#Paracetamol Api
universalcarbons24 · 6 months
Universal Carbons: Purifying Solutions for Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, and Oral Care with Activated Carbon and Vegetable Charcoal
In the world of purification and detoxification, few substances boast the versatility and effectiveness of activated carbon and vegetable charcoal. From beverages to pharmaceuticals, and even oral care products like charcoal toothpaste, Universal Carbons stands as a leading provider of these purifying solutions. Let's delve into the myriad applications and benefits of these remarkable substances.
Activated Carbon: A Versatile Purifying Agent
Activated carbon, also known as activated charcoal, is a highly porous material with an incredibly large surface area. This unique structure allows it to adsorb a wide range of impurities and contaminants, making it indispensable in various industries.
Activated Carbon for Beverages: Enhancing Quality and Purity
In the beverage industry, maintaining product quality and purity is paramount. Universal Carbons' activated carbon for beverages plays a crucial role in achieving these goals. By effectively removing unwanted tastes, odors, and contaminants, activated carbon ensures that beverages meet the highest standards of quality and taste.
Whether it's water, juices, or alcoholic beverages, the use of activated carbon guarantees a clean and refreshing end product that delights consumers and enhances brand reputation.
Activated Carbon for Pharmaceutical Applications
When it comes to pharmaceuticals, purity is non-negotiable. Universal Carbons understands the critical role that activated carbon plays in ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. Activated carbon for paracetamol and other APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) is meticulously engineered to meet the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.
By removing impurities and toxins, activated carbon helps pharmaceutical manufacturers produce medications that are safe, reliable, and free from contaminants, thus safeguarding the health and well-being of consumers.
Activated carbon for API
Activated carbon is indispensable for purifying Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), ensuring their safety and efficacy. By employing adsorption, activated carbon effectively eliminates impurities, contaminants, and by-products from APIs during manufacturing processes. This stringent purification process is crucial for meeting regulatory standards and producing pharmaceutical-grade substances. With its high adsorptive capacity and versatility, activated carbon guarantees the purity and quality of APIs, contributing to the development of safe and effective medications for healthcare professionals and patients worldwide.
Vegetable Charcoal: Nature's Purifier
In addition to activated carbon, Universal Carbons offers vegetable charcoal as a natural alternative for purification. Derived from renewable sources such as coconut shells or wood, vegetable charcoal harnesses the purifying power of nature to deliver clean and sustainable solutions.
Activated Carbon for Beverages: Enhancing Taste and Quality
Activated carbon plays a pivotal role in the beverage industry by ensuring that products meet stringent quality standards and provide consumers with an exceptional taste experience. Through a process known as adsorption, activated carbon effectively removes impurities, off-flavors, and odors from beverages, resulting in a cleaner, more refreshing taste.
Whether it's water, fruit juices, or alcoholic beverages, the quality of the final product often depends on the purification process. Universal Carbons' activated carbon for beverages is specifically designed to optimize taste and purity, ensuring that every sip is a delight to the senses.
By removing contaminants such as chlorine, sulfur compounds, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), activated carbon enhances the clarity, aroma, and overall palatability of beverages. This not only improves consumer satisfaction but also boosts brand reputation and loyalty.
Furthermore, activated carbon serves as a versatile tool for beverage manufacturers, offering flexibility in processing and production. From large-scale purification systems to specialized filtration cartridges, Universal Carbons provides tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, enabling them to consistently deliver high-quality beverages to market.
In a competitive industry where taste and quality are paramount, activated carbon stands as an indispensable ally, ensuring that beverages meet and exceed customer expectations.
Activated Carbon for Paracetamol: Ensuring Pharmaceutical Purity
In the pharmaceutical industry, purity and safety are of utmost importance, especially when it comes to medications like paracetamol. Universal Carbons' activated carbon for paracetamol plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and efficacy of this widely used pain reliever.
During the manufacturing process, activated carbon is employed to purify paracetamol, removing impurities, by-products, and contaminants that could compromise its potency or safety. Through adsorption, activated carbon effectively captures and immobilizes unwanted substances, leaving behind a pure and pharmaceutical-grade product.
This rigorous purification process not only meets regulatory requirements but also ensures that patients receive medications that are safe, reliable, and free from harmful substances. Whether in tablet, capsule, or liquid form, paracetamol purified with activated carbon provides healthcare professionals and consumers with confidence in its quality and effectiveness.
Universal Carbons' commitment to excellence in pharmaceutical purification extends beyond paracetamol to encompass a wide range of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). With their expertise in activated carbon technology and dedication to quality assurance, Universal Carbons continues to be a trusted partner for pharmaceutical manufacturers worldwide, safeguarding public health and well-being through purity and precision.
Activated Charcoal Toothpaste: Revolutionizing Oral Care
In recent years, activated charcoal toothpaste has gained popularity as a natural alternative for oral care. Universal Carbons' innovative formulations leverage the adsorptive properties of activated charcoal to effectively remove stains, impurities, and bacteria from the teeth and gums.
By incorporating activated charcoal toothpaste into their daily oral hygiene routine, consumers can enjoy a brighter, cleaner smile without the use of harsh chemicals or abrasives.
