#Partnership for clean water and sanitation
chinmayeesahu · 6 days
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is higher than ever in the quickly changing business environment of today. Working together with like-minded organizations is crucial as companies look to improve society and the environment. The Marpu Foundation is one such collaboration that has a great deal of potential to increase the impact of CSR.
At the forefront of social change and sustainable development, the Marpu Foundation | NGO has established itself as a beacon of hope for communities worldwide. With a diverse portfolio of initiatives spanning education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and more, the foundation embodies a commitment to creating a better future for all.
"Marpu" - a synonym for transformation - was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. Marpu Foundation | NGO focuses on harnessing the potential of individuals to bring about positive change in the world. With a team committed to effecting change and providing a supportive space for all, the Marpu Foundation earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020.
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Emphasizing employee involvement and volunteering is one of the main features of the Marpu Foundation's CSR approach. It has over 80,261 volunteers and over 10,245,120 beneficiaries operating from 39 locations in 15 states. The themes of their work center on environmental sustainability, economic development, social development, and partnership for the goals.
Partnering with the Marpu Foundation not only enhances corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts but also significantly contributes to advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Marpu Foundation's projects are exemplary models of sustainable development, promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. Here's how partnering with Marpu can boost CSR efforts and support SDGs, illustrated through some of their impactful projects:
1. Education Initiatives (SDG 4 - Quality Education): Marpu Foundation's education initiatives focus on providing quality education to underserved communities. Partnering with Marpu in these initiatives allows corporations to support SDG 4 by investing in programs that enhance access to education, improve literacy rates, and empower marginalized groups. For example, a partnership could fund the establishment of schools in rural areas, provide scholarships for underprivileged students, or support vocational training programs.
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2. Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation): Marpu Foundation undertakes projects aimed at ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, particularly in areas facing water scarcity and poor sanitation. Collaborating with Marpu in such projects enables companies to address SDG 6 by funding the construction of water infrastructure, implementing water purification systems, or promoting hygiene awareness campaigns in communities lacking access to clean water and sanitation.
3. Women's Empowerment (SDG 5 - Gender Equality): Marpu Foundation is committed to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment through various initiatives such as skill development programs, entrepreneurship training, and advocacy for women's rights. Partnering with Marpu in these endeavors allows corporations to support SDG 5 by investing in projects that foster economic independence and social empowerment among women, thereby contributing to creating more inclusive and equitable societies.
4. Environmental Conservation (SDG 13 - Climate Action): Marpu Foundation actively engages in environmental conservation efforts aimed at mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Corporations can enhance their CSR initiatives by partnering with Marpu in projects such as afforestation campaigns, sustainable agriculture practices, or renewable energy projects. By supporting these initiatives, companies can align with SDG 13 goals and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
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5. Healthcare Access (SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being): Marpu Foundation works towards improving healthcare access and promoting health awareness in underserved communities. Collaborating with Marpu in healthcare projects allows corporations to contribute to SDG 3 by funding medical camps, establishing healthcare centers, or supporting vaccination drives. By investing in healthcare initiatives, companies can help reduce healthcare disparities and improve the overall well-being of communities.
In conclusion, partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers corporations a unique opportunity to bolster their CSR efforts while making meaningful contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Through strategic collaborations with Marpu, companies can address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future for all.
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aditipandey2804 · 6 days
Marpu - Reimagining Corporate Social Responsibility CSR is not just ticking a box in today's world, CSR is a powerhouse fuelling change. Partner with the Marpu Foundation to supercharge your CSR efforts, align them with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for maximum impact. 1) Why Work With Marpu Foundation? ·      Innovative skills: Marpu’s gave a lot of revolutionary projects in all areas of education, health, environment, and community development that lead to a real development. ·      Collaborative Magic: We work with you to build TSA projects that are communicable of your brand's value and flags both fresh and real efforts. ·      Incredible Change: Because we provide clear ROI information. You will learn in very simple ways how your contributions are transforming lives and communities. 2) Boost Your CSR Efforts ·      Unique CSR Programs: Our CSR programs are entirely developed to be something that keep in mind while reflecting on your business, local community-based programs, or broader global sustainability campaigns. ·      Team Engagement - Motivate and inspire your employees by offering ways to volunteer, which is never a bad idea to help engage employees and help with team building. ·      Improve Brand: Improve brand reputation and help with the target audience where sincere social consciousness is very important. ·      Champion Sustainability: Marpu’s strategic projects tackle the root causes of social and environmental issues, delivering long-term benefits for communities. 3)Align with Global Goals Marpu’s initiatives support the United Nations’ SDGs, ensuring your CSR efforts contribute to worldwide priorities. i)Empowering Through Education: Books for Bright Futures In partnership with TechCorp, the Marpu Foundation launched the "Books for Bright Futures" initiative. This program has revolutionized education in underserved communities by establishing over 100 libraries in rural schools. Each library is stocked with a diverse range of books, digital learning tools, and interactive resources. ii)The "Health for All" program, in collaboration with HealthPlus, has brought critical healthcare services to remote areas. Through mobile clinics, the initiative provides regular medical check-ups, vaccinations, and health education. iii)Championing Environmental Stewardship: Green Earth Teaming up with GreenFuture Corp., the Marpu Foundation's "Green Earth" campaign has made significant strides in reforestation and environmental conservation. This initiative has: Planted Over 100,000 Trees: Across deforested areas, restoring habitats and promoting biodiversity. By offsetting carbon emissions, contributing to a healthier planet. iv)Ensuring Clean Water and Sanitation: Pure Water In partnership with EcoTech Solutions, the "Pure Water" initiative has installed sustainable water purification systems in remote villages, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.
