#Paddy Holland x reader
morizoras-cave · 4 years
Break Up (Request)
Holland Brothers x gn!teen!sibling!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Hi!! I’m a new follower of yours and I would like to say that I love your writing and that you are amazing!!! Would you be able to do a Holland brothers (Tom, Sam, Harry, Paddy) x teen!sister reader where Y/N experiences her first breakup and she’s extremely upset and distraught about it. The boys comfort her and try and make her feel better and are overall just good brothers to her. Thank you in advance and I hope you are doing well!!
Warnings: breakup, emotions, language, fair warning the readers ex is described as a boy (sorry to anyone whos more into girls)
(A/N): i dont actually know the holland brothers so this might suck big time but anyway.. paddy might suck in this i dont make the rules
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You missed him. You missed him terribly. 
That was all you could think, as you stared emptily at the ceiling above you. The bed felt so hard and cold, reeking with the knowledge that you would never lie there again with him. Your heart was crushed. 
A petty feeling resided in your stomach. Why did it have to end like this? You knew your paths were leading you to different places in your lives, but still, a tiny pill of resentment stayed with you, because he didn’t have to leave you. And another pill stayed beside it, directed at yourself, for turning your anger towards him. It was no ones fault. You knew that. 
You brought your hands to your face, and breathed shakily. You’d been crying for a while now. It had stopped, but the feeling was still there. You hated yourself for being such a stereotype. A teenager worked up about such a silly thing. A breakup. Could you be anymore stupid?
A knock came from your door. 
It was Harry’s voice, right behind your door. You heard shuffling down the hall, then abruptly stopping. 
“You okay in there? Mom told us what happened..” 
You didn’t move, but still called, “I’m fine, Harry. Thanks.” 
There was silence then. No footsteps came outside your door. 
“Is it okay if I come in?” Harry asked carefully. Of course, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Not with his little sibling. He loved you, and cared for you so much. 
“I’d prefer it if you don-” before you could finish your sentence, the door opened and Harry walked inside. You saw Paddy watching the scene with big eyes, a laundry basket in his grasp, stopped in the middle of the hallway. He didn’t seem to know what to do. 
Harry sighed as walked into your room. He sat down at the edge of your bed and looked at you. Your eyes were puffy and your wet lashes were clumped together. 
“So, you’re not fine,” Harry said lowly, studying you. You rolled your eyes and sat up beside him. 
“No, Harry, I’m not. I know it’s stupid,” you sniffled bitterly. You knew your brothers would only make fun of you. To them, you were just a hysterical teen. Harry’s eyes softened at your words. 
“Why would it be stupid?” he asked quietly, eyes searching yours. You shook your head, feeling your eyes burn again. Paddy still stood, not moving. He looked like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. It was weird, you thought, to you he always looked like a kid to you, despite only being about a year old than him. 
“Because, Harry! You and.. You and Sam and Tom and Paddy are always making fun of me. You know, for being a stupid teenager or whatever. I know it’s stupid, okay? You don’t need to come in here to tell me, that this is some stupid-” you stopped yourself when another tear trickled down your face. You took a shaky breath, and wiped the tear away. You were too embarrassed to look at Harry once more. 
There was a moment of silence. You could only hear his breathing and your beating heart. Then:
“Paddy, can you go get Tom and Sam for me please?” Harry asked, eyes not leaving you. You glanced at Paddy, seeing him gulp and nod, and then race down the hallway, the clothes in the laundry basket hopping at his force. 
Harry took your hand. “Y/n.. We don’t think you’re a ‘stupid teenager’ for having feelings. These are- are natural. Every one goes through it! And that doesn’t make it any less real!” 
Your lip quivered. It was so hard to hold back your tears. You never liked to cry in front of your brothers. The only other time you did, was when your dog died. 
“Hey.. What’s going on?” Tom’s careful voice came from the doorway. Him, Sam, and Paddy peered around the corner of the bedroom door. You stifled a laugh at the sight. It felt a little less bad then.