Conclusion: Elevating Standards with Universal Carbons
From beverages to pharmaceuticals and oral care products, Universal Carbons is dedicated to providing purifying solutions that meet the highest standards of quality, purity, and sustainability. With their extensive expertise and commitment to innovation, Universal Carbons continues to revolutionize industries and enhance the lives of consumers around the globe. Experience the power of activated carbon and vegetable charcoal with Universal Carbons today.
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farmson · 6 months
Pharmaceutical Excellence: Farmson's Paracetamol & API Manufacturing
Discover pharmaceutical innovation at its finest with Farmson Pharmaceutical Gujarat Private Ltd. As leaders in the industry, we specialize in the manufacturing of high-quality Paracetamol and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API). With a commitment to excellence and cutting-edge technology, Farmson ensures the highest standards of quality, safety, and efficacy in every product. Trust in Farmson for your pharmaceutical needs, where precision meets perfection.
For more information visit: https://www.farmson.com/products/manufacturer-of-api-paracetamol-in-india
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iolcplimited · 9 months
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Paracetamol API Manufacturer and Supplier
IOLCP is the one of the leading Paracetamol API manufacturer with Superior quality with stringent controls on all process impurities (Results: < 0.02%;<br /> Limit: 0.05%).
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resentfuljustice · 11 months
한국 pt. 11 - paracetamol overdose
Iš lėto sėlinau po korėjietiško prekybos centro lentynas, ir vis laužiau kaklą ieškodama bet kokios plikomos arbatos. Su Papago programėle skanavau jau penktą dėžutę, ant kurios buvo pavaizduoti raudoni lapeliai – bet paaiškėjo, kad ir vėl rankose laikiau kavą. Supratau, kad apsipirkinėdama Korėjoje nelabai galiu pasitikėti pakuočių iliustracijomis – tad nusprendžiau griebtis priešingos taktikos, ir apžiūrinėjau dėžutę, ant kurios buvo nupieštas košės dubenėlis, papuoštas laukinėmis gėlėmis. Skaitydama vertimą pasidžiaugiau, kad pagaliau radau arbatą – nors ir ji buvo visai ne "arbatiškai" skambančio migdolų ir džiovintų abrikosų skonio.
Paskutinį rytą Jeju saloje atsikėliau su perštinčia gerkle ir apsunkusia galva – bebūsiantį pagrindiniu tokios savijautos kaltininku įtarinėjau oro kondicionierių mūsų nuomojamame automobilyje. Kad ir kaip vis bandžiau keisti temperatūrą, bet koks mašinoje pučiamas oras man atrodė per šaltas – vis nesėkmingai bandydavau pilnai užsukti oro sklendes, po to pasidavusi tiesiog įsijungdavau šildomas sėdynes. Mudu su Karoliu įprastai nesutarėme temperatūros klausimu, tik šį kartą buvome apsikeitę "frontais". Namuose jam dažnai anksčiau norisi įsijungti šildymą, prieš ką iškart gulu kryžiumi ir dar atidarau visus buto langus, kad sukelčiau skersvėjį – "jeigu šalta, užsimauk kojines ir palik šortus kitų metų šiltajam sezonui!". Na, o aš jau pirmomis gegužės mėnesio dienomis nekantriai stoviu prie oro kondicionieriaus su pulteliu ir įjungiu jį visu pajėgumu – kai tuo tarpu Karolis, prieš įkrisdamas į sofą prie televizoriaus, dramatiškai užsivynioja šaliką.
Grįžusi į Airbnb, plikiausi ką tik įsigytą gėrimą – ir po to smalsiai jį apžiūrinėjau. Atrodė, kad kažkas susėmė nuo avižinės košės likusį miltuotą vandenį, į jį papildomai įpylė krakmolo, negailėdami įbarstė migdolų trupinių ir džiovintų vaisių, ir sugalvojo pardavinėti individualiai supakuotuose pakeliuose kaip "arbatą". Karolis gurkštelėjo karšto skysčio iš savo puodelio lygiai vieną kartą, nutaisė nesuprantamą veidą, ir pasiūlė likučius man. Kadangi man gėrimas netgi labai (netikėtai) patiko, nudžiugusi susiverčiau vieną po kito abu puodelius (beveik kaip tekilos shot'us), ir prieš keliaujant atgal į oro uostą, užsukau į dušą.
Korėjiečiai mėgo mažus rankšluostėlius. Kai pirmą naktį Korėjoje kuičiausi po visos vonios stalčius, ir vis ieškojau bent vieno "normalaus" dydžio rankšluosčio kūnui (gal viešbučio tvarkytoja tiesiog mūsų kambarį užmiršo?), radau tik visą krūvą virtuvinio dydžio egzempliorių, su kuriais, geriausiu atveju, galėčiau nusausinti daugkartinius metalinius pagaliukus. Pradėjau googlinti, ar mūsų patirtis išskirtinė ir kažkas čia tikrai ne taip – ir tik radau daugybę temų forumuose apie tai, kad jeigu kelionėje po Korėją negalėsite išgyventi be savo vakarietiškų rankšluosčių AKA "parašiutų", juos atsivežkite atskirai, nes net negarantuotai rasite kažką panašaus vietinėse parduotuvėse. Iš pradžių buvo keista iš vonios neišeiti su daugiaaukščiu rankšluostiniu plaukų "turbanu", bet po kelių dienų pripratau, ir bandydama savo taiklumą (dar kartą įsitikinau, kad ūgis neturi nieko bendro su akių-rankų koordinaciniais gabumais), vis mėčiau vieną rankšluostėlį po kito į vonios kampe esančią dėžę, prieš tai kruopščiai nuvaliusi apgaravusį veidrodį.        
