#Paternal!Sirius Black x Maternal!Reader
lchufflepuffcorn · 4 years
The uncle of you dreams (Sirius Black x HalfBlood!Reader)
Words: 2854 Warning: Anxiety ( mild description of anxious and stressed reaction), Paternal and maternal characters. 
I do not own this art, it belongs to it’s creator. 
Author note: I do feel like an angsty second part would be very easy to make, but I won’t unless it’s requested, because I care for your heart (and mine). But I do have an idea!! You can check out my masterlist here, and my requests are open!! 
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Lily and James wanted the night for themself, and you could understand that. With the war going on, could you blame them? They asked Sirius if it would bother you to take care of Harry for the night, "and maybe in the early morning," had said James while Lily wasn't listening. So, of course, when your boyfriend asked you, you accepted. While not having any kids on your own, you were only twenty, after all, you loved them. Adored them even. It was a plan that you had for some time now to have children in the future. 
You were alone when they dropped Harry at your house, as Sirius had not yet returned from his job, frankly, you were not expecting him for the night either. Sometimes, you just knew that the job he did wasn't for the Ministery of Magic. You weren't stupid either. Today was no exception; he was working secretly for the Order. 
"Sorry to bother you today," started Lily sheepishly as the baby began to play with your hair with his chubby little hands, his eyes full of curiosity. You move one strand of it so he could play with it better. You didn't mind that he tugged it with all the joy that contained his little heart. 
"Not at all!" You responded with a smile. "Have a good night you to, I'll take care of this little boy."  
"We'll be back sometimes tonight," concluded James with a wink in your direction, kissing Harry one last time on his forehead before pushing Lily out of the house carefully, she had the tendency to stay in the door frame for ages. You ruffled Harry's hair, at six months old, the small boy's hair was almost as thick as Sirius'. 
You waved them goodbye, helping Harry do the same as they got out of your little house. It was nowhere as big as Sirius' childhood house. As he was from a pureblood family with money, even if he did run away, James' family had a big place too. In your family, money was not growing in the trees, but love was abundant. Since your father was disowned by his parents, and your mother came from a muggle family, you didn't live in a palace, but it wasn't that bad. Your house, where Sirius and you now lived, may have been small. But it had everything you needed. With its two rooms, kitchen and living room meeting each other and only one bathroom, you were lucky enough to have a backyard and a garage. Which was great for your car and your boyfriend's motorcycle and a few other things too. Has your childhood was mixed between muggle style and wizard-style, Sirius was more than okay to integrate daily objects of the muggles into your home. Because for one, you knew how they worked already and two, he loved living like a muggle. Your work as an aurologist and Sirius's inheritance from one of his disowned uncle was enough to pay for that house and the necessities you liked having. It was the little you could call yours -home- and feel safe during those crazy times.  
"Are you gonna spend the day with me, Harry?" You asked in a sing-song tone, the baby giggled, but started to move, trying to get out of your arms, so you placed him on the ground. In the middle of the living room, Lily had put his toys so he would be comfortable. And you knew that in the guest room there were more toys for Harry. 
Sirius was hardly one to word his emotions, he showed his affection by the likes of gifts and actions. One example was the never-ending presents he gave Harry each time he could. Your boyfriend would also be very touchy with the child, or you as if Sirius wanted to prove his love doing so. He really was like a dog in that way. For Harry, when you would have him for the day, Sirius had a tendency to present himself under his dog form. He'd wag his tail like crazy when the baby started to laugh hysterically. Harry loved animals. 
Your cat, the one you first bought to become your helper at Hogwarts, slowly crept up of his hiding to meet the newcomer. Archimedes -named so after Merlin's owl in the Disney version of King Arthur- knew Harry, but he wasn't a very affectionate cat, to begin with. You knew that Lily's cat was still with her, too, so the child was used to it, so you let him play, while you started cooking dinner. Because of the composition of the house, it was easy to still keep an eye on your nephew.
The war was making everyone anxious, with James and Sirius both Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix; it was not making it any easy on Lily and your's nerves. But Lily too was a member of the Order. You weren't, officially. Giving pieces of information on the side was not really dangerous, as long as you didn't mention it. Well, no, actually, it was hazardous, but you were not mentioned anywhere on official papers, you were not on ay pictures of the Order, except one, and only three people had that picture. Lily, Remus and yourself. Even if by the extent it meant that James and Sirius too had that picture. The people who were there when the exchange of images happened were the three of you. 
