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Pashhur Persecutes Jeremiah
1 Now Pashur the son of Immer the priest, who was also chief governor in the house of the Lord, heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things.
2 Then Pashur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that were in the high gate of Benjamin, which was by the house of the Lord.
3 And it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then said Jeremiah unto him, The Lord hath not called thy name Pashur, but Magormissabib.
4 For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword.
5 Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labours thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.
6 And thou, Pashur, and all that dwell in thine house shall go into captivity: and thou shalt come to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and shalt be buried there, thou, and all thy friends, to whom thou hast prophesied lies.
7 O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived; thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.
8 For since I spake, I cried out, I cried violence and spoil; because the word of the Lord was made a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily.
9 Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.
10 For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.
11 But the Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.
12 But, O Lord of hosts, that triest the righteous, and seest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I opened my cause.
13 Sing unto the Lord, praise ye the Lord: for he hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers.
14 Cursed be the day wherein I was born: let not the day wherein my mother bare me be blessed.
15 Cursed be the man who brought tidings to my father, saying, A man child is born unto thee; making him very glad.
16 And let that man be as the cities which the Lord overthrew, and repented not: and let him hear the cry in the morning, and the shouting at noontide;
17 Because he slew me not from the womb; or that my mother might have been my grave, and her womb to be always great with me.
18 Wherefore came I forth out of the womb to see labour and sorrow, that my days should be consumed with shame? — Jeremiah 20 | King James Bible (KJV) The King James Bible is in the public domain Cross References: Genesis 19:25; Genesis 21:6-7; Deuteronomy 32:35-36; 1 Kings 19:2,3 and 4; 2 Kings 20:17-18; 2 Kings 25:18; 1 Chronicles 9:11; 2 Chronicles 36:10; 2 Chronicles 36:16; Nehemiah 6:6; Job 3:3; Job 3:10-11; Job 3:20; Job 10:18-19; Job 12:4; Job 18:11; Psalm 7:9; Psalm 11:5; Psalm 22:7; Psalm 31:13; Psalm 34:6; Psalm 69:33; Isaiah 8:3; Jeremiah 6:7; Jeremiah 6:25; Jeremiah 13:10; Jeremiah 14:14-15; Jeremiah 15:10; Jeremiah 18:22; Jeremiah 28:15; Acts 4:20; Acts 16:24; Romans 8:31; 1 Corinthians 4:9; Hebrews 11:36
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twiggy-in-pink · 3 days
“And I will let your enemies plunder Jerusalem. All the famed treasures of the city—the precious jewels and gold and silver of your kings—will be carried off to Babylon. As for you, Pashhur, you and all your household will go as captives to Babylon. There you will die and be buried, you and all your friends to whom you prophesied that everything would be all right.”
Jeremiah 20:5-6
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lordgodjehovahsway · 1 month
1 Chronicle 9: The Genealogies Of The Kings Of Israel And Judah
1 All Israel was listed in the genealogies recorded in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah. They were taken captive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness.
The People in Jerusalem
2 Now the first to resettle on their own property in their own towns were some Israelites, priests, Levites and temple servants.
3 Those from Judah, from Benjamin, and from Ephraim and Manasseh who lived in Jerusalem were:
4 Uthai son of Ammihud, the son of Omri, the son of Imri, the son of Bani, a descendant of Perez son of Judah.
5 Of the Shelanites:
Asaiah the firstborn and his sons.
6 Of the Zerahites:
The people from Judah numbered 690.
7 Of the Benjamites:
Sallu son of Meshullam, the son of Hodaviah, the son of Hassenuah;
8 Ibneiah son of Jeroham; Elah son of Uzzi, the son of Mikri; and Meshullam son of Shephatiah, the son of Reuel, the son of Ibnijah.
9 The people from Benjamin, as listed in their genealogy, numbered 956. All these men were heads of their families.
10 Of the priests:
Jedaiah; Jehoiarib; Jakin;
11 Azariah son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the official in charge of the house of God;
12 Adaiah son of Jeroham, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malkijah; and Maasai son of Adiel, the son of Jahzerah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Meshillemith, the son of Immer.
13 The priests, who were heads of families, numbered 1,760. They were able men, responsible for ministering in the house of God.
14 Of the Levites:
Shemaiah son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, a Merarite; 
15 Bakbakkar, Heresh, Galal and Mattaniah son of Mika, the son of Zikri, the son of Asaph; 
16 Obadiah son of Shemaiah, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun; and Berekiah son of Asa, the son of Elkanah, who lived in the villages of the Netophathites.
17 The gatekeepers:
Shallum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman and their fellow Levites, Shallum their chief 
18 being stationed at the King’s Gate on the east, up to the present time. These were the gatekeepers belonging to the camp of the Levites. 
19 Shallum son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his fellow gatekeepers from his family (the Korahites) were responsible for guarding the thresholds of the tent just as their ancestors had been responsible for guarding the entrance to the dwelling of the Lord. 