Pakeliui į oro uostą, teko garbė susipažinti su (kol kas) geriausiai angliškai kalbančiu korėjiečiu. Jis mokėjo pasisveikinti, paklausti, kaip mums sekasi, taip pat pasidomėti, ar patinka Jeju – ir netgi pasakyti kiek tiksliai Korėjos won'ų esame jam skolingi. Ir ši talentinga asmenybė dirbo ne kokioje suvenyrų parduotuvėje ar populiariame restorane, kur jo žinios būtų neįtikėtinai pravertusios, bet ir vėl degalinėje užpilinėjo kurą… Vėliau beklausydami nepatenkinto korėjietiško GPS balso (drįsom važiuoti ne tuo keliu, kurį "rekomendavo"), pasiekėm automobilio nuomos punktą, kur transliuodama pagalbos šauksmą žvelgiau tiesiai į aptarnaujančio darbuotojo akis. Jis man keturis kartus kantriai bandė pakartoti kažką labai svarbaus – vėliau paaiškėjo, kad laužyta anglų kalba, su ausiai neįprastu akcentu tiesiog bandė paaiškinti, kad jeigu kažką paliksime mašinoje – jie per daug nesivargindami iškart viską išmes, be jokios galimybės susigrąžinti. Prieš išlipdama paspyriau neišgertą dvilitrinį butelį vandens po keleivio sėdyne, ir plačiai nusišypsojau darbuotojui, kol jis nurašinėjo odometro duomenis. 
Apsikabinusi savo kuprinę, dardėjau link oro uosto terminalo – buvome įsodinti į ryškiai žalią autobusą, kurio priekis papuoštas didelėmis priklijuotomis akytėmis. Pagalvojau, kad jeigu gimtojoje šalyje mane prajuokina dar retkarčiais pasipainiojantys VW Beetle su dirbtinėmis blakstienomis ant farų, tai čia į tokį infantilumą spinduliuojantį papuošimą niekas net neatkreiptų dėmesio. 
Po gero pusvalandžio, jau būdama oro uoste, stengiausi nepanikuoti, jausdama kaip po truputį liepsnoti pradeda mano lūpos. Karštis tiesiasi tolyn liežuviu – degindamas mano gerklę, kol galų gale pasiekia skrandį, kur, esu tikra, po šiandienos atsivers viena didelė skylė, ir nuo šiol man teks vaikščioti garsiai teliuškuojant, su niekada nesuvirškintu "bomžpakiu" savo pilvo ertmėje. Apsiašarojusiomis akimis skubėjau iki artimiausio stalo su servetėlėmis, kur traukdama vieną po kitos, vis bandžiau išsipūsti nosį ir nusivalyti ašaras, o aplinkiniai klientai pradėjo rimtai svarstyti, ar šitai baltaodei turistei dar nereikia iškviesti budinčio oro uosto mediko. Pirmą (ir kaip vėliau paaiškės, vienintelį) kartą šioje kelionėje užsakiau sau per aštrius makaronus. Neįtikėtina, bet mane nugalėjusį aštrumą radau ne kokioje nišinėje maitinimo įstaigoje, o oro uosto restorane. 
Tęsiant maisto temą – Korėjoje, asmeniškai, susidūriau dar su viena didele problema – nesugebėjau rasti tikrai skanių traškučių. Turėjau kaip kokia detektyvė atidžiai ištyrinėti kiekvieną pakelį, kad surasčiau bent tas keturias rūšis, pagamintas ne iš kukurūzų, o iš bulvių – bet ir jas išbandžius, labai nusivyliau. Nebuvau tikra, ar jie bent į juos įdėjo druskos – jie buvo taip plonai supjaustyti ir tokie balti (ar juos tikrai kepė aliejuje, gal tiesiog bulvių skilteles paliko išdžiūti saulėje?), bene permatomi, ir panašesni į kažką, ką prie sultinio gautų Kauno klinikų pacientai po sudėtingos skrandžio operacijos. Tada pradėjau eksperimentuoti su kukurūzinėmis čipsų versijomis – bet čia labiausiai nustebino tai, kad galėjau rinktis iš lygiai dviejų skonių – jūros gėrybių (krabai, krevetės, aštuonkojai) arba, tariamai, AŠTRŪS (nebuvo nei kiek aštrūs, tik saldūs...). Jau būdama Seoule, išsitraukiau savo atsivežtinį, ryškiai rožinį Aldi maišelį, ir prisikroviau keletą variantų – kadangi man, kaip tikrai nesveiko maisto someljė, čia net čipsų pakeliai buvo "vieno kąsnio" – dauguma svyravo tarp 40 ir 80 gramų.