“It turns out we’ve been a flock of assholes to Y/n. They think we think they’re stupid for their breakup,” Harry explained. You saw Tom and Sam furrow their brows, and then look at you. Paddy just stared with those big eyes. 
“Woah, is that true, N/n?” 
You struggled for words. Yes, you should’ve said, but your reluctant silence was more than enough answer. Before you could think anymore, you felt a pair of arms around you. Then another adding to the weight, and then another pair, and once more another came. Your brothers surrounded you in a large, confusing hug, but a hug nonetheless. 
“We don’t think you’re stupid for this, Y/n. We never could. You’re the smartest Holland there is!” 
“Yeah! And Liam was a good kid. We understand that it’s hard.”
“It’s totally fine to feel sad. If there’s anything you need at all, just come to us!” 
Your heart felt so full, shining with happiness, yet twinging when you thought of him once more. You cried again.
“Th-Thank you. It’s just.. God, I wish we could stay together or something. I mean, we loved each other as much as we were capable of. And I just thought we’d be together for much longer. But then..” you hiccuped, and your brothers all rubbed your back or your head. 
“It’s okay, N/n.. It’s okay..” 
They stayed with you until you stopped crying, and when you did, Sam stroked your cheek gently. 
“Hey, how about we all watch some movies?” he suggested, pulling away. Tom, Harry and Paddy all cheered enthusiastically. You smiled and nodded. You knew Tom also had a busy schedule, but he still agreed without a second thought. Your brothers and you had a much stronger bond than you realized. 
“Let’s also get ice cream! Please?” Paddy pleaded, and you nodded seriously, because that was not an offer you were about to bypass. 
And so you all watched movies and ate ice cream. You lost a boy, a boy you sincerely loved, and that hurt. But the bond you had with four other boys in your life strengthened. And if that doesn’t count for anything, you got some ice cream out of it!
It would pass, you thought as you all watched horrible horror movies long into the night, and stuffed your faces with junk food. It was real and it hurt, but alas, it would pass.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant​
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parkersbliss · 4 years
🌻: could you write a sort of follow up to the paddy blurb about leaving his house and the brothers are teasing you where the reader and paddy are on the actual date? thank you, i dont know if that makes a lot of sense but i hope so lol!! thank you 💖
Went a bit off topic, but I though this concept was cute, so here ya go!
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Follow up to this blurb
Super Secret Spies | P. Holland
"so here's the plan," Tom explained to the other two brothers.
"Are you sure we won't get caught?" Harry asked.
Tom rolls his eyes, "not if you do it correctly, c'mon mate, it's his first date."
"exactly," Sam presses, "Don't you think he'd like a bit of privacy?"
Tom shakes his head, "No, listen to me, it'll be fine."
The twins give their eldest brother a quizzical look to which he only motions for them to put on their disguises. Harry sighs, reluctantly putting on his fake mustache and baseball cap. Sam slips on a pair of sunglasses, parting his hair in a different way than usual. Tom had tried to convince him to wear a wig, but he wasn't having it. Tom, of course, had gone all out with a mustache, wig, sunglasses, and floral button up.
"let's do this."
Paddy sat across from you in the booth; everything was going perfect. He didn't know he'd been so nervous greeting you at the door, although he believed it had something to do with his brothers. The waitress came back, handing you both your drinks as you began sipping on them.
"Your brothers seem like a handful," You teased.
"Oui, you have no idea. Between you and me, Tom's the worse," He whispers, pretending like someone else was listening in on your conversation.
You giggle and Paddy's heart flips in his chest at the sound. He wanted to hear it for the rest of his life. Another waiter leads a group of three boys past your table and Paddy swears one of them looks just like Sam, the only difference being the hair. The waiter seats them at a table somewhat near you both and he watches as all three of them pick up their menus to obstruct their faces. You follow Paddy's gaze and turn back to him, "Didn't know you were into middle-aged men," You joked.
Paddy snaps back into reality, blushing furiously, "'m only interested in you."
