#Peels treatment in kanpur
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easytoken · 1 year
7 Dermatology Secrets For Glowing and Smooth Skin
Everyone dreams of having radiant, smooth, and flawless skin, but achieving and maintaining it can be a challenge. Fortunately, with the guidance and expertise of a dermatologist in Kanpur, you can unlock the secrets to healthy, glowing skin. In this article, we'll unveil seven dermatology secrets that can help you achieve the skin you've always wanted.
Customized Skincare Routine
One of the first steps to glowing skin is establishing a personalized skincare routine tailored to your unique skin type and concerns. A dermatologist in Kanpur can assess your skin's condition and recommend the right products and treatments. Whether you have oily, dry, sensitive, or combination skin, a customized skincare regimen is key to achieving and maintaining a healthy complexion.
Sun Protection
Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential to maintaining a youthful appearance. Regular sun exposure can lead to premature aging, dark spots, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Dermatologists in Kanpur emphasize the importance of applying sunscreen with a high SPF daily, even on cloudy days. Additionally, they can recommend sun-protective clothing and accessories to shield your skin from the sun's harmful effects.
Hydration and Moisturization
Well-hydrated skin is naturally smoother and more radiant. Dermatologists in Kanpur stress the significance of staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. They can also suggest moisturizers and hydrating products that are suitable for your skin type to lock in moisture and prevent dryness, flakiness, and dullness.
Professional Treatments
Dermatologists offer a wide range of professional treatments that can significantly improve the texture and appearance of your skin. These may include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, and dermal fillers. These treatments are designed to target specific concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone, and can provide noticeable results.
Acne Management
Acne can be a persistent issue that affects the smoothness and clarity of your skin. A dermatologist in Kanpur can assess your acne condition and recommend appropriate treatments, such as topical medications, oral medications, or advanced therapies like light and laser treatments. Effective acne management is crucial for maintaining clear and smooth skin.
Lifestyle and Diet
Your lifestyle and diet choices play a significant role in the health of your skin. Dermatologists in Kanpur often advise their patients to maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants to promote skin health. They may also recommend avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as these habits can have a detrimental impact on your skin's appearance.
Stress Management
Stress can take a toll on your skin, leading to breakouts and a lackluster complexion. Dermatologists understand the link between stress and skin issues and may recommend stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, and meditation. Managing stress can help you achieve a calmer, more youthful appearance.
Achieving glowing and smooth skin is a goal that is within reach with the guidance of a dermatologist in Kanpur. By following a customized skincare routine, prioritizing sun protection, staying hydrated, and seeking professional treatments when necessary, you can unlock the secrets to radiant and healthy skin. You can book a wait less appointment for doctor from easytoken. Additionally, managing acne, making positive lifestyle and dietary choices, and effectively managing stress are essential steps in maintaining a youthful and smooth complexion. Don't hesitate to consult with a dermatologist in Kanpur to start your journey towards beautiful, glowing skin that you can confidently show off to the world.
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prasanthvarma · 3 years
Dermatologist vs Plastic Surgeon
If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable cosmetic dermatologist, visit Dr. Pragati Gogia Jain, Certified Cosmetologist and Dermatologist at Regency Hospital (Tower-1), Kanpur and Regency Superspeciality Clinic, Kanpur.
Plastic surgeons and dermatologists are both in the business of helping their patients look their best. However, there are some key differences which separate both professions. Let’s help you understand the differences between a plastic surgeon and a dermatologist, and how to pick one.
Who are Dermatologists?
Dermatologists usually deal with illnesses such as chronic acne, skin cancers, some autoimmune disorders, and sexually transmitted diseases. Their main focus is primarily on conditions of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. While they frequently perform surgeries, they treat many patients by means of drugs, medications, and other non-surgical therapies.
In addition to this, a Cosmetic Dermatologist is a dermatologist who specializes in cosmetic treatments. They focus on making your hair and skin look better, improving your overall appearance. They are experts in non-invasive ways to enhance your natural appearances, for example the best topical treatments that will protect your skin from sun and pollution. These treatments normally include procedures like:
Dermal fillers
Botox injections
Chemical peels
Laser hair removal
Laser rejuvenation and resurfacing 
Vein reduction
Skin tightening
In addition, some cosmetic dermatologists even perform minor surgical procedures. Those include brow lifts, eyelid surgery, mini-facelifts, and so on.
