thelostgirl21 · 11 months
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thelostgirl21 · 9 months
@spoonietimelordy & @iwillbringyouruin, okay, I just had to further check out the French translation of Season 3, and I have to agree with Spoonie, it is awful (especially Extraordinary Things)!
This is why Quebecers have historically been known for making their own song translations (sorry, never got over how, in Quebec, "A Whole New World" in Disney's Aladdin stays "A New World"... But the European dub changed it to "My Blue Dream"... What the heck were they thinking?!?!? How does it work?!).
However, I do get why they changed the:
I can't take you inside, I'm sorry
Then take me here
dialogue by:
The cabin is occupied
Then take me here
Because it's not like you can "take someone inside" in French! It doesn't work that way!
If you said "je ne peux pas te prendre à l'intérieur, je suis désolé" (the literal translation of "I can't take you inside, I'm sorry"), then translate it back to English while keeping the French meaning, it now says:
I can't fuck you inside, I'm sorry.
Then take me here.
That's... That's not what Jaskier meant by "I can't take you inside", now, is it? (Or is it?)
So yeah, they had to change it.
So, instead it's like:
The cabin is occupied (i.e. I'm sorry, there's already someone inside the cabin, we can't fuck there)
Then take me here
Practical, sensible, but we sadly use the punsexual aspect of the scene.
At the same time, Jaskier's subsequent reaction, when he finds Radovid looking for Ciri inside the cabin, seems a lot worse, because he never told him he couldn't go inside the cabin... in the French translation, he just said they couldn't have sex in front of his niece (again, a sensible decision)!
So, I've tried to figure out how we could have kept a pun in the scene, and promptly discovered why no one should ever hire me to translate anything...
Because all I can come up with is:
Je ne peux pas te laisser pénétrer à l'intérieur, je suis navré
Alors pénètre moi ici
Which, if English speakers are curious essentially translates as
I can't let you enter inside, I'm sorry
Then penetrate me here
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