Paskutinysis mūsų kelionės Airbnb buvo Heukseok rajone, pietiniame Seoulo miesto pakraštyje. Kol abu su lagaminais puškavome į neįtikėtinai statų kalną, pradėjau telefone tikrinti, kiek galėtų kainuoti taksi nuo metro stotelės iki mūsų naujojo būsto – mažai, bet pažiūrėjus į atstumą, gėda net kviesti. Kas gerus penkiasdešimt metrų vis turėjau stabtelėti atsikvėpti – tuo pačiu negalėjau pamiršti tvirtai rankose laikyti lagamino, nes vos jį paleidus, jis pradėdavo staigiai važiuoti žemyn. Pro mus lėtai prariedėjo policijos automobilis – pakėlusi galvą pastebėjau, kad įsikursime netoliese vietinio komisariato. Pagalvojau, kad čia niekas į pareigūnus per daug nekreipė dėmesio – palyginus su Lietuva, kur "keliukams" pradėjus važiuoti 40 km/h greičiu antra juosta, niekas nedrįsta jų lenkti. Kiekvieną kartą įžengdama į gatvę turėjau sau priminti, kad Korėjoje automobiliai turi absoliučią (bet niekur neįteisintą) pirmenybę prieš pėsčiuosius – joks vietinis automobilio vairuotojas blaiviu protu čia nesustos prie nereguliuojamų perėjų, o net ir žengiant per žalią šviesoforo signalą galėjai tikėtis, kad kokia mašina sugalvos užbaiginėti manevrą, arba maisto kurjeris su motoroleriu drąsiai apsisukinės perėjoje tarp minios pėsčiųjų.
Popiet gulėjau lovoje, tvirtai susisukusi į pūkinę antklodę – aplink mane mėtėsi pradaryti traškučių pakeliai, šalia lovos stovėjo pusiau nugerti arbatos puodeliai, o aš, su varvančia nosimi, apčiuopomis ieškojau dar nepanaudotos nosinaitės. Buvau išsiuntusi Karolį į artimiausią piceriją parnešti "ką nors skanaus" – kol jis man siuntė angliško meniu nuotraukas, kad išsirinkčiau vakarienę (kažin kokia Havajų pica Korėjoje?), aš maigiau pultelį, šokinėdama per korėjietiškos televizijos kanalus. Mane ir vėl užhipnotizavo svetimos kultūros reklaminės pauzės – žiūrėjau į ekrane besišypsančią pensininkų grupelę, kuri vaikštinėdama po parką, prisėdo ant suoliuko ir iš mažų pakučių pradėjo į burną verstis kažkokius spalvotus miltelius. Po kelių sekundžių senoliai šoktelėjo nuo suoliuko – ir pademonstravo iš niekur užaugusius bicepsus. Žvilgtelėjau ant mano pilvo apačios nuo korėjietiškų saldumynų užsiraičiusį cepeliną, ir svarsčiau, kokia tikimybė, kad tais milteliais apibarsčius savo pilvą, išvysčiau besiformuojantį presą? Mano mintis nutraukė triuk��minga reklama, su dideliu entuziazmu demonstruojanti žarnų kimštuvo pajėgumus ruošiant namines, kraujines korėjietiškas dešreles. Po kelių sekundžių išgirdau atsirakinančias buto duris.
Kramsnojau picos gabaliuko kraštelį su sūriu viduje – mintyse, pro nešvarius Arena Pizza langus, žvelgiau į vis dar remontuojamą Savanorių prospektą. Bet fiziškai sėdėjau už beveik 7500 kilometrų, mieste, kur, mano akimis, visose iškabose vietoj raidžių šoka maži žmogeliukai, kur vežimėliuose vežiojami ne vaikai, o maži šunyčiai, kur merginos metro važinėja su vienu "biguduku" ant grifkos, o per televizorių reklamuojami kapinių vainikai, fone grojant klubinei muzikai.
