#Para: Xó
the-lil-exorcist · 1 year
TIMING: Before Dark Waters LOCATION: Driftwood Diner PARTIES: @the-lil-exorcist & @vanishingreyes SUMMARY: Lil and Xó both, for very separate reasons, go to get some late night diner food. While not completely sure of the other, they do get to talking while waiting for pancakes. CONTENT WARNING: light substance abuse tw (there are mentions of people who are probably drunk near them, but they don't interact)
Lil yawned in the back of her hand as she moved to sit at the diner’s counter thinking that a coffee would be nice while she waited for the sunrise to come. She had set a ghost trap knowing that the poltergeist normally appeared specifically in a rocking chair around four am - and while she knew it was probably against ‘protocol’ she had decided that she didn’t need to wait for the old woman to get trapped and start fussing at her.  After all, it was dark enough she couldn’t knit or keep herself awake with other little activities and she’d rather not succumb to that nightmarish sleep she’d been having. Without Jonas there to take turns napping, it felt too lonely for Lil to stay even if she should. Instead she had started hanging out at twenty-four hour spots like the diner waiting on her ghost traps to catch them. It felt a lot less lonely that way, talking to the staff and catching a cup of coffee. 
It almost felt like she had friends, and honestly she started taking most of the counter to herself talking to the night shift and making sure to bring in bakery treats every occasionally. At the very least, they didn’t seem to mind her taking up real estate and telling them stories and trying new restaurant items. It usually was just Lil and the occasional lost soul, so she got a lot more comfortable then she probably should. That was until she heard Lola the waitress on duty clear her voice and Lil saw her nod to a very pretty lady that clearly was trying to find a seat away from the group on the other side of the counter  - which was pretty impossible with Lil being sprawled out. 
“Ah - sorry let me scoot down for you,” Lil said as she realized trying to gesture to her that she can sit down away from the other group. Moving her bag and gathering up her knitting to not take up as much space as she was, Lil tried not to blush as she made space even if Lola was snickering slightly earning a look from the exorcist. “I didn’t see you there - here I’m not saving a spot or anything , feel free to take any of them. ” 
She’d woken up in the middle of the night craving diner food. Xóchitl wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but she did remember her moms making her pancakes in the middle of the night more than once, when she was little. Which had led to her falling back asleep with syrup stuck on her cheeks and in her hair. But she’d been happy, then. Now it was more of an excuse to find something to do to distract herself - and thankfully she had no appointments on her schedule until 10am tomorrow (or was it today, now?) so she could afford to not be in tip-top shape first off in the morning.
The diner was somewhat empty - though there was a small group on one side of the counter that Xóchitl was not entirely certain she wanted to sit near. However, looking wide-eyed and lost was also distinctly not what she had planned - nor what she would settle for, at all. So instead she adjusted her posture, standing straight as she surveyed the space, before she noticed the waitress on duty clear her throat and nod towards where another woman was sitting, knitting materials and the like spread out all around her.
“Oh, it’s fine.” She flashed the briefest of smiles. “But thank you.” She sat down, only one space away from the other woman, before ordering a plate of pancakes and a cup of coffee, no sugar, no cream. “I’m Xóchitl.” Finally turning to face the other woman, eyes glossing over the way her hands fit against the knitting. “You are sure I’m not bothering you?”
Lil settled back into her seat, a little more chagrined then she normally was at the diner. After all, normally she’d be talking off Lola’s ears, but now she actually had to work. While the others at the counter certainly counted as customers, Lil knew that they didn’t care what she said and doubted they would remember. 
So instead Lil ducked her head a little going to make sure she hadn’t messed up her knitting as she waited for the other to settle in - holding back an admonishment for saying thank you. After all, Lola was a - damn Lil couldn’t ever seem to remember. She wasn’t a fae at least and Lil wasn’t. So instead she went back to the soft pink yarn she was carefully maneuvering in her hands. After all, Jonas and her were likely going to still be here in the fall, and it was going to get cold. He was going to need another sweater.  At the other telling Lil their name, she paused and looked up meeting the others eyes. “You’re not bothering me at all. I’m Lil,” She said with a smile. “Also you picked well, the pancakes are good.” 
“Xóchitl,” she responded. “I just know some people like their space, so I figured it was only polite to ask,” she offered a warm smile to Lil. “I figure pancakes are a good choice almost always. Can I get you anything, since I’ve decidedly invaded your space?” The other woman was beautiful, and already seemed like a much better choice than her other seating partner options.
“Weirdly, there’s surprisingly few 24-hour places back in Boston. There’s rules and stuff about that, so it’s wild that up in a town in Maine, there’s one.” Xóchitl shook her head. “Tangent, not what you needed to hear.” The waitress came over and Xóchitl put in an order for her pancakes, turning back to Lil and nodding towards the waitress as if to say ‘please, order something’.
“Nice to meet you,” Lil said, matching the other’s smile. She appreciated what the other said, and usually Lil was pretty interested in being alone, but lately talking to people seemed like a good way of keeping herself awake. After all, she did need to find her family and knowing more people was going to be helpful too. “Fair enough, but I don’t mind at all. Also they do pretty much everything well here, and I’m not just saying that because Lola will give me an evil eye if I don’t.” She said with a joking manner. At the offer of something Lil tilted her head and said, “Oh I wouldn’t want to impose.” 
At the talk of there not being any twenty four hour places Lil pondered  that for a moment.  “Huh. Yeah I’ve never heard about something like that up here. Although I think it’s a bit surprising there’s no 24 hour places in Boston. I figured you’d need some. Although I guess that can’t be helped if there’s regulations on that.” After all, Lil would have been rather unhappy to not have anywhere to go when it was this late and she couldn’t go home. Although she partially expected that this place was mostly open for the college students and the people with night jobs like her, surely they had that in the bigger cities too. At the gesture Lil couldn’t help but comply, not wanting to cause any friction with her new talking buddy, “Could I get a coffee when you’ve got the chance?” 
