#Pars Ecstatica (Slaanesh Headcanon);
slaanxsh · 3 months
Slaanesh absolutely has the gay/millenial affliction of "cannot sit in a chair correctly"
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slaanxsh · 3 months
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Despite all his contempt and cruelty, Slaanesh does enjoy romance, particularly between vastly disparate individuals. These types of relationships provide a rich bounty of emotions to feed upon and more often than not, are doomed to fail. Doomed romance is a favorite of the Dark Prince, allowing him to openly indulge in his tertiary aspect of love and his Primary drive towards sadism. He loves seeing the couple get along but adores seeing them crash and burn and fight.
It's one of the reasons he's allowed Nkari and Skarbrand to go on with minimal interference. If he cannot win Khorne, obviously the Tempter will not be able to keep the Reaper.
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slaanxsh · 11 months
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Something I've noticed about Tzeentch and Slaanesh's relationship is that, while all the gods lowkey fear Slaanesh, only Tzeentch has taken actual steps to remove him as a threat. Tzeentch engineered a war between Slaanesh and the joint forces of Khorne and Nurgle (and was later the victim of the same alliance after Slaanesh revealed the Ebon Blade in Tzeentch's vault to Khorne). In Age of Sigmar, it was Tzeentch who looked for, found, and then engineered Slaanesh's disappearance. According to the lore, Nurgle of Khorne been imprisoned where Slaanesh is currently, it would've been wraps for them indefinitely; only Tzeentch and Slaanesh could slip this particular traps, Slaanesh because he's a wiley son of a bitch and Tzeentch because magic chains would naturally not hold the God of Magic.
Tzeentchians have also inconvenienced Slaanesh in two other ways: They've snuck into his realm and cut his hair. They've also engineered a war between him and Nurgle who, as beings who cannot feel pain, are arguably the worse of matchups between the gods.
It seems to me like Tzeentch, unlike the other gods, is actively trying to get rid of Slaanesh. Meanwhile, he simply hates Nurgle or finds baiting Khorne into tantrums funny. Slaanesh is the one he seems to consistently bother and has been described as being "apprehensive" about.
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Khorne hates Slaanesh and Nurgle is disgusted by his insolence, but Tzeentch actively finds Slaanesh threatening. They all do, but only Tzeentch consistently tries to do something about it while also not implicating himself.
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slaanxsh · 10 months
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Slaanesh's immaculate appearance is a partial ruse. Like all of the gods, he has left his realm before and been subject to the dangers outside of it, for a God only has complete control of his personal domain. And whilst outside his realm, the Serpent has seen combat, and been damaged from that combat. Ordinarily, foes are simply too slow to keep up with the God of Pleasure, but if there's anyone who can manage to tag him, that is Tzeentch and Khorne.
Fittingly enough, Birds of Prey and Hounds are notable adversaries of the Snake...
But looking at Slaanesh, you would never knew. While Khorne keeps his wounds as trophies of battle and even Tzeentch has persistent marks and damage on his protean form, Slaanesh repairs any damage he suffers, especially on his face. The finished result looks immaculate, but in truth, if the light hits him in just the right way, silver lines where damage once was can be seen.
It resembles a Silver Kintsugi.
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slaanxsh · 9 months
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Being a god of Excess, I definitely feel like Slaanesh's "dildos" all have creatures tacked on the ends of them at some point.
Imagine that. You get brought into existence dick first (and your creator still considers you just a dildo).
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slaanxsh · 8 months
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Slaanesh has Pharyngeal Teeth-- [TW a lil yucky] fangs that line the throat, a trait that can be found in many types of fish and in turtles. They lay flat when not in use, but spike out after particularly large meals or if Slaanesh finds himself getting especially desperate during a battle.
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slaanxsh · 2 months
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Just as his daemons can inflame the passions of mortals, Slaanesh has the ability to aggravate or dim emotions in his siblings. Not unilaterally-- they are still more powerful than him and will actively fight back against being beguiled if they sense Slaanesh intruding, but such are the effects that Tzeentch leaves off his erratic scheming and lying, Khorne's fury is slower or even fails to reach a boil, and Nurgle's endless nattering is lessened.
Some of this is passive, but the Pleasure Lord can certainly actively influence his siblings if he has need.
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slaanxsh · 1 year
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Slaanesh has never come to a Court of Covenant meeting in the same outfit. Granted, neither has Tzeentch (though his is less an ‘outfit’ and more an entirely different bodily form), but one of his favorite things to do is make subtle jabs at how boring and usual his siblings are by comparison. It isn’t Khorne on the other end of these insults very often, surprisingly, but @nurrgleth​. The Plaguefather is the most loath to change his appearance; even @kharrneth​ will occasionally swap suits of armor and tends to show up to meetings in his latest plate (for intimidation reasons).
On rare occasions, when his siblings delight his senses with their own particular expressions of self, Slaanesh will pay a compliment. Khorne is, again surprisingly, the most common recipient of these compliments (which are genuine, if perhaps carrying an undertone of insult anyway). 
Khorne will promptly never wear these plates again, not even in his kingdom. Slaanesh suspects the Blood God destroys them, and this is partially the reason he gives the compliments to begin with.
