is how they meet Tubbo.
Wilbur grows up and takes in a young Fundy with the same mercy that was shown to him and his brother all those years ago.
Eventually Wilbur leaves Annwn to travel the desolate world. Fundy follows. Tommy does not. Wilbur comes to Camelot and makes a place for him and his son there.
He knows who Phil is. Phil doesn't recognize him. Wilbur doesn't tell.
There's a statue in the town. How the ropes that she hangs from in the gallows have managed to stay sturdy for as long as Camelot has existed, nobody knows. (And nobody has used the gallows for a long, long time either.) Anyways the statue. A regal thing, dressed in foreign clothes, a crown atop her head, a strip of cloth concealing her eyes. A name, carved across her chest reads: ERET. A long time ago, it'd said HEROBRINE, but it's been so long that most of the carving has worn away with age. So all that's left is read as ERET.
Sometimes she speaks. Sometimes she bids people to look into her eyes.
Wilbur looked into her eyes once, and now he won't go near the gallows.
ERET speaks to Phil, who doesn't believe her when she tells him his sons are alive.
ERET speaks to Schlatt, the newcomer. He's ambitious, charismatic, and an asshole. He does not listen to her advice, nor ERET's warnings. (He and Wilbur always seem to find themselves at odds with each other, Wilbur's kindness against his ruthlessness. Wilbur wants to open up Camelot to the Saxons, Schlatt laughs in his face. It's a struggle.)
ERET speaks the most to Fundy, who find himself spending long hours in conversation with her, much to the delight of ERET and the anxiety of Wilbur. One day, ERET tells him to sit at the seat at the head of the Ender table.
The chair! Right. Yeah, you know, the one that has killed one person who tried to sit on it and drove the other mad. That one. Fundy expresses his concern, but ERET thinks he can do it. And he trusts her. And maybe he's tired of Wilbur's overprotectiveness. Maybe if he does this he won't be treated as a child anymore.
The motherfucker pulls it off! Side effect of sitting in the magic chair: nightmares. Drifting in and out of dreaming, half caught up in decades of ship logs of every happenstance on Fort Galfridian.
Because guess what! You've been living on a space station this whole time! Also the space station has long been abandoned and is now slowly falling into the sun. Fuck.
[fundy voice] hey dad I sat in the brain-explodey chair because the statue you're deathly afraid of told me to.
[wilbur voice] you wh-
[fundy voice] also we're all going to die if we don't get the GRAIL
the GRAIL is a key to the ship interface that would allow the user to take command of the ship, turn on all the systems whose absence have made Galfridian such a waterless hellscape, and most importantly, fix the fort's orbit and keep it from falling into the sun.
It's a treacherous journey to reach the GRAIL and the Syndicate puts together a party, with Fundy to guide.
In their absence, Wilbur decides it's his chance. He's been making slow (slow) progress on getting the Saxons let in, but if he brings them now and it works- and it will work -then once the Syndicate comes back to see everyone happy and peaceful, they can't exactly kick the Saxons out now, can they? Once they activate the space station, resources won't be so sparse.
Schlatt won't like it, but Schlatt can't stop him.
So he does! He does convince Tommy and Tubbo and the Saxons who raised him to take a chance with Camelot.
Cut to the Syndicate and Fundy, the GRAIL party travels deeper and deeper into the ship until the only thing between them and their goal is a door. Only to find that it's guarded by two automatic gun turrets that are, unfortunately for Fundy at the head of the party, still active and still very dangerous. (The implication is that he dies, lol.)
It's Technoblade who walks up under the gun turrets, fielding every wave of deadly fire until the guns finally click off, empty.
He doesn't die, tho. Technoblade never dies. Super fucking messed up though, bullet holes and blood everywhere.
[philza voice] what the fuck mate
The previous holder of the GRAIL is the DreamXD, who is stuck in a dormant state in a lifepod. Whatever. The Syndicate kills him lmao.
They get the GRAIL, puts it into the ship operating system. They're told to designate a Captain, and then they realize the GRAIL can only be controlled by one person.
Feels like an issue
Anyways back above, the Saxons meet with the Camelot residents for the first time. The tension is thick enough to bleed syrupy blood if slashed open with a seax knife.
Wilbur steps forward, does not notice the scorpion by his leg. Tubbo does, and draws a knife to kill it. Schlatt sees this and mistakes this for aggression, fucking shoots Tubbo. Everything descends into chaos.
Blood! [Cheering] (Most of the Saxons are dead. Including Tommy.)
This is what I spent all these words building up to! Fuck yeah so much death!
Something breaks in Wilbur at this. After the fight, he follows the trail the Syndicate left.
Meanwhile the Syndicate settles their standoff, mutually agreeing to let Phil take the lead in this. They're about to designate the Captain when there's
Four shots. Three to hearts and heads and throats, one to drop Philza to the floor. The rest of the Syndicate is dead, and Wilbur, tired and bloody, steps out of the shadows (steps over the body of his son outside).
"Father- I'm- I'm sorry."
Whatever was said between the two, it ends with Wilbur carrying his father's wounded body into the lifepod, and FUCKING YEETING HIM INTO THE COLD VOID OF SPACE.
Then he designates himself as Captain, takes control of the space station, and pilots it into the sun.
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