Turning back to Xóchitl, Lil asked, “ So are you from Boston then? I think I’ve been there a few times, but I don’t know too much about it.” Lil was well traveled, but it was honestly mostly places that were haunted. She never really had time to see the sights, so it was interesting to hear others talk about it.  
“You as well,” the woman was at least more tolerable than some in town. Which sounded more like something Xóchitl might’ve said as a child, trying to fit in with the seventy-year-old white ladies on World’s End Isle, rather than something present-day her would say. Certainly, she could still come off more than just a bit self-focused, but that was more out of protection than anything else. Not out of snobbishness or a feeling that she was better than everyone else. She just was. Was, period, full stop. Not better, not worse. She just happened to have an especially interesting (and terrible) childhood, but she’d used that line once to pick up a guy at a bar, and had felt immediately and entirely ill about it after, and resolved to never do that again. “You wouldn’t be imposing. I asked you.” She nodded. “I just figure pancakes are always a good choice.”
Xóchitl nodded, “yes, I suppose so. But we don’t really have them, it’s not a fancy city in the same way that New York is, and there’s maybe rules or something? I don’t know, I never learned that.” Thankfully, her new companion ordered a coffee, at least, which wasn’t much, but it was something, and she’d settle for that for now, at least.
“From… yeah.” This was a stranger, so she could lie, at least for now. “Well, mostly. I think of it as where I’m from, though if I could pick anywhere, I’d pick Monterrey - Mexico, not the California one - because my mom’s from there. But Boston suffices well enough. How about you? Are you from here or elsewhere?”
Lil nodded at the idea that the other had, and honestly it was a fair enough statement. After all, she never offered help herself unless she meant it. It was something drilled down to her core, if you offer something no matter how small you have to mean it. It’s why Lil, despite not being a fae or even particularly principled, only gave what she meant to give.  It wasn’t something she was exactly used to other people believing though. “I get that. Although I’m not super hungry at the moment.” 
Lil, after all, had been there for awhile and Lola had insisted she eat something when she came in. She had appreciated the care, even if she didn’t really understand why. At the comment that Boston wasn’t fancy, she wondered what cities would be considered that. “That’s fair. I mean I think New York is pretty famous for not sleeping right?” Lil said with a little bit of a smile, thinking that it was a pretty silly joke herself. She was pretty sure she’d been to the city, but again it was mostly blurred with other cities at the moment. She was to tired to parcel them out well. 
As they started to talk, Lil decided that it probably wasn’t super rude to start knitting again, still looking up at Xóchitl as she spoke and only glancing down. After all, Lil was pretty used to knitting in the dark at this point, she didn’t need to constantly look at it. “Oh neat. I’ve never been to Mexico, but I bet that’s a lovely place. Especially if your mom’s from there,” Lil said nodding a little. She wished she was somewhere else sometimes - well most of the time. It wasn’t the town exactly, but the obligations that were here. While Lil wasn’t exactly free to do what she wanted anywhere, she did feel more freedom on the road. It didn’t come with legacies after all. “I’m from here,” Lil said honestly, “Although I just got back in town this year. Are you settling here well? I know it can be quite a change in atmosphere even if you’re just coming up from Boston. - Which if you don’t mind me asking where in Boston are you from? One of my friends settled there so I’m always curious.”  It felt like a good way to keep the conversation going, although she very much doubted that she’d met Jameson - mostly because Jamie was pretty introverted and unlikely to make friends.
“Fair enough. I don’t know why I’m hungry, but it’s nothing to stress over, and if it means I get pancakes, then so be it.” Xóchitl did her best to keep her voice on the more gentle end of things – not that she ever considered herself a harsh person, but still. Gentle was better, especially in the middle of the night, especially with strangers in a diner. Or rather, a stranger in a diner.
“I think it’s called the city that never sleeps, yeah. God knows when I -” she frowned for a moment, before deciding that maybe it wasn’t too much to share that she’d gone to school there. After all, anybody who looked her up would know she’d gotten her doctorate there. “When I lived there, I didn’t always sleep a lot, though probably due to a lot of schooling work.” And clubbing, and occasional bouts of insomnia. But her companion didn’t need to know that. “But yes, it’s famous for that, yeah. I will say, I crave pizza at 1am sometimes, and you just can’t really get that anywhere else I’ve lived.”
The other woman took up her knitting again and Xóchitl could only be said to look impressed at what her companion was doing. “It is. You are?” The fact that the woman had also been away for a time and only recently returned made Xóchitl lose focus on everything else she was thinking about. “Beacon Hill area. Near the Common? The Public Gardens? I – well, I was born here, too. Where did your friend settle, if you don’t mind my asking? Also just curious.”
“To be fair, it is that time of night,” Lil said with a bit of a smile. She usually found that she ate at least once when she was pulling an all-nighter. It always seemed to be something like ‘lunch’. Still, it felt a little different to be around the town this late at night and eating. It was almost more soothing than during the day. Less busy and chaotic at the very least. She wondered if that’s how Jonas felt in the morning when he was baking bread. 
Lil listened at Xó talk about New York and wondered idly how she must have been like there. Lil found that she was a little different everywhere she’d been. Sometimes she was more extroverted and went and talked to people - and other times she hadn’t talked to anyone other than Jonas for days. It all depended. Hearing her hesitate on saying that she’d gone to University there made Lil pause, thinking that maybe she had overstepped somewhere. “I can imagine. Must be loads to do even at night. - Oh man getting pizza at 1am that’s got to help with anything. I don’t think there’s anywhere around here that’ll do that.” She was starting to babble, but managed to stop herself as her knitting speed picked up. 