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echoandinsights · 1 month
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Maximizing the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Partnership with Marpu Foundation
Uniting Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Goals for a Sustainable Future In the landscape of modern business, combining Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Goals (SDG) is not just a trend, but a strategic one necessity. The Marpu Foundation, with its innovative approach to sustainable development, is a beacon for companies that are trying to strengthen the impact of their social responsibility.
The Synergy Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals
CSR initiatives are no longer limited to charity; they are strategic business needs that align with the broader goals of Sustainable Development. The synergy of social responsibility and sustainability goals is based on their shared vision of a sustainable future. Corporate Social Responsibility is a means by which companies can contribute to the global agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals, which encompasses a range of goals from poverty alleviation to environmental protection.
Marpu Foundation's Unique Approach
Marpu Foundation has created a niche market for CSR by adopting an empathetic approach to sustainability. Their mission is to harness the human potential for positive change and adhere to several Sustainable Development Goals, including clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy and quality education.
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Success Stories That Inspire
Marpu Foundation's success stories are proof of its effective model. They were recognized at the 2022 NGO Awards as "NGO of the Year - Power Environment", underscoring their commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. More than 12 million volunteers participated in their projects, demonstrating the power of collective action to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
Impact of Collaboration
The collaboration between companies and the Marpu Foundation can lead to impressive CSR initiatives that not only meet the company's goals, but also significantly contribute to the achievement of sustainability goals. Marpu's broad reach and strong partnerships enable them to meet various CSR goals, meaningfully engage employees and create value for all stakeholders.
Conclusion: Crafting a Sustainable Legacy Partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers companies the opportunity to be part of the change. By connecting CSR with the Sustainable Development Goals, companies can create a legacy of sustainability that resonates with consumers, investors and communities alike. It's time to embrace this synergy and make a lasting impact on our world.
Always Remember that, “We make a living by what we get, But we make our life by what we give”
To learn more about how your company can partner with the Marpu Foundation, visit their website or follow their social media channels for the latest updates and success stories.
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wuxiaphoenix · 1 year
Worldbuilding: Royals Who Actually Do Something
If you want your story to have a good, healthy kingdom in it, consider that beyond the usual training in politics, law, scheming, and military tactics, your royals and nobles would benefit from some enrichment in their castle and fief enclosures. Specifically, hobbies and a regular exercise plan.
...No, baiting two (or more) other kingdoms on your border to attack each other so you can grab bits of their territory is not a hobby. That’s just more politics, if of the underhanded and scheming variety, and for better physical and mental health you need to vary your activities.
Consider the performing arts. Acting, singing, dancing, acrobatics. Any or all of these could come in handy when you need to break a dour mood at court, put an enemy ambassador off-balance, or infiltrate an enemy camp incognito for unexpected negotiations... possibly aggressive negotiations.
Swimming is also relaxing, and good low-impact exercise for joints left achy by too many hours on that golden throne. Plus it gives you a good reason to be personally involved in making sure your kingdom has clean water supplies. Too many courtiers see no point in sanitation and good plumbing for peasants. Make sure they have a personal stake in things going right.
Not to mention too many royals have gone down in history depending on moats to keep people out, only to find out they also keep you in; trapped with the latest backstabber, evil wizard, or zombie outbreak. You don’t have to be graceful in the water, a dog-paddle is fine. Anyone who sees it is either glad you’re escaping or cursing you to the seven hells and vowing to hunt you down anyway, so who cares?
If you really, really need to wet your cursed sword in the blood of your enemies - consider a partnership with your own law enforcement. They’re sure to have cases of smuggling, human trafficking, and worse crimes where they can’t quite catch the perpetrators in the act. Dress as a backwoods noble with more gold than sense, and your kingdom’s enemies will come to you. Odds are they won’t be highly trained soldiers, but that’s all the better; you get light exercise, the kingdom loses more evil-doers, and your loyal guards won’t frown at you for risking your life too much.
Last but not least, don’t overdo it with the feasting and drinking, no matter how many fractious nobles you have to impress. Remember Henry VIII, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Kublai Khan, and so many more; all active, accomplished fighters who died not by the sword, but by the fork and goblet. Moderation! Take care of your liver, and you’ll be conquering the world for decades to come!
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kishorwasan · 1 year
Why is it called neglected tropical diseases?
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of infectious diseases that affect more than 1.7 billion people worldwide, particularly those living in poverty-stricken areas of tropical and subtropical countries. They are a diverse group of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. They are "neglected" because they have historically received very little attention, funding, or research compared to other major diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.
But why are these diseases neglected? Several factors contribute to the neglect of NTDs, including their high prevalence in poor and marginalized communities, low visibility and lack of political will, and their complex nature and limited treatment options.