Who are Plastic Surgeons?
Plastic surgeons on the other hand, offer optional cosmetic procedures including breast enlargement and liposuction, but they are more likely to perform significant restorative and reconstructive surgeries to treat burns, correct birth defects, or repair injuries to the face or extremities. 
A plastic surgeon has the training and knowledge to reshape and reconstruct any part of your body with the purpose of making it more aesthetically pleasing. A plastic surgeon regularly does:
Breast enhancements
Nose jobs (rhinoplasty), 
Tummy tucks
If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable plastic surgeon, visit Dr. Amit Verma, Surgeon, Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery at Regency Hospital (Tower-1), Kanpur and Regency Hospital Govind Nagar, Kanpur. Click to know about the speciality
Main Differences between Cosmetic Dermatologist and Plastic Surgeon
1. Plastic surgeons focus mainly on reshaping or reconstructing the body, while cosmetic dermatologists deal mostly with skin rejuvenation and enhancement of our natural appearance.
2. Plastic surgeons are more skillful at intense surgical procedures. In contrast, cosmetic dermatologists are more experienced when it comes to minimally invasive treatments.
3. Non-invasive procedures that cosmetic dermatologists provide are far less painful than undergoing plastic surgery. Moreover, oral or topical painkillers can help you feel minimal discomfort both during and after the procedure. Plus, the downtime is minimal too, and sometimes even non-existent.
4. Although plastic surgery promises and delivers amazing “overnight” results, it carries certain risks too. Almost all surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia, which isn’t the case with non-invasive procedures.
When it comes to major body changes — reconstruction or body sculpting, it is best to schedule an appointment with a certified plastic surgeon and discuss your options. However, if our concerns are mostly regarding our skin (either on our face or body), a little extra fat in some areas or if we are facing general aging issues, we should opt for a cosmetic dermatologist. 
The bottom line is that you should go to a doctor fully trained and qualified to perform the treatment you want. Your health and safety come first and not going to the appropriate doctor, even if you are only getting non-invasive treatments, can put you at risk. 
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/india-election-2019-the-killer-air-no-ones-talking-about/
India election 2019: The killer air no one's talking about
Image copyright Getty Images
Pollution killed at least 1.2 million Indians in 2017, but as the country votes in a general election, is fixing the bad air any party or politician’s priority? The BBC’s Geeta Pandey reports from Kanpur which topped a global list of most polluted cities in the world last year.
Just before the elections were called in March, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Kanpur to address a rally for his Bharatiya Janata Party. In April, the state chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, leader of the opposition Congress party Rahul Gandhi and two former state chief ministers – Akhilesh Yadav and Ms Mayawati – addressed their own rallies in the city.
Not one of them mentioned pollution – a topic that dominates news and conversations every winter when a thick grey blanket of smog descends on large parts of northern India, rendering the mere act of breathing hazardous.
Indian cities routinely dominate global pollution rankings so it came as no surprise when last May the World Health Organization named Kanpur as the most polluted city in the world.
The rankings were based on 2016 data from the Central Pollution Control Board on the presence in the air of PM2.5 – particles so tiny that they can enter deep into the lungs and make people susceptible to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
The safe limit, according to WHO is 25 micrograms per cubic metre although Indian officials put it at 60 – Kanpur’s was 173.
Image caption Air pollution is seriously impacting the health of Kanpur residents
Prof Sachchida Nand Tripathi, environmental engineer at the government-run Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Kanpur, says it’s really “hair-splitting” who takes the top place as the city is not the only one on the list.
“In the top 50, there were 20 plus cities from the Gangetic plains, including Varanasi, Lucknow and Allahabad. Data after data shows pollution is a major problem, the air is very poor.”
The major contributing factors to air pollution, he says, are roadside and construction dust, industrial and vehicular emissions, and smoke from burning of crop residue, garbage and solid fuel like wood and coal.
“Together, they are turning the air in our cities toxic, laden with deadly PM2.5 and the larger PM10 particles,” he adds.
India votes 2019
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Media captionIndia’s elections: Why you should care
And these are seriously impacting the health of the citizens, says Dr Anand Kumar, head of the pulmonary department at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur’s biggest hospital.
“In 2015, we saw 40,000 patients a year. Last year that number rose to 60,000. All the cases coming here can be co-related to pollution in some way.”