Yet, what was the most infuriating was the numerous time both Sirius and James faced The Dark Lord. Remus was working undercover in a mission with other werewolves, so he was absent most of the time. But James and Sirius, it was like they were saying The Dark Lord's name just to face him and prove themselves. Peter was the calmest of them all, even if sometimes he seems a little too nervous.
You heard Archimedes miauling, and your eyes went up immediately. Your cat was usually very silent. Harry had stuck the cat in his little hands and pulled it on his lap to pet it. You smiled, walking back to the neat and sunny living room, sitting on the ground near the boy to gently pet the cat with him, talking to the baby. 
"Is Archimedes kind enough to let you pet him?" Harry giggled gleefully at your cooing. You chuckled. 
After playing some more with the clearly grumpy but unmoving cat, you decided that it was time to eat as Harry was starting to lose interest. And so the night went on well. You ended up playing on the ground with Harry. Your book and pages of the essay you were trying to write, now long forgotten on the ground. The one thing you dread is actually the sleeping part. You could still remember the last time Harry slept at your home. 
Sirius had come home from work that afternoon, and James had been rushed to the hospital, so you proposed to take Harry so that Lily could go with him. Sirius wasn't in the best mood, but for the sake of his godson, he put a smile on his face. Sirius was still to get used to having a little ball of emotion near him at all times. He usually was the ball of uncontrolled emotion in the group. 
That night, Harry made a mess and threw a tantrum the very second you tried to get him to sleep. Trying to leave your arms every time you were near the crib and throwing his cuddy toys. You spent most of the night to make him stop crying, in the hope that Sirius would just, somehow, block the sound. He usually had to sleep his seven hours to be smiling the next day. But that night, Sirius just came in the room to hold the four months old baby with tired eyes but kind smile on his lips. He took him out your arms gently, kissing your forehead. 
"I'll take him. James said that Harry normally slept with them. We could try..." After some time him Sirius' arms, Harry went silent, sleeping soundly on his uncle shoulder. You could see Sirius' eyes shining brightly, even in the dark. "He sleeps with us, maybe we'll sleep longer." He had whispered, looking up at you. You agree to that. Sirius looked too much in love with the baby in his arms for you to refuse. 
You woke up two other times that night to feed and change the baby, Sirius watched you feed the boy, but he changed him when Harry cried the second time. The very next morning, after Lily came back to take Harry, he told you that he wanted children too. 
"Maybe not right now, but when all this s'over, I'd love some mini you or I run around the house." 
Lily did tell you that Harry was now sleeping in his own room, but he was getting fussy after his bath, trying to get out of the small bed you had for him. He even, somehow, floated out of bed, back to the living room when you went to retrieve the mail outside. Making a mess playing. So you just sat in the chair near the bed and rocked Harry until he fell asleep. Scared to move, you stayed there.  
 It was late, nearly midnight when Sirius came back, apparating before the portal of the front yard. The lights of the house were off, but that wasn’t unusual at that hour, you could be reading in the bedroom, only visible from the backyard. He was tired, he back was aching, his day had been hell, James had left early, and he was just not in a good mood. To be fair, he really only wanted to bury his face in your neck because he missed you. 
What made him nervous was the unlocked door. Indeed, you would not make that mistake, not during those awful times. But then again, the house was protected, and the neighbourhood was very nice. So he entered the house without making any sound, in case you would be sleeping. But the picture of the house he was faced with made his heart drop down his shoes. It was a mess. Not a very big mess, but a struggling mess, which you were not used to doing. Feeling suddenly cold and very sick in the stomach, bile rising to his throat, Sirius drew his wand before him. "Lumos." In the living room, he could see toys, tossed around as if someone had walked through them. A book was on the ground, pages all over the place. Archimedes was nowhere to be seen either. No sound was heard, and by the look of the toys, Harry was here. Neville didn't own small red shoes with snitches on the side. 
That's when Sirius' heart speeded, and a vague of hot came for him. He could feel his heart banging in his throat. A sound made him jump. Without hesitating further, he sped through the staircase. In the dark, he felt safer, like this, he could concentrate better on what was going on around him. "Nox."