Firstly, NTDs disproportionately affect the poorest and most marginalized populations, who often lack access to essential healthcare services, clean water, and sanitation. These diseases thrive in environments where poverty, malnutrition, and poor hygiene are prevalent, making them endemic in many rural and urban slum areas of developing countries.
Furthermore, NTDs are often co-endemic, meaning they occur in the same geographical areas and can interact and exacerbate each other's effects. For example, soil-transmitted helminths (intestinal worms) and schistosomiasis (a parasitic infections) often occur in the same communities, leading to increased morbidity and disability.
Secondly, NTDs are often invisible and overlooked by policymakers and the public. Unlike diseases such as HIV or cancer, NTDs do not typically receive high-profile media attention, fundraising campaigns, or advocacy efforts. As a result, they are often not considered a priority in national health agendas or global health initiatives.
Moreover, many NTDs do not cause immediate or dramatic symptoms but instead cause chronic and debilitating conditions that can have long-term impacts on individuals, families, and communities. For example, lymphatic filariasis (also known as elephantiasis) can cause severe swelling of the limbs and genitals, leading to disability, social isolation, and stigmatization.
Thirdly, NTDs are complex and often challenging to diagnose, treat, and prevent. Many of these diseases have complex life cycles involving multiple hosts and stages of development, which make them difficult to control and eliminate. In addition, the drugs used to treat NTDs are often old, toxic, and have limited efficacy, leading to high treatment failure rates and drug resistance.
Finally, there needs to be more funding and research dedicated to NTDs. Despite their high burden and impact on global health, NTDs receive only a fraction of the budget and analysis that other major diseases receive. For example, in 2019, the World Health Organization estimated that the total annual cost of delivering preventive chemotherapy for NTDs was US$2.7 billion, which is only a fraction of the amount spent on other diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis.
In recent years, there has been increased recognition and attention given to NTDs, particularly in global health initiatives and partnerships. The World Health Organization has set a target to eliminate or control 20 NTDs by 2030 and has launched a global strategy to combat NTDs through integrated, cross-sectoral approaches.
In addition, several pharmaceutical companies and non-governmental organizations have committed to donating drugs and resources to NTD control and elimination programs, which has helped scale up interventions and reach more needy people.
However, much more must be done to address the neglected nature of NTDs. This includes increasing funding and research for NTDs, improving access to health services and treatment, and managing the social and economic determinants of NTDs.
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thefuturewewant · 11 months
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Did you know that the United Nations sustainable development goals are a universal call to action that unites 193 countries around the world. If these goals are fulfilled by 2030 , life on earth will be better for everyone. So what are these goals, eliminate poverty in all its forms, no hunger everyone should have safe nutritious and sufficient food, everyone has equal access to health care thus ensuring our well being and healthy life, equal access to quality education, ensure gender equality where women and girls have the same opportunities as men and boys, by achieving these goals each member of our society will be equal, safe and happy. UN global goals also include access to safe drinking water and sanitation, access to clean energy that is safe for people and the environment, sustainable and stale economic growth everyone has a decent job, strong infrastructure and the support of innovations, lower inequality within and among countries cities and settlements being developed without damaging the environment and people and achieving these goals will result in the well-being of people and our planet we can further take care of our environment with the following goals sustainable and safe production and consumption of products take urgent measures to reduce climate change and its impact ensures the sustainable use and protection of ocean and sea resources restore and protect Earth's ecosystems by achieving these goals we will form a society where strong institutions ensure peace and justice, it is important for everyone to be involved and to build partnerships for achieving sustainable development goals you are part of this process demand the implementation of these goals and take the lead share information with your friends.
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impactcatalyst · 5 days
Amplifying CSR Impact through Partnership with Marpu Foundation
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved from a regulatory obligation into a strategic initiative, integrating business practices with broader social and environmental goals. Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of impactful CSR activities. One effective way to enhance these efforts is by partnering with dedicated organizations like Marpu Foundation, which has a proven track record in significant projects and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
At Marpu Foundation, we believe in harnessing individual potential to drive positive global change. Our focus is on volunteerism, ecological mindfulness, and sustainable development. With a dedicated team, we have been recognized as "The Best NGO in India" in 2020. We empower individuals to voice their aspirations, work towards sustainability, and form alliances with organizations that share our vision. Our projects result in tangible changes through empathy-led, innovative solutions. Join us in crafting a more equitable and compassionate future.
Benefits of Partnering with Marpu Foundation
1. Alignment with SDGs Marpu Foundation’s initiatives are designed to contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Quality Education (Goal 4), Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6), and Climate Action (Goal 13). Partnering with Marpu ensures CSR activities are impactful and globally relevant.
2. Expertise and Experience With years of experience, Marpu Foundation excels in community engagement, sustainable development, and project management. Their expertise ensures that CSR initiatives are efficiently and effectively executed, maximizing positive outcomes.
3. Transparent and Measurable Impact Marpu Foundation provides transparent reporting and impact assessments, allowing companies to see the tangible results of their CSR investments. This transparency builds trust and demonstrates commitment to stakeholders.
4. Building Strong Community Ties Marpu’s grassroots approach ensures that projects are developed and implemented with active local community participation, fostering trust and mutual respect. Companies benefit from fulfilling CSR obligations, enhancing brand image, and building long-term community relationships.