Looking back to her, Lil saw her looking at her knitting and for a moment her hands stuttered slightly before picking back up. “Yup,” Lil said with a little nod. It wasn’t uncommon for people to be surprised. She actually thought she matched Wicked’s Rest pretty well, but hell she wasn’t sure if that was a bragging point. “Oh you were born here? ” Lil said, catching that bit and continuing, “ No I don’t mind at all - he ended up in Dorchester - I think that’s what it was called. I tried to get him to go to South Boston - He’s from Ireland originally you see - but he just scoffed at me.” Lil said with a chuckle. Pulling a bit of knitting out of her back that was a cardigan with a shamrock in green with a grey background and black border she continued, “Actually just finished his Christmas present before you came in.” 
“You are still being very kind to be so fair to me.” Xóchitl certainly wasn’t about to complain about that, but she also knew that this particular stranger had to be one of the kinder ones she’d come across, given her immediate readiness to be so fair, and so she decided to take it as a positive sign (her moms would have to be proud of that, jumping to a first positive rather than an immediate negative or neutral).
“There’s certainly never a shortage of options,” she offered Lil a small smile. “Not that I took part in all of them – though to be fair, I don’t know if that’s impossible unless you’re someone who literally never sleeps, and that itself is impossible because you’d have serious, possibly life-threatening consequences without ever sleeping.” She chewed on her lip – not a typical action for Xóchitl but she had to wonder, if only for a moment, if the facts she shared were too much for an initial meeting with someone. Still, what was said was said and she offered a nod of sympathy towards Lil’s remark about there being nowhere around here to do that.
She gave a nod to Lil’s question about her being born in town. Nothing more, so as to not encourage questions, though if questions came up, Xóchitl would do her best to answer them to the fullest extent of her ability, without giving anything unnecessary away. “There is a place in Boston called Dorchester, yeah. Ah, well, yes, that is the stereotypically Irish part of the city, though there’s a lot of Irish people throughout the whole place.” Her gaze followed Lil’s hands as she pulled out the cardigan. “Holy shit, you’re incredibly impressive with the whole knitting thing.”
Lil couldn’t help the snort and chuckle that came from the other’s observation. “What can I say? I try to see the positive.” It wasn’t exactly true, Lil was probably more of a pragmatist then an optimist, but it seemed at least a little more quick witted to claim the latter rather than the former. 
“It seems like a world of possible adventures though, it would be hard to sleep knowing that’s possible,” Lil responded thinking about her own travels lightly wondering if she would have ended up as listless as she was now if she was in a big city like that. Lil constantly wanted to move, her mind always on the next place, almost avoiding sentimentality and other binding things. It seemed like the only place she’d ever made those roots was here, and maybe she always intended that.  “ But yeah I think going to everything would make you a little sleep deprived for normal company,” Lil said with a bit of a smile that she hoped wasn’t too weary. After all, she hadn’t slept all that much lately. She was always jealous of people who could - she’d never been good at sleeping even before coming back - but she figured it came with the territory. 
Lil noticed how quiet the other seemed to get about being from this town, and figured it wasn’t a story she needed. After all, it wasn’t like her own story was pleasant, and sometimes nightmares were better left unvoiced. Instead, she latched onto a subject that was lighter. 
 Lil laughed and said, “I knew it. He would end up in an area accidentally filled with Irish people anyway. He is a walking case for irony being a cheat for hilarity.” 
At the complement Lil paused for a moment and said, “Oh - I appreciate that. Just a hobby I picked up. It’s pretty calming.” Also, if she was being honest, it was because she could do it in the dark when she was waiting for ghosts to show up. She also wouldn’t have to wake up to do it when Jonas was asleep, her steady clicking sounds let alone her shouts not being able to wake him up. “It can become second nature pretty quickly if you ever wanted to pick it up.” 
Makes one of us, held itself back just behind Xóchitl’s lips. Which wasn’t entirely fair, she supposed. She did try to see the positive sometimes. It just wasn’t always easy. It wasn’t as though she stewed herself in negativity either. Always in the middle-ground. Or always trying to be that way.
Pragmatic, she supposed her mothers would call her. Mackenzie had been an optimist, and look where it had gotten her.
Which wasn’t fair to say at all, but there were some days where Xóchitl wondered if she’d been more careful, if she’d still be alive. Which wasn’t any sort of a productive train of thought, but it was one she nonetheless had – more than she’d care to admit. “Yeah, exactly.” Putting down real roots anywhere seemed nearly impossible, and yet she’d found herself back in this town,  back in some sort of a home, even if it wasn’t a place she wanted to call home any longer. She’d spent too long floating around in the city, and maybe that was why New York City had felt good, in a way. Because she could disappear. As sad as Mackenzie’s death was, it hadn’t been national newsworthy, and even if she still thought that her friend deserved to be known by all, at least she didn’t have to be “that dead girl’s best friend” wherever she went.
“Sounds like it.” She commented, taking another sip of her drink.
A nod at the comment about the knitting. “I can see that. It’s good to have things that do that, I think.” It could have been a question, but Xóchitl firmly ended the sentence. It was safer to be definitive. “I’ll consider it, though I’m not sure if I’d be good at it. Still, do you offer lessons?” She raised an eyebrow. “I could pay, if you did.”
Lil wasn’t quite sure what the other was thinking, looking over at her, but she figured that they might have more in common then they knew. If that was true, then it was better not to poke Xó and instead let the calm of the night settle between them. It was soothing, at the very least, at this time of night. It almost made Lil forget everything that was pressing in, and she hoped her companion thought the same. It was moments like this that made her remember the dark wasn’t always so scary.  Taking a sip of her coffee, after putting down her needles for a moment, Lil nodded. “Yeah, It’s pretty relaxing, all things considered.” At the idea of lessons Lil tilted her head and laughed, “For you? Sure. I’d love to. Although you don’t need to pay me. You’re nice to talk too and that’s enough payment for me.” Thinking about it for a moment she reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a nub of a pencil and wrote down her number, not wanting to impose too much. After all, she wasn’t quite sure if she was serious. Writing out her name and phone number she placed it  near Xó’s plate and said, “Here’s my number. Feel free to reach out if you want to learn. Or you know, if you have any other fun facts about Boston or New York. I’m not picky.”