He watches as you try and hold back that smile he loved so much, but fail to do so, "Shut up, you flirt."
He winks at you, his nervous demeanor gone, "I was only looking because I believe my brothers might be spying us."
You swivel your head to get a better look, but Paddy reaches out to grab your hand and direct your attention back towards him, "don't look now!"
"your brothers are so weird," You whisper, glancing over to their table and noting that they were, in fact, very interested in your date.
"I've got an idea," Paddy mumbled. He leans across the table to whisper it to you, and you stifle a laugh at the outrageous thought.
"Let's do it," you said.
Paddy looks past your shoulder at the people who he's convinced are his brothers, making sure they were watching.
"ready?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
You nod and Paddy gently cups your cheeks and kisses you.
"He's kissing her!" Harry yells, watching as his little brother is stretched over the table to snog you.
"Before the meal? I don't think so!" Tom said, standing up and ripping off his mustache.
"Tom wait --" Sam started, but gave up as the eldest storms over to your table.
"Paddy!" He shouts, yanking him back in his seat. Your cheeks flush with heat as you look away.
"So you were spying on us!" Paddy accuses, looking at Sam and Harry, who had put their menus back up.
"Rightfully so," Tom scoffs, "you can't kiss her before the end of your first date."
"This isn't the first time we've kissed Tom," Paddy shrugs, leaning back and crossing his arms.
Tom gasps, "what else are you two getting up to?"
Paddy rolls his eyes, pushing his brother back to his respective table, "none of your business, now please, leave."
"We came here to enjoy a meal too," Tom defends.
"Then please, enjoy the meal and stop staring at us, creeps."
Paddy walks back over to your table, sliding back into his seat, "I'm sorry a—"
"Keep it PG!" Harry interrupts, followed by his other brothers yelling.
"Have you complimented her yet?"
"Are you having fun yet, (Y/N)?"
"I think you made it worse," You laugh, not really minding his brothers.
Paddy groans, "One more word out of any of you and we're leaving!"
That shuts up them up and Paddy exhales in relief, "Now, where were we?"
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parkersbliss · 4 years
🌻- dating paddy n meeting his family for the first time!!
🌻- Blurb Request | Join my sleepover here!
The Holland’s | P. Holland
"I'm going to warn you in advance, they can be a bit overwhelming," Paddy said as he leads you to his front door. You guy had been dating for a few months and finally made the call to meet his family.
You smile at him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, "I'm sure they're lovely."
"Yeah, lovely," He mumbled, pushing the door open. He peeks his head in, checking for any intruding brothers waiting, but finds none.
"Hello?" He calls out.
"Is she here?" Harry yelled, running down the stairs and immediately spotting you, "She's here!"
That seems to get the rest of the family's attention as they all race into the room. Harry, obviously being the first.
"Hey, you must be (Y/N)!" He said, bringing you in for a quick hug, "Paddy never shuts up about you."
Paddy groans, swatting his brother away from you, "Harry!"
Tom comes next, "aren't you lovely?" He smirks, shaking your hand, making you shy away from him.
"'m Tom, in case you didn't already know."
You shake your head, "Oh, I know. Paddy had told me plenty of horror stories about you."
Tom's jaw drops as Paddy laughs nervously, pushing him away and turning you toward the next brother, "This is Sam."
Sam smiles at you, extending his hand, "It's nice to meet you!" He said cheerily.
"You too!" You replied, giving him a genuine smile.
"And (Y/N)," Paddy said, turning you, "these are my parents."
Nikki doesn't hesitate to pull you in a hug, "Oh, it's so nice to meet you, darling! Paddy's been waiting forever to show you off! You make him so happy," She gushes. You turn around to look at Paddy smirking as he avoids your gaze, cheeks on fire. Dom comes next at he offers to shake your hand, "never thought I'd see the day my son got a girlfriend," he jokes, patting your head. You throw your head back laughing, "you're even funnier in person, it's so nice to meet you!"
Dom wiggles his eyebrows, "thank you."