5. Enhancing Employee Engagement Collaborations with Marpu Foundation enhance employee engagement by providing volunteering opportunities and involvement in community projects. This boosts morale, job satisfaction, and fosters a participatory CSR culture.
6. Leveraging Marpu's Network for Greater Impact Marpu Foundation’s extensive network includes government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations. Companies can leverage this network to amplify their CSR impact, ensuring their efforts are part of a larger, coordinated strategy for sustainable development.
Partnering with Marpu Foundation offers companies a strategic advantage in boosting their CSR impact. With a proven track record, alignment with SDGs, and a commitment to transparency, Marpu Foundation is an ideal partner for businesses seeking to make a meaningful difference. Together, businesses and Marpu Foundation can drive positive change, build strong community ties, engage employees, and contribute to a sustainable future.
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enhancingcsrimpact · 5 days
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
In this perpetually changing world of corporate social responsibility (CSR), companies are increasingly realising the importance of aligning their work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to create shared value for both society and their businesses. To truly maximise the impact of CSR efforts, strategic partnerships with organisations that possess the requisite expertise and resources are essential. One such organisation is the Marpu Foundation, an NGO committed to driving sustainable change.
“Marpu”, symbolising transformation, was founded by National Youth Awardee Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. Marpu Foundation | NGO has been instrumental in addressing critical social and environmental challenges across India. Recognised as “The Best NGO in India” in 2020, Marpu has developed a vigorous framework for implementing projects that deliver measurable outcomes. This recognition is a testament to their potency and commitment to creating a positive change. 
As companies aim to make a positive impact on society and environment, partnering with the Marpu Foundation | NGO can significantly enhance their CSR initiatives and drive substantial change.
Marpu Foundation emphasises the importance of employee involvement in CSR initiatives. With over 80,261 volunteers and more than 10 million beneficiaries across 39 locations in 15 states, Marpu offers various opportunities for corporate employees to engage in meaningful volunteer work. This engagement drives a sense of purpose and community spirit within the workforce. Marpu excels in creating customised volunteering programs tailored to the interests and goals of partner companies. Whether organising environmental clean-up drives, conducting skill-building workshops for youth, or planting trees to help with climate change, Marpu ensures that corporate volunteering initiatives are impactful and aligned with the company’s CSR objectives. These programs allow companies to address specific issues that resonate with their values and mission, creating a deeper connection with their CSR activities.
One of Marpu Foundation’s strengths is its commitment to transparency and accountability. By using data-driven information and following the best methods to measure the impact, Marpu makes sure that every rupee spent on CSR delivers tangible, sustainable results. This approach helps companies demonstrate the effectiveness of their CSR initiatives to stakeholders, building trust and ensuring meaningful impact. Additionally, Marpu Foundation;s initiatives are closely aligned with several SDGs, making it an ideal partner for companies aiming to contribute to these global goals. Some of their focus areas include:
SDG 1: No Poverty: Through micro-finance and vocational training, Marpu empowers marginalised communities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, providing financial support and essential skills for sustainable livelihoods.
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being: Marpu’s health programs, including mobile clinics and health education, ensure basic healthcare is accessible to underserved areas, reducing health disparities. SDG 4: Quality Education: Marpu fosters literacy and skill development through educational programs for children and adults, offering quality learning opportunities to all. 
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation: Marpu funds water and sanitation infrastructure projects, ensuring communities have sustainable access to clean water, vital for health and well-being.
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In conclusion, partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers companies a powerful opportunity to make a positive impact in society while aligning with their CSR goals. With a proven track record of impactful projects and a strong focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, Marpu Foundation provides a strategic avenue for companies to drive meaningful change. By engaging employees in volunteering activities and customising programs to fit specific CSR objectives, businesses can enhance their social responsibility efforts while contributing to the betterment of communities. With Marpu Foundation’s commitment to transparency and accountability, companies can be assured that their investments in CSR initiatives will result in tangible, sustainable outcomes. Together, through collaboration with Marpu Foundation, businesses can play a significant role in creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.
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nasmi-2320 · 7 days
"Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation "
Collaborating with the Marpu Foundation can significantly enhance the impact of your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives. Marpu Foundation, known for its commendable work in various social sectors, can bring expertise, resources, and community trust to your CSR projects. Here are several ways collaboration with Marpu Foundation can enhance your CSR impact:
Expertise and Experience
Access to Communities
Resource Sharing
Scale and Reach
Innovation and Creativity
Long-term Sustainability
Enhanced Brand Reputation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Here are some examples of how partnering with Marpu can achieve these goals:
Education and Skill Development (SDG 4): Marpu Foundation has initiated projects aimed at improving access to quality education in underserved communities. By partnering with Marpu, companies can support initiatives such as building schools, providing educational resources, and offering vocational training programs.
Women's Empowerment (SDG 5): Marpu's projects often focus on empowering women and promoting gender equality. Through partnerships, companies can support initiatives like entrepreneurship training for women, providing microloans for female-led businesses, or creating safe spaces for women's education and skill-building.