20 In earlier times Phinehas son of Eleazar was the official in charge of the gatekeepers, and the Lord was with him. 
21 Zechariah son of Meshelemiah was the gatekeeper at the entrance to the tent of meeting.
22 Altogether, those chosen to be gatekeepers at the thresholds numbered 212. They were registered by genealogy in their villages. The gatekeepers had been assigned to their positions of trust by David and Samuel the seer. 
23 They and their descendants were in charge of guarding the gates of the house of the Lord—the house called the tent of meeting. 
24 The gatekeepers were on the four sides: east, west, north and south. 
25 Their fellow Levites in their villages had to come from time to time and share their duties for seven-day periods. 
26 But the four principal gatekeepers, who were Levites, were entrusted with the responsibility for the rooms and treasuries in the house of God. 
27 They would spend the night stationed around the house of God, because they had to guard it; and they had charge of the key for opening it each morning.
28 Some of them were in charge of the articles used in the temple service; they counted them when they were brought in and when they were taken out. 
29 Others were assigned to take care of the furnishings and all the other articles of the sanctuary, as well as the special flour and wine, and the olive oil, incense and spices. 
30 But some of the priests took care of mixing the spices. 
31 A Levite named Mattithiah, the firstborn son of Shallum the Korahite, was entrusted with the responsibility for baking the offering bread. 
32 Some of the Kohathites, their fellow Levites, were in charge of preparing for every Sabbath the bread set out on the table.
33 Those who were musicians, heads of Levite families, stayed in the rooms of the temple and were exempt from other duties because they were responsible for the work day and night.
34 All these were heads of Levite families, chiefs as listed in their genealogy, and they lived in Jerusalem.
The Genealogy of Saul
35 Jeiel the father of Gibeon lived in Gibeon.
His wife’s name was Maakah, 
36 and his firstborn son was Abdon, followed by Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab, 
37 Gedor, Ahio, Zechariah and Mikloth. 
38 Mikloth was the father of Shimeam. They too lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.
39 Ner was the father of Kish, Kish the father of Saul, and Saul the father of Jonathan, Malki-Shua, Abinadab and Esh-Baal.
40 The son of Jonathan:
Merib-Baal, who was the father of Micah.
41 The sons of Micah:
Pithon, Melek, Tahrea and Ahaz.
42 Ahaz was the father of Jadah, Jadah was the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth and Zimri, and Zimri was the father of Moza. 
43 Moza was the father of Binea; Rephaiah was his son, Eleasah his son and Azel his son.
44 Azel had six sons, and these were their names:
Azrikam, Bokeru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah and Hanan. These were the sons of Azel.
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xamblog-com · 11 months
Opening Prayer Loving Father, wherever I walk today, help me to walk where you lead me; whatever I do, let it be according to your will. Read JEREMIAH 21 God Rejects Zedekiah’s Request 21 The word came to Jeremiah from the Lord when King Zedekiah sent to him Pashhur son of Malkijah and the priest Zephaniah son of Maaseiah. They said: 2 “Inquire now of the Lord for us because…
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Nehemiah 11:12 and their associates, who carried on work for the temple--822 men; Adaiah son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malkijah,
-크리스찬어플 성경일독Q에서 보냄
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dfroza · 1 year
“Are we back to page one?”
“You are our letter, every word burned onto our hearts to be read by everyone.”
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 3rd chapter of the letter of 2nd Corinthians:
Are we back to page one? Do we need to gather some recommendations to prove our validity to you? Or do we need to take your letter of commendation to others to gain credibility? You are our letter, every word burned onto our hearts to be read by everyone. You are the living letter of the Anointed One, the Liberating King, nurtured by us and inscribed, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God—a letter too passionate to be chiseled onto stone tablets, but emblazoned upon the human heart.
This is the kind of confidence we have in and through the Anointed toward our God. Don’t be mistaken; in and of ourselves we know we have little to offer, but any competence or value we have comes from God. Now God has equipped us to be capable servants of the new covenant, not by authority of the written law which only brings death, but by the Spirit who brings life.
Now consider this: if the ministry of death, which was chiseled in stone, came with so much glory that the Israelites could not bear to look at Moses’ face even as that glory was fading, imagine the kind of greater glory that will accompany the ministry of the Spirit. If glory ushered in the ministry that offers condemnation, how much more glory will attend the ministry that promises to restore and set the world right? In fact, what seemed to have great glory will appear entirely inglorious in the light of the greater glory of the new covenant. If something that fades away possesses glory, how much more intense is the glory of what remains?
In light of this hope that we have, we act with great confidence and speak with great courage. We do not act like Moses who covered his face with a veil so the children of Israel would not stare as the glory of God faded from his face. Their minds became as hard as stones; for up to this day when they read the old covenant, the same veil continues to hide that glory; this veil is lifted only through the Anointed One. Even today a veil covers their hearts when the words of Moses are read; but in the moment when one turns toward the Lord, the veil is removed. By “the Lord” what I mean is the Spirit, and in any heart where the Spirit of the Lord is present, there is liberty. Now all of us, with our faces unveiled, reflect the glory of the Lord as if we are mirrors; and so we are being transformed, metamorphosed, into His same image from one radiance of glory to another, just as the Spirit of the Lord accomplishes it.