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namansharma0950 · 2 months
パラセタモール (Paracetamol) の価格: 最新動向、市場指数、予測
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パラセタモール(Paracetamol)はアセトアミノフェンとも呼ばれ、鎮痛や解熱に最もよく使用される薬の 1 つです。パラセタモールの価格は、生産コスト、原材料の入手可能性、市場の需要、規制政策、競争など、いくつかの要因により変動する可能性があります。
生産コストは、パラセタモールの価格を決定する主な要因です。パラセタモールの製造には、医薬品有効成分 (API) の合成、品質管理の確保、適正製造基準 (GMP) の遵守が含まれます。これらのプロセスに関連するコストは、原材料、エネルギー、労働、施設のメンテナンスの価格に基づいて変動する可能性があります。効率的な生産方法と規模の経済は、これらの費用を管理するのに役立ち、全体的な価格設定に影響を与えます。
原材料の入手可能性は、パラセタモールのコスト構造に大きな影響を与えます。主要な原材料には、市場の状況やサプライ チェーンの傾向の影響を受ける p-アミノフェノールなどの化学物質が含まれます。原材料の不足や調達の遅れなどの混乱は、生産コストの増加につながる可能性があります。地政学的問題、貿易政策、自然災害などの要因がサプライ チェーンに影響を及ぼし、パラセタモールの価格にも影響を及ぼします。
市場の需要は、パラセタモールの価格に影響を与えるもう 1 つの重要な要因です。広く使用されている市販薬であるパラセタモールの需要は、季節性疾患 (風邪やインフルエンザなど)、公衆衛生上の緊急事態 (パンデミックなど)、一般的な消費者の健康傾向などの要因によって左右されます。需要が高い時期には、供給制約により一時的な価格上昇につながる可能性がありますが、需要が低い時期には価格が下がる可能性があります。
トラックライブパラセタモール(Paracetamol)価格: https://www.analystjapan.com/Pricing-data/paracetamol-1178
Call +1 (332) 258- 6602 1-2-3 Manpukuji, Asao-ku, Kawasaki 215-0004 Japan
Website: https://www.analystjapan.com
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pharmawalksjobs · 2 months
Sri Krishna Pharma walk-in interview for Maintenance department on 15th & 16th July 2024
SKPL, founded in 1974, initially emerged as a trailblazer in producing acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in large quantities for the local Indian market. Presently, the organization has evolved into a fully integrated manufacturer of various essential active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), pharmaceutical intermediates (PFIs), and finished dosage drugs. Greetings from Sri Krishna Pharmaceuticals! We…
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currentmediasstuff · 3 months
Priyanka Chigurupati – Leading Granules India Forward
Priyanka Chigurupati, a dynamic second-generation entrepreneur, is propelling her family’s pharmaceutical business, Granules India, into new heights. Starting her journey with Granules India as a marketing manager for a region-specific division, she quickly rose to oversee a new API facility and establish the US team for Granules Inc.
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Early Life and Education
Priyanka’s path to the pharmaceutical industry was not initially clear. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, she pursued her passion for fashion by obtaining an associate degree in Applied Science (Fashion Marketing) from Parsons, the New School of Design. She launched her fashion label, Chigurupati, designing Western and Indo-Western apparel for young women and retailing through e-commerce platforms, which was a novel approach at the time.
Entering the Family Business
In 2012, Priyanka was invited to join Granules India, the family-owned pharmaceutical company with operations in Hyderabad and the US. Granules India Ltd. is a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company focusing on R&D and multi-product delivery, including the manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), Pharmaceutical Formulation Intermediates (PFIs), and Finished Dosages (FDs). Reflecting on her decision, Priyanka says, “I joined the family business of pharmaceuticals after pondering on what to do post my education in the US.”
Starting as a marketing manager, Priyanka embraced a collaborative approach, valuing collective decision-making over unilateral actions. This philosophy not only facilitated her learning but also instilled the confidence to influence organizational strategy, shifting the company’s focus towards manufacturing excellence.
Career Progression and Achievements
After a brief sabbatical, Priyanka returned to Granules India to manage a newly acquired API facility and subsequently relocated to the US. There, she drove the over-the-counter division as a project manager, later expanding her responsibilities to the prescription side of the business, which posed a new set of challenges due to the company’s limited R&D emphasis at the time. Her efforts culminated in her appointment as Executive Director of Granules Pharmaceuticals Inc. (GPI), where she oversaw the global business front-end, achieving 30+ abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) filings and their commercialization.
Currently, Priyanka leads the entire US generics business, which generates 50% of Granules’ overall revenues. She also manages the company’s portfolio and spearheads investor relations. Under her leadership, Granules has thrived in the competitive US generics market, maintaining a strong presence even as other Indian drug makers retreated from highly commoditized molecules like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
Expanding Horizons
Granules is actively expanding its operations, including setting up a new Multi-Unit Pellet System (MUPS) block in Telangana and an API block for medium to high-volume products. Internationally, the company is making inroads into Europe and enhancing its US market share. The company has seen significant growth, with consolidated revenue reaching Rs 2,598.65 crore in FY 19–20 and continued growth during the pandemic, driven by its essential services designation and commitment to uninterrupted medicine supply.
Personal Passions and Inspirations
Beyond her professional achievements, Priyanka is passionate about fitness and fashion, continuing to write and blog on these interests. Inspired by her marathon-running parents, who earned a Guinness World Record in 2010, she brings the same dedication and resilience to her leadership at Granules. Priyanka aims to consolidate and strengthen Granules’ position as a billion-dollar company, empowering her team to share in the organization’s vision with strong conviction and commitment.
Through her strategic vision and innovative leadership, Priyanka Chigurupati is not only honoring her family’s legacy but also ensuring Granules India’s sustained growth and success in the global pharmaceutical industry.
