dragonleesupporter · 5 years
Heat (Paradigm Series)
Summary: After realizing he’s in love with the prince, Alo decides to visit Shasta again. Little does he know that this particular night will change his life forever.
           “What’s wrong with me?” Alo turned on his other side for the fifth time.
             He had tried other branches on the tree, since he didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the abandoned bar that anybody had access to. He had tried switching sides so many times, but realized his whole body was covered in sweat. How could that be? It was freezing just an hour ago!
             He tried to distract his uncomfortable situation by focusing on how his day had gone. It had been AMAZING. Shasta was naïve and stupidly trusting, as well as a lightweight drinker and a boy of a prince. He was so stupid… yet… Alo knew the prince had something he hadn’t had in a long time. Happiness. Genuine acceptance and love for everything around him.
 Pssh… he knew it was going to kill him someday. Why did that thought hurt so much? The thief had lost people before! Why was this cute prince any different than the few friends he once had?? Being so cute and acting openly childlike as if nobody was judging his every move! And his laugh… Just as intoxicating and addictive as the shicka they had drank together. Contagious and never-ending, like an infinite waterfall of mirth and innocence pouring onto a burnt and blackened world. Alo felt himself smiling at the memory of a drunk Shasta openly giggling at everything around him and making no attempt to hide it… just a free soul…
 But he was so vulnerable… Alo had to protect him! He knew the other kingdoms wouldn’t react well with the thought of a prince replacing a princess. Why did he care so much about this prince? Why had he opened up so fast to someone who was supposed to be his enemy? The thief didn’t care to answer those questions anymore. He didn’t need to know why. He just wanted to be with him… The purple grecken suddenly felt overwhelmed by a mixture of feelings.  
             He was panting, his heart was felt like a hammer rapidly smashing against the inside of his chest; his whole body was on fire! He took out a cooling charm, but it did nothing. His body writhed in agony, as he desperately tried to grab onto anything that would somehow take away this crazed heat. He spazzed and convulsed, nearly falling out of the tree if not for his claws and fast reflexes. Finally, the fit ended, and Alo sat up to take in much-needed air, the fire finally receding.
             “Seah cockit…” He breathed, opening his eyes that had been squeezed shut for a good portion of his fiery heart attack.
             He froze.
             His whole chest was glowing grey through his hoodie, confirming two of his worst fears. The first being that there was no other way around it… his soul color truly was grey… The second was the fact that what he had experienced was known as soul bonding, or what’s sometimes simply called Heat. He was hopelessly in love with a prince.  
             Throughout the following day, Alo had to stop himself multiple times from going to castle, knowing Shasta would be busy, and had to stay to the original planned time. He distracted himself with other objectives, like stealing more charms and getting food. Alo had an affinity for charms, and they weren’t that popular since no one believed they worked, resulting in them being dirt cheap and Alo not feeling that bad for taking some. It’s not like he was taking something majorly important to the public.
             Finally, the evening came, and the thief booked it to the castle, mischief making his heart flutter. It felt nice to smile as he dashed through the shadows, away from the gaze of guards toward the only place that felt somewhat like a home.
             “Boo.” He whispered, causing the prince to jump a foot in the air.
             “Great Seah!” Shasta looked at Alo angrily.
             The thief was prepared for a remark of not scaring a prince but was surprised at what came instead.
             “I almost thought you were late! If you’re going to scare me, do it on time! I was worried about you!”
             Alo openly laughed as the prince stared at him confusedly.
             “Y-yohou juhuhust gohohot mahad… hehe… because I wahas LATE?! NOHOT because I scared yohou to bihits?! Hahahaha!” Alo doubled over, embarrassed at completely losing is composer for the first time in front of the prince, but part of him didn’t really mind.
             “Of course! I was thinking about you all day! It’s torcher waiting here for you!” The prince crossed his arms. “That’s why I’M taking you somewhere today!”
             “Wait. What?” Alo suddenly halted and turned toward, staring at the prince with a dumbfounded expression. “Where could you possibly take me?”
             “Come on!” Alo’s arm was suddenly grabbed and next thing he knew he was being yanked out the room.
             Butterflies filled his belly at the sights. He wasn’t supposed to be here… The thief was about to protest before realizing this is just what he had done to the prince yesterday. Glossy flooring, royal flags of every color, long blue carpets along every floor laced with gold and silver, Alo didn’t feel worthy of it.
             “Sssshhhh…” Shasta hushed his already silent friend and turned a corner. “Okay, no guards here. Let’s go!” He whispered excitedly and pulled Alo like a rag doll. They ran a small distance through the glamorous halls, decorated with endless paintings and tapestries before going outside a back entrance through a thick, stone door.  
             Alo saw a beautiful pool with glowstone illuminating from the bottom and bouncing through the waves, creating little swimming slivers of light in the surrounding trees. Steam was rising from the water and the scent it gave off was heavenly. The grass was neatly cut, and there was even some glofruit plants around the pool, their blue berries giving off a glow similar to the deep blue shine of the glowstone on the bottom. Alo felt himself relax slightly, and breathed a contented sigh.
             “Come on in, the water’s fine!” Shasta called even before he hit the water, his clothes flung off.
             Alo stared at the prince for a long moment, who was happily wading in the warm water, completely unaware that he had just flipped a switch in the poor thief. He was NAKED for Seah’s sake! Alo felt the urge to jump in after him and bond with the prince, to make him feel happy and tell him how loved he is.
             “I wouldn’t want to filthy your waters…” Alo suddenly stopped himself, realizing he hadn’t had a proper bath in a LONG time.
             “It doesn’t matter! I had this cleaned today just for you! It gets dirty all the time!” Shasta opened his arms expectantly.
             “Okay… if you insist.” Alo flushed slightly as he waded into the water.