The “commonest complaint” he hears is of breathlessness. The other symptoms are “sore throat, tracheal infection, heaviness in the chest and unexplained cough that does not respond to regular treatment”. And the most at risk are those who work outdoors such as traffic constables, drivers, cleaners, roadside vendors and the poor living by the roadside.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Industrial pollution is a major contributor to foul air in Kanpur
In his office, he looks at the X-ray of Seva Ram Parihar, a 50-year-old auto-rickshaw driver, who’s asthmatic and has been under treatment for “eight-nine years for breathlessness”. His condition has worsened in the past month.
“He’s been diagnosed with chronic persistent bronchial asthma. It’s an occupational disease, he’s exposed to diesel fumes and other pollutants in the course of his work,” Dr Kumar explains.
I ask him what he can do to help Mr Parihar? Not much, he says: “We can only give him the best care, prevent further exacerbation. He has no other options.”
Dr Kumar takes me on a guided tour of the outpatient department, where his team of 19 doctors sees 200 to 250 patients daily, and the respiratory ward where seriously ill patients are curled up on beds, many connected to oxygen pipes.
The room is bleak, its walls disfigured with peeling paint, tubelights shine harsh light on the beds, and noisy fans provide some respite from the sweltering heat.
Image caption Dr Anand Kumar says the “commonest complaint” he hears is of breathlessness
It’s crowded in here – all the beds are taken, there are extra patients on stretchers and on mattresses thrown on the floor.
Almost all the patients here are poor, unable to afford expensive private medical care and the air is heavy with their pain and despair. Most of the patients here are dependent on oxygen to continue breathing.
Like Nasreen Begum, who has been in and out of the hospital since 2015. “She was discharged just last month, and now she’s back again,” says Dr Kumar.
Along with the number of patients, he says the “severity” of the symptoms too has grown in the past four to five years and children are most susceptible to falling ill.
“Even very small children are nowadays being diagnosed with bronchial asthma. And earlier we’d see children recover in five to seven days, now it’s two weeks.”
The incidence of lung cancer too is growing – earlier it was found only in those above 55 years, now people in their 40s are getting it, he says, adding that the situation is worsening quite rapidly.
Kanpur’s chief pollution officer Ghanshyam (who uses only one name) admits that air pollution remains high and a cause of worry.
But, he says, ever since Kanpur topped the WHO list, a lot of measures have been taken to tackle pollution.
“We are trying to stop farmers from burning crop residue, sanitation workers are being asked to stop burning garbage, guidelines to control dust are being implemented, and vehicular emission is being checked.”
He says a committee has been set up under the district magistrate with representatives from 17 government departments. They meet regularly to discuss problems and monitor progress. “It’s not a problem we can solve alone,” Ghanshyam says.
Image caption Nasreen Begum has been in and out of the hospital since 2015
His colleague, assistant environmental engineer Dr Anil Mathur, says what they need the most is “better diagnosis” – to understand the source of air pollution.
The city has only one centre to monitor PM2.5 and a case has been made to set up five more such centres at different locations to generate better data.
The request is yet to be granted, but better data is something that Prof Tripathi could help with in the near future.
The Indian Institute of Technology has installed lots of low-cost monitors in Kanpur, Delhi and elsewhere in India. They also have programmes to monitor aerosols, real-time dust reading and radiation levels and by the end of 2019, he says, “we should have some answers”.
For instance, they would be able to tell how much pollution is being contributed by local sources and how much is coming from outside the city and how much is generated by biomass fuel or traffic. Then new policies can be formulated or existing ones tweaked accordingly, Prof Tripathi explains.
Image caption At the lone pollution monitoring system in the city, operator Rajesh Gupta checks the machine that measures PM2.5
In January, the government launched the National Clean Air Programme which aims to have breathable air in 100 cities in five years. Prof Tripathi, who is advising the government on the programme, says earlier the mindset was that environmental issues can impede sustainable development, but slowly that notion is changing and there is the realisation that the two can – and must – co-exist.
“There’s realisation that bad air is impacting human health so the government is forced to make it their agenda. But everyone – the federal government, the states and the cities – will have to work together and consistently to make a real difference.”
Read more from Geeta Pandey
When I visit the lone pollution monitoring system in a crowded market in the city centre, the machine shows a reading of PM2.5 of 67. Operator Rajesh Gupta says a day earlier it was 78.
