#Papílios oc
yandere-chocolate · 2 years
❦❦Yandere Dreamcore OCs introduction❦❦
TW/CW: fear, cussing, unrealistic situations, spelling mistakes.
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Papilíos (Παπιλίος)
“Hey…are you okay?” A soft masculine voice asked. You groaned, confused, but not question why you’re hearing someone in your room. Say, when did your bed get so hard? & warm? &…gravely? You jumped awake & found out you weren’t in your bed at all! You were in a street! The voice you heard was probably a person who was concerned for your well-being.
“Hey,” the voice spoke again, “are you alright? Why were you sleeping in the streets?” The man asked. You blushed from embarrassment & got up, “sorry, sorry! I have no idea how I got here!” You laughed, brushing the dirt of of your clothes. When you finally looked up to the man who was so concerned for you, you let out a surprised tea-kettle like scream for a short 2 seconds.
He was 1.803 meters tall or 5’11, & had a floating butterfly head with a single green eye in the middle. After your reaction, the butterfly man jolted, “oh goodness! What’s wrong?!” His eye was wide & he seemed to be genuinely concerned. That calmed you down a little bit & you let a sigh of both relief & exhaustion. “Sorry, that’s my bad! I…I guess…” you couldn’t tell this man that his face was creepy! That’s rude! So you lied. “I guess I just fully processed everything going on!” The butterfly man chuckled a little & put his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, I understand. Do you live somewhere around here?” “Huh?” “Do you have a house?” You stared into the butterfly’s eye. You normally don’t enjoy looking anyone in the eye, but this…this felt different. Like this time it was okay.
You sighed again, thinking. You decided to be honest this time. “No…I…don’t have a home. At least not here.” He looked at you with sympathy. “Oh…I’m so sorry…” he told you.
“Say, why don’t you come live at my place? Until you can get off of your feet.” He offered & you perked up. A free place? Of course you would accept!
You two were at the front door of the house. It was a light monotone blue house & was fairly big, although any house would have been better than the many apartments you lived in.
You walked inside, admiring the inside of the house. It also smelled…nice. There was a dull fresh, sweet scent throughout the house. As you explored, the butterfly guy following close behind you, you noticed that there were a lot of pictures of various things. Gardens, neighborhoods, butterflies with…mouths? The butterfly guy must have caught you staring because he gave a nervous explanation.
“T-Those are just some photos I took to try out the new camera. I’m a photographer.” He told you. “I know they look a little cliché, but…you know…” if the butterfly could blush, he would be.
“Hey!” You chirped in realization, “I never got your name!” You told the man. His wings gave a hard flap of surprise. “O-Oh! You’re right! Uhm…my name is Papilíos. How about you?” You smiled, “my name is (Y/n)!”
Papilíos’ eye relaxed with content when he heard your name. You didn’t hear him, you were too busy rushing off to check out what else Papilíos had, but the blue butterfly whispered under his breath:
“(Y/n)? Wow…” he let out a sigh of adoration, “what a beautiful name…~”
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Lus (Λυς)
It was so warm. You smiled as you laid in your bed. Wait…this doesn’t feel like your bed. This doesn’t even feel like a bed! You got up frantically, seeing that you sleeping on soft, green grass with the sun warming you. Not the worst place to fall asleep, but you would rather awake to the same place you went to bed in.
You heard someone walking on the grass far behind you. “Hey!” A cheerful voice spoke, “what’s up? I thought you were dead!” They laughed, stopping right behind you. You didn’t move. You were still processing what was going on. The person behind you didn’t understand that.
“Hey, dude…you okay?” The voice sounded genuinely concerned now. A hand touched your shoulder & you jolted away, more out of surprise than anything else.
“Woah! Okay, okay! I’mma just…stay right here…away from you. You take your time.”
You stood up fully & turned around to face the other person, talking while you did so, “oh no, sorry! I didn’t mean to—AH!” You yelled in surprise as you saw what looked to be a regular person but with only a big, singular, floating yellow eye for their…head? You didn’t know.