9 notes · View notes
lukas-dark-miracles · 8 months
What and Odd Pair || Xóchitl & Lukas
LOCATION: The Wormhole TIMING: Current PARTIES: Xóchitl (@vanishingreyes) & Lukas (@lukas-dark-miracles) SUMMARY: Xóchitl, while being ignored by the bartender finds a friend in Lukas. The two of them have a nice conversation. CONTENT WARNINGS: alcoholism tw
Lukas had taken to being at bars and things at night after his community meetings, mostly to keep himself outside and away from his Angel. It was getting worse, to be around her and it was much easier just to excuse himself into the world. So, despite the angels of his better nature he was sat at another bar hoping that whatever this period of time was would move quicker now. 
He wasn’t alone though, people around him as he tried to think of ideas and philosophies that might make himself feel better, they still had their own lives and problems. Without thinking he started noticing them, and without thinking noticed there was a younger woman next to him, who was seemingly being passed over as the bartender handled drinks. So, without much thought he caught the man’s eye. 
“Hm - oh Bartender I believe she would like to order when you have a minute. Please,” Lukas said nodding to the young woman he thought might have wanted to get herself a drink. Turning slightly to her he said, “Sorry for interfering. I just noticed he’d passed a few times and I fear I might have blocked his view of you.” 
Bars were a sort of second home for her. Not that Xóchitl would ever admit that – at least not to anybody except for Emilio, but that was because he understood her, and they were some sort of friends, even if it was complicated for either of them to entirely admit. Which made sense, but still – bars were comforting, and Xóchitl was self-aware enough to know that that wasn’t the best route of thinking.
Tonight, however, she was exceedingly frustrated as the bartender seemed to be ignoring her. Xóchitl didn’t like to think of herself as completely self-absorbed, but she also knew, from multiple data points, that she wasn’t someone people passed over, especially not in bars. Which might have been a part of why she liked them so much – the guarantee of surface level attention and validation of her looks.
Thankfully, though, that was short-lived when someone else stepped in to help. “No sorries needed,” Xóchitl turned her body to face the owner of the voice, crossing her legs and offering a smile of gratitude. “Your height isn’t something you should be sorry for, he also might’ve just not noticed me, for whatever reason.” Her lips formed a quick pout. “Maybe I’ll have to have whatever it is that you’re having.”
Lukas and bars were always a weird dichotomy but well - it hadn’t been exactly off limits when he was alive, and now that he was undead it felt the closest to a neutral place he still had access too. Besides, it was a good way to talk to others, to remind himself to be a little bit more human in nature. 
Lukas  gave the woman a light smile and nod happy to interfere and honestly get the bartender’s eyes off of himself. He was still unsure who was hunters in the area - and while he would like to think that the other man was just trying to hit on him, he wasn’t quite sure. Still he leaned back a little and said, “I will take that into consideration, but I am sorry about that too. You shouldn’t be ignored.”
 There was a bit of a nervous chuckle, as Lukas looked back at his own drink, “I’m having a whiskey neat, if you would like that. I’m not super adventurous.” 
“I’ll get plenty of attention some other way, later.” Xóchitl offered him a sly grin, though she also knew there were any number of other reasons why he could be playing so nice, and also maybe she wasn’t his type. Which she respected, even if sometimes it disappointed her.
She knew she couldn’t be everyone’s type, and though she relished in her apparent skill to take on what was most appealing to others whenever she could, Xóchitl also had come to acknowledge that maybe she did need to just chill and develop relationships normally, without jumping straight into flirting. Because – and she thought to Emilio, to Jade, to Siobhan – as fun as it was to have benefits of them, she’d gone and gotten fond of the friend side. More than she’d expected, more than she’d ever wanted to let herself. And then there were, of course, people like Metzli and like Leti, back when she’d been in town, who had never been romantic, but who she treasured deeply.
“I like most things.” To a fault, but he didn’t have to know that. “Whiskey neat sounds perfect.”
“I have no doubt,” Lukas said with a smile and a chuckle. She reminded him of someone but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Maybe someone he had known when he had still been alive. Not wanting to dwell on it though instead nodding at the idea and said to the bartender who he saw the nametag of , “Two, then John - if you would please. On my tab.” It only felt proper, and if he was to going to be honest the other seemed like she would be interesting to talk too. 
If nothing else, Lukas wanted to talk to someone and not feel like something was hanging in the balance. The other seemed to be able to do that. 
Leaning back in his stool he took down the rest of his own drink, something that wasn’t very hard to do and there wasn’t a whole lot left. It was something that was strange about his - condition- but not unwelcome. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. Hello, I’m Lukas.” 
“Well, that is something of a comfort.” Xóchitl let her smile reach her eyes without hesitation, because it was comforting, and the man was easy to talk to (though she found most people relatively easy to talk to). And he was paying, which was never ever a bad sign. Not that she couldn’t afford any of it herself, but there was a certain incredible satisfaction in having someone else pay for you.
It would allow her to not be alone – not that being at a bar ever meant she was alone, but actually talking to someone was always preferable to just sitting by her lonesome.
“I’m Xóchitl,” she stuck out her hand, ready to shake his, if that was something he found favorable to do, though if not, she could easily flip her hand around and brush it through her hair, pretending like that was what she’d intended to do in the first place. “What brings you here?”
Lukas chuckled wondering who the younger reminded him of. Perhaps a friend who had blurred into his mind now. He hardly looked older than Xóchitl, and if he was being very fair even if he had still been human he very much could still be alive. So it was always a little odd to him how memories had started to blur together.Still, the friend had been someone he had liked, and he liked the other’s company as well. In the end, wasn’t that what mattered? 