In the winters, he says, the air quality is “very bad”, sometimes “critical – with PM2.5 averaging 400 to 500, on occasion even hitting 600”.
Image caption A huge breach in the sewage pipeline means untreated effluents are flowing into the river
It’s not just the air. Pollution has also blighted a stretch of Ganges, India’s holiest river, in Kanpur, says environmental activist Rakesh Jaiswal.
The city of four million plus people is an industrial hub. It is home to more than 400 tanneries and generates large amounts of sewage and industrial effluent and a lot of that goes untreated into the river.
“The city produces 430mld (million litres per day) waste water. Only 250mld is treated before being released into the river,” he says.
The run-up to the start of the Hindu festival of Kumbh Mela in January saw some relief.
Millions of Hindu pilgrims bathe in the river in the city of Prayagraj (formerly Allahabad) during the festival, 200km downstream from Kanpur.
The authorities ordered tanneries shut; effluent from the city drains was sent to treatment plants; and more water was released into the river from upstream.
Image caption Prof Sachchida Nand Tripathi says the air is very poor in a number of Indian cities
The festival ended in early March and the river water is polluted again.
Mr Jaiswal takes me to Dapka Ghat to show a huge breach in the pipeline that carries sewage from Sisamau, Kanpur’s dirtiest drain, to a treatment plant in Wajidpur.
Untreated effluents from the drain used to flow directly into the Ganges before the festival. The pipeline breach means it’s flowing again into the river untreated.
In the past 30 years, 310bn rupees ($4.4bn; £3.4bn) have been spent on cleaning the Ganges, but as we stand there watching the murky greyish liquid gushing into it, the river looks more like a stinking stream.
At one of the poll rallies in Kanpur, I ask several of the attendees if they think pollution should be an election issue?
Durga Prasad, a day-wage labourer, says he worries about the impact of pollution.
“It affects everyone, rich, poor, man, woman and child. But no-one has made it an issue,” he says, “and let me tell you, no one will.”
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elajyoti-blog · 5 years
Good Gynecologist in Delhi | Dr. Anita Gupta | Elawoman
Good Gynecologist in Delhi
Good Gynecologist in Delhi is a Multispecialty Hospital arranged in Old Rajendra Nagar, IVF Centres in Delhi. It gives an assortment of complete Healthcare administrations. The emergency clinic has earned the status of a head medicinal establishment in India as it brags of practically 100% bed inhabitance in the private division offering exceptional therapeutic administrations. The clinic is named after its author Sir Ganga Ram (1851-1927), a notable structural architect and humanitarian of the time. The magnanimous character of the organization has been constantly kept up since its commencement to respect the desire of the organizer. There is normal OPDs for every one of the orders accessible free of expense to each patient. The emergency clinic has numerous accomplishments shockingly, for example, a main unit devoted to hereditary investigations and guiding. The unit was begun in 1991 and has an amazing pregnancy rate of 25% which is most noteworthy in the nation. The medical clinic has the principal bone bank in India alongside others. Different administrations gave here at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital incorporate General Dermatology, Chemical Peel, PRP Therapy, Laser Hair Reduction, Laser for Scars, Melasma Treatment, Sun Spots and Age Spots treatment. Dr. Shweta Mittal, Dr. Abha Majumdar, and Dr. Ila Sharma are among the famous names that visit the medical clinic and add to its believability.
In Vitro Fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) ordinarily alluded to as IVF. IVF is the procedure of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm test, and after that physically combining an egg and sperm in a lab dish. The embryo(s) is then exchanged to the uterus. Different types of ART include gamete intrafallopian exchange (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian exchange (ZIFT).
For what reason is IVF utilized?
IVF can be utilized to treat infertility in the following patients:
Blocked or harmed fallopian tubes
Male factor infertility including diminished sperm tally or sperm motility
Ladies with ovulation issue, untimely ovarian disappointment, uterine fibroids
Ladies who have had their fallopian tubes evacuated
Individuals with a hereditary issue
Unexplained infertility
What is involved with in vitro fertilization?
There are five fundamental strides in the IVF and embryo exchange process:
Stage 1: Fertility meds are recommended to animate egg creation. Different eggs are wanted on the grounds that a few eggs won't create or prepare after recovery. A transvaginal ultrasound is utilized to examine the ovaries, and blood test tests are taken to check hormone levels.
