#Paphos Mosaics
ukdamo · 3 months
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Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this leaping tiger, from the House of Dionysius, Paphos, Cyprus.
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... mosaic ...
A lovely tiger discovered at the House of Dionysos, a 2nd century villa from the Roman period in Nea Paphos, Cyprus.
Detail of a hunting scene mosaic, late second- early third century AD.
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cyprus2024 · 5 months
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April 2024
House of Orpheus
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deepdisireslonging · 2 months
Remembering the Forgotten
The Reader revisits the beach that looks up at her dig site. But on this trip, something or someone in the water calls to her. When she answers, who she meets is more ancient than any artifact she’s ever held. And all he wants to do is possess and pleasure her to thier heart’s content.
Pairing: Sea God!Loki x Archaeologist!Reader
Warnings/Promises: cw food mention, bad night-swimming safety, magic, SMUT, oral (female receiving), p in v, shadow tentacle/magic bondage, overstimulation, ritualistic-ish smut, divine sugar baby proposition, mutual pining, bad archaeology humor
Word Count: 5500 (oops)
Note: I had another dig in Cyprus and I got to revisit my favorite beach. Which of course gave me a few ideas. Unlike the reader, I did forget my water shoes. If you ever go to Cyprus, don’t be me. Sorry not sorry for this blatant self-insertion fic I came up with on my last day of the dig. Happy reading!
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With squeals of delight, you and your girl friends dashed into the waters. The waters off Kourion beach in Cyprus were barely rippled by waves. Last weekend, with the entire island lacking a breeze, the sea had been as calm as lake water. But this weekend, they managed several soft breaking waves. Which was a wonderful escape from the high temperatures ravaging the summer. And this year, you had not forgotten your swim shoes to combat the pebbles that outlined the beaches like a low defense wall.
And the beach was packed with tourists. And locals. Pooling your money, your little group had snared the last rentable chair and umbrella.
Your friend, Chiara, sighed as she let a wave wash over her shoulders. “This is why we let you talk us into these trips.”
The last of your trio, Lara, re-emerged after dipping her head under the water. “Almost makes all of those visits to your sites worth it.” She spun in place, digging a hole in the sand with her toes. “This is the perfect way to wash off all that sweat we made in Paphos.”
“Hey. I made sure you both wore enough sunscreen. And we all had enough water.” You pouted, a little hurt by Lara’s disdain. “I warned you guys that Paphos was luminous. The Romans loved white stones. Which unfortunately reflects every ounce of sunlight, but it was helpful back before electric light. Some of those stones were dimmed because the Romans also liked to purposefully weather the stone. They thought it gave their structures a worn, domestic look.” You were only a little miffed that both of your friends didn’t enjoy the archaeology of the site as much as you did. Then again, you were the one who dug here. They had to be bribed into this non-dig trip with promises of shopping in Nikosia and Omodos.
Lara dipped her head apologetically. Glancing up at the cliff-face that abutted the coat, she asked, “so where’s your site? Can we see it from here?”
“Oh, yeah.” You pointed from one side to the other. “That white tarp structure on the left is the House of Achilles, named for the mosaic inside. It’s next to the back exit of the site. And right there is where the paragliders take off, off the cliff. The whole stretch here is the city. And there, just right of that dip in the cliff, is my site. Past the curve there is the house of Eustolius, a rich guy who built a bathhouse for the city after the earthquake in the fourth century. But the whole top there is Kourion.”
A rogue wave nearly topped the three of you, making you all laugh even as you sputtered around the salt water. When the water leveled out, you could touch bottom again. The sand under your toes was soft and completely devoid of seashells.
Chiara looked back to watch for more rogues. “That’s still cool that you worked here. Have you ever thought about moving to the island? You obviously love it here. With so many museums, and all your professor’s connections, you could probably get a job. Easy.”
You dipped your head underwater to delay your response. This topic was a secret sore spot. “I don’t really have the personal credentials for the museums around here. My Greek is tolerable.”
“But it would get better the longer you’re here,” Lara added. She jumped with you as a wave rolled through.
“Perhaps. But,” you licked your salty lips, “I’m not a fan of the schmoozing you have to do at events. I would like a museum lab job. But not if it requires me to make… appearances. Makes me feel like I’m an animal in a zoo.”
“That’s fair.” As a preacher’s kid, Chiara knew what it was like to be constantly on display. Never able to step out of line in case it reflected bad on her dad. “Maybe we can find you a rich British guy who wants to vacation here permanently.”
You all giggled at that. Almost like they had been summoned, a group of three guys waved and hooted at your trio. It made you all burst out laughing. But before they could swim close, you all took off over the waves for “deeper” water. Being Kourion, the water didn’t actually get deeper. But definitely further from the shore.
Chiara didn’t let the subject go. “Come on. You’ve joked that a good, arranged marriage would be excellent for your school’s archaeology department.”
“Yeah,” you said, rolling your eyes. “But I’m more likely to get hit on by a Russian than a Brit here.”
Lara gracefully drifted the conversation to something less embarrassing for you. She and Chiara began to plan the next shopping adventure.
But your focus had been stolen. Further out, near the line of buoys that kept people from swimming out to sea, you could see a man. His dark hair stood out against the bright horizon. The longer you looked at him, the stronger you could feel the current pulling at your legs.
“Earth to Y/N?”
“Hmm?” You turned back to your friends, barely noticing the sudden drop in current. “What?”
“Are there any sites you want to see around Famagusta?”
“Yes… but we’re not going to Famagusta.”
“Why not?”
“It’s in the North!” While you re-gave them a quick history of the island and it’s split into more-or-less two countries, you could feel eyes prickling over your skin. When you looked into deeper water, you could have sworn that your dark-haired man was joined by someone with hair like the sun. But then Chiara was dragging you all back towards the shore for gelato.
A wave swelled up from out of nowhere, quickly overtaking your trio. It wasn’t a rogue. But it’s undertow fought your arms paddling in the opposite direction. Like the sea wanted you not only to stay in the water. But to go out deeper.
Which was ridiculous.
All the same, as the three of you crossed the small stones to the hot sand, something from the water called to you. You looked back. Your dark-haired mystery was gone.
 “Why can’t I have her?” Loki slipped outside the buoys to the deep-water side. From there, nobody on the beach would be able to see them. While the mortals had put the line there as a deterrent for swimmers, he had applied magic to the rope long ago. “Brother, it has been a long time since I called a mortal to me. I have been patiently waiting.”