“Lovely name,” Lukas said with an easy smile shaking the other’s hand, careful to use the one that had been holding the glass - a new trick he had been using, to disguise the fact that his hands were cold. He had figured out through the group, that he was a different temperature now. He could have guessed it, but since his Sire’s hands were the same temperature as his and he had so rarely interacted with humans before it hadn’t occurred to him. “And a pleasure to meet you. I’m afraid I don’t have a big grand reason why I’m here. Just a nice change of pace. How about you?” 
“Thanks, though I didn’t give it to myself, obviously.” Xóchitl shrugged, “but I like having pretty things, and I suppose that all started when I was born, thanks to my name. His hands shaking hers were cold, but he had just put down his glass, and Mateo ran cold as it was, so it wasn’t anything she’d ever mind, even though she did much prefer the warmth.
“I like bars,” Xóchitl figured there was no reason to be anything but honest, and she wasn’t sure what else to say. It didn’t hurt to be honest. “No worries,” she nodded, “though I just wanted to check, to see and make sure if there was something worth celebrating.” She held her hands up before reaching for her glass. “Wild guess… you don’t normally go out to bars, do you?”
“Fair, but I think it suits you. Not every name suits everyone that get it. Your parents chose well,” Lukas said softly. His had been mistaken in the end. Lukas meant light after all, and he hardly was that. Nor was he very much like the apostle Luke either, although perhaps if he was lucky enough it might end up fitting him in the end.  The trick with the glass  seemed to have worked well enough, she wasn’t staring at him in horror or anything so negative. He’d have to use that more often. 
Lukas nodded and after a moment just chuckled. “No nothing to celebrate and you caught me this is a more recent phenomena.” After all, he hadn’t needed to escape so much when he had been a human. When he did, the gardens were lovely and he rather be near the Church. Now, well there weren’t many places he could stay all night other than bars and the odd cafe. It didn’t hurt to sit here and talk to people at the very least. “How could you tell? I’m usually pretty good at blending into my surroundings.” 
“My parents chose well with a lot of things,” the wonderful thing about strangers was how easy it was to push away and ignore any of her negative thoughts or less favorable past. This man - Lukas - didn’t know anything about her, and because of that, she could be anybody she wished to be. Not that Xóchitl had the intentions of trying to fool him, but she could be the best version of herself, and that was more than enough. “But thanks. I’ll be sure to tell them.” Her smile wasn’t even mostly fake, because any excuse to talk about her moms was always worth it.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul, and I’m just good at figuring things out. You wouldn’t know that you’re not accustomed to bars at first glance to most.” Which might’ve been charitable, but Xóchitl was feeling rather charitable this evening, and even if she wasn’t going home with this man, he was still a wonderful distraction from any of the number of thoughts twisted up inside her head. “I’m a psychologist, and I spent a lot of my childhood watching, so I like to think I’m good at figuring people out. Like… so.” She pointed to a couple in the corner. “First date, they like each other both fairly equally, but she –” Xóchitl pointed to the brunette, “is nervous to do any sort of big conversations, and she –” Xóchitl pointed to the red-head, “is overly excitable and probably hasn’t been on a date in like, at least five years.” She turned back to face Lukas. “I’ll do someone else. I could tell you who finds me hot, or who I might ask home?” 
Lukas nodded, thinking of his own parents for a moment wondering if they chose well. They probably hadn’t. His mom would at least be terrified of him now he was fairly sure of that. Still that wasn’t neither here nor there. He smiled and responded, “You should.” 
He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, taking a sip of the whiskey Lukas could hardly taste. “Well good then. I would hardly like to be that odd, you know.” At the idea of a psychologist he was curious. He was fairly observant as a person, but he didn’t think he could know that much about a person at a glance. Normally he had to talk to them. “Impressive. I think you’re probably right,” Lukas said eyes flickering over to couple noticing a hint of something that reminded him of Her. Something unnatural that felt like a shadow across the woman’s eyes. He steadied himself on that though, not knowing for sure if she wasn’t just haunting him. The other woman should be fine. At the question he laughed with genuine surprise. “Sure. That would be fascinating. I’ve never been very good at that myself.” 
“I will.” He seemed the sort to take enjoyment in knowing that someone would do something he’d asked. It was just a hunch, but Xóchitl liked to think that she had a good handle on these kinds of things. Besides, she did plan to talk to her moms soon, and it was easy enough to bring up in casual conversation.
“Well, you aren’t odd.” At least not too odd, but she kept that particular thought all to herself. Xóchitl grinned. “I like to think I am right, but at the risk of sounded totally stuck up, I’ll just smile and thank you. We can forget my admitting just how delightful it is to be right and how often I am.” She grinned, hoping he knew that she was at least mostly joking. “Okay, well he,” she pointed to a guy just down the bar from them, “thinks I’m hot, but I’m not going home with him. He’s conservative, you can tell that from how he brushes his hair. She,” Xóchitl began, pointing to a blonde sitting at a table by herself, “also does, and she’s a good candidate, if she’s down for that. There’s others two, but those are the two immediate ones. Our bartender thinks you’re cute, and so does that guy just now sitting down. The one with the bourbon.”
He nodded and chuckled at the idea he wasn’t odd. He might not raise a lot of fear in people but most people did find him a bit odd. Lukas didn’t look quite human anymore. It was understandable even if it hurt him. 
He laughed and nodded, “I think that is actually the smartest course of action.” His voice was light, understanding a joke they were both in on. At her descriptions he glanced over at the other people and nodded, thinking that she was very good at this. He wasn’t expecting her to inturn tell him who thought he was cute sipping his drink he choked a little. He knew the bartender, but he hadn’t noticed the other guy. He laughed and shook his head, “Unfortunately for the both of them - I do have a boyfriend. You have a real skill. And, I believe I can do you a favor - and move so that woman can buy you a drink and you can see if you want to go home with her. She is, in fact, staring daggers at me now.” 
