#PainfulTests Bob
One second, I was drawing on a white board. Next thing you know, I make an AU version of Bob
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As a former cannibal, hence he's dead. He wasn't talked much about in over a decade since his death. During the mutated monsters reign, scientists desperately made separate labs all around the world in hope to find an anti-dote for the mutations by using children and corpses. Many of the corpse tests were unsuccessful, however, one was...
Since his revival, he's been hungry for human meat as usual. Scientists saw this and during his test, he was often knocked out and was force fed to keep him alive. When the lab was no longer safe, the scientists evacuated leaving Bob with the many other experiments that had violent tendencies. He fought his way out of the lab and was open to the barren world of nothing but destroyed cities and mutated creatures. From his past tests, he's developed an uncontrollable hunger to where it hurts him. He kills any mutated creature and eats it whether they tasted good or not. He's always hungry and scared. If you wish to be his ally during this dystopian times, the chances of him being your friend as very very low... This is based on a story I'm working on called End of a Slice, where mutated animals from nuclear waste take over the surface. Humans either die from them or live underground or out of sight. I'll have drawings of that at some point, other than that enjoy your day.
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