At his side, Thor crossed his arms. “These days are not like the old ones. The mortals will miss her. We can no longer take who we want while their families consider it a blessing. Now they send boats and pray to younger gods.” He followed Loki’s gaze in your direction. “Forget her, brother. Like you have all others.”
Loki nodded, even if that last statement was wrong.
Sure that you were far out of his brother’s mind, Thor dipped under the waters and swam out to sea.
But the dark-haired god lingered. With his magic, he could see you clearly sitting under that gaudy umbrella. He could smell the sweet sugar of your gelato. The warmth of the sun on your skin was cooled by the shade. He could taste each remaining rivlet of saltwater running down your arms and legs.
Loki leaned over the buoy. “Look at me,” he willed. After an eternity of seconds, you did. He knew you’d barely be able to see him over the waves and the glare of the sun. But he saw your head tilt to one side; curious.
He willed toward you another command. There wasn’t a chance that you’d swim out that second. But he could wait. He could relax under the waves until you stepped back into his domain, called by his silent whisper in your ear.
“Come back to me.”
Nightlife on Kourion beach was less stressful than the daytime. With the sun gone, the waves took on a foreboding warning. The only light on the waters came from the few restaurants sitting on the sand. Your trio was sat at the more expensive one in the middle. Next to your morning’s umbrella. This was also the one with the good gelato and other sweets behind display glass.
Chiara and Lara were happily munching on their desserts. You hadn’t ordered one. Instead, you were content to stare off into the waves, counting the stars that glimmered overhead.
The waves still called to you. Their relaxing pulse and crash pulled on you like a current, or like a string attached to your chest. You made up your mind.
“I’m going for a swim.”
Startled, Lara looked out into the waters. “Are you sure? It’s going to be really dark out there.”
You stood, shedding your wrap-around skirt and folding it over the back of your chair. “I’ll stay where you can see me. I promise.”
With the drop of the sun, the sand was cool under your toes. The water was pleasantly warm. Without your water shoes, you gingerly crossed the stones. Stepping into the sand on the other side was a relief. And further out, you could swim in waters less choppy than that morning.
Then you kept swimming out. And further. And further.
Looking back, you could still see your friends as if you’d never left the stones. And you could steadily stand on the perfectly smooth sand beneath the water. You could walk. Calmly, watching the stars and the shore, you kept walking backwards completely oblivious to how far out you were.
Until your shoulder blades bumped into the buoys.
With a start, you dove into the water to swim away. But when you came up for air, you hadn’t moved.
The dark-haired man on the other side of the rope slid his eyes over you. They were bright, the same color as the Mediterranean on a sunny day. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“I’m not sure what else you’d thought would happen. Poppin’ up outta the ocean like that.” Your heart thundered in your ears. The gentle movement of the water circled around you until you were calm again. “What are you doing out this far? In the dark?”
He grinned, dipping his head to face the water. “I was… I was waiting for you.” His eyes glanced over your lips. “The sea called to you, didn’t it? That’s why you came this deep. In the dark.”
For a split second, you considered diving under the waves to swim away again. But something about him… you had a feeling you would make it about as far as last time. “Who are you?”
Again, he grinned. This time, he kept eye-level with you. His canines were curved and sharp, like the teeth of a barracuda. He took your hand as you shivered. “I am known as Loki.” His hand, shimmery with salt water and the hint of scales, dragged you closer to the buoy. He kissed over your knuckles. “And you have nothing to fear with me.”
His kiss left your skin tingling. With a start, you realized why you had been so drawn to him that morning. “You… you visited my dig. Last season.” The tall, suited man. You had thought it odd for someone to wear so much black in so high a heat. But the kiss he laid on your knuckles was the same. The current of him was the same. As were his eyes.
Loki glanced back over the deeper call of the sea. “That – that I did. Though I would appreciate you not repeating it. I’m… I’m not supposed to visit land.” The water shuddered around him. “But, yes. We have met before. I was enchanted by you, Y/N. On land, I couldn’t call you to me. But when you and your friends came back to my beach,” he nodded, “I don’t usually believe in luck. Today has altered my perception.”
Your perception was changed too. The scales. The teeth. You should have been terrified. Instead, every word he said swam around your head like a sweet perfume. And like perfume, even if you did manage to get away, his thrall would linger. “Why me?”
“Why not you?”
“Because, I’m – I’m just—”
“Just you?” Before you realized what he was doing, the rope of the buoy drifted away, and he tugged you closer to his chest. The rope closed back behind you. “Just you: the archaeologist. The one who remembers the forgotten. Who gives stories to the lost. A woman who sees through dust and grime the beauty of the ancient and shares it with this new world.” He trailed his fingers across your forehead. “You chose this lonesome life.”
You started and reached back for the rope. When had it gotten so far away? “I am not lonesome. There was a whole crew up there with the same skills.”
Loki reached out, detangling your hand from the rope like a parent would their child from a sweet. “You saw things they didn’t.”
“It was my unit. My square of dirt to uncover. It’s my job to see things they don’t.”
His face drifted closer to yours. “But your view is unique.” Nose to nose, he smelled salty sweet. His grip moved further up your arm, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. “Let me show you ‘why you.’ Let me show you a unique view.”
This was crazy. He was probably dangerous. But, the scientist side of your heart, the one always yearning to learnt he unknown, wanted to see how this would play out. You wanted to know that ‘unique view.’
He smiled as you nodded.
The rope drifted further away.
Loki stopped.
“I need… promise me that you will return me to my friends.”
“I promise: I will return you to your friends.” His words made the still waters ripple. The same way water echoes around a crocodile as it calls its mate.
“Whole and in one piece.”
His smile deepened. “I promise: I will return you to your friends. Whole, and in one piece.”
When the water stopped rippling, his arms wrapped around your waist. Above you, the stars barely moved. Around you, the water dragged on you like the wake of a large ship. The next time you blinked, Kourion beach was gone. In front of you, a large white stone, shaped like a clamshell, stuck up out of the water. The final steppingstone in a trio from the beach.
“That’s,” you gasped, “that’s Aphrodite’s rock.” You pushed him away to spin around. “But- but that’s two hours down the coast!” When you swam back into his space, you noticed dark tendrils surrounding his shadow under the water. “Who are you?”
“I am Loki.”
“Loki… what are you?”
He circled his thumbs over your shoulders while he looked out to sea. “I am the forgotten. The story-less. Will,” he whispered, “will you remember me, Y/N?”