The Letter of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Apparently Paul is responding to repeated questions from the church in Corinth requiring him to justify his actions and explain his words. But instead of addressing each separately, Paul suggests a new course of action: let my record be based on the fruit in your lives. The Corinthians had experienced the promised effects of the new covenant—transformed hearts through the Spirit—as prophesied by Jeremiah (31) and Ezekiel (36–37). If the Corinthians agree the Spirit is working in them, then they have to agree that Paul’s ministry to them is productive.
How do we stand up to the same test? If our lives were judged based on the fruit of the seeds we have planted and nurtured in the lives of others, would we be proud or mortified?
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 20th chapter of the book of Jeremiah:
When the priest Pashhur (son of Immer, chief officer of the temple guard) heard what Jeremiah was prophesying, he had the prophet beaten and put in the stocks at the upper Benjamin gate near the temple, a place where everyone in the city could see this painful and embarrassing spectacle. The next morning, Pashhur released him from the stocks, hoping Jeremiah had learned his lesson. Instead, this is what he heard from the prophet:
Jeremiah: The Eternal no longer knows you by the name Pashhur. He has renamed you Magor-missabib, which means “terror on every side.” And these are the words the Eternal has spoken of you: “Certainly I am going to make you a symbol of terror—to yourself and to all your loved ones. You will see those close to you die in battle against the enemy. I will give all of Judah over to the king of Babylon, who will make them either casualties of war or prisoners of war. I will also give the wealth of Jerusalem over as plunder to this enemy. The resources and treasures of this city and Judah’s kings will be taken and carted off to Babylon. And you Pashhur, along with your entire household, will be taken to Babylon and become exiles. You and your friends who have heard your lies will never see home again; you will all die in exile in Babylon and be buried there.”
O Eternal, You deceived me into being Your prophet,
and I went along and allowed it to happen!
Your strength is too much for me,
and so You win; I speak Your words.
Just look at what I have become: a laughingstock;
all day long people mock me.
The only words coming out of my mouth
are loud cries of “Violence and destruction!”
It is the Eternal’s words—Your words—
that bring me insults and jokes all day long.
But when I tell myself, I’ll never mention Your name
or speak for You again, it’s no use.
The word of God burns in my heart; it is like fire in my bones.
I try to hold it all in, but I cannot.
I hear the crowds whispering behind my back and mocking my prophecies:
“‘Terror is everywhere we turn,’ he says. Let’s report him for breaking some law.”
Even my trusted friends are waiting for me to make a mistake:
“Maybe he will be deceived,
and then we’ll win, take control, and have our revenge on him.”
But I am not alone. The Eternal is here with me.
He stands beside me, as a dreaded warrior.
That is why my tormentors will fail so miserably. They cannot win.
Their humiliation and permanent dishonor will be remembered for all time.
Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, You test the righteous;
You see my deepest thoughts; You know my heart.
Let me see Your vengeance exacted against these people.
for I am trusting my cause, my future to You.
Sing to the Eternal God!
Praise the Eternal now for what He will soon do.
For a troubled soul is snatched from the hands of the wicked.
Cursed be the day I was born—
cursed, not blessed is the day my mother gave birth to me.
Cursed be the man who told my overjoyed father,
“You have a son.”
May he be as cursed as the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah,
which the Eternal decimated without a care.
Let him hear cries for help in the morning.
Let him recoil at the shouts of war at noon,
For he did not kill me before I was born
so my mother’s womb would become my grave—
my mother’s womb forever enlarged.
Why was I ever born? To watch such tragedy?
To feel such sorrow? To live my days in utter shame?
The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 20 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Wednesday, September 20 of 2023 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about entering (the inner room):
Yom Kippur (i.e. the "Day of Atonement") was the only time when the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies and call upon the Name of YHVH / YHVH (i.e., יהוה) to offer blood sacrifice for the sins of the people. This "life for a life" principle is the foundation of the sacrificial system and marked the great day of intercession made by the High Priest on behalf of Israel. For this reason it was also called the “Day of God’s Mercy,” or the “Day of God’s Name” (יום השם יהוה). This alludes to the revelation of the attributes of God’s Compassion after the sin of the Golden Calf (see Exod. 34:6-7) -- a disclosure that foreshadowed the New Covenant. How much more, then, is Yom Kippur the "Day of Yeshua's Name" (יום השם ישוע) since He secured for all of humanity everlasting kapparah (atonement)? Yeshua the Messiah is Moshia ha'olam (מוֹשִׁיעַ הָעוֹלָם), the Savior of the world; He alone possesses the "Name above all other Names" (Phil. 2:9-10; Acts 4:12). It is altogether fitting, then, that God's "hidden Name" (i.e., shem ha-meforash: שֵׁם הַמְּפרָשׁ) was proclaimed before the kapporet (Ark of the Covenant) in the Holy of Holies while atonement for our sins was made through the sacrificial blood.