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iris555666 · 7 months
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Contact US: Company Website:https://www.hait-pharm.com/ WhatsApp:+8615527907811 Email:[email protected]
Supply: Pmk Ethyl Glycidate 28578-16-7 Paracetamol/acetaminophen 103-90-2 1,4-Butanediol 110-63-4 2-BROMO-1-PHENYL-PENTAN-1-ONE 49851-31-2 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone 1451-82-7 Bmk Glycidic Acid (sodium salt) 5449-12-7 Pyrrolidine 123-75-1 Bmk Oil 20320-59-6 Pmk Oil 28578-16-7 Pregabalin 148553-50-8 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 Benzocaine 94-09-7
1.Any inquiry or message will be replied within 12 hours. 2.Professional manufacturer. Welcome to visit our website. 3.API, Intermediate are available, we can offer Custom Synthesis, and registration as well. 4.Fast delivery. 5.After-sale services
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farmson · 1 year
Largest Integrated Manufacturer of API Paracetamol in the World - Farmson Pharmaceutical
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Paracetamol, being the safest & the most affordable Analgesic & Antipyretic drug, is used for treating fever, flu, body pain and cold. Equipped with the largest capacity of 45000 MTPA, which results in the production of around 81.6 billion tablets a year, touching almost every human life on the face of earth, is a small miracle. For more details visit: https://www.farmson.com/
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omkarpatel · 7 months
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: The Core Of Medicines
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Introduction Active pharmaceutical ingredients, commonly referred to as APIs, form the core component of any drug or medicine. Without APIs, no medicine can be manufactured as they are responsible for the intended therapeutic effect of the drug in the human body. In this article, we will explore the world of APIs, their manufacturing process, quality standards, applications in major therapeutic categories and challenges faced by the industry. What are APIs? APIs refer to the biologically active component of any pharmaceutical product that is intended to have a therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive or curative action when administered to humans or animals. They may exist in their crude or pure form or as salt or ester derivatives. Common examples of APIs include paracetamol, amoxicillin, atorvastatin, etc. APIs account for approximately 10% of the total cost of a medicine but are essential for its therapeutic effect. Manufacturing of APIs API manufacturing is a knowledge-intensive and highly regulated process that takes place in specialized facilities. It broadly consists of three stages - API design, development and scale-up. In the design stage, the target molecule and synthesis route is identified. This is followed by development where the synthetic pathway is optimized and validated in lab-scale batches. Finally, the route is scaled up to commercial production levels under strict quality norms. Key factors considered during manufacturing include purity levels, stability, solubility, bioavailability and cost effectiveness. Adoption of Quality Management Systems With rising competition and stringent regulatory oversight, API manufacturers are placing significant emphasis on quality. Advanced quality management systems like cGMP (current good manufacturing practices) are universally followed to ensure product and process consistency. Regular quality audits, change control systems, environmental monitoring and personnel training are essential cGMP components. Robust analytical techniques based on chromatography, spectroscopy and dissolution testing are employed for identity, purity and content testing of APIs. This helps eliminate potential quality issues and ensure patient safety.
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blueweave · 1 year
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UAE active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) market size at USD 1,264.75 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the UAE active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) market size to grow at a CAGR of 38.61% reaching a value of USD 8,967.75 million by 2029. The prevalence of chronic diseases is on the rise, and patients are increasingly demanding individualized treatment plans, which are two major growth reasons for the UAE active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) market. Additionally, it is projected that the development of novel drug delivery methods would have a substantial impact on the market expansion over the forecast period.
UAE Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Market – Overview
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) are chemically and physiologically active components of medications that have a direct impact on the treatment, mitigation, and prevention of illnesses. These are produced using both chemical and biological methods. Paracetamol in medications for pain treatment and atorvastatin in medications for decreasing cholesterol are two examples of active substances. Oncology, cardiology, CNS and neurology, orthopedics, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, ophthalmology, and endocrinology are just a few of the medical specialties where APIs are used in high-quality medications.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/uae-active-pharmaceutical-ingredients-market/report-sample
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Acetaminophen API Market: Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored By 2023 to 2032
Acetaminophen API Market: Overview The usage of acetaminophen grade is higher due to its wide utilisation in the drug development process. While it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as a pain killer which offers a lucrative opportunity for the growth of the Acetaminophen API market in the forecasted period. Aside from this, the acetaminophen drug is combined with various drug and available in various forms, but it is mostly available in the form of extended-release tablets for showing analgesics effects. But heavy usage of this drug can cause serious adverse effects & can build toxicity which leads to other diseases.
In 2022, the market for acetaminophen API is expected to be worth US$ 1,150.2 Million. The drug is available over the counter (OTC) in the form of extended release tablets that exude analgesic effects. Because of the drug’s usefulness as a palliative in pain relief and in combination with other medications in a variety of medical conditions, the overall demand for acetaminophen is expected to increase at a CAGR of 3.4% between 2022 and 2032, reaching US$ 1,606.86 Million by 2032.
Acetaminophen API (paracetamol), or Tylenol, is used as in the first-line drug therapy in pain conditions. The API when combined with drug shows antipyretic & analgesics effect. Acetaminophen is found in over the counter (OTC) sensitivity drugs, cold meds, sleep medication, pain relievers and so on.
The medication can be administered in patients who are bigoted to salicylates and those with hypersensitive propensities, including bronchial asthmatics. It comes under the NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) category because of its capacity to repress the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways.
