#Peacemaster x reader
the-possum-writes · 1 year
DAMN IT!!! I NEED MORE Peace Master x reader now!!! Maybe where reader is also a parent and knows the struggles. Also reader is totally into him and tires to get in his pants.
[Non-Family Friendly Thoughts]
❥Character: Peace Master
❥Tags: SFW, Yearning, Kissing, Suggestive thoughts but not fully N/S/F/W,  Single Parent!Reader
❥Synopsis: You're a single parent who's friends with Peacemaster since his kids are in the same class as yours, you've been having the hots for him and been hiding it for a while but he starts noticing it during a class meeting.
❥A/N: YEEEESSSS my Peace Master propaganda is working!
❥Taglist: @foxpearlwilder @watchingfromthefloorboards
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You never knew you were capable of falling asleep with your eyes open until you walked into this meeting, it’s an obligatory teacher and parent meeting to discuss plans for the next school semester and you need to make sure your little kiddo is gonna have the best choices at their disposal but it’s been nothing but boring with how slowly the lead Karen is talking. Not to mention you’re without your partner in crime to keep you company.
You slowly munch on the bland Graham cracker at your disposal, mostly for the sake of keeping your jaw busy rather than to satisfy your appetite. “If they’re gonna be this slow they should've brought better snacks.” You mumble under your breath.
At the front of the room stands Karen, the pack leader of the parent group for the class your kid is in, she has this smug aura around her like she knows what’s best without asking anyone. “I advocate for healthier lunch options this semester, who else agrees?”. There were a few raised hands here and there while others just say “Agreed.” and those who don’t respond are probably just as bored as you are. Karen shuffles her papers as she changes the topic. “The next concern is the gym uniforms, little Timothy has been complaining about the new shirts being itchy,”
Just when you thought your head was about to smack against the tiny desk, the door abruptly opens and closes with a noticeable thud that has everyone looking back, where Karen groans briefly before addressing the late parent. “You’re late yet again, Mr. Peacemaster.” her voice is drowned out by the clattering of wet heels against the floor.
Peace master interrupts the conference by squeezing water out of his hat. The other parents simply look at him in silence as he soaks the flooring even more, his dark outfit is but a huge jab within the colorful classroom A striking sight in your opinion.  “Pardon for the delay, I was out exorcising an ancient temple that just so happened to be underwater,” he says casually. “Oh, but please continue.” He motions with the wave of his hand as he sits down next to you.
While the domestic parents were staring at him with disapproval, you were grinning to yourself at finding amusement with the adventurous man—particularly because his long legs didn’t fit in the kid’s desk. No adult fits in these, of course, but since he’s such a towering man that its noticeable with him. Your emphasis went back to the water drops running down the dark leather of his boots, unconsciously imagining the reflection of its shiny material stretching over his arms with tight gloves, it'll definitely look good on him just as much as how any black and whites stand out with his tranquil pistachio skin. The water drops don't stop their trail down his legs, they tauntingly guide your eyesight down to his thighs, which are rough and firm yet they have you wishing nothing more than to slip them apart or having them straddle you against the cushions of a soft bed.
Peace Master makes a little tilt toward you. "Did I miss anything?" he murmurs.
You let out an inaudible sigh, personally thanking any higher power for sending PM out on that underwater temple. "Only a pair of leather straps-" you broke out of your daydream before embarrassing yourself any more "OH! You're talking about the meeting!" You speak aloud unintentionally loud enough for another parent to gently scold you.
You swiftly unscrew the cap on your water bottle and down it. Although it's true that he can be unpredictable at times, he has the right combination of domestic and supernatural elements to stand out in your daily life. Anyone with a normal mind would tell you that you're crazy if you thought he was attractive given his unpredictable career and equally odd personality. However others may feel, Peacemaster has shown himself to be a responsible dad, which is also attractive to you as a single parent.
You shrug as you wipe the water stains from the corners of your mouth. “You didn't miss much, however Karen wants to change the lunch menu you proposed last semester.”
The man snarled angrily as he exposed his teeth. “That woman! It’s like she doesn’t know kids need some fun and protein, that’s what the chicken nuggets are for.” He laments in a low, irritated voice. "Speaking of tasty treats, I brought something for you. I expected Karen to serve lame snacks again; hopefully, this will make things less boring." You pray that whatever the Peace master pulls out of his coat isn't wet, but to your astonishment you see a bag of chips.
You gratefully accept the bag of chips, but not before recognizing how his hand lingered on yours throughout the short exchange, unleashing a flurry of previously buried emotions.  “Thanks PM, you make everything less boring.” You smile as you start popping chips in your mouth. Peacemaster redirected his focus to the meeting, but his hat's curve couldn't keep the smile on his face that resulted from your kind words. In return, you pat his shoulder. "I know, let's team up against Karen when the bake sale comes up. She'll want to do the easiest job and we can't let her win that," You smile mischievously, his tender smile morphing into an equally wicked grin that matches yours.
