#Pants is a rescue who got her tail chopped off and developed…sentience.
egregiousderp · 1 year
i have a question that ive been thinking about for a while
Whats ur favorite pokemon?👀
I have several plushes so all of them get honorary talks. (So I have Squire the Cubone, Soup the Sobble, and Heelies the Helioptile. With Azula the Torchic, Whippet the Bulbasaur, and Red the charmander in storage.)
If you were fighting me as a gym leader though I’d be one of those asshole gym leaders who makes you do a double battle with Pants the Slowking and Wonderboy the Rhydon so I can check out your Pokémon teamwork dynamics. (I LOVE Rhydon and Slowking. But that’s because these are the two I raised together in my Go team.)
I used to have a whole six slot team planned out for if you wanted to get a badge off me, so you’d have to use all your own six team slots, and my Pokémon tend to be tricky things that cover one another’s gaps and weaknesses. (I know my second tier involved Nanii, my Sceptile. Who’s named for @naniiebim —the person who created my icons here and on discord.)
Let’s see…
I LOVE Wobbuffet and Makuhita.
My favorite legendary hands down is Raikou because Raikou is freaking chill as shit. (Oh, you’re an ex team rocket member who’s an electric trainer? I choose you to wield my power. And if it changes you for the better then I’m going to pretend not to notice. Oh, there’s a salon maiden who’s also a trainer? Free hair care and nails done? Yeah I’m good with this. SO. CHILL.) but also because it’s the first legendary I ever caught in Go. (Not for lack of trying.)
And I caught mine RIGHT after hurricane Irma.
(My Raikou is still named Irma. And I have a Raikou pin I sometimes wear at work with a little Wizard!Kakashi next to it.)
I bond with my pixels in a normal way. I am very normal. 😐
I haven’t done anything for the later generations because I don’t have a switch. It’ll trickle into Journeys or into Go and I’ll develop favorites then.
You uh. Might have to narrow down by type and watch me explode about my favorite ones in Go. ^^;;;;
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