             He walked in with his clothes on, not daring to take them off and show his scars and deformities. Some dirt did fall off of him into the water. Shasta rushed forward, and Alo flinched, expecting the prince to make a fuss over the dirt, despite he said it was no big deal.
 But instead of freaking out over the mess, the prince took the opportunity and started grooming the thief with a brush, going behind him and scrubbing filth off the other, clothes and all. This caused Alo to internally panic. He had a hot NAKED prince behind him grooming his fur, but Shasta didn’t seem to mind one bit, in fact when the hooded grecken was turned around for more glooming, he saw the golden one’s face adorned with an excited smile.
             “At first I was concerned that your life was unhygienic and perhaps unhealthy. But then I realized that I could help with that!” Shasta smiled cheerfully, using his cupped hand to pour water over Alo’s head. “I apologize for the glofruit plants being uneven. My planter was supposed to bury them parallel on either side. Stupid grecken. Say, why don’t we take this hoodie off? It would make this a lot easier.” Shasta leaned forward, but the thief flinched and waded backwards.
             “N-no. I’m sorry. J-just no…” Alo sputtered.
             “Well, then I guess I’ll have to groom you AND your clothes! Challenge accepted!” Alo chuckled at that, finally calming down from his panic attack at how carefree the other was.
             “Yep. Another challenge for the Great Shasta!” He announced dramatically, expecting the prince to laugh… but he didn’t.
             When he looked over, the golden grecken’s face was jeweled with the cutest smile, jaw unhinged and eyes wide and dilated, sparkles clearly seen in them. His hands slowly reached up to both his cheeks as he looked up, his smile growing… if that was possible.
             “The… GREAT… Shasta???” He asked squealing adorably to himself as he hopped up and down in the water. “I love it, I love it, I love it!”
             Alarms starting going off in Alo’s head as he felt his chest getting warmer, his heart fluttering at the sight before him. For a moment, unfiltered fondness overtook him.
             “You’re adorable.” Alo said his thought out loud before slapping a hand over his mouth, shocked at how loose he was getting around the prince.
             “You’re more adorable!” Shasta turned and looked at him without skipping a beat. “You got that awesome hood and your beautiful grey eyes- look! Now your face is grey!” Shasta giggled.
             “No way! You’re the one that’s a complete child!” The thief fired back, trying to ignore the blush on his face.
             “And who’s the one who keeps coming back for me?” Shasta liked this game, and could feel this welcoming warmth deep inside him.
             “Alright, you little shit, come here!” Alo started to chase the giddy prince around the pool, his playful smile never fading.
             After a moment or so of the chase, the prince suddenly dived head first into the water to get away from Alo who had started to catch up.
             “Ah!” The thief was suddenly tripped by the underwater prince and sunk into the water before recovering, feeling pain in his arms.
             Shasta got up and looked at Alo… who was… frowning?
             “Are you okay?” The prince’s bountiful attitude came to a crashing halt at the pained expression on the purple grecken’s face.
             “I’m fine.” The thief attempted to smile but as he looked up to see Shasta quickly wading toward him, he knew there was no escaping it.
             “Did I hurt you?” The prince asked, checking his friend over like a parent would.
             “It just… hurts when I try to swim…” Alo muttered.
             Shasta finally saw something yellow dripping into the pool coming from Alo’s arms.
             “What happened to you?!” He shouted, causing the other to jump.
             “I was… unlucky. Let’s put it that way.” Alo tried to pry Shasta off of him, but the golden grecken didn’t budge.
             He leaned forward gently grasped Alo’s hands before pulling them up to see the source of the dripping blood. The thief had two scars along his elbow joints that had reopened, yellow streaks trickling down his arms.
             Alo turned to look at Shasta and nearly squeaked in fear at what he saw. Shasta’s face had morphed into the harshest angered expression imaginable. Happy and joyous only moments before, now twisted into a snarling face of rage. His teeth were gritted and his lips were pulled back to show his gums. His eyes practically bulging out of his scull with narrowed slits of pupils. (Mind you, grecken’s eyes only become reptilian when one feels hate or extreme anger.) His normally welcoming shade of light blue in his eyes now becoming glossy shards of ice. His ears were flattened to his head, and Alo looked on in horror as his nose twitched with almost deranged hatred.
             “WHO. DID. THIS. TO. YOU?” He asked, his voice deeper than usual, dripping like acidic slime.
             “I-I-I-I…” Alo stuttered franticly before composing himself.
             “Ritah. Her name was Ritah.” Alo shook, her name still giving him shivers…
             Shasta’s sharp glare suddenly softened, his reptilian eyes returning to normal.
             “Come here.” He whispered as Alo started tear up. “Come here.”
             Alo leaned into the prince and cried, his whole body shaking with the force of his harsh PTSD and grief. Shasta felt something else take over as he slowly rocked the thief in their hold, breathing deeply and pressing his chest against Alo’s.
             After Alo had stopped crying, both greckens laid on their backs on a ledge under the water that kept their heads just above the surface, staring at the stars.
             “You know…” Shasta’s gentle murmur broke the silence. “Last night something… crazy… happened. It hurt a lot, but for some reason it also felt relieving. Have any idea on what it could be?” When he turned to Alo, though his face was sadly adorned with tear streaks, he saw a knowing smile cross his face.
             “Was it… hot where you were?” He asked, smile becoming smug.
             “BURNING.” Shasta grabbed his chest at the memory.
             “And did your chest heat up as I was chasing you earlier?” The thief raised an eyebrow.
             “Of course. I guess my chest is always warm when you’re around… huh. Never realized that before…” Shasta looked down and then back at the thief.
             “You know, when two soulmates meet, two sunrises afterword’s, they experience a soul bond that binds them together. It’s painful, but it’s uplifting. It’s like secret spell created by Seah long ago…” By the end of his story, both greckens had sat up and faced each other. “And guessed what I experienced last night?”