Lukas chuckled,  leaning to get John’s attention to check out. “Now John, just because I’m gone don’t miss her needing another drink alright? I’ll be very upset if you do.” It was teasing and light even as he went down the rest of his drink. “Have a good night, Xóchitl. I hope we meet again.” 
His chuckle made her smile, and Xóchitl found herself wildly grateful for the pure random happenstance that and brought the two of them together this evening.
Except that he choked on his drink for a moment, and she wondered if she’d made a step too far. But he was just surprised, she was pleased to notice. Surprising him had been her intent, afterall, and so Xóchitl checked another box off in considering this night a win for her. “It is unfortunate, but you know, good for you. I should’ve figured you would be the sort to have someone all your own. Never mind her own complicated feelings about being someone’s, or having someone all her own, but that was a spiral for another time. “She does seem rather perturbed that you’re taking up all my company,” Xóchitl turned and raised an eyebrow at the woman, nodding toward the bar counter. “I’ll let her get me a drink, and I’ll make sure John here behaves. I hope you have a good night too, Lukas. I’m sure we will meet again.”
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novisaude · 1 year
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmNwE6_et-c  👉 SITE OFICIAL+DESCONTO: https://novisaude.com.br/miura-vit-original-com-desconto ✔✔ Olá, se você está nesse vídeo para saber mais informações sobre a amora miúra + vit, se amora miura vit funciona, se vale a pena, e se é aprovado pela Anvisa. Resolvi gravar este vídeo exatamente para compartilhar mais informações sobre este produto, então se você chegou até aqui não deixe de assistir o vídeo até o final. ✅ AMORA MIÚRA +VIT FUNCIONA? A amora miura + vit pode ser uma solução para diversos problemas relacionados à saúde da mulher, incluindo os sintomas da menopausa. A menopausa é um período de transição na vida da mulher em que ocorre a interrupção definitiva da menstruação e a diminuição dos níveis de hormônios como o estrogênio e a progesterona. Isso pode causar uma série de sintomas incômodos, como ondas de calor, suores noturnos, alterações de humor, ressecamento vaginal, insônia, entre outros. A amora miura é uma fruta que vem sendo estudada por seus efeitos positivos na saúde feminina, especialmente durante a menopausa. Ela contém substâncias fitoquímicas que podem ajudar a regular os níveis hormonais e amenizar os sintomas da menopausa. Além disso, a vitamina C presente na fórmula do Amora Miura + Vit pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e prevenir o envelhecimento precoce da pele. Ao utilizar o Amora Miura + Vit, a mulher com sintomas da menopausa pode encontrar uma alternativa natural e eficiente para amenizar os sintomas e melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Este suplemento alimentar é 100% natural, não possui contraindicações e pode ser facilmente incorporado à dieta diária. Adquira agora o seu frasco de Amora Miura + Vit e experimente os benefícios para a sua saúde! Acesse o link : SITE OFICIAL+DESCONTO: https://novisaude.com.br/miura-vit-original-com-desconto Mas como tomar Amora Miúra + Vita? Para você conseguir ter resultados com a Amora Miúra você deve tomar 2 cápsulas por dia. Uma cápsula após o almoço e 1 cápsula após o jantar. Cada frasco possui 60 cápsulas, ou seja, duração de 1 mês. A fabricante Amora Miúra mais Vit recomenda no mínimo 3 meses para ter bons resultados, tratamento de 3 meses serão 3 potes de Amora Miúra mais vit. 0:00 amora miura funciona 0:22 amora miura site oficial 0:50 depoimento 2:27 amora miura como usar 4:03 site oficial SITE OFICIAL+DESCONTO: https://novisaude.com.br/miura-vit-original-com-desconto Read the full article
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dailymovie-hd · 4 years
Cine.HD La otra Missy Pelicula Completa en Espanol 2020
Ver La otra Missy (2020) Comedia, Romance. La otra Missy se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Descargar La otra Missy HD Calidad.
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La otra Missy (2020)
Fecha de estreno : 2020-05-13 Géneros : Comedia, Romance Runtime : 89 Minutes Home Page : https://www.netflix.com/title/81033865 IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9619798 Company : Happy Madison Productions, QC Entertainment Reparto : David Spade, Lauren Lapkus, Candace Smith, Sarah Chalke, Molly Sims, Geoff Pierson, Nick Swardson, Jackie Sandler, Chris Witaske, Vanilla Ice Tagline: Overview : Tim Morris conoce a la chica de sus sueños, y la relación por SMS no podría ir mejor, así que decide dejarse llevar e invitarla al retiro que organiza su compañía en una isla. Sin embargo, la que aparece en el aeropuerto lista para viajar es una chica con la que tuvo una cita a ciegas para el olvido. Ya es demasiado tarde: se ha estado escribiendo con “La otra Missy”.
Ver La otra Missy (2020) Pelicula Completa en Espanol. La otra Missy se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Descargar La otra Missy HD Calidad.
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brunoronald · 5 years
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Depois que os lobos se foram, Fridda e Merick voltaram ao caminho e encontraram Mulgrew dando mato na boca dos cavalos e assim que nos viu sua expressão ficou mais calma.
Mulgrew –  Estão bem ?
Medrick – Firmes. Os tremores de terra vieram de lobos encantados.
Mulgrew – Se  não tivesse tomado banho os espantaria mais facilmente.
Medrick – Eram encantados! Fridda disse que conseguia entendê-los , e soltavam magias pelo focinho.  E eu vim rápido não vim? A situação poderia ter ficado mais critica se os poderes deles não estivessem se esgotando, acho que por isso o líder  interrompeu o ataque.
Mulgrew –  Fridda consegue falar com lobos ?
Fridda – Toda criatura noturna que louve a Deusa Platinada.
Mulgrew –  hum...