Healthcare and Sanitation (SDG 3 and 6): Marpu Foundation works on improving healthcare access and sanitation facilities in remote areas. Companies can partner with Marpu to fund medical camps, build healthcare centers, or install clean water and sanitation systems in communities lacking these essentials.
Environmental Conservation (SDG 13 and 15): Marpu is committed to environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation. Through partnerships, companies can support initiatives such as reforestation projects, wildlife conservation efforts, or promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
Community Development and Livelihood Enhancement (SDG 1 and 8): Marpu Foundation undertakes projects to improve livelihood opportunities and overall community development.
Partnering with the Marpu Foundation can indeed be a significant boon for CSR efforts and the advancement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Marpu Foundation has a proven track record of implementing impactful projects focused on various aspects of sustainable development, including education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community empowerment. Moreover, partnering with Marpu Foundation can enhance the credibility and visibility of CSR activities, demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. Overall, partnering with Marpu Foundation represents a strategic opportunity for businesses to enhance their CSR efforts, drive positive change, and make a tangible difference in advancing the SDGs.
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emc-pool · 7 days
Swimming Pool Water Care
We’re here to help with your swimming pool.
Our Experience Makes Pool Care Easier and More Enjoyable
We proudly recommend BioGuard water care products for pools (and hot tubs), ensuring top-notch quality backed by 60 years of pool servicing expertise. We prioritize your skin’s health, offering advice on optimal chemical selection and application. Our pool water care products simplify water care, “for a cleaner, clearer pool you have to see to believe.” Invest in BioGuard’s 3-step water care system for a gentler, wellness-focused pool experience.
You can trust Energy Center-Manhattan Pool for crystal-clear pools with a vast selection of professional services and products, from openings to closings. Choose from chlorine, bromine, mineral, and salt sanitation options for a safe and enjoyable pool. Our free water testing service provides personalized advice for achieving the perfect water balance every time.
Accurate Water Testing with our BioGuard Smart Lab
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Regularly testing your pool’s water is crucial. A proper water chemistry test significantly reduces maintenance efforts, makes your chemicals more effective, and it prevents unnecessary, time-consuming treatments in the future. Properly balanced water also prolongs the life of your equipment and pool finishes, saving you money in the long run. The best and easiest way to get an in-depth analysis of your pool water is with the BioGuard Smart Lab at Energy Center-Manhattan Pool. Our state-of-the-art ALEX® system, which stands for Analysis Expert, was made to check more than just the basics you find in regular home test kits or apps. It also checks for issues that might cause problems for your pool’s surfaces and equipment and how the chemicals can affect each other.
The BioGuard Smart Lab employs a spectrophotometer for the most accurate water testing in pools (and spas). This instrument gauges light intensity and color changes in solutions. By introducing reagents, the solution will change colors. The spectrophotometer interprets this color change, providing precise results about what chemicals you need to properly balance your pool. How does it work? It operates by measuring light absorbed or transmitted by a solution, which is crucial for analyzing specific concentrations in water samples.
How do you access the BioGuard Smart Lab ALEX® system? It’s simple! Bring a sample of your swimming pool water to our showroom once a month (or anytime you’re doubting your own tests at home) and we’ll run the test for you. It doesn’t cost you anything to get a water analysis, which is an easy-to-read, color coded instruction sheet for how to balance your pool water for comfort, clarity, and equipment protection.
Professional Quality Pool Chemicals from BioGuard
Applying the right products at the right time is an important step in your pool maintenance routine. Using high-quality chemicals, according to the directions provided by our ALEX® system, protects swimmers from disease transmission, protects the pool equipment, and ensures your water is clear and comfortable for swimming.
Tested and proven effective, BioGuard products are known for delivering reliable results and making pool care as easy as 1–2–3… literally.
Step 1: Sanitizers​ to clean water
​Step 2: Shock​ to remove contaminants
​Step 3: Algae killing and prevention
At Energy Center-Manhattan Pool, we carry an extensive line of pool solutions for all needs.
Rather Do It Yourself? We’ve Got What You Need
Professional Training from BioGuard
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Energy Center-Manhattan Pool works closely with BioGuard for training and ongoing education. Staff members go through H2Know to ensure our technicians have the highest level of expertise in the industry. The program consists of in-depth training on water chemistry, maintenance and prevention methods, troubleshooting, and customer interaction. Dealers receive certification as they advance in the program, which assures you will receive the highest level of customer service from an H2Know Certified Water Care Expert.
We also offer work with closely with BioGuard to pass some of that education onto our consumers. For those interested in maintaining their own swimming pool, we host an annual Pool School. Pool owners learn how to use the right products and do the right things to get the right results the first time.
Tips to Save on Chlorine
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Chlorine demand is the inability to keep an adequate free chlorine residual in pool water, even though the water is balanced and properly maintained. Pool owners often spend more money on chlorine products than necessary. The better option is to properly manage your chlorine demand. Here are some products to help.
BioGuard Optimizer enhances the efficiency of BioGuard brominating, chlorinating, or biguanide programs. It acts as a buffer, contributing to water balance while creating a soft and soothing swimming experience. This product not only inhibits algae growth but is also proven to enhance water clarity. Additionally, it imparts a gentle touch to the skin and eyes by softening the water. Optimizer remains pH neutral in pool water and doesn’t degrade in sunlight.