             Shasta trembled, knowing the answer, but desperate for Alo to say it regardless.
             “Come closer and I’ll tell you.” He whispered teasingly.
             Shasta leaned in closer to the purple one, not expecting the other to do the same. Their muzzles were now mere centimeters away from each other.
             “It’s too easy. Fuck it.” Alo thought, leaning in further.
             Shasta felt his heart overload with emotion as Alo’s lips met his. His chest felt like it was going to melt off… in a good way? After his shock settled, he leaned in further as well, holding onto what he couldn’t believe was his soulmate. How lucky was he?? A cute, grey-eyed, purple masterpiece of secret beauty and knowledge.
             Let’s just say that visit lasted longer than planned.
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dragonleesupporter · 5 years
My First Story Ever! (First of the Paradigm Series): The Meet {WARNING: TRIGGERS}
Paradigm is a world of anthropomorphic wolfish creatures called greckens that live in a medieval-styled era where females are dominant and males are generally enslaved and treated as inferior.
This whole world was created and published here with a little inspiration from thetickleraven’s He Came From the Woods AU, so go check them out! This would not exist without them! 
 Critique is appreciated as this is my first story ever on this social media! If you have suggestions or requests, feel free to tell or ask me!
 {TRIGGER WARNINGS: This series will cover some adult, hard-to-swallow topics and includes some cursing, but some stories will be entirely cute, fluffy stuff. Just watch for the warnings! This first one starts with some traumatic flasbacks, so I’ll give this one a warning for those sensitive to that kind of thing.}
         The purple Grecken stood, hunched over and held in place by his binds as his heart raced. He could hear footsteps behind him as he desperately yanked on his confinements. More footsteps… He pleaded to deaf ears as he could hear the sound of metal on metal rise over the murmurs of disapproval.
 The dark basement that surrounded him was filled with the blood of past victims, yellow filling his eyes and a dreadful stench filling his nose. Through the cracks in the wall, he could see a million tiny white eyes gazing hungrily as a hoard of flesh-eating insects cleaned their mandibles in anticipation.
 “P-please! Don’t cut them! I’ll be a good boy! PLEASE! I’LL BE GOOD!” He shrieked, eyes popping out his skull as he saw the glint of a blade approaching from the shadows.
 “It doesn’t matter if you’re good or not. I want you here and now, and you must be in an acceptable form for the alchemists.” A deep, loathing voice sounded from behind him. Ritah’s voice. “Give me and my girlfriends a good laugh, and quit squirming!!”
 “NO! PLE-”
 The blade came down.
 “AH!” Alo woke with a start, nearly falling out of the tree he was in.
 He shook his head, trying to dismiss the remainder of the screams echoing in his mind. His dreams always consisted of small reminders. Like why he can’t be seen, why he can’t go back, … and why he can’t fly… That had been the second worst day of his life. The first worst day in question was the day he escaped…
 Another flaskback.
Working out on the field with alchemists bound to come for him any day to study his “unnaturality.” Handling back-breaking work alongside his father and other males Ritah had bought. Farming, cleaning, organizing, and pampering Ritah and her girlfriends… he was just a child at the time.
 The day following the removal of his wings, he was sent back out to the field. His father saw what had happened to him and pulled him aside when the girls weren’t looking.
 “Look here.” He said, placing his bruised hands together. “When I had my wings cut, the day after, I got a short spurt of energy due to the traumatic event. It’s biological… Sadly, I didn’t use it, and here I am. When your spurt comes, RUN. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you are. Take advantage of that adrenaline! This energy comes very rarely. If you’re going to escape, it’s got to be today. You’ll be able to outrun them.”
 “B-but what if they catch me?!” The purple child quivered and squeaked, the very thought of trying to run away made him shake with fear.
 “They won’t. Now get out there before they realize you’re gone.” His father ushered him out of the bush quickly and got back to hoeing the new garden.
 Several hours later, when Alo’s burst of energy came while he was moving bales of hay in the barn, he hesitated. It felt as though all of his insides were vibrating as he sat there, shivering and twitching. Then, with a breath, he sprinted. He ran as fast as his beaten legs would carry him out the barn door, his feet slamming the hard ground and his breath sporadic.
 “HEY! GET THAT BRAT!” He heard Ritah howl infuriatedly behind him from the fields, the fire in her chest audible in her wild screeches.
 “No! You leave him be!” His fathers voice echoed before an ear-piercing shriek cut through the air sharper than an axe, making Alo run even faster.
 “Keep going Alo! Don’t look back! DON’T LOOK BACK!” His father’s voice faded into nothing but incoherent wailing as the poor child dove through a small gap in the barbed fence. It ripped the skin on his shoulders and face, but he didn’t care. His whole body was strangely numb as he forced himself deeper into the woods, all the screaming and yelling slowly disappearing behind him.
 That had been the worst...  and also technically best day of Alo’s life. The day that had granted him freedom, but also the day he lost his father. He knew his dad didn’t live a day after that, since his contributions to his escape was the equivalent to a death penalty. Alo only knew that because of what happened to his uncle, but that was the third worst day of his life, and the purple Grecken had done enough self-reflecting for the morning. He was hungry!
 “One lame apple, two slices of filthy bread, and a swig from the river. Perfectly healthy breakfast.” The thief murmured sarcastically under his breath while he ate what was really a brunch.
 He found himself walking along the river several hours later as his mind wandered. Of course, he was always aware of his surroundings, looking around frantically in case anybody saw him and his “unnaturality,” but it was good to just let himself think for a while before he had to find his next meal. Every day he would travel toward the rising sun, away from where he came from. The thief didn’t know for how long he had traveled since his escape, all he knew was that he couldn’t stop. Not until he knew he was truly safe from Ritah… his mother…
 He sighed peacefully as he made his way under a bridge, the shade cooling the boiling hot sun that had eaten at him for past hour. With Alo unable to go into the water next to him, he was certainly grateful. In fact, he was so grateful that he didn’t realize the gold tracing the bricks in the construction.