This gives us a whole new perspective on Paul’s words (Rom. 10:9): “if you confess with your mouth that Yeshua is LORD (יהוה) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (i.e., that his blood was shed and presented on your behalf upon the heavenly kapporet), then you will be saved (that is, you will be reconciled to God and made a partaker of the atoning work of Yeshua). Surely the Apostle Paul, a zealous rabbi who diligently studied Torah in Jerusalem under Rabbi Gamaliel (who was himself the grandson of the renowned Rabbi Hillel the Elder), understood the theological implications when he stated that the prophecy: "And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD (בְּשֵׁם יְהוָה) shall be saved” (Joel 2:32) applied directly to Yeshua (Rom. 10:10).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Joel 2:32a reading:
Hebrew reading page:
Note: Yom Kippur begins Sunday, Sept. 24th an hour before sundown this year...
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from yesterday’s email by Israel 365:
“A lion has roared, Who can but fear?” (Amos 3:8)
The prophet Amos declares that there is no one who wouldn’t fear a lion’s roar. Clearly, Amos is talking about the roar of a lion in the wild. We laugh and eat lunch while we watch the lions behind the glass at the zoo, but without a separation between us and the lion, we would be terrified!
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Whom Do You Know?
“For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)
A person who thinks he is a Christian, or hopes he is a Christian, probably isn’t a Christian. One should know when it comes to this most important of all questions. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). It’s a matter of who you know, not what you know. Paul said: “I know whom I have believed”—that is, he knew the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
But just how can we know that we have eternal life? In the first place, we know because He has said so in His Word. Furthermore, He knows us! “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:27-28).
We also “know...that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit” (1 John 4:13), which “beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). If the Holy Spirit truly has become a part of our lives (as He surely has if we genuinely came to Christ as lost sinners, trusting Him alone for forgiveness and salvation, and yielding our lives and eternal souls to Him), then we will also come to love the Word that He inspired. “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments....But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him” (1 John 2:3, 5).
There are many other things we can know when we know we are saved. Best of all, “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). HMM
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princeofgod-2021 · 1 year
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John 1:4
Prophetic Mandates do not include only Christians beloved. This is especially so where Pagans are involved in the details of such events.
God will [commonly] tell them directly.
You must know that God is more inclined to tell a pagan king, Direct Prophetic messages because that is what it might take for them to believe and respond promptly to His demands of them.
Isa 45:4-5 Because of Jacob my servant, and Israel whom I have taken for myself, I HAVE SENT FOR YOU BY NAME, GIVING YOU A NAME OF HONOUR, THOUGH YOU HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF ME. I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God but me: I will make you ready for war, THOUGH YOU HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF ME: BBE
King Cyrus, the Persian, was as “unchristian” as any Pagan can be, but God connected him with a great Prophetic Mandate.
To deliver an EPIC Divine Mandate through a total novice is strange.
If he neither knew nor had any relationship with God, do you think he heard God’s voice?
This is how you know a novice: all he knew about God was that He was “the God of Heaven”.
We know the “I AM” as the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob; maker of Heaven and Earth.
However, Cyrus was an intrinsic part of Prophecy to be fulfilled, and so he had to be informed of his role.
Ezr 1:1 Now IN THE FIRST YEAR OF CYRUS KING OF PERSIA, that THE WORD OF THE LORD BY THE MOUTH OF JEREMIAH MIGHT HE FULFILLED, THE LORD STIRRED UP THE SPIRIT OF CYRUS KING OF PERSIA, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, AFV
If there are Prophetic proclamations that involve the state of the Church and the mandate is connected to a National Seat, God will make that leader proclaim it, whether he like it or not.
Donald Trump of USA, Proclaimed recently, that Capital of Israel be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is highly Prophetic and timely.
These things happen often, all over the world.
Joh 11:49-51 Now Caiaphas, the high priest that year, spoke up and said, “You don’t understand a thing! Don’t you realize we’d be much better off if THIS ONE MAN WERE TO DIE FOR THE PEOPLE than for the whole nation to perish?” (THIS PROPHECY THAT JESUS WAS DESTINED TO DIE FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE DIDN’T COME FROM CAIAPHAS HIMSELF, BUT HE WAS MOVED BY GOD TO PROPHESY AS THE CHIEF PRIEST. TPT
Now, we all know that these were the people who finally killed “the MAN” Jesus, but before it happened, it had to be Prophetically Stated as confirmation, and that, by the murderers themselves.
This is commonly the point where many believers, because the prophetic statement is demeaning and negative, reject, bind and cast out “every spirit of death & retrogression”.
Even from the mouth of Real Prophets, who are known to the people as authentic, proclamations of negative things are clearly derided, as shown by what someone did to Jeremiah here.
The events hurt and demoralize the Real Prophets sometimes. Jeremiah couldn’t hide his feelings.
If these things happened to God’s servants, how much more would people treat a pagan, who is sent by God but with Negative proclamations that are non-negotiable?
Well, there is a safety measure for such “messengers” and we will discuss it a little later.