Paddy pulls you back to his side, "okay, if everybody's done embarrassing me, can we eat?"
"wait! wait," His mum calls, running into the living room and bringing back a photo album. The three elder brothers giggle as Paddy's face turns a brighter shade of red.
"Who wants to see baby photos?"
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parkersbliss · 4 years
🌻 - having your first kiss with paddy?
🌻- Blurb Request | Join my sleepover here!
Ferris Wheel | P. Holland
The bright lights of the carnival illuminated the night sky. The smell of popcorn and other various treats drifted in the slight breeze. You and Paddy were walking around, pointing at all the different activities and rides in the fair. Paddy's hand was gently holding yours, swinging it slightly. Everything was just perfect as you two walked around. You eventually stopped in front of the Ferris wheel, watching the bright lights dance in multiple patterns. Your eyes glanced at Paddy, watching the way his face was brightened by the lights, the neon colors splashing on his freckled face, and reflecting in his eyes. Paddy turned to look at you, smirking when he already finds your gaze on him.
"What?" He asked, breath tickling your skin from how close you two were standing.
You shake your head, "Nothing, you just looked pretty under the lights."
If Paddy was blushing you couldn't tell, "I think you look prettier."
You laugh, avoiding his gaze, "thank you."
Paddy squeezes your hand softly and you glance down at them then back at him.
"Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel?" He gestures to the structure in front of you.
"Why?" You snort, "so you can kiss me at the top like every romantic comedy?"
Paddy gasps, "well what would you prefer? I kiss you here?"
You shrug, "I don't know, that's up to you."
Paddy grins, pulling you closer to him, your breath catches in your throat as you realize how close his lips were to yours. Your gaze flickers from his lips to his face and he rolls his eyes, pressing his lips to yours. He's gentle, hands moving to cup your face as his lips move against yours. For a first kiss, it's not bad, your teeth do clash together a bit and you pull back giggling.
"So can I take you up and kiss you on the Ferris wheel now?"
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parkersbliss · 4 years
🌻- being pen pals from a different country with paddy and meeting! that might be too long of a request for a blurb but thank you so much!!! congrats on 1k!!!!!!! i love your blog and im so proud of you!!!! you deserve it
🥺🥺💘 thank you so much! I love you!!
🌻- blurb request
Pen Pals | P. Holland
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
Today was the day, you were meeting him. It didn't feel real, it felt like some type of fever dream. Three years of exchanging letter and now you were going to see him face to face, to hug him. It was so much to process and your leg was bouncing up and down nervously on your flight. You didn't have much longer left until you arrived in London, maybe an hour or so. It was weird to think about, you'd never been this far away from home, and not just to meet a friend. Time seemed to fly by and soon enough you were landing and in the airport, dragging your suitcase behind you and searching for him. Was he holding a sign? You didn't know, he didn't say much, just that he'd be there. Your eyes scanned the mass of people waiting for loved ones to return when your eyes settled in on a boy. He had auburn hair and bright hazel eyes, face littered with freckles. It was like time slowed as you locked eyes and he ran forward.
This was happening.
You both ran forward and Paddy stopped to let you jump into his arms, your legs wrap around him as you both fall to the floor.
"Oh my god, it's you, it's really you!" Paddy exclaimed, hugging you.
"It's me, yeah, it's me, holy shit, hi," You giggled as you climb off of him. You both stand up, faces flushed, but ultimately giggling before embracing each other again. The two of you stood in the middle of the airport just hugging and embracing the feelings of being in the arms of the other. It happened, you were here with him after all those years.
You eventually pull away after god knows how long.
"You're beautiful, by the way. I mean, uh, you're really pretty in person too," Paddy rambles.
"Thank you," You said, not bothering to hide the stupid grin on your face, "You're kind of cute yourself," You teased, bumping shoulders with him. Paddy blushes, "thank you."
You loop arms with him, grabbing your suitcase which had fallen over during your meet, "so, London?"
Paddy nods excitedly, pulling you out of the busy airport and into the streets of the great city where a day full of adventure and laughter awaits, "London."