 “Hey! What are you doing down there?!” A deep voice shouted from the bridge he had just wandered under as he passed through to the other side. “You’re on royal ground, peasant!”
 Alo looked up, surprised that his lack of focus had landed him in the sights of a castle guard. He always hated guards, they were so snotty and stuck-up and whenever they saw him, they’d chase him. One of the main nuisances that Alo had to deal with on a weekly of not daily basis.
 “Oh no! I’m breathing royal air?! Fuck you!” Alo shouted back and was about to run before he realized…
 “Wait… a male guard?? That NEVER happens! What kingdom am I in?!” He thought as the guard fumed red.
 “I’ll have you know such things are not tolerated in Dujokah!” The, now red, grecken flung himself off the bridge and into the forest to chase after Alo who had already started sprinting to the next bridge to cross over.
 “Well, I guess that’s one question answered.” Alo thought as he dashed across the bridge and into thick brush where he couldn’t be seen.
 After breaking through to the other side of the bushes, the thief jumped a couple brick walls for good measure. He silenced his panting and waited, until he was certain that he wasn’t followed. Aware he could very well be surrounded by guards unbeknownst to him, the purple grecken made a beeline for the castle before him, knowing that if the guard behind him couldn’t clear the walls he just jumped, no one would be able to reach him on top of the castle.
 The castle was easy to climb for the escape artist, but he realized a small flaw in his plan. Castles weren’t like huts or bars. They had sharp roofs that the thief couldn’t sit on and would likely either slide off of or pierce himself on the pointy tops. Luckily, there was a balcony just above him. After a cautious glance over the edge and realizing no one was inside the room that led out the balcony, the thief made his way onto the upper tier, just to see a dresser covered in makeup and jewels, as well as a royal bed and a whole-body mirror in the room connected to ledge.
 “Shit!” He thought. “This must be a princess room! I’m so dead!”
 He turned to leave but part of him whispered.
“No… get a jewel first.”
“Nah… I don’t need it.”
“Neither does the bitch who has it.”
“It’s not mine to take! I don’t take what I don’t need!”
“Come on… you know you want it.”
 “Aaaaargh.” Alo growled and simply sat on the balcony armrest, looking down at the confused guards as they searched around for him several stories below… almost ALL of them male…
 “What a strange place...” He murmered. 
Alo decided to look up and felt his heart skip a beat. The sun was just beginning to set on the horizon, casting an array of reds and oranges onto the valleys just below it, and a wide selection of purples that stretched across the sky, the smallest specks of stars just coming into view…
 “Hello?” Suddenly came a voice, making the thief nearly fall of the ledge.
 Alo spun around and saw what he thought was a princess until he took a closer look.
 Both shrieked at the same time and pointed at each other fearfully...
 “A prince??” Alo thought as the other Grecken cautiously stepped forward.
 Yes… a very… attractive… prince. The grecken had golden fur with light blue eyes and white fur in the hollows of his ears. He wore a white, golden-laced, jeweled suit accompanied by light blue tights and sashes to match his eyes, golden shoulder plates, white shoes, a golden-laced dark teal cape, and of course, his crown.
 The prince looked at the stranger for a moment. Alo was a dark purple grecken with grey fur at the hollows of his ears as well as strange grey eyes. All he wore was a patchy dark blue hoodie and slightly loose jeans with bare feet gripping the railing.
 “What in Seah’s name are you doing on my balcony?” He huffed after returning to the present moment.
 “Okay… we got two options…” Alo thought to himself. “Tell him the truth, or fuck with him… hmmm. Let’s confuse the hell out of this bastard.”
 The purple grecken suddenly grew a sly smile.
 “Oh, you know. Just enjoying the view. But now I guess it’s been ruined with a royal pain giving me THAT look.” Alo pointed at the prince’s face, who seemed surprised at his sudden change in attitude. “But if you want me to leave, that’s fine.” Alo shrugged nonchalantly and jumped off the upper tier.
 Unknown to the startled prince, Alo had just latched himself onto the wall below the balcony to see what he would do.
 “Oh Seah!” He heard a frantic cry and footsteps rush to the edge as the strange golden grecken peeked his head over the ledge and blicked multiple times in disbelief, his mouth hanging wide open. “H-how are you doing that?” The prince raised an eyebrow, looking down at the, now smirking, hooded grecken.
 “I’m just holding onto a wall! But if you think THAT’S impressive…” Alo continued to spin and flip and launch himself all over the wall, never slipping an inch. All the years of him climbing walls while dodging guard’s arrows sure had become a skill of his.  
 When he looked back up, he was surprised at the awe-stricken gaze he received.
 “That was amazing!” The golden Grecken started to hop up and down as the boards supporting the balcony creaked slightly and dust fell from the bottom.
 “Woah, there. Careful. That balcony isn’t necessarily ‘new.’” The thief slid out from underneath the structure.
 “That WAS an amazing show, but I will not take orders from a peasant! You still owe me at LEAST an apology for breaking into my room, considering if you haven’t stolen anything! Even though I doubt you would, you NEED to apologize!” The prince suddenly got sassy and slightly childish, choosing to stamp his foot repeatedly to prove his point.
 The prince opened his eyes to see a purple face looking at him with worry, but as soon as their eyes met, the stranger’s expression morphed into a cocky smile.
 “Now you owe me a thank you.” He hoisted the golden one back onto what was left of the balcony.
 “W-Well… I-I-I-I guess we’re even…” The prince, flustered, crossing his arms.