The Indian government has confined the export of 27 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and completed portion drugs made with those APIs because of Covid-19. Johnson and Johnson’s (New Brunswick, NJ, US) Tylenol (acetaminophen/paracetamol) is among the medications whose supply chain will be influenced.
The request will influence worldwide pharmaceutical supply chains. India is a crucial area of pharmaceutical manufacturing for the drugs market in different countries. The nation houses drug manufacturing units possessed by contract fabricating associations (CMOs) and others claimed by local and global biopharma organizations for in-house manufacturing
To remain ahead of your competitors, request for a sample @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-12465
Acetaminophen API Market: Drivers and Restraints:
The easy availability of this drug is boosting the growth of the Acetaminophen API market.  Meanwhile increasing usage of drugs for pain-relieving effects is propelling the growth of the Acetaminophen API market. Moreover, rising incidences of accidents, surgeries are further boosting the Acetaminophen API market.
Moreover, people addiction to using these drugs for rapid pain relief also fuelling the growth of the Acetaminophen API market. Additionally, environmental conditions, lifestyle changes & dietary habits modifications are responsible for a variety of disorders which increases the consumption of these drugs.
However, the excessive dosage can cause toxicity which can lead to serious complications such as liver diseases, fertility issues, carcinogenesis & mutagenesis which can hamper the growth of the Acetaminophen API market.
Acetaminophen API Market: Regional Wise Outlook
Geographically, the Acetaminophen API market is divided into seven regions viz. North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, China, Japan & the Middle East and Africa.  Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the global acetaminophen API market followed by North- America & Europe.
Asia-Pacific is dominating the global acetaminophen API market due to higher population rate which led to increased accidental cases, surgeries & various disorders, thus the demand for the drugs is increasing in this region which is boosting the Acetaminophen API regional market. While the increasing healthcare conditions & awareness amongst the people is further fuelling the Acetaminophen API market.
Rapid development & Advancements along with the changing environmental conditions is going to offer a lucrative opportunity for the growth of acetaminophen API market in North America during the forecasted period.
Ask from Market Research Expert @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-12465
Acetaminophen API Market: Key Market Participants
The key participants operating in the global acetaminophen API market identified across the value chain are
BOC Sciences
Tianjin Bofa Acetaminophen
Mallinckrodt plc
 Kemcolour International
Changshu Huagang Acetaminophen
Haohua Industry
Kangle Acetaminophen
Angene International Limited
Anhui BBCA Acetaminophen
Granules India
Hebei Jiheng Acetaminophen
Glosel India Impex Pvt Ltd. from India
 Flare S.A. from Switzerland
Silverline chemicals ltd from India
Emkay Pharma Pvt Ltd from India
Atabay K.S.V.T. from Turkey
Anqiu Lu’An from China
United Pharma Industries Co Ltd from China
Farmson from India
Liaoyuan City Baikang from China
The players working in the worldwide acetaminophen API market are concentrating on the drug discovery i.e. by combining the API with various other extracts for the development of new therapeutic medication which would be helpful in prevention & cure of various disorders. Currently, the company are focusing at the collaborations, mergers & acquisitions with other companies.
Request Customization @  https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/customization-available/rep-gb-12456
Report Highlights:
Detailed overview of the Healthcare market
Changing Acetaminophen API Market dynamics in the industry
Below the Acetaminophen API Market -depth market segmentation
Historical, current, and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Below the Acetaminophen API Market recent industry trends and developments
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint
Acetaminophen API Market Segmentation:
The global Acetaminophen API market has been segmented based on product form, type, application, end-user and geography.
Veterinary Drug Grade
Acetaminophen Grade
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Research labs
Educational institutes
product form
Tablets (film-coated, extended-release)
Oral Solution
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rickztalk · 2 years
China Covid Surge Drives Bulk Drug Prices Higher For Indian Pharma Firms
China Covid Surge Drives Bulk Drug Prices Higher For Indian Pharma Firms
A Covid surge in China risks causing a shortage of active pharma ingredients and increase prices in India as domestic drugmakers source bulk of their requirement from the neighbouring nation. Indian companies are paying 12-25% higher prices for APIs like paracetamol, azithromycin, amoxicillin, and potassium clavulanate in the past few days, according to Sudarshan Jain, secretary general at Indian…
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chemxert · 2 years
Ultimate Guide to Knowing The Latest News on Paracetamol | Chem Xpert
Paracetamol is an important medicine for people who have a headache or fever. It is important to follow the instructions on your medicine packet and take it as directed. Are you looking for the latest news on Paracetamol? Then visit ChemExpert's website or call us today for more information. We are committed to guide you as per your requirement. Give us a chance to serve you!
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sanpdr1994 · 2 years
Acetaminophen API Market Industry: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning With Manufacturing Process and CAGR Forecast by 2032
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In 2022, the Acetaminophen API Market is expected to be worth US$ 1,150.2 Million. The drug is available over the counter (OTC) in the form of extended release tablets that exude analgesic effects. Because of the drug's usefulness as a palliative in pain relief and in combination with other medications in a variety of medical conditions, the overall demand for acetaminophen is expected to increase at a CAGR of 3.4% between 2022 and 2032, reaching US$ 1,606.86 Million by 2032.