The eyes that bored into you were more green than blue. And they were filled with so much desperation that your chest ached. You slid your hands up his bare arms to his shoulders. You rubbed your thumbs into his skin, mirroring the movement that he had stilled. “But… Aphrodite. Isn’t this her… her territory?”
He chuckled. Giving you gentle push, the water moved out of the way until your back was against the rough rock. “She won’t mind. We’re just borrowing it.”
You reached up to cup his face. This was crazy. He was acting as if… as if he was some sort of god. Long forgotten. Maybe he was. Who knew who all the ancients worshiped? How many temples and high places had gone missing through the millennia? In your own excavated villa… it was missing ninety percent of its painted frescos. All that lost data.
He was asking you to remember him.
“I don’t know if I can remember you.” Your lips trembled with shuddered breaths as he moved closer. His chest was warm under your hands. “I’m not sure if I’m dreaming or not. If I wake up—”
“Why does it matter if this is a dream?” He ran his nose along your cheek. “Are you willing to dream it? To dream it with this ancient artifact?”
You grinned, mirroring his movement with your nose and his cheek. “Old? You don’t look a day over nine hundred.”
“Why thank you.”
As he spun with you in his arms, you laughed. He laid you on a flat place on the rock that jutted out into the water. The waves were picking up. They drifted over your chest, your breasts sticking half above and below their touch.
Biting your lip, you ran your fingers through his dark hair. “You know, they say if you swim around this rock seven times… Aphrodite blesses you with her beauty.”
“You don’t need such a blessing.” Loki crawled over top of you, kissing your forehead. “And you’ve been talking to a younger crowd. The older story is that she re-grants you your virginity for swimming around. Will you want such a blessing after tonight with me?” His mouth fell open as your tongue darted out to wet your lips. His heaving breath said he could taste the salt on your lips.
“Depending on how this goes…” you arched your chest up into his. “Seven laps won’t do the trick. And, if I am to remember you… why would I need the blessing?”
Eyes glowing, you couldn’t tell whether it was with moon light or desire, Loki dipped his head to press a deep kiss against your lips. Your whole body responded. Immediately, your hands dug into the soft skin of his back. Your legs wrapped around him, tangling you two together like old lovers. When he kissed the under curve of your neck, his sharp teeth dragging over the sensitive skin, you trembled.
Was this a trick? Had he brought you here to drain you?
“You have nothing to fear from me, Y/N.” Loki kneaded his hands over your breasts. His body rocked into yours like a beginning storm. He whispered, “nothing to fear.” With a snap, your swimsuit was gone. Which left more of your skin to slide against his. The soft scales that covered his body made him look like he was filled with moonlight. Their edges caught at your skin like thousands of tiny kisses.
And you could feel him.
His length laid across your lower tummy. You hesitated to look down at it. Chiara’s spicy books had nothing on the heat and weight of it. The weight of him, ready for you. Waiting who knows how long for your return so he could have you. You felt precious. Like a beloved artifact newly found.
You cried out as his fingers curled into you. Out to sea, the waves crashed higher and higher. As did your pleasure. Loki sucked deeply at the valley between your breasts. You arched into his taste and ground down into his touch. Impossible as it was, you felt more than his two pairs of hands traveling across your skin exposed to the water. You thought about the tendril shadows you’d seen. Your definition of impossible was changing by the second. Especially when Loki mouthed at the side of your breast, then licked your nipple into his mouth. You were receiving lovemaking from a god. Your mind spun.
Digging a hand into his hair, attempting to move him as you liked failed. Loki knew what you needed. How, you didn’t care. But his fingers curled when you needed. They scissored you open in time with your gasps and moans. And his thumb circled your clit before you could begin to beg. But you begged anyway. Here was a god. Pinning you down to a goddess’s rock in the middle of the night. You begged for more. More of him. You wanted to feel him. Wanted to be full with him.
“All in due time, my love.” He kissed you deeply, darting his tongue between your teeth to taste more of your mouth. “I need to prepare you.”
“I’m ready. Please. Fill me. Fuck me. I’m yours, Loki. Please.”
He growled. The rumble pressed into your chest, making your thighs tremble around his hips. Curling his fingers rougher, Loki hummed with delight as your slick seeped into the sea around his touch. He slid back into the water, disappearing underneath it. But he dragged your waist further down the rock, until your hips were underwater too. Only then did he dip his tongue into your heat. You cried out to the empty night sky as he ravaged you with his long tongue. Fingers and tongue toying with your walls and your clit, your vision blurred quickly. His tendrils pinned down your writhing hips before you could crawl away from him.
And he kept going. Through a second and a third of your release. The sharp teeth at the edges of his mouth teased with danger. When he finally brought his head up out of the water, he stared you down like a creature untamed. His green eyes shined like back-lit emeralds. He placed his hands on your tummy and rested his chin there.
“Do you still want more, mortal?”
Despite a voice screaming in the back of your head that you’d had plenty… your body begged louder for more. Every cell was alight. Every nerve ending crackled with desire for what Loki was offering.
You reached for him. His fingers tangled with yours. Leaning up, he pinned your hands to the rock on either side of your head. He kissed your forehead while his cock rutted into your sex.
“That wasn’t an answer, my love. I need an answer. Or perhaps you’d like me to take you back to your friends already?”
Frantic, you shook your head. “Please. Fill me. Loki… need you.”
“Of course.”
Despite your whimpered pleas, Loki entered you slowly. You breathed out one breath in time with his thrust. And had to inhale for another. The drag of him teased with your sensitivity. With a final thrust that Loki groaned through, you came again. Your hands clawed the air, still pinned down high above your head. Loki panted. He watched your face as it contorted in pleasure. His scales rippled as your sounds washed over him.
“I could keep you forever,” he murmured.
Was that a threat or a promise?
He didn’t give you time to consider it either way. Fully seated, he refused to move. Instead, his fingers slowly circled your clit. The stars disappeared from your sight as you closed your eyes. Pinned down by your wrists in his other hand, you did your best to roll your hips to inspire him to move. But dark shadows wrapped around your thighs. They pulled your thighs away from Loki’s waist, spreading you open and capturing your movements. Loki increased the speed of his fingers. Unable to move, your voice made up for the difference. You cried out his name, Begging. Pleading. For what, you could never specify. But he understood. Loki gaze focused on the place where your bodies connected. A few moments later, he watched your body spasm around him. Your walls clamped down on his cock, making him moan.