 “I suppose I should be more thankful to meet a PRINCE instead of princess. I’d be long dead by now if I were caught in a princess’s room.” Alo shrugged.
 “Yeah, that’s me. Shasta the Prince… the only prince.” The golden grecken looked down slightly with what looked like… sadness? But then it was wiped off as he turned back to the stranger, excitement taking it’s place.
 “Shasta, huh?” Alo raised an eyebrow.
 “Yes. Shasta the PRINCE. The HEIR, if you will. Who may you be?” Shasta tried to act mad or professional, but couldn’t help his tail wagging slightly at the thought that he was actually meeting someone outside his castle walls.
 “Alo the Unwanted.” The hooded figure chuckled slightly at his own self-deprecating joke just to receive a sharp gasp from Prince Shasta.
 “You aren’t unwanted! There’s got to be someone who wants you with them!” Shasta’s eyes started to look sad again. “Say… I think you’re quite cool! ... If not a little rude...”
 “Really?” Alo tried to hold back a hopeful smile that was fighting its way onto his face.
 “Well, that’s nice to hear.” Alo suddenly realized that he had just had a full conversation with a royal heir and had given him his NAME. He was supposed to be invisible! He couldn’t go around giving his identity out to handso- STUBBORN royal blood! He had to get out of there! 
“I got to get going now.” Alo, tried to hide his face as he started to climb back down the wall, afraid his newfound acquaintance would definitely give his location away to others who wanted to study or imprison him.
 “Wait! A-Alo, right? Will I see you again?” The prince called out hopefully.
 “N-no… I don’t think so.” Alo kept his face hidden and continued to climb down.
 “Pleeeeaaase? I’ll be here tomorrow at this time!” Alo paused for a moment. Had a prince really just… pleaded for him not to leave?
 “Nah. You’re not worth my time. Next time you’ll see me I’ll most likely be in shackles… farewell… Prince Shasta.”
 And just like that, he was gone. Leaving a whimpering prince to morn his empty space.
 “H-he’ll come back.” Shasta forced on a smile and looked into the sky that was being filled with more and more stars. The same sky he had stared at his whole life. “He’s got to come back… a-and he will. I can feel it.” He could feel doubt rising inside him like a bubble of uncertainty, but tried to ignore it as he forced back tears to smile at the beautiful sky.
 “I’m not going back.” Alo repeated to himself over and over as he snuck into a closed food market, slipping his hands into small cubbies and becoming a rock whenever someone walked by, tucking into his hoodie and rolling into a ball. “I’m not going back… I’m not going back.”
 Alo climbed a tree and settled into a branch and sighed to himself, frustrated at the fact that he couldn’t seem to get the prince out of his head.
 “I’m going back, aren’t I?”
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dragonleesupporter · 5 years
Someday (Paradigm Series)
This is the second story of my Paradigm Series! Enjoy!
(Warning: Alchohol-like substance involved, and there’s cursing.)
“You see that, son?” The queen picked up the child and faced him to look out the window. “Someday, you’ll be able to walk out there as a king. A shining crown, a long cape, a wonderful smile… You’re going to be so loved… my little Shasta.”
 He was running through the forest, something chasing after him as he carried a helpless baby. He turned around and valiantly drew his sword. The beast did not cease, so neither did the prince, lunging forward and piercing its twisted heart as it cried out in pain, its claws inches away from the grecken’s face. It fell, as a crowd of people began chanting.
 “Prince Shasta! Prince Shasta! Our hero~!”
 The prince woke to his wooden, makeshift alarm, the teasing dreams of his longing fantasies still fresh in his mind. He wanted to go outside. He wanted it so badly. The only fresh air he ever breathed was within the castle walls. He had memorized every bush and every blade of grass in the royal courtyards. He even knew which cracks in the walls were best for peeking through to the outside world. His favorite crack was shaped like a tear drop and gave him the best view out of all the other holes. Shasta had started conversations with commoners through that tiny hole, though he never heard the same voice twice. Most of them laughed or cheered when he said he was a prince, for some reason.
 He had read every book on the shelves, had practiced every combat move, had memorized every inch of fabric in every room in the castle. Every nook and cranny, every secret passageway, every change of schedule, he knew it all by heart.
 “I wonder what they’re going to have me do today…” The golden Grecken sat up and stretched. “Hopefully something new.”
 No… in fact, it was the same routine as every day. Chivalry lessons, breakfast, practicing speeches, fencing, lunch, and then discussing news with his parents. Same. Old. Routine.
 The only thing that sparked some interest was when his parents mentioned the other queens visiting in a few months. Someone from the outside visiting was always a rare and exciting event, but his parents were… nervous for some reason. When Shasta asked why, they wouldn’t answer.
 They did that a lot.
 The golden grecken walked up the royal stairs to his bedroom. The Same. Old. Bedroom. The same old blue, golden-tipped carpet cleaned every morning so not a speck of dust was ever on it. It glistened beautifully and many would probably envy it. But it was the same. Old. Carpet. He opened the door and soaked in the numb familiarity, except something was different this time…
 A stranger, sitting on the balcony edge, staring at the living painting of the sunset Shasta had gazed at every evening. Though beautiful, it was just another thing he could see from his window, but never touch. He called out a “hello,” thinking it might be a new servant, but when the hooded stranger turned around, Shasta realized he had grey eyes… an oddity. Something NEW… Something DIFFERENT. No servants would ever be hired with grey eyes. All of them had to have either blue, purple, or red ones according to his parents. The grey eyes dug into him like fangs of ice, freezing him in place and finally reversing the numbing of his mind. However, the prince couldn’t get caught up in his pursuit of his forbidden dream. What was a stranger doing in his room?!
 Shasta had seen him do amazing new things. Flipping, sliding, crawling… he was a pretty good catch, too, when the prince fell from the balcony.