May God make your understand all Prophecies that are from Him, and give you grace to obey, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Wednesday, for more of this insightful and enlightening Sub-Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, August 21, 2023
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hatrackley · 1 year
Major Prophets – Jeremiah 20-23
When the priest Pashhur son of Immer, the official in charge of the temple of the Lord, heard Jeremiah prophesying these things, he had Jeremiah the prophet beaten and put in the stocks at the Upper Gate of Benjamin at the Lord’s temple. The next day, when Pashhur released him from the stocks, Jeremiah said to him, “The Lord’s name for you is not Pashhur, but Terror on Every Side. For this is…
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 9: 10-13. "The Ornament of Now."
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10 Of the priests:
Jedaiah; Jehoiarib; Jakin;
From (1) the verb ידה (yada), to praise, and (2) the divine name יה (yah).
Jehoiarib= (Hebrew: יְהוֹיָרִיב Yehōyārîḇ, "Yahweh contends") 
Jakin= to give certainty
Root כנן (kanan) and hence verb כון (kun) mean to set, establish, fix, and so on. Nouns כן (ken), מכונה (mekona) and מכנה (mekona) denote a base or pedestal, noun מכון (makon) describes some fixed or established place, and noun תכונה (tekuna) means place or arrangement. Noun כון (kawwan) expresses a sort of ritualistic or sacrificial setup.
Adjective כן (ken) means right, true or honest, and adverb כן (ken) expresses confirmation: "thus" or "so". Verb כנה (kana) means to give a title or epithet or cognomen. Slightly unexpected, the noun כן (ken) denotes a gnat; the sort of proverbially plaguy insect that appears in huge swarms.
11 Azariah son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the official in charge of the house of God;
Azariah=Yah has helped
Verb חלק (halaq I) means to divide and apportion. Noun חלק (heleq I) and חלקה (haluqqa) mean portion, tract of land, even one's mode of life. Noun חלקה (helqa I) means field. Noun מחלקת (mahaloqet) describes a division of some organization.
Verb חלק (halaq II) means to be smooth or slippery, either of items such as stones or speech and flattery. Nouns חלק (heleq II) and חלקה (halaqqa) describe smoothness or seductiveness of speech. Adjectives חלק (halaq) and חלק (halluq) mean smooth. The singular noun חלקה (helqa II) and the plural noun plural noun חלקלקות (halaqlaqqot) may describe smoothness, slipperiness, flattery, or pleasant nonsense.
Zadok=just righteous
Adiel="Ornament of God, advancing on now."
Jahzerah=From (1) יה (yah), the shortened name of the Lord, and (2) the verb חזה (haza), to see or have [a] vision.
Meshillemith=those who repay
Immer="crowning speech."
The ubiquitous verb אמר ('amar) means to talk or say and may even mean to promise or command. Nouns אמר ('omer) and מאמר (ma'amar) mean speech, word, promise or command. Nouns אמרה ('imra) and אמרה ('emra) mean utterance or speech. The metaphorical noun אמיר ('amir) refers to the leafy and fruit bearing crown of a tree.
12 Adaiah son of Jeroham, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malkijah; and Maasai son of Adiel, the son of Jahzerah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Meshillemith, the son of Immer.
Adaiah=to ornament in the name of god
Verb רחם (raham) means to love deeply or have mercy, and commonly reflects the attentions of a superior toward an inferior (parents to children, God to people). It appears to derive from the noun רחם (rehem), womb.
Noun רחמים (rahamim) means compassions or tender mercies and adjective רחום (rahum) means compassionate.
Pashhur=to scatter
The verb פצץ (pasas) means to break apart or scatter and so does this verb's by-form פוץ (pus). Noun מפיץ (mepis) describes a scatterer or disperser. Either an identical other verb פוץ (pus) or the same one may also describe an overflowing (of springs or cities), which is an action obviously not far removed from scattering.
Verb פוש (push) appears to have the same meaning as פוץ (pus I) and means to scatter. Either an identical other verb פוש (push) or the same one may also describe the darting about of young calves, which is really rather similar to scattering.
Malkijah=to be the King in God's Name
Maasai=Journeys, sojourns
Adiel="a vision advancing on the now"
Jahzerah="Dawn of Yah"
Immer=crowning parts of speech
13 The priests, who were heads of families, numbered 1,760. They were able men, responsible for ministering in the house of God.
The Gematria for 1760 is How much work is together? Get it done.
This makes sense in conjunction with the Torah Tantra which says "To give certainty to the Name of God is to complete the vision and "ornament now" with a fixed place, ideal specifications and attract the swarms to an organization that will fulfill the promises God made in the Torah, the 'Crowning Words.'"
The place and time, which in the hands of the many Kohens and Kedoshim, the Levites and the Priests and all the Israelits could be forthcoming in an instant, it would as the Tanakh says, cause an overflowing (of springs or cities), which is an action obviously intended to end the plight of so many refugees and victims of oppression.
The effort, the Tanakh says begins with God the priests in the temple, but is sustained by King, court and people for the purposes of protecting future generations from slavery and harm, it reflects the attentions of a superior toward an inferior (parents to children, God to people).
Through what is taught in the temple, what is right and true mankind will learn to contend with itself as if God were no longer an intermediary and repay history for the immense benefits of its hard lessons.