BioGuard’s Pool Complete 911 is designed to quickly clear up severe instances of hazy, cloudy, and swampy water, typically caused by an excess of contaminants and non-living waste. Utilizing advanced enzymes and clarifiers, this product restores the water to a pristine, crystal-clear state. The transformation in the pool’s appearance becomes evident within a matter of hours.
Pool Complete Weekly employs an exclusive combination of specialized enzymes, clarifiers, and a phosphate remover to enhance your pool care routine, ensuring your water remains in optimal condition. This product works actively in the background, eliminating unseen contaminants and enhancing filtration. By doing so, it allows your 3-Step products to concentrate on their core functions and excel at what they do best.
Or, you can bring your water sample to Energy Center-Manhattan Pool, and we’ll use Accu-Demand 30 to determine chlorine demand. With this information, we can provide detailed insights to take the guesswork out of your water chemistry.
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vijay1225 · 11 days
SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium lauryl ether sulfate, and linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) are surfactants that lower water surface tension and aid in the cleansing and lathering of items. They emulsify cleaning agents in household cleaning products (laundry detergents, spray cleaners, and dishwasher detergents).
Sizing and Forecast The sls, sles, and las market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $10.6 billion in 2023 to $11.24 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to industrial applications, population growth, urbanization, regulatory standards, cost-effectiveness, hygiene awareness..
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The sls, sles, and las market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $14.1 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to sustainable practices, e-commerce growth, innovation in green chemistry, emerging markets, customization and specialty products, stringent regulations.. Major trends in the forecast period include r&d investments, innovation in formulations, technological advancements in production, sustainable packaging initiatives, collaborations and partnerships..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The sls, sles, and las market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Product Type: SLS, SLES, LAS 2) By Production Method: Coco Based, Inorganic Based 3) By Application: Detergents And Cleaners, Personal Care, Oilfield Chemicals, Textile And Leather, Paints And Coatings, Other Applications
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the SLS, SLES, and LAS market in 2023. Latin America is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the SLS, SLES, and LAS market during the forecast period. The regions covered in the sls, sles, and las market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth Increasing demand for sanitation and hygiene in the SLS, SLES, and LAS industries is expected to boost the growth of the SLS, SLES, and LAS markets going forward. Maintaining one’s body and clothing in a clean state is known as personal hygiene, and it is done to promote overall health and well-being. SLS, SLES, and LAS are the anionic surfactants used as emulsifying cleaning agents in household cleaning products (laundry detergents, spray cleaners, and dishwasher detergents). Hence, increasing demand for sanitation and hygiene is expected to boost the SLS, SLES, and LAS markets. For instance, in July 2023, according to data published by UNICEF, a US-based humanitarian aid organization, it was estimated that 1.4 million people, including nearly 400,000 children under five, die each year from preventable diseases attributable to inadequate WASH, including diarrhea, acute respiratory infections (ARIs), soil-transmitted helminths, and undernutrition. In 2022, 3.5 billion people lacked safely managed services, of which approximately 1.9 billion had basic services. Among the 1.5 billion people lacking even basic services, 419 million practice open defecation. Therefore, increasing demand for sanitation and hygiene in the manufacturing industry is driving the growth of the SLS, SLES, and LAS markets.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the sls, sles, and las market report are Galaxy Surfactants Ltd., Croda International PLC, Clariant AG, Taiwan NJC Corporation, Solvay, Stepan Company, Dow Inc., Huntsman International LLC, Henkel AG & co. KGaA, Godrej Industries Limited, Kao Corporation, Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik Societas Europaea, Merck KGaA, Alpha Chemicals Private Limited, Akshar Chemical India Private Limited, Shell Chemicals, Procter & Gamble, AkzoNobel, Unilever, Sasol, Oxiteno, Lion Corporation, Evonik Industries, JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy, Enaspol, Guangzhou Litze Chemical, Xinyi Group, Lianlian Chemical, Nease Co., TAYCA Corporation .
The sls, sles, and las market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Characteristics
3. SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Trends And Strategies
4. SLS, SLES, And LAS Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Size and Growth
. .
31. Global SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The SLS, SLES, And LAS Market
34. SLS, SLES, And LAS Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix
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fashionbusinessfun · 15 days
On 23rd May, The Coca-Cola Foundation has agreed to support Cardano’s commitment to mobilize institutional capital to increase access to clean water and improved sanitation in emerging and developing economies. The stark statistics from the United Nations and World Health ...
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nikhil2905 · 18 days
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Businesses are under increasing pressure to take the initiative in solving social and environmental issues in the modern world. From being only a duty, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has developed into a strategic imperative that powers sustainable development. A company's CSR impact can be greatly increased and it can effectively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by forming partnerships with committed groups such as the Marpu Foundation. Here's how Marpu Foundation distinguishes itself as an important collaborator on these projects.
Key Benefits of Partnering with Marpu Foundation The design of Marpu Foundation projects is centered on sustainability. The foundation's track record of carrying out successful projects guarantees that CSR initiatives result in significant and enduring results. For instance, their educational initiatives directly support SDG 4 (Quality Education) by giving impoverished children access to high-quality education.