Medrick –  No começo eles eram intangíveis , os golpes os atravessavam , eles pareciam ilusões , depois de um tempo  a magia deles foi esmaecendo e eles  passaram a sentir os golpes que recebiam.
Mulgrew –  Sua espada não está manchada de sangue , nem você .
Medrick – Eles reverteram tantos os nossos ferimentos quanto os próprios.
Mulgrew – Me desculpe por não ter ido te resgatar também Fridda.
Fridda – Eu entendo a importância que você dá aos seus animais. Está tudo bem.
O céu nesse momento se encheu de pontos luminosos, pareciam que várias estrelas gêmeas ao sol surgiram e se aglomeraram no espaço azul.  Elas subiam e subiam, parecia uma corrida de vigas travada por detrás das nuvens...E com a mesma velocidade que elas subiram, elas desceram em uma saraivada.  As estrelas eram na verdade pedras gigantescas envoltas de chamas brancas com o se fossem suas coroas, coroas dos reis da destruição.  A primeira delas caiu longe do grupo mas foi o suficiente para causar um tremor por toda a região em que eles estavam. Todos os animais saíram de seus esconderijos, veados, gazelas passaram a atravessa a estrada , os pássaros abandonaram os ninhos  , esquilos , gambás e outros roedores saíram do topo das árvores. Mulgrew e Medrick seguraram os cavalos com firmeza para que eles não partissem sem o grupo devido ao pânico.
Mulgrew – Entrem na carruagem !
Medrick levantou Fridda pela cintura e a colocou dentro.  Mulgrew já na posse das rédeas pós os cavalos para correr e o céu desmoronava fazendo tudo abaixo dele um alvo.  As árvores eram esmagadas, quebradas como gravetos pelos monólitos incendiários que desbotavam as cores da floresta com chamas digestivas que ia desintegrando a vida daquele belo lugar.  
O chão explodia engolindo as poderosas doses de meteoros que o assolavam. Fridda pela janela entrou em choque ao observar outros animais em fuga junto a carruagem, alguns pegando fogo.  Acima dela mais e mais bolas de fogo iam sendo cuspidas, rojões errantes do pavor.
A chegada a Salserd foi um alivio principalmente para os cavalos que passaram mais de seis horas correndo ininterruptas.  A carruagem não teve nenhum problema para entrar ela já era uma velha conhecida dos guardas dos portões das vila, assim como o rosto de Mulgrew.  
Salserd já era bem mais bonita e menor que toda a cidade de Cinturão Largo. Tinha uma multidão do lado de fora discutindo ao redor da rocha que caiu no meio da vila.  As pessoas eram magras e bem cuidadas, estavam felizes apesar do prejuízo. Fridda olhava as pessoas pela janela, e muitos lá fora se perguntavam quem ela poderia ser, outros saudavam Mulgrew  lhe dando as boas vindas enquanto  o transporte passava no meio da  aglomeração .  Mulgrew parou em frente a uma estalagem que nada mais era que uma residência de madeira de dois andares mas com várias acomodações.  Medirck abriu a carruagem de deixou que Fridda saísse primeiro, eles foram abordados por várias crianças que queriam saber quem era a ‘’ celebridade ‘’ que se abrigava no transporte ... alguns se decepcionaram ao ver Medrick que também já era um rosto conhecido ‘’ –  A não é ele de novo ‘’  falaram algumas , porem outras  ao verem Fridda se questionaram ‘’ –  Ela é uma princesa ?’’ .
Mulgrew –  Xó ! Fiquem longe da carruagem, agora não é hora de brincarem nela.
Disse ele tentando espantar as crianças de perto mas elas ainda estava curiosas e assediavam Fridda o tempo todo pegando em seu vestido e em sua mão. ‘’ - Você é uma princesa ? ‘’ voce é uma princesa ‘’  perguntavam infinitamente.  Fridda os decepcionou a dizer ‘’ não, eu não sou ‘’. E ela viu varias carinhas tristes ao seu redor.
Mulgrew – É, esses pirralhos sabem que eu só transporto pessoas de importância em minha diligencia e se aproveitam para tentar conhece-los.  As vezes um nobre visitar a vila e joga moedas de prata a eles.
Fridda – Queria poder dar alguma coisa.
Mulgrew – Eles não são necessitados.
Medrick – Não mesmo!
Medrick foi sorrateiramente agarrado por trás por uma jovem. Fridda achou que ele estava sendo atacado mas o susto foi momentâneo porem os ciúmes não. A jovem que manteve Medrick em seus braços gozava de uma intimidade enorme com ele e ele se alegrou muito ao vê-la, e os motivos da sua parada em Salserd agora faziam sentido.  O soldado estava envolvido amorosamente com uma local. Fridda não ficou muito tempo olhando para os dois se engraçando. Ela ao perceber que aquela possivelmente poderia ser a futura noiva do soldado, tentou expulsar de si qualquer outro sentimento   sobre ele que não fosse o da amizade.  É complicado, nos últimos dias ela queria e não queria sentir alguma coisa pelo soldado...mas agora precisava confirmar para si mesma que não deixaria nascer nenhum amor em seu coração por ele.  Fridda virou de costas e escutou os dois conversando. Fridda ficou com raiva, achando que  Medrick deveria tê-la avisado que ele  era comprometido .Espera ! Porque ele avisaria ? Medrick, demonstrou ter cuidado por ela e nada além disso...as outras instancias da vida pessoal dele não lhe diziam respeito.
Medrick –Fridda é imune!
Foi o que ela ouviu ele dizer a sua amada.
Medrick – Fridda , essa aqui é Delins
Chamou ela a se apresentar. Fridda então pode observar Delins claramente...Ela era alta e sorridente, tinha olhos e cabelos brilhantes e era linda. Ela também tinha braços fortes, tinha quatro colares com quatro símbolos diferentes.
Delins – Olá Fridda ! É um prazer conhece-la.
Fridda disfarçou a felicidade e esperou que seu sorriso não parecesse descontentamento.