Stage 2: Eggs are recovered through a minor surgery that utilizes ultrasound imaging to direct an empty needle through the pelvic depression to evacuate the eggs. Prescription is given to diminish and evacuate potential uneasiness.
Stage 3: The male is solicited to deliver an example from sperm, which is set up for combining with the eggs.
Stage 4: In a procedure called insemination, the sperm and eggs are combined and put away in a research center dish to energize fertilization. At times where there is a lower likelihood of fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) might be utilized. Through this technique, a single sperm is injected legitimately into the egg in an endeavor to accomplish fertilization. The eggs are observed to affirm that fertilization and cell division are taking spot. When this happens, the treated eggs are viewed as embryos.
Stage 5: The embryos are generally moved into the lady's uterus three to five days following egg recovery and fertilization. A catheter or little cylinder is inserted into the uterus to exchange the embryos. This strategy is painless for most ladies, albeit some may encounter mellow cramping. On the off chance that the system is effective, implantation normally happens around six to ten days following egg recovery.
Extra dangers of IVF include the following:
Egg recovery conveys dangers of bleeding, infection, and harm to the gut or bladder.
The shot of a products pregnancy is increased with the utilization of fertility treatment. There are extra dangers and concerns identified with products during pregnancy including the increased danger of unexpected labor and low birth weight.
Despite the fact that the rates of premature delivery are like unassisted origination, the hazard increases with maternal age.
The Elawoman reports that the risk of ectopic pregnancy with IVF is 2-5%. An ectopic pregnancy is a point at which a treated egg embeds anyplace outside the uterus and isn't suitable.
Assisted Reproductive Technology with respect to a couple. Mental pressure and passionate issues are normal, particularly if in vitro fertilization (IVF) is ineffective.
IVF is costly, and numerous insurance plans don't give inclusion to fertility treatment. The expense for a single IVF cycle can run from in any event $12,000-$17,000.
How fruitful is in vitro fertilization?
The achievement rate of IVF clinics relies upon various elements including regenerative history, maternal age, the reason for infertility, and way of life factors. It is additionally essential to comprehend that pregnancy rates are not equivalent to live birth rates.
What number of embryos ought to be made or exchanged?
The number of embryos exchanged regularly relies upon the number of eggs gathered and maternal age. As the rate of implantation diminishes as ladies age, more eggs might be embedded depending on age to increase the probability of implantation. Nonetheless, a more prominent number of eggs exchanged increases the odds of having a products pregnancy. Make a point to chat with your specialist before the methodology so you both concur on what number of embryos to embed.
Dr. Anita Gupta
Dr. Anita Gupta is a main gynecologist in Delhi. She has over three many years of involvement in her field. Dr. Anita finished her M.B.B.S and M.S in Obstetrics and Gynecology from GSVM Medical College, Kanpur. She has been rehearsing in many rumored gynecological centers in Delhi including Fortis la Femme and Greater Kailash. Dr. Gupta has unique aptitude in Gynecological insignificant access medical procedures. She has relieved thousands of ladies experiencing fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, adenomyosis, endometrial polyps, tubal square, and infertility. She additionally has skill in High-chance pregnancy care, Laparoscopy, and Hysteroscopy. She is additionally prepared at automated gynecological medical procedures from different renowned colleges and therapeutic centers abroad. Being a standout amongst the best IVF specialists in Delhi NCR, Dr. Anita has numerous effective IVF cycles surprisingly. Dr. Gupta is a functioning individual from IMA (Indian Medical Association), FOGSI (Federation of Obstetrician and Gynecologists of India), AOGD (Association of Gynecologists of Delhi).
Dr. Anita K Sharma
Dr. Anita K Sharma is a standout amongst the best gynecologists and infertility specialists in Delhi with high achievement rate. She is perceived both broadly and globally for her incredible administrations. She has done her MBBS and MD (Obstetrics and Gynecology) from King George Medical College, Lucknow. She holds a delayed encounter of three decades in gynecological treatment, research, and preparing. In this enormous vocation, Dr. Anita K Sharma has effectively led more than 5000 of cesarean conveyances. She has likewise done numerous gynecological medical procedures, for example, hysterectomy, ovarian boring, and Myomectomy. Dr. Sharma is had some expertise in practically all the obstetrics and gynecological administrations including basic vaginal medical procedures, laparoscopic medical procedures, gynecological malignant growth screening, urinary issues in ladies and infertility medicines. As of now, Dr. Sharma is serving at Max Hospital Saket, Delhi and Noida as a senior specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology division. She additionally runs her own center under the name of Dr. Anita K Sharma's center.