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Jeremiah Thrown Into a Cistern
1 And Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashhur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashhur the son of Malchiah, heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken to all the people, saying, 2 "Thus says the LORD, 'He who remains in this city shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the plague. But he who goes out to the Chaldeans shall live; for he shall have his life as a prize, and shall live. ' 3 Thus says the LORD, 'This city shall surely be given into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, and he shall capture it. ' " 4 And the princes said to the king, "We beseech you, let this man be put to death. For in this way he weakens the hands of the men of war who remain in this city, and the hands of all the people, in speaking such words to them. For this man does not seek the good of this people, but their ruin." 5 Then Zedekiah the king said, "Behold, he is in your hand. For the king cannot do a thing against you." 6 And they took Jeremiah and threw him into the pit of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, which was in the court of the prison. And they let Jeremiah down with ropes. And there was no water in the pit, only mire. So Jeremiah sank into the mire.
7 And Ebed-Melech the Ethiopian, of the officials in the king's house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the pit (the king was then sitting in the gate of Benjamin), 8 Ebed-Melech went out of the king's house and spoke to the king, saying, 9 "My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have thrown into the pit. And he is likely to die of hunger in the place where he is, for there is no more bread in the city." 10 Then the king commanded Ebed- Melech the Ethiopian, saying, "Take thirty men with you from here, and lift Jeremiah the prophet up out of the pit before he dies." 11 So Ebed-Melech took the men with him and went into the house of the king under the treasury, and took worn out clothes and worn out rags from there, and let them down by ropes into the pit to Jeremiah. 12 And Ebed-Melech, the Ethiopian said to Jeremiah, "Now put the worn out clothes and rags under your armpits, under the ropes." And Jeremiah did so. 13 So they drew up Jeremiah with ropes and took him up out of the pit. And Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.
14 And Zedekiah the king sent and had Jeremiah the prophet brought to him, into the third gate in the house of the LORD. And the king said to Jeremiah, "I will ask you a thing. Do not hide anything from me." 15 Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, "If I declare it to you, will you not surely put me to death? And if I give you advice, you will not hearken to me." 16 Zedekiah the king swore secretly to Jeremiah, saying, "As the LORD lives, Who made for us this soul, I will not put you to death, nor will I give you into the hand of these men who seek your life."
17 Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, "Thus says the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel, 'If you will surely surrender to the king of Babylon's princes, then your soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire. And you shall live, and your house. 18 But if you will not surrender to the king of Babylon's princes, then this city shall be given into the hands of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and you shall not escape out of their hand. ' " 19 And Zedekiah the king said to Jeremiah, "I am afraid of the Jews who have fallen to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hand, and lest they abuse me." 20 But Jeremiah said, "They shall not deliver you. I beseech you, obey the voice of the LORD which I speak to you; so it shall be well with you, and your soul shall live. 21 But if you refuse to go out, this is the word that the LORD has shown to me:
22 'And, behold, all the women who are left in the king of Judah's house shall be brought out to the king of Babylon's rulers, and they shall say, "Your trusted friends have misled you, and have prevailed against you. Your feet have sunk in the mire, and they have turned away."
23 And they shall bring out all your wives and your children to the Chaldeans. And you shall not escape out of their hand, but shall be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon. And you shall cause this city to be burned with fire. ' "
24 Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah, "Let no man know of these words, and you shall not die. 25 But if the princes hear that I have talked with you, and they come to you and say to you, 'Declare to us now what you have said to the king; do not hide it from us, and we will not put you to death; also what the king said to you;' 26 Then you shall say to them, 'I presented my petition before the king, that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan's house, to die there. ' " 27 Then all the princes came to Jeremiah and asked him. And he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they quit speaking with him; for the matter was not known. 28 So Jeremiah stayed in the court of the prison until the day that Jerusalem was captured. — Jeremiah 38 | A Faithful Version (AFV) Holy Bible, A Faithful Version © 2020 A Faithful Version. All Rights Reserved. Cross References: Genesis 12:13; 1 Samuel 3:17-18; 2 Samuel 3:39; 2 Kings 25:4; 2 Kings 25:7; 1 Chronicles 6:40; Psalm 23:4; Jeremiah 6:12; Jeremiah 15:20-21; Jeremiah 21:4; Jeremiah 21:9-10; Jeremiah 37:15; Jeremiah 37:20-21; Luke 22:67-68; John 3:2; John 12:42; John 19:12-13; Acts 8:27; Acts 16:20; Acts 16:24; Acts 23:35; Acts 26:29
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twiggy-in-pink · 4 days
The next day, when Pashhur finally released him, Jeremiah said, “Pashhur, the Lord has changed your name. From now on you are to be called ‘The Man Who Lives in Terror.’ For this is what the Lord says: ‘I will send terror upon you and all your friends, and you will watch as they are slaughtered by the swords of the enemy. I will hand the people of Judah over to the king of Babylon. He will take them captive to Babylon or run them through with the sword.”