“Only a few more to go.”
“What?” You opened your eyes. Under the starlight, you barely saw the tendrils dart through the water. But you felt them. You felt them wrap around every inch of you that was possible of shifting or arching. They took hold of your wrists, pinning them together. A few wrapped around your waist, pressing you into the rock. More crisscrossed over your chest, between your breasts, squeezing them and pinning down your torso. Within seconds, you couldn’t move a muscle. Except for the ones currently wrapped around a god.
Loki slid his hands up the underside of your thighs. “Look at you,” he purred. His thumbs smoothed just shy of holding open your lower lips. “Gorgeous and spread out, just for me.  My brother be damned.” He thrust once, joining your cry with his own. “All mine.”
Every movement was his own. You could do nothing. Except make every sound that your body willed. Pinned as you were, it heightened every in and out. Every delicate tracing of his fingertips across your skin was like fire. And you were very willing to burn. Or drown. The water crashed against you with the same force as his hips. A tendril kept your head above water. But as Loki’s pace stuttered and faltered, the shadows lost their strength.
You whimpered, “cum with me. Loki, let go.”
“Not yet.” He restarted a steady pace.
“Why not?”
“You’ll see. It’s part of the view.”
The view. The only unique view you cared about at this point was how Loki, your great god of the sea, looked like he was about two seconds from going feral sea monster on you. His eyes were wild and wide. Like he could see every tremble and tremor of your body. His breath stuttered as if he could feel your crashing pleasure like earthquakes. Your eyes crossed, blurring your vision of him. But that was part of the view too. As pleasure once again crested over your body, Loki’s grip tightened around you everywhere. His reaction was a mirror of what you were doing to him.
As your body came down from it’s high, the tendrils lightly squeezed and massaged. You fought to catch your breath. When you opened your eyes, Loki was panting above you. He cupped your face in his hand, pleased when you pressed your cheek into his palm.
“Can you give me one more, love?”
“Oh, Loki…”
“Just one more. I know you can. You’re doing wonderfully.” With a flick of his wrist, the tendrils moved away until you could only feel him. He leaned down to kiss your forehead. The mixture of salt from the sea and your sweat made his mind spin. Quickly, he gripped the base of his cock. Still impaled within you, the fluttering of your walls kept him on edge. “Just one more. And then you’ll be mine.”
A smidgen of clarity tugged at your mind. “What?” What was he doing to you?
“One more, Y/N. Then all will be revealed.”
Finally free, you reached up to wrap your arms around his shoulders. It brought Loki close enough that you could feel his breath on your skin. It made you breathless, his last first drag out of your sex. When he slammed home within you, his shout rang against the stone under your head. Yours traveled to echo against the sky. You felt blissfully numb. With so much thrumming of your nerves and how worn out your pussy was, you were about ready to pass out into your deepest sleep ever.
“Give me one more, Y/N. Can you feel it? How perfectly you fit into my arms? How every pulse and beat of your heart matches mine? Can you see it? How well we fit together?” Loki gripped your chin, making you refocus on his face. “Please. Stay with me.”
Something about his tone told you the plea wasn’t just for tonight.
Then he was moving like the sea in a hurricane and you couldn’t think. Your hands clambered to feel him everywhere. Your thighs tightened around his hips. Your legs wrapped around him, locked closed at your ankles. He had pinned you into place. Now it was your turn.
He moaned as your nails dragged down his back. Panting and falling forward, Loki glared at you with a smile as you clamped your walls around his length. He kneaded your breasts in retaliation. Pinching your nipples between his fingers, he tugged on them to guide your body into an arch. It deepened the reach of his cock. Delighted, he wrapped an arm under the small of your back as you wailed his name. He could feel your release coming. And this time, he had no desire to hold back on his own.
“Come with me, Loki.” You ran your trembling thumb across his cheek. “Make me yours.”
“Yes, my love.”
The waves crashed against the rock around you. Gently misted with sea foam, you finally smiled as Loki filled you. The rush and heat of his release sent you spiraling into an orgasm of your own.
Loki continued to thrust, chasing the final sparks of pleasure. When he finally stopped, he gently pushed your sweat-stuck locks of hair off your face. He kissed your forehead. You closed your eyes under the tenderness of it.
When you reopened them, Loki had you stretched out on your own square of soft sand on Aphrodite’s pebble beach. He stretched out beside you, finally giving you the view of his whole form. His fingertips ran up and down your arm. You splayed out your hand on the sand, steadying yourself. How many times had he made you cum?
He grinned. “One orgasm for each magic lap you could have taken.” Laughing with you, he especially watched some beads of water pool in the hollow of your throat as you laid back. “Stay with me.”
“You will want for nothing. While I am mostly confined to the water, on land you will have everything you need. You can do archaeology year-round, if you want. Or only once a year. I can arrange everything. You need not struggle with finding a place to belong. You won’t have to… how did you put it? Schmoozing.”
You laughed, but felt a weight grow in your chest.
“The mortals are building new villas near here. You can pick one out. They’re an area that’s going to be called Aphrodite’s Hills.” He scoffed. “Since when do gods stay in the place of their birth? I can assure you, the one they sometimes call Zeus does not visit Crete.”
“Loki… I can’t.”
He froze, staring up at you. “Why?”
“For starters… you promised to take me back to my friends.”
His body shuddered. “Whole. And in one piece.”
“Yes.” You licked your lips. “I’m sorry. It’s just… I need – I don’t know what I need.”
Loki took back his touch. He dragged his finger through the sand instead, carving runes and spirals into the granules. “You’re not leaving for a while yet, right?”
“We leave a week from tomorrow.”
He nodded. As his voice stuttered, his eyes bored into yours. Begging. “Then think about it. You don’t have to decide right now. But… before you leave, visit the beach. Any beach. And bring me an answer.” He looked back down at the sand. “Even if it’s no.”
You curled your finger under his chin, guiding him to look at you. “I will.”
It only took a minute to give you back your swimsuit and return you to Kourion beach. The glow of the restaurant illuminated your friends in the distance.  Loki held you close and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Come back to me,” he whispered.
“I will.” You kissed him back. It took everything within you to pull away. “And no matter what happens… I will not forget you, Loki.”
He smiled, dipping his head before he could overwhelm you with how much he didn’t want you to leave. You drifted away, back under the buoys. With a nod, he sent a wave that carried you back to the beach. When you looked back, he was gone.