The eyeball person jumped in surprise as you screamed. “AH! Okay, okay, what happened? Did something break? Are you actually dying? Tell me, dude!” They rushed over to you in a panic. “BLINK TWICE IF YOU’RE DYING!” They yelled, which would be hilarious to you, if you weren’t so confused & scared.
“I’m…I don’t think I’m dying, it’s just…you startled me, is all.” You removed their hands from you. The eyeball let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank fuck. Sorry for being…eeerr…grabby!” They chuckled, a hand nervously rubbing the back of their neck. “Hey, why are you even out here?” They asked & you thought for a moment. “I’m not going to lie to you, I just sort of woke up here.” The eyeball let out an exasperated sigh & rolled their eye…face? Whatever.
“Ugh! It must’ve been that asshole Clemen! He’s always pulling shit like this!” The eye snarled through their words, “hate that guy so much…”
Silence fell over the both of you for a few moments before the eyeball perked up. “Hey!” They chirped, “why don’t you live with me? My apartment is pretty spacy!” They didn’t have a mouth, yet you could tell they were smiling. “& I can kick Clemen’s ass if he ever tries anything! How about it, dude?” They held out a hand in hopes of getting a handshake, in order to fake being formal.
You looked them in the eye. “I don’t know…what’s the catch?” You asked, a smile on your face. They seemed to be thinking for a few moments. “…you…” they spoke in a more raspy, dark voice, “…have to watch old cartoons & anime with me.” & with that, you were sold.
You noticed the apartment was empty. You barely saw anyone. The walls were colorful & warm, which was nice.
Once you were at your newfound eyeball friend’s room, you saw that it was just plain white, strange when considering the rest of the apartment was full of pastels. You weren’t here to judge, though. A free room is a free room.
The eye jumped & faceplanted into their bed, before flopping around & switching into a “draw me like one of your French girls”(sorry not sorry) pose.
“What’da ya think?” They asked, their eye half-lidded to fake seduction before jumping up on their bed, “TWO BEDROOMS, BABY!” They yelled as you laughed a little. It was funny how some animation-obsessed 1.575 meter/5’2 adult eyeball could have so much energy.
As you two laughed together & tried to figure out what anime you should watch together, you realized something. “Oh! I never got your name!” You said. “Oh yeah!” The eye realized & laughed about it, “oh…I’m Lus!” They told you. “& what do you call yourself, beautiful stranger I found in the middle of a grassy valley?~” you rolled your eye & giggled, “my name is (Y/n).”
Lus’ eye widened when they heard the name. “Wow…nice!” They cheerfully said. & the two of you went back to scrolling on Crunchyroll.
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Solian (Σολιαν)
“Kids, get away from them!” You heard a voice call you as you felt little hands around your face & arms, but they were quickly pulled away. “Hey! What did I just say?” A soft yet stern voice told someone. Despite recognizing how strange this was, you took your time opening your eyes. This must just be a strange dream. None of these voices could be real…right?
You opened your eyes only to gasp in horror at the children you saw. The kids had normal human bodies but floating objects with a singular eye placed in the middle. They were all staring at you.
Seemingly only adult in the room, besides you, seemed to be the same. He had a sunflower for a head & had one rainbow eye.
Luckily, he seemed calm & encouraged the children to give you space. “Alright, kids!” The soft-spoken man cheerfully said, “looks like TV time will have to wait. But! How about some extra recess?” The kids cheered as they ran out the door. “Wait! Remember, one at a time!” The sunflower man called out but very few children seemed to listen.
The 1.907 meter tall/6’3 figure looked over you, their colorful eye fixated on you. Despite the fact that they helped you & clearly didn’t have any bad intentions you couldn’t help but feel intimidated.
Finally the man kneeled down, making you relax a little bit more since he was no longer looming over you. “Hey…” he spoke in an even softer voice than he already had, “it’s okay. No need to be scared. I won’t hurt you.” His voice was so calming & sweet that it almost made you want to go back to sleep again.