In addition to contradicting Karen on the Bake Sale, you successfully persuaded the other parents to revise the lunch menu options, returning it to the layout Peacemaster initially intended. It was worthwhile when you finally left the meeting with Karen's watchful eye but that didn't take away from your content laugh. It's already darkening outside when you leave the school building alongside Peacemaster, walking him across the parking lot so you two could reach his used van.
"Looks like we weren't the only ones who had a grudge against her; I didn't anticipate the other parents joining in so quickly." Peacemaster pauses briefly and turns to face you. "Thanks again for the support; I don't think I would have advanced this far on my own."
He compliments you as you stroke a hair behind your ear while grinning; it feels better than a hot beverage in the winter. "No problem, it's about time someone speaked up against Karen. Besides, I trust your judgment when it comes to your children and the decisions you make for them, well except when it comes to driving." You throw in that final blow as a joke.
"You might not trust my driving, but you can't argue with how quickly I get to places." He gives you finger guns while winking.
"I can't argue with that." you shake your head. "Speaking of which, think I can hitch a ride? My car is stuck in the workshop."
"Sure! Anything for my crime partner." Peacemaster unlocked the driver's door, but the squishy noise of his wet boots reminded him of his damp clothing. "Drat, I'm going to need to change first."
You raise your hands to the man, already turning around in respect. "Go ahead, I can wait."  Turning in the direction of the school grounds, you watch as each parent exits in their own car until all you can hear is the commotion behind you, while you kept your word and didn't turn around that didn't include reflective surfaces. Even if the mirror is small, it nonetheless provided you a glimpse of Peacemaster's underwear preferences. How appropriate, tidy whites.
"Let's go." PM breaks the silence as he buttons his pants and tosses the wet clothes in the back of the van. While you slip into the copilot seat and click your seat belt in place, Peacemaster stays in place with his hands firmly placed on the steering wheel but not turning on the ignition. "What's up?" you ask.
"Normally, I'm of sound mind and don't let anything affect me, which is why I'm good at my job, but leather straps? What was that about?" He tilts one arm on the wheel and turns to face you with intense curiosity.
You're an adult, that's the thing. Even though you have a child and have encountered odd situations in the past, this confrontation has made you feel just like a teenager all over again. You're dizzy, your palms are sweating and your heart is pounding in your ears.
"I, don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't play dumb with me!"
You jump unexpectedly when PM slammed his hand against the closest thing near him, in this case being the steering wheel which blew the horn throughout the empty parking lot. "I'm a very perceptive man, and although there are things I can't see at first glance and blame the misfortune on exterior forces I know this isn't one of them!" he points an accusatory finger at you as if you just summoned something you shouldn't. "I saw how you looked at me earlier throughout the meeting and while I was changing. I've known you for a while now and you've never eyed me like that before, acquaintance or not I am also a man of action and will act accordingly depending on the situation!"
You wanted to roll your eyes on that, it's inevitable he rides his high horse sometimes but you're being accused here so talking back probably isn't the best idea right now. But it doesn't stop you. "And what's the situation going on here Mr. Judge and Jury?"
Peacemaster raises a hand to his chin trying to appear professional but comes off as a know it all. "I'm well versed in a multitude of paranormal entities. Either you're being possessed by a promiscuous entity or... Well it's something else, but it's definitely the first thing!" his mighty speech slows down as he reaches that last part, as if he bumped into a wall in his logic.
"Or what...?" you continue, with your back already pressed against the door since he caught you you off guard. Wait. You crawl into the occupied driver's seat, shocking Peacemaster, but he's too astonished to stop you from straddling him. "Or what Peacemaster? Is it really that difficult for you to think I like you that you'd rather believe I'm possessed?" You spoke with an unexpected surge of flirty confidence that startled him. He is a guy who has encountered many horrors, but at least those horrors were known to him. This is unexplored territory, which is more terrifying than any beast from the deepest reaches of the night.
Peacemaster appeared to shrink in place, turning his head away as you metaphorically and literally pinned him to the wall "I... I would've noticed it earlier if that were the case! You're clearly being possessed. I mean, our kids have been friends since they were in kindergarten and if I would've known earlier I would've... I would've..."
"Pull the moves on me?" you finish the sentence for him.
"Exorcize you! I would've performed an exorcism already!"
"You're lying." you huff nonchalantly.
"AM NOT!" his green face turns into a dark shade as he rebutts your claims.
"Then why are you grabbing my ass?" you softly move your hips as you feel his hands grab either side you your bums.
Without any excuse or fight left in him Peacemaster leaned forward and shut you up by crashing his lips on your own, you return the gesture by placing your hands on his face and savoring everything he had to offer even if he was still being stubborn about it. "I'm gonna have to perform rituals on you, until you're completely... ah, purified... " he attempts to keep his threats but they sound like sweet promises to you.
"You can perform whatever you want on me~"
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