Dr. Bharti Minocha
Dr. Bharti Minocha is a major name in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology in India with the most noteworthy achievement rate. She has over 40 years of thorough involvement in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Minocha has finished her MBBS and MD (Obstetrics and Gynecology) from Delhi University. She is viewed as a standout amongst the best specialists for Gynae-Endocrinology, PCOD treatment, thyroid and infertility the board, and high-hazard Pregnancy treatment. As of now, she is filling in as a Senior Consultant in Paras Hospital, Gurgaon and known for her master abilities in IVF methodology. She has been a functioning individual from Delhi Medical Association (DMA), Indian Menopausal Society and Gynecologic Oncology Society.
Dr. Usha M Kumar
Dr. Usha M Kumar is a standout amongst the best Gynecologists with an encounter of over multi decade. She finished her MBBS and MS (Obstetrics and Gynecology) from Lady Harding Medical College, Delhi. She is one of only a handful couple of reliable names in Delhi NCR with regards to High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Treatment, Hysterectomy and Laparoscopic medical procedures. Dr. Kumar functions as the Senior Gynecologist in Progeny India Gynecology Clinic, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. She likewise fills in as Superlative Laparoscopic Surgeon in Max Smart Hospital, Delhi. Dr. Usha has a not insignificant rundown of research distributions (National and International) under her credit throughout the years.
Dr. Nikita Trehan
Dr. Nikita Trehan is a well known Obstetrician and Gynecologist. She has likewise settled herself as a well-known IVF specialist in Delhi NCR. Presently, she rehearses at Sunrise Hospital, Delhi. With more than multi decade of involvement in Gynae Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Dr. Trehan has dealt with different national and worldwide fronts including Sunrise IMH, Dubai. She has demonstrated her aptitudes in conveying effective IVF and IUI method in countless cases. She finished her MBBS from University Of Bombay in 1999 and DNB from National Board Of Examination in 2006. Aside from being a Gynecologist by calling, Dr. Trehan is very dynamic socially and sorts out "Free Surgical Camps". She is additionally a well-known figure in gynecological research and science and has numerous national and worldwide research papers distributed under her credit. She won the honor for Best Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon in Delhi in 2014. Dr. Nikita Trehan additionally holds the record of expelling the biggest fibroid on the planet (3.05 KGs) in UAE through Laparoscopy. For this accomplishment, her name has been entered in Limca Book of Record.
If you have any double about Good Gynecologist in Delhi. You can contact us  
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Dr. Sameer Mishra is the best Consultant Dermatologist in GK 2. He is currently practicing at multiple locations i.e. The Skin Point in Kamla Nagar, North Delhi and Berkowits Hair & Skin Clinic in Greater Kailash Part 1, South Delhi.
The doctor has more than 16 years of experience. Dr. Sameer Mishra is a well known Dermatologist in GK 2.
As a Dermatologist, his area of expertise includes Acne Treatment, Skin Allergy, Anti Ageing (Peel, Polishing Lasers), Chemical Peel, Cosmetology, Derma Roller, Glycolic Peel & Skin Peeling, Laser Hair Removal, Melasma Treatment, Mole Surgery, Skin Polishing, Tattoo Removal & Botox and Wart Removal.
Patients from all around Kamla Nagar, GK 2 and entire North Delhi come to Dr. Sameer Mishra with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are satisfied with the treatments, with his experience and the techniques he uses as a Dermatologist.
Dr. Sameer Mishra has completed his education mainly from Kanpur. He did his MBBS from GSVM Medical College Kanpur in 1998 and MD (Dermatology) from Sarojini Naidu Medical College, Agra in 2002. Currently, he is practicing as a Skin Specialist in GK 2.
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Body Massage in Bangalore: Tips for Avoid Cellulite
10 Tips to Avoid Cellulite (Part I)
Cellulite or also called "orange peel" is a very common problem that appears especially in the area of ​​muscles and glutes. They can also be found in the lower belly. It appears as pits or bumps. It is not only a matter of aesthetics; it can also present pains.
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These 10 tips help to reduce cellulite, although this is very reluctant to all types of treatments. The most important thing is to adopt healthy habits and maintain a good lifestyle.