“Now,” the sunflower man crossed his legs to get a bit more comfortable, “tell me what happened. Why were you in the daycare’s TV room?” You thought, still feeling lightheaded.
“I don’t know…I just woke up here.” You answered honestly. “Do you have a home that I can take you to?” He asked. “…no.” You answer & the sunflower’s eye softened, clearly pitying you & your current situation. “Alright,” he shifted, “how about this? You will help me out here at the daycare for the rest of the day & I will try to find you a place to stay tonight. Does that sound good?” You nodded as he lifted you up from the floor.
“What’s your name?” He asks in that honey voice of his. “(Y/n).” You nervously said. “Yours?” You asked, looking at the sunflower’s pretty eye. “My name is Solian. It’s nice to meet you!” You could tell he was smiling despite the lack of mouth & you two shook hands.
“Alright, get the TV ready. I promise to protect you from any rowdy 6-year-olds.” Solian joked, looking at nod before leaving the room.
It had been a long day, & Solian couldn’t even find your parents so you could live with them!
“I guess you weren’t lying.” Solian turned to you, shaking from both the cold night air & anxiety on what was going to happen to you. It made his heart ache.
Solian thought for a few moments before putting a hand on your shoulder.
“How about this?” They spoke softly, “I’ll get you a nice hotel room for the night & after that I can get you a job at the daycare. We can be roommates until you can afford a house of your own. Deal?” You were so shocked at how nice this man was being, but you nodded. Solian sighed & held your hand, “let’s go.” He told you, leading you to a pastel hotel.
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Pulchra (Πυλχτα)
You woke up in what appeared to be an empty mall. That is, until you heard a feminine voice spoke to you above you.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” A genuinely concerned voice asked. You groggily nodded, barely able to even stand up yet. Though, you woke up immediately as soon as you saw blood. Human blood. You fell back into someone, luckily whoever was behind you caught you.
“Goodness! Be careful, you could’ve broken something!” The voice told you. “I’m sorry-” you spoke while turning around to face the woman who caught you, “-I didn’t mean to trip, I just-” you cut yourself off & bit your lip once you saw her. She had a normal body, but her head was just floating, glossy lips!
She didn’t seem to care why you cut yourself off, though. “No, no, it’s okay! I’m more worried about you! Why were you passed out in the middle of the mall? Did something happen?” The woman asked, standing still as to not scare you. “I…don’t know. I just woke up here. I-I don’t know how I got here or what happened-” you began breathing heavily, the weight of the situation finally processing to you. “Okay, okay, calm down! Look, how about we walk around the mall together, just me & you?” The woman smiled softly as she awaited your response. You supposed a walk around couldn’t hurt. Might as well take in your surroundings.
This woman was so nice to you! She bought you new clothes & was very caring towards you & your fear of this new world.
She explained to you that the winged eyeball flying around the mall was just security, making sure customers payed for everything. She even allowed you to cling to her when you were scared of said flying eyeballs. On the way, you two even exchanged names!
The two of you laughed as you both exited the mall, shopping bags wrapped around your arms.
“Say, do you have a house?” Pulchra asked, smiling, “maybe I can take you home! I know it can be pretty scary at night.” You shook your head. “I don’t have a home here. & if I do, I can’t remember where it is. But I’m pretty sure I’m homeless…” you sighed. “Poor baby…” Pulchra thought.
“…well, do you want a home?” She asked, looking off into the distance towards nothing in particular. “What do you mean?” You asked. She wasn’t just about to give you a house…right?
“I was just thinking…it can get pretty lonely at my house…that is pretty big…big enough for two people…okay, I’m asking if you can live with me!” She giggled. You were stunned. “Do I…? Why wou…? What?” You asked in disbelief. You were dreaming. You had to be. “So~…what do say?” She gave you a smile. She was serious.
“O…wha….of course!” You yelled excitedly to Pulchra’s amusement. “Okay! Just follow me! We’ll get ‘chu your own room & your own decoration—it will be so fun!”
& with that, she held your hand & you both were off.
(So…do you guys like my bois? Because I do!)
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