Alignment with SDGs The Marpu Foundation carefully aligns all of its projects with certain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which makes it simpler for businesses to monitor and disclose their contributions to these global objectives. Marpu works in a wide range of sustainable development topics, from renewable energy projects (SDG 7) to clean water programs (SDG 6).
Community Engagement and Trust The Marpu Foundation has established strong contacts with the neighborhood, winning the cooperation and trust of the people there. By ensuring that CSR initiatives are well-received and effective, this local participation boosts the overall impact of corporate efforts.
EXAMPLES OF MARPU FOUNDATION’S IMPACTFUL PROJECTS Education Initiatives Marpu Foundation’s education programs have transformed the lives of thousands of children in underserved communities. By building schools, providing educational materials, and training teachers, Marpu ensures that children have access to quality education, fulfilling SDG 4. Clean Water Projects Access to clean water is a critical issue in many parts of India. Marpu Foundation’s clean water projects, including the construction of wells and installation of water filtration systems, have provided safe drinking water to numerous communities, aligning with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). Renewable Energy Initiatives To address the energy needs of remote areas, Marpu Foundation installs solar panels and promotes the use of renewable energy sources. These efforts support SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting environmental sustainability. Employee Volunteering Programs Marpu Foundation’s emphasis on employee volunteering allows companies to engage their staff in meaningful CSR activities. With over 80,261 volunteers and more than 10,245,120 beneficiaries across 39 locations in 15 states, Marpu's volunteer programs enhance job satisfaction and foster a sense of purpose among employees.
For more details you can visit their website https://www.marpu.org/
By Nikhil Kumar
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raghavratan0810 · 27 days
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
Boost Your CSR Efforts and Support Sustainable Development Goals by Partnering with Marpu Foundation
In today's business landscape, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is no longer just a buzzword—it's a vital component of a company's strategy and reputation. Companies that genuinely invest in CSR initiatives not only contribute positively to society but also enhance their brand image and customer loyalty. One effective way to amplify these efforts is by partnering with established and impactful organizations like the Marpu Foundation.
Marpu Foundation | NGO is a non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable development and social welfare. By aligning with Marpu, companies can significantly advance their CSR goals while actively supporting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here’s how partnering with Marpu Foundation can boost your CSR efforts and contribute to a better world.
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Supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The United Nations' SDGs are a set of 17 global goals designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address a range of social, economic, and environmental challenges. Marpu Foundation’s initiatives align closely with many of these goals, offering companies a direct pathway to contribute to meaningful change.
1. Quality Education (SDG 4)
Marpu Foundation places a strong emphasis on education through various programs aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children. For example, their "Education for All" initiative focuses on building and upgrading school infrastructure, supplying educational materials, and training teachers in remote areas.
CSR Impact: By partnering with Marpu, your company can sponsor these educational programs, helping to ensure that children in marginalized communities have access to quality education. This not only enhances your CSR profile but also helps create a more educated workforce for the future.
2. Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6)
Access to clean water and sanitation is a critical issue in many parts of the world. Marpu Foundation runs projects that build wells, provide sanitation facilities, and educate communities about hygiene practices.
CSR Impact: Your company can support these water and sanitation projects, demonstrating a commitment to improving public health and well-being. This partnership highlights your dedication to essential human rights and community development.
3. Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)
Marpu Foundation’s vocational training programs aim to provide young adults with the skills they need to secure sustainable employment. These programs focus on sectors with high demand, such as technology, healthcare, and sustainable agriculture.
CSR Impact: By funding these vocational training initiatives, your company can help create job opportunities and foster economic growth in disadvantaged regions. This aligns your CSR efforts with promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
4. Climate Action (SDG 13)
Environmental sustainability is at the core of many of Marpu Foundation’s projects. From tree planting initiatives to renewable energy solutions, Marpu is actively working to combat climate change.
CSR Impact: Partnering with Marpu in these environmental projects allows your company to take tangible steps towards reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainability. This partnership can enhance your brand’s reputation as an environmentally responsible entity.
In conclusion, partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers a unique opportunity for companies to enhance their CSR efforts while making a significant contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. By supporting Marpu’s diverse projects, from education and economic development to clean water and climate action, your company can help create a better, more sustainable future for all.
Engage with Marpu Foundation today and take a decisive step towards meaningful corporate social responsibility. Together, we can drive positive change and build a sustainable world.
For more information on partnership opportunities with Marpu Foundation, visit their website https://www.marpu.org/ or contact their CSR partnership team at email [email protected].
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skvisionorg · 1 month
Combating Child Labour in India: Strategies for a Brighter Future
Child labour remains a significant challenge in India, affecting the lives of millions of children. Addressing this issue requires a multi-pronged approach that involves legislative action, educational reform, socio-economic support, community engagement, and international cooperation. Here’s an in-depth look at how we can work together to eliminate child labour in India.
1. Strengthening Legal Frameworks
Reinforce Existing Laws: India has several laws aimed at curbing child labour, such as the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016. Strengthening these laws to cover all sectors, including informal and domestic work, is crucial.
Effective Implementation: Ensuring that these laws are effectively implemented is key. This involves training law enforcement officers, increasing the number of inspectors, and creating a robust mechanism for reporting and addressing violations.