Lara waved as you walked out of the water. “There you are. We lost sight of you for a second when the waves got big.” As you joined them at the table, she shrugged. “Still not much of a swim. You were only out for, what, five minutes. Was it too dark and scary out there?”
Five… five minutes?
Chiara interrupted, “hey, we were just talking: you sometimes lick pottery to see if it’s glazed right?”
“What’s the oldest thing you’ve licked?”
You stammered, trying to think while your body was trying to recover from your divine experience. “Um, two- no. Three… thousand years old. My first dig was in the Levant. An Iron age site. I couldn’t tell pottery from bone. Bone sticks to your tongue while ceramic doesn’t—”
Lara laughed. “The oldest thing you’ve licked was three thousand years old. Damn! Would make a good t-shirt: I lick ancient things. Am I an archaeologist or did I go down on the old gods?”
Slapping at her shoulder with a giggle, Chiara urged her to be quiet as the people at a neighboring table looked over. But you were too busy thinking to notice. If you took up Loki’s offer, perhaps you could be one archaeologist who could boast of having done both.
*** An earlier trip to Cyprus: Aphrodite’s Rock (S, Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Other Loki Fics:
When in Paris (S, AR)
Sweet Revenge (S)
To Love the Sea:  Y/N is the daughter of a sea-side innkeeper. The area is known for its draw for pirates, but one pirate is feared above all others: Captain Loki. He offers to take her on adventures; is she willing to take the plunge? [Series Master] (S, complete)
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justineportraits · 1 year
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Leda and the swan Tile mosaic from the Sanctuary of Aphrodite, Palea Paphos, now in the Cyprus Museum, Nicosia 3rd. c
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mothmiso · 4 days
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Cyprus 2023 (2) (3) (4) by Neil King
Via Flickr:
(1) (2) Roman mosiacs at Paphos. (3) Roman mosaics with a view at Kourion on the south coast of Cyprus looking east towards Akrotiri. (4) Looking west along the south coast from Kourion.     
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parallaxaview · 10 days
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House of Theseus, Paphos, Cyprus.
(more info about Paphos Mosaics: The Magnificent Mosaics and Ancient Treasures of Paphos)
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paramedicabroad · 9 months
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Join me on a virtual odyssey to Paphos, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the sun-kissed island of Cyprus. This enchanting city, steeped in mythology and historical significance, invites us to explore its ancient ruins, vibrant landscapes, and the allure of the Mediterranean.
Paphos secured its UNESCO World Heritage status in 1980, acknowledging its outstanding universal value as a site where myth, history, and archaeology converge. The inscription includes Paphos' role as the center of worship for Aphrodite and its exceptional ancient remains.
Step into the Archaeological Park of Kato Paphos, a sprawling open-air museum that unfolds the city's rich history. Marvel at ancient villas, intricate mosaics, and remnants of Roman architecture, transporting you back in time to when Paphos was a thriving metropolis.
Witness the commanding Paphos Castle, perched on the edge of the Mediterranean. Originally built by the Byzantines, the castle has witnessed centuries of maritime history, including the Ottoman and Venetian periods. Today, it stands as a symbol of Paphos' resilience.
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Immerse yourself in Paphos' coastal wonders, from azure waters to picturesque harbors. The city's coastal charm invites leisurely strolls, seaside dining, and the embrace of the Mediterranean's soothing embrace.
Explore the Tombs of the Kings, an ancient necropolis carved from solid rock. Marvel at the grandeur of these burial sites, reminiscent of Greek and Egyptian architectural styles. The site offers a glimpse into the opulent burial traditions of Paphos' elite during antiquity.
Visit the legendary Aphrodite's Rock, the mythical birthplace of the goddess of love and beauty. According to legend, this sea stack emerged from the foam of the Mediterranean, where Aphrodite was born. The site exudes an ethereal beauty and a connection to ancient mythology.
Savor the flavors of Paphos with its delectable cuisine. From fresh seafood to traditional Cypriot meze, the city's culinary scene reflects its Mediterranean roots and diverse cultural influences.
In conclusion, Paphos invites us to unravel the threads of myth and history woven into its landscapes. When you're ready for a digital exploration of a city where ancient tales echo through time, Paphos promises to captivate and inspire. 🏛️🌊🇨🇾
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travelella · 9 months
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Sea Caves - Cape Greco's rugged coastline
Shipwreck of Demetrios II - The rusted remains of the MV Demetrios II serve as a haunting reminder of the unforgiving power of the sea, standing as a solemn tribute to the perils faced by seafarers off the coast of Cyprus.
Bridge of Lovers - Legend has it that the Bridge of Lovers in Agia Napa holds the power to unite soulmates forever. Its picturesque setting and romantic aura make it a popular spot for couples to visit and create everlasting memories.
Cape Aspro - Perched atop the rugged cliffs of eastern Cyprus, Cape Aspro offers a stunning vantage point overlooking the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, providing visitors with a breathtaking glimpse into the island's natural beauty
Paphos Archaeological Park - a vast site featuring ancient Greek and Roman ruins, including the House of Dionysus and the Paphos Mosaics
Timios Stavros Monastery - Situated amidst the tranquil hills of the Troodos mountain range, the Timios Stavros Monastery is a revered religious site that showcases the rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions of Cyprus, attracting visitors from far and wide.
Pano Lefkara - Known for its exquisite lacework and charming cobblestone streets, the picturesque village of Pano Lefkara offers a glimpse into the traditional way of life in Cyprus, attracting visitors with its unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty.
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30-before-30-but-im-27 · 11 months
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Greek Islands, Cyprus, Jordan & France - Full Itinerary
This summer I made one of my life goals come true and travelled for 3 weeks to 5 countries (the 4 I was meant to visit originally + an accidental stopover in Austria) including Greek mainland and island hopping as well as visiting one of the 7 Wonders of the World, Petra in Jordan.