 Despite the golden grecken’s fear of telling his parents the balcony had broken, he couldn’t help the excited smile that made its way onto his face at the thought that Alo might come back. Maybe even teach him more new things. Even if Alo didn’t come back, Shasta was still grateful for the smallest sliver of hope that the interaction had given him... that he might see more new things someday…
 He paused in the middle of fencing, trying to fight tears again as that wicked word echoed in his mind… Someday…
His parents had taught him to be patient and trust what they said… but Shasta had been doubting their word -and himself for that matter- for a long time now. Trying to ignore it and just smiling for his parents was becoming more and more difficult to pull off.
 His parents never told him why he wasn’t allowed outside… It was a punishment, Shasta was convinced, but for what? What did he do? They kept saying that he was too special for the world. Maybe that wasn’t a good thing. Maybe they meant the bad kind of special… maybe he didn’t deserve to see it and-
 “Gotcha.” His trainer deadpanned as he poked Shasta in the chest with his non-lethal sword. “You’ve got to stay focused, young prince. Or else you’ll never be able to rescue a damsel or prove yourself to your people.”
 “So, you’re saying one day I’ll be out there?” Shasta couldn’t hold it back. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t get his dream out of his head, especially with the stranger still swirling in his mind like a spoon in brew.
 “What? I… never said that…” The trainer shuffled nervously before turning around to look at the sun dial behind him. “Oh. It appears our session is over for the time being. See you tomorrow, Prince Shasta. Off to lunch you go.”
 “I’ve got to get that right.” Shasta thought. “I need to focus… if I do, then maybe I’ll prove that I deserve to see the world! I’ve been doing it for a long time, but maybe I’m not trying hard enough! I want to be free and rescue damsels and… huh…” The golden grecken paused mid stride, realizing something. “I… don’t want to rescue damsels…”
 His parents had discussed that some greckens like greckens of the same sex. It wasn’t wrong or anything… but they tended to make fun of it when it came up in the weekly news. Shasta didn’t want to rescue any damsels, he wanted to rescue males… kind of like how the hooded grecken the night before had rescued him…
 “Why’s your face blue, son?” His mother asked, smiling amusedly.
 The prince hadn’t even realized he had entered the hall, his mind being elsewhere and his realizations making him speed walk. He also hadn’t realized that he had started blushing blue at the thought of the stranger… Alo…
 “Wha- oh. I-I was just thinking about how I messed up during practice.” Shasta forced a smile and sat to eat with his parents in the royal dining hall.
 A fantastic boring feast laid before them. Candles at both ends of the table with a large array of food ranging from meat -the type of food that took up almost the whole table on its own- to veggies and fruit to a small selection of dairy and carb, with the second largest portion of the meal being dessert. Any peasant would cry at the beautiful sight and the multitudes of food that they could never afford otherwise, but to Shasta, it was just the same meal cooked for him and his parents every day and night.
  “I thank the ladies, I thank the lords, I thank Seah, I thank my parents, I thank my trainer, I thank my servants, I thank my kingdom, and I thank myself.” He finished his speech, and his parents nodded approvingly.
 As the prince walked up the royal stairs to his room following lunch, his head started to spin. Why hadn’t he just told his parents about what he was thinking? It was a lie… Shasta had never really lied to his parents. As he climbed the endless stairs up to his room, he couldn’t stop his mind from whirling. It was making him dizzy. Freedom, Alo, deception, liking males, excitement, fear. He couldn’t even see straight! He collapsed on his bed and sighed, trying to think of something else… anything else! But he couldn’t…
 “Rough day?” A voice startled the prince, making him jolt and sit up so fast his crown nearly flew off.
 The stranger had been waiting for him in his room.
 Alo smirked at him from the dark corner in which he had been hiding, waiting eagerly, and came closer, hands in his front pocket.
 “Are you going to show me something new?” The prince couldn’t help it as he asked longingly, his eyes sparkled, and all the bad thoughts left his mind as excitement made him jump up and down.
 “Yeah. Come on.” The purple Grecken turned around and jumped off the now-fixed balcony.
 “W-wait! I can’t go! I’m not allowed to leave!” Shasta cried out in panic.
 “I thought you would say that…” Alo smiled smugly took out what Shasta could only recognize as a charm. Little orbs that cast spells.
 With the snap of his fingers, Shasta looked down to see himself covered in rags with black fur instead of gold.
 “Come on! The disguise will only last a little more than two hours!” Alo called excitedly and slid down the side of the wall.
 “How do you expect me to get down?!” The disguised grecken shouted.
 “Jump, my prince! I will catch you!” Alo took a sarcastically gracious bow that made Shasta laugh.
 He was hesitant at first, but, seizing the moment and fulfilling his dream, the prince jumped from the ledge and like the thief promised, he caught him.
 “You… seriously didn’t need bribing or reassurance?” Alo looked at the Shasta strangely.
 “Well, yeah. You said you would catch me! Plus, you also caught me once before!”
 “But you just trusted me… just like that? But I could’ve refused to catch you, too!”
 “Why would you do that?”
 It was at this point where Alo realized that the prince had never actually left his courtyards. Ever. He had never seen the great animosity just outside his walls, so he had no reason not to trust people, since everyone he interacted with was his family or his servants.
 “Oh boy…” He groaned placing a hand to his face to massage his forehead. Alo couldn’t tell if he was impressed by how effective the barriers were for this boy of a prince, or to be disappointed in his lack of understanding of the real world.
 “You know… my mother told me I would see the real world someday…” Shasta grinned, unaware of Alo’s scowl.
 “Yeah… ‘someday.’ Just like someday I would see my dad again…” The thief mumbled under his breath.
 “What was that?” The prince raised an eyebrow.
 “Nothing.” Alo sulked.