Acetaminophen API Market: Overview
The usage of acetaminophen grade is higher due to its wide utilization in the drug development process. While it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as a pain killer which offers a lucrative opportunity for the growth of the Acetaminophen API market in the forecasted period. Aside from this, the acetaminophen drug is combined with various drug and available in various forms, but it is mostly available in the form of extended-release tablets for showing analgesics effects. But heavy usage of this drug can cause serious adverse effects & can build toxicity which leads to other diseases.
For More Information: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/acetaminophen-api-market
Acetaminophen API (paracetamol), or Tylenol, is used as in the first-line drug therapy in pain conditions. The API when combined with drug shows antipyretic & analgesics effect. Acetaminophen is found in over the counter (OTC) sensitivity drugs, cold meds, sleep medication, pain relievers and so on.
The medication can be administered in patients who are bigoted to salicylates and those with hypersensitive propensities, including bronchial asthmatics. It comes under the NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) category because of its capacity to repress the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways.
The Indian government has confined the export of 27 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and completed portion drugs made with those APIs because of Covid-19. Johnson and Johnson’s (New Brunswick, NJ, US) Tylenol (acetaminophen/paracetamol) is among the medications whose supply chain will be influenced.
The request will influence worldwide pharmaceutical supply chains. India is a crucial area of pharmaceutical manufacturing for the drugs market in different countries. The nation houses drug manufacturing units possessed by contract fabricating associations (CMOs) and others claimed by local and global biopharma organizations for in-house manufacturing
Acetaminophen API Market: Drivers and Restraints:
The easy availability of this drug is boosting the growth of the Acetaminophen API market.  Meanwhile increasing usage of drugs for pain-relieving effects is propelling the growth of the Acetaminophen API market. Moreover, rising incidences of accidents, surgeries are further boosting the Acetaminophen API market.
Moreover, people addiction to using these drugs for rapid pain relief also fuelling the growth of the Acetaminophen API market. Additionally, environmental conditions, lifestyle changes & dietary habits modifications are responsible for a variety of disorders which increases the consumption of these drugs.
However, the excessive dosage can cause toxicity which can lead to serious complications such as liver diseases, fertility issues, carcinogenesis & mutagenesis which can hamper the growth of the Acetaminophen API market.
Acetaminophen API Market: Regional Wise Outlook
Geographically, the Acetaminophen API market is divided into seven regions viz. North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, China, Japan & the Middle East and Africa.  Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the global acetaminophen API market followed by North- America & Europe.
Asia-Pacific is dominating the global acetaminophen API market due to higher population rate which led to increased accidental cases, surgeries & various disorders, thus the demand for the drugs is increasing in this region which is boosting the Acetaminophen API regional market. While the increasing healthcare conditions & awareness amongst the people is further fuelling the Acetaminophen API market.
Rapid development & Advancements along with the changing environmental conditions is going to offer a lucrative opportunity for the growth of acetaminophen API market in North America during the forecasted period.
Acetaminophen API Market: Key Market Participants
The key participants operating in the global acetaminophen API market identified across the value chain are
BOC Sciences
Tianjin Bofa Acetaminophen
Mallinckrodt plc
 Kemcolour International
Changshu Huagang Acetaminophen
Haohua Industry
Kangle Acetaminophen
Angene International Limited
Anhui BBCA Acetaminophen
Granules India
Hebei Jiheng Acetaminophen
Glosel India Impex Pvt Ltd. from India
 Flare S.A. from Switzerland
Silverline chemicals ltd from India
Emkay Pharma Pvt Ltd from India
Atabay K.S.V.T. from Turkey
Anqiu Lu’An from China
United Pharma Industries Co Ltd from China
Farmson from India
Liaoyuan City Baikang from China
The players working in the worldwide acetaminophen API market are concentrating on the drug discovery i.e. by combining the API with various other extracts for the development of new therapeutic medication which would be helpful in prevention & cure of various disorders. Currently, the company are focusing at the collaborations, mergers & acquisitions with other companies.
Report Highlights:
Detailed overview of the Healthcare market
Changing Acetaminophen API Market dynamics in the industry
Below the Acetaminophen API Market -depth market segmentation
Historical, current, and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Below the Acetaminophen API Market recent industry trends and developments
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint
Acetaminophen API Market Segmentation:
The global Acetaminophen API market has been segmented based on product form, type, application, end-user and geography.
Veterinary Drug Grade
Acetaminophen Grade
Pharmaceuticals Industry
Research labs
Educational institutes
Product Form
Tablets (film-coated, extended-release)
Oral Solution
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pharmawalksjobs · 3 months
Sri Krishna Pharma walk-in interview for various roles in Production on 1st - 6th July 2024
SKPL, founded in 1974, initially emerged as a trailblazer in producing acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in large quantities for the local Indian market. Presently, the organization has evolved into a fully integrated manufacturer of various essential active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), pharmaceutical intermediates (PFIs), and finished dosage drugs. Greetings from Sri Krishna Pharmaceuticals! We…
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