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Official gov tourism website https://www.visitgreece.gr/mainland/attica/athens/ 
Day 1
Take a 40 min bus from the airport
Temple of Olympian Zeus - Acropolis & Slopes Pass
Hadrian’s Arch - FREE
Theatre of Dionysus - Pass
Ruins of Asklepieion and Stoa of Eumenes - Pass
Odeon of Herodes Atticus - Pass
Acropolis of Athens - Pass
Erechtheoin - Pass
Temple of Athene Nike - Pass
Parthenon - Pass
Acropolis Museum - €15
Coming down the hill Areios Lagos (ancient law court) - FREE
Ancient Agora of Athens  - Pass
Temple of Hephaestus (at the ancient agora) - Pass
Monastiraki Square - FREE
Hadrian’s Library - Pass
Day 2
Plaka - FREE
Zappeion Garden - FREE
Ethnikos Kipos (Athens national garden) - FREE
Kalamaki Beach - FREE
Day 3
The Prison of Socrates - FREE
Church of Saint Demetrios Loumbardiaris - FREE
Pnyx - FREE
Philopappou Hill - FREE
Flight from Athens to Santorini
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Day 1
Thera (Fira) day out - 30 min bus (€2)
Three Bells of Fira - FREE
Black sand beach - FREE
Day 2
Day trip to Oia
Day 3
Ancient Fira - £5
Ferry to Heraklion
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Day 1
Beach day - FREE
Day 2
Venetian port Heraklion - FREE
Old Town - FREE
Day 3
Knossos Palace - £15
Heraklion Archaeological Museum - Included in the ticket
Day 4
Take the bus to Chania, 2 hours 30 min https://www.allincrete.com/buses-timetables/ around £15
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Day 1
Old Venetian Port of Chania - FREE
Lighthouse of Chania - FREE
Boat Trip - many depart daily from the port for £25
Day 2
Chania International Airport flight to Paphos
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Day 1
Take a 25 min taxi to the hotel
Explore Paphos Old Town - FREE
Day 2
- Venus Beach - FREE
Day 3
Archaeological Site of the Tombs of the Kings - £2
Day 4
Archaeological Site of Nea Paphos - £4
Paphos Castle - FREE
Forty Columns Fortress - PAID
Paphos Mosaics - PAID
House of Dionysus - PAID
Villa of Theseus - PAID
House of Orpheus - PAID
Agora - PAID
Lighthouse - FREE
Day 5
Flight to Amman Queen Alia International Airport
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Day 1
Take a bus from the airport (departs every 30 min) 
Roman Theatre - JORDAN PASS
Folklore Museum - JORDAN PASS
Amman Citadel: Open Cistern, Palace - JORDAN PASS
King Abdullah I Mosque - FREE
Rainbow Street - FREE
JORDAN PASS (includes visa) https://jordanpass.jo/Contents/Prices.aspx 
Day 2
Take a bus from Amman to Petra 6:30 am takes 3 hours arrival 9:30 am https://www.jett.com.jo/en 
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Day 2
Petra Tourist Office - FREE
Petra Museum - included in the JORDAN PASS
Siq (the Treasury) trail, then Jabal Haroun trail, then the climb up 900 steps Ad-Dier Monastery Hike - JORDAN PASS
Take a 40 JOD taxi to Wadi Rum Visitor Centre
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Day 2 Continued
Pick up from Wadi Rum Visitor Centre for 5 JOD organised by the camp (let them know arrival time one day prior to the stay)
Check-in at Desert Magic Camp & Resort Ad Disah Road 1, 77110 Wadi Rum, Jordan
Traditional dinner - 13 JOD
Day 3
Jeep tour of the desert (regular 4 hours) - 22 JOD
5 JOD jeep ride back to Wadi Rum Visitor Centre
Take a bus back to Amman
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Day 3 Continued
Dinner at Hashem Restaurant
Day 4
Swim in the Dead Sea - Amman Beach - Dead Sea - FREE or ask your hotel for a private driver around 80 JOD for two people with access to a private beach at one of the resorts
The Baptism Site of Jesus Christ https://www.baptismsite.com/operating-hours-a-entrance-fees/ - 12 JOD
Flight to Paphos then flight to France Marseille Provence Airport 
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Day 1
Chateau d’If via boat - €6 transport not included 
Day 2
Palais Longchamp - FREE
Cathedral La Major - FREE
Basilica of Notre-Dame of la Garde - FREE
Flight from Marseille Provence Airport back to the UK
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moralfrontline · 1 year
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Dionysus finding Ariadne on Naxus
Mosaic from the House of Dionysus, found in the Paphos Archeological Site. Seen at the Archeological Museum of Chania, Crete, Greece
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lambroschristoforou · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Kypros
Kypros, commonly known as Cyprus, is a Mediterranean paradise that offers a blend of rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty. Whether you are drawn to its ancient ruins, picturesque landscapes, or vibrant local life, Cyprus has something for everyone. This comprehensive guide will explore the best of what Kypros has to offer, including must-visit attractions, local cuisine, and unique experiences. We'll also delve into specific topics like the importance of "tzakia kypros" (fireplaces in Cyprus) and the popularity of "NAPOLEON grills Cyprus."
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Discovering the Rich History of Cyprus
Cyprus is a land steeped in history, with a heritage that dates back thousands of years. The island has been influenced by various civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans. Each of these cultures has left its mark, creating a tapestry of historical sites that are a testament to the island’s diverse past.
Ancient Ruins and Archaeological Sites
One of the most notable historical sites is the ancient city of Kourion. Located on the southern coast of Cyprus, Kourion is home to impressive Greco-Roman ruins, including a well-preserved theater and stunning mosaics. Another must-visit is the Tombs of the Kings in Paphos, a UNESCO World Heritage site. These underground tombs date back to the 4th century BC and offer a fascinating glimpse into the burial practices of ancient Cypriots.
Medieval Castles and Byzantine Churches
Cyprus is also known for its medieval castles and Byzantine churches. The Kolossi Castle, a former Crusader stronghold, offers insight into the island's medieval history. Meanwhile, the Church of Saint Lazarus in Larnaca, a stunning example of Byzantine architecture, is a site of pilgrimage and historical significance.
Exploring the Natural Beauty of Cyprus
Beyond its historical treasures, Cyprus boasts a diverse natural landscape that ranges from sandy beaches to rugged mountains. The island’s climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters, making it an ideal destination year-round.
Pristine Beaches and Coastal Areas
The beaches of Cyprus are among the most beautiful in the Mediterranean. Ayia Napa and Protaras are renowned for their crystal-clear waters and golden sands, attracting sun-seekers and water sports enthusiasts. For a more secluded experience, head to the Akamas Peninsula, where you can explore hidden coves and pristine beaches.
The Troodos Mountains
For those who prefer cooler temperatures and scenic landscapes, the Troodos Mountains offer a refreshing escape. The mountains are dotted with charming villages, ancient monasteries, and scenic hiking trails. In winter, the higher elevations even offer opportunities for skiing and snowboarding.