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slaanxsh · 4 months
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Slaanesh has minor divination abilities, a result of numerous direct encounters with Tzeentch, Lord of the Fates. However, these abilities are largely unused and unmastered. This is because Tzeentch is the Lord of such things, the unchallenged Architect of Fate, and any supremacy Slaanesh would acquire would always be second to Tzeentch's own, which the Dark Prince finds deeply displeasing (Khorne hates, and does not partake, in magic for a similar reason).
Because of this Slaanesh does not bother with this gift most of the time. However, his daemons are occasionally blessed with the ability to glean the fates and even alter them minutely. Slaanesh's Courtesan is one such daemon.
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slaanxsh · 4 months
Once, Nurgle ruffled Slaanesh's hair with his nasty, leprous hands shortly after the Pleasure God was born. It started the first ever war between the Plague God and the Dark Prince.
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slaanxsh · 1 year
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An unspoken trend in Slaanesh's blessings: he tends to lavish his attention on the younger siblings, especially the youngest siblings, in a given bunch of related mortals.
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slaanxsh · 7 months
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Slaanesh usually wears a mask or other facial covering whenever he goes to a covenantal meeting. These accoutrements are not just for show, but are arcane in nature; they suppress the natural allure of the Pleasure God's person. Slaanesh has never explained why he could dampen such an edge in Godly Negotiations, leading the other gods to theorize about his aims and purposes. Some say he does it in good faith, so that meetings can proceed authentically in accordance to each God's personality and aspirations; this is meant to foster trust in his fellow siblings.
Others say there are no such designs; that Slaanesh is merely being whimsical and that the mask is just a part of whatever he happened to be wearing. Of course, there are times he does not wear the mask, and meetings carry a notable note of uneasy cooperation when this occurs. Many an alliances between the gods have been forged following a maskless presentation by Slaanesh...and broken as soon as that allure wears off...
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slaanxsh · 7 months
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No one talks about Slaanesh's Khaine-scar, which can only be semi-healed and semi-hidden by glamours. Khorne did it one time.
One time.
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slaanxsh · 1 year
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The Circle of Indolence
Last and deadliest of the Six Rings of Slaanesh’s domain is the Circle of Indolence. Travelers step into a veritable paradise, where few manage to tread; a endless beach of pristine white sand and the sound of waves lapping gently at the shores. Angelic choirs ride the wind and the water exudes a calming perfume. Everything is carefully choreographed in order to lure travelers into a deep slumber...from which they will never awaken. Only the strong of will can soldier on through this death trap and see this hellish paradise for what it is truly: the sand is made from the remains of other travelers, with bleached bones mixed into the white grains. Even Slaanesh’s own daemons are not immune to the Ring of Indolence’s soporific effects, though for them the slumber isn’t permanent. Though most victims are left to crumble to dust, some individuals, such as enemy daemons, are taken for other reasons.
This Ring is ruled by Calis'sla'kaid'nyth, better known as Luxcious the Soporific. She is a massive Keeper, notable for her glossy black chitin and skin and steely grey eyes. All Based Ones can lull prey into a stupor or outright sleep just by being around, but Luxcious’ Soporifics are the most powerful of all. Even other Daemons of Slaanesh find themselves stumbling when in her presence for overlong and more than one daemonette has been punished for “sleeping on the job”. This isn’t limited to Daemonettes-- Keepers, too, are stricken with brain fog when around them, giving Luxcious a decided edge in matters of wit and deception.
The Ring of Indolence is a favored ring of Slaanesh and when he grows tired of the Palace of Pleasure, Slaanesh can be found here, sharing the quarters of their Scion and enjoying the beach and it’s sights. The Fortress of Repose is Luxcious’ domain and when Slaanesh sees fit to rest there, the Ring-Lord spares no effort or expense to make sure they are not interrupted or, chaos forbid, disgraced once again by the hated Changeling of Tzeentch.
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slaanxsh · 1 year
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For I am Slaanesh, most jealous of gods, and most demanding of lovers, and my thirst for you shall never be sated.
Slaaneshi daemons enjoy inspiring jealousy in their underlings. It amuses them to watch their playthings battle to be number one or the only one in their master’s eyes, fruitless as this often is. However, Slaaneshi daemons are just as prone to the same jealousy they seek to inspire in others. They see enemies and rivals in their brothers and sisters before they see allies and even in alliances, there is a subtle (and eventually, not-so-subtle) vying for power and prestige and to be the first in Slaanesh’s eye and affections.
Slaanesh himself is a jealous deity and this is very much the origin of it in his own children, and aspect of his being that almost none of them as free from, mortal or daemon. What he traps in his coils he does not let go of easily and he brooks no other gods before himself.
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slaanxsh · 10 months
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Shortly after joining the Great Game, Slaanesh has kept the worlds he wins in a great cosmic shape like one would see in space within the mortal realm. These rings are called Laurea and they orbit his realm in six belts, much as Saturn's rings form around the planet. These rings are not parallel; they cross over one another. Each one is a monument to Slaanesh and can be seen from the Rings of Pleasure proper, appearing as a broad belt of stones far, far away.
Daemons who do not live within the Circles of Pleasure themselves live here. Others are unconquered free-for-alls for Slaanesh's daemons, unlucky wanderers or damned souls doomed to languish and serve as playthings for the cruel whims of the Slaaneshi until time itself ends. Some are even conquered by daemons from rival gods, but these tenures don't tend to last any appreciable length of time.
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