Fridda – Olá.
Medrick – Eu e Fridda passamos por maus bocados. Dois no mesmo dia, primeiro lobos e depois essa chuva de meteoros.
Delins – Essas rochas vinheira de Cristatus, estou certa disso. Foi um ataque. Aquele rei amaldiçoado!
Medrick – É também acho, espero que nenhum dessas rochas tenha atingido a nossa capital.
Mulgrew – Se tiverem atingido que tenham sido poucos.
Delins – Os homens vão tirar a rocha dai. Do meio da vila
Mulgrew – Como ?
Delins –  Vão quebra-la em pedaços.
Medrick – Eu vou ajudar.  Não tem ninguém de baixo dela ?
Delins – Ainda bem que não.
Fridda não falou muito nem queria se entrosar, não agora, ficou completamente desanimada.
Medrick – Provável que passem a noite inteira quebrando a pedra.
Mulgrew – Ela não é tão grande assim, não é maior que minha carruagem. Eu ajudaria mas ...
Medrick – Mulgrew , aja como homem ajude a remover  essa bola do meio da cidade , não é só porque é velho  que pode fugir das obrigações.  
Mulgrew – Meus dedos já estão calejados de tanto segurar em rédeas de cavalos .  Você ficou na carruagem o tempo todo e usufruiu das minhas habilidades, o trouxe em segurança em meio a uma chuva de fogo e isso basta! Não espere mais nada de mim hoje, quem sabe amanhã.
Medrick – Obrigado ! Mas tivemos mais sorte que habilidade ! Voce não desviou de nada em , seguiu a estrada como um louco , não sei como não viramos.
Mulgrew – Não sabe como não virou ? com habilidade com a qual  menospreza.  Podíamos estar agora  lá no meio da floresta vindo a pé até aqui se não fosse minhas manobras e o meu meio de controle excelente dos cavalos .
(Voce encontra meus outros trabalhos nos links abaixo ) http://brunoronald.deviantart.com/ https://facebook.com/NoCoracaoDaFantasia/ https://brunoronald.tumblr.com/ #escritor #autornacional #artista #livros #literatura #portugal #brasil #textos #meustextos #fantasia #trechos #trechosdelivros #tumblr #frases #autorais #poesia #romance #escritor #autoresnacionais #brunoronald #osreisdopecado #tumblr #frases #histórias #fantasia #contos #novelas #animais #meuslivros #livros #literatura #brasil #portugal #trechos #minhas #meus #rabiscos #
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saraivavendetudo · 7 years
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Copos de xó-shots virgens. Nunca usados nesta vida!
Quer beber um mé? Então escolha sua caveira, prepare o sal e o limão e vire de uma vez. Mas não tente pegar o copo do coleguinha, porque agora cada um tem o seu esqueleto favorito.
Dica: para aumentar o efeito, após beber, coloque uma música do Metallica e sacuda a cabeça como se tivesse um touro mecânico dentro dela.
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turismoxq · 7 years
Turismo x Economia
Olá, migxsss! 
Hoje vamos falar sobre o que é o turismo visto pelas lentes da economia!
“Mas oq???? Entendi  nada, moça” Ok, ok.. Muita calma nessa hora!
Primeiro vamos a definição de turismo -> Toda atividade, realizada por um ou mais indivíduos que deixem seu local de origem em direção a outro e permaneçam por mais de 24h e menos do que o período estipulado pelo local visitado (sim, cada país tem suas regras em relação ao tempo de permanência).
Entendido, mores?
Agora vamos imaginar como a economia enxerga essa bagaça toda -> O turista ao visitar um local diferente do seu local de moradia acaba consumindo bens materiais e imateriais desse lugar de visita, certo? Desde a viagem, utilizando estradas, aeroportos, rodoviárias e portos administrados pelo local visitado, até a comida que ele consome, movimentará de alguma forma a economia daquele local.
“Ahhh, mas eu sou pobre e quando viajo para Cabo Frio não gasto um $$. Fico na casa da minha tia Gertrudes, como a comida da minha tia Gertrudes, ando no carro da tia Gertrudes..”
Primeiramente, coitada da tia Gertrudes! Depois, mesmo sem que você abra sua linda (e vazia) carteira, você está movimentando economicamente a cidade, você chegou lá de jegue? Acredito que não, então certamente você comprou uma passagem de ônibus de uma empresa de Cabo Frio, pagou pedágio de uma rodovia administrada por uma empresa estadual, municipal ou particular o que de alguma forma movimentou a economia naquele local.
“Mas genteeeee! Sou turista!”Sim migx, você é turista aos olhos da economia mesmo se escorando na pobre tia Gertrudes. (queria ter uma tia Gertrudes em Cabo Frio também)
Bem mores, agora que já sabemos que #somostodosturistas (mesmo que pobres e ferradxs), vamos a dados importantes sobre dois dos principais destinos turísticos do Brasil no ultimo carnaval ->
Segundo a Secretária Estadual de Turismo da Bahia, no carnaval de 2016, a Bahia atingiu 97% da ocupação no ramo hoteleiro o que gerou R$ 840 milhões para a economia local. Já no Rio de Janeiro, segundo a Riotur mais de 1 milhão de pessoas passaram por lá, gerando mais de R$ 3 bilhões para a economia local.
Se vocês também estão xó com esses números me add
Falando sério de novo, é importante lembrar, pra que um destino turístico seja bem visto por turistas de todo o mundo, atraindo cada vez mais grana pro local, é preciso investir não só em novos atrativos, mas também em politicas de preservação dos atrativos já existentes, construção e manutenção das vias de acesso e manutenção da segurança local.
Se mesmo com toda a violência e problemas mil nos dois estados citados temos esses números, imagina se conseguirmos solucioná-los? Pra isso que estamos ai, nessa luta diária das xerox e coxinhas caras da facul!
Até a próxima, migxsss!
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