Experiencing Cypriot Culture
Cypriot culture is a blend of Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern influences, resulting in a unique and vibrant local life. The island’s culture is reflected in its festivals, traditions, and, most importantly, its cuisine.
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Traditional Festivals and Events
Cyprus hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, celebrating everything from religious holidays to local traditions. The Limassol Carnival, one of the island's most famous events, features parades, music, and dance. The Kataklysmos Festival, or Festival of the Flood, is another major event celebrated with water-based activities and cultural performances.
Culinary Delights
Cypriot cuisine is a delicious fusion of flavors, heavily influenced by Greek and Middle Eastern culinary traditions. Must-try dishes include souvla (large chunks of meat cooked on a spit), halloumi cheese, and moussaka. Additionally, the island is known for its meze, a selection of small dishes that offer a variety of tastes and textures.
Tzakia Kypros: Embracing the Warmth of Cypriot Fireplaces
In Cyprus, "tzakia" (fireplaces) are more than just a source of warmth; they are an integral part of the island's cultural heritage. Traditionally, Cypriot homes featured large, open fireplaces that served as the heart of the household. These fireplaces were used not only for heating but also for cooking and socializing.
The Evolution of Tzakia Kypros
Today, while modern heating systems have largely replaced traditional fireplaces, the charm and functionality of tzakia remain popular. Many homes and restaurants in Cyprus still feature these fireplaces, providing a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Whether it’s a chilly winter evening or a festive gathering, the fireplace continues to play a central role in Cypriot life.
Types of Fireplaces in Cyprus
There are various types of fireplaces found in Cyprus, ranging from traditional wood-burning ones to modern gas and electric options. Each type offers its own unique benefits, catering to different preferences and needs. Traditional wood-burning fireplaces are cherished for their authentic charm and the comforting crackle of burning wood, while gas and electric fireplaces provide convenience and efficiency.
NAPOLEON Grills Cyprus: A Culinary Revolution
Outdoor grilling is a beloved pastime in Cyprus, and NAPOLEON grills have become a popular choice for those who take their barbecuing seriously. Known for their high-quality construction and innovative features, NAPOLEON grills offer a superior grilling experience that has won over many Cypriot households.
Why Choose NAPOLEON Grills?
NAPOLEON grills are renowned for their durability, performance, and versatility. Made from premium materials, these grills are designed to withstand the elements and provide consistent results. Features like infrared burners, rotisserie kits, and precise temperature controls allow for a wide range of cooking techniques, making them ideal for both novice and experienced grillers.
Enhancing Outdoor Gatherings
In Cyprus, outdoor gatherings are a way of life, and NAPOLEON grills have elevated these social occasions. Whether it’s a family barbecue, a festive celebration, or a casual get-together with friends, these grills ensure that the food is always a highlight. From perfectly seared steaks to juicy kebabs, NAPOLEON grills cyprus deliver exceptional flavor and texture.
Top Attractions and Activities in Cyprus
There is no shortage of things to see and do in Cyprus. From historical landmarks and natural wonders to vibrant cities and charming villages, the island offers a diverse array of attractions and activities.
Exploring the Capital: Nicosia
Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, is a city of contrasts where ancient history meets modern urban life. The city is divided into two parts: the Greek Cypriot south and the Turkish Cypriot north. A visit to Nicosia offers the unique experience of crossing the Green Line, the UN buffer zone that separates the two sides.
The Enchanting Town of Paphos
Paphos, located on the southwestern coast, is a treasure trove of archaeological sites and natural beauty. The Paphos Archaeological Park is home to impressive ruins, including the House of Dionysus with its stunning mosaics. Nearby, the scenic Aphrodite’s Rock is said to be the birthplace of the goddess of love.
The Village of Lefkara
Lefkara, a picturesque village in the foothills of the Troodos Mountains, is famous for its intricate lacework and silverware. Wandering through its narrow streets, you can watch local artisans at work and purchase handmade souvenirs. The village is also known for its traditional architecture and charming atmosphere.
Practical Tips for Visiting Cyprus
To make the most of your trip to Cyprus, here are some practical tips to keep in mind:
Best Time to Visit
Cyprus enjoys a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination. However, the best time to visit is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) when the weather is pleasant and the crowds are smaller.
Getting Around
Cyprus has a well-developed transportation network, including buses, taxis, and rental cars. While public transportation is available, renting a car is recommended for exploring the island at your own pace. Keep in mind that driving is on the left side of the road.
Language and Currency
The official languages of Cyprus are Greek and Turkish, but English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas. The currency used in the Republic of Cyprus is the Euro, while the Turkish Lira is used in the northern part of the island.
Cyprus is a destination that offers something for everyone. Its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty make it an ideal place to explore and enjoy. Whether you are captivated by ancient ruins, enchanted by picturesque landscapes, or delighted by local cuisine, Cyprus promises an unforgettable experience. Embrace the warmth of "tzakia kypros" and elevate your culinary adventures with "NAPOLEON grills Cyprus" as you discover all that this Mediterranean gem has to offer.
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cyprus2024 · 5 months
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April 2024
House of Theseus
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potamos-guest-house · 2 months
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immigrationcenter · 3 months
Discover the Beauty of Cyprus: Your Ultimate Guide
Are you dreaming of turquoise waters, ancient ruins, and Mediterranean cuisine that will tantalize your taste buds? Look no further than Easytocyprus. This enchanting island nestled in the eastern Mediterranean is a treasure trove of culture, history, and natural wonders waiting to be explored. Whether you're a sun seeker, a history buff, or a foodie, Cyprus has something for everyone. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the beauty and allure of this captivating destination.
Unveiling the Charms of Cyprus
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1. Bask in the Sun-Kissed Beaches
Cyprus boasts some of the most stunning beaches in the Mediterranean, with powdery white sands and crystal-clear waters that beckon visitors to relax and unwind. From the lively shores of Ayia Napa to the secluded coves of Cape Greco, there's a beach for every preference. Dive into the azure waves for a refreshing swim, or simply lounge on the shore with a cocktail in hand as you soak up the Mediterranean sunshine.