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Unveiling the Best Dermatologist in Kanpur | Transform Your Skin with Skin World Kanpur
Are you in search of the best dermatologist in Kanpur to address your skin concerns? Look no further! Skin World Kanpur is the ultimate destination for all your skin care needs. Skin World Kanpur offers a wide range of services to help you achieve flawless and healthy skin.
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At Skin World Kanpur, we understand the importance of having healthy and radiant skin. Our dedicated team of dermatologists is committed to providing personalized and effective solutions tailored to your specific needs. We take pride in offering top-notch services that are both safe and result-oriented.
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Our comprehensive range of services includes:
Hair Transplant in Kanpur: Say goodbye to hair loss woes with our advanced hair transplant techniques that ensure natural-looking results.
Anti-Pigmentation Treatment in Kanpur: Regain an even skin tone and bid farewell to unwanted pigmentation with our specialized treatments.
Acne Treatment in Kanpur: Get rid of stubborn acne and prevent future breakouts with our proven acne treatment solutions.
Scar Treatment in Kanpur: Minimize the appearance of scars caused by acne, injuries, or surgeries with our cutting-edge scar treatment options.
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Peels Treatment in Kanpur: Rejuvenate your skin and achieve a youthful glow with our range of chemical peel treatments tailored to your skin type.
PRP Treatment in Kanpur: Experience the power of platelet-rich plasma therapy to stimulate hair growth and rejuvenate your skin.
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Our highly qualified dermatologists use the latest techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to deliver exceptional results. We prioritize your safety and comfort, ensuring a seamless experience throughout your journey to healthy and beautiful skin.
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When it comes to dermatological care, Skin World Kanpur stands out as the premier choice. We are committed to providing you with the best possible care and helping you achieve your skin goals. Book your appointment with the best skin doctor in Kanpur today and embark on a transformative skincare journey with Skin World Kanpur.
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The benefits of the mud therapy
Minerals and trace elements are bioelementos present in the human body in very small amounts, the body needs to obtain from external sources such as food and are indispensable in cell renewal. If supplied through the epidermis sludge provide added value that will make the skin look young and healthy, in addition to helping other problems preparing the skin for further treatment. Through skin fangoterapia absorb the elements needed by the Body Massage in Ahmedabad at that time.
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The Dead Sea mud is a complete supply of minerals such as:
Magnesium is a powerful anti-aging, improves skin elasticity and moisturizes. Potassium does have a luminous skin. Calcium improves the resistance against free radicals and clean pores. To know the properties of each element specified MIRAUR look Dermocosmetics.
The fangoteapia is used for many therapeutic treatments such as muscle pain and spasms as sludge nourish and oxygenate the tissue helping the muscle to relax and be able to work better. Benefits blood circulation and helps eliminate liquids. It is also a great ally against cellulite because it is a "4 in 1" very effective: exfoliates, tones, detoxifies the skin and improves circulation by reducing the vision of orange peel also helps break down fat, softening it to work better in an anti-cellulite massage. Controls acne because it helps regulate sebum secretion and various skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
How mud therapy treatment performed?
First apply the mud as a mask in the body by Russian call girls in Ahmedabad, to have greater effect is best to leave them wet covering them with an osmotic film, and leave you with a hot but comfortable temperature for about 20 minutes to do their function. Subsequently the sludge are removed for massage, if descontracturante type of magnesium helps drain muscle lactic acid, which causes fatigue and muscle contractions. If you hold liquids such sludge will promote sweating skin, so they help in the process. In the mud there is also another application method is drying in the sun sludge applied, is typical of the beach areas where Thalassotherapy is more common.
What time is better mud therapy treatment?
It can be done throughout the year although we recommend applying it in different ways. In winter it is best to apply the mud with heat blanket, also will be beneficial to both the muscles and the bones to suffer through the winter by changes in temperature and humidity. In summer, the body does not want you to apply more heat so you can make otherwise dry. Making a small exfoliation, mud is applied and allowed to dry in the sun. If you're going to give you one of these sludge in beach area, on their own, it is best that you go through one of our centers and make yourself a body exfoliation to prepare the skin.
The Temple of Massage used in the treatment of mud therapy, more complete and nutritious mud: the Dead Sea mud and either for aesthetic, therapeutic reason or both is a contribution of benefits to the body, enjoys a marvel of oriental nature in one of our Russian call girls in jaipur centers.
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