Jeremiah 20:3-4
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carltonblaylock · 2 years
Jeremiah is imprisoned in a Cistern
Jeremiah 38:1-13 38 Now Shephatiah the son of Mattan, Gedaliah the son of Pashhur, Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashhur the son of Malchiah heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken to all the people, saying, 2 “Thus says the Lord: ‘He who remains in this city shall die by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence; but he who goes over to the Chaldeans shall live; his life shall be as a prize to…
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miajolensdevotion · 2 years
June 29, 2021
Verse: Nehemiah 11-13 Write/ Copy Gods words :
The New Residents of Jerusalem 11:3–19pp—1Ch 9:1–17 11 Now the leaders of the people settled in Jerusalem. The rest of the people cast lots to bring one out of every ten of them to live in Jerusalem,k the holy city,l while the remaining nine were to stay in their own towns.m 2 The people commended all who volunteered to live in Jerusalem. 3 These are the provincial leaders who settled in Jerusalem (now some Israelites, priests, Levites, temple servants and descendants of Solomon’s servants lived in the towns of Judah, each on their own property in the various towns,n 4 while other people from both Judah and Benjamino lived in Jerusalem):p From the descendants of Judah: Athaiah son of Uzziah, the son of Zechariah, the son of Amariah, the son of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalalel, a descendant of Perez; 5 and Maaseiah son of Baruch, the son of Kol-Hozeh, the son of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the son of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah, a descendant of Shelah. 6 The descendants of Perez who lived in Jerusalem totaled 468 men of standing. 7 From the descendants of Benjamin: Sallu son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jeshaiah, 8 and his followers, Gabbai and Sallai—928 men. 9 Joel son of Zikri was their chief officer, and Judah son of Hassenuah was over the New Quarter of the city. 10 From the priests: Jedaiah; the son of Joiarib; Jakin; 11 Seraiahq son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub,r the official in charge of the house of God, 12 and their associates, who carried on work for the temple—822 men; Adaiah son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malkijah, 13 and his associates, who were heads of families—242 men; Amashsai son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer, 14 and hisa associates, who were men of standing—128. Their chief officer was Zabdiel son of Haggedolim. 15 From the Levites: Shemaiah son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Bunni; 16 Shabbethais and Jozabad,t two of the heads of the Levites, who had charge of the outside work of the house of God; 17 Mattaniahu son of Mika, the son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph,v the director who led in thanksgiving and prayer; Bakbukiah, second among his associates; and Abda son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.w 18 The Levites in the holy cityx totaled 284. 19 The gatekeepers: Akkub, Talmon and their associates, who kept watch at the gates—172 men. 20 The rest of the Israelites, with the priests and Levites, were in all the towns of Judah, each on their ancestral property. 21 The temple servantsy lived on the hill of Ophel, and Ziha and Gishpa were in charge of them. 22 The chief officer of the Levites in Jerusalem was Uzzi son of Bani, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah,z the son of Mika. Uzzi was one of Asaph’s descendants, who were the musicians responsible for the service of the house of God. 23 The musiciansa were under the king’s orders, which regulated their daily activity. 24 Pethahiah son of Meshezabel, one of the descendants of Zerahb son of Judah, was the king’s agent in all affairs relating to the people. 25 As for the villages with their fields, some of the people of Judah lived in Kiriath Arbac and its surrounding settlements, in Dibond and its settlements, in Jekabzeel and its villages, 26 in Jeshua, in Moladah,e in Beth Pelet,f 27 in Hazar Shual,g in Beershebah and its settlements, 28 in Ziklag,i in Mekonah and its settlements, 29 in En Rimmon, in Zorah,j in Jarmuth,k 30 Zanoah,l Adullamm and their villages, in Lachishn and its fields, and in Azekaho and its settlements. So they were living all the way from Beershebap to the Valley of Hinnom. 31 The descendants of the Benjamites from Gebaq lived in Mikmash,r Aija, Bethels and its settlements, 32 in Anathoth,t Nobu and Ananiah, 33 in Hazor,v Ramahw and Gittaim,x 34 in Hadid, Zeboimy and Neballat, 35 in Lod and Ono,z and in Ge Harashim. 36 Some of the divisions of the Levites of Judah settled in Benjamin. Priests and Levites 12 These were the priestsa and Levitesb who returned with Zerubbabelc son of Shealtield and with Joshua:e Seraiah,f Jeremiah, Ezra, 2 Amariah, Malluk, Hattush, 3 Shekaniah, Rehum, Meremoth, 4 Iddo,g Ginnethon,a Abijah,h 5 Mijamin,b Moadiah, Bilgah, 6 Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah,i 7 Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah and Jedaiah. These were the leaders of the priests and their associates in the days of Joshua. 8 The Levites were Jeshua,j Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and also Mattaniah,k who, together with his associates, was in charge of the songs of thanksgiving. 9 Bakbukiah and Unni, their associates, stood opposite them in the services. 10 Joshua was the father of Joiakim, Joiakim the father of Eliashib,l Eliashib the father of Joiada, 11 Joiada the father of Jonathan, and Jonathan the father of Jaddua. 12 In the days of Joiakim, these were the heads of the priestly families: of Seraiah’s family, Meraiah; of Jeremiah’s, Hananiah; 13 of Ezra’s, Meshullam; of Amariah’s, Jehohanan; 14 of Malluk’s, Jonathan; of Shekaniah’s,c Joseph; 15 of Harim’s, Adna; of Meremoth’s,d Helkai; 16 of Iddo’s,m Zechariah; of Ginnethon’s, Meshullam; 17 of Abijah’s,n Zikri; of Miniamin’s and of Moadiah’s, Piltai; 18 of Bilgah’s, Shammua; of Shemaiah’s, Jehonathan; 19 of Joiarib’s, Mattenai; of Jedaiah’s, Uzzi; 20 of Sallu’s, Kallai; of Amok’s, Eber; 21 of Hilkiah’s, Hashabiah; of Jedaiah’s, Nethanel. 