2. Explore Ancient Ruins and Archaeological Sites
Delve into Cyprus's rich history by exploring its ancient ruins and archaeological sites. Wander through the majestic halls of the UNESCO-listed Tombs of the Kings in Paphos, where ancient rulers were laid to rest in elaborate underground chambers. Marvel at the well-preserved mosaics of the House of Dionysus, depicting scenes from Greek mythology in vibrant detail. For an immersive experience, visit the ancient city of Kourion, where you can stroll through the ruins of an amphitheater, bathhouses, and villas dating back to Roman times.
3. Indulge in Culinary Delights
No visit to Cyprus is complete without sampling its delectable cuisine, which reflects a tantalizing blend of Mediterranean flavors and influences from neighboring countries. Feast on meze, a traditional spread of small dishes ranging from grilled halloumi cheese to succulent souvlaki skewers and freshly caught seafood. Don't forget to pair your meal with a glass of locally produced wine or a refreshing glass of ouzo, an anise-flavored liqueur that is a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
4. Experience the Vibrant Culture
Immerse yourself in Cyprus's vibrant culture by attending one of its many festivals and celebrations throughout the year. From religious festivals honoring saints and martyrs to colorful carnivals and music concerts, there's always something exciting happening on the island. Join in the festivities and witness traditional folk dances, live music performances, and fireworks displays that light up the night sky. Be sure to visit during Easter to witness the solemn processions and lively celebrations that mark this important holiday in the Cypriot calendar.
5. Discover Natural Wonders
Beyond its beaches and historical sites, Cyprus is home to breathtaking natural landscapes that are begging to be explored. Lace up your hiking boots and embark on a journey through the Troodos Mountains, where lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and picturesque villages await. Marvel at the otherworldly beauty of the Akamas Peninsula, a protected nature reserve teeming with rare flora and fauna. For adrenaline junkies, there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventures, including mountain biking, rock climbing, and scuba diving in crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life.
Plan Your Perfect Getaway with Emiralinvestment
Ready to experience the magic of Cyprus for yourself? Let Emiralinvestment be your guide to this enchanting destination. With a wealth of experience in travel and hospitality, we specialize in creating tailor-made experiences that cater to your every need and desire. Whether you're planning a romantic honeymoon, a family vacation, or an adventurous solo trip, we'll take care of all the details so you can focus on making memories that will last a lifetime. Contact us today to start planning your perfect getaway to Cyprus!
In conclusion, Cyprus is a destination like no other, where ancient history, natural beauty, and warm hospitality come together to create an unforgettable experience. Whether you're lounging on a sun-drenched beach, exploring ancient ruins, or savoring mouthwatering cuisine, you're sure to fall in love with the charms of this captivating island. So why wait? Start planning your dream vacation to Cyprus today with Emiralinvestment and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
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roomchailimited · 4 months
Schengen Serenity: Relaxing Getaways to the Greek Islands and Cyprus
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Our recent journey to the Greek Islands and Cyprus was a blissful escape into sun-soaked beaches, ancient history, and vibrant local cultures. As travelers from Bangladesh, we sought a serene yet enriching experience, and the Mediterranean destinations delivered in spades. The meticulous planning by Bangladeshi travel agencies like Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash ensured a smooth and unforgettable adventure.
A Greek Island Dream: Exploring Santorini, Mykonos, and Crete
Our odyssey began with the iconic Greek Islands, each offering a distinct blend of charm and beauty.
Santorini: Stepping onto the island of Santorini was like entering a postcard. The caldera views, with their striking contrast of azure seas and white-washed buildings, were simply breathtaking. We wandered through the charming streets of Oia and Fira, savoring delicious local cuisine and capturing countless photos. The ancient site of Akrotiri, a well-preserved Minoan settlement, gave us a fascinating glimpse into the island’s storied past.
Mykonos: Known for its vibrant nightlife and stunning beaches, Mykonos offered an ideal mix of leisure and excitement. Days were spent lounging on the soft sands of Paradise Beach, while nights were filled with the energetic ambiance of Mykonos Town’s cafes and boutiques. The island’s iconic windmills and the picturesque area known as Little Venice added a romantic flair to our evenings.
Crete: Crete, the largest of the Greek Islands, was a treasure trove of history and natural beauty. We explored the ancient palace of Knossos, delved into the rich myths of the Minoan civilization, and hiked the rugged Samaria Gorge. Crete’s culinary delights, featuring fresh seafood and traditional Cretan dishes, were a gastronomic highlight of our trip.
Cyprus: A Mosaic of History and Beaches
Our journey continued to Cyprus, an island of legends and stunning coastal vistas.
Paphos: Paphos, known as the birthplace of Aphrodite, offered a perfect blend of archaeology and relaxation. We visited the Paphos Archaeological Park, home to impressive Roman mosaics and ancient ruins, and relaxed on the sandy shores of Coral Bay. The blend of history and natural beauty made Paphos a fascinating and serene destination.
Limassol: The vibrant city of Limassol presented a mix of modern amenities and historical charm. We enjoyed walks along the seaside promenade, explored the medieval Limassol Castle, and tasted local wines at nearby wineries. The city’s lively dining and nightlife scene provided a delightful contrast to the day’s explorations.
Ayia Napa: Famous for its pristine beaches and energetic nightlife, Ayia Napa was a highlight of our Cyprus adventure. We spent our days at Nissi Beach, enjoying the crystal-clear waters and soft white sands, and our nights exploring the town’s dynamic bars and clubs. Ayia Napa offered a perfect blend of relaxation and entertainment, making it an ideal coastal getaway.
The Role of Travel Agencies in Our Journey
Navigating an international trip can be challenging, but the expertise of Bangladeshi travel agencies like Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash made our journey effortless. Their comprehensive packages, personalized itineraries, and reliable support ensured we could focus on enjoying our adventure.
Each agency provided unique strengths: Roomchai’s detailed itineraries, ShareTrip’s competitive pricing, and Obokash’s excellent customer service. Together, they offered a seamless travel experience, making our Mediterranean getaway both enjoyable and hassle-free.
Conclusion: A Journey to Cherish
Our serene getaways to the Greek Islands and Cyprus were filled with stunning scenery, rich cultural encounters, and moments of pure relaxation. The meticulous planning and support from Bangladeshi travel agencies ensured our trip was smooth and memorable. As we reminisce about the sunsets in Santorini, the historical sites in Crete, and the beautiful beaches of Cyprus, we are filled with gratitude and a renewed love for travel.
Embark on your own Schengen Serenity with the guidance of trusted travel partners and discover the enchanting beauty of the Mediterranean. Happy travels!
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