#People wanna bitch and moan about Rey or whoever being mary sues or gary stus or whatever stupid fucking name they wanna call them
I'm enjoying my return to Empire at War (which is funny since I absolutely hated it last time I tried to come back to it about a year or two ago) but man I gotta say the Zann Consortium has to be the most poorly designed, unfun faction to play against in any RTS I've played in my whole life.
Like I genuinely don't think they have any weaknesses, their defilers can just destroy all your infrastructure with no counterplay except tanking thousands of credits into keeping your planets from getting corrupted, half their space roster can just ignore shields, the other half just doesn't take damage (I genuinely have no idea why they felt the need to let starvipers go toe to toe with x-wings and even outclass them with the insane buzz droid spam), their ground forces just mulch infantry (which are already near useless because the non medieval strategy genre just fucking hates infantry for some reason) and armor plus a good chunk of them get shields!!!!, bombing runs that should destroy any building in one go just don't do damage to consortium buildings (idk I think this is a bug but it's never gonna be fixed so...) IG-88 can just blow up the death star, yeah 20,000 credit investment plus the time it takes to build it just gone in the blink of an eye and the only thing you can do about it is taking them out ASAP or just microing the death star so it is literally never staying in orbit of a planet.
I feel like they're supposed to be one of those factions where everything's just busted but they're expensive, y'know, but then they just make so much money that it's not even a factor! What is this fucking faction?!?!??!?!?!!?
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