The first room, yours and his is empty. You are nowhere to bee seen, the covers aren't even disrupted from their making. But your wand is on the ground, near the window, with Lily's bag for Harry's necessities. He goes on for the second room, sounds are perceptible from behind the door, small cracking and hushing. He places his hand on the half-closed door, readying himself to push it, dreading what could be behind it. 
He opens it, his wand before him, a spell ready on his lips. 
But was only you, with Harry in your arms, an arm before you, your only way to protect yourself really. His eyes scanned the room, but as he saw nothing, his wand lowers, and he steps inside. He makes his way towards you, feeling his shoulder less heavy than ten seconds ago. His heart still hammers in his throat, but he knows that both of you are safe. He kisses your cheek. 
His arms around you, hugging from behind, he just watches you rock Harry, back to sleep. The door opening made him open his eyes. "You scared me…" he grunts in your hear. You don't move, but Sirius knows that you understood. "The door was unlocked, there was a mess, I thought someone had broken in while you were with Harry." 
You can still feel him shaking slightly. You rest you back even closer to his chest, while Harry yawned. You can hear Sirius' smile in his breath as he watches his nephew. He kisses your cheek again. "Go make yourself ready for bed, I'll take him. He'll sleep with us tonight." You just nod. 
You wake up groggy, as Sirius fumbles out of bed, frantically searching for his wand in the covers, Harry sleeping soundly in the crib next to the bed. "Take Harry, there's someone in the house. Go to James'." Sirius' says before leaving the room. 
Your mind is still so foggy you don't understand what he said until he walks out the door, shutting it nearly close by reflex. You jump out of bed and carefully take the baby in your arms as to not wake him up, but before you can move, flashes of red and blues lights illuminate the room, as the door didn't close all the way. You freeze, but when the light stops and has you prepare to apparate at James and Lily's house, you hear voices that you recognize. 
"Peter, geez man. You can't just come to people's houses like that!" Sirus seems relieved, but your too frantic to think about something else, so you apparate anyway in an alley near your nephew's family house. When you know on the door, it's Lily who answers. 
"Are you all right?" She askes. And you explain what happened as she lets you in. 
"And I'm sorry I let everything at home, I just reacted. When Sirius said that there was someone in the house, I panicked!" You ramble. James, who was sitting in the kitchen when you entered, jumps out of his seat when he hears that. 
"I think I heard Sirius say Peter, but I didn't stay to listen." James nods, kiss Lily on the cheek and apparates. 
Lily takes her son in her arms as he started to wake up and whines, but her face does not trouble as if she's trying to make you feel better. "I'm really sorry, Lily…" you start, but she cuts you short.
"No need for that, I think that Sirius would die first before something happens to you and Harry. And you did your best, bringing him back here for safety. It was selfish of us to ask you to take him yesterday…" 
You wave her off. As Lily brings her son to the kitchen to make him eat, she proposes a cup off tea, and you can't just say no. 
Some times pass before James, Sirius and Peter come back to the house, Sirius just sits next to you, close to his nephew, but his arms wrapped around your shoulders. James whispers something in Lily's ear. You know, in your guts that's its Order related, otherwise, why would James whisper. They're not Unspeakables… So you turn to Sirius to whisper to. "I'll go back home…" He nods, but raise at the same time as you do. 
"We'll leave, there's still a mess to clean up at our house. If there's anything new, just use the chimney. "The others just nod in response, you kiss Harry's head as he plays with the mud that had once been his food. Kiss hug everyone before living, Sirius hot on your trails. 
James and Lily's house wasn't that far from yours but, you didn't have a bus pass, of money, and you were still in your pyjama, so locking your arm with Sirius' you apparated to your front yard. In silence, you walked in. 
"Hey, (Y/N)" Sirius' voice was hoarse as if he hadn't spoken in weeks, you turned. "What do you think about us. Being married? As in, starting our own family?" 
"Why?" You asked suspiciously. You knew him, Sirius wasn't able to be serious for more than three hours straight. Which was long passed by now. So if that was a joke, and you knew he was able to do something like that, he did it before, you were not going to be played again.
"Just asking…" he shrugged nonchalantly. 
You shrugged too, turning your back to him to clean up the living room. "I would like having a family, maybe not now, it's too crazy. But I would like that. And I would be happy if it was with you if you want that too… being married, I mean." 
You turned to face him once more, the 'why' still on your lips when your eyes registered your boyfriend kneeling, a red box made of velvet in his hands. "Yeah, I would want that too."
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