 “… You know you can put me down now… right?” Shasta woke the hooded grecken from his sad thoughts as he realized he was still holding the prince bridal style.
 “Uh- O- Oh! Right…” Alo put the makeshift peasant down. “Come, I’ve made a small temporary house out of an abandoned bar.” They began walking down a barren path after making it through a few narrow breaks in the walls that surrounded the castle. Yards Shasta’s parents never let him play in in fear of him escaping though the weaker walls.
 “What do you mean? You don’t have a home?” The black grecken looked worriedly at his friend.
 “I haven’t had a home in a long time…” Alo murmured with a sigh.
 “WHAT. IS. THAT?” Shasta froze as he saw what he could only recognize as a flower, but he had never seen it before.
 Dark red petals crinkling inward and then sprouting outwards like the beginning of rose bud but then opened up with rounded edges and tints of pink tipping the petals.
 “That’s a wrinklewood.” Alo deadpanned, but don’t let him fool you; he was trying his damnest to repress a smile at Shasta’s intense curiosity.
 “A snazzle.”
 “That’s a tree! A simple violwood.”
 “Oh right… hehe…”
 “You’re really enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” Alo raised an eyebrow as the child trapped in an adult’s body ran and jumped around, observing everything around him.
 “Yes! I’ve wanted to do this for so long!” Shasta turned toward Alo with… were those little fangs that were peeking out of his lips?
 “So… why haven’t you?” Alo tried to ignore the adorable expression complete with tiny fangs.
 “Well… it would be wrong… I can’t just run away forever from the castle. It would hurt my parents’ feelings that I broke their rules. Plus, punishments are never fun.” Shasta sulked slightly, but the shine didn’t leave his eyes.
 “I see…” Alo continued along the path, having to occasionally pull Shasta back from poking at something that would hurt him.
 Okay… we’re here.” Alo placed his hands on his hips after a moderately long walk as Shasta huffed and panted next to him.
 “How do you walk so far so fast?? I’m so light-headed!” The disguised prince coughed out, trying to catch his breath.
 “Guess you’re not used to the outside. Too hard for you?” The other smirked.
 “How dare you!” Shasta tried to sound mad, but couldn’t help smiling at Alo’s smartass expression.
 As the two lads entered the run-down building, cracks in the walls, rotting beams, dust covering everything, Shasta couldn’t help but be disgusted.
 “What’s that look for? You wanted something new…” Alo raised an eyebrow.
 “Yeah… but w-why is this place so…” The prince couldn’t seem to finish his sentence.
 “Poor?” The hooded grecken asked in a slightly harsher voice, shoulders rising.
 “Yeah! W-wait, no! No no no!” Shasta, realizing his mistake, held his hands out and waved them wildly. “I-I’m just not used to it is all! I can enjoy the peasant life!”
 Alo felt another stab of anger. He really didn’t like that word. Peasant. He knew the naive prince couldn’t help it, literally being raised in a castle and Alo being raised in the equivalent of a barn, if that.
 “I truly am sorry if I offended you… I don’t talk to many people.” Shasta added sadly, seeing the thief’s scowl.
 “I-it’s okay… I’ve met worse on the streets.” Alo sat, trying to shake the feeling of irritation.
  The table was round with washing rags and glasses on either side with slightly cushioned red chairs. They were the only things not covered in dust and dirt.
 “So… is there any food?” Shasta asked shyly, knowing he was on thin ice.
 “Yeah. Luckily, there’s some shicka left over from when this place was open. That stuff really never spoils, thank Seah.” Alo finally was able to relax slightly. “It’s been a while since I’ve had some.”
 “Wait… shicka???” The prince flinched. “I’m… not allowed to have that…”
 “You’re not allowed to leave your grounds either.” Alo couldn’t help but snicker as Shasta jolted at the realization.
 “Y-you’re right… D-does it taste good?” Alo silently awed at the black Grecken’s bright blue blush and excited eyes as he timidly asked.
 “It tastes amazing… Just can’t have too much of it, though it’s hard to resist.” Alo shrugged and pulled out a bottle from one of the cupboards.
 The bottle was slightly dirty but the liquid inside was clear and tinted pink. The bottle read ‘Wishing the Moons’ in a fancy romantic font.
 “This is the good stuff.” Alo grinned as he pulled out the cork and started pouring himself a glass.
 He proceeded to pour Shasta his glass as well, even though he seemed hesitant.
 “I thank the ladies, I thank the lords, I thank Seah, I thank my parents, I thank-”
 “Woah, woah, woah.” Alo interrupted Shasta. “What are you doing?”
 “As a prince, I must serenate my thankfulness to all who provide for me every time I eat or drink. The list keeps getting longer and longer with our new servants…” The black grecken sighed.
 “How about I just thank myself for finding this damn thing and drink.” Alo lifted the cup to his lips as Shasta shuddered. “And this stuff is delicious!”
 The prince, after a moment of consideration and Alo looking at him expectantly, took a sip.
 “WOOO!” The prince howled after putting the now-empty cup down, his eyes narrowing as a strange feeling shot through him. “What the HELL is in this stuff?!” He smiled stupidly at the thief, his cursing caching him off-guard.  
 “Well, it’s mostly berries and-”
 “An afternoon of this and a box of chocolate would be heaven!!” The black grecken interrupted, breaking into a fit of laughter.
 He felt silly in a good way. His nerves were tingling and everything suddenly looked so funny! Plus, it felt like all the responsibly had been taken off of him completely.
 “For fuck’s sake, it was only one glass!” Alo tried to grab onto the prince before he fell.
 “Hahahaha! Yohou’re fuhuhuny! Ihi want another!” Shasta tried to break away from the worried purple Grecken. “Seriously! Lehet me go get some chohocolate!”
 “What’s… chocolate?” Shasta froze mid giggle.
