#Part of me really wants Penelope to use Whistledown to torture Colin as revenge for humiliating her at the Featherington ball.
quotergirl19 · 5 months
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I wonder if Colin looks menacing in this scene because he’s mentioned in Whistledown and he was called a dangerous charmer known for flirting with half the ladies in London and likely countless others in Greece and anywhere else he’s traveled.
Whistledown could issue a warning to all ladies not to be drawn in by the third Bridgerton son’s gentile nature because he has been noted as saying that he has sworn off women and is apparently not above disparaging even the most shy and innocent of ladies to ensure he is not accused of any interest in courting or pursuing them. Even one such as Miss Penelope Featherington whom he has known since childhood has not been exempt from his cruelty.
If Whistledown announced that Colin is a shameless flirt and rogue who seeks out ladies only to insult them, he will either become a challenge to the most determined mamas, or the most avoided Bridgerton son. Either way, Colin would be furious.
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