22 The family heads of the Levites in the days of Eliashib, Joiada, Johanan and Jaddua, as well as those of the priests, were recorded in the reign of Darius the Persian. 23 The family heads among the descendants of Levi up to the time of Johanan son of Eliashib were recorded in the book of the annals. 24 And the leaders of the Leviteso were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, Jeshua son of Kadmiel, and their associates, who stood opposite them to give praise and thanksgiving, one section responding to the other, as prescribed by David the man of God.p 25 Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon and Akkub were gatekeepers who guarded the storerooms at the gates. 26 They served in the days of Joiakim son of Joshua, the son of Jozadak, and in the days of Nehemiah the governor and of Ezra the priest, the teacher of the Law. Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem 27 At the dedicationq of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals,r harps and lyres.s 28 The musicians also were brought together from the region around Jerusalem—from the villages of the Netophathites,t 29 from Beth Gilgal, and from the area of Geba and Azmaveth, for the musicians had built villages for themselves around Jerusalem. 30 When the priests and Levites had purified themselves ceremonially, they purified the people,u the gates and the wall. 31 I had the leaders of Judah go up on top ofe the wall. I also assigned two large choirs to give thanks. One was to proceed on top off the wall to the right, toward the Dung Gate.v 32 Hoshaiah and half the leaders of Judah followed them, 33 along with Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam, 34 Judah, Benjamin,w Shemaiah, Jeremiah, 35 as well as some priests with trumpets,x and also Zechariah son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micaiah, the son of Zakkur, the son of Asaph, 36 and his associates—Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah and Hanani—with musical instrumentsy prescribed by David the man of God.z Ezraa the teacher of the Law led the procession. 37 At the Fountain Gateb they continued directly up the steps of the City of David on the ascent to the wall and passed above the site of David’s palace to the Water Gatec on the east. 38 The second choir proceeded in the opposite direction. I followed them on top ofg the wall, together with half the people—past the Tower of the Ovensd to the Broad Wall,e 39 over the Gate of Ephraim,f the Jeshanahh Gate,g the Fish Gate,h the Tower of Hananeli and the Tower of the Hundred,j as far as the Sheep Gate.k At the Gate of the Guard they stopped. 40 The two choirs that gave thanks then took their places in the house of God; so did I, together with half the officials, 41 as well as the priests—Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Micaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah and Hananiah with their trumpets—42 and also Maaseiah, Shemaiah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malkijah, Elam and Ezer. The choirs sang under the direction of Jezrahiah. 43 And on that day they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy. The women and children also rejoiced. The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away. 44 At that time men were appointed to be in charge of the storeroomsl for the contributions, firstfruits and tithes.m From the fields around the towns they were to bring into the storerooms the portions required by the Law for the priests and the Levites, for Judah was pleased with the ministering priests and Levites.n 45 They performed the service of their God and the service of purification, as did also the musicians and gatekeepers, according to the commands of Davido and his son Solomon.p 46 For long ago, in the days of David and Asaph,q there had been directors for the musicians and for the songs of praiser and thanksgiving to God. 47 So in the days of Zerubbabel and of Nehemiah, all Israel contributed the daily portions for the musicians and the gatekeepers. They also set aside the portion for the other Levites, and the Levites set aside the portion for the descendants of Aaron.s Nehemiah’s Final Reforms 13 On that day the Book of Moses was read aloud in the hearing of the people and there it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever be admitted into the assembly of God,t 2 because they had not met the …
What is your favourite verse or verses? 13.along with 242 of his associates, who were heads of their families. Also Amashsai son of Azarel, son of Ahzai, son of Meshillemoth, son of Immer,
Explain in your own words what you just read:
It wasn’t enough to see the city walls rebuilt and the spiritual renewal of the people of Jerusalem; now they concerned themselves with getting more people into the city.
Commitment / what will i do : I will knew the bigger the population of Jerusalem, the greater the resources for defense and strength in battle
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Ezra 10:22 From the descendants of Pashhur: Elioenai, Maaseiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad and Elasah.
-크리스찬어플 성경일독Q에서 보냄
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cmariottini · 2 years
Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
The Prophet Jeremiahby MichelangeloFrom the Sistine Chapel Ceiling The book of Jeremiah has more biographical material than any of the other prophetic books, enabling us to see the inner life of an Old Testament prophet. Much of what is known about the last days of Judah and of the troubled events related to the fall of Jerusalem derives from the book of Jeremiah The book of Jeremiah presents the…
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