 He felt a deep concentration of disbelief pool his belly. Everything seemed intensified with shicka. His happiness and his grief.
 “You. Don’t. Know. What. CHOCOLATE IS????” He screamed like his life depended on it.
 “Hey, hey, hey! Keep it down! Of course, I don’t know what it is if it’s some delicious delicacy! I only steal what I need!” Alo started to panic with the uncertainty of how to deal with a drunk companion.
 “Wait you steal things??” Shasta panicked even further causing Alo to slap both hands to his head.
 “Yeah! I’m not a peasant, Shasta! At least peasants have some scraps of money! I don’t have anything! I’ve been constantly moving away from the setting sun to get away from where I came from! I don’t have time for a job, and anybody who sees me will turn me into those damn alchemists because of my eyes!” Alo ranted before panting heavily.
 Shasta started to feel pulls in his chest that he thought were… hiccups? He suddenly felt bad for his friend and a thought popped into his mind.
 “Yeah… If I saw a person with the same beautiful eyes as yours… I would… I would steal you too. *hic.” Shasta stared at the thief with drunken flirty eyes, not realizing he had said his thought out loud.
 “WHAT?!” Alo was stunned as his fur stood on end.
 “What???” Shasta asked as if he hadn’t just set off a bomb.
 “How can you be this bouncy after just one cup??” Alo pondered as his face started to turn completely grey with embarrassment.
 “I don’t know… but this is most fun I’ve ever had! Thank you, Alo! You’re the best friend anyone can ask for! Hehehe!” Alo couldn’t help but smile at the melodious laughter that came from the equivalent of a drunk toddler.
 What he was surprised at was the sudden wet feeling he felt on his face. He reached a hand up and felt drops gliding down the fur of his cheeks.
 “A-are you crying?!” Shasta’s thousandth giggle fit was cut short as he saw his friend’s shocked expression.
 “Maybe… it’s because… no one’s ever called me ‘friend’ before…” Alo tried to stop it, but more tears started to spill.
 Shasta now felt the need to be very VERY close to Alo.
 “Actually… I have servants and such but… I guess I’ve never had a friend either…” Shasta realized.
 The prince, though still a bit tipsy, managed to wrap his arms around the thief. At first, the purple one didn’t know how to react. He had never been hugged before. But he slowly reached his hands around the prince and started to cry into him. Shasta started crying too.
 Another thought occurred to the prince as he sobbed harder.
 “Y-you said you’re always moving… right? Away from the setting sun…? A-are you g-g-going to l-leave?” The disguised grecken stuttered madly through his tears.
 “No… I think… I think I’m going to stay-AH!” Alo was lifted into the air as Shasta cheered openly.
 “Oh, thank Seah! I won’t be alone anymore! And I’ll make sure you’ll never be sad again!” Alo sighed contentedly as he was put down, even though it was a drunken promise, he found comfort in it. “But I guess that’s another name added to my speech before dinner…” The prince scowled slightly as Alo chuckled.
 “Come on. Let’s get you home.” The thief walked out of the bar with a cute prince-in-disguise leaning on his shoulder.
 “But you GOT to try chocolate next time you come…*hic.” Shasta smiled genuinely at the other.
 “Okay. I’ll bring Wishing the Moons with me.” Alo winked and the black one giggled to himself.
 On the walk home Shasta recovered from his drunk self and got small headache. Coming to the conclusion that he was lightweight, and probably should drink even less shicka.
 “Next time, I’ll give you DROPS.” Alo and the prince laughed together until the thief noticed a shine of gold breaking through the black disguise on Shasta’s shoulders.
 “Uh oh. Let’s move.” Alo suddenly picked up the color-changing prince and carried him gallantly through the forest until they reached the castle, both chuckling nervously at their mischief.
 By the time they reached the castle wall where the prince had jumped down, Shasta had transformed completely back into his golden self with his usual princely attire.
 “Alright. I need to get going.” Alo put him down and started to turn around before he felt two arms wrap around him again and hold him tight.
 “Get used to these, Alo.” Shasta said in a slightly teasing, slightly excited low murmur. “It won’t be the last one you get.”
 Shasta felt something in his chest that night. After the guards had spotted him and escorted him back to the castle, his parents gave him a lecture about going outside so late, never knowing that the prince had actually gone past his barriers. The prince was starting to keep secrets and lie more and more… it made him feel bad. But in a way, it was also another new thing. He laid in his bed, unable to sleep at the thought of his friend. Alo. Running through the forest, stealing only what he needed before sleeping in a tree or the rundown abandoned building that was probably filled with mites. How did he live that way? He must be experiencing new things every day with all of his traveling! How did he manage all of that? And why was Shasta’s room getting warmer?
 The prince flung off his bed sheets and tried to get to sleep. But the heat grew. He looked around him, expecting to see flames, but the night was as barren, complete darkness drowning him. So why was it getting so hot?? Shasta tried to block the thought of the attracti- TALENTED purple Grecken who had been so kind to show him new things and make him feel so happy. He tried to think of something else. Why was his heart pounding so fast?? Was he having a heart attack!? Shasta realized the vibration coming from behind him was his TAIL wagging so fast it could probably cut wood!
 “Wh-what’s wrong with me?!” Shasta uttered in a panicked whisper, clutching his chest as his heart started to shudder instead of beat.
 He wrapped himself into a tight ball, scared to be alone, but strangely more scared to cry out for help. His wings started gently flapping as he squeezed his eyes shut, his whole body seeming to overload with the force of… something.
 The prince had no clue how long it had lasted, but when he finally opened his eyes, he realized his chest was glowing bright blue… his soul color.
 “Th-this means…” He realized. “I-I’m… in… love…?” He whimpered as he realized his mother always said someday... he would fall in love… Someday…
 Needless to say, he got no sleep that night…
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