#Peaky Rambles Loose Cannon
helloworld82604 · 2 years
Loose Cannon 1:
Ok hi! Once again here's a new game I made to play! I'm going to give y'all the mini plot of an idea for a Peaky Blinders fic stuck in my head. But the thing is, this story is based off the plot of another Movie, Show, or Literature. And y'all get to guess what plot the story is based off! I will the the answer under the cut part of anyone interested to know. I figure it's a good way to clear my head of some of the ideas stuck up there and also what them with y'all! Idk if I'd ever get to writing these stories with more detail or not but I just thought I'd share the ideas and may they can inspire someone else too!❤️ But with out further ramblings here's the first one:
It starts off in the early 1900's maybe 1903? We have two young lovers. man and woman (who are really more boy and girl) who meet at night under the bridge by the cut. Unfortunately these two lovers come from different families who are often at war. They even planned to run away together at one point and start anew life. Tragically on the very night the couple planned to leave their love was uncovered and the young man is sent away to New York to avoid further conflict. To his family, love doesn't matter, and the girl will only bring the family down. An incident only whispered about in the shadows thou never spoken out loud. Planted rumours of why he left began to spread within the hour. However the young woman doesn't know what happened to the young man, only that he never showed up their spot. Only that he seemingly abandoned her without notice? Maybe he never really did love her and was only a passing fantasy? Maybe his family really was as bad as they said? Soon her bleeding heartbreak had turned to a burning furnace of betrayal. She had heard he was engaged all this time and had finally been send off to his holy matrimony! Was she just another tick in his belt before the big day? Another notch on his bed before the shackle was locked? How dare he? Is she wasn't worth his time then why should be tears of him be worth hers?The woman is heart broken and the young man's name was Luca Changretta
A few days later the young woman is at a new bar. She meets another man that night, young and handsome, who her laugh and told her stories of his family, but he too was also full of his own sadness. His own love had just died of consumption, he wanted to drown of his feelings but the no amount of alcohol could help his thirst. The pair made love in the horse stables run up along the Cut. The hay smelled different that the stones under the bridge where her and Luca made live but the man above her was different as well. Two broken people begging for forget their pain without words....at least for a single night. In the morning when the sun rose and the whiskey wore off the pair parted ways. It wasn't that they didn't connect, given more time they likely would have become close friends, maybe even more. But that is not the path fate would take. It was still to soon for them both, their own pain was still to fresh, and their lives still to busy. He has to care for his own family now, his mother had just died and his father went off. He had so many siblings depending on his help, he didn't have time to be the man he was a few months ago. He didn't have time to be young and carefree anymore. And She still planned on leaving, she had never wanted to stay anyway. The memories still to painful and their burden to heavy in the smoke filled streets. So this time it was her who left, in the last train (the very one Luca left on days before) in the dark night, leaving only a note for her sister. And though she didn't plan on seeing the young man again she would remember his name. She would remember Thomas Shelby.
And it was the very next day when the young woman met a third man, a young Jewish Boxer which a fine beard and quick mouth. Though her final destination wasn't London, the young woman still decided to stay a few days. However on the first day luck would find her at a boxing match. It was right as their eyes first met when a forceful blow to the face had sent the young man to ground. His left eye was bruised and his nose had started to bleed two hits ago, but that didn't stop him from winking as the young woman. He then moved to get up and with a few powerful hits his opponent was on the ground...out cold. In less than a minute he had grabbed a towel to wipe off this face and jumped over the ring walls to land informs of the woman. With a sly smile and gruff tone he informed her that seeing as he had taken a fall hit for her, it was only fair for her to take him for a drink with her winnings. Shocked and amused by his confidence she had obliged and despite his first comment the man ended up paying for every drink that night. This man was neither as romantic as Luca or put together as Thomas. He spoke gruffly but honestly, not afraid to curse or shove the drunken bodies of others out of their way at the bar. He still made her laugh though and told stories of his new dog, and like with Thomas for a brief moment the young woman was able to forget her heartbreak of only a week ago. The woman and the boxer made love in his bed that night, a room that smelled of bread and a dog (who had been left in the living room). Again it was different than with Luca or Tommy but still the night was just a memorable. In the morning the young woman prepared to leave again. The young boxer had tried to convince her to stay one more day, but in the end relented to accepting the one starry night. And so he like Tommy took her to the station and helped her on to her train giving her some bread for her journey. Telling her that is she ever wished to come back she'd be welcome with open arms and warm bread. He was gruff and loud and all other so different from both Luca and Tommy. But even years later she'd remember her time with the young man named Alfie Solomons.
About twenty years later and all have gone their separate ways. The three young men hadn't heard from the young woman. who was now not so young, but neither were they. Though each man still thought of her from to time to time each realized that fate would come as fate would go. And if their time was only a stitch in the long string of life then so it would be. Though each sometimes wondered what could have been the answer never came and it was as if the young woman herself was a whisper in the shadows, fading away in the winds of lost time and old memories.
Until one day the letters came...
Three different men. All of who were very different in almost every way. Different looks, ideas, backgrounds, personalities and so much more. These men were about as different as they could be, though there was some beliefs they shared. They all believed in their families (or those who loved) and they all believed in the woman they had met at least for a day almost two decades ago. They knew she existed despite any evidence to prove otherwise. And then the evidence came.
Three identical letters for three different men. Three identical letters send to three different cities. Three identical letters all saying one thing.
Three identical letters all inviting the man to a wedding....
A/n: that's the idea! Can anyone guess what movie the plot is inspired by? I think the end is the biggest clue! Only my story probably wouldn't have as much dancing as the original though I'd love to see our favorite gangsters burst into song! 😂 And anyways, that's the idea! I hope y'all enjoyed my Peaky take on .....*drum roll*.....
✨MAMMA MIA!!!!!✨
See y'all next time! Y'all a great!!❤️
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