Stringent Penalties: Imposing stringent penalties on individuals and businesses that employ child labour can act as a deterrent. Publicizing these penalties and ensuring consistent enforcement can help reduce instances of child labour.
2. Ensuring Access to Quality Education
Universal Education: Providing free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 18 is essential. This includes addressing barriers such as school fees, uniforms, and transportation costs.
Improving School Infrastructure: Investing in school infrastructure, particularly in rural and underprivileged areas, is crucial. Schools should have adequate classrooms, trained teachers, and necessary facilities such as clean drinking water and sanitation.
Incentives for Families: Offering financial incentives such as scholarships, free textbooks, and mid-day meal programs can encourage families to send their children to school instead of work.
3. Alleviating Poverty
Economic Support Programs: Child labour is often a result of economic necessity. Implementing poverty alleviation programs that provide financial support and job opportunities for families can reduce the need for child labour.
Vocational Training for Adults: Providing vocational training and skill development programs for adults can help them secure better-paying jobs, reducing their reliance on their children’s income.
Social Security Schemes: Expanding social security schemes to include health care, unemployment benefits, and pensions can provide a safety net for families, lessening the economic pressure that leads to child labour.
4. Raising Awareness
Public Awareness Campaigns: Conducting nationwide awareness campaigns can educate the public about the detrimental effects of child labour and the importance of education. Utilizing mass media, social media, and community outreach can spread the message effectively.
Community Involvement: Engaging community leaders, religious leaders, and local influencers in awareness campaigns can help change societal attitudes towards child labour. These leaders can play a pivotal role in advocating for children’s rights.
Corporate Responsibility: Encouraging businesses to adopt child-friendly practices and promoting corporate social responsibility can help reduce child labour. Companies should ensure that their supply chains are free of child labour and support initiatives that promote education and well-being for children.
5. Strengthening International Cooperation
Global Partnerships: Collaborating with international organizations such as UNICEF, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and various NGOs can bring in the necessary resources and expertise to tackle child labour.
Adopting Best Practices: Learning from countries that have successfully reduced child labour can provide valuable insights. Adopting and adapting best practices from around the world can enhance local efforts.
Fair Trade Initiatives: Promoting fair trade practices ensures that products are made without the use of child labour. Consumers can be encouraged to support fair trade products, creating a market demand for ethically produced goods.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
Data Collection and Analysis: Regularly collecting and analyzing data on child labour can help track progress and identify areas needing attention. This data can inform policy decisions and program interventions.
Impact Assessment: Conducting impact assessments of various programs and initiatives helps understand their effectiveness. This allows for the scaling up of successful programs and the modification or discontinuation of less effective ones.
Eradicating child labour in India is a daunting but achievable goal. It requires a coordinated effort from the government, civil society, businesses, and the international community. By reinforcing legal frameworks, ensuring access to education, alleviating poverty, raising awareness, and fostering international cooperation, we can create a future where every child in India can enjoy their right to a happy and healthy childhood. Let’s work together to build a society where children are in classrooms learning and growing, not in workplaces toiling.
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jasminocorporation · 1 month
How Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers Are Tackling Global Water Crises
Water is a fundamental resource for life, yet millions of people around the world lack access to clean and safe drinking water. The global water crisis is a complex issue that requires urgent attention and innovative solutions. In recent years, water treatment plant manufacturers have been at the forefront of efforts to tackle the global water crisis by developing advanced technologies and implementing sustainable practices.
Understanding the Global Water Crisis
The global water crisis is characterized by widespread water scarcity, pollution, and inadequate access to clean water and sanitation services. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services, and 4.2 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation services. This lack of access to clean water has serious implications for public health, economic development, and the environment.
The Role of Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers
Water treatment plant manufacturers play a critical role in addressing the global water crisis by developing innovative solutions to treat water and make it safe for consumption. These manufacturers are continuously researching and developing new technologies to improve the quality of water and ensure its availability for future generations.
Innovative Technologies for Water Treatment
One of the key ways in which water treatment plant manufacturers are tackling the global water crisis is by developing innovative water treatment technologies. These technologies are designed to remove contaminants from water, such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and microplastics, making it safe for drinking and other uses. Some of the most common water treatment technologies include membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, and advanced oxidation processes.
Sustainable Practices in Water Treatment
In addition to developing advanced technologies, water treatment plant manufacturers are also adopting sustainable practices in their operations. This includes using renewable energy sources to power treatment plants, reducing chemical usage, and minimizing waste generation. By adopting these practices, manufacturers can reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable water future.
Collaboration and Partnerships
Water treatment plant manufacturers are also collaborating with governments, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to address the global water crisis. These collaborations involve sharing knowledge and expertise, developing innovative solutions, and implementing water management strategies. By working together, stakeholders can make a significant impact in addressing water challenges and ensuring access to clean water for all.
In conclusion, water treatment plant manufacturers play a crucial role in addressing the global water crisis by developing innovative technologies, implementing sustainable practices, and collaborating with stakeholders. However, more needs to be done to address the complex challenges of the global water crisis, and continued efforts and investments are essential to achieving this goal. By working together, we can ensure access to clean and safe water for future generations.
If You Want to Explore More About Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers then Visit the Site: Jasmino
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