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parkersbliss · 4 years
First of all, congratulations on 1,000 followers!! You deserve it!! I’m on desktop and can’t use emojis, but I was wondering if you could write a blurb for first date with Paddy and his brothers tease him bc he has a crush on y/n? Thank you so much!
thank you!! 💞
Smitten | P. Holland
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
Paddy was nervous. He didn't even know it was possible to be so nervous, god was he sweating? It wasn't even that hot, he was still inside the house where the AC was working perfectly fine. He checked his phone again for the time, as he expected only a minute had passed.
"Jeez mate, you're shaking," Tom said, resting a hand on his shoulder.
Paddy smiles nervously, "I just really want this date to go perfectly because she's perfect and she deserves a perfect first date and I want to impress her because she's just so amazing," Paddy gushes.
"Mate, you are so smitten," Tom laughs.
Paddy blushes, swatting his brother's hand away, "shut up man, she's going to be here any minute and I don't need you embarrassing me."
Tom scoffs, "Embarras you? Sam, Harry! Paddy thinks we're going to embarrass him on his first date."
The twins come bounding down the stairs, "Why would you think that?" Harry asks, almost tripping over Sam's feet and faceplanting on the carpet.
Paddy takes one look at his brothers and sighs, "Did you really just ask that? You almost fell down the stairs!"
The four brothers get into a heated argument when suddenly the doorbell rings.
"Oh my god, it's (Y/N)," Paddy said, shoving his brothers into the kitchen. They all yell in protest and he quickly shushes them, "You can come out when we're gone. Until then, stay here and don't embarrass me!"
Paddy quickly walks back to the front door and swings it open to reveal you. It was that moment that Paddy knew he got lucky. There you stood, looking as beautiful as ever and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Your eyes sparkled under the front lights of his porch and a small smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you nervously tucked away a strand of hair.
"Hey," You said.
"Hi, wow, you look breathtaking," Paddy breathed.
Your smile widens and you look down bashfully, "thanks, you look really good too."
"Did you want to come inside for a bit? Or we could go already, whatever you want to do is fine," Paddy rushes out. If he's being honest he really hopes you don't come inside because, at that point, there's no way he could escape his brothers.
"Oui! Inviting the lady in already?" Tom shouts.
Paddy rolls his eyes turning toward the kitchen, "Shut up, Tom!" He turns back to you, "'m really sorry, my brothers can be a bit—“
"So you're the girl he's been talking about all week?" Sam inquires, now standing behind Paddy.
"Guys, please--"
"Jesus, he never shuts up about you. A lovely lady you are though," Harry comments.
You smile, face a bit flushed at the compliments, and the idea of Paddy being that excited about your date, "thank you."
Tom steps out from the twins, "what are your intentions? We can't have you breaking our little bro's heart."
"I didn't intend on, um, I really like you, uh, Paddy," You stumbled, not quite sure who you were talking too.
"He really likes you too!" Sam perked up, "just a few minutes ago he shoved us in the kitchen because he thought we were going to embarrass you! Can you believe that?"
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry about them," Paddy apologizes.
Harry scoffs, "sorry about us? Mate, we're doing you a favor!"
You let out a slight giggle at the four brothers, "'s okay."
"you know earlier he was talking about--"
Paddy's eyes go wide, "nope, no, no, no." He grabs your hand in his and pulls you away from the door and leads you down the front steps.
"We're leaving now before you embarrass me more!"
The three boys laugh loudly, "come back soon, (Y/N)!"
You turn around, “I will?”
"Oh snap, Paddy she's already planning your second date," Sam teases.
"Goodbye!" Paddy shouts, walking a bit faster to escape them.
"Use protection!"
"TOM you asshole!"
"Have fun!" Harry said.
"You guys are the worse!"
Tom leans back against the door, arms crossed as he watches the two of you walk down the streets, hand in hand, laughing at something Paddy said, "He'll thank us later."
"Will he?"
"Probably not."
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